the m. a. c. · · i ( i ) i i i the m....

, , ) I ( I ) I I I The M. A. C. · RECORD. MICHIGAN STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. YOL. 16. THE C. H. CO L'-'NCWODD M. A. C. DEFEATS ALMA IN THEIR FIRST ANNUAL DEBATE . FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 28, AT 7:30. J. L. Snyder, pn::-iding'. :\1. .\. C . Hand. QUl'stioll; '·I<.I::>ollt,(1, Ih:lt the fc\[cr .. l go,ern· men. should rctain o wn e r,,;hip ;lilt! ("ontrolof :111 coal I:mds now in its IlOiscssion. or, hcreaflcr aC(luirl-d:' Aflinn:l.irc .. \ [In;l - O. RO\"al m:lskc. Ralph Yonker, Leoll ,,'(11. loord. Xc;!:uiq', ),1. .\. C. -G. II. Col- G. II. :\Iycrs. J. D. .lll1lgd-![oll. LalllUlI T. Ill'- nHIIlS. ,\l:Ison. \\', (;, Coburll. Battle Creek. I [Oil. E. C. :,hicld,;, 11 0\\ .:II. T he prineip .. 1 :trgulllenls prCSl'llt- cd hy the IIl1irnWlilc I\ere: (I) The prohihitioJ! of chiltl lnhor in mines: 111111 Ihe 5ySh'1l\ ulu]l'r g<l\ Crtllllent i l' would n·t\uce the loss of lif.:: to mini· mum: (3) Ihat gO\crnlHcnt O\\lll·r· ship is the only nlelho.lloy which the government COUlll ohtain n fair r('\o:n· ue b,' le:lsinJ,:: its milll'S 011 " ro\,tlt,· hhis. TheSl' were mel :111(\ 0\ ereome hy the t·. who :uin)Calell a Slr:tig'hl·forw:lrti system of private oWlll·r .. hip . WilIer proper. :ulll jmlkious n:"trictioIlS of [:tW. .And Ihdr am i dfe..:ti,·c pn .... ent:I, tion of Ihese ar;;::ulllellts. Ihe IICg':l. ti\'e were given Ihe deo.:ision of Ihe to I- Th e Alma lealll showed excellent preparatioll. bOlh in thought :ulllllc· li\·e r )'. as <lid :11,,0 the :\1. .\. C. h:am, and great credit IllIe thc men who trained :lIld wurked with both Th e qllestiQIl is olle that wnit· iog a solution at the hands of Oll r government and is. since it in\'ol\,es :HI economic nt cessitv, therefore one of vital interest to' the ,'\m crican people. It is o ne that r eCjui rcd verr extensive and hard study on the part of both Ita illS. It is a WINNING TEAM C. H. MYER8 knowl1 fa.:t th:lt for the \:lSt fhe months t he ne!!":!li,c has heen sea r ching reports for evidcnr ... · to def{'nd their Y tt in vic" of the larg:e IlUnlhcr of studt:l1ts on tIll' c ... mpus, the It::lm W,I5 g'i\'cn practic:dly no SlIpport, as was manifested hv the rery small numb"r th:Lt turne('1 out to I;{'ar the (Iehalo:. This is to lx- deeply lamen· ted, and is utterly to an, team that unde r takes al\\'thilw in'this line. Can we exp,-,Z1 any k:lm to do tht:ir for thl·ir col. lege when that docs not I"nd its higheo-I and he,.,1 support to the le:tm: \\'hat impression must h:l\'c been made upon Ihe minds of the .\Ima ddeg;lIion; TO ALL STUDENTS AND COL- LEGE PEOPLE. :\[.u,,· t re ... ·s, amI 110w"r .. ;rhout lhe campus \,ill .. oon he in t1ower, T hl'" will be n:r\' atlr,!!';, ti,'e, :md Ihe' temptation ((") t:!I;;e n ft:w 10 ,'ollr room or home ma, h ... I cry within you. Ph,f.,:/· d" /lot do it. These pl:tnt:. nrl' sl:!l'ur"d and ... · "red for at ... ·on!liderllhlc c:o..· p"nse. fl,r :HIII other" to ... ·njoy. "e ... 'p them attractil'e by llOt pick. iu:,:- or breakiug: :lIly of Ihelll. Do all 'all C:In III :ls"i,,1 ::\Ir, 0ulIsoII to ke,,'p the campus "Olle of the finest ill the wc,,"" pe('plc han' for the n:lIn.: of th" shruh now co\e r"d with rn .. :lUtiful \'ello\\, Iii" F or.<I'lhia.- lile common name is Golden Bell. \\'hcn "ill \"011 han" the oppo rtlluily o( h"aring :t chorus of 300 ,'oi('"s and four expert in two l'oncerts for $1':!5' liet your :\Iay Fcsti\'al ticket early. The F lint team put up a good fielding g:HlI":: on Sat\lfuay after· noon, bm the ::\ 1. A. C, r esen'es easily fotlnd the pitcher, and the result was ;\ \'ictor\' for the home bo}s, I t to 3. :::iom"c exccllent Iield· ing work W:lS dOlle. Dodge and K !lapp were the batlt ry for :\ 1. A. C. J. D. FLETCHER SENIOR INSPECTION TRIP . :\ prol isioual progr:lm of the se ni or ellg-incering" inspection trip has been iSSuell. and the trip prom. ises 10 he onc of cOll,sillerahk inkr· cst. Buffa lo arl(1 :\iagar:l togetll{'r wilh plants in do:;e p ro:o..imily wilh these will he \"i"itl·tl. Thl' party. 1ll1ll1herill).,:" ;IhO" l 35 Il\clllh..'rs, will Il'ale Lan· sing: Tue"day. :\lay I). awl rl'lUrn the following :Irr.:rngeTllent heen rn:u!c looking to the o.:om fort alld "'·lIjv., melll of Ihe p.:rrt.,·, and p:trty tickets pro\'iding for the transporta· tion :llld sleeping- ... 'a r ac(ommoo:b· will be "ecureli frum L,msing- tn I'ittshtlrg . On \\' et!n"sda\". "ruf. \'l·ddl·r :md his \1"ill ,'i&il thc \\ alL-r II orks alI(I tiltratiml plallt :tlld .\meril·"n Bridg-c Co. :Lt . \m b ri l lge. !Jean Bissell, Prof. "l'r "nil rlw 111ed1:IIIieal ;Ilhl c[e ... ·tri,,;;[ ell;!inel'rS wil[ visit the Elcctril' :lIlt! :\If;;. Co. :uld :\Ltchille Co. at Ell" I'inshur;.;-. 011 Thursday. :\1.1.1 II. the parly \I ill go to Bcs""mer, where the\' li .. il the Edg"llr ThomiJsOll ::'\cc[ \\'orks of Ihe Carnegie St..::d Co . ()n Ihis the) will al. .. o insp"Lt till' works of the l' Ilion :::ill itl'h "11,1 ;-;igrm] Cu .. at and til" Ileilll fa..::· tllr.' ill Pit1"hurg". :\iagara will he th" objn·ti\e point 011 TuO:"(\:I\. Th" !tllL'rmL· liol1al P aper Con;p"".1 '" plant \1 ill he \isittd in th ... · foreltoon. :lnd the aft"rnoon will he .. pent at the- :\ ar:! Falls PO\\ er Co .. lind ah.o the l'alla\li:1Il plants of Ihis ... the Irip to Lewi,,;. ton \\ ill he laken , with :tt Rapid>:! \ 'i e \\" ,lIld \\·hir[puul. Tht" afternoon wi!! be SperLt in \ ariou:; ways, and :ts nl:lny :IS PUS5iblc of the various p1:H1ts will be \i .. ilc<l . T he r etu rn trip will be by "wat n' er, ka\' ing Buffalo at 6:00 p. 1l1. Saturday, and arriving in Detroit at S:oo it. Ill, Stlntl .. .". The trip to Llllsing wi ll perhaps he by the in· terurban rOlitC. ALUMNI '9;· Clarence I l:1lh:t\\ "y, of Ihe class of i" nnd 1ll:1Il:lg-er of the Lansill!,;" :-'IOlor :Illd Pump Co., \lith resilience :t(ldress :11 "crr Sl. 'i o. Geo . .- \. fan i" :l mcrnht!r of Ihe law firm of Farr ,\:. F(lrr (father :t nd son), Graml 1I :t\CIl. Residence :ld· . FO Il oward PlacC'. '09· S. F. "nig'ht. who has hccn drnft· ing ill Chi..::t;..(o for the .\meric:tll Bridge Co .. has been transfc r r"d by this tinn to thtir nc\\ plant in Gnre\, Ind. lI is address :.t this 6j30 Perry ave. :\Jyrol1 Bowerm:m is struo.:lUr:l l dr.lft St1l811 with Long &. Co,. at . .p .\loIHldnock hid. , Chi. cag-o. Il is pri\;Lll;: :Iddress is C"ntral Park. '1 0, T homas Burl is a "herllis! at I III L'lIion Bldg .. Detroit. :\Ir. Burl 's hOnle <HII[ress i" :\Iidl. Bert E:'::l'rtllll has heCIl. for the !oi" ... eHing Dctroir r.:-al es!:ue !t,r LOlch Co., of Dt.'tro i1. ,ilhlrl'ss is j6 I9II TEACHERS. !'rof. Fren.:h ha" alr"alh het.'11 "hk to place 'Iuit" OJ r -wmhe r of our l\.il I cI:t5S :1" ! li;..!"h ::;ehool l ... .. fur nl·:o..t 'l' .. r. The C:l)) for tc"d1cr>:! is \·er)· ;tnd in ... ially the llem, lIld is ;..:. n'''1l'r than Ihe .\IIl {ll1g' who hale ;Il"<'epted po"ition:. .. " tel1.Lhl 'rs of ag'rkuhurc in hi;:h s,'hools arc: ,\. :\h· \·ittie :11 Sf. I nh" ... , Ch'lrlc" Frl'I' "I South 11:1\ CI;, C. 1.;ln;':l\01l at \Valerdiet, nl1l1 E. II. Brown 'It Tr:I\ ... ·r ... City. The "(Irk ,It St. lohll'" :--;outh II.l\ClI '!lul '1'r:Ller"ie 'Cil> is new, and th ....... " men will h:tve cha rge of the eOlhl ru ctio l1 work of the cour",,5 g:ilen. :IS \Idl a5 the .:a rrying (Iut of the p!:ms. T here <Ire :llso sen'f,II oth"r schools which arc look;n;.: for \\ ':ll'he rs of a:,;-ricul. ture. ami it is po .. "ihlc that of th" .. e may he supplied hy :\1. .\. C. ::ic\"\!r:tl of our tl)' I ),:'irls hal'e a[so been claimed !IS tC:l..:hl·rs of !>I.·iell ... ·c in hig-h for tht lom i"K year. Those who have already acccpted arc: :\Ii"s \Vinnifr..:d Felton will leach llume"tic sciencc at EatOIl \{npilis, :\Iiss Iiden Dodge at :\I iss Edna :-'Ic:\':tug-htoll Itt W ake· liclll, :\Iiss I lannuh \\ ·illianl.:;on at SIc. :\Jnric, :\Iiss E!iuI.beth (-r:lzer will llssist ill domestic scienct ill the summer school in Buffalo, :-". Y. i,.,s Eli/abeth :::il1yder will ha\'e chnrge of the 7th a.mlSth gr ades in the Lnnsillg Hi gh Schoo!.

