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'·OL. 16.


Ahhough losers in dchlttl', the hasch:t11 :H1t1 tennis IC;l1n" \\erc good wiJH){'rs 011 S:tHlrd ,u' of Ill;;;'! week .

. \ bout 60 pe rsons ac("ornpa uicd the tl':lrllS, :lnt! it proled r:llhcr a hanl tr ip on all ph,yers. Y psi d id cn:r \'lhin" in her power 10 will ill h:tschall. b';,th in team work :lnd aJ~o on the sidl' Jines. ! t lookcd. too. n" though the\' had the 'o!;I1IlC IInti! the /l inth. In this inni ng-. howe' cr, .:"II . A . C. braced, Y psi's pilcher wCllk· cned :lIld thc g::um: \\":45 ou rs. ::':pcn­eer pitched the cnlire g;11lW. :1I1il did cxcdlcnl work. slrikill',{ out I,; pl ayers. T he fielding" . a lso. was o f a hig-h o rde r, ;'I1lli. in spile o f Ihe fact that the fello w s were tired 011\

(rOm a ]011;:, hOI rid l', 1'1:1., cd an c r rONcss Y p:si made h;:-r lone tally in the , t ho and :\1. . \ . C. IJlradc two in th'c 9 th. Y pEii hi11ed :'01. .\ , C.':s t<:OII11 ,I:S "the strollgt'St in till' middle wcst.'· ali(I ;111 who S:I\I thc ~ame heartily a;::rcc \\ith her.

In tennis :'0 1, .:-\ . C. showed lu: r ~t1pl·r ior il.I' a ;:: .-.i n hy winnin;,:' pr,le· ticHlly c\'er~ thin).:' ,

:'o l iss Kcdzic:llul :'oli":i Afller 11011 in the hldies' double",

It:lI1o allli T aft II on in Im'I1'~

dOllhk", :'o l i~" ,\rncr won in thc ~in~k".

~J i~., 'i';lft Ins! ill t!ll~"in:.:Ic~. B,llh It :mo ;l1lt1 Taft won in "in<;,;'k".


On Ill",t ~:lt\1nb\'. at ulle u·d,,,'k. l\il11,,' hl'ld Ih,' :1llt;u:IIIIIIC I·h·hola". Ii, mC,'I, Thi" )c,t r 's eillri l· ... prll!\l' i"c a Jargo.-'r ,·row.! Ih:tll en'r, :\ ... 1I10)re tllall .!oo l1:1nW" h;ll" I>cell re· n'i'l·d, I)clroil Central h,';l<ls th" list with.!:; e lll riC,..

The pro:,!ralll lIill be Inu,·h the salllc ao; in prelioll:; Il',lr", Ililb thc ,'\ceplinn of thc iwu'lI1il.; r:rn:, whidl i~ to hI.' elimin a te.1 . "1'110 r,·· la\'!' are 10 iI,· run , w hich II'ili lie of slieri:,1 intne.<;I, Thc II il1ll,'r ... uf the~e "ill he pr"sentell wilh JOl"in'.!: cups,

. \ h,'alLtiful "ill'e r trophl, the :,:-ifl of the T. B, R ,nl Co .. of DL'ln,i1. will he :,:-i\'e l1 10 the "chool \\innin~ the I11I:Ct, and will he hd.1 hI th:1\ "dlOOI for olle I'car , . \ 11\ ;, !lOnl w in ning this cui) three .Il:nr,.. (nc.t lle"C85urily in sm:rCs.,.ioll) "ill he· COIl\C o w ne rs o f S:Ulle, {.iold . .<;ih e r, nlll i b ronze \\'ill bl.' .twar,led illdi\'ill, \lalS win n in~ Jst , :!l\U and 311 pla~·l.'-; in c:Jch event,

:'01. :\. C, students will he !lOSts while the h i:,!h school boIS :In! here, and no pains will bc "pared 10 m ake thei r Slay e lljopble,

,\ big cclt:bration is plallned fo r F r itl:ty elcning-, and:l bu nd concert, d :lIlct', c tc., on S atu rday c\'cning,

'8.:, J oseph C &ultc r is Ireasu rc r :Uld

general Ill:lll ager of the G r:mu R ap, id s Brus h C o" with residcnce :It 30j

So, U nion S t.


The nnnual contc!;t in Ileh:lling: with Y psi!:tllli 2\"Ortn:l1 Col! ... ge was won hv the t"'; lchers, las l ::):nl1n!a1 l1 i~h l ,· ill :1 way that g-rcatl)· Sll~ ' prisnl the :\1. A , C, leam ,UIl.l rOOlcrs.

\ \' e II'l'nt III the fm\' ~no\\"· ing that we had e'H'e'llent d l'­halers in our ow n n:pre,.entiltil"es_ :'o l essr:>, C. C . "'ileo,,, G , I I. Col­lill\.,'wood :lnd bme :\Llr).:"olis. The ,· h:ul worh'tl hanl. T hc\" kllel~' the 'Iuc!>tion ill ;II! its phaH';, They promised exn'lIcn t wor k all Ih,' platform , 2\"or (lid Ihey in lilly

w :t l" fall "hor t. B il l the Y psi llh.'n ,Ii(( fa r bClle r than \l"C cxpected, :ull l ca rried a W;II' Ihe ri bhOIl ill Ihe bcst pi,'ce of Ikh:·ltillg: ther Cler put lip :I\.,'ainst a n :'01. ,\ , C, le:lm,

T he judg:c..; l i ll were from ,\nn ,\rhor. ,\ n inte rurha ll lic'lIp ,Ie­laved tlWnl "0 th:1t the deh:lte .Iid nOI heg: in until 9 : ~ O. T hi:> lIece:;:>i ~ t:tled hl1\ olle 'ICI·ell·minule rehuttal (nl ('a.;h ,.i,k, insh-,((I uf the u:>ual th ree. :'0 1 ar;.:-oli!l llid :IS prelly a pi{'cC (of rdlU\tnl 111 the \lal he ,~howl"\1 Ihe falla,'I' o f their sl:lte r i;:ht:> :1r,!.::\l111CI1 I :1s','oldd h:\\e lwcn dOlle, but the judj.!"c,; fdt h,' Ila" 110\

h,';1I'I' elloug:h to 01 err01l1e Iheir ~trOII'.!: COllstructi,'c ar:!1I1l1,"nB, ,Iud In' caUll' h0111C (Ii~:lppointe,l.

l{'llph P(nn'II, who \\ as 10 hal e been a memhe r of the tl'am, II as lah'lI ill. ,01 111 :'olr. Colling:\\'uoil w~.., sul""ituled ,Iurill:.!' rltl" I'I~I w,'ck of r,·ht'ar~:tb.

Thl: 'llle~Iiol1 w" ... : "Rc"oh'el!, Th;lt the Fe,ler;11 GO\efllllle lll ~houhl rd;lin ollne r~hip of all ('(>al .Icpo,:;i!'l on 1'lIld~ JlOW 0\1 ned or he re(lfll' r anluir\'cl hy Ihe L'lli lell ~I'lte;;:'

rhe Yp~i ,.peaker~ were :'o l "",:;r~. John :'o l ~roll. G,'orJ.!e Fr:1sier. :tlld \{(.h,·rt "·:ml. amlthl' jlld~e" lI"er ... I lOll . Fr:1l1k ,\.:-'tiler .. , "rof. I{ich , ani Ilolli~lcr. ami l ion, ( . eo. ,\. I~urkc .


T hi ", IIt:l'k's hi l1\ j.!:I111es will he a!11{11l'.!: Ih,' Icn hest on the home sdlCdule, .ul<l 1;0 Olle t':1l1 :Iffonl 10 rni~", the m ,

\\. ahash Ctllll,'S on T hurslb \', :mll !:'Ir"ruse Oll rrill:lI . Th ... se 'Ieam", h;I\'e hccn p!:I.lill~ goo..! hall all "pring, :tlltl will he :11 thci r bc~t, The"e gam",,, \\ ill be c:tlll'li at I o'do..:k , :-h'lrp, Oil the n:llned ,

, \ !I11:1, :lI\I'ay~ ~tronJ.:', is excel" t ionall\" su Ihis 5e;lSOIl. l ler g a me with :\I ichi;!<l n t(:nd" d to show he r st reng-th, holding: the un iversity tv a 4- to 5 Sl'ore OIl Fc rr) field . T his g:ame will be .;:\!Iet!:it JO:OO a , m . 011 S a t,u rdal", in o rde r to make w:rv fo r th," illt~rst.:hol;lstic in the afte r · l1oon.

T here will he no home gameEi 11,'\t w ... ek, tmd it is hoped th at these g ames will be p:t tronizell. i\1. . \, C , h as won fou r o f s ix g:IUlCS pla,n'd , :md is OIlC o f thc s trongest tC:tm:; in thc s tate. Give thcm r Otir s uppor t.

