strategia - · 3 the learning platform overview accessing...

Post on 06-Sep-2019






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Learning Platform




The Learning Platform Overview .................................................................................................................. 3

Accessing Strategia ................................................................................................................................... 3

Retrieve your Password ............................................................................................................................ 4

Change your Password .............................................................................................................................. 5

Search in the Course Catalogue ................................................................................................................ 6

Register to an Online Course ................................................................................................................... 8

Register to a Classroom Course with only One Period ........................................................................... 10

Register to a Classroom Course with Multiple Periods........................................................................... 12

Start an Online Course ............................................................................................................................ 14

Consult your Training History ................................................................................................................. 16

Consult the Library .................................................................................................................................. 17

Consult your Individual Job Profile ......................................................................................................... 18

Consult your Skills ................................................................................................................................... 19

Icon Glossary ........................................................................................................................................... 20


The Learning Platform Overview

Accessing Strategia

The Learning Platform is accessible via BA Intranet (Bnet) or through the following address:

Username is your Bombardier Identification Number without the «B»

If you never changed your Password, the default one is “bombardier”


Retrieve your Password

1. Click on «Forgot your user name or password? »

2. Enter your Last Name, First Name and Email

3. Click on the Submit button

The information will be sent to you by email

If you do not receive your password within the next few minutes, please contact your helpdesk.


Change your Password

Since «Bombardier» is the default password, it is mandatory to change it.

1. Click on User Name and Password 2. Enter a «Mot de passe / Password» 3. Confirm your password 4. Click on the Save button


Search in the Course Catalogue

There are several options to find a training activity in the learning platform

a. Search by Keyword b. Search by Categories c. Search by Delivery Type d. Search by Status e. Search by Language


It is possible to select more than one criterion in the left menu.

In the following example, we selected the following criteria;

1 – Classroom Delivery Type 2 - Self registration 3 – English

To do another search, simply click the link and make your selection!


Register to an Online Course

1. Click on the « Available Activities » menu 2. Enter a keyword

3. Click on the Icon to start the search 4. Click on the « Course Name »


5. Click on 6. Click on the « Register » link 7. A notification will appear to confirm your registration


Register to a Classroom Course with only One Period

1. Click on the « Available Activities » menu 2. Enter a keyword

3. Click on the Icon to start the search 4. Click on the « Course Name »


5. Click on 6. Click on the « Register » link

7. A notification will appear to confirm your registration


Register to a Classroom Course with Multiple Periods

1. Click on the « Available Activities » menu 2. Enter a keyword

3. Click on the Icon to start the search 4. Click on the « Course Name »


5. Click on 6. Click on « View periods »

7. Check the desired session 8. Click on the « Register » button


Start an Online Course

1. Click on « My Training » menu

2. Click on 3. Click on the « Launch » button


Once the course is completed, click the «X» that appears in the upper right corner of the window.

To prevent issues with the tracking, do not close the window if the course is not completely uploaded and never

close your Internet Explorer while the course is running.


Consult My Training

This page is now divided into sections

A. Pending Approvals B. Current Training C. Training History D. Training Transcript (PDF Format)

1. Click on the « My Training » menu

* It is possible to consult the course description, simply by clicking on its name.


Consult the Library

This section provides employees with reference tools such as web sites, books and


1. Click on the « Library » menu 2. Click on the desired sub-menu

Resources, Glossairy, FAQ (frequently Ask Questions), Web Sites, Books 3. Click on the name

4. The information related to this resource will appear


Consult your Individual Job Profile

1. Click on the « My Skills » menu 2. Click on the « My Individual Job Profile » sub-menu

If no information is available on this page it means that you do not have a job profile in Strategia.

The job profiles are mainly used for production employees


Consult your Skills

1. Click on the « My Skills » menu 2. Click on the « My Skills » sub-menu


Icon Glossary

Contextual Help

Statut d’inscription

Not Attempted





Allow you to print and/or visualize your training certificate.

In this mode, you will start the course where you left it. However, your progression and results will no longer be saved.

Launch is the normal mode. In this mode, you will start the course a where you left it. Moreover, your progression and results will be saved.

Allow you to print and/or save you training summary in a PDF format. Allow you to make an action. The button is grayed out when it is not possible to perform an action.


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