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Page 1: The M. A. C. · · i ( i ) i i i the m. a. c. ·record. michigan state agricultural college. yol. 16. the c . h. col'-'ncwodd

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I ) I



YOL. 16.






Pr~'sitil'l1' J. L. Snyder, pn::-iding'. ~Iu,.k, :\1. .\. C . Hand. QUl'stioll; '·I<.I::>ollt,(1, Ih:lt the fc\[cr .. l go,ern· men. should rctain o wner,,;hip ;lilt! ("ontrolof :111 coal I:mds now in its IlOiscssion. or, hcreaflcr aC(luirl-d:'

Aflinn:l.irc .. \ [In;l - O. RO\"al m:lskc. Ralph Yonker, Leoll ,,'(11. loord.

Xc;!:uiq', ),1. .\. C .-G. II. Col­[in~wOOlI. G. II. :\Iycrs. J. D. Fkt~·hcr.

.lll1lgd-![oll. LalllUlI T. Ill'­nHIIlS. ,\l:Ison. ~lIPt. \\', (;, Coburll. Battle Creek. I [Oil. E. C. :,hicld,;, 11 0\\ .:II.

T he prineip .. 1 :trgulllenls prCSl'llt­

cd hy the IIl1irnWlilc I\ere: (I) The prohihitioJ! of chiltl lnhor in mines: (~) 111111 Ihe ]dl~ing- 5ySh'1l\

ulu]l'r g<l\ Crtllllent oWIIl'r~h i l' would n·t\uce the loss of lif.:: to th~ mini· mum: (3) Ihat gO\crnlHcnt O\\lll·r· ship is the only nlelho.lloy which the government COUlll ohtain n fair r('\o:n· ue b,' le:lsinJ,:: its milll'S 011 " ro\,tlt,· hhis. TheSl' :lr~\Lml'lllS were 'full~' mel :111(\ 0\ ereome hy the Ill·~.1th t·. who :uin)Calell a Slr:tig'hl·forw:lrti system of private oWlll·r .. hip. WilIer proper. :ulll jmlkious n:"trictioIlS of [:tW. .And h~' Ihdr well'g'rollnd~d :Ir~urncrll~ ami dfe..:ti,·c pn .... ent:I, tion of Ihese ar;;::ulllellts. Ihe IICg':l. ti\'e were given Ihe deo.:ision of Ihe jud:.::~s, ~ to I-

The Alma lealll showed excellent preparatioll. bOlh in thought :ulllllc· li\·e r)'. as <lid :11,,0 the :\1. .\. C. h:am, and great credit i~ IllIe thc men who trained :lIld wurked with both t~arns.

The qllestiQIl is olle that i~ wnit· iog a solution at the hands of Oll r government and is. since it in\'ol\,es :HI economic ntcessitv, therefore one o f vital interest to' the ,'\mcrican people. It is one that reCjui rcd verr extensive readin~ and hard study on the part of both Ita illS. It is a


C . H . MYER8

knowl1 fa.:t th:lt for the \:lSt fhe months the ne!!":!li,c has heen sea rching ~O"tnHllel1l:l1 reports for evidcnr ... · to def{'nd their :lr~\lllll'ntS. Y tt in vic" o f the larg:e IlUnlhcr of studt:l1ts on tIll' c ... mpus, the It::lm W,I5 g'i\'cn practic:dly no SlIpport, as was manifested hv the rery small numb"r th:Lt turne('1 out to I;{'ar the (Iehalo:. This is to lx- deeply lamen· ted, and is utterly discoura~ in!:{ to an, team that under takes al\\'thilw in'this line. Can we exp,-,Z1 any k:lm to do tht:ir he~t fo r thl·ir col. lege when that co!!e)l~' docs not I"nd its higheo-I and he,.,1 support to the le:tm: \\'hat impression must h:l\'c been made upon Ihe minds of the .\Ima ddeg;lIion;


:\[.u,,· t re ... ·s, shrub~ amI 110w"r .. ;rhout lhe campus \,ill .. oon he in t1ower, T hl'" will be n:r\' atlr,!!';, ti,'e, :md Ihe' temptation ((") t:!I;;e n

ft:w 10 ,'ollr room or home ma, h ... •

I cry "t~on;::- within you. Ph,f.,:/· d" /lot do it. These pl:tnt:. nrl' sl:!l'ur"d and ... ·"red for at ... ·on!liderllhlc c:o..· p"nse. fl,r ~ou :HIII other" to ... ·njoy. "e ... 'p them attractil'e by llOt pick. iu:,:- or breakiug: :lIly of Ihelll. Do all 'all C:In III :ls"i,,1 ::\Ir, 0ulIsoII to ke,,'p the campus "Olle of the finest ill the wc,,""

:\lan~ pe('plc han' :I~ko..:t\ for the n:lIn.: of th" shruh now co\e r"d with rn .. :lUtiful \'ello\\, lIowcr~. Iii" F or.<I'lhia.- lile common name is Golden Bell.

\\'hcn "ill \"011 han" the opportlluily o( h"aring :t chorus of 300 ,'oi('"s and four expert soloist~ in two l'once r ts fo r $1':!5' liet your :\Iay Fcsti\'al ticket early.

The F lint team put up a good fielding g:HlI":: on Sat\lfuay after· noon, bm the ::\ 1. A. C, resen'es easily fotlnd the pitcher, and the result was ;\ \'icto r \' for the home bo}s, I t to 3. :::iom"c exccllent Iield· ing work W:lS dOlle. Dodge and K !lapp were the batlt ry for :\1. A. C.



:\ prol isioual progr:lm o f the se nior ellg-incering" inspection trip has been iSSuell. and the trip prom. ises 10 he onc of cOll,sillerahk inkr· cst. Pi tl~bu r g", Buffalo arl(1 :\iagar:l F.a!l~, togetll{'r wilh plants in do:;e p ro:o..imily wilh these (ilic~, will he \"i"itl·tl. Thl' party. 1ll1ll1herill).,:" ;IhO" l 35 Il\clllh..'rs, will Il'ale Lan· sing: Tue"day. :\lay I). awl rl'lUrn the following Sunda~·.

l~"er~ :Irr.:rngeTllent h:l~ heen rn:u!c looking to the o.:om fort alld "'·lIjv., melll of Ihe p.:rrt.,·, and p:trty tickets pro\'iding for the transporta· tion :llld sleeping- ... 'a r ac(ommoo:b· lion~ will be "ecureli frum L,msing­tn I'ittshtlrg .

On \\' et!n"sda\". "ruf. \'l·ddl·r :md his ci\ill'n~incer" \1"ill ,'i&il thc \\ alL-r II orks alI(I tiltratiml plallt :tlld .\meril·"n Bridg-c Co. :Lt . \m brillge. !Jean Bissell, Prof. ~:"I "l'r "nil rlw 111ed1:IIIieal ;Ilhl c[e ... ·tri,,;;[ ell;!inel'rS wil[ visit the \\'estillghou~c Elcctril' :lIlt! :\If;;. Co. :uld \\'c':;lillghou~" :\Ltchille Co. at Ell" I'inshur;.;-.

011 Thursday. :\1.1.1 II. the parly \I ill go to Bcs""mer, where the\' li .. il the Edg"llr ThomiJsOll ::'\cc[ \\'orks of Ihe Carnegie St..::d Co. ()n Ihis d.I~ the) will al. .. o insp"Lt till' works of the l' Ilion :::ill itl'h "11,1 ;-;igrm] Cu .. at ~\\"is\·:t1c. and til" Ileilll fa..::· tllr.' ill Pit1"hurg".

:\iagara will he th" objn·ti\e point 011 TuO:"(\:I\. Th" !tllL'rmL· liol1al P aper Con;p"".1 '" plant \1 ill he \isittd in th ... · foreltoon. :lnd the aft"rnoon will he .. pent at the- :\ ia~· ar:! Falls PO\\ er Co .. lind ah.o the l'alla\li:1Il plants o f Ihis ... ·Otnp:IIl~ .

