straw bale building training for european professionals: preface

Post on 23-Jul-2016






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Introduction to the Handbooks


This project has been funded by means of the European Union as a Leonardo Partnership


to the Handbook


THE AIMS OF LEONARDO STEP 4First Leonardo Partnership/ 2009 – 2011 with 5 partner countries 5Second Leonardo partnership/ 2011 to 2013 with 7 partner countries 6Third Leonardo partnership/ 2013 to 2015 with 9 partner countries 7THE MOTIVATION FOR THIS PROJECT 7THE APPROACH OF THIS TRAINING PROJECT 8EUROPEAN ADDED VALUE USING THE ECVET CREDIT SYSTEM AND EQF 8THE PARTNERS OF THE LEONARDO PARTNERSHIP STEP 9Short description of the partner organisations of Project STEP 10FASBA ‐ Fachverband Strohballenbau Deutschland e.V. (DE) 10ASBN ‐ Austrian Straw Bale Network (AT) 10STROBOUW NEDERLAND (NL) 11ArTUR ‐ Archtektura pre Trvalo Udrzatelny Rozvoj (SK) 12RFCP ‐ LES COMPAILLONS ‐ Reseau Francais de la Construction en Paille (FR) 12RCP ‐ Red de Construccion con Paija (ES) 13STRAWBUILD (UK) 14COMPALHA ‐ Associacao para a Bioconstrucao com Materiais Naturais (PT) 15Magyar Szalmaépítők Egyesülete (HU) 15APPENDIX 16OVERVIEW OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE STEP TRAINING 17UNIT 1 – GENERAL INTRODUCTION Proposition for Training Program 19ECVET Examination, Evaluation and Certificates 21CRITERIA FOR ASSESSMENT 22Memorandum of Understanding 24DICTIONARY IN 4 LANGUAGES WITH PROFESSIONAL EXPRESSIONS 28



THE AIMS OF LEONARDO STEP The aim of the project STEP was to establish the best Straw Bale building practice of the involved

European partners in order to establish the best training practice on a European level. Leonardo

Partnership funding gave the opportunity and the responsibility to meet and work regularly and this

improved the quality and volume of the cooperation significantly. Before Leonardo project the

partner countries only had met on a loose and sporadically base, without perspective to achieve

substantial results.

Spreading the best SB (Straw Bale) practice through authorized and professionalized courses and

workshops will help Straw Bale building and training to be lifted out from the pioneering stage in the

regular world of construction.

Due to individual approach to SB building that is currently specific almost in every region worldwide,

establishment of best building practice and training on European level will improve the transparency

and recognition of qualifications and competences, including those acquired through non-formal and

informal learning.

All national partners brought in a wide scale of experience and knowledge about SB construction,

techniques and training activities. They all shared, exchanged and combined this knowledge very

intensively and open-minded on meetings and during pilote workshops. This enabled to create

collectively results that every country can use on a national level.

As some of the participating organistions had been involved in the ECVET Earth Building Training, this

project STEP could relay on some experience and adapt to the purposes of the new training. For all

training units Learning Outcomes had been described to define packages of knowledge, skills and

compentences which can be individualy tested. In accordance with the recommandations of the

European Parliament and Council the units are accumulable and can be counted towards existing

national qualifications.

One main output of the project STEP are these HANDBOOKS related to each Unit. They contain the

Learning Outcomes, the sessionsplans and some of the produced Infosheets.

More information is provided on:

There have been 2 previous Leonardo partner ships to develop a European Straw Bale

Building training for professionals


First Leonardo Partnership/ 2009 – 2011 with 5 partner countries “EUROPEAN LEARNING PARTNERSHIP FOR STRAWBALE BUILDING”

Project number: 2009-1GB-2-LEO-04-01444-2

Two basic working groups formed at ESBG 2007 in Germany, whose interest was to develop training

for SB building and to prepare European Technical Approval (ETA). Partner countries of the

“European Learning Partnership for Strawbale Building” were Germany, Spain, France, Slovakia and

Belgium (United Kingdom was a silent partner).

The 5 partner nations of this project worked on the project tasks in several working groups. Two

working groups concentrated on the main tasks/ BBP (Best building practice) and training curriculum.

The working group for “Best Building Practice” collected established straw bale building techniques

of the partner countries, evaluated, pictured and described constructions, details, properties, quality,

time consumption, material, price and impact on the environment.

One of the results of the "Training Group" was a training structure of 200 hours for Straw Bale

Building with ten Units with a series of session plans and info sheets for two of the ten Units.

Learning Outcomes were specifying knowledge, competences and skills on level 4 (professionals) to

fit into European credit system for Vocational Education Training.

Some sessions of this training course were tried out and tested in a pilot workshop about infill

construction and about load bearing construction in May 2011 in Slovakia and evaluated to improve

the quality of the training contents. The partners defined, described and detailed 6 best SB building

methods from different European countries, such as loadbearing, infill techniques, wrapping and

prefabrication with 2D+3D+technical drawings and calculations.

In order to support the 2 main tasks 3 extra working groups have been established to create a

database on several issues.

The working group "Questionnaire" developed a questionnaire for Straw Bale activities of national SB

organisations about established building techniques, training activities and national regulations and

have been sent to European networkers. Afterwards the answers were evaluated to form the

background for the other Leonardo working groups. The answers showed how much networking was

needed to exchange experience for professional qualification in this new area of building skills.

The working group “National Building Regulations” collected information about the ways of getting

building permissions for SB buildings in the different European countries. An overview was set up of

different national building regulations and an overview of how professionals of each country are

dealing with the legal process of SB construction. There it came out that there is a great lack of

integration between EU regulations and national regulations.

The working group “State of Science and Technology” started to collect Straw Bale tests and results

of research activities for fire resistance, heat and sound insulation, and behavior under load that

have been done in different parts of Europe in order to promote a draft for an ETA (European

Technical Approval).

During the second meeting it was decided to emphasize the work on BBP and the training curriculum

and not on the ETA anymore, since thiswould have not succeded at that time. The target group of the

common training adresses building professionals, craftspeople and trainers.


Second Leonardo partnership/ 2011 to 2013 with 7 partner countries “EUROPEAN LEARNING PARTNERSHIP FOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING IN STRAW BALE


Project number: 2011-1-BE-2-LEO-04-3605-2

The results of the first SB Leonardo project needed to be extended and it was necessary to

incorporate the build and training techniques of new partners, to produce clear guidelines on best

practice techniques and details, and incorporate these into a European ECVET training program for

delivery throughout Europe. Now the partners came from Germany, France, Spain, Slovakia, United

Kingdom, Austria and the Netherlands.

There was unanimous agreement amongst leading SB practitioners in Europe that it is important to

deepen and extend the very useful work and results of the first Leonardo SB project especially with

regard to a European wide training program. There is the need to develop detailed session plans for

the 10 units, precisely detailing the knowledge, skills and competences to be met, together with

providing information, exercise and technical sheets for the training program. It has been drawn

from the collective best practice experience of the partner countries and will be made freely

available throughout Europe.

Sharing information, knowledge, experience and best practice with new partners, who are young,

newly established SB organisations in Europe, also gives them the possibility to develop an ECVET

based program from the outset, to be able to adopt best practice build and training from an early


It was very timely to develop this project as there is a growing awareness of the importance and

impact of new technology in building with environmentally friendly, sustainable, thermally efficient

and natural materials – such as straw bale, lime, clay and wood.

A best building practice (BBP) model that freely shares the detail of the most important European SB

building techniques will open new perspectives in the field of eco design and build for architects,

engineers and craftspeople. It is imperative that the most fully sustainable, effective, appropriate

options are available for common use, and this requires sharing technical details of best practice.

The resulting BBP and SB-building training program can be actively used by the partner organisations

to support local architects and training and building organisations to evaluate design options for

Straw Bale building, as well as offering a high quality and partner approved training program.

There will be more understanding of the different European cultural backgrounds and national

building traditions of different techniques. With a better understanding of our cultural diversity and

our similarities, we can create better cooperation on a trans-European level.

Intensively working together in a project has lifted all partners to a higher level of expertise on SB;

such collaborative working positively influences the development of the partner organisations

themselves, and creates a solid foundation for on-going exchange and networking. It will also offer

opportunity to other European countries for faster development in the field of SB building.


Third Leonardo partnership/ 2013 to 2015 with 9 partner countries “STEP - STRAWBALEBUILDING TRAINING FOR EUROPEAN PROFESSIONALS”

Project number: 2013-1-DE-2-LEO-04-16102-1

In the „European Learning Partnership for SB-building“ 2009-1-GB-2-LEO-04-01444-25 five partners

developed the structure for a training program of 10 units. In the European „Learning Partnership for

Professional Training in Straw Bale Building” 2011-1-BE-3-LEO-04-03605-2 training techniques of new

partners Holland and Austria have been incorporated. Guidelines on best practice and details have

been set up. European ECVET training system has been incorporated with clearly defining skills,

knowledge and competences for all units.