---Dr, Lymall w il l ll lil! rcssthc I lort,

Cl ub Oil Tuesd ay I!vcniltg (ton ighlJ '


Throu;{h thc courtc~,1 of .lay D. SuulIlard, ' i6, \Ie arlO in r~'ceipl of :t copy of Ihe " A ,.i:llll" .1/",!..t,,:iJlo·, whidl Tell in both s\(, ry ;11\11 pi~·tlLre~

"olllcthin;.:- o f the h".tutic" ot tl1:lt st:II,', Thi'J numhe r i~ large!) gill'lI o'· ... r to:l hi!.tll ry o f the great ROIl"'e· I'eh D:ltll, :tud i,; lilk'd II ilh ",~,cI,

lent illu , t r;ltion .. , 11,1 this projl'l't .: 10,000 acre" of f,'rtile 1:1I 1t! nrc op,'l1ed up 10 hOlllescekl'rs, whilh lI"i11l1o doubt he rapi(11)" Ili"posell of. hee;tu .~c of illc:!1 d imate ami \":triet\' o f \ egel;ttiou \1 hil'h it i:; !)O!:"ibll' ' ;1 prodtl~'e. T he d am is :1h\)\l1 ;-6 m iles from l'hfL'll ix. :\ I r . !':it:tl111:trtl Slall'S that tlwre :Ire al pr,'wIIT 13 ':,000 arre~ ll11cler cllh il'alioll, ;11111 ahout 50 per ('ell\, of thi~ i" in alfalfa. E i:.;-hl or Ilill l ' clillin:,:-:; of thi,. nop mny he made per ~e:lr . ,Iiddill).:" frolll one to Olle ami one,half tUIiS pe r acrl' :It :I cUHin~, T Ill' \\ riter adJ~: .. It \I\!liltl I:tke a c'!t:rlo!.:" III Il'll I"IHI o f :III the other l'r(,!>s \Ie grol~ here:'

',s I. \\'" arc illlkhted to \\ '. C. ~tr\",

k"r, 'l)h ftlr info rm:ttioll l'onc,'rnil;;: :'olr. ,, 'i1ti:l!t1 Thulll, who l'IH,'fl't! "ilh '~I' hut \\,b Qhli;.::cd 1\, d rop OUI hl"athl' of fin:ll1eilll rCI ,'r~,'~ .1\

thl' l'I111 "f 111'0 I ,';tr",. Un :'obI' I \l r. ThulI1 took' tlll" oath of utli('e :I':; :'01 ,1\ tlr (If I'""alkn:r, Calif. COil' cerl1in~ hi,. "uh,,~quent l"arel'r lhl' /. "," AII!,~dl".( Ti/ll, ',< ha~ the f"lIo\l' ill" 10 "[11· :

: . Thu;n Brother" ~d1l"rl' ,I1'e thrn' IIf tlll'l11) l11:tck their mOllel hI in, I el1t in): and 1l1:1I1uf:.t (turin;.:-' tall!..:"le' foot llilil:k~ II~' p,lper ill ( i r:l1Id I{;q)' id .. , :'o[icl\ . In th!!1 husilll""" Illl'l ~cor"d a prOnoul1l'e.! "Iwees:-, ri~ill:: from Illetliocril.\ til the pbne flf milli(ln;lirc" wilhin a fl'\\ I,'ar", Thl.'\· mOl cd tlo 1':I"':ul"II:I 'Ifler thl'ir f() r ll;lle \\':t~ m:uk ,ItHI have IiI \'11 III retirl'/Oenl cver ~iHl'l' . ,\'- uti/en:-, frielu,l!! ;11111 nei::hht)I's Ihc~ :trc of the h t:,!hest Iype, elcr (heldul :1Ilt! fricmllv, :llIva\,> \\"il1ill~ \(, lcml ;t

hclpill~ hand . '!leleT rciu:>in;,! :t \ih. l'r:11 cOlHribulioll II/ alII' alld l'\\,n wor th " (:111"1.'. \\'iiti:l;ll Thu!tl i~ ,'\eecIling-ly ecolloll1i,':l1. per"'ll1all~, hut nevc r mi"" rh·. II ~ linli\:> hi, :1I1I1U;11 housl,hold' l'x!Jl'llIlitufl''', to S.;soo, h:ls piau,. for endowing" a SdlOOI for Ir:tillin:,.:: poor hon, tt) 1I1:tkl' a useful li\in:.;, and e\pe'CI~ II)

tiispoo;;c o f milch of his lI'ealth whcre it will do thc must ~ood 10 hUIl1:II1' it\"' " .

' :'ol:t ny important cil'ic qUl·,.tioIiS confron t the new ma\'or, hill!1\' h:l~ his pl:ms thorou~hl; in mind, :t IHI hcliclcs he e:lll Il in 0111, h:l\itlJ,:' >-pent wc{'ks ami month,.. in suuh of the p roblem.;, .

:'o l r, St r vkc r SfWS of him: ',lie is o ll e o f ' l~ns:rdeiT:l's mo",! \':tlilell citizcns ."

'98, In regllrll to thc colleg-e :Ippropr i,

ation hi ll recl' lI th I,ctocd hI" v O\"

O ;;oorn , w c \':lII;lOt rcfr:li ll f rom cxpress ing the sincere thanks of all collcg c peoplc fo r the excellcnt

Ilork of Fret! L. \\'oo(\\lorth. '98, in ,'OIHll'Ctiol1 wilh the ~arnc, ~I r. \\'oOllworth lI';h I:h:lirnwn IIf the ,.,II"g:l' cummill(, ... ililhe 110\1,,', :Ind to him j .. due 1II11l'h .:retl;t fur the m:llltTer in I ... hit.:h thc hill was hlllldk.J. It i:; eartll'~!11 'wped "lilt :'o [ r, \\'oodworlh will 'he n:!urne(1 tllO \e,lrS h,'nct: , :lIHI lhM he will loe:l~ '''ll,'ct'~sful in the 11I:1l1a)..:"el11,,·111 of :Jff[fir~, lind e"ph'iall\ of eollcJ.:'e hillo; as he h:b heell' t!uring: the pr,,,,,,,t "e5;.ioll,

9'" ". :liter BI1rdwcll. ~on·ill,l:\w of

former Pr('S, \Yillell~, i~ in "h:lrg-e of the gr:tnd JUri, all.! will pre:;icle ,1\ tht:. trial of the ;tlle).:"cd L.I.I .I ,,!!r1,'.,· 7 i'Ill'J (IIn,Hllil' ers, J ml"e Bon I wdl II:lS a '<;1 u, k n l :11 :\1: . \ ,'"' C. in '~f, .~, . ;1I1.! laler studil.'d 1:111 lL1 the otlilc Ilf [wl"c Kilhourne. . ..

'I) I,

Ch:ls. F. Emeri,'k is profe~"or o( econt)rni,~ and ",o,:ioll>"l .11 ~lI1ith

Coll!":.;e, 2\"orlh:rmplulI~':'o I ,'",~,


:'oli,,~ :\ I alu\ Fl·r-.:u,.oll II ill "penll her .<;JIIlllner \';Ie:!tj()l! ( Ihrn' I1lnllth~) ill a I io;il til E llrlJpe, Titer" \1 ill he ~"\""r;" Ir:L1 clers in J!le p:lrt), ;111.1 :r 1110"t ~'njt)~ ahle 'rip i" ,tI\tL~il':ttcd,

,\ri~" I"·r'.!:u""" b a le:ldllr {If du· 1IIl'st;, ,,"iul':,' :Tlld 11,,111,-1 ;'- ;Irl ill T nll-du, Uhin.


.\ \l"f\' Il nltlill'.!: \\,1'0 'h<1' (If Lteut. \\'. U. Fra/\r ;II"! \J,,, .. Shirl,'1 (i:lrthll'r;]f tit ... h'Htll· .,f Ihl' hri.\e 111 Lm~IIl", \\'t:dll".,d'l\ l'l \'!l. III;':, I:"th \0111;;" pCI'pk \\ ... r,· "r,I'[, 1I,lll'~ of "~I' H I ~I \\(.'re ,'\rr:;neh p"pular. l'-h,' hcst m:m II:lS I':, C. "-rdt\. -'''}' ;lnd the 1ll;lid \If honor, \Ii"" ILlrri"t V,tr.!Il,'r, ~i~fl'r of rh" hri.I .... It"·\,, I. T, I.c\;,·,tr, IIf the l\'nr r,,1 \1.' r:. "Iii. j;tlc(\. .\fter till Cl'rl'Il101l1 :1 four.,I,lLr_e 1\ ,'ddil1~ Ilinlll'r 1\ ,I: <;l'f\ ,'.1. Thc ,'"Iur ~~hetne 11:1' pink 'lilt! whitl', ,.uti Ihe hnu~t: I\.t~ profu",'lyde,'o, rakl! II ilh krn", pl:tlll", ,tllli olhl' r :.;r,'elL,·r,l .• \111\1 11:'; the '.!:LI""'I~ ",'re :'olr. and :'olr .. , \\' .. \. J-"r;l/t'r, par. till;; \If th,' ;.:rouIll: .I"~l'Jlh :l1It1 :\Iis$ Ik""ie Fra/er, a hro,her ;lId .. i<;I,'r:

:'olr~. G,'", .\. 1"lrI'l", "f Ck-Idalld, :ll1l1t of th,· hridt" :11111 :'olr. ami :'o[r", \\' , ,\, l!tll. tlf 1J;I,iS~lll. ,\ lIutn· her of Er",.\ lphi'lIl~ I\ere also in :ttte11l1:1lt\c, \1 r, ,lIld :\1 rs. F r:IIl'r will vi"il for :J sl1(1rt time :It the f,)rmer'" home in BufLtlu hdorc g-o, ill'.!: 10 Ft, \\, il~i:.tl1l'l, :'oIl',. Ihdr fu , tUft' home, T h,' ,IOllII:.;' people were thc rCl'ip t ~111S uf m nn)' beauti. ful :,:i f\".