~lIl\lnlny the Gor~e Irip to Lewi,,;. ton \\ ill he laken , with ~top'O\'er :tt Rapid>:! \ 'ie \\" ,lIld \\·hir[puul. Tht" afternoon wi!! be SperLt in \ ariou:; ways, and :ts nl:lny :IS PUS5iblc of the various p1:H1ts will be \i .. ilc<l .

T he retu rn trip will be by "watn' er, ka\' ing Buffalo at 6:00 p. 1l1. Saturday, and arriving in Detroit at S:oo it. Ill, Stlntl .. .". The trip to Llllsing wi ll perhaps he by the in· terurban rOlitC.


Clarence I l:1lh:t\\ "y, of Ihe class of '9~, i" >:!c<"rewr~ nnd ~elleral 1ll:1Il:lg-er of the Lansill!,;" :-'IOlor :Illd Pump Co., \lith resilience :t(ldress :11 3~55 "crr Sl.


Geo . .-\. fan i" :l mcrnht!r of Ihe law firm of Farr ,\:. F(lrr (father :tnd son), Graml 1I :t\CIl. Residence :ld· Jre~~, .FO Il oward PlacC'.

'09· S. F. "nig'ht. who has hccn drnft·

ing ill Chi..::t;..(o for the .\meric:tll Bridge Co .. has been transfcr r"d by this tinn to thtir nc\\ plant in Gnre\, Ind. lI is address :.t this place·i~ 6j30 Perry ave.

:\Jyrol1 Bowerm:m is struo.:lUr:l l dr.l ft St1l811 with l~hillips, Long &. Co,. at I~ . .p .\loIHldnock hid. , Chi. cag-o. Il is pri\;Lll;: :Iddress is .!L~6 C"ntral Park.

'1 0,

T homas Burl is a "herllis! at I III L'lIion Tru~t Bldg .. Detroit. :\Ir. Burl 's hOnle <HII[ress i" \{ ~'{lford, :\Iidl.

Bert E:'::l'rtllll has heCIl. for the Jla~t !oi" rnol1th~, ... eHing Dctroir r.:-al es!:ue !t,r ~Inrmfe1t/. LOlch Co., of Dt.'troi1. Hi~ re~idellrc ,ilhlrl'ss is j6 (jri~\\ oltl ~t.


!'rof. Fren.:h ha" alr"alh het.'11 "hk to place 'Iuit" OJ ["r~c r-wmher of our l\.il I cI:t5S :1" ! li;..!"h ::;ehool l ... ·.:r~·her .. fur nl·:o..t 'l' .. r. The C:l))

for tc"d1cr>:! is \·er)· ~rl'lll, ;tnd in .I~rit.'ulturc e~pc ... ially the llem,lIld is ;..:. n'''1l'r than Ihe :;uppl~.

.\IIl{ll1g' lho~e who hale ;Il"<'epted po"ition:. .. " tel1.Lhl'rs of ag'rkuhurc in hi;:h s,'hools arc: ,\. :\h·\·ittie :11 Sf. Inh" ... , Ch'lrlc" Frl'I' "I South 11:1\ CI;, C. ~, 1.;ln;':l\01l at \Valerdiet, nl1l1 E. II. Brown 'It Tr:I\ ... ·r ... l· City.

The "(Irk ,It St. lohll'" :--;outh II.l\ClI '!lul '1'r:Ller"ie 'Cil> is new, and th ....... " \"t;lun~ men will h:tve cha rge of the eOlhl ructio l1 work of the cour",,5 g:ilen. :IS \Idl a5 the .:arrying (Iut of the p!:ms. T here <Ire :llso sen'f,II oth"r schools which arc look;n;.: for \\':ll'her s of a:,;-ricul. ture. ami it is po .. "ihlc that ~omc of th" .. e may he supplied hy :\1. .\. C.

::ic\"\!r:tl of our tl)' I ),:'irls hal'e a[so been claimed !IS tC:l..:hl·rs of dOl1le~lil' !>I.·iell ... ·c in hig-h ,,~'hoo[,; for tht lomi"K year. Those who have already acccpted 1)O"ltlOIl~ arc: :\Ii"s \Vinnifr..:d Felton will leach llume"tic sciencc at EatOIl \{npilis, :\Iiss Iiden Dodge at Bcs~emcr, :\I iss Edna :-'Ic:\':tug-htoll Itt W ake· liclll, :\Iiss I lannuh \\·illianl.:;on at ~ault SIc. :\Jnric, :\Iiss E!iuI.beth (-r:lzer will llssist ill domestic scienct ill the summer school in Buffalo, :-". Y. ~l i,.,s Eli/abeth :::il1yder will ha\'e chnrge of the 7th a.mlSth g rades in the Lnnsillg High Schoo!.

Page 2: The M. A. C. · · i ( i ) i i i the m. a. c. ·record. michigan state agricultural college. yol. 16. the c . h. col'-'ncwodd


The M. A . C. RECORD ~ "'.~'."~D ~n •• fur.OAT 10""'." TIn CO~LCC;'

" • ••• T"C .. ',,", ...... suH .". 'C"LTUU. coHUH

" .. r.UNCt. MAO" ",", " t o,TOR

150 C;;t N TS ~[III '1"_111

Jo:llt~rf'd IU "·,'O"d-cln.~ ",,,II ,ullt!". at LAn,hl l. ~I kb.

R",ni\ by 1'. n, ~lon .. y "rt\,·r. Pratt or R~lf,"'<!r~d 1 ... 11".. 110;> nlll ... nil ,lIunp • . Addtl'lO~ IIIL .ul ... t"rtpl1 o,,~ 1I1HI at!"Htl.lnlf

Ulan". 10 lh.- ~I. ,\ ,', III:'-"Ill". ~;II.t JAil· 1101( . .\I1t"h . Add,..." 1111 L"OntrlhUlh,n. 10 UI ~ :'.I a .. ""lnll y'dllor. Hn~!rh"~ \)me~ with L",,'."'''''· ,t " lUI

BUrt'" Prlnllrll. "0 .. ~I'I-~I~ ~;n",,1 ,\,'p. :-' 0 .. i.An11l\1i. Mlcll.

TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1911.

A:..; IlllsiJ;I1CU .,(Iitorial h:IS COllie

to lh~ 1{ I;C{IJ!Il . with the re­IIUl'SI 111:11 "am.: he ;:in-'tl due con · si,kratiOIl. A~;lin \I,' I1lU:.1 insi·t 111:11 Ih" ... e ;Irtidl'~ 1/111.1/ /" _,i:.tll,-d. It i~ tit)! at :111 tll'Cl"':ln Ihal Ihe ,;, ig-. U:llure", he puhli~he,1. :lIlrl of ~'our'e 'woul,lnlll l,~' 111 Ihi~ .':I~e: hilI" e Il'n IHUl:h l'rd('r I •• h:Ul' the wrih'r llI:tle hill1~df l..1.<lI\ II. eilhl'l" in I'~'r· ~Oll ,.r 1~'ller,

TIll IIrti,'le r.,:f.:rr~·Illu j, ,I pr •• t\',1

:l)tainsl the "r~,,,ul 1L1l~llw{l~ "f b":lnlin:.:: dull' in Ih~' dl','llltl I.f stCI\:lrd,. Thl' ,'f'il'lc j. IIl'rl.·dl., fair, alld n" duu) I ,.-'prc~·,·' til" H·lt·

lintl'llt "f :1 br;!e IIl1l11h"r "f ,u:d..:nl' ha..: :11 I'n·'clIl. Th~'e ,'k';!;"II' ~ll''', 1l<'lll'II'r, "lllirel\" III tit.· 1l,\tt,I, uf lit .. ~llIdenl' I" till a, tile I \I·il1. II i, h:Ir<)I~ flo"ihl.· f(lr <'11,' ':I .. "j.'I~ 10 n,ntrol Ih • ..1 .. ·.li,111 uf ·I,·\\"rd with"UI th,· ("'I·Ojle r.ll ion ,,/ :I!loll"f. nlld Ihl' I" 110 ,I"uhl tl1l' pbn f"l· 1f)\I ",I. rh.· pl·)tan1.e'l il'II, II lidlu r it 10,· "f .,,, "'ti,·. ,·llIh~. ,II' "tlh·r. "ill rlullhlk" rule. ;11111 in "r;.::m;/a. li'ln IInll i, th. n' ~tr":II;":lil. '1'h;u <;11, It ,'oll1l,ill;lli"l1 11"ul,) 111'1 hI' LI' I' ,rahle 10 ,Ill, \1,' :111 jll:liLl\~ mllk·r· SI:Uld. 111'1 11011 I" Tl'llle,h Ih., .Ie · feL'!. h"~II·I.·r. \Ie :ITl' lIil;lhle 10

,tal..:, 1I11},·" .. 1' ~Llt~'d in Ihi~ :\rlid~· . " I.d ~'I~n 111,111 .:il~· lit", I11nn~'r hi", ,;Ir..:ful :ll1tl IIl1hl.l~ed c.)n .. id.'r:uion, and ;II "ur 11.·" ~'kdi"u )"" II'> "'htM''''~' ollr hu:.r.tlll·,! dul- '1"II,lr,b ~Irtl'lh

on th ... "'IIl;'r.':· ---

upon Ih~' ;md h\ il T Ill: :I\~' !t;I~ f"Ii~'n

:!pprlll)ri',rll'll l'il1. (;01. (),I,.,rll h.I' ·:Ii,1 110 lie" huilding- 11t~·", 1\\ I, I .. :<r~. II" ;IS.

of ..:our~." :< ;..:r"::lt o1i;:II1[1,.iI1I1111·111 II)

;111 l,tllk~", P~'(JP} t " :111,[ ~"pe,i:IIl.I- I" Iho~" II ho Iwd 1;lboreoi II> pUI it lhr"u~h Ih,' 1 ... ;..:i~latur~,

\\'hik tlwy r .. '~r~·1 I "r,1 Inll,·1t th~ a'liol1 of lh .. , {"'lerllor. dl" :.ud1<,r· ili,,~ .. · .. ·ruinll f .. · .. 1 l,ry;,:-r:ll ... full(, th ... \tJIlllni. {,r:III:,:.·~, F:lrlUl'rs' Cll1h~. ;11101 alll)tlt~r fri.'nd .. \lhtl 'll fn'eh ;'::l\'~' Ih"ir _upporl. Jt i-:l ",.mr,·, "f ;.:r,;l1 ';Ili .. fa,li.}n te, l..1l<,11 111:'1 lil,' hill p.I,'-e.! hoth Ih.., J I<)u~l' :tn,1 'I'IW'" II"l1h I.·ry lin Ie nppf)~i li.lII .. m,l llt:n ,hu~,' parlil'ul;trl~ in­h'r,"k'\ in Ih., ':,llhe {,f pr"dic:tl I'd· \k:uioll 'Io<~) hI th ... hill.

