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Sports Coaching Pedagogy and Teaching

Teaching & Coaching

How is learning assessed?PDHPE

The context of teaching and learning. “teaching as the intentional creation and enactment of

activities and experiences by one person that lead to changes in the knowledge, skills, and/or dispositions of another person”.

Learning is defined as a “relatively permanent change in knowledge, skills, and/or dispositions precipitated by planned or unplanned experiences, events, activities, or inventions”.

Blanchard 2009

What to teach & how to teach it?- Every chance to learn

- Board of studies PDHPE syllabus 7-10

- Sports Coach Uk – ‘A guide to using training needs analysis and personal development plans’

In The PDHPE classroom Identify lesson outcomes

Skill specific - Overarm throw Sport specific - Cricket Grade specific – year 7

Curriculum framework – Every Chance to Learn Lesson Outcomes and Essential Learning achievements - (ELA.13)

Sequence of the lesson – skill specific warm-up, demonstration, practice, application, assessment.

Types of assessment

Pre-assessment Formative assessment Summative assessment

Informal vs Formal assessment

Blanchard 2009Weaver 2011

Alternative assessment Britton, T 2011, ‘Using Formative and Alternative Assessments to Support

Instruction and Measure Student Learning’

Allows students to create new movement strategies from learned material

Allows for representative collection of a student’s work over time

Intent is to involve students in assessment and have ownership of what goes into their assessment tasks.

Event Tasks- Asks students to create something during a single instructional period. Gymnastics routine, playing a game, dance routines, warm-up routine.

Britton 2011

The flipped classroom – and alternative assessment A way for students who missed class to not miss out on class content Allows teachers to take on a different role within our students learning Can apply to a range of subject areas Interaction increases: Teacher to student and student to student role of the teacher has changed from presenter of content to more of a

learning coach, where you can guide the learning of each student individually

Allows Educators to provide instruction when the students are ready for learning.

Guides students through their learning instead of being the authoritative pedagogue. 

The flipped class, what does a good one look like?

Methods of skill assessment and performance. OVERARM THROW - Start front on as if you have just

caught an object Step towards the target with the foot opposite to the throwing

arm during the throw Point at the target with the opposite arm Eyes are focussed on the target throughout the throw Stand side on to the target as you throw Throwing arm nearly straightened behind the body Marked sequential hip to shoulder rotation during the throw Throwing arm follows through down and across the body

Include pictures

Many tests claim to measure skill. To be credible, the tests need to be both valid and reliable. Tests that are valid assess the attribute they state they are testing for. Reliable tests are those that are able to produce the same results on successive occasions.

There is a marked difference between the movements of skilled performers to those of poorly skilled performers. These features relate to kinaesthetic sense, anticipation, consistency and technique.

Performance can be assessed objectively (based on measures, such as a score or time) or subjectively (based on the observer's opinion). Many sports try to make their judging more objective by establishing specific criteria to award scores.

Assessment of skill and performance incorporates an understanding of characteristics of skilled performers, objective and subjective performance measures, validity and reliability tests, and personal versus prescribed judging criteria.

Appraising the quality of performance requires the formation of standards. While personal criteria are used in some situations, prescribed judging criteria are used for important competitive events.

Collecting information – student learning and development

Development plans for learners build: Personal learning styles, Personal learning environments & Personal learning networks

Personal Development Plan template

Effective Teaching is a broad concept that integrates many elements of both teaching and learning. Professor K.P. Monahanan (1999) states that the basic principal and purpose of teaching is to enable learning, which conveys the idea that; the most effective teaching, results in the most effective learning

Effective teaching - how it can be practiced

Have High expectationsAcknowledge individual differenceUse a range of pedagogiesEncourage student responsibility Know your teaching content Provide a safe environmentMonitor progress and give feedbackBuild positive relationships

References Bennett, b. & 2011. The flipped class: what does a good one look like?, website viewed 10 March, 2013.

Blanchard, J 2009, Teaching Learning and Assessment: Why should I assess Student Learning in my Classroom?, Mcgraw-Hill, LLC.

Britton, T 2011, ‘Using Formative and Alternative Assessments to Support Instruction and Measure Student Learning’, Science Scope, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 16-21

Stäuble, B. (2005). Using concept maps to develop lifelong learning skills: A case study. In The Reflective Practitioner. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Teaching Learning Forum, 3-4 February 2005. Perth: Murdoch University.

Weaver, B 2011, Formal versus Informal Assessment., website viewed 9 march, 2013

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Flipped classroom image’t-necessarily-so…/classroom-1/

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