Cbrl.'lIcc Clippert, a,,~i,;tant ill chl'mi"t r.l, expl:rillll'lIl ;;I,1tion, :lnd ~Ii~~ tl clen \\ ehh, of L~!l~in". \\ere marr ied at \\" i11(l~or 011 ~ f on.

llot~ nf !:lst I\cek. thus spring-in).:" a ~u rprisc on their 01:111\ fricmls, :\ I r, Clipput hll5 hecn ' Ililh :'o f r , [" :Itton :IS assist.Hl[ d1cmist si llce g- raduntioll, and thc hrille. who i5 nn accoll lp! ished ll1 u:;tei a t1, !ill" h';:e ll e mployed ill the CahJ.- Co:.! m usic store in Lans ing, ~Ir , an.! :'olrs, Clipper t will make Detroi t Ihl'i r f ut ure home,

The M . A. C. RECORD . U . ... M(D (Un ~uuou l>u " '_G TM~ e"u~",~

.Ult • • T'" .. ,e ... ,,"" .UTE " ... 'CU UU"H coue".

110 C U"TS PItR .tAR

t:ml'r" d 8 ... ·,"'nd.~I "" ,,'Mil uHllt.-r 111 Lan51UlC, -'!leb.

TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1911.


:\lal1\" ;1 .. luden! "I :\1. .\. C. ill

fo rllu.:r ".1 ~·"r~. "11 , .. :cill.~:1 lar:,.:", pile uf \\"0001 IlL'ar the hOlL~c in II hich I lil·cd . h.l,. !lIrl1nl :l\\ :1\" !(jukill~ Ili::,­"ppUi lll,,;.1, hC .. :lI1"c i inS;"kd 011 splil1 illJ: Ln.\ UII Il \\-oud ill~ll':Hl o f hirilJo.: "0I1'C01)l> \ \1 d.) I he job.

Th e ]WUh" ill \\hi eb lIe lile ;11 , \II1 I1 ... r.,1 i" tar;.: ... :1Ilt! old. :tlLlJ kb in the ,\ir ;11 n,ld WClllhcr. :\01\' ilh. st'Liltlill;': thcH- "n' thrn' Iurnau> ill the Cd),lf. IJI1..: d"rm,1I11 and two ;lc\;n'. \\l' 1i;.,1 '" ~upplcIH~'1l1 them hy II_jill{ Ihrt:\.: " r fllllr tir.:P!:tCl·S. \\"c U"l"! ,. :.:''''') d.".1 uf \\~II\i1. )Olr. B:.k(·r ,'unld not 10,' iTldLlC~tlllJ jilin mc ill I,d, ill;.! lum.,.- ill dl,' tJ-(' of a bud,,,,;(w of ul("I"rn ,On_IrLklioll. hl!' prd,'rr"d to bin; an ~1I;!ilw ,md bUl/.S,III ,uttin~ I Ill' four·fu.H wm,,1 I .... iccin 1\\0. I 1<JI'1. 111,· 'hhtlllTa:!~ of him lin Ih,' 1:1_1 Illl. Ilhil,· Jh' lias :llISl'nt hlr 1l";Jrh kll \\t:,·k~ ill Ila· 11.lii .. 11111 ",all'~d 'Iil~ ':(jrd~ (If IIwplr \\(,"'\ 1\\'1", ill 11111. lIIudl I" thc ,u\v'llIl a;..!l' "f 1w:ll1h ,11101 ~lr"ll,!lh. J h,HC 110'1 \\il\l~r,·d hdkr ill lOll;': r,'ar~ 111:111 [ did thl' )1,,-1 UII" Ill'r,'. • \V" haH' ~"k~l"d ;I 1 .. 1 lIi Th., ~00l1 I i,'11 of lilt, ,li_I,tIlI hill ... and halt: plan" Iwarl.' r o.::I1I.1 f"r:1 1l~1I hUIl_,' llli- "um,m:r "n.! 1:111.

\j.lnl':lliu}.!: .11101 .. ,'III': <"fl of I:lr;..!l' ;..:r"ult(l~ hftl" 1,,,;..: uII. '11111 1.""1' II" ~'d,·i .. ill~ illl\W "11"11 :tit·. .\J"hl,)f lhe lIle,ull<:r" "f Ille f:ulIil\' kl!> ~",cll "'p ... .:i:!1 rh:rr~,· IIf ""'lllelllin~. ()Oe uf Ihc 1'''.1'' lh,· LlU 'lIll'. i. plalltil1;': Jl"1:1I0~~ :,. "nlil1~ III lilc dir,"lion~ "r P rof. IL,n.lll ... I'rofc,.sor of 'I:,.!'ri. cu1lt1r,,1 ,,0111,.111,,11. Thi_ prof...,,~or will ;":'" alovlIl I. '.' '01) .\ .IU IIZ ,,(11, Io.:nt~ at thi ... ""rk 'hi~ "·,,r. T he B.;UlH' I\Q\, 1 :I, tll'~ :->1 al"I;lr, I. b ,115(, :ltlempl. ill~ in, II,,, I".!;.!l·'" s'III,,~h II!

l'"ililoit.t1 ,h" 111",11 f.lir ,h is bU. Th~ ollwr l'l'l. R .. g: ... r I) .. is

lIl:Jkil1 " 111011,,1 I·,;i .. ;n;..: \\'llI!1Ilol\e fOil I .... " I k h:, .. Ih,' "\pl' ri~l1n' and ad,ic" for 10 dal", .. !r"" .. h . :1111] lil..l'~ ;1: thc ~ \lllll;.!,,·r i~- hj~ :b· sist:1I11.

During' Ih" 1I1,,01h uf )Ol"r, h 1 al· lend,''] 1\\" ,, !l1I1I1I; r"'1IliwI ~ in I;o~. 1.)'I.lIlll' of )01, .\, C., Ill.: l'II"T "f l'. uf)O l. 111 Ihe lall"r ,';\~'" tl1l'r ,' \I"r<' 'o)IIIC :,.:'o~,d ~"Ilg-s hroll~hl !lUI,

o r pro<hl<:,"1, [1lI"nliun Ihi~ 10 prompl el"I'~ ~1\ld"111 1111\1 in c01 · Ic,!o::c. "r forlllcrh Ille r e. or tho~l' I<)

cum, in hllur" ~:1d\ to do his h eSI 10 ~lIr"tlr:l:.::e "r produ ... e :t ;..:t)(l\1 SOli:,! .Ir 'I\U. 1 • .:,-:III,..e Ih"y :I r " ler." intcn·!ttill'.! loll _Udl o ..... ",.ioll". .As :l1I)(ljld. I rl'fcr \,111 10 ··Tho.: Ycllo" alld ,h... Blu,·.'· II rill~1I hy )olr. Charles )01. (;:liln, ';~ . l·. of .\1., 11011. I tlunl.. a ilrof,· .. ~ur ill Ihe U llil'asil\ of )olillllCsol:l. Lalcr, whrll VOl; hecom(: ... mim·nl :o"d ,'ome h:lCk 10 the colle,!.!c to ;":''''' the COlli·

ment'Clnelll :1<1,lr,··~. ir II ill h ... nice to h .. ;lr twO or Ih r,,~ Ihousmltl ell· thusiastic Simlent" hurs, forlh in the 5011" \ Oil "ompnsed II hilc a sludcnt. .. "l'-h :tt is wh;tt I hC:1f(1 lire hOI'!!. do for Pro f. G ailey in 'Ol). I do'nol nl~lltion th is by :t lly 111e.1IIi' tu discour:lJ.!"C Iltosc who havc :1ln';I(\Y donc s uc h thin~s lo r liS, but \1 C Dccd m o re o f the m .

W.J . BKH.

The M. A. C. RECORD.

M. A. C. 6 - OHIO STATE I .

T hc Ohio State L'niversilV wcnt dow/1 to ddc:II 011 ~:llu rda\,'6Io I.

T he "aJll" W:UI an eSCe lllion:illv dC:UI " . one. both I,C;UllS cloin;{ splendid fid,lill~. Ptl ttisoll "':I~ slrong-er in I he hox than his opponent. ,Ultl til 11\1 tinw \1':\:> Ihl! home lo.:a1l1 in .bn· ger, )01. .\ , C. II,I S IWI ,ml." .. hie 10 ".'Olrc hits ,II o pporlune limes, I,ul f,':l lurc,! :II ha"e rUllnin;..:' :Illn slc;rlin~ as \1 ,,11. lto;;:,)!e,:1\ 3d ha·,·. !·ai,,-~·d ;\ SlOrm troUl Ih" hle.h:h~·rs

1..111'1l he c:llI"hl "'in~lc halltl.-II :1 II ild 1-1-" tu ,~l!. Thl! Ohio \,':011 II,Te "", cl ... nn;1 hlll1<'h of plal·" r,.. ,IS ha" ~'I·er I'jsitc,\ )01. :\. C .• :Ind Ion milch C:1ll1l0t 1.Jc !>:tid of llwir><port". m.IIl·likc manlier, ~I .. \, C. M··

cllr ... d (II1C run ill Ihc <;'l'!::01ll1. Ih ,·",· in Ih,· Ihird, Oil" in Ibc flllirlh, alld Oil" in the sixth.