The main aims of the project STEP with its nine partner countries were to test and consolidate the

innovative Straw Bale training program and create a supporting trainer Handbook STEP with the

overview of the training curriculum and its ten units with all session plans, Learning Outcomes. It also

contains the info sheet for all the sessions, the defined testing criteria, to test the materials and tools

created in the last partnership projects, and assessing methods of evaluation and certification of the

acquired skills and Learning Outcomes.

The partnership STEP provided mutual support on how to put into practice this aim by testing and

evaluating and assessing practical workshops in the partner countries. The partnership contributed

to European lifelong learning by strengthening the experience of the partners in the ECVET System

and giving recognition and validation to each partner to deliver accredited training.

The Learn Partners signed a Memorandum of Understanding, where they agree to offer training,

award ECVET SBB certificates and recognize those within the partnership. Certificates of attendance

and certification have been created, and the allocation of credits for the different levels of the units

have been worked out.

THE MOTIVATION FOR THIS PROJECT An important finding of the first Leonardo SBB projects was the growing demand for skilled crafts

people in SBB within Europe and the need to test in practice the defined Learning Outcomes to

transfer the training on a European level.

There is agreement amongst the leading SBB practitioners in Europe that it is important to create

evaluation sheets (devise these) to assess the Learning Outcomes in regard to the precisely detailed

knowledge, skills and competences for the units of the existing training. This Leonardo partnership

STEP developed procedures for the determination and evaluation of Learning Outcomes.

Within this partnership STEP the partners were able to support each other, to evaluate the devices as

given in the Learning Outcomes and to decide how best to integrate Vocational Training in Straw Bale

Building using the ECVET System.

Working together with the new partners from Portugal and Hungary gave feedback about how to

implement the assessment of training in the organisations and countries and improve their

development and learning process.

The resulting SB-building training program and its certification can now be actively used by the

partner organisations to support local training and building organisations to offer a high quality and

partner approved training program. The partner organisations can consult and invite local / national

vocational training institutions to implement this training and support its development.


ECVET Straw Bale Building training is intended to make qualifications within the Straw Bale Building

sector transparent and comparable and to open possibilities in lifelong learning.

THE APPROACH OF THIS TRAINING PROJECT The concept of the EQF and the ECVET tool is not familiar within the background of the conventional

training practice in most of the partner countries. Trainers have to cope with a change from an input

orientated to an output orientated approach.

The partners met and accompanied training courses and assessment of learning outcomes being

performed in national meetings in order to improve the quality of teaching and to ensure an agreed

minimum standard for assessing learning outcomes within the SBB partnership STEP.

EUROPEAN ADDED VALUE USING THE ECVET CREDIT SYSTEM AND EQF This partnership is creating opportunities for crafts people to improve/ upgrade their existing skills to

the level of a SB builder with an accepted level of specific knowledge, skills and competences, that

can be recognized European wide. The central idea behind the concept of the European Qualification

Framework (EQF) and the ECVET is the desire to improve the mobility of learners across Europe. The

Straw Bale Building Partnership will contribute to this aim by supporting their training staff in

adopting and assessing the ECVET Straw Bale Building System and evaluating and improving the

previously worked out tools for ECVET SBB training in practice. The project will also contribute to the

quality of training and exchange in the sustainable building sector in Europe.

- The ECVET program creates the best opportunity for a qualified exchange of knowledge, skills and

competences for people within the European community

- The assessment of knowledge, skills and competences in different (international) SBB-techniques

will lead to higher quality and a wider range of comparable national/regional SBB education and


- The project will improve the quality of mobility by further developing the ECVET Straw Bale Building

tools, which provide comparable certificates throughout Europe and by enabling trainers to use this


- It will also increase the volume of mobility across Europe because it prepares and enables partner

organisations to offer learning opportunities as sending and receiving partners and will encourage

other organisations to offer mobilities.

- The project increases the quality and volume of cooperation between organisations offering

learning opportunities. All organisations involved either offer opportunities themselves or represent

the interest of training organisations.

- The project will improve transparency and recognition of qualification and competences by

supporting the adaptation of the ECVET Straw Bale Building System and the delivering of transparent

and comparable ECVET Straw Bale Building Certificates.

OUTPUT OF LEONARDO STEP The main result is the HANDBOOK STEP, consisting of 9 sperate Handbooks according to the Units of

the training. All Learning outcomes, Session plans, and some Infosheets have been published here.

The infosheets refer in many cases to distinguished presentations that are part of the training



THE PARTNERS OF THE LEONARDO PARTNERSHIP STEP These 9 partners signed a memorandum of understanding with the aim to promote and

improve training opportunities in Straw Bale building all across Europe:


Fachverband Strohballenbau Deutschland e.V., Artilleriestrasse 6 in 27283 Verden, DE

PARTICIPANTS: Sissy Hein, Dittmar Hecken, Burkard Rüger, Heinz Michael Fischer, Dirk Scharmer


Austrian Straw Bale Network, Baierdorf 6 in 3720 Ravelsbach, AU

PARTICIPANTS: Herbert Gruber, Erwin Schwarzmüller, Helmuth Santler, Gerhard Scherbaum


Strobouw Nederland, Pauwenkamp 45 in 3607 GC Maarsen, NL

PARTICIPANTS: Wouter Klijn, Sissy Verspeek, Florian van Roekel, Piotr Bronicki


Archtektura pre Trvalo Udrzatelny Rozvoj, 90301 Hruby Sur 237, SK

PARTICIPANTS: Zuzana Kierulfova, Marian Ontkoc, Peter Coch, Boris Hochel,


Reseau Francais de la Construction en Paille, SCM le Jeune, 28 avenue Léon Blum, 31500 Toulouse FR

PARTICIPANTS: Isabelle Melchior, Noé Solsona, Dirk Eberhard, Manas Melliwa, Cedric Hamelin /


Red de Construccion con Paja, Doctor Fajames 44 in 03204 Elche, ES

PARTICIPANTS: Valentina, Maini, Alejandro Lopez, Maren Thermes


Sedum Cottage, Owen Street, Pennar in SA 72 6SL Pembroke Dock, UK

PARTICIPANTS: Bee Rowan, Michael Howlett, David Semenysin, Chris Hawker, Kuba Wihan


Associacao para a bioconstrucao com fardos de palha e materiais naturais em Portugal, Rua Abade

Faria 40 3D in 2725-476 Mem Martins, PT

Participants: Catarina Pinto, Joao Barbosa Sequeira, Luisa Alves de Paiva


Participants: Titusz Igaz, Gabriella Revesz, Gabor Szücs


Short description of the partner organisations of Project STEP

FASBA - Fachverband Strohballenbau Deutschland e.V. (DE)

FASBA has been the German National Association of straw bale building since 2002.

It is a Non-Profit Organisation (NGO) with about 150 members and is active nation-

wide. Its main objective is to promote straw bale building as innovative, sustainable

building method with its large scale effects on reducing CO2 emissions. As part of

its research based activities, FASBA accomplished various studies into the

properties of straw bales as a building material, such as German building code, fire resistance testing,

Lambda (insulation) value, acoustic insulation and compressive ability testing. These were funded by

the DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt) and formed the basis in 2006 for achieving general

approval for straw bales as insulation material within the German Building Codes.

In 2014 FASBA published German straw bale code (Strohbaurichtlinie 2014). The FNR (Fachagentur

Nachwachsende Rohstoffe) supported the research program to develop a general approval for

building with straw bales plastered on both sides. This was achieved with the use of the simulation

program WUFI-bio. A five stores building with 2.000 m² as a competence center for sustainable

building based in Verden has been accomplished. Here a permanent exhibition about straw bale

building has been built up to provide information for visitors (

The association has been very active on different levels, such as organizing and hosting conferences,

seminars, workshops, exhibitions and the establishment of regional groups run by members of the

association. In 2007 FASBA organized a week long European conference ESBG hosting 24 European

nations and 140 participants. As part of Leonardo adult education program FASBA has developed a

special national training for professionals “Fachkraft Stroh” with a curriculum of 200 hours involving

trainers from other European SBB organisations.

FASBA is cooperating with the training organisation of BiWeNa (Bildungswerkstatt Nachhaltigkeit

e.V.) and has contacted the local chamber of craftsmen to get an official recognition for its

professional training. FASBA is also cooperating with the FAL in Wangelin and the ecovillage

Siebenlinden to implement Strawbale training activities into other regions of Germany.

ASBN - Austrian Straw Bale Network (AT)

ASBN (Austrian Straw Bale Network) is a Non-Profit Organization (NGO), and its

proponents inform for more than 15 years about different techniques in straw

bale building: load bearing, hybrid, post and beam, refurbishment and insulation.

Main communication platform is the website, one of the

biggest European network sites on sustainable building and architecture with the focus on straw bale

building, low energy and passive houses. The website registers about 8.000 different visitors per

month, which can be taken as measurement for the size of the ASBN in regard to its influence; about

150 people are associated directly with it.