\\'nrd h:t .. jU~1 11,'1:11 r~·t'..:ile.) of thl' tll':tlh, on :-ouII,bl "f C, T. :-Ole· pltcll"" a,·_hlll.1II en~ille"r, ;11

his hom" Il,'ar (irall,l It;tpi,I', :'Ilr. Stt'phens Idl lolk-..:..: "MI.\ ill the Icrm, :lIItl tiler ,kl<:I"ped Iyph\)id. Ilew:to;:ln l';1I"lIe,l, f:tilhful '1lI<knt, :'Ind d .. ,;t(h d:III1l"d him :1\ Ihe n'r~ bc).!'innillg- <Jf hi .. pr"p:(raliwl fur hi" lif..: work.

Alh~.rt Rig"I (: I'ink , '0::', lIa,;1 \.'?1_ kg\.' lisilor I:bl \\'e,'k . .:"Ilr, HI;':' \l·rink i., lIilh Ihc Dd 'ree ('lwll1i,';\1 Co.. tlf I i u!l:lIId. :md j,. g"lIill~ (IIOII;,!" linch wilh his work.

The M. A. C. RECORD.



:'II. .-\. ( . Wull handily, on FriJ:ly of lasl wn·k, from Ilte"lrollg' \r~'SI' crn H \.·'~n'e leam frum Clcld:llld, The firsl inning looh·J badly for thl' home !l'am, wh":l1 Ihe I isilOr~ lilkd Ihe haH'" :lInl WHe in )ille for some rlLJl~, BUlllle hl"k\ hnlsm;lll d id 1101 ;;hOIl IIp, .. ~ pi! ... h~r ::::ipelk'cr workec\ as casily a", Ihoug-h nmhin;! had happelll'd, :11111 the lhree hope. fuls w.'rc Id\ un bases,

::jPl'IK":1' pi I. t· It c tl :HI c:o.t'dknl 6"111":, allolliu!; hilI two hilS in Ihc enti re ;':-:lm~, alld Ihose ill the fir,,! illnill~. In "II lou! (J1lC of Ih.., n·· lllaining' ~'i :,.! h\ Ihe I isilor~ were r,·· lir",d III the une t\I"tJ·thTce onler,

:\f. .\, C, sltoll ... d up "Irong II ilh Ihc hal, ",cC\lrin~:I 101:11 t. f tcn hit~. The Ilr:>1 pih'her \\:r" fOllnd so r(';\ ,!· ih· Ih111 he II :1" rdir,,'! in Ihe Sel:ond, a;ltl :\Ic[nlo,h \\,I~ p!;IC,·.! ill the ho" Durin;.:: I h~ ~l'I'OIl.1 :'II. A, C, ,('. curct! f,mr tlulI!.le', ;1 "ill;'.d," :lilt! :oJ! of her li,'e rUII!'. :'II,lnl<l~h. ho,,' ('Icr )lru\"~·,1 Ilu,r" of a 1'111/1," :111,1 :\1. _\. C. wa, I'll"!.)": to ,' ro~~ llao hOIll..: plall' afl~'r th,· ~n'll1d.

Tit,' tiddiw,! "f hoth t~',I1Il;; II a' "':o.l'dl,'1I1. :IU.I Ill, ;":lUI,', :1" ,I \I hul .. " a~ d";ln :\~ i, "It"n ~~'''Il l'll Ih. h,,"1\' rklll. [hl,dl pl;I,1 ,<~I a ~plell' dill ).!':It1l..: :It ~horl, :tlld :\kl"lrtll~ 1;01 {olll~ Jlb.1 ~.1 " '1<;101;. ;':-:UIlC 1,. hin\1 t he h.ll. hl1l di,1 hi" ~har..: Ilil: 'hc 'Iil'k :h II ell. P .. 'll·rS'}11 pnll.,j all ",cl,lle!1l 111I11,ir,·. :,:illl1g: " lillI',· ·:!ti"f:I("li~)I1, ,., .... p, IK'1'h;r]l~ t" ":-;111 .(,kum ..... \ 11.' .. ,

It i~ of ink-n"1 lu knOll 111;11 !hi. ~,\11l1 tl'alll' k':ll)l'd up "II lit .. ['\,i

I ~'r,i\ I Ilf :'II i 'hi'~ ,0\1 till' f'llI("1 in.,: tl:t.I . ":'"nrnl:n. ~ 10 •.


Ru u~ - ) f"\.·,.rl "~', l{'l)!'g". (;on:ntlf', SI'e-n,"r, I ;'r .. ig..:,,:i Ba'c Irit~-O,r

Si)o<n,~r.~; "If )l.lrI"lI',ki.:;. (liT ) Il'iu· I,,~h, ,·1. T",,·\.oa..., hi,,.-I',,nrll;l ,t. :!. {,jur",nll ... )kCllrlh~" Ureiel-:" [["n"y. SlicriTic .. hil~-U,., ,h.:!. :-o("I .. n 10Jl"t? Bu!'.'l" ~. CoJrlri,!:'hl . ("Ir.-n!l.). H:.M'S (Ill b:lll--Otf ")lof'IIt' .. r. I: otT 3h-llll.>$h, 3. btrucl;. out-Ho"' :il)< \w .. r". I,~' )k, I nlo~h. li.




Th..: ll..:p:lTtntellt "f l\OnliL~ h:l' i",~Ul'd " , .011

IU"Il~' ~eo' f"r .1 Illed·

in).!' of Iho',,: II1kr~"I~d in :hl·or:,:"n. 1I:\tinil l,f:l :'Illdli;!:m l'r:l1"h I.f the • \ m,'ri~:1II II Olll" I :~on('I1l:' ~ .\ -.o,·i, :lli,'ll, I"randll" h;"., I'~'~'II "r~all. i/t·J in ,I :! r L':H llumlJ",r uf .I,lll·~, ;111\1 timl il "f ;en';I! 1"·JI,lil. ()I,i", ::\C\\ YOI·l.. Cit\. 1I.'·I,·rn :'\1I1 Yorl... XC\l, mId "I!., r, h;"" Il r!!:lI1il.:l1ioll' , ami il i .. 11111":.1 ,hal .:"IIr..:hi:,;:,\t1 m;l~ folio II .

The LOlli h"" heel! 111:,,1..: ftor ;\ 11\t:c:tin;'::11 Ill,' \\"'"Il'II'" Hllil,lin;.:, :-O,t1unlal , :'11;11 1,lh, ;111,1 :,lr"':HII :1 numhl'r'o'f re~p.'n'~'~ h,lll' 1'C,'Il'rc' ,·eiled. It i, IHlpe11 :111') l'P",ll'd Ih:lt ,hl're \I ill hc :I ;,:-(,,,.1 .ltkILlalL,'e :<t thi" lir~l Il1eel;1I:'::.

T h" r" \I ill he ;1 pr..:li'nin:lr.'· Illl·t;I· in,:! itt Ihe JlH,rnill;!, :rftl'r II hie-II :\ lunl'lleon \I III h" H'n ed I" Ih~ ,·is· ilOn" A ttollll'r ~c~,ioll "ill Ih~'n h~· hcl,1 in Ih~ :dllf!H><)II,

Dr. :\1:lr",I1:o1l h:h illdi';llld his in· tention 10 open hi~ I:thor:ltolj 10 "i!'ilor" amI P~'rll:1p~ han' otl,·,h ihi ·

tion ccrlliin specimens which will 11(' of interest to :lIL It is planncd also 10 h;\1 e the hOllle. l·conomi .. · dep:lrtlll~'nr :mtl fill Lorrci:llct! {Ie· jl:rrtllll'nb in !i;!;il:llcC 0P"'II to Ihe I i"ilOr.s who will he her",.

Thl'rl' "ill tlaubtless be pcriol1~ her .. frOlli the I :Irious colle:!I'" :lnd srhoo15 II ho nl'\·..:r before- \'isit~d Ihc In ~tilUtio ll and \\ ho \I ill be i n-1~'re"tc (1 ill all ib d~'p:.rtll1t'IIIS,


\\'hile TilluIsOII :IntI Geib \\011 first ;\1It! second in Ihe r un al Il op(:, S,llurd:n, the ""am as a tC:lnl Itlst ulll I" (iralHI ](,tpi~ls 011 th ... 101;t) cOUli1 of poittl~.

