st. john of the cross parish may 20, 2012 the ascension of the lord · 2015. 9. 30. · st. john of...

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    PARISH CENTER: 708-246-4404 SCHOOL: 708-246-4454 YOUTH CATECHESIS: 708-246-6760


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    Dear Parishioners,

    This is a month of celebra ons and endings as the school year draws to a close. Last week the school children had a May crowning of the Blessed Mother followed by distribu ng the eighth grade gradua on ribbons. The First Communicants, wearing their First Communion clothes, formed an honor guard as the court processed in. Each grade level and several faculty members had some wonderful wishes for the eighth graders to take with them as they leave SJC. Also last week was the close of the year YC Mass. Fr. Darrio was the celebrant, and he talked about not needing much if the Lord is with you when you pack your suitcase for life’s journeys. It was a beau ful send off as he prepares to ‘graduate’ from SJC as well. The grade level coordinators spoke of how very apprecia ve they were for all that Fr. Darrio did to teach the children throughout his three years here. This weekend Fr. Filbert has invited his classmates to come here Sunday night to celebrate their first anniversary of ordina on together. May is also the tradi onal month for most priesthood ordina on anniversaries. This is Fr. Joe’s 57th, my 33rd and Fr. Darrio’s 26th. The deacons’ anniversaries have been in different months of the year. Deacon Tom’s 33rd is coming in December, Deacon Joe’s 30th was in April and Deacon John’s 4th is later this week. Four years ago I asked Marianne Firlit to take a staff posi on with the tle of Director of Spirituality and Care. She willingly took on the responsibility, but did not want a salary. Essen ally she has given the parish the gi of her me and energy in a volunteer capacity with employee responsibili es. She has resourced the medita on groups and introduced the parish to the labyrinth as a form of prayer. She was the crea ve source of this year’s parish mission. Without her coordina on, I cannot imagine how the Catholicism series would have happened that included over 400 par cipants and the training of numerous small group facilitators. She has offered grief sessions, supported small faith sharing groups, arranged for the Li le Black Books and the Li le Blue books, and been a touchstone for many parishioners who want to share their spiritual journey. For three years she welcomed the separated and divorced to a place in the parish where they could be supported and know they belong. She has challenged the staff to keep up with technology as a ministry tool and contributed her wisdom to the group decision making process. In a word, she has been a gi . But grandchildren have a way of repriori zing your me, and everything changes, and life moves on. She is going to remain connected as a spiritual director for parishioners, but will be leaving her staff posi on at the end of the month. Thank you, Marianne, for all you have taken such wonderful care of and for all you have given of yourself. And in this month of Mary, thank you to all women who give life and nurture faith. Peace, Fr. David

    From the Desk of the Pastor

    Summer Mass Schedule Just a reminder, our summer Mass schedule begins in a few short weeks. From Memorial Day through Labor Day (inclusive) which is Sunday, May 29th through Sunday, September 4 this year, there will be no 12:15 p.m. Mass.

  • Reflections

    Living the Gospel Mark 16:15-20 Jesus’ ascension is a pledge that he has not abandoned humanity but instead is present to us in a new, glorified way as we take up his work of salvation. The ascension is a transfer of saving ministry from Jesus to us. But this transfer does not mean we are on our own. No, disciples minister in Jesus’ name, they minister with Jesus’ power and life, they always look to Jesus to live and preach effectively. The most amazing aspect of this gospel isn’t that Jesus’ disciples are able to work fantastic wonders like picking up snakes, drinking poison and surviving, or healing the sick. Jesus’ glorious presence to us and within us makes us the very sign of the Gospel, of belief and new life. We are the sign of the risen Lord’s presence! We are the sign of the continuation of his saving mission. We are the sign of risen life in our world today. We are the sign of belief, of the Gospel being preached (by the way we live). We are the sign of the visible power of the Gospel at work transforming us and our world. The gospel assures us that “the Lord work[s] with [us].” What dignity is ours! We are given the gifts to walk in the footsteps of Jesus on this earth, assured that we, too, will one day ascend to share in his glory. Need we any more motivation than that? The risen Lord’s ascension is an invitation to us to preach the Gospel by the way we live. The most effective preaching is the goodness of our own lives. Practically, this means we relate to others the way Jesus himself did, since it is his mission we take up. We reach out with comforting words that heal broken hearts, strong hands to lift up the discouraged, integrity of action that makes clear to whom we belong—to the risen Lord. This way of living calls us to surrender ourselves into the Father’s hands just as Jesus did. For Reflection · The gifts I have been given so that I might preach the Gospel effectively are . . . · The signs I see that indicate my preaching the Gospel

    Closing Prayers May we, in word and deed, faithfully carry out the mission to proclaim the Gospel to every creature. May we grow in Gospel living and become effective signs of the risen Lord present among us today. Our Father . . .

