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SMS Sender

for bpm'online

User manual



Contents How to install SMS Sender for bpm'online 4

How to set up section display 6

How to move to workspace setting 6

How to set up workspace 6

How to add workspace 9

How to set up connection with SMS provider 10

SMS provider parameters setting 10

How to create SMS template 12

How to create SMS template 12

How to add macros 13

How to find connection and sending logs 14

How to make SMS bulk 15

How to create massive SMS bulk 15

How to add audience for massive bulk 17

How to send test SMS 18

How to start SMS bulk 19

How to stop SMS bulk 19

How to find SMS bulks statistic 20

How to set up trigger sms sending 22

How to send SMS- from system section 24

How to send SMS from action panel 24

How to select SMS template 25

How SMS history stores in system 28

How to see contact `s SMS history 28

Marketing campaign element 29

Sequence flows 30




SMS Sender allows you to build a full-fledged relationship with the customers leveraging the

maximum of the SMS channel capabilities. Using SMS Sender for bpm'online you can promptly

inform your customer about all your sales, marketing campaign etc. SMS sending is executed

from bpm’online interface. SMS Sender for bpm'online is compatible with all products on

bpm'online platform (version 7.9 and up).

● Massive SMS bulks. One-time sending SMS to several recipients in one click;

● SMS templates. To prepare massive SMS bulk quicker and easier use SMS template.

● Adding segment audience. Send upi SMS bulk only to necessary target audience;

● Using short number/text sender name. Send your SMS on behalf of your

company or from short number to increase efficiency of your bulk;

● Delivery statistic. Analyze your SMS bulk results to increase efficiency of or

marketing campaign;

● Use SMS template. Add to SMS bulk ready-to-use message templates.

● Test message sending. Send test SMS to check your message template settings.

● Trigger bulks. Start sending SMS bulk when necessary condition performed.



HOW TO INSTALL SMS SENDER FOR BPM'ONLINE To start using SMS Sender for bpm’online, it`s necessary to install product package in



Install via user interface is supported by bpm'online 7.10 and higher.

Before installation, you must download the archives of the current packages PTSMSSender.gz


Figure 1 - SMS Sender package on ftp


When the file of the package is downloaded again, the browser adds the copy number to the

end of the file name. For example, PTSMSSender (2).gz. Before installing the package, it is

recommended to delete the added symbols and bring the name to the PTSMSSender.gz.

Open the system designer, click the [Package installation] link.

Figure 2 - Package installation



On the [Package installation] page click the [Select file] button, specify the path to the archive

with the package and perform the installation.

Installation file choosing


Package setup takes a few minutes.



HOW TO SET UP SECTION DISPLAY Set of sections displayed for some user on bpm`online side panel is called workspace.

To start using SMS Sender for bpm’online, it`s necessary to add product`s sections to current

workspace or create a new one.


1. Open the [System designer] by clicking the button in the top right corner of the


2. In group [Set up view] click on [Workspace setup].

On workspace editing page you can find list of available workspaces, add new one, delete or

edit existing workspaces. Also, you can set up access to each workspace for every

organizational role.

Figure 3 - Workspace list page

HOW TO SET UP WORKSPACE To add new or edit existing workspace use workspace editing page.

To add new workspace press button [New user workspace].

Figure 4 - Adding new workspace

For editing existing workspace pick it in list and press [Open].



Figure 5 - Workspace editing

Workspace editing page opens.

Figure 6 - Workspace editing page

On [Section] detail using instrument panel you can setup list of sections, from with workspace

consists of.

To add SMS Sender for bpm’online sections to existing workspace you need:

1. Press [Add] button, list of choosing sections will open.



Figure 7 - Adding new sections to workspace

2. Select sections [SMS providers] и [SMS bulks], press [ Select]. Mentioned sections will

be added to current workspace.

Figure 8 - Selecting sections for workspace



3. Log in again. Selected sections will display in mentioned workspace.

HOW TO ADD WORKSPACE For adding new workspace you need:

1. Press [New user workspace].

2. On workspace editing page fill field [Name]. New title for workspace will display in


3. Add sections [SMS providers] и [SMS bulks] on detail [Sections]. Moreover, you can

add other sections, which you need in this workspace.

