southwest airlines

Post on 17-Nov-2014






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Southwest Airlines

Southwest AirlinesConclusion:Because of strong organizational culture Southwest Airline is making profit in point-to-point service. Their organizational culture makes them more attractive and successful.Explanation:It is a culture that has helped make southwest the only constantly profitable company in the airline industry of U.S.A. They dedicate the highest quality of customer service delivered with logic of love, sociability, individual pride, and company’s spirit. Leaders of Southwest have unusual but effective style of leadership and participate in contests. They are committed to provide a secure work environment with equal opportunity for learning, job security and personal growth to their employees. They give emphasis to the selection of employees who are good-looking, compassionate and pleasing personalities to the job and make better labor relationship. Creativity and innovation are encouraged, employees will be provided the same concern, respect, and caring attitude within the organization that they are expected to share externally with every Southwest customer. Love theme is the culture and in-flight contests were conducted so they make fun for employees and travelers. They make use of regional form of speech in their announcements. They achieved a desirable financial performance. Through their culture they create a blue ocean in the Airline Industry and generate demand within contest with a decent manner rather then wrestled over it and make it (Blue Ocean) the engine of growth.Defense:Culture differentiate Southwest with others and people prefer it due to its culture. Leaders of southwest created a strong culture and set some rules which make simplicity for the employees while working. They appreciate the employees while working or some contests by employees, team work and provide stable work environment that encourage the employees that create more commitment to work in employees.Employees also do well and provide better services and environment to customer. They show their culture before the customer which other airlines not. Customers like the change and participate in contests while flying and make fun their flight. Due to culture customers become happy and prefer southwest. Due to culture Southwest was boarding more passengers after the Sep. 11 and show commitment with them and they are making profit, strengthen their balance sheet and raised their market share so they never layoff a single person in response to 9/11. This strong culture makes better aircraft utilization while other companies failed even on this point-to-point service because their culture not met with Southwest. Southwest never enter into competition but create demand within the rivalry and use Blue Ocean strategy.Sum up:Southwest strong culture makes it the more successful in the airline industry in point-to-point service. Southwest’s culture of hard work, high-energy, fun, and creativity make it best.

Southwest Airlines


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