    © Living liturgy 2012

    Contemplation in Action Fr. Richard Rohr “How can I be more holy?” We don’t have to make ourselves holy. We already are, and we just don’t know it yet. In Christian terminology this inherent holiness is called the Divine Indwelling or the gift of the Holy Spirit. That proclamation, and the awakening of the True Self in God, is the essential foundational and primary task of all religion. Thus authentic religion is more about subtraction than addition, more letting go of the false self than any attempt at engineering our own True Self. You can’t create what you already have. We become the One we gaze upon. And the “eyes by which we look back at God are the same eyes by which God has first looked at us” (Meister Eckart). This reciprocal gaze is the True Self, perfectly given to us, and always waiting to be perfectly received. It is so dear and so precious that it needs no external payoffs whatsoever. The True Self is abundantly content as it is. Prayer Teach me to hold the paradox of being contemplative in my actions.

    www.stjohnofthecross Go to our parish website to learn more! 3

    Go and teach all nations, says the Lord;

    I am with you always, until the end of the world.

    Alleluia, alleluia.

  • Congratulations Fr. Barron Vocation Discernment Francis Cardinal George, OMI, Archbishop of Chicago, has named Rev. Robert L. Barron as the rector/president of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake / Mundelein Seminary, effective July 1, 2012. He had been serving as the Francis Cardinal George Professor of Faith and Culture at Mundelein and as founding director of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries. Fr. Barron joined the full-time faculty of Mundelein Seminary in 1992 and has taught at the seminary since that time. He succeeds Msgr. Dennis J. Lyle who completed six years as rector. A native of Chicago, Fr. Barron's family are parishioners at St. John of the Cross Parish in Western Springs. Fr. Barron received a master of arts degree in philosophy from the Catholic University of America before attending the University of Saint Mary of the Lake / Mundelein Seminary. He was ordained for the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1986 with a master of divinity degree and later received his licentiate in sacred theology from the University. Fr. Barron's first assignment was as associate pastor of St. Paul of the Cross Parish in Park Ridge. He was then appointed to the faculty of Mundelein Seminary and sent for advanced studies at the Institut Catholique de Paris where he received the doctor of sacred theology degree. In 1992, he returned to the University of Saint Mary of the Lake / Mundelein Seminary. He has published ten books and is a sought after public lecturer. He has held visiting professor appointments at the University of Notre Dame, the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome, and was twice scholar in residence at the Pontifical North American College, also in Rome. Recognizing the need for a new evangelization, Fr. Barron founded Word on Fire Catholic Ministries. In 2011 Word on Fire produced Fr. Barron's television series Catholicism, which has been aired on Public Television. Catholicism has been described as bringing a fresh and robust view of the Gospel to contemporary society. The University of Saint Mary of the Lake / Mundelein Seminary is the major seminary of the Archdiocese of Chicago with a national and international outreach. A graduate school of theology, it has an enrollment of 250 degree students of which 165 are seminarians preparing for service as diocesan priests in 25 dioceses. Additionally, its institutes of diaconal studies, lay formation, and the Instituto de Liderazgo Pastoral prepare over 400 women and men for these roles of service. The University of Saint Mary of the Lake / Mundelein Seminary's ongoing formation program offered courses to 1200 participants this past year.