4. Add list of roles, for whom new workspace will be displayed, on detail [User groups].

Figure 9 - Selecting roles for workspace

5. Log in again. New workspace will display on section panel.

Figure 10 - New workspace



HOW TO SET UP CONNECTION WITH SMS PROVIDER SMS provider - it`s company, which provide customer with sending/getting SMS service, but

doesn`t work as mobile operator. SMS provider offer just separate channel for sending

customer`s messages and just send it to Short Message Service Centre of Mobile operators.

SMS provider has a contact with Mobile SMS operator and this contract does not cover direct

connection with Mobile operator's infrastructure. So SMS provider could only guarantee SMS

delivery just to Short Message Service Centre, after that provider couldn`t control message



To set up connection with SMS provider you need access to [SMS providers] section. If

user has no access to section [SMS providers], he need reach his system administrator.

If this section doesn`t appear in any workspace, it could appear as in How to add

workspace said.

SMS PROVIDER PARAMETERS SETTING During sending SMS are sent to SMS provider`s server, then - to SMS Center of Mobile

operator, who deliver the message to final recipients.

Before sending you need to set up SMS provider parameters. Also besides connection

parameters you can set up sender name or short number for increasing message openings

by recipients.

For SMS provider set up you need:

1. Move to [SMS providers] section on [SMS Sender] workspace.

Figure 11 - SMS provider setting page

2. On SMS provider editing page fill [Name] – Provider`s name (obligatory), and [Active]

– attribute which determines: do you use this provider or not.

Next fields you fill per that information which you requested from your provider or in

you provider's profile:

[Server URL] – SMPP-server address, connecting which you will send SMS



● [Port] – SMPP-server port.

● [Login] – client login.

● [Password] – client password.

● [Throttling] – max number of messages per second according to agreement

with SMS provider.

3. Put in field group [SMPP Settings] these values (you can get them from your provider):

● [Version] – SMPP protocol version.

● [System Type] – sending protocol type.

● [NPI] – Number plan indicator.

● [TON] – number type.

● [Encoding] – Sending SMS encoding.

4. Put on detail [Sender name] list of names which you bought. this value will be

mentioned as sender name in your SMS. If there is no special name agreed, in field

“Sender name” in SMS will be default value.

When you saving SMS provider`s page system automatically check connection. If connection

successful, you get notification[Status connection: open]. If there any errors, you will get

notification [Status connection: closed].

Figure 12 - Server SMPP connection error



HOW TO CREATE SMS TEMPLATE You can create SMS templates and then use it in SMS bulks during marketing campaigns.

HOW TO CREATE SMS TEMPLATE To add new template you need:

1. Move to [System designer] pressing button.

2. Open [Lookups] section.

3. Open [SMS template] lookup.

Figure 13 - [Lookup] section

4. Press [New SMS template].

5. For new template fill:

● [Name] – SMS template title

● [Template] – Template text.

Figure 14 - SMS template

Template you added you can use in next SMS bulks.



HOW TO ADD MACROS For personalizing your SMS, you can add macros.


Macros uses object [Contact] columns. Starting the bulk instead macros in sms appears values

from mentioned columns for contacts, which were added to [Audience] detail.

To set up macros you need:

1. Clarify object [Contact] columns title in Database. Your system administrator could

help with this.

2. Put macros in template this way [#Column title in Database#].

Figure 15 - SMS template with macros


System setting value in macros put his way [$System setting code$].



HOW TO FIND CONNECTION AND SENDING LOGS Use Connection log to collect and analyze connection statistic and sending SMS results.

To review connection log, you need:

1. Open [SMS provider] record.

2. Move to [Log] tab.

3. On detail [Connection log] log records displays.

Figure 16 - Connection log



HOW TO MAKE SMS BULK To start SMS bulk you need:

1. Set up SMS Sender sections (see How to set up section display)

2. Set up connection with SMS provider (see How to set up connection with SMS


3. Create new SMS bulk (see How to create massive SMS bulk).

4. Add SMS template (see How to create SMS template).

5. Set up bulk audience (see How to add audience for massive bulk).

6. Start SMS bulk (see How to start SMS bulk).

HOW TO CREATE MASSIVE SMS BULK To add new SMS bulk you need:

1. Move to [SMS bulks] and press [Add bulk].

Figure 17 - [SMS bulks] section

2. On bulk page fill columns:

● [Name] – SMS bulk title, where necessary to mentions template title (for example,

“Template for marketing campaign (April)”.