ASBN furthermore gives workshops and lectures, is consulting on its expertise in building; conducts

studies, attends international straw bale gatherings and fairs, makes trainings and leads building

projects in Austria as well as in other parts of Europe. ASBN published a book on straw bale building

(„Bauen mit Stroh“ in 2001, 2nd, revised Ed. 2003, „Neues Bauen mit Stroh“ 2008, „Neues Bauen mit

Stroh in Europa“ 2012).


On national as well as on European level ASBN participates in development programs for some years,

in order to promote its agenda: among others „Haus der Zukunft Plus“ (Austrian; „Virtual Building

Site“ for efficient training workshops for self-builders and professionals, accompanied by compiled

written and presentation material including the output of European networkers from Austria, France,

Germany, Sweden and Russia). ASBN was giving lectures and holding seminars, an active participant

of the ESBG (European Straw Bale Gatherings) in Denmark (1999), Great Britain (2001), Germany

(2007), Belgium (2009) and Czech Republic (2011). The ESBG 2002 was held in Austria, ASBN was the

organizer of the event in cooperation with the environmental NGO Global 2000.

The dissemination of information and skills also provides the main financial basis of the ASBN: fees

for attending workshops/trainings, individual consulting, lectures and seminars. Secondly the ASBN

gains its financial means by participating in development programs and European-funded projects.

Also the ASBN intensively disseminates its knowledge by means of workshops, trainings, lectures,

seminars as well as written and presentation material and the website


Strobouw Nederland (SBN) was founded in 2003 as a national

network. As a project group the main objective was to ensure the

quality of straw bale builds, whilst working to become a recognized

authority in the professional straw bale building community.

SBN offered support and promotional activities for the Dutch straw bale community through

organizing and hosting gatherings, seminars, information provision and networking.

Since the formation of the official SBN association in 2010, SBN aims to continue as the open-source-

platform for builders, designers, architects, researchers, teachers, trainers, promoters, and self-

builders. SBN is a nonprofit association with a board of 5 members and with more than 100 members

in total.

On the webpage a great number of SBB buildings from the Netherlands are

documented and published.

Strobouw Nederland (SBN) has experience in motivating people for straw bale projects both via the

own website and in all kind of seminars, via a large national email network and by participating at

exhibitions. There is a long lasting experience in information sharing via the SBN trainings and via the

first Dutch book about the national Straw bale projects and by numerous project advises and

excursions, network gatherings, etc.

SBN also represents the Netherlands within the European SB-network and is committed to increasing

international co-operation and developing Europe-wide professionalism without losing the ethos of

accessibility and the social and community empowerment very typical of the SBB community.

The Dutch straw bale community has no specific Dutch way of building with straw but can be

described as a large integration and further development of different techniques from different

countries. Sharing the Dutch developments building can in this way also interact with the

development of these techniques in the countries where these specific systems have their origin.


The recognition of SBN as authority in the professional straw bale building community lead in 2015 to

an invitation to participate in the 2-yearly main-exhibition on building technique in The Nederland:

“bouwbeurs-2015”. Together with 10 member-professionals, SBN created a 180 m2 stand, resulting

in a top 10 best-visited contribution to this exhibition.

ArTUR - Archtektura pre Trvalo Udrzatelny Rozvoj (SK)

ArTUR is a NGO gathering professionals, companies but also people

interested in the field of sustainable building. ArTUR has been

promoting sustainable principles since it was established in 2001.

Main goals are: informing and promoting by many means using natural and traditional materials in

contemporary architecture but also in preserving and retrofitting old traditional houses. One of the

main activities of ArTUR is informal education of architects, craftsmen and self builders. ArTUR has

been involved in several international projects and thus gained knowledge and skills to train subjects

concerning clay plastering or straw bale building. NGO ArTUR has 65 members and keeps national

and international cooperation and network.

Its goal is to protect, restore and design environment in accordance with sustainable principles,

promoting use of natural, traditional, local and healthy materials in the building and energy

efficiency, as well as using alternative energy sources. The organization is focusing on educating and

raising awareness through different activities, such as:

- Organizing educational events for public, professionals and craftsmen: workshops, seminars and

presentations with the topic of ecological architecture

- Networking in Slovakia and abroad to enable sharing of knowledge and experience

- Publishing, writing articles and brochures

- developing educational programs for earth and straw bale building, together with EU partners to

enable further education to craftsmen on international level.

- preparing normative documents for using earth and straw again in building activities

ArTUR has experience with collecting information and research of straw bale building. Spreading the

idea of natural straw bale building in general public by workshops, building exhibitions and on the

internet. The organisation was founded in 2001 and they have many active professionals and

craftsmen all around the country which are leading building sites with natural materials. Developing

the educational programs for earth and straw bale building, together with EU partners to enable

further education to craftsmen on international level. An old renovated school is now used as

demonstrion example for eco built and is now becoming the activity center of the organization.

RFCP - LES COMPAILLONS - Reseau Francais de la Construction en

Paille (FR)

The French Strawbale Building Network is “RFCP les Compaillons” gathers

together and coordinates self-builders, professionals, organisations and associations. Its aim is to

develop the use of the straw in building construction. There are more than 700 members and more

than 100 building and design companies. Around 3.000 Straw Bale buildings have been built in the

past years, among them some multi story schools and representative public buildings and big office



The French Building Code developed by the RFCP allows the use of straw bales in building with the

approval of the authorities. To ensure that these rules are applied, we developed a one-week

training course for professional to learn about these good practices. They started by training the

trainers, followed by running trainings only and they are always extending and developing their

teaching material. They are running these courses now for more than 3 years with very good

feedback from professionals.

Twice a year, the association organizes a national meeting to present, share and exchange

knowledge, experience and give feedback. The association is a strong meeting point for all French

professionals, companies, training centers from all France and foreigner countries.

This year they are organizing the European Straw bale Gathering, which gather more than 200 people

from all Europe around conferences, demonstrations and round table to share knowledge about

straw. This big event allows all networks to grow and to improve themselves.

The nationals meetings happening twice a year have the aim to connect people, to share the

actualities and to join the working groups. Between the meetings they share announcement through

the small magazine called “Les Paillettes”.

Two years ago, the network managed to buy the oldest straw bale house in Europe called: “la maison

Feuillette”. After some refreshing of the house, they create in this place a training center called CNCP

(National center of straw bale buildings), which is meant to become a place to learn, to teach and to

experiment about straw bale buildings.

It is obvious that communication is the main point of this association and sharing knowledge and

practice one of the biggest work. In that way, the association has engaged a project of building code.

First of all it was a big work of collecting information and to join all these practices into a book, which

is the legal content of the code. From this work came out the need of pedagogical documents to

teach and train this new building code.

RCP - Red de Construccion con Paija (ES)

The Spanish Strawbale Network Red de Construcción en Paja (RCP) is

dedicated to the spreading of knowledge and training on straw bale

building in Spain and among all Spanish speaking countries. The network

RCP started its activities in 2005 and became a formal association in 2010.

It is involved in formal and informal architectural and building techniques education.

In 2009 RCP organized the II National straw bale meeting that included the participation of

universities and professionals as well as self-builders, with more than 150 participants.

At the moment RCP is working on integrating straw as an accepted insulation material in the official

documentation of projects.

The RCP has been present to all European Gathering that have been held until now and is going to

support the European Strawbale Gathering 2015 in Paris.

The RCP has an own homepage for its organisation that is administrated within the organisation

itself. It is the national platform for communication and includes all relevant information for the

public. RCP is organizing workshops and trainings for its members and for the public and is involved

in SBB European training since its 2011.


In 2014 the RCP has been one of the most important collaborators and co-financers of the BioBui(L)t

project that is expected to be presented at ESBG 2015. The BioBui(L)t is a project for a self-managed-

crowdfunded and self-built building within the Barcelona City project about citizen empowerment

and participation in urban void management. RCP was strongly involved in the International Congress

on Bioarchitecture held in Barcelona in May 2012.

By spring 2015 the RCP network will present the Spanish translation of the French Rules of

professional strippable building which were made possible by group of volunteers architects and

technicians member of the network.


Strawbuild operates as a not-for-profit social enterprise, for the benefit of the

community. It offers consultancy, advice, guidance, support, design and training in

straw bale and natural materials used in construction and craft. The training

element is central to the ethos and work of Strawbuild, and is offered to volunteers, trainees and

learners in the VET sector across the UK and EIRE.

Over the last two years Strawbuild has also been engaged in a large humanitarian aid program,

developing and delivering an innovative training program to improve the performance and durability

of traditional natural construction materials in relation to flood and earthquake resilience. To date

100,000 houses have been built in Pakistan under this scheme in collaboration with various Non-

Governmental Organisations and international aid charities, through Strawbuild training cascaded to

many hundreds of people.

