secrets to using word press quoting plugin safely and efficiently

Post on 13-Jun-2015






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A WordPress quoting plugin is the next best thing that happened to the Internet in recent years. Imagine: you don’t have to hire additional people and spend more money on your marketing pool just to handle the influx of customers asking for quotations and estimates. Because would-be customers can get such vital information by themselves – courtesy of this handy quoting plugin of course – in just a few clicks of the mouse, you can greatly minimise operating costs and speed up lead generation and the money-making process of your business.

But before you get all excited and start tinkering on your website, you better check out these simple reminders on setting up this nifty quotation tool. As the saying goes, haste makes waste. If you aren’t careful enough, you might find yourself lamenting the loss of potential profits.First things first. As you may know, a WordPress quoting plugin works only in websites that use a WordPress content management system. It doesn’t work on Jadu, Pligg, and other CMSs so don’t you dare and install one in case you’re not using WordPress to manage your website. It definitely won’t work.

Second, don’t go installing this particular plugin if you’re not well-versed in the language of programming. It’s not some sort of a do-it-yourself project, especially if you don’t have any clue on how these things work. There’s a bunch of programmers for that. Sure, it may cost you some money but you can be sure that your website will be a-okay. In addition, you will save a lot of time as opposed to spending hours – or even days – figuring out how to set up a quoting plugin that gives customers price estimates at the drop of a hat.

Your WordPress quoting plugin has been installed… now what? Of course, you won’t be providing useful information without getting something in return. Therefore, the next step is to get vital contact details from site visitors so you can get leads for your business. To do this, you need to hook up your plugin to an autoresponder. Require your visitors to submit their emails or phone number. Once they do so, the autoresponder will send them the quotation that they are requesting while the submitted contact details will be stored in your database. Some plugins, meanwhile, may come with their own automatic email response features.

Second, don’t go installing this particular plugin if you’re not well-versed in the language of programming. It’s not some sort of a do-it-yourself project, especially if you don’t have any clue on how these things work. There’s a bunch of programmers for that. Sure, it may cost you some money but you can be sure that your website will be a-okay. In addition, you will save a lot of time as opposed to spending hours – or even days – figuring out how to set up a quoting plugin that gives customers price estimates at the drop of a hat.

Your WordPress quoting plugin has been installed… now what? Of course, you won’t be providing useful information without getting something in return. Therefore, the next step is to get vital contact details from site visitors so you can get leads for your business. To do this, you need to hook up your plugin to an autoresponder. Require your visitors to submit their emails or phone number. Once they do so, the autoresponder will send them the quotation that they are requesting while the submitted contact details will be stored in your database. Some plugins, meanwhile, may come with their own automatic email response features.

Just follow these simple secrets in installing a WordPress quoting plugin and you’re good to go. If you’re not too sure on what you’re doing, you can always ask for advice from the experts.

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