scdl organizational behaviour

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  • 8/11/2019 SCDL Organizational Behaviour


    Organizational BehaviourPaper Code - 102

    SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester____________________________________________________________________


    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion In which of the given sectors it is found that use of the

    communication technologies is very important.Correct Answer Knowledge intensive organizations

    Your Answer Capital intensive organizations

    Select The BlankQuestion Organizational________represents a complex pattern of beliefs,

    expectations, ideas, values and attitudes shared by themembers of the organization.

    Correct Answer culture

    Your Answer culture

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Which leadership style is good while dealing with scientific and

    professional employees?Correct Answer Free Rein

    Your Answer Free Rein

    Select The BlankQuestion The discipline of Organizational Behaviour is basedon________studies of human behaviour at the work settings.

    Correct Answer empirical

    Your Answer empirical

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Select the factors which are treated as motivators by Herzberg in

    his theory of motivation.Correct Answer Achievement , Possibility of growth , Responsibility

    Your Answer Achievement , Possibility of growth , Responsibility

    Select The BlankQuestion The ________ leadership style is an expression of the leader's

    trust in the abilities of his subordinates.Correct Answer Participative

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    SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester____________________________________________________________________

    Your Answer Participative


    Question According to Vroom's expectancy theory of motivation, when anindividual desires a particular outcome the value of valence isnegative.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion What are the principles of job enlargement?

    Correct Answer Challenging the employees by increasing the expectedproduction , Adding other tasks to the job , Rotating theassignments

    Your Answer Challenging the employees by increasing the expectedproduction , Adding other tasks to the job , Rotating theassignments

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion According to Frend the human mind is composed of

    Correct Answer Preconscious mind , Conscious mind , Unconscious mind

    Your Answer Preconscious mind , Conscious mind , Unconscious mind

    True/FalseQuestion What is play to some people maybe work to others.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion T.P.M stands for total________management.

    Correct Answer productivity

    Your Answer productivity

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion In Bank wiring room studies were carried out by:

    Correct Answer an observer and an interviewer

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    Your Answer an observer and an interviewer

    True/FalseQuestion The more successful the organization is, the less effective is its

    internal communication.Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Which type of motivators are involved in granting additional

    authority to an employee in his activity?Correct Answer Responsibility and recognition

    Your Answer Responsibility and recognition

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Noise is a distracter is a distracter

    Repetitive task is a cause of boredom is a cause of boredom

    Peak output is a result of efficiency is a result of efficiency

    Soft music increases productivity increases productivity

    Select The BlankQuestion Cultural________are words, gestures and pictures or other

    physical objects that carry a particular meaning with the culture.Correct Answer symbols

    Your Answer symbols


    Question Tradition, loyalty, personal commitment, and social influence areattributes of Entrepreneurial Culture.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

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    SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester____________________________________________________________________

    Question Anand is the new CEO of ABC Ltd. Whatever suggestions orrecommendations are given by his subordinate managers, all arerejected by Anand. What sort of role is being portrayed by

    Anand?Correct Answer Negativist

    Your Answer Negativist

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Identify the situations which reflect upward communication.

    Correct Answer Performance reports of workers, to be reviewed by thesupervisor , Suggestion boxes kept in the worker's canteen ,Employee attitude surveys

    Your Answer Performance reports of workers, to be reviewed by thesupervisor , Suggestion boxes kept in the worker's canteen ,Employee attitude surveys

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Organizational socialization includes

    Correct Answer Developing competencies , Developing organizational values ,Developing social and working relationship

    Your Answer Developing competencies , Developing organizational values ,Developing social and working relationship

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Personality is theorganization of anindividuals

    Personal pattern oftendencies.

    Personal pattern oftendencies.

    Event in the surroundingenvironment stronglyinfluence.

    The way people behave atany particular time.

    The way people behave atany particular time.

    Personality is a stable setof characteristics andtendencies

    That determine thosecommanlities anddifferences in thepsychological behaviour ofpeople

    That determine thosecommanlities anddifferences in thepsychological behaviour ofpeople

    Monetary rewards,authoritarian leadershipstyle and motivationalstrategies for performanceare ineffective.

    When applied tointelligent, independent,confident worker.

    When applied to intelligent,independent, confidentworker.

    It is interesting to knowthat the word personality

    What an individual onlyappears to be not what he

    What an individual onlyappears to be not what he

  • 8/11/2019 SCDL Organizational Behaviour


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    SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester____________________________________________________________________

    by derivation should mean really is. really is.

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The storming stage relating to development of a team is

    characterised by which of the following aspects?Correct Answer Emergence of conflicts , Seeking task related guidance from the

    leader , Deciding the responsibilities of each team memberYour Answer Emergence of conflicts , Seeking task related guidance from the

    leader , Deciding the responsibilities of each team member

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Identify the process influence personality development.

    Correct Answer Socialization process , Identification process

    Your Answer Socialization process , Identification process

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion State the various functions of communication.

    Correct Answer Control , Motivation , Information

    Your Answer Control , Motivation , Information

    True/FalseQuestion Cultural elements and their relationships create a pattern that is

    identical in all organizations.Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Select The BlankQuestion ________ communication is useful for flatter organizational

    structure.Correct Answer Lateral

    Your Answer Lateral

    True/FalseQuestion The challenge relating to management of change can be met

    only with effective leadership.Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

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    SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester____________________________________________________________________

    Select The BlankQuestion The ________ studies were the first to emphasize the

    importance of task and human dimensions in assessingleadership.Correct Answer Ohio State

    Your Answer Ohio State

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion It is important for a manager to study the human behaviours

    within the context ofCorrect Answer Organization

    Your Answer Organization

    True/FalseQuestion OB is mainly concerned with the study of human behavior at

    work.Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    True/FalseQuestion The men on the shop floor are less vulnerable to stress as

    compared the members of the board of directors.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Features of Maslow's need hierarchy theory are:

    Correct Answer Theory of human motives , Classifies basic human needs in ahierarchy , Theory of human motivation

    Your Answer Theory of human motives , Classifies basic human needs in ahierarchy , Theory of human motivation

    Select The BlankQuestion An organization engaged in manufacturing of chemicals has a

    safety committee comprising of shop floor members. It is anindication of a ________ type of organization.

