the strange case of jack spark

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  • 7/30/2019 The Strange Case of Jack Spark


  • 7/30/2019 The Strange Case of Jack Spark



  • 7/30/2019 The Strange Case of Jack Spark



    Victor Dixen

    The Strange Case

    of Jack Spark

    Season 1. Mutant Summer

    Prologue and Chapter 1,

    English version

    All rights reserved

    Jean-Claude Gawsewitch diteur
  • 7/30/2019 The Strange Case of Jack Spark




    Im running. Im out of breath. Blood is pounding

    in my ears; my forehead is dripping with sweat. My

    head resonates like a drum with the wild beating of

    my heart.


    Walls are whizzing past on either side. Huge walls

    that seem to lean towards each other as they rise.

    Maybe they actually meet, up there, in the darkness

    of the ceiling. And its so hot!


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    The hallway is racing ahead of me, looking like a

    narrow crevice in the burning darkness. It threatens

    to collapse at any moment and crush me to death.

    Faster, faster!...

    I want to run faster still, but my feet slip, skid and

    slide on the slippery floor. Im breathing so hard my

    ribs are aching. Im so hot that it feels like a fire isburning inside me. My heart is about to explode!

    Bom !

    Like a jack-in-the-box I spring up against my

    pillow. What a terrifying nightmare! Always the same

    one. It has blighted my life for fifteen years. There

    hasnt been one night when I havent dreamt about

    that corridor, not a single night when I havent felt

    that drum in my chest, not one night without that

    frantic run. Where to? Fleeing from what? I have no


    Fifteen times three hundred and sixty five nights

    makes, lets see Im not very good with figures!...

    Over five thousand! Yes, Ive raced down that

    corridor over five thousand times without ever

    finding out where it starts or where it ends. All I

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    know, unfortunately, is that once Im awake, I cant

    go back to sleep.

    I cast a feverish glance at the clock, in the shape

    of a garden gnome, on my bedside table. I never

    bought that eyesore in lederhosen myself, naturally!

    It was given to me by Aunt Felicia, who thinks Im still

    a baby and has terrible taste. Anyway, I called it

    Grumpy (as in Snow White) and I hate it. I have to

    say, there is nothing more stressful to me than an

    alarm clock. In fact, whereas most people are afraid

    to oversleep, my worst fear is to wake up too early.

    Oh darn! Grumpys snarling dial shows its only 2AM. Its going to be a long wait. From the middle of

    the night, morning looks as distant as the end of that

    nightmarish corridor

    I stretch out, I pull offthe sheet. Im drenched in

    sweat, as usual. I briefly stare at the room, streaked

    by a moonbeam peeping in through a crack in the

    drapes. I strain my ears. At first, I hear only silence.

    Then, little by little, I pick up the sounds of the

    slumbering city: the sizzling of the invisible neon

    lights, the purr of an engine, and, occasionally, the

    muffled wailing of a horn.

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    I do not hurry through this transition stage. The

    one good thing about waking up five hours before

    the official signal is that you can take your time tocome up to the surface

    When I think that my senses are in night mode, I

    get up. I tiptoe across the room: its essential not to

    wake up the parents! My latest report card, the last

    report card before the summer vacation, didnt go

    down well last night. I admit it wasnt great. But at

    least Im accepted in high school, thats the main

    thing! Actually, I thought I was doomed to repeat.

    With a 1.5 GPA, the case was open and shut, I

    thought. I must have looked so surprised when Mrs.

    Pickwick, the middle-school principal, announced

    that I was promoted! A true miracle, frankly.

    A true miracle. Im going to need more of those

    next year in order to survive. Ninth grade is no bed ofroses, Ive been told. Frankly, I dont think I will be

    able to manage. When I think of it, I could cry. But I

    dont, because Im a guy after all!

    Exhaustion those who can sleep cannot imagine


    How can I explain how it feels to drag yourself

    around school all day, to concentrate so hard on

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    keeping your eyes open that you forget everything

    else, the teachers, their lessons and their questions?

    You have to experience it yourself, the buzzing in

    your head from dawn to dusk, the grindstone that

    reduces your brain to mush.