The <':1"\ ,,, 110\1. "Pit ItJ )Olkhi· ~an , Th~ IIl:Hl:t~l'm"lIt ha;, :I r· rall;:'l'd f,U;1 "pl'ci,,! \Ihid\ lIil! :I~· COllll ll00l;l1e ~ j') p,·r·on_. :1Ilt! enT.\" cfforl pu~~ihlc lIill bc pllt rorth I .. ~('lIlhi", IIl1mher of Iit:kd-, If Ih,· n'lJuir,''] l\ul1I l><: r )!II. Ih,· Ir:lin will st:lrl :lIlhc ,'o!I~'g'" ~\\'ilch. :IIU! brill!! p,l~s,'ng''-'r;o h'kk !tl Ih.1I poinl in Ihe el'~llill~. TIll' prill' f"r Ihc rOllll,1 Irip II ill hc ~ !';io. III<' ":II11":I~ llw la~l ~x('ur;,.i'''l, which i_ I "r .. \till illtkeol . T Ill' dult_ will h;' C'1I1· I a;-<,d ,h"roll~hh. in :1Il ft1T~mpl I .. .,,'! ,', "1'..11(1,11' OUI . " .. Th~ ",al' in lI!tidl Ih" ,,'alii b'l'

he,'n pb.1 'il1~ "f laic :t1l~l1r;; !!d"d thil1:£" h'r Ilw f\l1\lre. and II" 10,,_ Ik'n' ,'[Hlli,I"l1lh th:n our I,-'am ,.111

\1 ill. Sl'I,lom 1\:1'; :1 .'olk-:,.:'t: hc~n ." \Idl p"".I,i.J".J wilh '11,,11 :1 "L,ff of Jlitdl"'r~ n", i~ )0 1. .\ . C. Ihi~ ""'hOU,

:'Ild !he IldditlJ.! :llld ],:llIil\:': in :,:~1l' tell i· "f ;t hi~h .:I:I~~. T Ill' 1t.':1111 II ill 1I0t Lid, ",upI'llrt "II \Ia~ il).


T he :--elli()r~, 011 \\'l'Illll·Stl:lI. ill, :IU"..::llral~" :, n .. 11 1Il1!'-~l11rl1l. I;-hidl !;hou!d 1Il,'lI lIilh Ihe h~:lnl .. :llh· l iOn :'11.1 c,),op,'r:lli'l/1 lIf l"'~'h ~1I1" l" .. di~l;,! d.,,,,,, . Thl' 11\\1ll'II1,'II\ i~ :1 1l1~t1lori:,1 for Iho~" of Ih" ,-];,_" "ho h:'I'(' dil·.! .luring' lilt.' {'Hlr.,·. an,1 (I

!r,'e f"r ~;Kh 1I:t~ p\;llItl'd h.I' Ih,' .-J:I '~'

Thc ll1':lIlb~r", lIlel :11 illl' I,i~ ';,:; c!u~,;. ",to,IC :111.) '-:<ll:,: :I!m" 111.'1,'1',

:Ift~r which J 'r~S. \\'alker Iori~IJv

tlll'll ii on ... d Ih.: ohjet! of till: I1k' l ill~ . :Ill.) "t:II,·d ,hal he hop"d Ih .. "1.,1 ". 111\'111 wl'uld lie 111 .. 11,· [I,'rlll;111,·nl. lIe tl1 .. 1l inlrodut'cd !lull, II. Ie p:jtl~ll~ill." Ih~ g-,lI'e:l ~pklldioll,lik, ass uring' th~ cla~~ of hl~ pl";I,"rc ill bd!l~ II ilh I!WIl' 011 ~udl .111 0 ..... "· sioll. .. I :H\\ ,,); Ill 10 ~l"';' ·:till Iw. " Ihal )oj. .\. C. ~tut1cllt" fl1l ... r 11110 ,hc 5" rioll:; thiu;..:s of life II ilh "lIch "arncSlIle!.s. :ll1ll Ihal lh" ,-b·" of II)' ( has t:,kell the inilinti"e ill Ihis !)lQI'"m"ni. \\ ' itll Ollr :\th1clic~ ant! utlll'r elljoym"nts, we :lr'" too "pl . somclim"s. to ol·cr !ool.. Ihe more s ... riou:i .Iulil·s."

AI thc dos~ of thc pro,:.:ra1l1 Ihe cbs" p ro~·ce lle(l 10 Ihe p"rtS of Ihe C:l nlpUS 'II1(:t(· the ;!rou/l,1 hall !'cen made read I' , 'lIId four Ir"cs \\~r.;; planled in ;ncmory of 'he folloll iug members:

Fr:lncis :\1. lIi bbs, died Fd) . ..!~,

I 90S. CI:lrcnce 'L. Allcll , dicd l\ pril 1,

'90S, L"wrem'c C. Boyles, llie,] April

z, 1909, and J. Edward COliller, died January 26, '910.


At the weekly mceting of Ihe Il ort. Cluh, last \\'cdnesdal' e"ell· in~, a l:trg"c :tuclicuC'c was ill' atlend· an ... e. Dr, G. D. Shakr ;:!:lI'C ,,\ en' inlcrestin,;! talk "n ··Lime and :-'ui. phur. :\Il~1 its Killing Properties." Il is talk W:lS illnSlr:tled b\' <;,,'eral ehllrt"" "howi ll ;:! lh .. results of e:>,;· p~rin"'lIb. By ";..peril11el1t Idlll r"'"pi r:ltioll :\ppar:uus, il \\':lS det"r. mill,'') that linlc.;;.ulphur rCI11OI .. ·,j OSI ~ell frum tho.: air, T lli" :Iir \\':1<;' Ct~dlllil IHe:.sur ... d. thl' :!IllOlint flf '·:trhoJl·~!iox . ,1c d"I"nl,ined, :lJld ;0150 Ihe :t!JlOIIIlI of m:yg,'n ahsorhed h.1 Ihe li1ll"·,,lllnhur 1111 .... 1111'.:. T hes .. · ~'sll\'rililelll~ 'I'"rl' tried Ill' 11".,1" I ll .. !l()llIliun lln lilt'T paper . •. ·\n ,:71:110' ).:'I)II~ "xperinkl1t 1I':l51ri"ll with:1 donnart! .11'1'1<: Ire~', aud il \\:1- (tHUIU I h:1 I it :tll·orhed oXYg'ell more nlpid!~, The :lL,tio\) of Ihe spra.1 on scali' inh·.:h ,,,:t ~motherill~ prOt:,·_s. Th:l1 i",. th,' Il)ixtur" ,'cments th~ (,<In'rin~ Jown to th.· hark :I!I,I rc· mOIl'S OX~f.:'t·l1. Ih~ tr.·,· ;,files off "'Irboll·dioxilk. irl II hidl til" ;; .. ',,11.­C'1I1110t lil~. To sho" ho\\ 1011" Ihc ".:"1,, il1!!.t"c '~ c:m liv" \\ilhO\~ U;o.:~,!.!"'I1 .... xpt·rimcll1s wel'l' Iried h~ ]ll1uiug' somc of lil(· iusn'Is in pure nilro;.;'~" . I I W:t~ fouud Ihat :lft<.'r h"i u t::' iu it for "'O'r '5 hOllr. Ih,'r!,' were som~ .!'o lilJ alil'~.

Lilll,·.sulphlir is " Illu",t CtliUCllt :1;":CI1' f(,r t:xlt:rmil1:t li nf.:' "c:tk ill' S ... tl_ . :1" ir ,w:Ils Ih,· se.!e d,)\111 1<) Ih ... barl.. thll" prn'cr1Iiu,.' , hl' , ... 111"

fmlll l'sc:tpin,:;; :l11U f':-rl1lill~ 11",7 .uk",l,·",. \\'hikll:l~h is .t'1l1l'1ltI1C~ Ii"'d "" ;111 ill~,"'li"i,k', 10111 ;s !lnl _u"~·~,,,~flll, :1" it ,]Ol'" 1101 prel'l'llt Ih~ .1' 'tllI~ f r(l ll\ ,·;::,·:!pil';,!.

!Jr. :-;lwf"r';; I:tlk W:lS pr,'c~lkd II irll :t ~h!lrt t;llk hi I' ru r. I-:\1Sl:ll' \·. whIt <;pvk ... (I ll Ih,' (ruil prn-Jl~l'I;: in )oli chi~.IIl . II~· ".I' ... lh,\I tb"1 Wl"r ... I1cl,'r 11<'11,'r. TI'l' prl's"'IlI' ",hort coltl spell ha_ pr""'rl,,rI the (rllit from fuillre f .. O"'~. :Illd Clll1rtl10U~ C'rll]l ~ ;Ire C\\1"<\('11-

' I'lre \lIlk~ I\'er" f"II"lll'll hi' ,I slr(,rr .I;-\'ll~"iull. ']lJrin;,:: wii kh "pple .. w,'r,' "e1"l'(,(1.

Dr .• \. \\·,,.I1,·rl. p:,..,:Ot (If thl' F'oullt;tin ~1. Ibpli,.t CllIlrdl "f vrand I{"pid,.. lIillllcl i l '~ r tlh' ),;IC

calallr~';lre H'rlllull Oil ~1I1lt1;1'. 1Ulle r ~. ' .

I>rof. .lilt! )olr".~. F. Ed\\':lrd!<.of vlldph . II-Cl'" in 1'1'.il:ll1li. th~ P,I_I \\(,(,1.. )Olr~ , Edll':lnls sloppi n~ f"r a shOl' l I·isil lI'ilh colle,,~ fri ~lId~ t'll hl' r rellini. I~ulh l'Xp,'Ct 10 hc:l1 )01. ,\ , C. III llln~.

