the rise of adolf adolf hitler hitler … of hitler note packet name_____ the rise of adolf hitler...

Post on 24-Mar-2018






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April 20, 1889

As a boy Hitler idolizes German war heroes v. French in 1870-71 war

October, 1907

Hitler then

does the


August 16,



11, 1918

Adolf Hitler- born in _______________

Father- _________________________ (illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schiklgruber.

Father unknown. Possibly 19 yr old son of ____________________ family she cooked


Mother-__________________________ niece of Alois *needed special permission from

Catholic Church to marry

Hitler ___________________ the entrance exam for Vienna Academy of Fine

____________ School of _________________________.

One reason: never __________________ high school- dropped out 16 yrs of age.

Mother dies of breast cancer. Hitler takes his inheritance and goes to Paris/London.

Receives permission from King Ludwig III to enroll in Bavarian (______________) military.

This is where he gets his start!

Serves throughout _____________, even after chlorine gas poisoning causes temporary


WWI ends with German ____________________.

Country in political/socioeconomic _______________.

"The Rise of Adolf Hitler." The History Place.

Philip Gavin, 1996. Web. 10 Mar

2010. <


No direction in his life!

lives as a __________________ person

resident of __________________ after physical/mental illness

lives in boarding house

sells painted landscape postcards

refuses to join Austrian ________________________ due to frequent illnesses

June 28,


What happens to Kurt Eisner, ruler of Germany?


What is formed after this happens, and who takes control?

Bavarian Soviet Republic formed. Government unstable. Overtaken by right-wing extremists.

Meanwhile, _____________________ is …

hanging out in __________________ barracks waiting to see what will happen

Right-wing extremists takeover barracks---shots are exchanged

When arrested Hitler “__________________” freedom by turning in ________________________

who sympathize with Bavarian Soviets

Hitler is promoted to “undercover agent.” Required to take course to learn political philosophy

favored by military (____________________ idea). Hitler continued to move up the


July 29,



8-9, 1923

July 18,




14, 1930

Signing of Treaty of ___________________________.

Germany to pay ___________________ to countries it battled, which devastates


Hitler becomes leader of the National Socialist “_________________” Party

__________________________________________- Hitler created his own private army of

followers to overthrow a group of political leaders at Beer Hall with his army. Uprising fails,

Hitler sentenced to __________________ for 5 yrs, but serves less than 13 months.

Mein Kampf (_________________________) published. Hitler wrote it during his prison

term. Plans for _______________________/Jewish ________________________ outlined.

Germans elect ___________________ to Reichstag making them 2nd

largest political party.

President Hindenburg is old. Doesn’t have enough energy to fight _________________.

Hitler forces _______________________ to appoint him Reich Chancellor (prime minister)

of German Republic.

January 30, 1933

Who is Hitler’s press agent?

__________________________-organizes speeches, rallies, torchlight parades, etc.

German economic ______________________ at its worst. Goebbels tells people what they want to


During Hitler’s speeches, meetings, etc., what does he tell the people?

work to _______________________

expansion to ____________________

_________________________ to failed businesses

rise of _____________________ again

February 27,


March 23,


July 14,


August 2,


March 16,



15, 1935

Reichstag Building, seat of German govt. ___________ after being set on ____________

by Nazis

Enabling Act is passed by German Reichstag surrendering its ________________ to

____________________ and his cabinet.

____________________ Party declared the only party in Germany.

Death of ___________________. Hitler becomes head of state and _______________ in

_____________________ of armed forces.

Hitler violates the Treaty of _____________________ by introducing ________________

Reichstag passes anti-Semitic “_______________________” –took away Jewish rights to

school, employment, public facilities, etc.

Hitler sets up the Jews as a ________________.

Beginning of ________________ cleansing. “Impure” blood- inferior status for

________________ now ___________________.

Jews limited from professions: doctors, lawyers, teachers. Jews forced to give up businesses

and homes.

This all took place during the German ___________________________.

February 10,



9-10, 1938




October 1939



the war…

The German ____________________ (police) placed above the _____________.

They can kill, beat, steal from __________________ without _____________________.

Ethnic cleansing continued.

______________________ (Night of Broken Glass). Anti-Semitic riots in Germany

and Austria, ____________________ are destroyed, 7500 shops are burnt and looted.

Nazi begin invasion of surrounding countries, starting with

___________________ and _________________________.

Nazi begin “____________________” in Germany.