    What does God want of me? The question is not really, “Do I want to be a deacon?” Rather you must ask yourself, “What does God want me to be? How am I responding to God’s personal call?” Through our baptism, God calls each of us to be active in our faith journeys. A vocation (from the Latin word vocare—which means “to call”) is an invitation from God to a particular and specific ministerial lifestyle. An authentic vocation to the permanent diaconate receives confirmation from three sources—God, the individual and the Church. How do I know if God is calling me to diaconal ministry or a more committed walk with Jesus as a lay minister? This question is what discernment is all about. As you consider inquiring about a diaconal path consider that Christian discernment implies a life of faith and a sense of one’s relationship with God. Discernment requires a heart ready to listen and respond in prayer and reflection. Discernment also requires an open mind and heart prepared to learn about the diaconate and to decide what choice in your life will bring the greatest joy to God, the world and yourself. If you are being called to a vocation as a deacon, look for these signs of the calling within you and in the world around you: · You have a lively and personal love for Jesus

    Christ and the Church — the people of God.

    · You have a preferential option to help those in society who are poor, underrepresented or discriminated against.

    · Intellectually, you thirst to grow, learn and understand more about your faith.

    · You make a difference in the lives of people around you through the witness of your life; you desire to be pro-active in the workplace and marketplace in proclaiming the Gospel; you are willing to be a leader of prayer and worship.

    Please contact Fr. David to discuss your

    vocation to the diaconate ministry further.

  • This Week at SJC Monday, May 21 10:30 a.m. 11th Step Christian Meditation 2:30 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration 2:30 p.m. Spiritual Journaling 5:00 p.m. Finance Council Meeting Tuesday, May 22 9:00 a.m. Parent Assoc. Meeting 3:00 p.m. Rosary 1:30 p.m. Sr. Josephine’s Bible Study Wednesday, May 23 9:30 a.m. Bible Study 12:00 p.m. Buddy Lunch 2:00 p.m. Christian Meditation 7:30 p.m. Christian Meditation 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Thursday, May 24 9:30 a.m. Bible Study 1 1:00 p.m. Market Day 7:30 p.m. Men’s Club Meeting 7:30 p.m. Contemporary Choir Saturday, May 26 7:00 a.m. Christian Meditation

    2012 Summer Basketball Camps (for boys & girls entering grades 3 – 8)

    July 23 – 27, 2012 July 30 – August 3, 2012

    Grades 3-5th: 8:00 – 10:00am Grades 6-8th: 10:00am – noon


    $85 per session if registered by July 20th $95 per session at the door

    Includes a T-shirt and basketball

    Camps will be held at SJC

    To register, go to the SJC School website (www/ “Athletics” and

    choose “Basketball Camp.” Complete the registration form and return it with the

    fee (payable to St. John of the Cross) to

    SJC Parish School, Attn: Donna Webster, 708 51st Street, Western Springs, IL 60558

    For questions, contact Brian Shannon at 708-494-3333.

    Final Anniversary Celebration of the Year! SJC Family Fun Run and Social June 1, from 7-9 p.m. Post race party with hot dogs, chips, sodas and ice cream. Register online on the SJC website. We look forward to seeing everyone at the starting line!

    Parish and School News Cub Scout Corner Q & A about Pack 117 Q: Is the Cub Scout Pack 117 part of the SJC Parish? A: A Cub Scout Pack cannot exist without a chartering organization. Cub Scout Pack 117 is chartered by St. John of the Cross Parish. Q: What does the Pack do? A: The Cub Scout program uses age-appropriate activities including camping and other fun activities that promote fellowship (for the boys and even the parents), skill building, character building and respect for God’s creation. Q: Who can join? A: Any boy can join that is in 1st through 5th grades. As soon as the boy completes the previous grade (i.e. at the end of May), he is considered at the next grade level. This lets boys finishing Kindergarten participate in summer activities and events. Q: What differentiates Cub Scouts from other groups? A: There are many factors, including a continuing path with different levels of scouting through adulthood if desired. At this first level, the Core Values of Cub Scouting, which guide our activities and are promoted are: Citizenship, Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Faith, Health and Fitness, Honesty, Perseverance, Positive Attitude, Resourcefulness, Respect, and Responsibility. Q: Is this just for boys and dads? A: Some activities are just for the boys and a parent, and some are open to the whole family if desired. Q: What are some things the Pack is doing this summer? A: Currently planned are: a picnic, a few camping trips (6/17-6/20 & 6/30-7/1), an outdoor movie night, and potentially hiking and other short day activities. Q: Who do I contact about joining? A: Call or email John Spitkovsky at (708) 579-3316, Have a great summer!


  • Parish School

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    Our 8th grade students celebrated May Crowning with the 2nd grade honor guard and first grade buddies!