    Correct Answer Supportive

    Your Answer Supportive

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    SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester____________________________________________________________________

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion In Custodial organization model, managerial orientation is:

    Correct Answer Money

    Your Answer Money

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The models of Organizational Behaviour are:

    Correct Answer Autocratic , Custodial , Supportive

    Your Answer Autocratic , Custodial , Supportive

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question In Supportive organization model, employee orientation is:

    Correct Answer Job performance

    Your Answer Job performance

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The different types of fatigue are

    Correct Answer mental , physical , psychological

    Your Answer mental , physical , psychological

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Contribution of Walter Dill Scot towards industrial psychology is:

    Correct Answer He showed how psychology can be applied to advertising andselling.

    Your Answer He showed how psychology can be applied to advertising andselling.

    True/FalseQuestion Employees and organization can prosper if they help each other.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion The ability and willingness of group members to set goals and

    work towards their accomplishment is known as ________.

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    Correct Answer Group maturity

    Your Answer Group maturity

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Major determinants of personality

    Correct Answer Biological , Situation

    Your Answer Biological , Situation

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The objective of Mass Interviewing Program was:

    Correct Answer To explore information that could be used to improve supervisory

    training.Your Answer To explore information that could be used to improve supervisory


    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Organizational Socialization is

    Correct Answer A systematic process by which new employees are brought intoorganizational culture

    Your Answer A systematic process by which new employees are brought intoorganizational culture

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question The great depression contributed to the rise of:

    Correct Answer Human relations movement

    Your Answer Human relations movement

    Select The BlankQuestion An employee whose skill set combines good training and high

    performance goals, implies that he has ________ .Correct Answer High productivity

    Your Answer High productivity

    True/FalseQuestion The content theories are concerned with identifying the needs

    that people have and how needs are prioritized.Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

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    Organizational BehaviourPaper Code - 102

    SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester____________________________________________________________________

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion In a strong organizational culture

    Correct Answer Goals are aligned , Employees are highly motivated ,Performance is outstanding

    Your Answer Goals are aligned , Employees are highly motivated ,Performance is outstanding


    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Commanlities and differences suggest in certain respects, every

    person is likeCorrect Answer All other people , Some other people , No other person

    Your Answer All other people , Some other people , No other person

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Major determinants of personality

    Correct Answer Biological , Situation

    Your Answer Biological , Cultural , Situation

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Identify the process influence personality development.

    Correct Answer Socialization process , Identification process

    Your Answer Socialization process , Identification process

    True/FalseQuestion Conflicts between management and union is a classic example

    of divergence of perceptionCorrect Answer True

    Your Answer True

    True/FalseQuestion Motivation mean causes of behaviour.

    Correct Answer True

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    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question Work motivation approaches are classified as

    Correct Answer Content and process theories

    Your Answer Content and process theories

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Psychological needs have a tendency of

    Correct Answer recurrence

    Your Answer increasing

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Physical surrounding affects

    Correct Answer Production

    Your Answer Production

    True/FalseQuestion Job rotation is the only cure for boredom.

    Correct Answer FalseYour Answer False

    True/FalseQuestion Organizations are free of conflicts.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False


    Question Accommodating style refers to assertive behaviours

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

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    Question Mutuality of interest means

    Correct Answer Objectives of employees and organizations are met throughinterdependence of employees and organisations

    Your Answer Objectives of employees and organizations are met throughinterdependence of employees and organisations

    True/FalseQuestion A business enterprise is an organization of people

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Distress is caused whenever a person is

    Correct Answer Suddenly very sad or angry

    Your Answer Suddenly very sad or angry

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Leaders use three skills, technical, human and

    Correct Answer Conceptual

    Your Answer Conceptual

    True/FalseQuestion Democratic leaders take full authority and assume full

    responsibilityCorrect Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion In organizations, individuals are tied in a meaningful

    Correct Answer Relationship

    Your Answer Relationship

    Select The BlankQuestion Perceptual ________ is utmost ________ in understanding

    human behaviourCorrect Answer Process

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    Your Answer Process

    Correct Answer Significant

    Your Answer Significant

    True/FalseQuestion Taylor published a book titled psychology and industrial

    efficiencyCorrect Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Select The BlankQuestion Providing support for employees and ________ who have ideas

    for a better ________ and are willing to act on those ideas.Correct Answer teams

    Your Answer teams

    Correct Answer culture

    Your Answer culture

    Select The BlankQuestion The ________ is a major reason of conflict that we encounter in

    our personal as well as ________ life

    Correct Answer uniqueness

    Your Answer uniqueness

    Correct Answer professional

    Your Answer professional

    Select The BlankQuestion Many ________ changes bombard the modern organization and

    make change ________.Correct Answer external

    Your Answer inevitable

    Correct Answer inevitable

    Your Answer force

    Select The Blank

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    Question Organisation must ________ the effects of ________.

