social media case study - marketing your event

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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This is a social media case study done by the saidWot team at the 3rd annual social media conference. It contains useful insights and information on using social media to market events and campaigns.


Campaign period: 30 March – 3 April 2011.

The Campaign and The ObjectivesThe CampaignThe campaign focused on communication around a saidWot team member (Carla Jones) presenting at the 3rd Annual Social Media Conference. We approached this as a campaign with the following objectives:

• Create brand awareness of the saidWot offering saidWot products & services. • Showcase thought leadership in the industry.• To generate leads for the business.

*The main social media platform used at the event was Twitter (live tweeting from the event).

The saidWot Model

We Listened

• Mentions about the conference in relation to saidWot: 25• 12 Mentions were about saidWot’s presentation available on SlideShare, while the other mentions were mostly information tweeted and re-tweeted about the conference in relation to saidWot.

We Listened: Twitter

*69 of these mentions were not picked up by the saidWot app as the mentions did not contain specific keywords that were set up.

We Analysed: Statistics

• Cumulative Brand Reach: R 368 762• Average Brand Reach: R 14 750 (73 750 eyeballs).• Sentiment: 22 Neutral Mentions.

3 Positive Mentions.• Platform: Majority of the mentions appeared on Twitter.

*Data from the saidWot ORM Tool.

We Analysed: New Followers• About 40 people attended the conference.• saidWot’s followers on Twitter increased from 179 to 199 and LinkedIn followers increased from 18 to 22.• 9 of the new Twitter followers are South African and potential saidWot clients, most other new followers were identified to be spam.

We Analysed: New Twitter Followers

• 9 New International Followers

• 11 New South African Followers

We Analysed: Re-Tweets

We Analysed: Tweets to saidWot

We Analysed: Facebook

• With the Facebook Twitter app, we were able to post our Tweets to our saidWot Facebook page Wall.•Although we gained o new followers/likes on Facebook, we did start a conversation some fans about the conference.

We Analysed: Shares - LinkedIn

The Results: Conversions

• New Followers: 20 on Twitter, 4 on LinkedIn.• Leads: We also gained 2 new Demo accounts as well as 2 meetings with potential clients (Potential business).

* Note: These results are only for the campaign period (30 March – 3 April).

The Results: Social Media• SlideShare – 361 views, 12 likes (3 shares on FB), 5 tweets, 1 download (this is still the most effective channel to share presentations).• LinkedIn Group: 2 likes, 1 comment.• Flickr: One photo uploaded (not statistics yet).• saidWot Blog: 4 LinkedIn shares, 1 like, 2 Tweets.• Twitter: 8 RT’s (mostly affiliated).

The Results: Website Traffic

Due to the conference (29th Mar -3rd Apr) - saidWot:• LinkedIn: 17 visits.• Twitter: 15 visits.• Facebook: 3 visits.

*Above is an analysis of traffic to saidWot & Virtuosa websites from social media sites during the conference analysis period. Data from Google


We Engaged

Continuity strategy after the event • Through blogging and social media conversations we continue to build awareness about the event and the brand.

Focus on conversions• Thank and contact people that download your presentations.• Contact those that engaged with the brand and are in need of our services.

We Engaged Leverage off successful channels• Use successful channels that are relevant to your brand: In this case, we used LinkedIn and SlideShare (indicating good results from these channels).• There is further opportunity in creating relevant groups, white paper (case studies), and presentations.• Use Twitter lists to enhance the likelihood of your brand appearing in the “similar to you” section on Twitter, and so gaining more followers.• Post quality Tweets as well as the use and promotion of the Tweet to Facebook tool in order to avoid being ‘unfollowed’.

Useful Links• saidWot:• Virtuosa:• Bottling the Noise:• Twitter: /@saidwotorm• LinkedIn: Demo• Free saidWot ORM Tool demo account: Other Case Studies• Case Studies:


Presented by: Etta Howell & Mangosuthu Malinga.

Thank you.

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