sgmp chapter operations 2015 communications. here is what we will review: 1) what does communication...

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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Communication Communication [kuh-myoo-ni-key-shuhn] noun 1.the act or process of communicating; fact of being communicated. 2.the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs. 3.something imparted, interchanged, or transmitted. 4.a document or message imparting news, views, information, etc. 5.passage, or an opportunity or means of passage, between places.




Here is what we will review:

1) What does communication mean2) Types of communication methods3) Best Practices- Copy right infringement4) COY

CommunicationCommunication [kuh-myoo-ni-key-shuhn] noun1.the act or process of communicating; fact of being communicated.2.the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs.3.something imparted, interchanged, or transmitted.4.a document or message imparting news, views, information, etc.5.passage, or an opportunity or means of passage, between places.

Chapter and Society Communications

E-mail: Please limit the number of email blasts sent to chapter membersRegular anticipated emails, such as meeting announcements or newsletter delivery are expected by chapter members – don’t abuse this – we want them reading our materials and to be engaged

Chapter and Society Communications

Social Networking: Are you using these vehicles?You should be…



Who is responsible to updating your sites?Are they current?

Chapter and Society Communications

General Chapter CommunicationsCommunicate with your members!

Do you have members that just come to meetings and don’t participate otherwise?

Find out what they do well, what they’re interested inAsk them to be a part of a committee/chair a committeeAsk them to speak at meetingsYou have some members who need to be asked or they won’t


Chapter and Society Communications

Personal Notes (sent from different individuals depending on subject)Welcome and thank you for joiningThank you for renewing your membershipThank you for specific item individual has done (worked with

registration, brought in new members, etc.)Missed you at meeting(s) Thank you for speaking at our luncheonThank you to host hotelDropped membership – sorry to see you go – why?

SGMP has started doing exit survey when members drop

Communications Best PracticesStay on message and be consistent

Same message in person, in newsletters, and on social media sites concerning ANY particular topic

Ensure chapter information is accessible Make chapter information and news accessible to

current and prospective members. Presentation and look should be consistent All media outlets should have similar look and feel Be concise and to the point – Brevity is your friend

Communications Best PracticesAttention Span Statistics for Adults DataThe average attention span in 2013 8 secondsThe average attention span in 2000 12 secondsThe average attention span of a gold fish 9 seconds

Percent of teens who forget major details of close friends and relatives 25 %

Percent of people who forget their own birthdays from time to time 7 %

Average number of times per hour an office worker checks their email inbox 30

Average length watched of a single internet video 2.7 minutes• Source:

Communications of the Year Award

• COY has a formal application that is due prior to NEC yearly

• Application and scoring criteria are available at

• Winners announced at NEC

CommunicationsContact Info:HQ and Government Connections:

Brenda Bordelon

National Communication Committee Co-Chairs (Until June 30)

Tecumseh Deloney tdeloney@zerotothree.orgMaggie McGowan

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