    Correct Answer evaluate

    Your Answer evaluate

    Correct Answer change

    Your Answer change

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Self oriented roles are

    Correct Answer Play boy, story teller

    Your Answer Initiating

    Select The BlankQuestion Effective group members can diagnose ________ and group

    processes and improve their own and groups ________Correct Answer individual

    Your Answer individual

    Correct Answer functioning

    Your Answer functioning

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Top manager should communicate with the immediate

    supervisorCorrect Answer directly

    Your Answer directly

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Diagonal communication refers to communication between

    managers and workers located inCorrect Answer different functional areas

    Your Answer different functional areas

    True/FalseQuestion Diagonal communication refers to communication between

    Managers and workers located in same functional divisionsCorrect Answer False

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    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The levels at which studies of O.B. have been carried out rotate

    toCorrect Answer Individual , Small group , Inter group

    Your Answer Individual , Small group , Inter group

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Sources of organizational commitments are

    Correct Answer Opportunities for advancement , Working condition ,Relationships at work place

    Your Answer Quality of product , Opportunities for advancement , Workingcondition , Relationships at work place

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion According to modern psychologists human behaviour is

    Correct Answer unconscious , sparked by a motion , to satisfy needs

    Your Answer sparked by a motion , conscious , to satisfy needs

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Work curve differs

    Correct Answer Person to person , Time to time , Work to work

    Your Answer Person to person , Time to time

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Process oriented remedies for group think are

    Correct Answer Use subgroups to develop alternative and compare solutions ,Compare to other organizations solutions , Hold Secondchance meetings

    Your Answer Use subgroups to develop alternative and compare solutions ,

    Compare to other organizations solutions , Hold Secondchance meetings

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Any organizational culture takes place when members shares

    knowledge and develop ways of coping with issues ofCorrect Answer Internal integration , Setting specific targets to achieve , External


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    Your Answer Internal integration , External adaptation

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Upward communication tends to be poor because of

    Correct Answer fear of reprisal , filters , time

    Your Answer fear of reprisal , filters , time

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Individual personality traits that serve as hurdle in

    communicationCorrect Answer low adjustments , low sociability , low agreeableness

    Your Answer low adjustments , low sociability , low agreeableness

    Select The BlankQuestion Knowledge and ________ are more critical to an organizations

    ________ advantage.Correct Answer innovation

    Your Answer innovation

    Correct Answer competitive

    Your Answer competitive

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Various sources of stresses

    Correct Answer Physical make up , Familial demands , Social demands

    Your Answer Familial demands , Social demands , Mind


    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Major determinants of personality

    Correct Answer Biological , Situation

    Your Answer Biological , Cultural

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Identify the process influence personality development.

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    Correct Answer Socialization process , Identification process

    Your Answer Socialization process , Home environment , Identificationprocess

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion According to Frend the human mind is composed of

    Correct Answer Preconscious mind , Conscious mind , Unconscious mind

    Your Answer Preconscious mind , Conscious mind

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Ego controls

    Correct Answer The gateway of actions , Select the feature of environment ,Decides what instincts will be satisfied.

    Your Answer The gateway of actions , Creates tolerance , Decides whatinstincts will be satisfied.

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Many of our prejudices operate at an

    Correct Answer Unconcious level

    Your Answer Unconcious level

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Attitudes are determined by

    Correct Answer A whole set of favourable and unfavourable influence to theobject

    Your Answer None of above

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Congruent change in attitude mean

    Correct Answer Movement in the same direction

    Your Answer Movement in the same direction

    True/FalseQuestion The personality problems are the root cause of organizational

    conflicts.Correct Answer True

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    Your Answer True

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Ego Frend Frend

    Traits All port Roger

    Physical structuring Sheldon Sheldon

    Ideal self Roger All port

    Per sonare to sound through to sound through

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion State the factors that are necessary to gain an understanding of

    the team dynamics and effectiveness.Correct Answer Goals of the team , Team size , Diversity within the team

    Your Answer Goals of the team , Team size , Diversity within the team

    Select The BlankQuestion The ability and willingness of group members to set goals and

    work towards their accomplishment is known as ________.Correct Answer Group maturity

    Your Answer Group dynamics

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion The stage which relates to development of decision making

    abilities, interpersonal and technical competencies is known as :Correct Answer Storming

    Your Answer Storming

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion What sort of communication is considered to be more effective in

    modern organization?Correct Answer On-going , Informal , Dynamic

    Your Answer On-going , Informal

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    SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester____________________________________________________________________

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Identify the steps involved in achieving improvement in

    communication within the organization.Correct Answer Simple messages , Use of multiple channels , Promoting inter-

    group communicationYour Answer Simple messages , Use of multiple channels , Promoting inter-

    group communication

    True/FalseQuestion The more successful the organization is, the less effective is its

    internal communication.Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    True/FalseQuestion The purpose should be expressed only after the communication

    process is completed.Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Select The BlankQuestion A non-specific response of the body to a situation is known as

    ________.Correct Answer Stress

    Your Answer Perception

    Select The BlankQuestion ________ is caused because of the modern life and anxiety to

    cope with them.Correct Answer Distress

    Your Answer Distress

    Select The BlankQuestion The ________ stressors relate to the personal health and family

    life of an individual.Correct Answer Personal

    Your Answer Organizational

    Select The BlankQuestion Sleep disturbance, bowel irritation and back ache are some of

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    SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester____________________________________________________________________

    the ________ symptoms of stress.

    Correct Answer Psychosomatic

    Your Answer Physical

    True/FalseQuestion Eustress is very harmful to the person suffering from it.

    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion ________ in one form of dominance, in which the followers more

    or less willingly accept direction and control by another person.Correct Answer Leadership

    Your Answer Leadership

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Multiple Choice Single Response

    Correct Answer Dynamic and effective leadership

    Your Answer Dynamic and ineffective leadership

    True/FalseQuestion Usually, the subordinates prefer the democratic leader.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion Organizational Behaviour studies human behavior as well as


    Correct Answer dynamics

    Your Answer dynamics

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion To be efficient every manager must try to

  • 8/11/2019 SCDL Organizational Behaviour


    Organizational BehaviourPaper Code - 102

    SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester____________________________________________________________________

    Correct Answer Understand human behaviour , Predict human behaviour ,Control human behaviour

    Your Answer Understand human behaviour , Control human behaviour

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Behavioural scientists are focusing their attention on

    Correct Answer Organizational adaptability , Relationship of organizationalstructure to human behaviour , Decision making

    Your Answer Organizational adaptability , Relationship of organizationalstructure to human behaviour

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Contribution of Walter Dill Scot towards industrial psychology is:

    Correct Answer He showed how psychology can be applied to advertising andselling.Your Answer He put industrial psychology into the study of the workers.