_________________________ of the sick and those with ___________________

through lethal injection, gassing, or starvation.

Poland was also home to about __________________ Jews, the largest population of any

country in Europe.

Nazis rounded all up the Polish Jews and placed them in SS-run

________________________ at places such as Lodz, Cracow and Warsaw.

Inside these walled-in ghettos, the Jews were cut off from the outside world and squeezed

into _______________________ areas where _____________________ and

_____________________ would decrease their numbers.

Millions of Jews came under Nazi control as Hitler's armies swept across Europe.

SS trucks went to Jewish towns forcing Jews onto trucks. They were then taken to a secluded

place to be shot and _______________________________ or to a

______________________________ to be sent off to concentration and death camps.

At ________________________ camps, people were malnourished, tortured, abused, and

forced to perform hard labor.

At ________________ camps, people were sent to die in ___________________ (Zyklon-B).

Dead bodies were either ______________ in large ovens or buried in _________________.

Essential Question: Why do we study Hitler’s rise to power and what occurred during the Holocaust?

NAME _________________________


I. _______________ dictatorship of Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union: ____________

took brutal measures to modernize ____________________ industry and agriculture

a. Stalin created a ________________________ state

b. ______________ of the government were ________________

c. He ordered peasants to hand over land and animals to

__________________________ farms

d. ________________ who resisted were ________________ or sent to


e. Stalin staged trials and ___________________ of his political enemies

f. Many confessed to false charges under torture

II. _______________ Italy under Benito _______________: Mussolini vowed to create

a new empire and drew much of his support from business leaders and landowners

a. Mussolini created a ______________ dictatorship

b. ______________- dictators that use militarism, nationalism, and blind

loyalty to control citizens

c. He made Italian people angry over the _________________________

because Italy did not receive territory like Britain and France

d. He used _______________________ and fears of communist

revolution to win support

e. He outlawed all political parties, controlled the press and banned criticism of the


f. ______________ were jailed or ________________

g. In school children were taught the motto, _______________________________

h. Mussolini invaded Ethiopia in an act of _________________________________

III. ________ Germany under Adolph Hitler: ____________ brought the National

Socialist German Workers’ Party, known as Nazis to power

a. Hitler created a ________________________ state

b. He made Germans bitterly resentful of ________________________

because it blamed Germany and made them pay heavy costs

c. He blamed the ________ for Germany’s problems

d. Nazi government controlled the press, ______________, and religion

e. Jews were rounded up and sent to ____________________________

f. Hitler preached that the __________, Germanic ________ was

superior than other races

g. Hitler used ____________ (swastika) , parade, rally, speech and song

propaganda to convince Germans to support him and distrust the Jews

Davidson, James & Stoff, Michael. The American Nation.

Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2003.

IV. Japan under military expansion and economic imperialism

a. Japan’s isolationism and Tokugawa rule was ended by the

U.S. navy commodore Matthew __________ back in 1854

with the Treaty of ________________

b. The Japanese Empire based its navy and government after

Great Britain, justice system after the French model,

education after the American model,

c. ______________________________ and thought were ____________________

to the Japanese, just like the old monarchies in Europe

d. At a young age children were taught the idea of supreme ______ by the Emperor

e. Books and political parties favoring democracy were _____________

f. In 1931, Japan invades __________________ in __________

g. Prime Minister Konoe declared a “_______________” for South East Asia (kind

of like a manifest destiny)

h. Like Hitler, Japanese rulers preached ___________________________ to other

Asians, and non-Asians

V. United States under a policy of _____________________

a. _____________ in 1930 rejected the Roosevelt Corollary so that the U.S. no

longer claimed the right to intervene in Latin America

b. FDR passed the _________________________________ to withdraw American

troops from Nicaragua and Haiti

c. FDR canceled the Platt Amendment which had limited the independence of ____

d. 1935 Congress passed the _______________________, banning sales or loans to

countries at war

e. Congress warned Americans not to __________ on ________ of counties at war

Characteristics of


Soviet Union (Russia)

Italy Germany Japan



Media Censorship

Silence Critics

Secret Police

Prison Camps

Racial Superiority

Ethnic Cleansing


Brainwashing Children

World War II Begins!

How did the League of Nations respond to Japanese and German aggression?