    You have to feel in your own flesh the tingling in

    your legs when you walk from one class to the next,feeling like a bunch of leeches are sucking out your

    strength in a matter of seconds and you have to lean

    against the wall.

    Not to mention the biting daylight that burns your

    flesh, pierces your eyes, and dries up your nostrils.

    Its been like this for fifteen years, maybe, but

    every morning its the same ordeal, day in, day out.

    You cannot, never can, get used to exhaustion.

    So, naturally, I live in fear, constant fear. Every

    night, Im afraid to go to bed. Im afraid to go to

    sleep, and be trapped in the endless corridor. Im

    afraid to wake up. Im afraid ofGrumpys cruel sneer

    and of the digital figures on his obese belly. Im afraidof the grueling wait until the hated sun rises, of

    endlessly counting the missed hours of sleep. Im

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    afraid of facing a new day, the next one and all the

    following ones. Im afraid of the future.

    Im afraid of the future and Im only fifteen!

    Calm down, take a deep breath, and think for a


    You can grow out of insomnia, you know, thats

    what Dr. Smith said. In any case, you dont need to

    think of the next school year yet. The summer

    vacation starts next week, doesnt it! Only five short

    days before the extended annual break: two months

    worth of relaxing at Grandpas house in San

    Francisco. Two months when I can go to the last

    show at the movies; two months when I can sleep in

    past noon everyday; two months when I can have

    lunch at dinner time, and dinner well after midnight;

    two months of complete freedom in the company of

    a wonderfully eccentric, totally off the wall Grandpa,

    of sleeping during the day, and living it up at night.

    Hang in there, buddy I tell Quaker as I open thecage sitting on the chest of drawers.

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    Quaker is the hamster Grandpa gave me for my

    fifteenth birthday. You might think Im too old to

    have this kind of pet, but he is my only companyduring those long, lonely nights.

    People often think I named him after the brand of

    breakfast cereals, Quaker Oats. They think its a good

    name for a cereal eater. They are completely off the

    mark. The truth is that my hamster has epileptic

    seizures: they come over him all of a sudden when he

    is upset. He shakes in a frightening way, as if he was

    being electrocuted. Grandpa found his name, a

    tribute to the Quakers, who start quaking when they

    pray and feel moved by the Holy Spirit. As a matter of

    fact, the character on the cereal box, with his black

    hat, his white wig, and his fat red cheeks looks like an

    actual Quaker!

    Quaker the hamster also has fat cheeks, alwaysfilled with pellets or tiny bits of furniture that he

    gathers during his trips around the apartment. But

    his favorite food is crackerjacks. Preferably nice and

    crisp. Vacations at Grandpas are heavenly for him

    too. The reason is that before he retired, Grandpawas a pastry chef; the best in California, perhaps in

    the whole United States.

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    I hold out my hand in the cage and Quaker jumps

    on it: he is very well trained. I put him in my pajama

    pocket, his head sticking out like a baby kangaroos,and off we go until dawn.

    What do you do at night when youre fifteen and

    diagnosed with severe insomnia by Dr. Smith? Well,

    for starters, you go to the bathroom. My bladder

    feels like its about to blow up! Moms herbal teas

    are fearsome. She makes me drink at least a quart of

    chamomile, valerian root, or hawthorn leaves tea

    every evening. I get to try every type of supposedly

    soothing plant. Mostly, they taste gross!

    So here I am, in the bathroom, peeing for a good

    three minutes. I catch a reflection of my head in the

    mirror of the cabinet. My forehead is as white as the

    sink. Dr. Smith says that insomnia has made me

    allergic to the sun, unless its the other way round. SoI never leave home until I have slathered my face,

    arms, and every square inch of exposed skin with sun

    block. If you add to this spiky blond hair and large

    purplish-black rings under my eyes, you have me,

    Jack Spark, a New York City teenager and schooldisaster survivor.