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion In Custodial organization model, managerial orientation is:

    Correct Answer Money

    Your Answer Money

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion In Collegial organization model employee psychological result is:

    Correct Answer Self-discipline

    Your Answer Self-discipline

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Basic Organizational Behaviour concepts take into consideration

    Correct Answer Nature of people , Nature of technology , Nature of organization

    Your Answer Nature of people , Nature of organization

    Select The BlankQuestion Frequent absenteeism of manager who talks about punctuality to

    his subordinate is a way of ________ behaviour.Correct Answer Autocratic

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    Your Answer Autocratic

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion The esteem needs manifest itself in which of the following forms.

    Correct Answer Need for status , Need for power , Need for recognition

    Your Answer Need for power

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion Features of Maslow's need hierarchy theory are:

    Correct Answer Theory of human motives , Classifies basic human needs in ahierarchy , Theory of human motivation

    Your Answer Classifies basic human needs in a hierarchy , Classifies humanbeings in organizational hierarchy

    Select The BlankQuestion Herzberg's two factory model is useful as an explanation for job

    ________.Correct Answer Satisfaction

    Your Answer Satisfaction

    Select The BlankQuestion The scuffle in the organization for achieving the organizational

    status ant the power, is the essence of the ________ needs.Correct Answer Esteem

    Your Answer Esteem

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion According to the Vroom's theory, what will be the value of

    expectancy when an event is bound to occur?Correct Answer One

    Your Answer One

    True/FalseQuestion As compared to the content models, the expectancy models are

    very simple and easy to translate into actual practice.Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

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    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion From the given information identify the morale indicator.

    Correct Answer Exit interviews

    Your Answer Increase in sales

    True/FalseQuestion Morale represents the integration of an individual with the team

    and ignores the organization itself.Correct Answer False

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion We can maintain organizational culture by

    Correct Answer Recruiting and removal , Role modeling and coaching ,Allocating rewards

    Your Answer Role modeling and coaching , Setting goals , Allocating rewards

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion In which type of corporate culture, do the members have a

    strong sense of identification and recognize theinterdependence?

    Correct Answer Clan

    Your Answer Entrepreneurial

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Repetitive task is a cause of boredom increases productivity

    Peak output is a result of efficiency is a result of rest pauses

    Soft music increases productivity is a result of efficiency

    Noise is a distracter is a distracter

    True/FalseQuestion Rest provides the opportunity to recover from fatigue.

    Correct Answer True

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    Your Answer True

    True/FalseQuestion Rest pauses provide an opportunity to talk and think only about

    ob-related activitiesCorrect Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Intermittent bright flashes of light affect-

    Correct Answer productivity

    Your Answer productivity

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion In an example of the erection of a stone wall, the work curve

    shows the followingCorrect Answer an initial warming up before reaching peak productivity , the

    leveling off of productivity , eventual decrement in productivity,probably ending in a spurt again

    Your Answer an initial warming up before reaching peak productivity , theleveling off of productivity , continuous rise in productivity ,eventual decrement in productivity, probably ending in a spurtagain

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    Commanlities and differences suggest in certain respects, every person is likeCorrect Answer

    All other people , Some other people , No other person

    Your Answer

    All other people , Some other people , No other person

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    Major determinants of personality

    Correct Answer

    Biological , Situation

    Your AnswerBiological , Cultural , Situation

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    Identify the process influence personality development.

    Correct Answer

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    Socialization process , Identification process

    Your AnswerSocialization process , Home environment , Identification process

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    QuestionAccording to Frend the human mind is composed of

    Correct Answer

    Preconscious mind , Conscious mind , Unconscious mind

    Your Answer

    Preconscious mind , Conscious mind , Unconscious mind

    Match The Following

    QuestionCorrect Answer

    Your Answer

    Personality is a stable set of characteristics and tendencies

    That determine those commanlities and differences in the psychological behaviour of


    Personal pattern of tendencies.Monetary rewards, authoritarian leadership style and motivational strategies forperformance are


    When applied to intelligent, independent, confident worker.

    When applied to intelligent, independent, confident worker.

    It is interesting to know that the word personalityby derivation should mean

    What an individual only appears to be not what he really is.

    What an individual only appears to be not what he really is.

    Personality is the organization of an individuals

    Personal pattern of tendencies.

    That determine those commanlities and differences in the psychological behaviour of


    Event in the surrounding environment strongly influence.The way people behave at any particular time.

    The way people behave at any particular time.

    Match The Following


    Correct AnswerYour Answer

    A personality becomes disorderly

    When either the id or super ego is active.

    When either the id or super ego is active.

    A can have strong super ego is

    Likely to be in constant and pronounced battle with the id.

    Likely to be in constant and pronounced battle with the id.

    When too much energy is consumed by ego in mediating between the id and super ego

    An individual personal development is adversely affected.An individual personal development is adversely affected.

    Id is pressing for satisfaction

    The ego is trying to delay it.

    The ego is trying to delay it.

    Cattell has extensively worked on traits

    In various work settings employing a number of psychological measures

    In various work settings employing a number of psychological measures

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

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    Advise the management of Beta and Gamma Ltd. About the various groups that can becreated

    in an organisation.