    And congratulations to the Godspell cast and crew on their wonderful performances!

  • Crossroads

    www.stjohnofthecross Go to our parish website to learn more! 7

    CALENDAR June 7 Work Tour Formation meeting June 14 Day trip to Great America Details online soon

    SERVING LOCALLY Designed for teens, adults, families of all ages!

    Meet daily for 7:45 a.m. Mass, carpool to Cicero, do a variety of jobs: painting, cleaning,

    minor repairs, return to SJC for dinner & reflection, be home by 7 p.m.

    Our official start date is June 17—June 22

    Father’s Day….if you can’t join us then, but can help us the other three days that’s OK!

    Contact Katie or Bill 708-246-4404 ext. 140

    National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry

    will take place at the Walt Disney Swan & Dolphin Conference Center in

    Orlando, Florida November 29-Dec. 1 CHECK IT OUT at

    Crossroads plans to send a group of our adult volunteers to receive formation & training, build community & energy, and return to share the spirit of the conference with our young people! YOU can help: donate any unused Disney Points to reduce costs of hotel; sponsor a volunteer’s travel or food expenses; pray for the spirit to encourage volunteers to say YES! Contact if you can help us!






    MANY THANKS to all our LEADERS!

    As we meet & conclude our ministry

    year we especially thank our graduating

    Senior home group leaders:

    Mike & Maria Baumel Dan & Wendy Duquette

    Ed & Mimi Giles

    Spending 4 years leading teens as they mature and grow into young adults

    is a major commitment with amazing rewards.

    Small faith-sharing groups allowing

    conversation, prayer, service opportunities and a building of faith is an awesome way for a couple to share time and faith with

    teens who want such care!

    If you would consider learning more about this ministry please contact any of the

    leaders above.

    Their contact info is on our website:


    Or descriptions of the various adult roles:


    Or Katie Hayes 708-246-4404 ext 140

  • www.stjohnofthecross Go to our parish website to learn more! 8

    Youth Catechesis

    Vacation Bible School June 25-29 ~ 9:00 a.m. Noon

    Come join us as we reach for the SKY!! VBS at St. John of the Cross is amazing!

    It’s interactive, filled with games, skits, crafts, and snacks – all while learning about God’s love for us!

    All children entering kindergarten through 5th grade in the fall can register online at our website:!

    Imagine kids trusting God forever...the sky's the limit!

    Registration fee is

    $30.00 Volunteers

    are WELCOME!!!

    For questions, contact the YC office

    at 708-246-6760


  • The New Evangelization

    Recently a new expression has made its way into our theological and ecclesial vocabulary. There's a lot of talk today about the New Evangelization. Indeed the Pope has called for a Synod to meet this year for a month in Rome to try to articulate a vision and strategy for such an endeavor. What is meant by New Evangelization? In simple terms: Millions of people, particularly in the Western world, are Christian in name, come from Christian backgrounds, are familiar with Christianity, believe that they know and understand Christianity, but no longer practice that faith in a meaningful way. They've heard of Christ and the Gospel, even though they may be overrating themselves in their belief that they know and understand what these mean. No matter. Whatever their shortcomings in understanding a faith they no longer practice, they believe that they've already been evangelized and that their non-practice is an examined decision. Their attitude toward Christianity, in essence, is: I know what it is. I've tried it. And it's not for me! And so it no longer makes sense to speak of trying to evangelize such persons in the same way as we intend that term when we are speaking of taking the Gospel to someone for the first time. It's more accurate precisely to speak of a new evangelization, of an attempt to take the Gospel to individuals and to a culture that have already largely been shaped by it, are in a sense over-familiar with it, but haven't really in fact examined it. The new evangelization tries to take the Gospel to persons who are already Christian but are no longer practicing as Christians. How to do that? How do we make the Gospel fresh for those for whom it has become stale? How do we, as G. K. Chesterton put it, help people to look at the familiar until it looks unfamiliar again? How do we try to Christianize someone who is already Christian? There are no simple answers. It's not as if we haven't already been trying to do that for more than a generation. Anxious parents have been trying to do this with their children. Anxious pastors have been trying to do that with their parishioners. Anxious bishops have been trying to do that with their dioceses. Anxious spiritual writers, including this one, have been trying to do that with their readership. And an anxious church as a whole has been trying to do that with the world. What more might we be doing? My own view is that we are in for a long, uphill struggle, one that demands faith in the power and truth of what we believe in and a long, difficult patience. Christ, the faith, and the church will survive. They always do. The stone always eventually rolls away from the tomb and Christ always eventually re-emerges, but we too must do our parts. What are those parts?