Pearl Harbor- War in Pacific


____________ began an all out

_______ in China

______________ civilians and

POWs killed

Easily defeated ________ armies

_______ refused to sell ______

and __________ to __________


1938/1939 – ___________ Austria

and Czechoslovakia

Europe took no action=


1939 – _________ of __________,

ally of _________ and _________-

who then declared ______

The United States- How long can it remain ______________?

_________________________________- U.S. could sell arms to the Allies but they

will have to carry them away on their own ships

___________________ – Increased spending on the military, established a _______

_________________________ – U.S. could sell or loan war materials to any nation

whose defense was important to U.S. security

________________________________ – To stop Japanese aggression in Asia, the

U.S. set-up an oil embargo (refused to sell oil) to Japan

o _________ responds by launching a surprise __________ on Pearl Harbor,

major U.S. __________________ of the Pacific, located in _______________

PEARL HARBOR Dec. 7, 1941






Resulting in,


More on Pearl Harbor…

Located on the ________________ Island of ________

Surprise attack-December 7, _______ at 6am under the command

of Admiral Nagumo

_______________ force consisted of six carriers with _________

____ U.S. ________ were hit

____ said, "________, 1941, a date which will live in ________,"

Casualties included 2,335 servicemen and 68 civilians & 1178

people were wounded

On December 8, 1941, ________________ declared ______ on

__________ with only one vote against it

AXIS Powers

Nazi ____________

Fascist __________



________________ (1939)

________________ (1939)

________________ (1941)

________________ (1941)

Americans at home


More than __________________ Americans served in military. Millions of men were

______________ through the _____________________________________________

Army, navy, and air __________ built all over the country. ____________________ in

Hawaii was the initial base to be attacked by the Japanese.

Recruits were trained to fight in the towns and farmlands of ____________, the deserts

of North _____________ and in the jungles of the ______________. ______________

____________ was a new strategy used for fighting in the Pacific. ________ was a

________________________ of the war. Allies advanced from England across the

English Channel and into ________________, France where they succeed to free

France from Nazi rule.


_____________________________________ helped factories make shift from

consumer goods to making guns, ships, aircraft, and other war materials. (Example:

automobiles makers switched to making tanks and trucks)

The government imposed ________ and limited the amount of goods Americans could

buy. Americans needs to use ration stamps to buy coffee, sugar, meat, and gasoline.

Americans also planted _____________________________. They produced 40% of

all vegetables grown in the U.S.

The government raised __________ to pay for the war. Americans also bought war

bonds or ___________________________ to pay for the war.

The _________________________________ came to an end when the war started.

Unemployment fell as millions of jobs opened up in factories.


Women _____________ logged 60 million air miles ferrying bombers from base to

base, towing targets, and teaching men to fly.

____________ for labor caused millions of women to join the labor force.

________________________________________ became a symbol of women workers.

Demand for labor caused working conditions to ______________.

Planted ______________________________ to help deal with food shortages.


Children had ______________ sent off to war, ______________ went off to work.

Often had to do without things as a result of __________________

Collected salvaged materials such as ______________________________________ to

be recycled into ______________________

African Americans

As war began, African Americans were barred from many _____ by many __________

Roosevelt ordered employers that did business with the ____________________ to end


Employment of skilled African Americans ______________ during war.

________________ continued in the cities, __________ resulted.

Africans Americans were motivated by the ______________ Campaign- victory over

the Axis and victory over racism.

The ______________________________ were African American fighter pilots that

destroyed 400 enemy aircrafts.

Japanese Americans

Japanese attacked ________________________________ December 7, 1941.

Americans then questioned the ______________ of Japanese-Americans.

Roosevelt signed an order, forcing 110,000 Japanese Americans to ________ their

homes and to move to ___________________________.

In the camps, Japanese Americans lived in ____________________________ behind

barbed wire.

(11,000 _______________________ and hundreds of _____________________ were

also held).

In 1988, Congress gave ______________________ of $20,000 to those that had been

forced into move.

World War II affected most Americans both

positively and negatively. In that respect, it was

a “________________” for America.


Battle of El Alamein 1942

British drive back German



Battle of Stalingrad 1942-1943

Germans attempt to gain control

German troops surrender.


US navy sinks four Japanese

aircraft carriers and destroys

hundreds of airplanes,

Battle of Midway 1942


“Operation Overlord” led by

General Eisenhower

They go on to free France

from German control


Invasion of Italy 1943

Allies land in Southern Italy

and march north.

Germany forced to send

troops to help.