The fOllr lllik rUIl W:lS made hv Tillotson in ~1-5. and I,,· Geih iiI ~ I-I ,;:J' th(' rc~1 of thc tC,tlll linish­iu:.;-:ts fulloll~: Ch,!mh~'rlain, :'IIOOlI~·I . \\'arrll'r, I{ O'l'lt. TilIol· ,,011 h\'-al l;t,,1 ITar'" rel'onl h~' 10 ;,el'OI1'1:"

III Ih" tin;11 COllnl. till' rir~1 Ii"" m~'t1 \\l'rc C!)lIlltc(i in Illlir unlt-r. :ll1d tIll' tahulalioll <;11011"; "1':1" fol·

t;m!,,1 nnl'id~ 11"01' 'I. A. t', WWI )11I-1:"l,:on ,,"m U"f"

!;- J . ;j. r, 11 _ 2,

I· : 1;l11'_ 39 ~. :.r 11 ]·!,U_ .'it

IJ·l:.r·~1 ~'! ~~_lIJ!I

Thlh while:'lf. .\, C. 1\I'Il! 1ir'l ;Illd ~," ,,!til in the ell'e, hre:lkill'.: Ihl:' n,,'oro! of I;I~I 11';11' bl 10 'H"IHi •. Ih~' ()!';tl1d ILipids \' . .\1. l. .\, Icalll ~'lI rrie ,1 uff 'h" hOllor •.


":-0,,\1.1;.:'<' iJ i -I'" •. ,I:' I,r "\\'akr ~1;pl'l~ "lI lh" I-':I(ln:' \\:1" ,h ... I"pi,' upon IIhl~h Ur. C, I·:, :'Il:tr-hall ;Io!' tlre ... ,,·.1 Ihe I lun. Club Ia'i \\ ~'dHe'· ,1 .. 1. TIll' u .. "lrtiutl~ in Ihe Cillt'" :lr~ imprOlIll:":, 1 .. '1 in till' ,'Ollllln 1!t('1 ar..: \\('r~":f,,r the ..:illl" ,~~~ ;.:il in',!" aHul\iIJII C" Ih~· lII<irh" r lI·hik in th." .. "IHllr.1 Ibl' r~opl.., arlO l1"t.

The d";Ith rate in Ih" L'nill'\l :-'1:LlC~ frullt 1\ I'hoi~1 i~ !frcakr Ih:lll for 'HII

l:urop;',,;H! l'Olll ltn. .\Loill .. ili~·~ .;f :\li..1w.,:an It:l ... ':t 1;\r;,!lT 'lrI'Irl;llic~ r:Ue Ihntt l'itlll'r H",rl in, Lnndoll IIr 1';II·i,.

\\ at,'1" ill ,\d!" is uft"1! ,"llI:lmi· II;lI~'d hy e'·~'I)<H)I~ . h ;lnl~:\\'oI'. :tlld ~lId\ th in .... . :-'afdl·)i~., ill ''1I:lrd· itl~ Ih~ ~l1r roul"lill'~ tcrrito~, :tIld :lllollil1;": 1m ,."urn·of cont:ltl1i'n:llioll 1{J e:o.i~t. . \~,·pti . t:mk :md liltl'!' 1\ ill dli.-i,,1I11I l:lke 1';l r t' of tit.., rdu-.", The i.1t1k "olllplcleh lii,ill' 1"';,:'(;11.:5 Ih~' material,. awl "~ ! nplell' ~kslnillion fullo\\~ \lilll th~ tilter. Tl'n )I~'r ,,\·II!. n( .Jc,,,h~ fronl tli,,· e(hC j, mall·ri:lll., 101l .. 'r,·,l hI lilhr· t1!;,:' Ih~' II :llcr, ;(-. lit", oh;lO:.iml'; or:!:mi,,"I' II" "01 Ihd, c ulld~r Ihe,,~ ("l1ll,liIIUII ~ :Ind th.., wal~'r will ,UIII~ "UI pure. or nellrl~ ~o,

Th,' ~,'plk I:mk 1ll;1I he 'Iui'e :I

,impk :~ ff.:ti r, hUI il ",!louI!! harhor ;,:'l'Tm, for thl' (kcornpo,itiull of rdu<;e :tlltl t:xerda. :-'u,'h oppor· l\Lnill~" at ha lld ",hou!d :lff(lr~1 a iIle:UI" for hdpillg" the l'oulltn' ~d rit! of d i""ases. . '

The t,rlk \\:\s follow,'\! III :I di~-..:u~~ion, which showed ',h:1I it creall'll quite all int~' rc",t.

C. 11. 1:.:dw:l r<ls IIritt'. 1<) !t:lle his "ddre",;; ch:lll,!!ed to . \ uO"on.!o, :\\0111., {'" ar..: of Fore~ 1 S,,·ni,'e. :'I l r. Edw(mls keq',; ill 10llch with col · Il'~e doin~s, l:1king" holh Ihe 11,.1<',,'; ,lilt! R ECOHD, ;\IllI canllol afford 10 miss .111\' numh~r;;,


Lcro~ :"\orth,:1 junior ,'n;.,:ill{'t"r, t!il'tl :It hi~ home ill ! lolt. Thursd.lI' nlorning- of );\ .. t wt\.'k. of '.\ phoili. :'II r. :"\urt h \\"1I~ ill aboullltrce 1I','ck", and \\":t<; ·,'riou~h· ::.icl.. from the "I:ln. lie was :i Slt·OI1g-. rohu~t youlI;':- !cIlOIl, hOIl ..:ver, :ttlll his milll}" collcge friends hope\1 fo r his rl'COI·cry. :'I)r, :"\orth is Ihe SOn of Dr, E. P. Xurlh, of Ii olt, and .. ;.:-r:tdUal..: of Ihe LUIsil1;,.r high ~c1100L lie elected the wurk ill th" cil il I'll' ~illceril1g department, w:t! a splel1. ~lid sludelll Hlld a \'c r~ popul:lr Illill! III the class . II c waS:1 Illl'lllh.., r o f Haller.1 A, Field .\rl ille r~·, L.:tl lSill'4'

T he jUlli()!' da~s c:'IlIt"ll a ntl'c lin ,!! on Thu rsd:l.' :Ifterllooll, :11111 ;Ip· poin led n .'olotmittec to wrile H 1clll'r of ~I m]>:lI!1\ \0 Ih~ f:lmih. This "om!ilinee L;IIl~i~t .. d of .\(,,~sr •. E. :-'milh ;lilt! Barrol\ ~ :mll :\[ i",,, Lcll i~ ,

.\ committ,·c \\"as abo nppvinll'.1 10 purchas~ Ilor:ll o ff~'rill;':~,

Thl' fUller:l1 W:t~ Ill'hl at thc hOI1l<' ill Ii olt 011 :-oun.!:l\' :lfll"rnUOIl :'II Olll' o't;'u..:h .• \ )ar;,:e' l1uU\[,cr of :'Ilr, ",urlh's d:l!'~m;\It:,;, altel .. I,·t),


Ou,· of tb ... 1Il0~1 el"I','r,lrl'and ,'II· JOI;l101,, p:lrli~~ of Ih, I,'ar II;'~ Ib:11 ;':-;"1 l'n h.1 Ib,' I !i~hla!:,lc:r~ 10 tlwir fri"n,I"'ti l'rid :l\ ,·llIlill'-' .• \ Llr~" p..:r l· ... nl. of Ib\., f;I~(dl\ '1lid 1IISII·!1<"· ti"n;tI f"n'e II "'r~' 1'1"'~"'llt, 1,;\ l'n "tIC

\0\10;": Ilw :df;rir ,I ;!r:rml 'I,' ''''~', Th,'l<IJ'h 1\1'1'" ,\ll'~·I". \\ tn. II.

11(lIlIn. \Ia\lti ,,~, T. luhn'lm, I:. Ch:llu:n Cra"f,)t'Oi, l:;m~'.I:.I{"h. l'rt'<Hi, :"unl,,' 1:. L'r;III,', 1:":llj,llllili B, I{()~l':")"!t\ amI \\ \ li~' Ii. \\·~'Ildt. TI1l' h".I~ II ,'r,' .1,':j'k.1 1'1' :\Ir •. J..::lth .. ' r irll" :'Ilt'r'l' L'alnrr"n: :'I!I~' ::\unn;o I ,ilt-h,.i-I, \1 r'. I'r.II.I;.Iin II. 11~' I Hlri.-J., :HI<I .\\i" .\:..:I1l'~ Ilul\I,

_\ r""'plir,n \la' hd\1 frpUl l'l~ht

h) 1II1l(', ,uld d:UI"ir:~ o"ul'ied thc l'\l'nill~ ltnlil .,1.,\,'11, Th..: ,'"lIe:":l' urdl,"lra tll,n Jlil"'~' ft:rJ<i~hl·d ,.,. .cllenl IIIU~:, fur Ill,· "cCI,j"lI,

.\ hufk' luu,'hcull \1;\, '''l"Il·'1. Ih ... I:lbln I,,'m;: l'rdlil~ d""ral"d 1\ itll ,·.u"lll'~ ;lUd (""nl.llion', l";'rttari"I" "'.'r,· Ih..: f.1\"r" rh,· l;t<!J". 1I1':lrin;.: IIhil l';IIl,\llw ;.:,utkm~'11 rn!. :'III~'e" 1[.11.1'1 T:lfl :mol !.;::uherinl· \ l·dd~'r :1\'1"d ;\~ j)o""r J!lrl~. l'Ulldlll,b ~,·n.,.J tlllri!!;.!" Ih~' <·I"llin~.

The 11:1;~~ "f U, r •. \Ir., ~h')ldd h'I\~' r""d .. }~ ill~h·:"iuf ';)I,:I~ m,·It· liulI l'd in LI~t I{ I~(.<H\ P.