    The vision we need as we try to reach out to evangelize the already evangelized will, I believe, need to include these principles: 1. We need to clearly name this task, recognize its urgency, and center ourselves in Jesus' final mandate: Go out to the whole world and make disciples. 2. We need work at trying to re-inflame the romantic imagination of our faith. We have been better recently at fanning the flames of our theological imagination, but we've struggled mightily to get people to fall in love with the faith. 3. We need to emphasize both catechesis and theology. We need to focus both on those who are trying to learn the essentials of their faith and those who are trying to make intellectual sense of their faith. 4. We need a multiplicity of approaches. No one approach reaches everyone. People go where they are fed. 5. We need to appeal to the idealism of people, particularly that of the young. We need to win people over by linking the Gospel to all that's best inside them, to let the beauty of the Gospel speak to the beauty inside of people. 6. We need to evangelize beyond any ideology of the right or the left. We need to move beyond the categories of liberal and conservative to the categories of love, beauty, and truth. 7. We need to remain widely "Catholic" in our approach. We are not trying to get people to join some small, lean, purist, sectarian group, but to enter a house with many rooms. 8. We need to preach both the freedom of the Gospel and its call for an adult maturity. We need to resist preaching a Gospel that threatens or belittles, even as we preach a Gospel that asks for free and mature obedience. 9. We need today, in an age of instability and too-frequent betrayal, to give a special witness to fidelity. 10. We need, today more than ever, to bear down on the essentials of respect, charity, and graciousness. Cause never justifies disrespect. We need to work at winning over hearts, not hardening them. Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser, theologian, teacher, and award-winning author, is President of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. He can be contacted through his website

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  • Spirituality and Care

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    Seeing the Holy: Praying With and Through Your Camera Lens is a great opportunity to capture what is alive with the glory of God – all of creation! Join facilitator Christine Parks, CSJ, on Saturday, June 9th, from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and explore a day of seeing and being present to the Holy through your eyes and camera

    lens. Bring a digital camera, a journal and wear comfortable clothes and walking shoes. Basic camera skills are required. The cost of $60 includes lunch. “Christ is not Jesus’ last name,” says theologian Richard Rohr. Exploring the Christ invites all into a larger, evolutionary story where one can re-imagine the foundational fire of our faith. Guided by facilitator Bridget Sperduto and the insights of modern theologians, the question, “Who is the Christ?” will be discussed, explored and reflected upon. The date is Wednesday, June 13th, from 9 a.m. – noon, and the cost is $15. All programs are held at The Well, located at 1515 W. Ogden Ave., LaGrange Park. To register, please call 708-482-5048 or visit the website at

    TOMMY’S KIDS SUMMER CAMP Facilitated by St. Thomas Hospice For Children Who Have Experienced a Significant Loss Due to Death

    Helping children who have experienced the death of someone they love is one of the most difficult tasks a parent or other relative may ever face. Tommy’s Kids Camp is a five-day summer day camp for children ages 5-12 who come together to talk about their loss, to remember special times, to meet new friends and to have fun. Children write stories about their loved ones, draw pictures, participate in arts and crafts, go on nature hikes and play games in addition to many other camp activities, rain or shine. Snacks and supplies will be provided. Children are asked to bring a sack lunch including a drink and to wear comfortable shoes. To register call 630-856-6985. Fee: $50/child from June 25—June 29 at the Arabian Knights Farms in Willowbrook. For more information or to register, please contact Heather Kochen at 630-856-6985.

    Moving On With Grace A Spiritual Journey for Men and Women Grieving the Death of a Spouse

    Saturday, June 2, 9:00 a.m.– 1:00 p.m. Our Lady of Pompeii

    8:30 a.m. Check-in and Coffee $25 Paid Registration appreciated by May 30th Lunch included After the unthinkable has happened, how do you go on? Finding peace and healing after the death of a spouse can seem impossible. Yet, facing fear, anxiety and overwhelming sadness can lead to embracing a new life. It is possible to once again know happiness and live with a full heart. Consider attending his morning of spiritual comfort, engaging community and hope through prayer, presentation and discussion. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Susan M. Pudelek, or 312-421-3757, x 312. Register by calling the Shrine at 312-421-3757 with your Visa or Master Card. Our Lady of Pompeii, 1224 W. Lexington St., Chicago, Illinois 60607.