● [Owner] – automatically filled with current user name.

● [Provider] – SMS-provider.

● [Sender name] – sender name, bought from SMS provider. In case one paid sender

name, it appears automatically.



Figure 18 - [SMS bulk] editing page

3. Put the text or fill [Message text] from template:

● Press [Choose from template].

● In opened window select necessary template.

● Press [Select].

Thus, in [Message text] will be uploaded text from chosen SMS template.

During filling [Message text] you can put macros to personalize your SMS (see How to

add macros).

System displays message length and number of SMS, which will be sent when bulk will


Figure 19 - SMS template selection



HOW TO ADD AUDIENCE FOR MASSIVE BULK If you need to send SMS to several contacts at the same time, you need to add all recipients

to detail [Audience] of bulk page. You can add contacts massively using function [Add contact

folder] or selectively using function [Add contact]. To add contact group you need:

1. On [Audience] tab of bulk page in button [+] select function [Ann contact folder].

Figure 20 - [+] button, [Audience] detail

2. In opened window select previously set up in [Contact] section group and press

[Select]. Static and dynamic groups are available for selection.

Figure 21 - Selecting contact group for bulk

Thus, contacts from selected group will be added to bulk.



Figure 22 - Bulk audience, uploaded from contact group

HOW TO SEND TEST SMS To see SMS same as recipient gets, to check macros and text reflection in message you can

use test SMS sending action.

For test SMS sending you need:

1. Select in [SMS bulks] section some bulk you want to test.

2. In section action menu select [Send text message].

Figure 23 - [Send test message] action

3. In opened window put phone number, where test SMS will be sent.

4. Press [Send].



Thus, test message, will be sent to mentioned phone. Instead recipient`s macros value will

be placed current contact (who started test sending) data.


For test sending connection with provider should be opened.

HOW TO START SMS BULK To start bulk sending open necessary bulk record and press [Start sending]. System notifies

you about start sending result.

After start sending:

● Fields [Name], [Provider] and [Sender name], [Message text] became blocked.

● Adding bulk audience prohibited.

● Field [Started on] is filled with actual time and date of bulk start.

● SMS statuses for each contact from bulk audience updated.

Figure 24 - SMS sending statuses

HOW TO STOP SMS BULK If you need to stop sending after bulk start (for example, you noticed the mistake in template)

use “stop sending’ function.

To stop bulk press [Stop sending]. Bulk will be stopped, it will get status [Stopped]. You can

restart bulk later pressing [Start sending] again. In this case bulk, will continue only for those

recipient, who haven`t get message yet.

There is no chance to cancel message delivery for those SMS which were already sent by stop

bulk moment.



Figure 25 - Сообщение об остановке рассылки

HOW TO FIND SMS BULKS STATISTIC Right away after start sending you can analyze sending process using SMS sending diagram.

On diagram you can see % of messages with statuses specified below:

● [Sent to provider] – % of messages with status [Sent to provider], messages which

were sent to recipient via provider's equipment.

● [Rejected by provider] – % of messages with status [Rejected by provider], messages

which couldn't be sent to recipient due to error in phone number for example.

● [Delivered] – % of messages with status [Delivered], messages successfully get by


● [SMS forbidden] – in contact record mentioned “Do not send SMS” so SMS sending is


● [Phone is empty] – SMS delivery failed due to empty phone column in contact`s


On [Bulk totals] tub you can find unique bulk response index.

Information is represented in different marks.



For each mark you can see relative and absolute value. % of [Delivered], [Sent to provider],

[Rejected by provider] counts per total sent messages. Marks are updated dynamically.

Figure 26 - SMS sending diagram and totals




Trigger SMS sending could set up only user with “system administrator” access.

Trigger message —its automatically SMS sending started from special system signal. For

example, trigger SMS could start after adding a new record to bpm’online section. Trigger

SMS sending allows you to notify your customer threw relevant personalized actual for the

moment messages about any action in system.

Trigger SMS is realized in form of business process element.

To start trigger bulk you need:

1. Move to [Advance settings] in group [Admin area] inside [System designer].

Figure 27 - Transition to [Admin area]

2. Move to [Configuration] tab.

3. Press [Add] and select function [Business process].

4. Add necessary business process elements, which should be performed before trigger

SMS sending.