Sp" ... i:ll I1l1io1\ mCl'lil1;:s o f Ill ... y. ,,'. ,HId Y. :'II. C. . \. ,Irc pl:\lHled fur Iho.: re1l1:1il1d('r (If Ihe ler"l. :tlld :1 Jlul\llwr o f I'l'n illil'rc_till){ talks lIill he :,.:'il'l'l1. 'D r. I kdrkk >,"n' the !ir~t of tho.: seri~'s [a5t ,·,·el1il1:,.:'. The lil,·r:llUr .. of the bible, :ll1d th ... t;h ureh',; l!cpcl1llc ll c~' UpOI1 the: hi hie :lrc 5uhje,'\s 10 r~ ct: i l~' con"idcr:!t iOIl.

To I~rof. P ett.t h;IS 11(,":11 tide· ;..:':ned Ihe work of s\Ull~ in:.;- lh~ " wthotl" o f :!ltack :1:,.:'ail1 s l Ihe S:lW By, whi,·1t has becn doil1~ g'real li:lln'lg'e ill the fo res ts o f t:lmarack :lnd I;,rch vf Ihe 5t:lle. A par:lsir.: is 10 he iHlrodllced W1lich it is hoped will k ... cp Ihe pest in check. 'f h" parasiles wil! bt· multiplied. tried ou t 011 S:tIV tlics :It the colle)!c alld Iiller inl rod uced :l1I)011g- Ihe ilies in the s tllnds of timbe r up north . M. A. C. is one of Ihe I'e r\' first col , leges to take lip the wo~k of fight. ing Ihi~ pest lind the r" suIIS will be w:ltched with inler"sl .

Dr. :1 nti \\lr5. Lyman gUI'c :l d i". ncr. \\'"dnesdIlY cvclling of last weo:k, lor Ihe fin' sophomores l:tk· in:: the rcgular l"l'1eri rmry Cllll r",c.

:;\. B. CUIIJ.,:'er, OIlC of Ihe 1\10 L; . S. lIeMhcr Illlre:1U ilhlk(I.)r~. was al the .. olle;.:~ ~ml Innll hureau re· celltl~'. )olr. COIl:,:er 11':15 for s",,· nal ~'C:trs \lilh thc LIIII",in;.! l.ur .. 'au, alld is /lO 'w in cha r:.{C' o f the Ddroit st:ttioll.

H, rt.:c~nt Board :tclion the :tko\'c on ti", ;;('<"oml tloorof tJI~ \r 0111en'S Blliltl ill:,.:' i", 10 Ii" tilted lip for lhe u,,<, of tb,' y, \\'. C .• \. T Il<, room will he prol"i,lcd lI'ill1 ~cr,"'IlS, ,!.:llIss ceilil1;':: , Il1i~sio !l flimillirc. alld li;..::hts will he ill~t:llled.

! II;;' ruetor I.i 1\: .. :llle". o f '"1 r dair\' d"P:1rtlll'·Ilt. :lwl II. II. D Oli ,!!'!,,,,,,. '10. It:adll'1' of :t;,!ri(I1!lllr":t1 :'\orth, ille tllc p:I~1 'e;lr. \\'ill tal. ... "r:ldu.1Ie work :11 till' L'lIi",'r"itl "f\\"i-~'''II ' ~in Ihe l'Ollli,,).!' ,le;lr. 1: ... 111 will t:lke " 'o rl. :110'''' .!"in lille· fbr Iht.: 1Il:lsl"r'", lll-;,:n';' .

T h ... Y. )01. C .. \. i- 11011' Ol1t I)f Ilcht . ,\lui h:l\c ~lIlI1e 1I1'lI1el in rht! tr"".I11"\·. Thi~ j .. "r:Hifl'in", in· tI,-·e,1. II', lito,,, 1111\) hale 'h:"f lh is \\ ork 'll ch ar;..:,·. :\1).1 Ihn :lr,' 10 I.e COII:,:rll1Ulaled. TIlt' J,tI~-. nUl\" pl.lII 10 rellloticllh" r01l1l1. ami ,,,]'1 ·.IIHe

n"c'·~,,:trl' .In,1 C')!ll~ni"tl l "'IUlp' 1I1enl.


\\ ' ork UP"'I:t Ilell d./rill il,,'\, h,, ~ 11<:el\ b~'~\ll\ In l ht: l'uin'r_ill (,f 1\·JlIIS lh,lIIia. \ ' .. rill, III ... d"rl1li. ' (,n _I 'klll i~ ill ~ o'l,l rqnlle :II

P~';III'I·h'" li;t.:t~ Ihi· i~ llw ~'111l l,f it,. l.il1:l 1\, ].~. hu il l Ib,'r,·.

Th" OI,,'''!;11 11'.";,;, ::' j", 11~'re:,(kr

IU h,· puhli~h~d ;Ii-- :1 .emi·II ... ·I,;\I· , in_h,:,d "f 11'1.',,1.11. l'~ f"rlll 1I:IS

~'han~nl ill IY'~ ~ froUl .1 1ll.I,.:a,in,' to .1 II~W~p:'lp .. :r. T h,' )l"I)l'r 11:1_ ~Iarll'll in I~/I a ... :t flltllli~hl!y.

The r,'\!CIII- of Ihe l'l1i1H~i(.1 of \\'i~"II1_ill ,Ir,' ",I.Il1;.! Ih, ]..:,:;_[:11111'"

fo r :111 lIJlpropri:.tillll of !:"II SO.~>tJI}, In he \1.,.,[ ill Ih,' ,·,.t"hli·hllwl!I of a pr:I<;1i. l' .111.1 ,1"1I1'JlI_lr:lli"l1 lIi:..:h ~,h",,1. Thi· <;"'IIl,,,1 lIuu],1 h.- III

"1I1I1('<,1;"" lIill! Ilw ,'"ur_,' f"r Ill ... tr:tinin;..:: of t\',,,:l1e"-'


hr.I~I.:1 I,' r lll"d

lI'lll,·r";11 ~\ud""I~ al :'\'" r,n'llI11 h"ld II h., 1 111t.: 1 "1).,",idi "'1 ]).11." 1) ll:r

1.0<10 _ll1d.lIl., '·l,~":.:,,d ill Ih~ ,k·· Slru~'li"'1 "f Ihi .. pl:tlll :1/111 il I~ l'",­

l im'lll'ti thai ,00.,,,,,, vf 11 .... )l",.I, w ,·rl'llp,."Oll·d , ·I·h,· lIurk \I:I~ tii · I i,k.1 III ,!'I~_,·_ :lml .-oll ... ider:ll,!c ril:1lr.I' C\i",I"11. !l1II_ ,';tll_il1~ IIHllh

1l1,'rrilll"l)t. E;ldl ]ll'r.\,n II h" ,'auld ..,hol\' r~su1t· flf ttl,nr h\ _Iailled hand- lI"r,' 1t,','ll''] 1" i .. 'L· t'r~:l1'l :Illtl .. :,k.·.

T Ill' 'i/, ri;l:..:/I·,I.I D,;" N,·!'uM;. C,1lI I)f .\1:11 "'JllI"ins nil IInicie upon ,h,·· repI'rt llIail" h~ Iht.: ;.:O\~rl1or·" eHh'il'll! "\pert can· rcrnlll~ lit... :\/as":lchu""I\" .:\". ricul tllr;11 Coli,·;:.... . \ p 'l nlell' t:lr l~ il1t,·r"'~litl:,.:' p:lr:t:,.:'raph is Ihc folloll ill;,!, "" it con(~rI1S Ollr old frielill :11111 c;l~hier, Frl'tI r;:el1n,,~, nOli Irc:l_u r~r at .-\mhcrst. •. T he :I .. n,ullti ll :,.:' !>.I'~lcm is I ,' ry eompklc :mil a,~,., 1:l1L'. T he r"l'onls kepI in the ;!e , " I oll;';e show Iht' C'ost and sc n ' it' of e :tch d epartm ent, so f:\ r :t~ il is pr:l ... tic:lI 10 C:l rn' thelll . The Ire :l :> lIr,'r, who dC\' (5Cd the ~ystem, is lhll!! cll :lbled to k ... ep :t

close w:llch of all d"p:1rllll eI1 IS 10 in· su re finan cial ecollom.I· . Thc v ig . ilance o f thc t rClIsu rer deservcs commendtltion."


The M. A. C. RECORD. .-

Beautiful White Goods m~ E make a specialty of providing every- for the Graduate at ±±~ thing in the way of fine stationery,

Et++++1 announcements, invitations, programs, The DANCER = BROGAN Store. _ +++.+:t-:t

++-Ii ~T 'f'ft etc. (jJ Our facilities are complete for +H+++++ -8::+. :t-++ +++ Designing, Engraving, Printing and Bind ing Class Publications and College A nnuals Great care h as been exercised in making

our White Goods department most com-Robert Smith Printing Company plete. Prices are right, and styles of f ab-

W ... hinaton Ave_ and Jo n ia S t . Lan . ing ric are the latest Ameri can and foreign makers produce.

I Screen Doors fVEf\l' KIND Of

I r~ I,)~ I MTtFt.1 N ' S FURNITURE Screen Windows FOR YOUR R.OOM

E VERY COLLEGE MAN wants the latest Wire Cloth style on his new suit. There " no reason Cots Folding Beds why he should not ha ve that, together with We have the Wire Cloth

the best qu;dit~· and ht. in Painted, Ga lvanized Matresses

These all go with the "LEE, made to "our and Copper .

Book Cases Desks = measure clothes. Come in and see the samples. w. appreciate your trade.