    Correct AnswerEffective group , Formal group , Informal group

    Your Answer

    Effective group , Formal group , Informal group

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    The features of team empowerment are as follows:

    Correct AnswerPotency , Autonomy , Impact

    Your Answer

    Potency , Autonomy , Impact

    Select The Blank


    The team whose members collaborate through use of various information technologies isknownas ________ team.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    Select the relevant parts of the communication process.

    Correct Answer

    Encoding , Receiver , Decoding

    Your Answer

    Encoding , Receiver , DecodingMultiple Choice Multiple Answer


    Mr. Jay sets up a task force to improve communication effectiveness within his


    What factors should be considered by the task force to achieve effective communication?Correct Answer

    Assume existence of interpersonal differences , Emphasize description rather than


    or evaluation , Ensure that everyone practices empathy

    Your Answer

    Assume existence of interpersonal differences , Emphasize description rather than


    or evaluation , Ensure that everyone practices empathy

    Select The BlankQuestion

    The formation of specific goals, feedback on progress towards the goals and

    reinforcement of

    desired behavior all stimulate ________.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


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    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    QuestionA communication media is said to rich when which of the given parameters are satisfied?

    Correct Answer

    It facilitates rapid feedbackYour Answer

    It facilitates rapid feedback

    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    Face-to-face conversation is often regarded as the richest communication media,


    Correct AnswerHandles multiple cues simultaneously

    Your Answer

    Handles multiple cues simultaneously

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    When an organism is confronted with a threat, according to the general adaptation theorystates,the physiological response will occur in which of the three stages?

    Correct Answer

    Alarm reaction , Resistance reaction , State of exhaustion

    Your Answer

    Alarm reaction , Resistance reaction , State of exhaustion

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    Identify the categories of life stressors:

    Correct Answer

    Life changes , Daily stressors , Life trauma

    Your Answer

    Life changes , Daily stressors , Life traumaMultiple Choice Multiple Answer


    Which are the main personal stressors stated by Yoga?

    Correct Answer

    State of helplessness , Jealously , TemptationsYour Answer

    State of helplessness , Jealously , Temptations

    Select The Blank


    The people who cre________te unnecessary stress for themselves pertain to type A


    Correct Answer


    Your AnswerA



    If the stress persists, or the defensive reaction proves ineffective, the organism develops


    for the fight mechanism.

    Correct Answer


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    Your Answer



    There exist some organizational stressors which relate to its structure and climate.Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Select The Blank


    ________ in one form of dominance, in which the followers more or less willingly acceptdirection and control by another person.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Select The BlankQuestionThe two dimensions of leadership which emerged from the Leader Behavior Description

    Questionnaire were 'consideration' and '________'.

    Correct Answer

    Initiating structure

    Your Answer

    Initiating structure

    Select The Blank


    The ability to think in terms of models, frameworks, and broad relationships is known as

    ________ skill.

    Correct Answer

    ConceptualYour Answer


    Select The Blank


    The ________ leadership style is an expression of the leader's trust in the abilities of hissubordinates.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    Multiple Choice Single Response

    Correct AnswerFree Rein

    Your Answer

    Free Rein



    At the supervisory level the requirement of conceptual skill is the highest.

    Correct Answer


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    Your Answer

    TrueSelect The Blank


    Industrial psychology focuses its attention on the development of tests forthe________of


    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion

    The factors which contributed to the rise of human relations movements are

    Correct Answer

    The great depression , The rise of trade unionism , Hawthorne experiments

    Your Answer

    The great depression , The rise of trade unionism , Hawthorne experimentsMultiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion

    Frederick W. Taylor developed

    Correct Answer

    Wage payment plans , Internal parity of wages , External parity of wages , Non-financial


    Your Answer

    Wage payment plans , External parity of wages , Non-financial incentives



    Human behaviour is simple to understand

    Correct Answer

    FalseYour Answer


    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    In Organizational Behaviour, 'caused behaviour' meansCorrect Answer

    By his own behaviour, a manager can affect how an employee behaves.

    Your Answer

    By his own behaviour, a manager can affect how an employee behaves.

    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    Autocratic organization model depends on:

    Correct Answer

    PowerYour Answer


    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    The models of Organizational Behaviour are:

    Correct Answer

    Autocratic , Custodial , Supportive

    Your Answer

  • 8/11/2019 SCDL Organizational Behaviour


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    Autocratic , Custodial , Supportive


    All parts of the organizational system are independent.

    Correct AnswerFalse

    Your Answer


    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    Select the needs which are discussed by the need hierarch theory.

    Correct AnswerPhysiological needs , Security needs , Self realization needs

    Your Answer

    Physiological needs , Security needs , Self realization needs

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    Features of Theory Y are:Correct AnswerWork is as natural as play , Humanistic and supportive approach , People have the



    Your Answer

    Work is as natural as play , People dislike work , People have the required potential

    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    Which of the given factors are also known as dissatisfiers?

    Correct Answer

    Hygiene factors

    Your Answer

    Hygiene factorsMultiple Choice Single Answer


    According to the equity theory, how do you define the point when equity occurs?

    Correct Answer

    Person's outcomes = Other's outcomesYour Answer

    Person's outcomes = Other's outcomes

    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    From the given information identify the morale indicator.

    Correct Answer

    Exit interviews

    Your Answer

    Exit interviewsTrue/False


    Morale indicates a group phenomenon.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer



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    The higher the number of the petty grievances, the higher is the morale.Correct Answer


    Your AnswerFalse

    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    The process by which a new employee is inducted into its culture is known as

    Correct Answer

    Organizational socialization

    Your AnswerOrganizational induction



    Handling of crises by managers and employees reveals an organizational culture.

    Correct Answer

    TrueYour AnswerTrue

    Select The Blank


    One of the factors causing decrement in work is ________.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Select The Blank


    A person of lower than normal intelligence is less bored by ________ work.