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    Once relieved, I tiptoe across the apartment,

    heading for the kitchen. Im always ravenous when I

    wake up. Mom decided that a light dinner was moreconducive to sleep. I have to do without dessert, as

    sugar makes you hyper. I cant have salt, either, as

    Im allergic to it. Once, when I was a kid, I almost

    died. At the school cafeteria, a new employee who

    hadnt been told about my special diet had put salt inmy mashed potatoes. It burned my mouth and I had

    to have my stomach pumped at the hospital. Since

    then I havent had a school lunch. Mom makes me

    salt-free bread sandwiches instead. And every night, I

    get a green salad and boiled vegetables, followed bythe customary pitcher of herbal tea

    I softly close the kitchen door. In front of me, the

    window is bolted shut: our Manhattan apartment

    building is so tall that, because of the wind, it would

    be dangerous to open it. On the other side of the

    double panes, an endless vista of twinkling lights:

    New York. My kind of town. Like me, it never sleeps.

    Squeek goes Quaker in my pocket. OK, buddy,

    coming up.

    I open the fridge and, right there, is living proof

    that my mother takes food very, very seriously (she

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    has an excuse, of course: she is a nutritionist by

    trade). Tens of plastic containers are carefully

    stashed on the frosted shelves. Each one is hand-labeled, the result of a culinary experiment carried

    out by Mom in an attempt to flesh out her next book

    of recipes:

    Salsify in vinegar 70 calories per 3 oz

    Expiration date: July 10

    Raw snail pure 90 calories per cup

    Expiration date: June 30

    Steamed frogs legs 42 calories per leg

    (look out for bones)

    Expiration date: July 5

    And so on, not to mention even better ones, so tospeak

    Squeek goes Quaker again, a tad impatiently.

    Without further ado, I grab a container on the top

    shelf, way back on the left.

    One hundred year eggs 120 calories per unit

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    Expiration date: ?

    (check with Lee)

    Even Mom cant stomach those. But she wont

    admit it. The eggs were given to her by her good

    Chinese friend, Lee Sung, and she has obstinately

    kept them in the fridge for several years. Just in case,

    she says. If she knew that I threw out the eggs longago, and whats in the box now!

    Yum! A lovely smell floats out of the container as I

    lift up the plastic lid. We have an arrangement,

    Grandpa and me: every other week, he ships me a

    box of fresh, salt-free, pastries prepared especially

    for me. He sends them to a post office box so that

    Mom doesnt find out.

    In fact, a new shipment is probably waiting for me

    at the post office. My supply is almost gone. Theres

    only half a coffee clair that spilled all over the

    bottom of the container, as well as a shrunken lemon

    meringue tartlet and two flat chocolate macarons.

    Removing the hardened meringue, I feed it toQuaker, then I dig into the tartlet with a spoon,

    fantasizing about the feasts that are in store for me

    at Grandpas next week. Like my hamster, I have a

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    sweet tooth. I cant resist a pastry. Even though,

    according to Moms nutritional principles, its


    Once full, I tiptoe to the living-room. From the

    stereo, I unplug the headset Dad uses to listen to his

    CDs, and I plug it into the TV, leaving Quaker to his

    own devices (a couple of weeks ago, he started

    burrowing a tunnel in the backrest of our new sofa).

    On the screen, the nightly offerings follow each

    other in monotonous sequence. From a visual

    perspective, the night is as predictable as lasagna:

    animal world documentaries and old B-series moviesfollow each other in time-honored order: Surviving in

    the Desert/The Mummy Goes Berserk/Rocky

    Mountain Wolves/The Curse of the Werewolf/Preys

    and Predators/Draculas Bride/etc.

    When I have enough of this menagerie in which

    real beasts and imaginary ones coexist so closely that

    you cant tell one from another, I sneak into Dads

    study and I turn on the computer. Officially, Im not

    allowed to use the PC after 8:00PM: it seems that

    video games give insomnia. So Dad himself keys in his

    password to log on when I need it for my homework.

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    However, after school one day, Dad caught me

    with a bag of sugar puffs from Grandpa (luckily, he

    didnt ask how I had got them!). He first started tolecture me, but we quickly reached an agreement:

    we shared the puffs and he didnt tell Mom. Then he

    typed his password and left me alone in his study.