"COOD THINGS TO WEAR" III W".hl,j'ltOIl .\\"'.":" M. J. R B. M. BUGK ColI~j[~ l!u,,~ H < .~'1u.c l<n

'&7!"'P$4 <iMk~*,w'iI ABOUT THE CAMPUS ':;"""_li" :WCW,~

May Festival, Friday, May 19·

T h.: :>'1. A. C. ordwst ra plan,; for a party ;\lay ~9'

At the do.,e of the game Oil

Thur;;(l:Jy, the prelimin:.ry for the inter-socil'ty reby will b(' pulled off.

.'\hhoug-h .,e\cral frost., were rcgish;red .. t :'.1, A. C. lust week, no (\anlOlgc has be(·n (IOlle, as the fruit was 110t f:.r enolLgh adcIIH:ed .

).lr. ami ;\Irs. F. \\ ' . Bassett, who h:1\ e heen spemli ll g" the ,,·illt e r with IllI:ir daughtl'r, l\lrs . .J. :'.lyers. left \\'edllcsday, for thl'ir home in Ch:lmpaign, [11.

The out door hand COllccrts will begin this week \\-cdnesday. :ll

6 :3°, Everyone will be g·bd to know that th ese conccrts arc to be renewcd this spring_ Let I1S show our appreciation.

The first party of the ~esame literary society was given S;\turd;lY e\"cning in the agricultural huil{ling_ The col1e~e orchestra furni shed the music, T he patrons wel-e l~rof,

and ~Irs . Babcock and Dean Gil­christ.

Dean and Mrs_ G, \\-_ Uissell en­tcrtained at liillller last Thursda\­cl-ening, in honor o f :'.lisses Agn~s Crumb, Bell f:lrrand ,tnd Grace Taft, whose engagements hal-C re­cently been announced, The host­ess was assisted by ':>''1 isses Lilli:m and Irma 1\1 uellenbach , who served the four course dinner ill a charm­ing manner. The evening was spent in It delightfully informal way.

:'.Irs_ C IL \\-i[d,ofi\l'\\- Belhk'­hem , P:I., i" visiting al the h01l1e o f her hrolher, Dr. BI;lisrld[.

:'.1 rs . • fhollla s .:'.lasOI1, formerly Ruth C:lrn;1. 'O<Jt \"isil~'d colleg~ frielld~ ~aturda\ :Int! SUllda\" of I'lst In'ek. - -

F our juniors-C F_ and H. II, Barnulll. Ed, Smith and II. E_ Tru ax :ore hcing- intr(J(luccli into the 1Il\·steries of .-\Ipho-Zdai;;m thi;; \\"~d.:_

Pres. Snyder is in \r :I"hillgloll. D. Co. this week lookinx after te:ll"Il­ers for the comil1~ \-e:lr, \rhi[e there he will also allc;npt to XL:! a line 011 a l'olllm:ul(bnl for the mili­tary dl'partl1l~·t1I,

The I-l orI_ Club wi!! hereafter 110hl IlIC~·lill;":-S Oil Tuesd:\\", instead of \\-e\lllesda~- evenings. - Thi .. is becallse of the conflict with the open air band c:uK·erts, wh ich we hope may be eontinuell this spring.

J:unes \\-i[kinson p;lssed throu~h L;\llsitw recenth·, on his wav to his 0[(1 hO~le in CllarkToix, to "take up const ruct ion work. Since leavin~ college, :'.Ir, \"ilkin son has becn il) Cleveland , cxcept olle yea r, when hc W:1S in D etroit.

Dr, J. S, M cDaniel. of Kansas Ci ty, ]\·10., has been elected to :t

posi tion in our di\'isioll of veterin­arr science for the comi ng year, ilS

assist.ant professor of su rgery, Dr_ M cDaniel is a graduate of the L"ni­~-e rsity of Missouri, also of the Kansas City Veterinary College. During the past two yea rs he has instructed in his a[m:l Illater,

I'rof. Ill-der has started a new hou;;e 011 tIle lot adjoining hi" own, on E\-er~-reen .:\'-e.

Fr~'ddie Busch , our JloJlu[ur :111-round athk-te, 11,1"; be\:'n offe rni a place on the ::;t. Louis nine the ~'01l1-ing summer.

O. K. \\"hite, Il ort. licltl ag-cllt, was in the northern part of the stale the p:bt week, ~·arryill;! (I ll

demonstral ions in sprayin~_

The State Board hdd" m~·eting :it the Downer lIouse on 111(" 3d . :1[ which timc the m:1Ite r of entplvn'c" fo r the coming ye:1r w:(" takcn- up.

T hc spring- t\'rm band dam'" was "il-(;n in the armon- Frid:il" eH'U· ~l:,!, :1I1d was elljoyctlhy 100 coupl<.'.s, ])ea l1 alld :'.Irs. Shaw and l~r(lf.

and :\J rs_ K in;! were p:ltrOIJ,.,

The flo/cad ollice no\\' bo,lsts of a b rand new Emerson typewritl.!r, aud also :. n ew \\'ehster's Jietion_ :Iry, Th e editor plans to br i;:h ten tip his otlice with a new desk :1Ilt! othe r eq uipment,

':>'1 r. GUllson gal-e a I·ery inte rest­ing and instrtll'ti\-c talk before the Forestrv Club. :'.Ia \- :!, 011 thc for­csts at -Biltmore; an-d the int1uence of such an undertaking on the for· cst sit uation in this cou nlry _

There is to be an exhihition in the dra wing department duri ng" the week of May 1-1 o f :lrts and crafts work from the Pennsdvallia :'.Iu­SCUm and School of til lius tri:ll Art at Philadelphia, This will be of interest to:liJ, and especially helpful to students in drawing, Detailed announceme nt will be made later,

.r aCI)1> Iteed ;-';ons. of Phiblldphia. h:l\c h~l·n l1w;\rded th<.' l·Ol1lr:ld for uniforon., till" o.:ollli ng \C:lr_

.\ neat ~·o tta:..;:e on the Bogll<.' ad­dition. IH'loll"{ing- to :'.Ir, \\"in \c r,.. of the exp.crimeHt "t:llion, is nearil1g" .:ompk-tu>!1,

Th o.: Junior . \nulLaI pr(lllli~<.'" to hc 0110: of the be.,t cler. \\-e ::;hall W;1I11 OIlC of cou rsc, .\ g:reat llL-al

of till!e hl!:> b-.:en spent ill It$ arr:m;..:e­IIwnt. which i" {Iuite ori:..;ill:'!. It is exp<.'ctcl1 to ha\·c thell1 un sale lery soon_

\\ ' onl eomes from :'.Ir. ami :'.[rs, Dud.! that the~ ,lI"e enj(/yin)..:" their farm lifl· 1111111(:II'el\·. \\-i lh chick. ew,,: bees. a 11fIr,e" !lI1d {·O W , the\­feo.:! thel11,;l'iI"l'" full ned~cd f:trmer~. and thillk Threc [{ ivers th e prop<.'r pbce for !Ill· ' ·cllture,

.\ neat soil house is hein" con ­slrueted lin the ~ t<1liol1 just Il:;rth of the pUl1ltry planT. The m:lil1 part of thl.! hllilllin:..; tS t6x!4 feet, two stor­ies high, with all cit to the \\"\'st, 16x!-I- T he first floor bf the main part will be used as ;1 work .room, and all the sl:l'ond !loor will be a mouse "proof room for storing crops \;,kell fr01l1 the soil in the q'[ inder experi ments , T he win·~ will can­t:lin bins for starin/{ soil;: and rooms for the nursery equipment. This building will be used by lhose inh;r­~sted in soil bacte riology, plaut phys­IOlogy, genera l lVork in soils, under Prof. Jeffery, ami also by th" ex­periment s tation chemist. The building is being constructed of con­crete blocks, which are being manu­fac tured on the g-round.


The M. A. C. RECORD.

NEW BOOKS. lillcs o f c llg illc.:: r illg, pou.l [r~·, horti· cultu re, vctcrinan - SciCIK'C, home

'f l, . of h~.k. economics, e tc., as' well as a l a r~c .. follow in::: is :I list vv

added to the library si nce \:lSI repo rt, Ilumhcr of wor~s f rolll th o:- hi nde r~' .

J - D o 110 \ k now JUSt ,\"ct whe re: Ihls :111 3 :

rolkction will ho: placet!, bu t ho pe to Tlie .\ meriCIIoll Hope-WO! . .\l orse CO~fil1u :Ill att ic somewhere. The Ml"er:ll Ind ust ry of t he C . S.~od-

ern Gas and Oil Engines-Freder ick Grover.

Gas. on and Air Engines-Bryan 0011-k ill.

Gas, Petrol and Oil engille~-Dugaid

CllU'k. T ile v ;ll! Engine-For rest R. Jone~. i n ternal Combustion Engines - R.

C. Carpeuter and H. Die<iedchs. Interna l Cumbu~t ion E ngi n"s-Wm. )[.

H ogle. l oleTual Combustion Engines-H. E,

W im peris. GlI,,; Power-F. E. Junge, (Jag Engineer~ Pocketbook - Henry

O·COll llo r . Engineering Chemist ry - T. B. Still­

ma n. Engineer ing Chemi, t ry-i! J. PhilH~.

Grammar uf English GrRmmar~-Goold

Bro wn. A . I:s. C. of Bt.'e Cu lt ure-A_ I anJ E. 1.