    Correct Answerrepetitive

    Your Answer



    QuestionMusic has a direct effect on productivity.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    Different kinds of work like heavy and muscular work, or light work, or clerical work yield

    curvesthat are-

    Correct Answer

    different from each other

    Your Answer

    different from each other

    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    Internal integration involves addressing the issue of:

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    Correct Answer

    Determining rules related to power and statusYour Answer

    Determining rules related to power and status

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion

    Features of Maslow's need hierarchy theory are:

    Correct Answer

    Theory of human motives , Classifies basic human needs in a hierarchy , Theory of



    Your AnswerClassifies basic human needs in a hierarchy , Theory of human motivation , Theory of



    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    Cultural diversity brings with it concerns likeCorrect AnswerIntra organizational conflicts , Communication difficulties , Intra organizational Turnovers

    Your Answer

    Intra organizational conflicts , Communication difficulties , Intra organizational Turnovers



    In managing cultural diversity, organization must have a relatively non-bureaucratic


    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion

    Who has given the following definition of Organizational Behaviour, "understanding,


    and controlling human behaviour at work"?

    Correct AnswerFred Luthans

    Your Answer

    Fred Luthans

    Select The Blank


    T.P.M stands for total________management.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answerproductivity



    Repetitive tasks give rise to the same degree of boredom in all persons.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


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    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    QuestionHuman Dignity

    Correct Answer

    Is about people being treated with respect and dignityYour Answer

    Is about people being treated with respect and dignity

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    The esteem needs manifest itself in which of the following forms.

    Correct Answer

    Need for status , Need for power , Need for recognitionYour Answer

    Need for status , Need for power , Need for recognition

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    Major determinants of personality

    Correct AnswerBiological , SituationYour Answer

    Biological , Situation

    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    The chief objective of the Bank wiring room study was:

    Correct Answer

    To conduct an observational analysis of the work groups.

    Your Answer

    To conduct an observational analysis of the work groups.

    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    In Custodial organization model, managerial orientation is:Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Select The BlankQuestion

    The leader who fails to guide, motivate and develop his subordinates is said to be


    ________ leadership style.

    Correct Answer

    Free Rein

    Your Answer

    Free Rein

    Select The BlankQuestion

    ________ communication is useful for flatter organizational structure.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer




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    Cultural elements and their relationships create a pattern that is identical in all

    organizations.Correct Answer


    Your AnswerFalse

    Match The Following


    Correct Answer

    Your Answer










    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    The storming stage relating to development of a team is characterised by which of the



    Correct Answer

    Emergence of conflicts , Seeking task related guidance from the leader , Deciding the

    responsibilities of each team member

    Your AnswerEmergence of conflicts , Seeking task related guidance from the leader , Deciding the

    responsibilities of each team member

    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    As a theory of motivation, what is the comment of Maslow on needs?Correct Answer

    Needs can be structured in a hierarchy

    Your Answer

    Needs can be structured in a hierarchy

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    The different types of fatigue are

    Correct Answer

    mental , physical , psychologicalYour Answer

    mental , physical , psychological

    Match The Following


    Correct Answer

    Your Answer

    Scientific Management movement

    Wage payment plans

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    Wage payment plans

    Hawthorne ExperimentsHuman relations

    Human relations

    Hugo MunstebergPsychology and industrial efficiency

    Psychology and industrial efficiency

    Wagner Act

    Labour movement

    Labour movement

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    QuestionEgo controls

    Correct Answer

    The gateway of actions , Select the feature of environment , Decides what instincts will



    Your AnswerThe gateway of actions , Select the feature of environment , Decides what instincts willbe


    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    The cost of tensions and worries created by wrong kind of personalities are enormous in



    Correct Answer

    Employee-employer relation. , Supervisor-subordinate relation. , Peers relations.

    Your Answer

    Employee-employer relation. , Supervisor-subordinate relation. , Peers relations.

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion

    Organization with a strong culture has

    Correct Answer

    Practices that include employee participation

    Your AnswerPractices that include employee participation

    Select The Blank


    Communication provides a means to release ________ and for fulfillment of social needs.

    Correct Answer

    Emotional expression

    Your Answer

    Emotional expression

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion

    According to Frend the human mind is composed of

    Correct Answer

    Preconscious mind , Conscious mind , Unconscious mind

    Your Answer

    Preconscious mind , Conscious mind , Unconscious mind

    Select The Blank


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    According to Herzberg, there are two sets of factors at the work life, viz. the motivators

    and the________factors.

    Correct Answer

    HygieneYour Answer


    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    The Hawthorne studies are of utmost significance as they form an honest and concerted


    to understand:Correct Answer

    The human factor , Employee attitudes , The workers social situations

    Your Answer

    The human factor , Employee attitudes , The workers social situations

    Select The Blank

    QuestionThose factors which are capable to inhibit performance by their absence but any additionin them

    does not increase efficiency, are known as ________ factors.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Select The Blank


    ________ are the rules of pattern and behaviour that are expected from all team


    Correct Answer

    NormsYour Answer


    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    When an organism is confronted with a threat, according to the general adaptation theorystates,

    the physiological response will occur in which of the three stages?

    Correct Answer

    Alarm reaction , Resistance reaction , State of exhaustion

    Your Answer

    Alarm reaction , Resistance reaction , State of exhaustion

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    Select the needs which are discussed by the need hierarch theory.Correct Answer

    Physiological needs , Security needs , Self realization needs

    Your Answer

    Physiological needs , Security needs , Self realization needs

    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    A communication media is said to rich when which of the given parameters are satisfied?

    Correct Answer

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    It facilitates rapid feedback

    Your AnswerIt facilitates rapid feedback

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    QuestionSelect the relevant parts of the communication process.