    Just then, I had a brainwave. I collected the

    confectioners sugar that was left in the bag and Iblew it onto the keyboard, where it stuck to the keys

    that Dad had pressed with his greasy fingers.

    January 27. Thats the password. My birthday?

    No, the day the Giants last won the Super Bowl, in

    1991. Dad was a quarterback in college and has

    remained addicted to the game ever since

    Anyway, I surf randomly for a few hours. I take

    part in an online action game with Australian players,

    who come home from school when New York beginsto wake up. But I am starting to feel tired. I yawn,

    sigh, stretch out. Mom and Dad will be getting up

    soon. Its time for me to go to bed and pretend that I

    managed to get some sleep.

    Its the strategy Ive used with my parents:

    pretend, make them think that my insomnia is

    getting better. If they suspected that in fact its

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    getting worse, that I sleep a little less every night,

    they would immediately tell Dr. Smith, and then

    where would I be? He has prescribed so many drugs,Ive been subjected to so many treatments over the

    years I have tried everything, literally: Ive seen

    hypnotic pendulums swing for hours before my eyes,

    I was stuck with an acupuncturists needles, I had

    electrodes placed on my head. In vain. Sleeping pillsare the only remedy that I was spared, as Mom is

    against them and swears by her cursed herbal teas.

    I go back to my room, slip under the sweat

    hardened sheets. The room is getting lighter as the

    first rays of the sun pierce the darkness like sharp

    blades. Before I close my eyes, I glance one last time

    at Grumpy, whose belly shows 6:50AM. Only one

    more week to put up with you, cake face, one short


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    What the?


    For goodness sake, let me sleep a little longer

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    Mom is knocking on the door. She always knocks

    after the third ring.

    Jack, cant you hear the alarm? Its 7:15! Youre

    going to be late for school, Jack!

    Mom walks in, followed by a cloud of expensive

    perfume. In a graceful, yet firm, gesture, she pulls the

    drapes. The June sun floods the room like a torrent

    of molten lava.

    I take a shower, brush my hair and grab my

    backpack. I arrive in the living-room, where we eat all

    our meals. The apartment doesnt have a dining-

    room, and Mom thinks its not nice to eat in the

    kitchen. My parents are seated around a balancedbreakfast: salt-free whole-wheat rolls, cholesterol-

    free margarine, sugar-free jam and decaff coffee.

    As usual, Mom is dressed to the nines. With her

    satin blouse, her tight fitting skirt hugging her slender

    hips, and her flawless hairdo, shes as beautiful as a

    TV shopping host. Im very proud of Mom: all my

    friends are in love with her and all the mothers envy

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    her. She is like a living ad for her weight-loss method:

    the Fast French Formula, or FFF, as she calls it.

    Indeed, American women are fascinated by theparadox between the slimness of French women and

    the richness of French food, such as foie gras, cheese

    and great wines. Did I mention it? Mom is French.

    Before she married Dad, and became Mrs. Spark, her

    name was Marie Croustignon.

    Just like Grandpa.

    His name is still Fernand Croustignon. The two of

    them often disagree. Mom thinks that Grandpa is too

    old to live alone, and that he should look for acomfortable nursing home close to Miami. As for

    Grandpa, he absolutely refuses to leave San

    Francisco, considering it to be the most European

    of American cities, and the only one whose

    population is capable of appreciating real pastry (andnot those dreadful frozen donuts, thawed in a

    microwave just before consumption, as he often

    argues). In fact, he thinks the FFF is both heresy

    and an act of treason. Can you imagine? A program

    that claims to embody the essence of French eating,while prohibiting desserts!

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    Dad looks terrific too, even though I can tell, by

    his look of disgust, as he stares at his piece of salt

    free whole-wheat bread, that he would give anythingfor another of Grandpas sugar puffs! From the tips

    of his impeccably polished shoes, to the flawless knot

    of his tie, he is the very picture of success and

    energy. His cufflinks shine like an armor, his carefully

    waxed hair gleams like a helmet. Im not exactly surewhat Dad does for a living, but when he leaves for

    the office, he looks to me like a knight leaving for the


    Morning, Mom. Morning Dad.