WWII U.S. Generals

1. ___________________________________-led fighting in North Africa,

known as “Old Blood and Guts”

served in World War I and was wounded

World War II led troops (1942-43) in North Africa and in Sicily

1944 led 3d Army on D-Day, which sent U.S. forces from Normandy to Germany

criticized for leniency to Nazis

Patton was fatally injured in an automobile accident in Germany

“Better to fight for something than live for nothing”

2. _________________________- led fighting in Pacific, went on to fight in Korean War

1932 criticized for the eviction the Bonus Marchers from Washington

after Pearl Harbor, led forces in Pacific

1942 went to Australia from which he liberated Philippines

1945 directed the Allied occupation of Japan

1950 in Korean War he was appointed commander of UN military forces in South Korea

during Korean War MacArthur pressed for permission to bomb Chinese bases in Manchuria, but Truman refused such removed him from command

“A general is just as good or just as bad as the troops under his command

make him”

3. _____________________________- led D-Day invasion, president after Truman

1935 to 1940 in the Philippines, he served as an aide to Douglas MacArthur

1942-1943 became chief of all Allied forces in North Africa

became supreme commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force.

largely responsible for D-Day and the cooperation between the British, American, and other forces and for the integration of land, sea, and air forces

his popularity as a World War II hero, and his promise to end the Korean War brought him to presidency after Truman

ended Korean War after he threatened to use nuclear weapons

while president, he sent federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to enforce court-ordered school desegregation (Brown v. Board of Education 1957)

“We seek peace, knowing that peace is the climate of freedom”

Strategy: Island Hopping



First: ____________________________________

Second: _________________________________

Third: __________________________________

Led By: _____________________________________

Allied Strategy

of Capturing

Japanese held

islands to gain

control of the



leading to…

You be the Jury

BACKGROUND: In the summer of 1945. Germany had surrendered to the Allies, but Japan was

holding out. Roosevelt had passed away in the beginning of his fourth term; making VP Harry Truman

the new U.S. president.

Recent hand-to-hand combat in battles in the Pacific islands, like on Okinawa, had led to thousands dead

on both sides. It had become clear, that an invasion of Japan would be lengthy, costly, and deadly.

Secretly the U.S. had been working on the _________________________, U.S. scientific effort to create

an atomic bomb. President Truman had a decision to make…should the U.S. continue fighting Japan

using traditional warfare or should he support dropping the atomic bomb?

THE CASE: The _________________________ was the Allied message to Japan that if they did not

surrender, then Allies would drop atomic bombs on Japan.

President Harry Truman authorized two atomic bombs to be dropped on the Japanese cities of

__________________ on Aug. 6th

and on ________________ on Aug. 9th

. The number of dead in

Hiroshima was between 90,000-166,000 and 60,000-80,000 dead in Nagasaki. In the months that

followed, many more died from burns, radiation, and related sickness. The Japanese surrendered August

15, 1945 (V-J Day). World War II was over.

Aftermath of World War II

Axis Powers


Sept. 1943 Italy surrenders to the Allies

Germany and Allied forces compete for Italy

After the Germans surrendered, __________________ was beheaded and the

________________ were killed or run out of Italy

Italy had to give up land and colonies

A new constitution was written and a republic was created in the years to come


Hitler commits suicide

May 1945 Germany surrenders to the Allies

_____________________________________________ discovered and liberated

________________: Nazi leaders put on trial for Holocaust and other war crimes

________ Party destroyed and German Army broken up

_____________________: Germany split into 4 sections occupied by Allied Forces

(Britain, France, U.S. in West and Soviet Union in East)

West Germany becomes a democracy and East Germany becomes _____________


August 1945 Japan surrenders to Allies

Japan occupied by U.S. troops under ________________________

Japanese military _______________ by their new constitution

Without having to spend money on a military, Japan begins investing it in their

economy, which led to rapid recovery

Germany after WWII Europe during Cold War

Allied Powers

Soviet Union

Wins War!

__________________ leader, _________________, continues to expand country’s

influence into Eastern Europe

U.S.S.R. _____________________ keeps strict control over its people and control

neighboring countries

Distrust grows between Soviets and Americans for 50 some years in what is now

referred to as the ______________

United States

Wins War!