    Correct Answer

    Encoding , Receiver , Decoding

    Your Answer

    Encoding , Receiver , Decoding

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    QuestionWhich of the given factors are also known as dissatisfiers?

    Correct Answer

    Hygiene factors

    Your Answer

    Hygiene factors

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionThe actual beginning of the Hawthorne studies happened with:

    Correct Answer

    Relay room experiments

    Your Answer

    Illumination experiments



    As compared to the content models, the expectancy models are very simple and easy to

    translate into actual practice.

    Correct Answer


    Your AnswerFalse

    Select The Blank


    A person of lower than normal intelligence is less bored by ________ work.

    Correct Answerrepetitive

    Your Answer




    Illumination Experiment is a part of Hawthorne experiments.

    Correct Answer


    Your AnswerTrue

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    To change organizational culture successfully we need to:

    Correct Answer

    Find the most effective sub-culture and use it as an example , Practice what we preach ,


    employees in the change process

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    Your Answer

    Find the most effective sub-culture and use it as an example , Practice what we preach ,Include

    employees in the change process


    Whatever an individual does, there is always some sort and some amount of stress on


    Correct Answer


    Your Answer

    TrueMultiple Choice Multiple Answer


    Commanlities and differences suggest in certain respects, every person is like

    Correct Answer

    All other people , Some other people , No other person

    Your AnswerAll other people , Some other people , No other personMultiple Choice Multiple Answer


    Organizational socialization includes

    Correct Answer

    Developing competencies , Developing organizational values , Developing social and



    Your Answer

    Developing competencies , Developing organizational values , Developing social and




    The more successful the organization is, the less effective is its internal communication.

    Correct Answer


    Your AnswerFalse



    Organization culture and performance is directly related.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion

    Identify the process influence personality development.

    Correct Answer

    Socialization process , Identification process

    Your Answer

    Socialization process , Identification process



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    Research activity emphasizes least collaboration and team work among workers.

    Correct AnswerFalse

    Your Answer

    FalseMultiple Choice Single Answer


    Managers began to develop a new awakened view of the human aspects of their jobs


    Correct Answer

    The great depression

    Your AnswerThe great depression

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    In order to understand the Rogers' theory one needs to understand which of the


    Correct AnswerThe self concept , The organism , The development of selfYour Answer

    The development of self , The self concept , The organism

    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    Cinderella, a mechanical engineer, had joined as a management trainee in XYZ Ltd. She's


    niece of the managing director of XYZ Ltd. Her manager was aware of this fact and hence


    always gave simple and easy tasks to her. Cinderella was enthusiastic, and equally

    efficient, to

    work on some challenging tasks but she was always kept away from them. All this

    beyondcreating stress, deprived her from fulfillment of self-esteem needs. What kind of stress is


    experienced by Cinderella?

    Correct Answer

    Hypo stressYour Answer

    Hypo stress



    A change in the organization requires a corresponding change in the employee's



    Correct Answer

    TrueYour Answer


    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    To change organizational culture successfully we need to :-

    Correct Answer

    Find the most effective sub-culture and use it as an example , Practice what we preach ,


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    employees in the change process

    Your AnswerFind the most effective sub-culture and use it as an example , Include employees in the


    processSelect The Blank


    The special meaning assigned to words is called ________.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer

    LanguageMultiple Choice Multiple Answer


    Identify the steps involved in morale surveys :-

    Correct Answer

    Drafting of questionnaires , Interviewing people , Analyzing collected data

    Your AnswerDrafting of questionnaires , Interviewing people , Analyzing collected dataMultiple Choice Multiple Answer


    Behavioural scientists are focusing their attention on :-

    Correct Answer

    Organizational adaptability , Relationship of organizational structure to human behaviour


    Decision making

    Your Answer

    Organizational adaptability , Relationship of organizational structure to human behaviour


    Decision making

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion

    Select the morale indicators :-

    Correct Answer

    Rate of finished goods rejections , Rate of raw material wastage , Resignation by skilled

    employeesYour Answer

    Rate of finished goods rejections , Rate of raw material wastage , Resignation by skilled




    The leadership process is a function which relates only to the leader and other situational


    Correct Answer

    FalseYour Answer


    Select The Blank


    The group ________ are more important to the group members than any financial


    Correct Answer


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    Your Answer

    NormsMultiple Choice Single Answer


    Congruent change in attitude means movement in:-Correct Answer

    The same direction

    Your Answer

    All the directions

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    What are the elements of the process of bringing about change in people as suggested byLewin?

    Correct Answer

    Unfreezing , Refreezing , Moving

    Your Answer

    Unfreezing , Refreezing , Moving

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionState the specific characteristics of high achiever :-

    Correct Answer

    Need for immediate feedback , Satisfied with his accomplishment , Moderate risk taker

    Your Answer

    Need for immediate feedback , Satisfied with his accomplishment

    Match The Following


    Correct Answer

    Your Answer

    Frederick Taylor

    Scientific management

    Scientific managementHugo Munsteberg

    Industrial accidents

    Industrial psychology

    Waller Dill Scot

    Industrial psychologyTrade unionism

    Fred Luthans

    Human relations

    Human relations

    Select The Blank


    Roger's defines the ________ as an organized, consistent, conceptual gestalt composed


    perceptions of the characteristics of the 'I' or 'me'.Correct Answer

    The self concept

    Your Answer

    The organization

    Select The Blank


    On the managerial grid, a manager falling in the ________ category will have maximum


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    for both people and production.

    Correct Answer9.9

    Your Answer

    9.9Multiple Choice Single Answer


    Which step concerned with the management of change involves the identification of the



    Correct Answer

    Diagnose the problemYour Answer

    Terminate the problem

    Select The Blank


    ________ communication is useful for flatter organizational structure.

    Correct AnswerLateralYour Answer


    Select The Blank


    The factor of ________ implies that an individual may attend to moving objects in their

    field of

    vision that to static objects.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Select The BlankQuestion

    The communication process can be improved by ________.