Strawbuild is registered office is in South-West Wales - an area of economic deprivation - where

Strawbuild have run at least 12 week-long training workshops since its inception in 2011. As the Head

of Training is a woman, Strawbuild training workshops attract at least 50% women attendees, a far

higher proportion than in conventional construction and training, as Strawbuild offers a ready role

model for women, traditionally excluded from the construction and related crafts industry.

As a direct result of the participation in the LearnWithClay Leonardo partnership, she was successful

in getting clay plasters accepted into the UK National Occupational Standards, thereby enabling

training providers to offer certificated training in clay plasters within the UK VET NVQ system.

Strawbuild plays a role in promoting and explaining the use of natural materials, regularly taking part

in U.K. trade fairs such as Ecobuild, various sustainable building shows, teaching at various levels for

different built environment schools including all the residential courses on straw bale, clay plasters

and lime renders for the Centre for Alternative Technology.

Strawbuild specializes in the design and construction of low impact buildings and in disseminating

key techniques and concepts through on-site training and coaching and production of technical

details and illustrations.


COMPALHA - Associacao para a Bioconstrucao com Materiais Naturais (PT)

Compalha association was formed in 2014 including 9 members to respond to the

need to promote ecological natural building materials and techniques in Portugal

with a particular focus on straw bale building. The pioneer group of associates are

all experienced in natural building, from architects, natural self-builders, trainers,

builders, environment guardians, etc.

Compalha promotes and will deliver workshops and courses, natural building events, lectures,

participations in fairs, and dissemination of information using internet tools such as social networks.

The Association promotes networking and communication between members within and beyond

Portugal, and assists members with specific information and documentation, as well as with strategic

partnership options with such as institutions working with natural building materials.

For the future, the Association´s main goals are the promotion of contacts with other institutional

partners to prepare normative documents that will allow the use of straw bale as a mainstream

building material in Portugal.

Recent activities include cooperation with Lusófona University ( and

with the Terras Dentro, an Association for development of Portuguese rural areas

( also a cooperation with Oficinas do Convento an association to

develop traditional building techniques (

Compalha recently attended Ecobuild 2015 Exhibition, in London, where there was the chance to

network and represent the Portuguese connection to straw bale building in the European


Magyar Szalmaépítők Egyesülete (HU)

Although the Hungarian Straw-builders Association was founded in 2009, the

majority of the members had been working with straw for several years. The lack of

building code approval and the lack of knowledge encouraged individual straw

builders to join the association. The writer of the first book of straw bale houses in

Hungary, the owner and the designer of the Prize winning straw bale eco house

(which represented Hungary in the exhibition on sustainable houses, organized for

the 20th Anniversary of the Architects’ Council of Europe) are members of the association.

During the previous 4 years the organisation was trying to accumulate and share the knowledge of

best practice SB houses, so they took part in conferences and organized training and education

workshops for builders. Currently they are collecting all the experiences of the existing SB houses in

Hungary to use them, with the aim of improving the technology.

There is a strong need for affordable and sustainable building materials (like clay and straw) in the

majority of regions because of housing poverty. They are also examining the potential for straw bales

as external insulation in renovations.

There is only about one decade of experience of building with straw bale houses in Hungary, but

there are centuries of traditions of earth building. Even now almost 20 % of the Hungarian homes are

clay houses, which are in strong need of renovation. Beyond the stability problems the energetic and

thermal insulation features of these buildings cry out for durable, sustainable and affordable

solutions. A straw bale wrapping technique would be perfect in many cases.


They would like to work out the best building methods of external insulation systems made of straw

bales. These techniques could then be adopted to other old buildings (like brick or concrete) as well,

and best practice evolved could be shared throughout Europe greatly increasing the energy efficiency

of the huge and old housing stock. Participation in this partnership project will benefit Hungary

greatly, both in learning best practice techniques and through the training program which would be

offered in Hungary, so increasing the skills levels and knowledge of straw bale as a viable build and

renovation option.


The Structure of the Curriculum of Straw Bale Building Training STEP

Proposition of a training program

Criteria for Assessment

Memorandum of Understanding between the partners of STEP

Dictionary in 4 languages / English/ German/ French/ Spanish



The training is composed of ten Units with different focus of importance. The most work has been

concentrated on the building construction and best building practice from the partner countries to

be able to assess all the trained methods in all partner countries, referring on national codes if

needed. For the last 2 Units Learning Outcomes have been defined, detailed sessionplans are still in

the stage of a draft and will be developed and adjusted in a later state, especially in regard of the

need to train the triners.


Session 1 – General Introduction

Session 2 - Straw Talk

Session 3 – Costomising straw bales


Session 1 – Design and planning

Session 2 – Construction Systems

Session 3 – Hybrid constructions (NSS)

Session 4 – Infill constructions (SSS)

Session 5 – Prefabrication and Modules

Session 6 – Building details

Session 7 – Structural Engeneering

Session 8 – Timber construction

Session 9 – Tools on building site


Session 1 – Design and planning

Session 2 – Construction

Session 3 – Tools on building site


Session 1 – Design and planning

Session 2 – Construction

Session 3 – Tools on building site


Session 1 – Direct plaster theory

Session 2 – Direct plaster practice wall preparation

Session 3 – Direct plaster practice clay mxl preparation

Session 4 – Direct plaster practice clay base coat

Session 5 – Direct plaster practice clay top coat

Session 6 – Direct plaster practice lime mix preparation

Session 7 – Direct plaster practice lime base coat

Session 8 – Direct plaster practice lime top coat

Session 9 – Cladding theory

Session 10 – Cladding practice



Session 1 – Introduction

Session 2 – Heat transfer

Session 3 – Flamability and fire resistance

Session 4 – Acoustics

Session 5 – Humidity transfer

Session 6 – Health, comfort & indoor climate

Session 7 – Energy performance & programs

Session 8 – Environmental sustainability

Session 9 – Economical & social sustainability


Session 1 – House design

Session 2 – House installation

Session 3 – Repair and maintenance


Session 1 – The Market

Session 2 – Marketing strategies

Session 3 – Branding

Session 4 – Cost, pricing and contracts

Session 5 – Verbal communication

Session 6 – Technical vocabulaire English


Session 1 – practical internship


Session 1 – Communication recommendation





Proposition for Training Program 1. week 1 U1/S1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION





2. week 6 U6/S8+9 SUSTAINABILITY

7 U2/S1 Design and planning

8 U2/S1 Design and planning

9 U2/S2 Construction System

10 U2/S1 Construction System

3. week 11 U5/S1 Direct plaster

12 U5/S3 Clay plaster mix

13 U5/S4 Clay plaster base coat

14 U5/S5 Clay plaster top coat


4. week 16 U1/S2 Straw talk

17 U2/S4 Infill Constructions

18 U2/S4 Infill Constructions

19 U1/S3 Customizing straw bales

20 U2/S6 Building Details

5. week 21 U2/S6+10 Building Details

22 U5/S2 Wall preparation


24 U2/S3 Hybrid Constructions


6. week 26 U3/S2 Load bearing

27 U3/S2 Load bearing

28 U3/S2 Load bearing

29 U3/S2 Load bearing

30 U3/S2 Load bearing

7. week 31 U10 Building practice

32 U10 Building practice

33 U10 Building practice


34 U10 Building practice

35 U10 Building practice

8. week 36 U10 Building practice

37 U10 Building practice

38 U10 Building practice

39 U10 Building practice

40 U10 Building practice

9. week 41 U8/S5 Verbal Communication

42 U8/S6 Technical vocabularies English

43 U7/S1 House design

44 U7/S2 House installation

45 U7/S2 House installation

10. week 46 U5/S6 Lime mix preparation

47 U5/S7 Lime base coat

48 U5/S8 Lime top coat

49 U8/S6 Technical vocabularies English

50 U10 Excursion

11. week 51 U6/S3+4 BUILDING PHYSICS


53 U2/S5 Prefabrication and Modules

54 U2/S7 Structural Engeneering

55 U7/S2 House installation

12. week 56 U4/S2 Wrapping

57 U4/S2 Wrapping

58 U4/S2 Wrapping

59 U4/S2 Wrapping

60 U4/S2 Wrapping

13. week 61 U5/S9 Cladding theory

62 U5/S10 Cladding praxis

63 U7/S3 Repair and maintenance

64 U8/S1+2 Marketing

65 U8/S3+4 Marketing

14. week 66 U8/S6 Technical vocabularies English

67 U7/S3 Repair and maintenance





ECVET Examination, Evaluation and Certificates The division into smaller Units allows the people to have access to learning and to choose,

which qualifications they want to achieve. It should be possible to pass the diferrent Units

according to an individual schedule. The central idea behind the concept of EQF is the

improvement of the mobility of learners. Trainees will have the opportunity to chose and

attend the training offers that suit best to their vocational perpektives and their

specialization, and there acquire transferable certificates for their learning outcomes.

Each ECVET Unit can be examined individually. The examination should prove whether or

not the candidate has actually acquired the knowledge, skills and competences described in

the Learning Outcomes. With the STEP partnership, we have agreed that methods and

procedures of examination should take into account national rules.

