three's a crowd excerpt

Post on 12-Dec-2015






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This is an excerpt from a proposed script for a fourth season of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius. Written by Ryan Fortier, Edward Pace, & Saundra Hall. Edited and approved by Mike Gasaway & Keith Gasaway, former directors of Jimmy Neutron.



Piles of robots are scattered around the girls. One of the robots is lying on the ground and flailing its arms wildly as it tries to get back up. Once it’s upright, it topples over and falls onto its face.

BETTYWhy are they so weak? They wouldn’t put up much of a fight against real villains.

LIBBYAnd what exactly are they made of, anyway? Plastic?

CINDYNeutron should be glad we tested his defenses. He’s going to need to make some serious adjustments if he wants to keep this place safe.

LIBBYCindy, are you sure we can’t get out?

CINDYI checked every exit that I can think of. They’re all sealed.

BETTYMaybe Jimmy has a secret passageway or escape route somewhere. If we could find it, we could use it to get out of here.

LIBBYMaybe you’re right! He’d need one since all of his inventions backfire anyway.

CINDYI guess it’s possible.

BETTYHow about we split up and search before more robots come?

LIBBYI’m in.

The girls split up. Cindy finds a roped off corner with piles of old inventions. A small sign saying ‘Neutron Disposal Sector’ is barely visible. Cindy eyes the pile curiously before her eyes widen in shock. She storms away towards Betty, who is feeling the walls for a button of some sort.

CINDYYou. Follow.

Cindy angrily leads a baffled Betty to the pile of inventions. Libby notices and decides to follow. Amidst the inventions is a small stack of Betty photos and Jimmy’s magic box.


BETTYI had no idea --

CINDYThis. This is…this --

LIBBYCindy, take a deep breath. Jimmy must have some sort of explanation for this.

CINDYOh, I’m sure he does.

Cindy glares at Betty.

CINDY (CONT’D)And these aren’t even all of them. He has more.


Betty approaches Cindy. Cindy backs away and points an accusatory finger at Betty.

CINDYDon’t even try to worm your way out of this one, Quinlan! I’ve tried to let the past be the past. I’ve tried to move on. But this? This is the final straw!

BETTYCindy, I have nothing to do with this! I had no idea!

CINDYHa! Ha ha! Ha! You’re a terrible liar, Quinlan!

BETTYI’m not lying! Maybe if you listened to what I have to say --

Cindy closes the distance between her and Betty.

CINDYListened? There’s nothing to listen to!

BETTYYou’re not even giving me a chance!

CINDYYou’ve had your chance!

BETTYLook, I already told you that he was yours!

CINDYBut even after that, he’s still stuck on you.

Cindy stares sadly at the floor. An ALARM sounds, signaling more robots. Libby puts a hand on Cindy’s shoulder.

LIBBYNow is not the time for this! We need to go! Cindy!

Cindy is staring intently at her shoes.

LIBBY (CONT’D)Cindy, please! Let’s go! More are coming!

Libby casts an anxious glance at Betty. Betty places a hand on Cindy’s shoulder, and Cindy recoils in response.

CINDYDon’t touch me! Never lay another one of your prissy fingers on me again!

The lab RUMBLES, throwing the three girls off balance. Libby grabs Cindy and tries to pull her along. Cindy won’t budge.

CINDY (CONT’D)You don’t even know how obsessed he is with you! Do you have any idea how sick I am of watching it? How I want…

Cindy sadly makes a tiny motion towards her heart, but stops herself.

CINDY (CONT’D)…this pathetic spectacle to end? You just encourage him! You are nothing more than a venomous snake, infecting your victims with your beautiful, poisonous fangs.

BETTYYou have no right to say that!

CINDYI have every right! I have every right to hate you!

LIBBY(weakly; shocked)

Cindy --

BETTYThen at least admit why you hate me!

Cindy’s scowl intensifies and she tightens her fists.

CINDYBecause you’re a --

BETTYBecause you love Jimmy!

(short beat)You love him, and you can’t stand to think of him with someone else.

ALARMS are still sounding all around them as Betty and Cindy stare at each other

BETTY (CONT’D)He’s yours, Cindy. So accept that and help us get out of here, or sit there and get killed by a mob of robots. It’s your choice.


But I’m not his.

The lab RUMBLES again. Cindy, Betty, and Libby turn around to see a horde of robots marching towards them in a wall formation. They are easily outnumbered over twenty to one.

LIBBYWe need to go! Now!

BETTYThere’s got to be a button or something around here!

Cindy SIGHS, nods to herself, and spots the desk nearby.

CINDYThe blueprints!

Cindy runs over to the desk, with Betty and Libby right behind her.

CINDYMaybe they’ll show where the escape route is!

Cindy furiously pulls all of the drawers out. Before she pulls out the bottom drawer, her hand stops in midair.


This is where he used to keep the photos.

Cindy slowly opens the draw and picks up a photo. Jimmy and Cindy are at Retroville. He has an arm around her shoulder. Both are smiling wide for the camera. Cindy lowers the photo and slowly smiles.

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