the pitch

Post on 06-Apr-2017






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Eleanor Waring

Working Title

• ‘Musica’ is an effective working title as it puts a twist on the simple word ‘music’ but it is translated into Spanish and sounds more like a working title as the word music for a title would be a bit plain. So ‘Musicia’ sounds more unique and stylish. Also it could suggest that the music magazine includes music that would be played in popular clubs abroad. For example, Ibiza and Magaluf as famous for young adult clubbers.

Rhythmix Vibe


• I like this title for a music magazine as has the word ‘rhythm’ in it which symbolises music, therefore it is a fitting title for a music magazine. Also every type of music has rhythm, this could infer that the magazine isn’t just based on one type of music genre. However even if the magazine didn’t include lots of different genres, Rhythmix would still be an effective title. The last bit of the title ‘mix’ makes the title more catchy and unique as it is a word that has been made up so the audience will instantly recognise the magazine when they see or hear about Rhythmix. The title is fun and it makes the magazine seem informal and less serious, this is preferred of a magazine that has a younger audience as young readers don’t want t be reading something too serious.

‘Vibe’ would be an effective title as music has a vibe to it therefore it symbolises that this magazine is associated with music. Also the word vibe connotes energy and life, this could suggest that the genre of the magazine would be dance / clubbing music and the magazine wouldn’t bore a reader. As the title is short, snappy and fun it makes the magazine seem informal and less serious, this is preferred of a magazine that has a younger audience as young readers don’t want t be reading something too serious.

Genre• The audience of magazine will be young adults / older teenagers and I have chosen for my magazine to target an

audience that enjoys chart music. This is because chart music is quite a popular type of music with young people and also often chart music is made into a dance remix so that they are played in clubs, this extends the audience as lots of young people visit clubs that play this sort of dance music, therefore they may also be interested in this sort of music magazine too. Chart music artists such Beyonce, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, etc are all very popular among young people and have very big fan bases as they are looked up to by many and also admired by the opposite sexes, therefore this is another reason why I would like to make the genre of my magazine mainstream and club music.

• Another reason why I chose the genre of my music magazine to be chart music was because from my survey, chart music was voted the second favourite genre of music listened by young people. The most favourite was indie music but as I don’t personally know much about that genre I decided the genre of my magazine would be chart music as it was the second most popular and I know more about that genre, therefore I felt I would be able to create this magazine better than one that would target people who liked indie music.

• Moreover the most important reason for my choice of genre was because the magazine ‘Q’ claims to be ‘UK’s biggest music magazine’ and Q focuses on chart music, so this is evidence that music magazines that target people who like chart music can be very popular and therefore my magazine could also be very popular in the uk and have a very big audience.

• Frequency of Publication

The frequency of publication for my magazine will be monthly. The reasons for this choice is because from the surveys conducted, it was concluded that most people ‘hardly ever’ bought music magazines and the second most popular option was magazines that were published monthly. This suggests to me that only a minority of people buy magazines weekly, so putting the frequency of publication of my magazine to monthly would be appropriate as people prefer to buy monthly magazines, rather than weekly ones. Also it would avoid the magazine from boring the audience, because if it was published weekly then the demographic may get tired of buying it every week. Publishing the magazine monthly would give the audience enough time to read the magazine and look forward to the next one that would be published in the next month.

Cover Price• From the research I conducted I discovered that monthly

magazines are priced higher than magazines that are issued weekly. As I am going to create a magazine that is issued monthly, the magazine will have to be priced slightly more expensive. From the results from the survey I conducted, the audience picked £3.00-£3.99 as the most popular price they would pay for a magazine. This is a suitable price to sell a monthly magazine at, it isn’t too expensive and it’s not too cheap. Q magazine is priced at £3.99, which is in the price range that I will sell my magazine at. In comparison ‘Kerrang!’ is a weekly magazine and its price is £1.99. This supports that weekly magazine prices are lower than monthly magazine prices. A monthly magazine is priced higher than a weekly magazine because there is more content within the magazine and also it is only produced once a month whereas weekly magazines are produced much more and there is less content in them. So therefore, because I have chosen to make my magazine a monthly one it is going to have to have a bigger magazine size than a weekly magazine would have.

• Also similarly to Q magazine, the magazine I will create is targeting an audience of young adults, however they will have a social status of around C1. This is due to the price of the magazine being more expensive and may be only affordable for people who have higher paid jobs.

Magazine Style, Attitude and SizeThe Mission Statement

Rythmix is based around chart music. We feature the newest artists and the most popular ones. Our main aim is to motivate young adults to be involved with music throughout their lives as it has so many opportunities and creates great memories. We are respected by the most biggest artists and labels, including the likes of Jay-z. For the production of every Rythmix magazine we aim to create only the best monthly magazine, using the best photographers, editors, writers and equipment.

With the help from social networking sites, the current readership of Rythmix is 1.5 million. With our passion for music we are hoping to join with capital fm, this is expected to increase the readership of Rythmix even further.