E. I>. 1~II.;hl\l·l! i~ !II'\\ al Trilli!l , '1'",:1" IIhcr~' the Yale melt arc '-)ll'udin;! Il'n .1",1 ~ ,tll\)~ il1~ l(l.:.:;.:'in~ , ')le r:ll i<)1 IS,

Ortl~ 5' lui.! ;IOlmi"iort· :II Ih .. · Flinl ·:'I/,_\.C. ~:lllll'. Th..: ilth'n"1 in ~.1'" h;\11 1111,,1 b" \, :ll1iu;.: :t' lid! :t~ III tkbal~.

nir~'el"r ~ha" lIa~:l1 the Ll)lp~'r p~'tlIn,.ub ·uh·~I:tli<ln b,t \leek, lookin;.:- "fl,'r ~Ulll": .:onl"lIlplall·<\ irnpr"l "'nWI\!~. lie ":'1)<.'1."1" to I:'\ .. e :t IrIp I" T"'llll.~'ec ;11-011\ Ihe !Ili.lllIL (If :'11;1.',

\\'hil<! I!I~ ,".I<'t lin:lJlo:i.l! !·CII!rn .. fruill Ill..: I,;!rnil·.d .':11111,,1 \'d h,' ddermilled, :I .-io"c .. ,tim;!\e t'an hc J(i\'cn :11 thi~ lim,'. Tlte \(,ta! re· l·..:ipt" a~ ;;huI' II hI Ihe hl)o"'" II cr.' :::;i I; ,Y', :IIHI bil'b p:tid tn .Iatc :l1l1Uunt 10 ~.;~t.i,; . Tltl' hill.., ~till \1llpaiJ lIill hI.' no: far fr,ml SiO, Tltere i:i I hll~ a~surcd from I'hc l'lItcl'prise appro"t<Il,llel.1 S:; j 0, which lIill he lu 'he ;,.roll!lof Ihe ussocialion .

Page 3: The M. A. C. · · i ( i ) i i i the m. a. c. ·record. michigan state agricultural college. yol. 16. the c . h. col'-'ncwodd


The M. A. C. RECORD.

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E.-er Re"tI~· Sl1fet~· Razor!! ". $1.00 Cots Fotding Beds why he should not have tharrrogether \\ ith (;ll1ett Safety Hazors ... "t ~·OO Matresses the best quality and fit. Iblzor Uon~s ....... .•. @ ~t·

T hese all go with the "L EE, made to ,'out i{awr Stroll~ .. •••• (<l 'iUc to ~~.oo Book Cases Des ks measure clothes . Come in and see the samples. You w ill be satisfied.


"COOD THINCS TO W EAR" III \\·,,·hlIUl"ton .1'· ... ,... M.J.8: B,M, BUGK C .. II .~~ l.I 'U5 Hu J<l

ABOUT THE CAMPUS '.-. ,.." .. ,-", if.:'-n;? .. ~

May Festival , Friday, May 19·

Remem!>er Ihe deh;lIc :1( 'l"p;;i .. and e\ er~ bod) go.

Prof. G. II. Coons. o f the hot;"J.n. ical dcpartment, II ;IS ~al!ed 10 Bloomington, Ill" on Frilb~ hec:lI1se of the death of his fathl·r.

The SL"nior girls were plcil.santly surprised on SlllldH~' 1ll0~l1lllg to lind their doors lh:cor:ltcd 111th :'ob\~ baskets fillcd with willi Ilower:.. .

T he bC:llltiful s ikc r cup to be off,· red at thc ,,:o nl in~ illt~ r ;;chol a ~t i c mect h :ls arril'ed, and 'Is ccrtainlya be;lIIt)". \\'c hope to present :t cut of S:UIlC next wl"ek.

T he marriage of :'o IL",,, IIden On.:r and :'olr. A.J. Patton \I;,,, sol· el~lI1iled at thc hOllle of the hride's sister, in :'ol inne;lpoiis, )Iinn .. :'olon· oa)" c\·cning. ~ l r. :ll1d )Ir;;. I'nlloll will reside in Lansing.

\\. e sh:lll h:l.I"c 10 admit of a I'cn ' '·serious" :IIIU uncalled for error i;1 our last issue. \V c refer to the an · nounce ment of thc ellgll~~mellt of l~rof. ":;:unze alld ~ I iss T~h. The announcement should h:l\"c read :'o l ;s;; Grace, :lIId not .\1 iss Lilli:UI.

Qne of the prelli.::st parlies of the term was thilt of the T hemi:ms 011 ' I . 'I'h Satun ay evenmg. c . fl r illory was hc~lll tif Ll ll)" llecor:lted with mus· lin :Uld greener). T he dall ce pro· g r:l lllS wcre in the form of kather pcnn:l ll ts. Several novel fea tu!"e d ances were introduced. T he chap. crones for the c I'c!ling wcrc D ran G ilchris t, Sec. :lml Mrs. A. ~ l. Brow n ;\IId Prof. and M rs. E usl;lcc.

Prof. Al1IIerSOIl W:lS in Detroi t on business 011 Thur .. J:~y o f 1:I"t week.

:'ola\' 1"-C"lil"al. )1. . \. C:s lI1I1 Si..:;,1 el·ell~. Frida~ ;I!tl'rlloon eH·llin)!. ~I"'.I '9.

Ohio :::;tate L' nil'er"iIY will pl:l~ ~l. A . C. 011 her home g-rrnlllli Fri· day . . \Ia~· 5. This will he am' of the I'en' hest g:l11les of the sea~on.

The ~l. .\. C. \\"01l1en's Cluh will hold its laSI meeting- of lhc ~ car ;11 the h01l1c of ~hs. Il:ibcock ~l:I\" Sat:: :30. Anllual cll·ctiOIl of otti· eers.

. \ lar.~c crowd is c:-.pected 10 :II· te!}(1 the debaters. hasciJall :Ind tl'n. nis h.':IlIIS 011 thl·ir trip to 'l" p"il:Hltl 011 ~a\urd:l\". EI'efl' Ollt" II"ho 1:1I!l

poc:sihly go should plan to du so.

)1:lX Tower. '[0. now \\ith thc \\"illiallls Uros. Food Detroit, :I" chemist ;lnd bacteriologist. was :1 eoll .. "c l"isitor;l \1:1\' or tl\O the p:lSl week, ~Ir. TOII'e ~'s ad\l ress is/46 I lucl:,on :\I·e., Det roit.

Already numcrou" [etters can· ee rnillg position" for summer work :lrc comin.e!" in , :lI1d swclcnts II ho de· sire sor.lH,thing to do Ihc l'omin~ summer ma~' find it profitable til watch the bulletin hO:lfds. wh(;rc thc"c I~ttcrs a rc IIs\l;III.\· posted.

~Iiss ESllle Allen, '10, writcs thul she i" vcry much intcr("sted in he r !leW wor k at T ewkesbuf\', .\!:tss., ne:1f Boston . T his is the ·s tate. ill· fi rmary for insane persons. T he

· institu tion is di,·ir.ier.i into four wards, lind .:\ A lle n has cha rge :15 die· titi:!n of one o f these.

~Ii~s ~Jil\llie 10I1n",011. ' 10. o f Grand H:lpid~ . W~S:I ..:oll.:;.:e I'isitor the pa .. , wed •.

II. G. :::;11011 i~ ill;1I his home, in n ichl:ll1d. \I ilh Illumpc:. ha\·j n',:: had :1 two II {'ek,,' "ieg"c alrt"ad~·.

Your friemls from home II ill halc so mething to remem be r fur· CI'cr if their I'isit happcns at the time of the :'o1 :ry Fcstil':!I, ,\1.\.1' r9.

1)(':111 Rissell is prcparin~;1 nell directory of en~in~'ering ;.!"r:ldu:ltcs, w h ich w ill brin).! rill' list up to Ibte. The copy h:!s :llre:ld.\· hL'cn Sl'llI to the press.

I>. C . Schroyer, 'oS. ha" hee n np· pointed to :1 po"itiun at .\ltlhur~t, ~Ia~s .. as colle;.::e L·Il;.:il!cer, ami Idt for his work TlHlfs(Liy en·niH:.:" of last week.

Cle:Ln in).!.up time i" here a~:lin, :l1Il1 the I lort. departtnt'nt h:!" becn kept busy removing litter allli leal e~ \0 the dump, trimming- "hrubOCf\ and nrr:lllgill).! Hower heds. .

R:lIph P owell. 'I [. who \\":lS ob· liged to le;I\'e eollcge on accotlllt of illncss. had Set his <lal' for returnin" and on lh :~t (\:11 can;c down with mumps. Il is 1;1:lce 011 thl' dehatillJ.!" te:U1l will he taken hy ~Ir. Colling. 11"0(1(1.

Prof. E. J . ~lacE \1 all. for 10 ye:lrs f ISSO-9<') proks~sor o f En)!!i~h language and likr:llUrt', is loc:tt~'d in K:II :l rn:lZOO where, siH..:e 190 2, he Ius bet:"11 profes"ur of English litera· ture in ":;: alil rnaZOO eollcg:e. After leaying 1f . A. C. ;'II r. :'o LI l" Ew:l1l was p rofe9sorof English amI German in Utah state cotJegc for 10 ~· e :lrs.

I. II. L·arm.,.h I~ 11\ "dlool auain afier;l f.1ru·~[ lacacioll:1I hi" home in (.r,lIId Rapid,..

Th~' :,:,r]" in l·c;.::cI:lhle :.p\nl~·!li!lg h:tn ·'arled their I' ork, ~e\l' ra[ pl.,t~ hal in:.:- heel! a~.,igned thL'III,

. \ tille th ree ' lcar·old PercherOIl s t:l lliull h;~s hee;l :lIlded to the col. lege hajl recellll.v,;1 tr:llk h:1I illg lweI! dfe,·t..::d with .fuel Palmer. '0.1, of Urle:ll!s, II ho i;. :1 hrl·L·der of fine hor~ .. s.