  • Spirituality & Care Outreach

    Bible Institute of Diocese of Joliet Invites You to a Bible Study Program Preview Night

    This September the Diocese of Joliet will open two new Biblical Institute sites: Notre Dame in Clarendon Hills and St. Jude in New Lenox. The Institute offers: Basic Bible Study Years 1 & 2: Focuses on methods of study and praying with the Bible, basics of Catholic approach to Scripture, and systematic study of major books of Old and New Testaments Year I will meet at Notre Dame in Clarendon Hills on Wednesdays 7-9 p.m. and at St. Jude in New Lenox on Saturdays from 9-11 a.m. (New students may join these classes.) Advanced Bible Study Years 3 & 4: Covers every other book of the Bible and develops the basic methods learned in first two years Year 3 (meets at St. Petronille in Glen Ellyn on Thursdays 7-9 p.m.). Year 4 (meets at St. Mary Immaculate in Plainfield on Saturdays from 9-11 a.m.) Special Preview Night at Notre Dame in Clarendon Hills is Wednesday, May 30 at 7-8:30 p.m. to meet the instructor, talk to current students, see the books, and get a feel for a typical class. More information and other preview night dates and locations go to: and click on Biblical Institute or call 630-281-4515.

    Look for BIDJ flyers in our community room of church.

    www.stjohnofthecross Go to our parish website to learn more! 11

    EVENT - Friday Night Out at the Chicago Sky Game We are looking for 2-3 volunteers to assist staff and attend this adult client social event. Date: May 25th 6:30 p.m - 10:30 p.m. Place: Meet at Helping Hand Center ADMINISTRATIVE - Monthly job We are seeking an individual to volunteer 3 hours during the first week of the month to assist staff with a billing project. ART ROOM - Weekly job We are seeking volunteers to assist staff with set up/clean up in the art room. Select a day(s) that you can help on a regular basis. Days: Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri 3-4 p.m. THRIFT SHOP - Weekly job We have the following volunteer openings at our Thrift Shop in Brookfield: Shift: Tues, Wed, Thurs, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Shift: Tues, Thurs, 4-7:00 p.m. Sign up today! Call or email Helping Hands, 9649 W. 55th Street, Countryside, IL

    SJC Men’s Golf Outing, Friday, June 1st Flagg Creek Golf Course 6939 S. Wolf Road, IHP

    Cost: $26, includes cart and two beverage tickets; snacks provided, and participation in contests (with prizes): Low Score, Closest to the Pin; Longest Drive.

    Checks should be made payable to SJC Men’s Club and delivered to the Parish Center. Tee times from 2:03 p.m. to 3:19 p.m. followed by camaraderie, beverages and snacks at the clubhouse.

    List tee time preference (we will try to accommodate, but no guarantee)

    2:03___; 2:11___; 2:20___; 2:28___; 2:37___; 2:45___; 2:54___; 3:02___; 3:10___; 3:19___

    Names of player(s)____________________________ ________________________________ ____________________________ ________________________________

    Questions? Call Steve Ryan, 708-217-2530.

    Men’s Club

  • www.stjohnofthecross Go to our parish website to learn more! 12

  • Readings for the Week Monday: Acts 19:1-8; Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27; Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38; Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Jn 17:20-26 Friday: Acts 25:13b-21; Jn 21:15-19 Saturday: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Jn 21:20-25 Sunday: Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25; Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15

    Edward L. Peterson, father of Curt, Kristine, Ted, Larry and Lang

    grandfather of Curt Jr., Annette, Kayla and Carmen

    Our Beloved Dead

    Lord Hear Our Prayer Pray for our Sick

    Mary Bartucci Garth Christie Anthony Garvy

    Karen Hult Ruth Ilg

    Emily Johanns Adriane Kane Jacob Kenny Greg LaValle

    Yvonne Lowry Meredith Mangold

    Thomas Martin Olga Matusik Nancy Olin

    Greg Palaschak Matthew Pecis

    Raymond Principe

    Robert Rachford Harry Richards Nick Saldana Bruce Soifert

    Bob Sturenfeldt Norma Sumpay Diane Tymick

    Lauren Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel and Kristen Anne Napleton Hrones