Hoot . Bee Keer.ers' Guide-A. J . Cook. Hyd rAou lic lIlo lo rs------G' R Bodmer. Esti mation F rame. ami Brick House!'.

etc.-T, T. Hodgson. Otlle r l lain Tr:n'eleJ Hoa oJs-U. G ll r .

land. Com p ressed ,,\ ir-Eulo G. l:I arri ~_

Wirele«s Tt:legra\lhy--G"o. ,y , Pierce

Edisuu', Life and I n" en t ions (1 "015.)-F. L. Ao utl T. C. ~ l a rt i n.

Succe5~fu l Poultry Keeping. Africa n G aille Trails-T heodore Hou,;e·

'·elt. Great American t:nh-e. r:;it ie~-E,Jwi'l

G. SIO!l~on. :5olenoid,..-Chlls, H, t:nderhill. ,,\ ir COllllln'"sor5-Chas. U . Inni ... P rohlenll< uf City Go\,ernmlwt-L. S

RlJwe. EI .. elri\: p"wer Plaut Engine'>ring-J.

\\"einogrem Vari ll. liOl~lI_\ni'nal~ and Plants-fl.)1.

Y .. rwlll. Fruit Gro\\in~ HI \,-j,l Region~-W.

PRd,lock and .\, \\" Whipple.

Th .. \\"urk .. r and th .. SIIIH:--Art hur D. Ue:tn,

Th .. FrlI,ndly Cr:lft--l~li7. lla!l!Wolll.

Grelll Engli~h u-tt .. l' Writo-r,. (,! I·ol~.)­w. J. IIml t". ,,'. 1.~.J\\~"ll.

) Iooeru P.-.w .. r li,.., Pn"hl""I'-liurnl'e Allen.

l 'npular Law ~ I akin~-F I, !;dmson, Text BO\lk lOf Y .. I .. ri1U.r~· )I .. didn"~-··

J:\..~, L:.1W.

Anmdl'of :-X~ltti."'h Bist"l"Y for l!.lIIll-111

Th" Sea \Yolf-Jack Loudon I lIugl,,\\'oOo.l Tnl .. ~-~. HawthMI1 .. LIl'1 l,f the )lohicall~J, F"lIniIU""e

CoopE'r 3li Blilletl!l~ ,ld1a 50(:. EIIIOLU"I"gi",

ltll.linll. :1fJ ",,1, of .\meriloun [ n~t (of )lining

E[Jgin...e r~.

C:oll~elioll for EIlJothsh. Fore~IQ'an'l En-gine..ring ~lllirIUl~"I"'.

W a r of Ihe H .. helli,m--Uftkial R .. cnrd". Union 1\lId l\,nfl"lli'rlltl.'-XIl,-ie'l Amr :::)0(>. Y<-t )1\.,[, A~,u (6 \'ok Art in ~et',ll .. Work. Open .\il" Cf\Lstlder~. Food for l'lant_Wm, S. )Iyer~, ) l e nlOi l'!:! of lla,..,horne-nu~ Uawtl,or n

L.'loth rop. Bow 10 Keel> Bec,...-AlIlo~ 13. Coml'lock. Wornell as leiter "'ri lers-~\da ) lcTng·

P"". Farm Den)Io l"",ellt- \\" . )1. Bays.

Book .About RO*I;-S, R U ole. Book of Garden P"Sls-R. B . PeHrson .

! 0 atl<lilion to aho\"(', a la rgr num­ber o f I"XI hooks and valuable rd('r· (' lice book s h ave also becn addell. T his includes wo rks on nlrious


P rof. T aft has ,l r rang:ctl wilh Ih" :'Ilich igan C~'lllral ,lIltl L ,lke ~ llore r<lilrOad,; fo r :1 soil and wheal sp~'Ci:l! illSlitutc Iraiu , to spt'nd two \\'c"ks IIpon thei r lilll'S d uring Ih" b,,1 h;llf of •• \ U.;.:"\l5\.

T he L'ke Shor" Ir,lin wi!! proh­ahh' rUIl from Lansi ll ~ to Il i\lsd:lk. thc'nc" 10 Adri:1Il I·i" Brooklyn and :'I l anchl'SlCr : f rom A dri:1tl to \\' hilc Pig-con, and ,hcllce to (J r:1I1d R api{b.

T he :'II. C. If :lin \\"ill ru n th rou/!'h G nlnll R apid<; to .l :KksOIl, and from I :lo.::k<;on to ); ile" 01 c r thl' ai r · line .

'!t wil1lhl'll ~o f rom );i[cs lO .l ao.::k. son 0 11 Ilh' main h,ll'. ,llltl frolll this point re I urn 10 L:t!\sill)!.

It is pl:lIIll"d to hali:' scn:r:l1 cars of "xhihit:.. :111d kcllln:s UP()Il lari· OliS lopic,; of inlerc,,1 will he g;il·"n b~- member:; o f tlw collcg(' facult~ . \V h":ll. f rom Ihe millers ' 6lamlpoilJl, will he di<:CII<:"l'd hI" :1 pruclical milll·r.

T h" Ol\"1npi~' :-' o~·io.:ty will hold iI ' spring- p:1rly in the armon' ::::l\llr·

J:1.I , :'1[".1- 13 . Oatll:ill;.:" wili start al O·C[lll:k .

B \lrL I-.: eilh. 'II. \\:l>; :\1 hi~ hOltl~,

in thc "otllhl'rll p;orl Ijf Ih" "tall- th~· p:1>-1 w<:ek . ll)!>kill~ :lftcr his I)ll,.~~r.\ Inlsilleo;s.

Hel". \\ '. ,\. :\linll. forllll'r pa~·

tnr of I ' il:.::rim ..:hur,.;·h. 1I0W of Ikl· I·id" r". ![l.. '~ill ~peak in ch:ljwl SUlldllY Illl)nlHlg.

:'I I ,.. and :'Ilrs, .\, h:n:llId ~·nlo.:r·

!:,inc'd :\/1'". T. \ \' . },L'~lHl ( R ulh C"rrel. 'o~\,alld :'Ili-, Za" .'\<lrlhnlp :.1 dilillcr ;-;11I1<la, .

Thi~ \\l·("h. i" ],,,-e],,111 "c'ck :ll

:'II .. \. C. \\'"I':bh 011 ThLlr~d", . ~Ir:l~'\!~' l'l\i'-cr~ill Oil Fri,!:il . :\l;d _\'llll;, fill S:llurday:

Th" li<-p"ri,llI" Ill·ltl a ddio..:htful jl:1rtl' in th~' ;tnnOfl' on ~;lillr.!'1\ c,."j;in!.!'. :-'~r. 'Hilt" },! r,. lin"I;1 and D~':!n and }'Ir~. :-h:)\, "'I1:op. ~'r{)Il",I .

I Jr. :';h:lfer. l1f Ih" <'!1!o11l"lo~i':ll dqMrlnWlll. !ll:lde:1 trip 10 h:"LlIlla · 10(' relTntl~'. to 11'01.: ,,(h'r ~"!ll" ,rouhle ill ]...::\,(00 ' " :'::Tl'UI h"\1~~'~,

L';'Il:,,·,! II.' whil" allIS.

[,\ck KnedH :lnt! {jail \\Ik"kr

h;;"c al"Til~·d al Ihei!' 1iL-,tin;t\ioll in }'lil\II~·apoli,. "fl"r;l ,k[i:,:llIful "Uh, trip. Thl'ir lHhjJl .. ·'~ addr~'~~ i~ .s~y _\!ctropolil,Ul I.if .. · Hid.

:'Ilnnd:", ~I:oI' I~, i~ th~' 1:1,., <!;ll upvn II hi~'h lIl";Ill,,',;riph (:I!\ I" ~\ll; . milkd fo r Ihe EliltCIIlli;1lI Pri/e C.m· Ic-1. , \ 11 paper:, ,.j,ould 1.<: ill the h:md, uf Dr. Blai:;..1o.:1l hy Ih:11 ILa c .

D r. I . C. Br"ckellrill::l·. hl-ad of Iht: \\"inull:l Cr,lle;.:-e ot' :\ ':.:;ricuhu re al \\ 'illUII,\, Inri .. I,as :11 .\1 . • \. C, thl' ]>""t II cck. Dr. II n'(k"'llrid~e 1I":IS ill SC'lrch of a tetlch"r nf hort i· cul tu re fu r his school.

The Sarorian Lile r:lt\ :-'OIi('\\' hdd th(·ir :mltu,11 frl'shlll:'I] oratori­c!l con"',,1 in the sOl'i"l)" roum, Sal · urda l- afl"r nOOll , A pril =9. l'rofs . Kin~ and i{ \"!le r lind :'Ilr. I'l'kc ,tt'kd as j\ld(.("cs. Fi rst plalC \I';'S aw ard cd 10 )I llrid ~llli t h . sc~.'o ll d

to lIele ll Filio, and thi rd to 'e:l n LO\"l·jo)" . .

New (ollese Clothes TQI' VounS ladies.

Wool and Silk Dresses .

FUI~ Coats. Suits,

New Curtains and Rugs ,


T he II-a r k Oil P rof. Sho"s'nith 'S II l '\\ home is progressing nicely . and w ill h"" lall1ablc :Iddilion to Col · le~" I ki;.!"hB .

.-\11 illl~'re~ting f~'alli rc of t he SC nil)r work for gi rb:11 Ihis lime i~ that in C()llll"CliOIl with Ihe East La n~ill;':- puhlic schaab, T ht;, .jlh , 5th ~lInl 61h g-radO:!i tome on 1IK·S· cI,ll af1crno(Jll!; for h:lskcl n -. :l!lrl 011

F~id;'1\ afternoons Ihe ~th: 9th. ,!lid loth . g" r :(de ~ rome fo r atil-a nced work in Iht: S;lml' lille . The hOI'" in lilt: ph, 5th ami hth g- r:ldes t:lke m all\l;t! Ir:oin in;:;, Oll T uesd:t)" . T Ill' w ork w ill he continut;(\ Ihroll~hout

Ihe tc r m


THE RIF'L Erc!' G R.I ?· PR/~\T/.\"G COJ/r_l tn '

Enllraver. Printers Statione r.