5. To send trigger SMM add element [Send SMS] from [User action] element group.



Figure 28 - Adding [Send SMS] element

6. Specify [Send SMS] element parameters:

● [Contact] – message recipient from contact list. You can put exact value from

[Contact] lookup or current contact, put process parameter, system setting

value or formula;

● [Provider] – Provider for SMS sending;

● [Sender name] – Sender name which will be displayed on recipient`s phone;

● [Message text] – SMS text, where macros could be used for personalizing;

● [Send on mobile phone] – obligatory to fill. If [True] SMS will be sent to one of

mobile phones from contact page, [True] is default value;

● [Send on business phone] – obligatory to fill. If [True] SMS will be sent to one

of other phones from contact page, [False] is default value;

● [Send to another phone] – obligatory to fill. If [True] SMS will be sent to one

of other phones from contact page, [False] is default value;

● [Use all phones] – logic field, attribute, using which SMS will be sent to all

phones from contacts page. [False] is default value.


Setting [Use all phones] = [False] and selecting one or several attributes – [Send to other

phone], [Send to mobile phone], [Send on business phone] – SMS will be sent only to one

phone from each type, even if on contact page mentioned just 2 mobile phones.

Setting [Use all phones] = [True], messages will be sent to all contact`s phones.



HOW TO SEND SMS- FROM SYSTEM SECTION With SMS Sender for bpm`online you can send SMS using action panel in section.

Figure 29 - Action panel


Action panel is basic system tool and available in [Contacts], [Accounts], [Leads],

[Opportunities] sections. To send SMS via action panel from other section (custom section

too) add it section. Such tuning could be made as separate project and not included to

standard SMS Sender for bpm`online package.


To send SMS move to section page, wait for action panel module loads, press . After that

SMS sending module will be opened:

Figure 30 - SMS sending module

SMS sending module description:

● [Contact] – field to select MSS recipient. Value by default - current page [Contact]

value (for example in opportunity, where Peter Jones mentioned as contact person, if

you start SMS from this record Peter Jones will be recipient;

● [Phone] – field to select contact phone SMS recipient. Value by default - Mobile phone

of contact, you can select any phone for this contact;

● [Provider] – field to select SMS provider, responsible for this sms sending. Value by

default set up in По умолчанию поле заполнено значением системной настройки

[Default SMS provider for action panel] system setting. For selection available all

providers from [SMS providers] section;

● [Sender name] – field to select SMS sender name. Filled by default if for mentioned

provider available just one sender name. If there several sender name for this

provider, you could select one of them.

After filling all field press [Send] after that SMS sending process starts and you`ll get SMS

sending notification:



Figure 31 - SMS sending notification

As result of these actions, target contact will get SMS:

Figure 32 - SMS

HOW TO SELECT SMS TEMPLATE During SMS sending from action panel you can select SMS template (template creation is

described in How to create SMS template). To open list of template press on section page:



Figure 33 - Template button

After pressing template button opens SMS template list:

Figure 34 - SMS templates list

You can select necessary template by:

● Double click on lookup record;

● Highlight lookup record and press[Select].

After selecting template it`s test appears in SMS module:



Figure 35 - Added template

As result of these actions, target contact will get SMS:

Figure 36 - SMS



HOW SMS HISTORY STORES IN SYSTEM All SMS sent from bpm`online store in connection to recipient record. All SMS history could

be reviewed, you can analyze it using basic bpm`online tools, for example charts from


HOW TO SEE CONTACT `S SMS HISTORY To see SMS contact`s history open contact page and move to [History] tab. On detail [SMS]

you can see all SMS sent to current contact.

Figure 37 - SMS history




The [SMS bulk] element enables you to use trigger sms bulks (created in the

[SMS Bulks] section) in your campaigns.

To use [SMS bulk] element:

1. Open the campaign designer.

2. Drop [SMS bulk] from the process element area to working area.

3. On the properties area select SMS bulk created in the [SMS Bulks] section.

Figure 38 – Element properties area


You can choose only bulks with status [Planned] and for which the field [Campaign] is not

filled. You can use one SMS bulk only for one marketing company.

4. All fields will be automatically filled based on the data from the selected SMS bulk card.



Figure 39 – Filled element properties area


Sequence flows are used to immediately advance participants to the next campaign

step regardless of their response or filter conditions.

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