    I settle down in front of my cocoa-free hot

    chocolate, expecting a greeting that doesnt come.

    Hmm, they are strangely quiet this morning. Im

    sure they must be plotting something.

    Jack, my boy says Dad, his voice trailing.

    My parents tend to be over protective, probably

    because of my little health problems. Yet, I hate it

    when Dad calls me that, Im too old now! Why notBuddy while hes at it?

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    Buddy he says, sounding more self-assured

    now, weve been lucky to be accepted in high

    school, havent we?

    Ouch! When he starts using the plural, I hear the

    coach in him talking. He thinks hes on a football field

    and theres every reason to fear the worst!

    But were not going to sit on the sideline now.We have to score!

    Whats he driving at? I stare at the bottom of my

    mug, waiting to hear the rest.

    Mother and I had a long talk with Mrs. Pickwick.

    We worked on her, we laid siege to her. And we


    Dad happily bangs the table.

    Yes, we won in the end, but the Pickwick woman

    scored a few points too. Win some, lose some!

    What the? I dont like the way Dad is talking. Am

    I going into 9th

    grade or not?

    Its a victory we had to negotiate. We fought

    hard. It sure wasnt easy!

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    What Dad means interrupts Mom softly, is that

    Mrs. Pickwick placed some conditions

    My throat is so tight that I cant swallow the last

    of my hot chocolate.

    Does that mean I will have to take homework to


    I play dumb, but deep inside, I already know that

    my world is about to collapse.

    It means that youre not going to Grandpas, not

    this year.


    My world has collapsed.

    A weight of several billion tons is crushing my

    shoulders, my neck and my head.

    Dad has found a special summer camp for you,

    Mom goes on as if nothing had happened. Its one of

    the best for kids like you, who have some behavioral

    disorders. Mrs. Pickwick thinks that it can help youget rid of your sleep disorder, and give you a leg up

    to start the next school year with an easy mind.

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    Im not a kid!

    I must fight back, find counterarguments, fast.

    I meant kids and teenagers, of course, dear. Its

    the Redrock summer camp, in Colorado, at the foot

    of the Rocky Mountains

    Hee haw! Western country! bellows Dad with

    fake enthusiasm, holding his hands as pretend guns.

    They use a revolutionary method developed by

    Dr. Krampus. Its proved very effective, and Mrs.

    Pickwick thinks very highly of it. Mornings are

    devoted to behavioral therapy sessions and in the

    afternoons, there are lots of outdoors activities:

    hiking, horseback riding, archery. After that, you

    should sleep like a log! They have even designed

    special diets, with menus specifically intended to

    promote daytime concentration and make sleeping

    easier at night. And you know whats funny? The

    Krampus diet is totally salt-free! It couldnt be better,

    could it?

    But, I hate the countrysideI object weakly

    I must do better.

    and my sun intolerance!

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    At last a valid objection! They cant do that to me.

    They cant send me to bake in the Colorado sun. No

    outdoor activities for me!

    You cant remain locked up indoors all your life,

    sweetheart Mom says with devilish calm. We

    talked to Dr. Smith, and he thinks that you should get

    more exposure to the sun. To desensitize you. Youll

    just have to bring a whole lot of sunscreen. Anyway,

    its no use arguing: Dad has already sent in the check

    and made your plane reservations. Youre leaving this


    Ill pick you up at school this afternoon, says Dad.Well go and shop for your hiking boots, a sleeping

    bag for camping, and also a camp stove and a Swiss

    army knife. Youll see, youll be the best trapper, a

    real Davy Crockett!

    I am so stunned that I cant even protest. Davy

    Crockett! Thats so outdated, so old-fashioned, so

    ludicrous! This is the worst ordeal Ive been through.

    Frankly, I cant imagine anything worse.

    Ah exclaims Dad stretching his arms with a

    beatific smile. All this reminds me of my youth in the

    cub scouts: the campfire vigils, roasting

    marshmallows, and cooking eggs in the embers in the

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    morning. By the way, honey, I feel like having eggs

    this morning. Do we have any?