LI.\"-' 1.Yr. • . V II 'f/I!!. I .\"

~IE m: t'sreciall~' wdl eqUiPp~ r' to SurF!:" YOll with an n hing

"ou may need in the line of CALLl i\"G C.<\ RDS. DANCE Ai\"O SOCIETY PROGRAMS --- --- - -M~:::O!l &. VaJ. 1&)~1!:

!W'-'llU"g <Ci>"I'Ir""'Y

Lilley College UnifGrms

T he majurity of .\\I\erit-an ""II .. g " s "·"I.r Ihem bel'utl!'<' skill .. d umfonn lail· "r~ make LiU"I- \:ni­fllrm~ fr,)m ;Irielh­all wo1'l1 mnl.-riai" IIonl will ]0(\'" IIIl\Ker "£-ar ;m,l Ilnl,1 li, .. ir sl",! .... lit mId 1,,,,i; 1I"lIl'r Ihnll ([n\- ("It I,,"]" 'Ill i fc)rlll. .

IT". i /, "" ,', "II I, /.


1 he M, C., Ll LLEY,'( Co. CO lUMBOS . O .

DIR ECTO RY LA;\"S!;\"v llL· . ..;I :"ESS X:' ; O

!' I<OFE:-;SIO:\,,\ L :'lI E :", T"~ nn",,-' In 1101, Illr.'dOlry. '" ''''II ""

~ h,-,_, "f ,.II ou' ull ... , '''1\, .... 11,,·',. 11.,'" o f reJjnl>l,' p"n!~" \l",.. j,,:opo, Ih l1 1 II", fncuUy II n,1 .'II"I.'nl_ will I"k" pni"~ 10 pnlrQ,dze tho'~ "'!lo p/nro"l,,, ,,, .


COLT.~:r.f; I-IAH I,H;H S I!I)P.-ln flAth li on . ", Ano.h'-II.'tl- ~:I"IlI~. Y"u ""t \I". 1."1 " ,,'k h~'·". Try It n,,,] '~" .


A .II. ~:~l f:I{Y. Il~ \\· " ,h. An. S . Hook •. • F In" ~ t.n t lon"ry. ~:n"rn""1 , '"lllli/{

C .. rd., t 'o""I»I" I','n,. Pi<'t"'~~, Frnm.·~ . 1'1,,.. I' r",nllll< n !-;p~cl"IIY. l·P.IO.<lflU ny Je • . {'UI flh,s~-"ut In T.:;::n"~,'"'",,".~~~~


G E O. (:. IHX nE ... r <11 Cfo .- lIookblnden. "cCQ"'" book ",nk .. ,~ . • p .. pcr rUIl"".

IIb,nry " "" n ' lt" nrl t>lndlnIl'S. 11l~ bo ~u. mnp ",o,, "tll' II ". Albu ",~. PQ<" k ~t bQok ~. I' IC. Olt l ~l'n5' pho"~ No, I>1\< . In City N lI. llonn l Bank BU ildi n g'



1-1 !l.I,_-\ H ~ ~:II.--{'hlnn, (;lrI>S"" I,."np~. , Ill:'i Wn~]'I"I<'on AH. ~ .


1_--1 K II~J 'I" I'H ~: h: <I.: MH,' ''; . "Iolhl~r'. ~ . ",,,I FII,,,I,loI,, .. ,. ll:, II"n·hl" .. lon

. \ \'t. , N .

E !A:I N ~I IFF!.!~. !Jldlf< and (;"1111". n'''n'~ ~·u""J.hlll" \;OU\I,. S .... nd.

L ori"; I :~:I· I> . "]<1Ih!,',. ';,'''1 '' F"rn!_ll_ I",,~, H u" nud ('np' . ll~ \\'o_!Iilll!I""

A\"<' . ~Ol"tll.


N il , ~I'"w ' HE, !\. I', >' . ,1I1k.· ~ll·' I:1 1/01· • 11-1>" Bulldl"". ] ~t1"I"!o'. _llIth. CIII ·

1,.,,,":ph0I1~, ." "\(\""III<·j'I\.O,

D ~:. P.-\H~I ~:r E E, !"" " I,1. ll~l" \\"n_h· • 1"10:1"" .~'l· ...... 1 ~'"'I" Il' .. ll lehl""".

."Ulullultl,· pho,,", <.lIk" '4,~: "·'ld~,,ce. J I,el .

J ~:. ;;TnFt· ~:H. I,. II. ~ , l'lIrr":'l<h"'lly • ~"11o'H\1 Bnllk Hhlll. ,\UI",U"W' l)ilolIl'

"'il: H,'II 01""'" .:1. I'~".n"'r ~I .. \. " . ,Iud.·,,!.


ROI· !-; ~:In.; (' ... PI T A!' J'Hn; ~TqHE. t'p ,,, ,IH"' . , 'o,·,wr 'H'rE', Ilpl>",1I1' !lulll,It'r HI'wk.


D.-\~I't~H. 1'.!l'"'_I,~ N '·".-I,"",I'"r·~ I."ndl,,~ I ,,'~' "..,..,1, ' lOr". 11,<-121

I\'n,h!"~IO" .",,,,~.

S 'l l "~ ~ 1'1;" (,1,,'1'''' I'". 1'0\ \\'II·hln~ In1l .-\, •. ",,,. ";"WIIi.


C.\I'I",'!. ~:!.I:,"n :\4" ~:"'iI"E~:HI'q; I"'. - t ',,11 II",· . ,f ~:I""l"h",,1 "" "PUII'"

1,,,.h,,\I,,,, ·,,,,i"I1'·· ·h,,,I,·. "",I """,1·, ,'n,· I",,,. 1""!lIh,,,, ",,01 lI,al<l" ",'",llllI!' IUII'Il'. 11; E. ~Ih"hl!o''''' .... , ••


,I' H. ~I. HI', 'I> .-Fu .... hur'·. I '",',wr 1I"0_hl""I"" .'\"" .• ",,1 I .. ,,,,, ,..Ir.·..-I. ,....',.,,,1.


'\\'I1~:" I' 1'~:TH'<ll' "'1{'I1'" th,· II,,,U· ,''" .\:>1. 11,,1·'1. '1'1'" r><'ullh,,· 1'1: ... " f.·,

"", .. , i,! .. ,,·. ,1".1'1" "', "t,·. 1'1"Il,nn, n'''''~. 1"",,,,11(,,1,'''('' """" ,.", .. """, ~II'" ~:Ii'-"· h"!L 11"."". '1",-.

HAR DWARE. ST OVES & T INW' RE. ,," ')' T"" , 11,1 I: 1111" \ IIF.-I", n ,. "II.! l ' H",.,I"";·,' '1'1"" "1"'.' .,.",,1' . ,,,' n'., ',,\. I,',-y. __ , .. ". '"', III \\""·111""",,, .\"~. S. " .". ,)'1.


I~' II. 1'~'X~~:TT-\\'n\d,"'''k''r ,,,,,I ~ . ,),-\\,·1. r. \\"",'k ",,11"01 fo" ",,,I .1"11,'·

",01. 1\",1':,'"'''' I,,''''h h"",,' "'''Ito "f 1'1" II""·,,. ~>'·'·II'·". 11.\"" ':"'1 '':111']''''.


\ I I~ "" , I). T. ".\""~:.- \I~""I"""\I'ln!o', . ~I1'I,,,,"~,I,, .... ,' \111;,-,1.-. " _1,, ... 1'"''10,,''' ~ 'd'd,,·- ,,,,,01,' ',I ,'''' ludr or "",\110'''11' , HI." ",,1""'01 .""1,-",\",,,1"'1 I .. I"",," ", "",,,I ". 1\. ". Th.· 1'1·/""·"· ,\I\,.'rlo-,,,, """'\""J,o '/",,11"111"'1111.;1,., -HYI,II.-rl. \"'''''IIO!I~ 11!1 •• ,,, :':'1. ,.,..,' .. 11'"·101,,,'1"" ... ,' ,.' .

= ___ P:.:HYSICIANS.

D I~. (>~'·.\K II, t:Hr·E':~:L. 11 1)>1"'; \(1 . "~oj, ",Ill .. ~I'" ,,,,, I ;1<1~ p . llI. ~u".

'III~ .,. I~ ,(> I ,,,,01 f, I"~~. m. ~;"'I 1...,11'''' '­~/ kh. ( ·lllz.',,' pho'''' 1X1I.

D H. 1/. \1'. 1..\ 1" r,,·x. ~:n'! I.,,,,,;,,,,, ~I kh. 111110',' 10 .. ,,,·,: ; 1<1 ';;11 n. 111 .. I~"~' I .. 2

/I"t! ";:)' I", J". Ill. ~""d"~·,. 1"10 II ';)' n. m" ~ \>\" p. Ill. , 'llh"",' ph",,,, jr!" ....



\ L!.~; :-' l 'I!!~TtX ti ("".-111 ( ; ,·" "d ."\"~. rl • 11,. ~om h. 1" ln! I n" And <>111,·,· ."Pull.· ••

HeJl phone 1(1"1, A"I, 'mntl(' phn""I"~.

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