In order to ensure comparability, we have made the following stipulations for the 3 parts of

the examination:

Knowledge will be examined in a written test with specific questions or multiple


Skills are tested practically. Unanimous criteria and related indicators are to be

developed for each Unit.

Comptences will be examined in a technical discussion concerning theory and the

work they presented in the practical part.

The examination ahs been passed when all three parts of the exam have scored with at least

with 50%. If less then 50% has been past in one of the three parts the candidate receives

only a certificate of attendance.

A list of evaluation criteria has been drawn aup for each ECVET Unit. The performance of the

work, tolerances and accuracy should allways correspond to the relevant standards in rrhe

particular national context. The criteria make a significant contrivution to the transparency

and the comparability of the Units and simplify assessment and performance.

As the STEP training is for professionals in Level 4 according to EQF the trainers will not only

look at the technical aspects in the assessment but also to following criteria:

Organisation of the work

Economy of material and time

Unse of tools and machines

Organising the work place

Respect of Safety



CRITERIA FOR ASSESSMENT For all Units tests have been developed to evaluate the Learning Outcomes according to

ECVET credit points. This is meant for the practical test at its assessment.




Criterias for evaluation of skills

Name of trainee:

level 4

Criterias and indicator

UNIT 1 - Introduction Σ

• Shape of bales

• Measuring bales

• Cutting bales

• Organisation of working place

UNIT 2 - Techniques for infill and prefab Σ

• Quality control existing construction

• Fixing and compression

• Filling the gaps

• Prefabricate infill elements acording to the structure

• Connecting prefab elements (airtight, structural…)

• Organisation of working place

UNIT 3 - Techniques for Loadbearing Σ

• Quality control existing construction

• Fixing and compression

• Filling the gaps

• Execution of additional wooden structure

• Fabrication base plate and top plate

• Organisation of working place

UNIT 4 - Techniques for wrapping and retrofitting Σ

• Quality control existing construction

• Fixing and compression

• Filling the gaps

• Fixing to the principal construction without space between the bales and the existing construction

• Execution of additional wooden structure

• Organisation of working place


Criterias and indicator

UNIT 5 - Finishes Σ

• Preparation of straw for plaster

• Preparation of lime plaster

• Protection of sensitive building elements (windows etc) ready for plastering

• Application of lime plaster

• Préparation of cladding

• Application of cladding

• Organisation of working place

• "Acquis point terre" evaluation (multiplate with 3)

UNIT 6 - Building physics and sustainability Σ

• Avoid thermal bridges

• Realise airtightness

• Use of

• Organise water, moisture and fire protection

UNIT 7 - Concept for the house - design and Maintenance Σ

• Technical design

• Provision for integration of other trades (electrics, plumbing…)

• Bioclimatique intégration in the landscape

UNIT 8 - Marketing and communication Σ

• Explain the adventages et properties of straw bales buildings

• Communication (non-violence, clear expression…)

• Calculation of price

• Calculation and order bulding materials

final note for practice (skills)

1-do not understand 1- bad

2-begin to understand 2- nearly good

3-understand 3- good

4- excellent

4- very good

with note more then 2,5 level 3 for each unit

with note more then 3,25 level 4 for each unit








abrasion resistance Abriebfestigkeit résistance à l´abrasion resistencia a la abrasión

abutment / bearing surface Auflager support; point d´appui apoyo

additive Zusätze ajout; adjuvant adición

additive Zuschlag; Zuschlagstoff ajout; agrégat adición, producto agregado

airtight luftdicht hermétique hermético

airtightness Luftdichtigkeit étanchéité à l'air estanqueidad al aire

alternately freezing and thawing

Frost-Tauwechsel changement gel - dégel ciclo hielo-deshielo

anchoring Verankerung ancrage anclaje

anti racking Aussteifung contreventement refuerzo estructural

application Antrag demande/ requète solicitud

architects´ chamber Architektenkammer chambre d´architecure colegio de arquitectos

archtiects drawings Bauentwurf plan de construction diseño / croquis

asorption capacity Absorptionsvermögen pouvoir de diffusion capacidad de absorción

association Verein association asociación, agrupación

attempt Versuch; Test essai; test ensayo; prueba

audio conference Telefonkonferenzen conference telefonique conferencia telefónica

bale needle Ballennadel, Bindenadel aiguille/ èpingle de bottelage aquja (para separar / coser las balas de paja)

barley straw Gerstenstroh paille d'orge paja de cebada

barrel vault Gewölbe, Tonnen voûte, arche

barrel vault Kappendecke plancher à voûtins forjado de rosca de rasilla

barrier layer Sperrschicht barrière anticapillaire barrera, impermeabilizante

base (of the wall) Fußpunkt (der Wand) point de pied (nadir) pie de…

base coat Unterputz enduit de base, couche de fond

enfoscado base, enlucido, revoque

base for calculation Rechenwert unité (de calcul) valor de cálculo

basement masonry wall Kellermauerwerk maçonnerie de cave muro de sótano

beam, joist Balken poutre; solive viga

behaviour in fire Brandverhalten tenue au feu comportamiento al fuego

bending strength Biegefestigkeit résistance à la flexion resistencia a la flexión

binder Bindemittel liant aglomerante

bonding strength Bindekraft force de cohésion; cohésion fuerza de cohesión

bound by surface tension hydraulisch gebunden lié hydrauliquement aglomerado hidráulicamente

brace Windrispenband bande metalique de contreventement

arriostramiento, riostra

breathing diffusionsoffen perméable (à la vapeur d´eau)

permeable (a la difusión)

brick Ziegel brique rouge; ~ cuite ladrillo

brick bond Mauerverband raccord de mur aparejo del muro

brick factory Ziegelei production de briques producción de ladrillos

bricklaying guide Mauerlehre gabarit regla

brochure Prospekte dépliant prospecto

building control approval bauaufsichtliche Zulassung permis de construire admisión como material de construcción

building execution Bauausführung exécution des travaux ejecución de la obra

building material Baumaterial matériau de construction material de construcción

building method Bauweise type de construction; la méthode ~

método de construcción

building physics Bauphysik structure du bâtiment

building process Bauablauf déroulement du chantier; ~ des travaux

transcurso de las obras

building site Baustelle bordelle / chantier; site de construction




building site open day Tag der offenen Baustelle jour du chantier ouvert au public

jornada de puertas abiertas en la construcción

building technology Bautechnik technique du bâtiment técnica / tecnologia de (la) construcción

built example gebaute Beispiele exemple bati/ exemple construit


buliding control Bauamt service de l´urbanisme comisión de planeamiento y construcción

bulk density Rohdichte masse volumique densidad aparente

bull shit Kuhdung bouse de vache estiércol de vaca

bye-law Satzung charte/ statut estatuto

capacity of moisture absorption

Feuchteaufnahme absorption d´humidité absorcción

capillary kapillar capillaire capilar

casein Kasein caséine caseína

ceiling Decke le plafond forjado / techo

ceiling covering Deckenbekleidung le revêtement du plafond revestimiento del forjado

ceiling infill Deckenfüllung le remplissage entre solives de plancher

relleno del forjado

ceiling with joist Balkendecke plancher en poutres; ~ en solives

forjado de viguetas

cellulose fiber Zellulosefaser fibre de cellulose fibra de celulosa

cement Zement ciment cemento

cement mortar Zementmörtel mortier de ciment mortero de cemento

certificated further education zertifizierte Weiterbildung formation continue certifié formacion profesional certificado

chaff Spreu balle (du blé) cascarilla

chain saw Kettensäge tronçonneuse sierra de cadena

cladding Außenverkleidung revêtement extérieur trasdosada de un muro cámara

classification Klassifikation classification clasificación

classification of elements Bewertungskriterien von Baustoffen

évaluation de materiaux criterios de clasificación para materiales de construcción

clay Ton argile arcilla

clay brick Lehmstein bloc de terre adobe

clay earth Lehm terre tierra arcillosa, barro

clean / without dust staubfrei sans poussière exento de polvo

clothing Bekleidung habillement revestimiento

clsssification of building material

Baustoffklasse classe des matériaux de construction

clase de material de construcción

cob building Wellerbau bauge fabricación de tapiales (Weller) sin encofrado

coefficient of thermal conductivity

Wärmedurchgangskoeffizient coefficient de transmission thermique global

coeficiente térmico de transmissión

cohesion Kohäsion cohésion cohesión

colour Farbe couleur; peinture color

colouring Farbgebung coloration; coloris coloración

combing Kammstrich striage estriado

compaction Verdichten compactage compactación

competition Preisausschreiben concours concurso

competition Wettbewerb compétition/ concours competencia, concurso

component Bestandteil élément; composant componente

composition Zusammensetzung composition composición

compress komprimieren (der Strohballen)