The farm department h:l~ ~ccllcd ::0 :ler~" to ulfaHa thi" ~pri ll~ . A li,!.(hl ~(:edin:t j)f O;lh II,,~ l1"l·d 011 half thc til'll!. II hile the rest \\"a~ sown with"l11 :1 !11lr"l' ,'n,p. The lield secdetl i~ ~(.I. I,. /

T he Y. \\ ' . C. .\. de~crH'S ,, [>t:o cial I'relh, for tilL' in"tiuuil!ll o f a new elent, \\hi~' h aU the eo.('tls. hupc II ill 1\c<.:Ollll· ;111 :Ulnua!. On Sumia.1 lIIoruillg" the nrri l al of the 11l,)IIlh of tl(.lwL·rs \\:19 celehrated with a "~I,,) )lornill).! BrL·akbit." ' The dillill~ room II a" prnfust.'ly decor:Hcti with wild t\ower~, fllUj a speci:ll menu W:h "l· rl"(:ll. . \11 rn~lIl· her,., of Cluh C arc he;lrll i:1 tht·i r :'pproval of the new pb n. ·

If there arc aliI urlilc r .. r:ltlua tes who find it neces"ilrY to d;op out of colle}!e for:l tillie, :md desire a teach in;: position. they :~re rC'I"e,,\ell to SL'e P rof. frendl. The re life:, number o f positions in this line o pen to youn}! men, ;111,1 rhe teach. il1~ uf ll).!"ri~· ultlLre i1) the hi.7 h schools will afford ~plel\(!id expc";.i. cllce fo r fllture \l u rk. as well !IS £url1 i ~h ,.o me of the "necessan' funds" with II hich to complete :, college cou rse.


Page 4: The M. A. C. · · i ( i ) i i i the m. a. c. ·record. michigan state agricultural college. yol. 16. the c . h. col'-'ncwodd


By E. E. ElUotl, Profusor of Agricultural Education, University 01 Idaho.

1('orlti[}l1N from 11l_l "',·(·k.1

I:> THE " "ORI.V GItOWI:"G II Oft!>J-::-

"Onl \" seven correspondent!; hold­Iy allirl~l thi,; to be a fad. and it is signifkanl lh:1I of thc~c nearly every olle has been consisll'ntly pc,",simis­lie 111 his replies 10 en:ry tj ll(·st ioll. SonIc make a diStin ct ion between Illoral illlprO 'CIlll'lIt and intcllcctu:tl ~d\,'iI1CCIll~·Z1I. ' T he wo rlll is hright­e r :Illd belle r inlcllcctmt\l\', but mor­ally worse; there i" a ,;;'mlency \0

H,'c in :hl.' cOIlg't.'slt:d districts where immorality J{ rows upon its popu­lation until ,"ice becomes so common thaI it is 110 10n;;c r frowned IIpon. A~ thc worll! grows older, people become morc enlightened, but the greed of commen:ialislll is corru pt· in~ the betkr ang:cls of Ollr nalur.:s, and we :lrC losing: sight of that moral and religious ohligation as parents to trOlin the rising gene ration in Ihe p;lIhs of ,· irtue, sobrid.'·' industry. :md honest cmlc:tvor.' T his man givcs a Jiffcrclll reason: ·1 think the world is grow ing worsc bec:l.usc there :lrc so llWIlV hln ... k g\l~rds wearing" the chun:h do~k.' This from II man who dcrlH rl'S th;iI he woul(1 not farm if he l'ould help himself: . II appears to be :,.: rowing worse. Then: is H Illonopoliz:uion of capital, conccnlration of allta~on· istic forces for sl1p rem ac~·. ;!lul C:lp· ilnl a~ against !abur.' This is th.: ,'il'\\' of :1I1 illlclli;.rel1l frcp thinker: '\\·orse. Sl·1f grmilic:lIion is too <-,vident 011 c\'cry hand. There is a lack of rl'spl'c.t :Ind Ihal kindly feel· ing" for (,thers that was formerly manif('st. Thc doing ri~h t for ri;.rht's s:lkl' is lacking-. Our laws prO\·l'il . \\'hl'll tIll' Son iour was

upon c.lrlh 1 fl' Ill! one on::teioJl b· lIlt:llll·(1 0' l'r 11,1.' unhclid :lIlt! in con· 51 :lIlel' of thUH' to whom he ,;poke. .-\ lm('H 1J1l ~·nlluu~1.,· I Ie inqui red. '!1I'\erlhcll" ~ ,I !tell 11lL' SOil of Illail

L'ometh shall lie riml failh un the cllrt h?' :-.I\(\I\\,J Ih\' 1lI.1 ~ll·r of IlIl'n

walk ;1111\111:::: Ili~ follL,I\er:>. I dill o f thl' c\)l1\il'1!,,'1 thaI thl' faith 1111\1 hUJll' ;lIld .';lrlll-~1 lUI l' "f wbid, he pLl1llcd till' ~Cl'11 ,,0 lOll:.! ;t;!O :t rC Iu­

d:" lkarill;..!";l {ullt·r ;)1\,1 rip.'r frllil· :,~~ Ihall al :\1l~ <, Ihl-r pl·riod in the ,\ orld',; hi~loTl , II ,,; \\ 'lld<l tind. Il lurCl'Vl'r, jtS n;o,., pcdn 1 ""JIlif,,;;, · 1.,ti(1I1 :tU\un;: Ihl' pl:1in l)l'I'llk" lwee p t·Utut.IPl· hI' 1011"] to min;:!c durin:.! hi, lorid pilgTim:t;:L" ,This L~ (I ).:'''0'\ \\\,rld to lill' ill :Illd a J.:' tlod d;,., III Ii_I l' ill.' ';:1.''; ;111 t'IL·ry · ,!al' farmer II) ml'". :lIld he h<)ld~ nu :,h~lr,,(1 o r 1I11C01ll1l101l \'It'\< :\11101l;":­nll'n of hi .. ,10 , ... ]~enl'alh and aho, I.' I hi" ma1le r of·f :I\·t \I'orld rl'Q" allOthn wflrld of i,h:ali!illl . 11''''; pl'r· fl·ct!\· rl';ll i/L'tl hI :;Ollll' than othe rs. hut i'l'\'er W;)l1lill" L'lllirl'l\. ;::OIl1C Olll' h:I" ";Iid. 'cv:n \\ Ikrc :lIld al­W:n'e Ilw l',;Oll1l11l'i, 1·IlI·iroJll11cn l !lm;ls IhL' au;:!t' and dfe,'1 of spirit. l1al forces.' .\ en'ptitlJ.!" Ihis ae Inle. it mOl.,. he ~:,id Ihal Ihe farm..:r i" mor..: ~ dIl1l1in:l!tt UVl'r hi" t,,'onomie ell\·iroJllll.:t1t than allllo~t atl\" other class. for Ih~' ran)!;<: aud dft:I'i of his spiritual fon'l' ~ :lJ)lk:W IItllimitcd and undimini .. hctl, ami as lilli e goes 011 a n.: g-i"cll fre<:r .It!,l k5S restricted play.

The farme r 's philosoph~' of life is SOUllll. \\·il h hil11 cg-olism is not char:l.ctcristic. Less Ihml other classes is he contrulletl h\' ~djish desires, H e does 1I0t boast : he is

The M. A . C. RECORD .

nol em-ious nor je:<lous. I f he lell" of hi,; acb;c, t'1l1CtlIS, :1.\ ,'our r('<JlICS1 , he docs. so with 1ll0(ksi,· . \\'<-' find him ambitious, but larg-ely for his f:lmily. li e Ir:l""ls far :1111\ wiele, he IcSt5 out m:1n.,· t:xpcrinccs ill life, but he hus been sc<:kill,!.: for the foulltain of satisfaction amI h:l.ppi. \less. lie loves his o\\'n mantler of life. and finds the rein COlllcntmen l. Ilis circle of l1scfl1lJJ(,ss :1I no poil1\ bisc('Is:ld ,-ersel ,. thc cirL"les of others. His class consciousness IS an illde· fined thing, whil"h he would notrl'c, ot;"nizl' al all if il could be helpc<1. At no limc do('s it w;lrp his :lttilUde 10''':lnl olhers. He is aware thllt , intellceluall y , he has 1101 yet attainel!, but for him the field of knowledge is 5tea{lily \I'iden ing, :1I1d he bids fair \0 be the fa ctor 10 break down Ihe traditions of our :l!Jcient educa· tional systems and opcn new oppor. tUllilies for the m:lsses. His moral pcrceptions arc cli'ar and distinct, persislelltly holding- 10 the rig-ht. mort;' b\· instinct ;llld re:lson th:l11 hv outside intiul'nces. I-I e is fount.! Sllpporting the moral fahric of Ollr soci,ll ;ll1d po!itic:11 St ruc tures. \\" ith him the religious instinct is gelluine. :1!though often dor mant and une:..:· pre"sed. J lis GQ(I l~ the g reat Creator. the Suprem ... Ruler, the BOllntiful lkudac\or. The hrmers ' world is not a world of chann', and God i~ ne\"er to him :thr off.

To Ihe mall who would gct close to the farmer. to know him, to hdp him. or 10 receil'c aid in return, h:l

me commend Ihis brid ~tulh' of his chHr:I<,;ll·r. Tlwoulw:trd rc\~ehtions and cxpres~io!ls :lTC the prilKiple ).:'uides ,\' l' h:"'e 10 follow, hut be· l1e:lth the" .... ;Ire del'l>cr "prings of actiO!I, for: ··.c\S:1 111:111 Ihinkl'lh in his hca rt , so is he."