______________________ & _________________________- U.S. sends money

to help European countries recover from war and resist communism

U.S. enters Cold War; as hostilities increase the Soviets and Americans compete

through in _____________ and ____________ (building nuclear weapons)

U.S. economy booms

U.S. generation of ______________________ are born

In Addition…


Replaced the failed _________________________________

Countries from around the world send representatives to meet and _____________

world issues

Organization dedicated to opening international communication regarding land

disputes, war, disease, pollution, famine, etc.


Original Jewish homeland, located in _____________ (Middle East)

Controlled by British at end of WWI

_____________ gave up Palestine, which the UN split between Arabs and Jews

Israel is the current Jewish state

Conflict between _____________ and _____________ continues today


Name ____________________ Class _________

WWII Review Sheet

I. Battles

Battle When Where Effects

Operation Overlord/D-Day June, 1944 Normandy,


Turning point, led to the liberation of France,

opened a second front in Europe, led to the defeat

of Germany

German invasion of


Pearl Harbor



Allied invasion of Italy


Hiroshima and Nagasaki

II. Vocab





Neutrality Acts

Lend-Lease Act

Atlantic Charter

Island Hopping

Manhattan Project

“Final Solution” to the Jewish problem

Nuremberg Trials

United Nations

III. People

Joseph Stalin

Benito Mussolini

Adolf Hitler



Harry Truman

Douglas MacArthur

Dwight D. Eisenhower

IV. Short Answer

List three factors that helped Hitler rise to power




How are the terms appeasement and Munich Conference connected?

Why did the League of Nations fail to prevent WWII?

How did the US attempt to stop Japanese aggression in China? What did the Japanese do in response?

List the Axis and Allied Powers:

Axis: 1) ___________________, 2) ___________________, 3) ____________________

Allied: 1) ______________, 2) ______________, 3) ______________, 4) _______________

How did WWII affect…

1. The power of the US government?

2. Unemployment and the Great Depression?

3. Taxes?

4. Women?

5. Children?

6. Factories? (what did they produce or not produce, who worked in them?)

7. Food?

Answer the following questions about relocation/internment camps:

1. Who was forced to live in the camps?

2. Why were those people singled out?

3. What were conditions in the camps like?

Give the dates of the following events:

1. Pearl Harbor

2. D-Day

3. V-E Day

4. V-J Day

ISRAEL NOTE PACKET NAME _____________________________

1. Why is Jerusalem, Israel holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims?



Islam (Muslims)

2. Why is the Western Wall in holy to Jews?

3. Why is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher holy to Christians?

4. Why is the Dome of the Rock holy to Muslims?

5. Why did the United Nations give land to the Jews in Palestine in 1947?

6. What happened to the Palestinians living in the land Israelis took over?

7. From 1947 to 2000, what is the relationship between Israel and Palestine?

8. Do you support Turki or Tamir? Why?


9. Why did Palestinian’s send a missile into an Israeli bus?

10. How did the Israeli Prime Minister justify/defend Israel’s actions?

11. Who started it?

“Gaza: Israeli forces strike after attack on bus”

Taken from: BBC News April 7, 2011


An anti-tank missile fired from the Palestinian territory hit a bus in southern Israel. The bus had

been dropping off schoolchildren and was carrying only one passenger when it was hit. The boy on the

bus was critically injured and the driver was also wounded. The bus attackers used an anti-tank missile.

The military wing of the Islamist Hamas movement said it carried out the bus attack. It said this was a

response to the killing of three Hamas members in Israeli strikes earlier this week. Reports say 45 mortars

were fired from Gaza into Israel.

In return, the Israeli tanks, helicopters and planes struck Gaza. Following the bus attack, an Israeli

plane bombed a compound in northern Gaza belonging to Hamas. Helicopters also machine-gunned a

target in Gaza. Four people were killed and some 35 injured in the Israeli strikes. Hamas leaders are

believed to have gone into hiding in expectation of further Israeli strikes. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin

Netanyahu said Israel would take any action necessary to deter attacks from Gaza.

In one week in March, at least 10 Palestinians - including several civilians and children - were killed by

Israeli attacks. In the same period, militants in Gaza fired more than 80 rockets and mortar shells into

southern Israel. Despite recent calls for calm, neither side seems to be able to stop firing, our

correspondent says. Both say the other started it.


12. As a person do you agree with or feel more sympathetic to the Israelis or the Palestinians? Give

reasons supporting your answer.













13. Do you think that the United States should support Israel, support the Arab nations, stay neutral, or act

as police regarding the conflict? Give reasons supporting your answer.













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