    I take it back, I can imagine something worse.

    Much worse!

    I close my eyes as Mom gets up and goes to the


    I dont think so she calls out. Ah, yes, we

    have Lees eggs. Im sure theyre delicious, darling.

    My eyes are shut very, very tight. So tight that

    theyre hurting and begin to water. Maybe this is just

    a nightmare after all, and in a few minutes good old

    Grumpy will start ringing?


    I almost fall off my seat. I open my eyes.

    Unfortunately, Im not in bed. Back in the living-

    room, Mom has dropped my secret plastic container.

    The runny clair filling is spreading inexorably on the

    carpet, forming a sticky pool where the wreckage of

    the macarons emerges.

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    Whats Whats this disgusting stuff??? Mom is

    gasping. Jack!!!

    There are times when you just wish you could

    disappear. Stop existing.

    Did Grandpa give you this poison? Dont lie to

    me, I know its him! The old scoundrel! Hes going to

    get a piece of my mind.

    Jack! You know that Mom doesnt want any

    pastries in this house. My Dad is such a hypocrite!

    Look at me when I talk to you!

    The reason Im not looking at Dad while he is

    yelling at me is that something much worse just

    caught my attention. Emerging from the back of the

    couch, Quaker jumps down on the carpet. I belatedly

    remember that I forgot to put him back in his cage

    last night!

    Following my gaze, Dad turns around in his chair

    and also notices Quaker, who is making a bee line for

    the clair filling. Moms eyes are staring at the couch,

    whose foam is bulging out, revealing a beautifullycrafted tunnel.


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    My! What a day!

    My new sofa! shrieks Mom. Made in Italy, from

    top quality leather hide!

    A small fortune Dad adds. Weve only paid one

    installment out of three!

    Quaker drops the bit of macaron he was nibbling

    on, casts a worried glance around him and starts


    Stop yelling I beg my parents.

    What? Mom is near hysterical, her beautifullyblow-dried hair flying in every direction around her

    purple face.

    Youre scaring Quaker I mutter.

    Is this the way you talk to your mother?! roars

    Dad. He is frowning so hard that he is squinting.

    I want to ask them to calm down, but its already

    too late.

    Quaker is vibrating like a food-processor in the

    coffee filling, squirting cream all around him.

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    I rush to his rescue, catch the tablecloth as I leave

    the table, and bring everything crashing down: the

    china, the coffee pot and the remnants of breakfast. Isnatch the hamster from the pool of cream, ignoring

    my parents screams, then I put him, sticky as he is, in

    my pocket. I grab my coat and I run down the


    A desperate situation calls for desperate

    remedies: I have decided to run away.

    Here I am, wandering aimlessly three blocks away

    from our apartment building, in a coffee-drenched

    shirt, with a dripping hamster in my pocket.

    Running away is all well and good, but it requires

    a lot of energy. More than I have after such a night

    and such a morning. First of all, where should I go?

    The first and only destination I can think of is San

    Francisco. Grandpa will agree to help me out, no

    doubt. I will live with Quaker somewhere in the

    Sierra Nevada, deep in the California hinterland, and

    every week, he will bring us supplies of croissants,

    nougat and other goodies.

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    Taking out my phone, I dial Grandpas number. I

    know it by heart. Its his home number. He could

    never bring himself to switch to a cell phone.


    If there is a god of insomniacs, let him hear me!


    Please pick up the phone!


    Come on, Grandpa Pick up!



    Its a womans voice. Grandma? She died a long

    time ago. Who is it, then?

    Hello? the woman repeats, who is it?

    Id Id like to speak to Fernand Croustignon.

    He doesnt live here anymore she snaps back.

    Now, if youll excuse me, I have this entire house to

    clean out

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    But, its impossible. Grandpa has always lived


    Ah replies the woman, more gently, youre the

    grandson of the ex-owner Your parents havent told

    you? Theyve decided to sell this old pile to allow

    your Grandpa to spend his retirement years in a

    sunny location Near Miami I think.

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