summer stop motion evaluation

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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  • 1. Sophie Paige Griffiths
    Summer Stop Motion Evaluation

2. Building narrative.

  • Did you find this difficult?

I found building the narrative a challenge as working independently was an adjustment as to how I have previously worked in groups in the previous year. However I feel that I achieved a simplistic yet creative idea which also looks quite effective whilst being played, I used the idea of shoes walking with out actual feet in the shoes, I felt that this idea could work as the audience who do not understand stop motion animation wouldn't understand how the shoes were effectively moving without moving in reality.
Building the Narrative for my Stop Motion Animation was a lot more fun, as it enabled myself to become more creative with colour and also more movement was included into the narrative as I felt that it would make the final piece more interesting to watch.
There isn't much of a story behind my stop motion animation however I tried to make a slight story between 2 pairs of shoes where they meet whilst walking and end up having to change routes in order to cross each other. I feel that if I could go back and do this again I would definitely re-do my idea and either develop it or come up with a better narrative.
I used for inspiration from other Stop Motion Animations posted onto YouTube by students.
3. Decision on what to use?

  • How did you decide what to use?

My first idea for my Stop Motion was the fixation of a drama between two School Boys arguing in a city environment, I considered using the theme of a Television show inspired to my own target audience which I felt was older teenagers/young adults.However after creating the Stop Motion with little colour (black and white format) and also a lack of characters and movement, I found this Stop Motion dull and boring. I also felt that my first idea was also quite similar to the first Stop Motion Animation that I produced in my first year in a group of 3.
I wanted to expand on what I had previously created therefore I researched other stop motion animations created by other students and saw that making items walk was quite inspiring. I decided to expand on this thought which is where I came up with the idea of shoes for my stop motion.I felt that if I could make shoes walk by themselves it would love creative and also different to making an actual toy move as shoes are what people wear on a daily basis and they might find it amusing to see them walking alone.
4. Drafting Ideas?

  • Drafting How many ideas did you have?

At the beginning of my drafting I had several ideas which varied from each other:
My first idea was to make the decision to work on something more creative with colour included to brighten up the Stop Motion and make it more interestingas I wanted to avoid my independent work looking like my college group Stop Motion which was black and white and also related to a Television show.
My first drafting was to make a toy walk up and down into a toy box However I wanted to create something quite different but still show relation to the whole movement with moving footsteps. Which made me think about footwear which is how I ended up with two pairs of wedges walking up and down and meeting each other. If I could go back to my drafting I would have taken more time coming up with an actual story for my Stop Motion as I feel that my story is quite poor and could be worked on.
5. Working independently?

  • How did you find working alone or with others?

I worked alone whilst creatingmy Summer stop motion animation, Which was a big change as It enabled myselfto come up with my own ideas and also work independently which I wasn't used to.
I enjoyed the independence of working alone as I came up with the narrative myself and everything else that was done to create the stop motion animation such as holding the camera, taking photos, how to take the photos, what to uses, storyline etc.
I do feel that working independently is beneficial for myself as it enables myselfto come up with my own ideas rather than minimum input that would occur if I was working in a group environment. However I do feel that I can also benefit from group work as it also helpswith the contribution of several people to create a quality piece of work.
6. Time Limits.

  • Were there and limits in time of resources, time or location?

The camera that I used to create the Stop Motion was borrowed by a friend therefore I had a time limit of a week to take all of the photographs that I need and to publish them onto my computer, That was the only time limit that I faced with resources was the camera. Everything else used was my own and also my own work.
As I had the summer holidays period to produce this work I didn't feel pressured with time limits as there was allot of free time over the summer period to complete this summer task.
The location of my work was created in my own workspace at home, As my work was simply just shoes walking I only needed a flat surface therefore I used woodendraws in my room with a white wall setting to keep everything simple. There was no time limit with using my own furniture.

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