With wide knowledge of the modern music industry, Rythmix is happy to inform and help anyone who is inquiring about record labels, artists and article stories that have previously been featured in our magazine.

Reader Profile


Girl Boy


Average age of reader: 18In education: 87%ABC1 profile: 13%Readership: 1.5 million

The Typical Reader

This pie chart shows the different percentages of the female and male readers of my magazine. Based on my survey, there was an almost equal split of males and females that took part in the survey, however there was slightly more boys that took part, this suggests to me that males are more interested in music magazines as slightly more males took part in the survey that was about music magazines.


The most the most common age out of the people that took part in my survey was between 16-19. This suggests to me that when I create my magazine I will be aiming to target aged 16-19 year olds rather than older adults. This is because this age range was the most interested in taking part in my survey that was about music magazines. So the average age between 18-19 is 18. As this magazine is aimed at older teenagers, most of the audience will still be in full time education and therefore wont have a ABC1 profile as they are students. This explains why 87% of the demographic is in education and only 13% have an ABC1 profile. However the audience of this magazine will have big aspirations for their future careers, so one day they may have an ABC1 profile.

Sarah is a typical reader for the magazine Rythmix. She is 18 years old and is in her final year of college in her home city, Leeds. Music is one of the most important things in her life, it has been there for her throughout all different stages of growing up; The difficult times, the times in which she needs to be motivated and the most enjoyable of times.

Sarah loves attending as many festivals, gigs and concerts as she can afford to go to, she loves the amazing atmosphere music creates. Sarah is desperate for all of her friends to attend these different music events with her because she thinks music is the best foundation for making the strongest friendships and the most memorable of memories.

Sarah still lives with her parents in Leeds. Both her parents have high paid jobs and they help her out with the costs of different music events. Technology advances Sarah’s love for music as she is able to have an iPhone which she listens to music on. She pays for her music downloads with her wages from her part time job. Sarah also saved her money up to buy some wireless speakers she can also play loud music when she is home alone. Sarah is the one out of all her friends to bring her speakers to the house parties she attends and she monitors the music all night.

Sarah is thinking about taking the subject music at degree level, so it will enable her love for music to be a full time career in the future. Whether it will be a worldwide DJ or a well known radio presenter. Music is her life.

The readership of the magazine is 1.5 million, this makes the magazine very popular and successful as it has a massive audience.

Sample Images

Draft Pages

I plan for the front cover to have a background of an image that will be the main feature article inside the magazine.

Snippets of information about other articles that will be included in the magazine.

Feature Headline

Masthead and Logo


Unique Selling point. Discount or freebie

Front Cover Header that reads ‘contents’.


Text about the articles in the magazine


Double Page Spread - Draft




Main image


Style Sheet Colour Scheme

The colour scheme of the magazine needs to be simple but effective so it doesn’t bore the reader but it still attracts the demographic. The colour scheme of the magazine is only going to consist of three separate colours, so the magazine doesn’t look tacky or overcrowded with too many different colours. Black, red and white are the chosen colours as they aren’t stereotypically associated with any gender, so these colours would attract both male and female audiences. Also these colours are more mature colours so it will help create a magazine that is aimed for older teenagers / young adults. The colours together can create a professional look, which will make the magazine look stylish, sleek and unique so it will appear to the creative, ambitious young adults. It will also help present the magazine as a higher priced magazine as the colours create a stylish theme and won’t make the magazine look cheap. The colours also contrast well together, so any font in one colour wont clash with another colour. The text will be easy to read as the colours make each other stand out.

FontsMasthead Font I have decided to use the font Rockwell Extra Bold for the main masthead of the magazine. This is because it is bold and it stands out from the other fonts that will be used, which is good as the masthead needs to be one of the first things the audience looks at because the magazine brand wants the audience to become familiar with the magazine so that the audience will buy the magazine again in the future. Therefore I think this font is ideal as it stand out and is recognisable because of its bold style. Also the style of the font is a little informal, which will attract the audience as they are young adults and wont want to be reading a magazine that is too serious. The magazine needs to be fun and I think this font suggests that the magazine is slightly informal.

Main text fontThe font for the main text in the magazine is going to be Rockwell, this is because it is similar to the masthead font but not bold. This makes the magazine look organised and structured which contributes to the professional and stylish look of the magazine. This font is good for main bodies of text because it is simple and easy to read, this will make big chunks of text look less crowded with words and not cheap as the text looks like it has something important to say as it is in a more formal newspaper style.

Exclusive text fontThe last font that will be used in my magazine is Orator Std. I have decided to use this for text that features of the main cover or text that is suppose to stand out on the page. This is because it is slightly different to the other fonts used so it will stand out and make the audience read that text before the main text. Although this font is different to the other fonts used, it contrasts well with them so it doesn’t make the magazine look over crowded or cheap.

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