If , 'Ott nrl' not HIre about Ihosc folks· from home, han' HLindy" sal' l':l !ll\' titkcls fo r ~OU.

X e:l. rly 300 tickct~ 11:"\\ C :I\re:ld) h('l'n disposed o f for Ihc )'lay Fb­liva/. ~l'e Liuriemann for ~ 0\11"£;.

T he C olle;.!"!; Dram.\(i c: Cluh \\ill nOI pTl'~l'nt Ihc Ol1t l!oor pl:,~ I\bi..-:h W'l~ tOlllelllpbled, hut pLon ;ltH,thl'r ill thL' 11C:lf fullln·.

Un ::-Ilnt!l\,·, :\I:lx 1-1 . \{ e" \\' .. \, )'lil11~, fornil' r popu!:l r p:l~Il>r "f Pilgrim COIlg:rC;.!:llional dltlr..Jl ill I.ansin;.:-, will spl'ak ill .... h;l[ll·1.

(j\IY ~ te\\;lrt, \'5' madL' a hUrril'd ,·:tll 011 colle;!l' :.Im\ Lan~in~ f ril· llIl,. Il'~tcrda,'. :\11', .";!<·wart h -liil ~ailruadiil;L". :lnd his w ork k.:cps him .!(oin:; prl'lly "Ieatlik,

Rc,·. rrl'<l C o rhe1t, of L:lIl~ ill ~,

\Iii! h:1'l' Ch:lrgl' pf Illl lb:tpd Sl· n ';"c Oil nexl :-;11nd:1\ 1lI01'l1ill::: :Il ~ o 'dock . :\11'. L'urlo(:ll W(,~ !rlr 01\1' y<:ar p:lstor of IhL' 1'~'fJpk'~ ch urch at Ea~l Lallsin;..::.

,\bOI11 50 couples :llll'uiled Ihe XL'" York Cluh l'lcYl'!! o'clock all S:llurda\' t'\L'll1t1g llf i;hl "'.Tk . The hall was prcllil.,· dccoratl',j with PC1111:l1115, and Ihe lol l<:f("l' or'!k~l ra

o f four piece" furllish{'d l'xedklil !llusic. I'll!!ch W:l" "en I,d durin::: th(' e,·cnin;? Dc-~111 .md )'Jr~, Hi;. sdl :l1ld Prt '{. :lZ1d ).Jr". _·\mk,.,..Oll :lClt'd :1" t:haperotls.

"So \'ollr fe:l ch(' r is dead~" ~aid

thc fatilCr. " Y es," sai(1 [oh nn\" , '·bul wlwt g:ood is Ih:\I.: Th~' sdlOol is Ihere y~I."

Pupil--"Do you think I really llesen'c ze ro~"

Te:lchc r-"Xo, bu t lero i". the lowest mark 1 am pc-rruitled 10 gire."

New ColieSe C lothes TOI' YOlln ~ l adies.

Wool and S ilk D t·e sses.

Fur COiitS. Suits.

New ClIl'tains and RU3S.


:\li,,5O i-::lthl' ritll' :-;Iaght, assiSlant in dO![ll'stic sciencc- in 1~:t1\le Crl'ck, d~ile tl he r sieter. ).Ir". Prcston, oncr ~lImlay .

The ".'nior c1a~5 h:1"c st:lrled :\ ttll'nJorial plan for tlwse of the cbss who hal'e passed aIV"), Ilu r ing" the fOllr I ear" of the (;Ollrsc. A short seT\'icc \\,a". hdd tod;\y (Arbor), with Dr. Pric~', of Lan:;i!!g. :IS sl,,·aker. ~Ir . GunSOIl had selec\('d fOllrdecid· 110U5 trec>', ;11111 these \\"l're planted on {lifferent p:lrts o f Ih~ campus by th(· cla"s, in t1lemor\" of the four who havl' dit',\. Thest' :Ire Frauces .:\1. lIibb:" Clarence L. Allen, Law· fl'nee Boyles, and D oug-b" Coullt:r.

THE Rlf'LEr,(' G R Ar PRI.\~TJ .'-G CO.lfPA.\-r

En."aver. Printer. Statione r .

[ •• ·L.V S r Sf;. .1fIr III (;.-1 .Y

~E are especi21!y well equipped , !O supply :'ou with an:·thing

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The IlHlj .... ril y IJf .\rne rklUl ~'"ljo:;~es '''ear Ihem be-"all~ "kilt~,1 uniform lIIit· (Jr" ull\ke LiIl~,' L·lIi· f"rm" from ,iri"llr II 1 I w v(' 1 "'nl"rilll~ Ihal wilt ).:i\'e 1(11).\"el' we"r ami hol,\ lhr"ir ",j'lIl'e. IiI an,1 t,,(>k I)"ner thnu ;1ll\' other IInifr.rlll. .

11 -,'.1'· """ , ', '''I ',j,

",' I"I,.~.

Tlte M. G. llllf Y ~ CO. COLU ,",S US . O.

DIR ECTO RY LA:-':SISG I3CSI)l'E::i8 .\:\:0

I'ROFESSIOX.-\L :\1 EX. The na",,·, In lhl' 1'lrr"IQ1'Y, n_ ,,"t·tt n'

tl.JQ' ~ of "II ,,"r "l ]"'r ,,,In·nl'H~. flfP of r"Un1.Jk I",nh '. W~ hop,· II"" 'h" 1,,,,"l1y and "",ll-Hl> "'Ilt In~e pnln~ 10 pUI,·on,." I ho,,, "lo<> p"lrr,nl.","-,,,",". ~~~~ ___ _


C0I.t.~; ('E I;.U:HEH :'1;l't". ]n Hlllh Ho",., ..... rHI)·- I't·ti-t:,·"j,·, Y,," 1l"~1 II,,· I.·., "ork h,·n·. Try nll,,,1 ... ". ----


A ) I. E)lt: BY. It~\I·"''' .. -\n·. Z'. Hoo k •. • ~·!n .. :;;lnU..."ery, Enll'rn""d j"/lt!lng

(·lIrd~. FOUn\Aln I'~n_. 1'''' \lIr~'. Frn"'~ •. FI"" Fm"'\"11 II :'Pl'("IRlty. rp·!O·<.I111l' bIY\"~, {" 'II 1;I"s_CUI 1" (.nn.~,~"~.;. _~~


G !co. G, Hl-1' I)~;,'" e <'< (·'\.-l:IookblodHS. n~"()u"l book mllk .. r~. PIIPtr mllng.

Ubmr,. "",I !ln~ IIrt blmHng<. nl .. ix>Xts. mll p mo"nttnJ!:~. AlhlUlIS. pOl:kel book~ ... Ie. OttlM'ns' phon .. z.;o . ~~.'. In ("1\)' Z'n.\IOIlIlI Bank Butldhl ll'


\\TLj(,I ' WOKTH ";H OE S'J'./Ht:.­

.. l1r. II"n<hln(l \(II\ An' . 'S.


H H. !. .-\ Rxt:n.--<-·hlnll, GIASS,~ I..,mps. , lo~ WII~ hl"1I'10n',Ao.:'·"'C'OSC' __ ~~~_


H J..: O ";!Tf"Ht:J..:,~ BKOK l ·lo 1 hl~a. " nn,1 1;l1 rn"hl,q:~. II:j Washlnl!lon

.-\,.~. S.


N II. ~l(I{)HE. 11. n, i<. on\c,. I tl·~IS Hoi· . 11.1 ... HlIlldl"lI'. \.1I11<lnll'. ~tll·h. CHI·

U'''~ phon~ .• -\nlomnl h: ~1~'

D E. P.-\H)I!CLt: t :. f'('nO"'I. 117'., WII<b· " imHon An,. ,..: .. 1."". I'"r . .'It l<:bill'lIn.

.... ulomn l l" pbo,,". onk{< :Hi>:!: rl',ldcncr. M'~I.

J E. STO t·t·t:P.. n. fl, ii, '!!I\c,,~·~-.;('IIY • X,U lo,,,.1 \1Jluk !lldll'. A'''ou""lt phone

tOI: Il~tt phe,,, " "l. Forn .... ~I. A.(·, , tu.lenl. . DRUGGISTS.


D . .\:>iI·EH, Kll'"lA~ .~ ~"'. l.J\n,ln ... ·~ J ... ·II,Il" ... I',y ';Wl\' ~IOro·. I!I>"I~I

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"' '''' "" JEWELERS.

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= __ -,-P:cHYSICIANS.

D H. ".~" .-\ll ll. IIH t ·t:(;~:I .. Honr_. 7 to ': '" H. Ill.' ~ I.-'! ,,,,,I ,It" p. 'n. "un.

,I,,) '. l~ I" I 1",,1 :, In ~". "'. E"'l 1.1'"'' '' '' )I"'b, ( ·l1i£ .. "_,_'_'_"_"'_"_'_:H,'.'--,-____ _ D H, ll. W, \,,-\XI"'X. t:"'1 1.11",11112', )Ikh.

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: ! · "~'""'nth. J>rlntl"l2'nnllol!l,·,· .upp!i~. , ll~lJ .ph>:,»!.' 1'~'1. .-\ """"lIlk plio!>, .. 11"'.

R"BERT ~_I1ITH l 'T(; . ,'f, ("0". WA,.h. , tn~lf\n }'rP." nlll<'nlu ,..1.


1'liY J..:i:::-:l' .... l.I:S SI]OI' 1o,' ":hO{' H~ . p/l.lrlng. All woo'l;; "<Jllrll'llt" "!. )In.

"111,,I:or Hand ,..ewe,l "'(lIn, Huh!~'r lI~l'l~ wblle you "'·lIlt . Fi ll" II,,,, of <:o n " ',"IOllHy W"II~". old ~u, »d, )I kbll>"fto A\"~.