comprimer compresión

compressed dimension Setzmaß taux d’affaissement medida de asiento

condensation Kondensation condensation condensación

condensation Tauwasser condensation condensación

conference / convention Tagungen congrès reuniones



consistency Konsistenz consistance consistencia

consolidation Verfestigung solidification; stabilisation solidificación

construction Konstruktion construction construcción

construction site managment Bauleitung suivie du chantier; direction des travaux, maitre d´oeuvre

dirección de la obra

construction waste tip Baustoffdeponie décharge de matériaux de chantier, dechetterie

deposito de escombros

contruction time Bauzeit durée de temp travaux; ~ du chantier

tiempo de ejecución

cooperation Zusammenarbeit collaboration colaboración, cooperación

cork Kork liège corcho

covering Verkleidung revêtement; bardage revestimiento

crack formation Rissbildung fissuration fisuración, agrietamiento

criterium Kriterien critère criterios

cross brace Auskreuzung entrecroisage cruzeta de refuerzo

crumbly krümelig grumeaux; granuleux granulado

cut straw Strohhäcksel paille hachée, brins de paille briznas de paja, paja picada

daub patzen façonner; mouler chapotear

deformation Verformung déformation deformación

density Dichte la densité densidad

deposit Lagerstätte carrière; gisement yacimiento

design Formgebung modelage; façonnage moldeado; conformación

details Details detail detalle

development of process details

Entwicklung von Regeldetails developement de règles de detail

diseño de detalles regulares

development of system houses

Entwicklung von Systemhäusern

developement de maisons systematisées

diagonal shuttering Diagonalschalung coffrage diagonal encofrado (de madera) diagonal

disposal Durchfeuchtung humidification; imprégnation impregnación

disposal Entsorgung gestion des déchets eliminación de residuos

dome Kuppel coupole; dôme cúpula

door opening Türlaibung lembrasure de porte jamba de puerta

door opening Türöffnung baie de porte vano de puerta; portillo

dosage Dosierung le dosage dosificación

dovetail connection Verzahnung harpage trabado, trabazón

dry constructiion Trockenbauweise maçonnerie sèche; ~ à sec construcción en seco

dryness Trockenheit sécheresse sequedad

earth building Lehmbau construction en terre construcción con barro

earth preparation Lehmaufbereitung préparation de la terre preparación de la tierra arcillosa

earth render, clay render, - plaster

Lehmputz enduit de terre enlucido de barro

earth to build with Baulehm terre à bâtir; ~ à construire tierra arcillosa para construcción

earth with straw Strohlehm terre paille, terre à torchis barro aligerado (con briznas )

ecology Ökolgie écologie ecología

effect of moisture Feuchteeinwirkung impact par humidité efecto de la humedad

element Bauteil élément de construction elemento constructivo

embodded CO2 CO2 Bilanz bilan de CO2 balance de emisión de Co2

embodied energy content Primärenergiegehalt taux d´energie primair concentración de energia primaria

emission-free Schadstofffreiheit manque de polluant sin contaminantes

empirical value Erfahrungswert valeur empirique valor empírico

environnement friendly umweltverträglich favorable a l'environnement ecológico

european straw bale associations

europäische Strohballenvereine

association Européenne de construction en paille

asociaciones europeos de la construcción com balas de paja



exchange of specialist knowledge

Fachaustausch échange professionnel intercambio de los conocimientos especializados

exchange with other organisations

Austausch mit anderen Organisationen

échange avec d´autres organisations

intercambio entre organizaciónes

expanded clay Blähton argile expansé arcilla expandida

expanded slate Blähschiefer schiste expansé pizarra expandida

expansion joint Stoßfuge joint de boutisse; joint vertical junta vertical

exposed side Wetterseite face exposée aux intempéries, le côté ~

lado expuesto a las inclemencias del tiempo

exposed timber frame Sichtfachwerk ouvrage à colombage; ~ossature apparente

estructura de entramado vista

exterior render Außenputz enduit extérieur (à la chaux) enfoscado exterior de cal, revoco

extrusion press Strangpresse extrudeuse; étireuse prensa de extrusión

false floor Blindboden faux plafond falso techo

farmer Landwirt agriculteur agricultor

feedback Rückkopplung realimentación

fibre Fasern fibre; fibres material fibroso

finish layer Oberputz enduit supérieur; ~ de finition enfoscado superior

fire protection Brandschutz protection contre le feu protección contra incendios

fire rating Feuerwiderstandsklasse dégrée de résistance au feu categoría de resistencia al fuego

fire test Brandtest test du feu test contra fuego

fired gebrannt cuit cocido

fire-proof wall Brandwand mur coupe-feu; mur pare-feu; mur mitoyen

muro cortafuegos

Fishbowle Fishbowle une method a trouve des essaies pour une groupe

flake off Abplatzung effritement; écaillage desconchado

flax shavings Flachsscheben rebut de lin partículas leñosas del lino, haces fibrosos

float Reibebrett frotter

float reiben frotter rozar

flood plain Überschwemmungsgebiet zone à risque d'inondation zona de inundación

floor Fußboden sol; plancher suelo

flooring Fußbodenbelag revêtement du sol pavimento del suelo

floor-to-floor height Geschosshöhe hauteur d'étage altura total de planta

flush joint vollfugig (jointoyer) à ras la brique con junta llena

flush levelled bündig dans le même plan enrasado

flyer Flyer dépliant folleto; prospecto

foamed glass Blähglas verre expansé vidrio expandido,vidrio celular

frame Rähm cadre, tableau cabio superior

frame work Ständerbauweise construction avec des support de bois

armazón rígido de columnas soldadas

framed structure Skelettbau construction à ossature, construction poteaux - poutres

contrucción de armazón rígido

frost resistance Frostbeständigkeit résistance au gel resistencia a las heladas

fundraising Fundraising further education Weiterbildung formation continue formacion profesional

permanente gable wall Giebelwand pignon; mur pignon pared del frontón; fachada

general meeting Mitgliederversammlung réunion d´adhérent asamblea de membros

geology Geologie géologie geología

geomancy Geomantie Geomantie

gravel Kies gravier grava

gypsum Gips plâtre yeso

gypsum plaster mix Gipsmörtel mortier de plâtre mortero de yeso

half round timber Halbholz rondin fendu tronco de media sección



hand mixer Handrührgerät malaxeur manuel; agitateur manuel

mezcladora manual

hands for knowledge Pratisches Wissen hazel rod Haselrute baguette de coudrier vara de avellano

health practitioner Heilpraktiker therapeut curandero

heat / thermal radiation Wärmestrahlung rayonnement thermique radiation thermique

radiación térmica

heat capacity Wärmekapazität cpacité thermique calor, capacidad térmica

heat conductivity Wärmeleitfähigkeit conductivité thermique conductividad térmica

heat insulation Wärmedämmung isolation thermique; couche d’~

aislamiento térmico

heat insulation certification Wärmeschutznachweis mode de calcul thermique coeficiente de conductividad térmica, ( certificado de …)

heat transmission Wärmedurchgang passage thérmique transmisión termica

heating period Heizperiode saison de chauffage periodo de calefacción

heavy rain Schlagregen pluie battante peligro debido a la lluvia lateral predominante

hedge trimmer Heckenscheere ciseaux de haie cizalla / recordadora de setos

hinge-side Fensteranschlag cadre fenêtre tope de ventana

homepage Homepage site internet página principal

horizontal waagrecht horizontal horizontal

horizontal coursing /bed joint Lagerfuge joint d´assise junta horizontal

house technology Haustechnik techniquedu bâtiment domótica, instalaciónes

hybrid hybrid hybride híbrido

hygroscopic hygroskopisch hygroscopique higroscópico

indoor air-humidity Raumluftfeuchte humidité de l'air intérieur humedad del aire ambiental interior

