turkey's presentation

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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All about TURKEY

Every country has something special, something interesting or strange, so

does Turkey. I read a lot of things about this beautiful country, but Ill

let you to find more.

The part of Turkey in Europe is called ‘Thrace’, while the part in Asia

is called ‘Anatolia’.

The highest peak in Turkey is Mount Agri (5,166 m). It is also said to be the place where Noah's Ark

came to rest

Istanbul is the only city in the world that is spread over two continents.

Istanbul is named by the European Union as the European Capital of

Culture in 2010.

Turks introduced coffee to Europe

Turks gave the Dutch their famous tulips

The Arabic word "Islam" simply means "submission", and is derived from a word meaning "peace" and a life focused on

peace, mercy, and forgiveness. In a religious context it means complete

submission to the will of God. They believe that by offering

prayers five times a day they are strengthened and enlivened in their

beliefs in Allah

Istanbul has the historical building of Sirkeci Train Station. This

was the last stop of the Simplon-Orient Express - "kings of trains and train of kings" - between Paris and

Constantinople (Istanbul) from 1883 to 1977. Agatha Christie was one of the passengers of this famous train.

Anatolia is the birthplace of historic legends, such as Homer (the poet),

King Midas, Herodotus (the father of history), and St. Paul the Apostle.

Turkey is noted for having one of the three most famous and distinctive traditional cuisines in the world.

The first thing you ask a Turk is Nasilsiniz? (How are you?). The

second question is invariably: Do you want some tea?

Tap water is not drinkable. Avoid drinking tap water from fountains or,

if you still want to drink you are looking to write "icilir" (drinking) or "suyu" (drinking water) or "icilebilir"

(can be drunk).

Leonardo da Vinci drew designs for a bridge over the Bosphorus, the strait that flows through Europe and Asia.

It was never built.

Anatolia is the location of the first known beauty contest, judged by Paris, with Aphrodite, Hera and Athena as leading participants.

The monetary unit of Turkey is New Turkish euro.

There are no turkeys in Turkey.

In Turkey the colour if mourning is violet, not black.

By Adam Raluca,Aicoboaie Stefana

Mincu Ioana and Serea Bogdan

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