the search for tom 2.0 live

Post on 20-Jan-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Tom 2.0 Live and his Evasion from the United States Government To be made into a Movie one day


TOP SECRETThe Search for Tom 2.0 Live by the American Government

In 2010 the American government undertook a global search for the Terrorist known as

Tom 2.0 Live.

Here are the American Army getting their Special Briefing on where Tom 2.0 Live may be hiding in the world and what he likes and where he may be.

BEWARE: the General said to the men, Tom 2.0 Live is considered Armed and Dangerous and bears ill will to All Americans. He also sees Americans and STUPID AND DUMB and has on record that it has taken three years for us Americans to find him and capture him.

Little did they know that Tom 2.0 Live had already snuck aboard one of their ships and was at this very time planting explosives on the USS Nimitz.

TOP SECRETThe USS Nimitz at the time was on its way to Thailand.

At 17:37 Zulu time on [insert date here] The American found out through intensive intelligence gathering tools that Tom 2.0 Live was onboard the ship.

And so the ALERT was sounded.

“THIS IS NOT A DRILL, THIS IS NOT A DRILL, the Tom 2.0 Live Terrorist is onboard the ship ALL PERSONELL engage LOCKDOWN procedure.”

The alarm sounded and men and women on board the USS NIMITZ scrambled into their lockdown stations. The Captain maintained heading and Alerted COMAND.


The Hornets were scrambled to maintain Visual Verification of the ship in case it was destroyed.

The Hornet Soared through the skies as it watched over the USS Nimitz

Regular Patrols were made to see if they could find Tom 2.0 Live alighting from the plane.


On Board the SPECIAL OPS team was assembled to locate where on the Ship Tom 2.0 Live was hiding, as still no Americans had spotted where he was.

Special Cameras and bight vision Goggles were handed out and the search began

All searching and with ORDERS to SHOOT TO KILL on sight Tom 2.0 Live, the SPECIAL OPS team went from Starboard to Bow to Port to Aft and still were closing in.

In a diversionary tactic Tom 2.0 Live sensing he was soon to be found set a fire on board the ship

TOP SECRETThe Crew attended to the fire

As the crew where distracted Tom 2.0 Live escaped on a Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC)

Unknown to Tom 2.0 Live was the Nimitz had sent out a warning to all nearby craft and ships and he was soon to be surrounded.

TOP SECRETThe USS Sampson was on its way to INTERCEPT Tom 2.0 Live

As was the USS Essex and her surrounding Destroyers

In an attempt to stop the Terrorist known as Tom 2.0 Live the USS Essex deployed its fighters as well to search for the LCAC

TOP SECRETTom 2.0 Live raced away in the LCAC having closely missed the SPECIAL OPS team on the USS Nimitz, but he knew they would not stop or give up and would be after him so he headed to shore, at the nearest point.

However he was spotted by the USS Pinckney and his position was relayed to the FLEET.

Once the position was know the FLEET closed in, using a SMOKESCREEN as cover

TOP SECRETTom 2.0 Live was already ashore racing through the jungle and at times slipped in the mud, but kept running.

The Search and destroy mission was being relayed via the RADAR room


And even those on SCOPE where keeping an eye out for Tom 2.0 Live on shore and giving coordinates to the Gunnary Seargents to aim the missles at.

Shots where fired towards Tom 2.0 Live on shore

Missles too


Yet somehow amongst all this the Americans where still unable to hit their target and Tom 2.0 Live survived and was still on the run.

Landing craft of soldiers where sent after him

And so the men alighted on shore to chase Tom 2.0 Live on foot.


Some where even air lifted ashore with the helicoters

As the SPECIAL OPS team rose high in the Helicpopter there was only one thought on all their minds, KILL Tom 2.0 Live.


And the marines had landed ashore and where now using their keen tracking skills to find where Tom 2.0 Live had headed once he was ashore.

As this was going on, on shore, the USS Denver had arrived to aid with support and refuel the ships.

TOP SECRETThe Ships where refuelled, in case Tom 2.0 Live took the fight to the Sea once again.

At this time it was becoming clear that the ground units had arrived to late to catch Tom 2.0 Live and AIRIAL Support was Called in.

Tom 2.0 Live was sighted and missiles from the ship where launched with new coordinates


However once again, the Americans Missed their target and Tom 2.0 Live survived.

With the Americans hot on his trail, they still have not been able to find him and capture him, stay tuned for the next instalment of the Tom 2.0 Live Terrorist Adventures.

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