Infill Ausfachung remplissage; garnissage relleno

infill brickwork; brick infill Ausmauerern (eines Gefaches)

remplissage de maçonnerie; le garnissage ~

relleno del entramdo (con fabrica)

infill frame Gefach garnissage; remplissage vano

infilling ausfüllen remplir; garnir rellenar

injected- sprayed render Spritzbewurf gobetage enlucido proyectado / enfoscado

injured by chemical products Chemie geschädigte blessé par le produitschimique

insertion boards Einlagebretter planche intermédiaire

installation Einbau (von Baumaterial) montage; mise en oeuvre montaje en obra

interior lining Innenschale paroi capa interior

interior plastering Innenputz enduit intérieur enlucido interior

internal insulation Innendämmung isolation par l´intérieur aislamiento interior

internet forum Internet Foren forum d´internet

jack Wagenheber cric gato (cambio de neumático)

joint Fuge joint junta

joint design Fugenausbildung confection des joints formación de juntas

jute matting Jutegewebe toile de jute tejido de yute

kaolin Kaolin kaolinite caolín

large bale Großballen grosse bottes

lathing Lattung lattage estructura de listones, listones

layer Putzlagen couche d´enduit capas de revoco

layer thickness Schichtstärke épaisseur de la couche espesor de capa

learning istitution Lernort lieu d´études

lecture Vorträge report informes, conferencia

light earth with straw Strohleichtlehm terre - paille légère barro aligerado con paja

light earth with wood Holzleichtlehm terre à copeaux de bois relleno de barro con virutas de madera

light earth, Leichtlehm terre légère tierra arcillosa aligerada

lime Kalk chaux cal



lime content Kalkgehalt teneur en chaux; ~calcaire contenido de cal

lime mortar Kalkmörtel mortier à la chaux mortero de cal

lime render / plaster Kalkputz enduit à la chaux enlucido de cal, revoco

lime wash Kalkanstrich badigeon à la chaux pintura de cal

lintel Sturz linteau dintel

liste Aufstellungen mise en oeuvre

liste of built houses Liste gebaute Häuser liste de maisons construites lista de casas realizadas

liste of people with specialist knowledge

Fachleuteliste liste/ tableau d´expert lista de expertos local

load Belastung surcharge carga

load distribution Druckverteilung la répartition des charges, répartition de la pression

reparto de cargas

load distribution Lastverteilung répartition des charges distribución de cargas

loadbearing lasttragend de décharge portante

loess earth, loess clay Lößlehm loess loess

long straw Stroh, langfaserig chaume paja de fibra larga

looking for position Standortwahl choix du site localizacion

low energy house Niedrig-Energie-Haus maison à faible consommation d'énergie

casa de bajo consumo energético

marl Mergel marne marga

masonry, brickwork Mauerwerk maçonnerie fábrica del muro

methode Methoden methodes métodos

mineral sructure Mineralgerüst structure minérale estructura mineral

mixed masonry constrution Mischmauerwerk maçonnerie hétérogène; ~ mixte

muro mixto

mixer Mischer malaxeur mezcladora

mixer Rührwerk malaxeur; agitateur batidora

mixing ratio Mischungsverhältnis dosage du mélange; proportions du mélange; dosage

relación de mezcla

moisture content Feuchtegehalt taux d´humidité d équilibre contenido de humedad, en la práctica

moisture content (of material) at time of installation

Einbaufeuchte humidité de mise en oeuvre grado de humedad de montaje en obra

moisture content of soil Bodenfeuchtigkeit humidité du sol humedad del suelo

moisture equilibrium Gleichgewichtsfeuchte équilibre d´humidité equilibrio higroscópico

moisture protection Feuchteschutz protection contre l´humidité protección contra la humedad

moisture, humidity Feuchte humidité humedad

montmorillonite Montmorillonit montmorillonite montmorillonita

moraine earth Geschiebelehm terre de moraine arcillas glaciales

mortar Mörtel mortier mortero

mortar category Mörtelgruppe classe de mortier grupo de mortero, clase de mortero

mortice Balkennut rainure de poutre muesca en la viga

mould Schimmel moisissure mohos; fúngicos

mould formation Schimmelbildung moisissure formación de moho

new media Neue Medien nouvelles technologies de l´information

Nuevos Medios

newsletter Newsletter info-lettres/ reportage boletín de información

newspaper article Artikel in Zeitungen article de presse articulo en el periódico

not weather protect / expsed to weather

bewittert exposé aux intempéries expuesto a la intemperie

oak board Eichenbrett planche de chêne tabla de roble

oat straw Haferstroh paille d’avoine paja de avena

open space open space espace ouvert ´open space´, espacio abierto

organisation Organisationen organisations organizaciones

painting Anstrich peinture; badigeon(chaux) pintura

part of element to test Bauteilprobe échantillon d’un élément de construction

muestra de elemento constructivo, probeta



part of wall Wandabschnitt partie du mur paño de pared

partice form Kornform forme des grains forma del grano

particle diameter Korndurchmesser diamètre des grains diámetro de grano

particle dimensions Korngröße taille des grains tamaño de grano

particle size distribution Kornverteilung granulométrique granulométrica

passive house Passivhaus maisons passives casa pasiva

permission Zulassung autorisation/ approbation ultérieure

autorización (de comercialización), certificación, aprobación

plank Bohlen planche épaisse tablón

plant fibre Pflanzenfasern fibres végétales fibras vegetales

plastic plastisch plastique; à l état ~ plástico

plot Baugrund sous-sol; sol de fondation terreno

portion of fine particles Feinkornanteil taux en éléments fins parte de grano fino, finos

poster Plakate affiche carteles

prefabrication Vorfertigung préfabrication prefabricación

pressure resistance Druckfestigkeit résistance à la compression resistencia a la compresión

probe Messsonden sonde a mesurer sondas de medida

processing Aufbereitung préparation preparación

processing Verarbeitung mise en œuvre manejo, elaboración, procesamiento

Promotional material Werbematerial matériel de publicité material puplicitario

prototype Prototypen prototype prototipos

public relations Öffentlichkeitsarbeit relations publiques relaciones púplicas

publication Veröffentlichungen réportage/ publication puplicaciones

pumice Bims pierre ponce piedra pómez

pump pumpen apte au pompage; (la pompabilité)


punt ceiling Stakendecke plafond à fuseaux de terre forjada de estacas con tierra aligerada

punting Stakung lattis; lattes estacado

quality control Qualitätskontrolle contrôle de qualité control de calidad

quality control criteria Qualitätskriterien critère de qualité criterios de calidad

quick lime Weißkalk chaux blanche cal blanca

rain affected regenbeansprucht exposé aux pluies sometido a la lluvia

rammed earth Stampflehm terre à compacter; pisé tapial; tierra apisonada

ready-mixed mortar Fertigmörtel mortier prêt a l'emploi mortero prefabricado

rectangulair cross section lath

Rechteckleiste latte rectangulaire listón rectangular

reed Schilfrohr roseau caña

reed matting Schilfrohrmatte natte de roseaux estera de cañas

regional groups Regionalgruppen groupe régionale gruppos regionales

regional network regionale Vernetzung coopération régionale conexión en redes regionales

reinforcement Bewehrung; Armierung armature armadura

reinforcement Armierung armature en grillage; treillis d’armature, toille de verre


reinforcement to prevent buckling

Knickaussteifung renforcement contre le flambage; contrefort

rigidización al pandeo

render / plaster Putz enduit; crépi enlucido, enfoscado

render / plaster Putze (Lehm, Kalk, etc) enduit en terre, chaux enlucidos, revocos (arcilla, cal, etc.)

render / plaster base Putzuntergrund support d'enduit base del enfoscado

render / plastering - machine Putzmaschine projecteur d´enduit máquina para enfoscar

render adhesion Putzhaftung adhérence de l´enduit; accrochage de l'enduit

adherencia del enfoscado

render for infill frame Gefacheputz enduit de ossature bois revestimiento del vano

render support Putzträger lattis d´enduit soporte para enlucido, enfoscado



repair ausbessern réparer; retoucher repasar

repair Reparatur réparation reparación

research Forschung recherche/ étude investigación

research results Forschungsergebnisse résultats de recherche resultados de investigación

resistance, strength Festigkeit résistance; solidité resistencia

reuse Wiederverwendung réutilisation, recyclage reutilización

ring beam Ringanker ceinture beton armé zuncho perimetral (circunferencial)

risk of frost damage frostgefährdet gélif expuesto al riesgo de heladas

roof overhang Dachüberstand débord de toiture visera

roof pitch Dachschräge le pan du toit inclinación de cubierta

room ventilation Raumlüftung aération, ventilation ventilación de espacios

rotting Verrottung décomposition descomposición

rough cast Bewurf (aus Strohlehm) garnissage (de torchis); torchis; projection de (~)

capa proyectada (de tierra aligerada)

round bale Rundballen bottes rondes balas de paja (rodillos)

round wood Rundholz bois rond; rondin tronco redondo

rounded reveals gerundete Laibung tableau arrondi intradós redondos

rye straw Roggenstroh paille de seigle paja de centeno

sand Sand sable arena

sand trickle protection Rieselschutz étanchéité contre le ruissellement (de sable); la barrière ~; l’écran ~

protección contra desprendimiento arenoso

saw dust Sägespäne copeaux de bois virutas

scuff resistance Kantenfestigkeit résistance des arêtes resistencia de aristas

self supporting selbsttragend autoporteur autoportante

seminar Seminar seminaire seminario

seminar papers Seminarunterlagen document de seminaire documentos seminsrios

sensitive to water wasserempfindlich sensible à l’eau sensible al agua

setting of goals Festlegen von Zielen établir des objectifs (a court terme, a long terme)

objetivos específicamente establecidos

shave rasieren raser des bottes de paille "afeitar"

shear stress Scherspannung contrainte de cisaillement tensión de cizalladura

sheathing Plattenbekleidungen panneau de facade revestimiento de tableros

shrink crack Schwindriss fissure de retrait grieta por retracción

shuttering Schalung coffrage encofrado

sill Schwelle seuil zapeado

sill beam Schwellbohle (unter 1. Lage) planche de seuil/ travelage tablón zapeado

silt Schluff silt limo

size Format format; dimensions formato

sketch Entwurf esquisse; avant-projet proyecto, modelo

slaked lime / hydrated lime Sumpfkalk chaux aérienne en pâte cal apagada

slip (clay, lime etc) Schlämme barbotine; coulis lechada

small bales Kleinballen petites bottes/ bottes moyennes

bala de paja pequeño

smell test Geruchsprobe essai de l'odeur prueba de olfato

soak mauken reposer; macérer almacenar en húmedo, empantanar

soaking einsumpfen (von Lehm) faire tremper (la terre) almacenar en húmedo, dejar reposar en agua

socle Sockel piédestal/ soubassement / socle

basamento, zócalo

soil moisture content erdfeucht consistance de terre humide húmedo de tierra, humedad natural

solar architecture Solararchitektur archtecture solaire arquitectura solar

solar radiation Sonneneinstrahlung ensoleillement radiación solar

sorption Sorption sorption absorción



sound insulation Schallschutz isolation phonique protección contra el ruido

special mallet for strawbales / persuader

Argument (großer Holzhammer)