    Caitlyn Grace, daughter of Justin and Lindsay Conry Kennedy


    Mass Intentions Monday, May 21, St. Christopher Magallanes 6:30 Jack Callahan, III; Roger Alberico 7:45 Fr. Bill Martin; Special Intention Tuesday, May 22, St. Rita of Cascia 6:30 Floyd Placzek; Tony Tunney 7:45 Harriette Steinmetz; Jesus Ardila Wednesday, May 23 6:30 Our Beloved Dead; Raymond Orwat 7:45 Jane Mitchel; Patricia Wehner Thursday, May 24 7:45 Kathleen Gary; Eugene Garvy Friday, May 25, St. Bede the Venerable 7:45 John K. Quinlan; Patricia Wehner Saturday, May 26, St. Philip Neri 8:00 Jerry Anthony Manganiello; Margaret Tolitano 5:00 Joseph Kmet; Muriel Albertson Sunday, May 27, Pentecost Sunday 7:30 SJC and Holy Cross Parishioners 9:00 Dorothea Frech and Alvina Rizzo 10:45 Ann Grecco; Casimir Bonkowski 12:15 Nadine Brunner 5:00 Donald J. Dempsey; Roberto Palamara Italics—Living

    God of love,ever caring, ever strong, stand by us in our time of need. Watch over who is sick,

    Look after him/her in every danger, and grant him/her your healing and peace. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    Trying to get in touch with us? Fr. David Dowdle Pastor Fr. Darrio Boscutti Associate Pastor Fr. Fil Ngwila Associate Pastor John Schopp Deacon Bill Bright Outreach Janet Caschetta Director of Youth Catechesis Jim Clauer Worship Marianne Firlit Spirituality & Care Kathleen Gorman School Principal Katie Hayes Crossroads High School Jessica Koch Music MJ Martin Operations

    The listing of our entire parish staff can be found on our parish website:

    Wedding Banns

    Steven Thomas Perona & Valerie Elizabeth Fleishman Katelyn Mulvaney & Patrick Pollard Visit the Archdiocese of Chicago website

    for news and resources.


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    Sub Abuse - Medicare - EspañolOakbrook Terr. 630.691.1114 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170

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    Maloney & Company, Ltd.Certified Public Accountants & Consultants

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    DOWNERS GROVE301-75th Street630-964-6500

    Val VlaznyAttorney At Law

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    4365 Lawn AveWestern Springs

    General Contractors • Construction ManagersDistinctive Residences • Renovations • Additions

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    • 475 W. 55th Street, Suite 208, LaGrange• 3116 Oak Park Ave., Berwyn

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    Massage Therapy and Spiritual Direction• Deep Tissue • Pregnancy• Swedish • Energy WorkSr. M. Clancy, SSND

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    009239 St John of the Cross Church (A)

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    Carol L.KlimaMartin

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    (708) 246-7570

    VViillllaaggee HARDWARE“Help is just around the corner”835 Burlington • Western Springs • 708-246-0892

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    Formal Dining 2 to 400 people12 Yrs. Experience

    630-341-3337Barbara Gilleece Hired for Private Parties

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    CLEANING SERVICESHomes, Condos, Offices

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    708.417.8441Lic.# J16531 - Bonded - Insured

    Owned & Operated ByFRANK TRAMONTANA, Parishioner

    of Western Springs



    SUNDAY, JUNE 10 10:45 A.M.



    Please RSVP for the Brunch by Friday, June 1 by returning the form below or through our website

    We hope you will be able to join us as we celebrate the completion of

    our many Our Legacy projects!

    FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact Dan Cochran or Dave Bennett at 708-292-1100.

    Re-Dedication Mass and Brunch Sunday June 10 at 10:45 a.m.

    ____ Yes, I/we plan to attend the Sunday, June 10 Re-dedication Mass and Brunch

    Indicate the number of adults and/or children who will be attending the Brunch.

    Name__________________________________ _____ adults ____children Please return to the Parish Center or place in an offertory basket by June 1.

    Thank you.

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