(argument) marteau

specialist publishing Fachveröffentlichungen publication/ expertise puplicaciones profesionales

specialists meeting Fachtagungen rencontre professionnelle reuniones profesionales

splashing rainwater Spritzwasser eau réjaillant eau arrosage / eclaboussure d´eau

agua proyectada

spread joint / construction joint

Arbeitsfuge joint de construction junta (de dilatación)

stabilised stabilisiert stabilisé estabilizado

stability Standsicherheit stabilité; tenue estabilidad

stable standfest stable; résistant estable

stable construction statische Konstruktion construction statique

standards Regeln, Normen règles professionnelles normas

stick / pole Stiel, Pfosten poteau montante, poste

stiffness Steifigkeit, räumlich rigidité arriostramiento, rigidización

stone chips Splitt gravier; gravillon gravilla

storage Lagerung stockage almacenamiento

straw Stroh paille paja

straw bale builder Fachkraft Strohballenbauer/in professionnel / traivailleur confirmé pour construction en bottes de paille

especialista en técnica de la construcción con balas de paja

straw bale buildung Strohballenbau construction en bottes de paille

construccíon con balas de paja

straw bale installation lying flat

Strohballeneinbau flach liegend

mise en place couché plat colocación de la bala plana

straw bale installation lying on its side

Strohballeneinbau hochkant liegend

mise en place couché de chant

colocación de la bala de canto

straw bale installation standing on end

Strohballeneinbau hochkant stehend

mise en place debout de chant

colocación de la bala vertical

straw content Strohanteil taux de paille; teneur en ~ proporción de paja

straw press Strohpresse presse de paille empacadora de paja

straw-reinforced stroharmiert armé avec de la paille armado con paja

strength of mortar Mörtelfestigkeit résistance du mortier resistencia del mortero

stretching and bending strength

Biegezugfestigkeit résistance à la traction et flexion

resistencia a la flexotracción

string Bindeschnur ficelle de bottelage cordel

structure Gefüge structure; appareil estructura, textura

structure of rendering Putzaufbau structure de l'enduit; composition de l’enduit

estructura del enlucido

support Träger poutre viga

surface treatment Oberflächenbehandlung traitement de surface tratamiento superficial

sustainability Nachhaltigkeit durabilité, persévérance, sostenibilidad

tension beam(wood) / tie bar(steel)

Zuganker tirant tirante

tension strength Zugfestigkeit résistance à la traction resistencia a la tracción

test Probe échantillon muestra

thermal bridge Wärmebrücken pont thermique puentes térmicas

thermal bridge free Wärmebrückenfreiheit sans pont thermique sin puentes térmicas

thermal resistance Wärmedurchlasswiderstand résistance à la transmission thermique

resistencia térmica por transmisión

thermal storage properties Wärmespeichervermögen capacité thermique massique inercia térmica

thickness of layer Auftragsstärke épaisseur de l’application; ~ la couche


tighten belt LKW Gurte sangle de bandage pour camion

tira / correa

tighten belt Spannbänder sangle correas / cintas para estirar

timber construction Holzkonstruktion construction en bois estructura de madera

timber frame building Fachwerkbau construction en ossature bois; ~ à colombage

construcción de entramado de madera



timber frame construction Holzständerkonstruktion construction à ossature; construction poteaux - poutres

construcción de entramado de madera

to apply,to lay(horizontal) auftragen appliquer aplicar

to crumble zerbröckeln (s´) effriter desmoronamiento

to crush zerkleinern broyer; désagréger desmenuzar

to dampen annässen mouiller; humecter, humifidier, arroser


to dry out austrocknen sécher; assécher secar

to fill stopfen fourrer; bourrer embutir

to fill verfüllen remplissage; remplir relleno; rellenar

to glue together verkleben collage unión por pegado

to level abziehen lisser; aplanir maestrear

to mix mischen malaxer; mélanger mezclar

to prime grundieren imprégner; passer une couche de fond


to roughen aufrauen strier; gratter; rendre rugueux rascar

to shrink schwinden faire du retrait retraerse

to sieve sieben tamiser cribar

to smooth glätten lisser alisar, pulir

to stuff Ausstopfen remplir/ fourrer rellenar (con lana, paja, etc.)

to swell quellen gonfler, enfler hincharse

tomake leaner abmagern dégraisser empobrecer, rebajar el porcentaje de arcilla en el suelo

tool to compress with Kompressionshilfe aide/ support de compression

ayuda para la compresión

transmission of solutions Vermitteln der Ergebnisse transmettre les résultats presentar resultados

transparency Transparenz transparence transparencia

trapezoidal cross section batten

Trapezleiste latte à section trapézoïdale listón trapezoidal

triangular cross-section batten

Dreiecksleiste la latte à section triangulaire listón triangular

trimming (of bales) frisieren (Begradigen der Strohballen)

raser des bottes de paille "afeitar" (los muros de Paja)

unfired ungebrannt pas cuit; crue crudo, corto de coccion

unfired brick Grünling brique non cuite ladrillo crudo

university Hochschulen école superieure universidades

vapour barrier Dampfsperre le pare - vapeur barrera de vapor

vapour diffusion Dampfdiffusion la diffusion de vapeur difusión de vapor

vault Gewölbe voûte, arche bóveda

ventilated hinterlüftet aéré, ventileé ventilada

ventilation Lüftung aération; ventilation ventilación

vertical senkrecht à plomb, vertical vertical

wall cover Wandbekleidung revêtement de mur recubrimiento de pared

wall cross-section Wandquerschnitt coupe transversale du mur espesor de la pared

wall opening Wandöffnung baie vano en la pared

water absorption Wasseraufnahme absorption d´eau admisión de agua, absorbción

water absorption coefficient Wasseraufnahmekoeffizient coefficient d´absorption d´eau

coeficiente de admisión de humedad , (de absorbción…)

water content Wassergehalt teneur en eau contenido de agua

water glass / sodium silicate Wasserglas silicate de potassium silicato sódico, cristal líquido

water solubility Wasserlöslichkeit solubilité dans l'eau solubilidad en aqua

water vapour Wasserdampf vapeur d´eau vapor de agua

water vapour diffusion Wasserdampfdiffusion diffusion de vapeur d´eau difusión de vapor de agua

water vapour diffusion resistance coefficient


taux de résistance à la diffusion de vapeur d´eau

resistencia a la difusión del vapor de agua

waterproof wasserfest insensible à l´eau; résistant resistente al agua



waterproofing Hydrophobierung hydrofuger tratamiento hidrófobo; hidrofugación

wattle Flechtwerk treillis; clayonnage encestado; cestería

wax layer on straw Wachsschicht (der Strohhalme)

couche de cire capa de cera (del tallo de la paja)

weather Witterung temps inclemencias del tiempo (efectos por)

weather protection Wetterschutz protection contre les intempéries

protección contra las inclemencias del tiempo

well graded gemischtkörnig à texture hétérogène de granulometría mixta

wet room Feuchträume pièce humide cuarto de baño

whey Molke petit lait suero de la leche

willow Weide saule sauce, mimbre

window opening Fensterleibung embrasure de fenêtre jamba de la ventana

windtight Winddichtigkeit étanchéité au vent estanqueidad al viento

without stones steinfrei sans pierres exento de piedras

wood chips Holzhackschnitzel copeaux de bois virutas de madera

wood shavings Holzwolle laine de bois lana de madera

wound straw ceiling / earthen roll ceiling

Lehmwickeldecke plancher aux fuseaux de terre paille

techo de bovinas de paja con barro

woven reed matting Schilfrohrgewebe couche de roseau tejido de cañas

STEP – Straw Bale Training for European Professionals

PREFACE Introduction to the Handbook STEP

Editor: Sissy Hein (Coordinator, FASBA)

Design: Herbert Gruber (Layout, Graphics), Michael Howlett (Logos)

Photos: Florian van Roekel, Herbert Gruber

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