    Correct Answer

    Reducing status barriers

    Your AnswerReducing status barriers

    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    Organizational Behaviour studies the importance of :-

    Correct Answer

    Human elements in the organization

    Your Answer

    Human elements in the organization

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion

    The storming stage relating to development of a team is characterised by which of the



    Correct Answer

    Emergence of conflicts , Seeking task related guidance from the leader , Deciding the

    responsibilities of each team member

    Your Answer

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    Emergence of conflicts , Seeking task related guidance from the leader

    Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestion

    Features of Maslow's need hierarchy theory are:-

    Correct AnswerTheory of human motives , Classifies basic human needs in a hierarchy , Theory of



    Your Answer

    Theory of human motives , Classifies basic human needs in a hierarchy


    QuestionConceptual skill is the distinguishing feature of job performance at the operating level.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    True/FalseQuestionIn the process of perception, feedback is important for interpreting the perceptual event.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    The term LOC in the study of personality stands for:-

    Correct Answer

    Locus of control

    Your Answer

    Locus of controlSelect The Blank


    The most superficial level of organizational culture consists of ________.

    Correct Answer

    SymbolsYour Answer




    Social self is the way an individual appears to self.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer

    TrueMultiple Choice Single Answer


    Bharat had joined Applications Network Pvt. Ltd. as a trainee software engineer. After

    two years

    he was promoted as the manager-applications. As the manager, his job included


    guidance to his team with respect to writing the software program so as to get the


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    report. His top class performance provided him with an opportunity to become the

    director of hiscompany. Bharat wants to know what type of skills will be more in demand for a director,


    with the human skills?Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    In the "non-directive" interviewing method the interviewer is supposed to :-Correct Answer

    Take a role with confidence

    Your Answer

    Take a role with confidence

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    QuestionAdvise the management of Beta and Gamma Ltd. About the various groups that can becreated

    in an organisation.

    Correct Answer

    Effective group , Formal group , Informal group

    Your Answer

    Effective group , Formal group



    Present Indian government protects the Indian industry from foreign competition.

    Correct Answer


    Your AnswerFalse

    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    Mr. Kamat is an executive who directs, guides and influences the work of his

    subordinates. Hisobjective is to ensure that his subordinates work for attaining the specified goals. Also,


    mediates between the individual assistant and the organization in such a manner that

    both will

    obtain the maximum satisfaction. Whose role is being played by Mr. Kamat?

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer



    External adaptation and survival has to do with the establishment and maintenance of


    working relationships among the members of the organization.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer

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    Select The BlankQuestion

    During the moving phase of the change process, the ________ occurs when individuals

    areforced to encounter a situation that calls for a new behaviour.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    QuestionWhat can you gather from the Illumination experiments?

    Correct Answer

    They provided a momentum to the relay room phase of the studies.

    Your Answer

    They provided a momentum to the relay room phase of the studies.

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionThe parties involved in negotiation are strongly motivated to solve problems, exhibit


    and trust. The aforementioned aspects of the negotiating party indicate which type of


    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Multiple Choice Single Answer


    Judge the following statement according to given criteria. "Stress is a physiological

    abnormalityat the structural or bio-chemical level caused by overloading experiences."

    Correct Answer

    Both the statement and the reasoning are correct

    Your Answer

    Both the statement and the reasoning are correctTrue/False


    The perceptual process shall always result in correct judgment or understanding of facts.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Select The Blank

    QuestionThe ability and willingness of group members to set goals and work towards their

    accomplishment is known as ________.

    Correct Answer

    Group maturity

    Your Answer

    Group maturity

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


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    According to Likert, few variables characterize the leadership style. Select these variables

    :-Correct Answer

    Casual , Intervening , End-result

    Your AnswerCasual , Intervening , End-result

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    Organizational objectives can be achieved by :-

    Correct Answer

    Group work , Division of labour , Hierarchy of authority

    Your AnswerGroup work , Hierarchy of authority

    Match The Following


    Correct Answer

    Your Answer

    Alderfer's theoryRecognizes three groups of core needsRecognizes three groups of core needs

    Vroom's theory of motivation

    Expectancy model

    Expectancy model

    Porter Lawler model

    Relationship between performance and satisfaction

    Relationship between performance and satisfaction

    Abraham Maslow

    Theory of need hierarchy

    Theory of need hierarchy


    QuestionValence refers to the degree of favourableness or unfavourableness towards object.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer

    FalseSelect The Blank


    In heavy muscular work, ________ fatigue is unquestionably a major factor contributing

    to work


    Correct Answer


    Your Answer



    Perceptual similarity is a major cause of industrial conflicts.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Multiple Choice Single Answer

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    High competitiveness and profit orientation is a characteristic of which type oforganizational


    Correct AnswerMarket

    Your Answer


    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question The senior executive of XYZ Ltd., Mr. Joyonto Roy, had given complete freedom

    to his

    subordinates. He essentially provided no leadership. What category suitably defines theleadership style being practiced by Mr. Roy?

    Correct Answer Laissez Faire

    Your Answer Laissez Faire

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question In an example of the erection of a stone wall, the work curve shows the

    following :-Correct Answer An initial warming up before reaching peak productivity , The leveling offof

    productivity , Eventual decrement in productivity, probably ending in a spurt again

    Your Answer Continuous rise in productivity

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question From the following which is classified as a hygiene factor according to


    theory of motivation?

    Correct Answer Salary

    Your Answer Recognition

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Organizational objectives can be achieved by :-

    Correct Answer Group work , Division of labour , Hierarchy of authorityYour Answer Group work , Division of labour , Hierarchy of authority


    Question Each major change in a work situation carries with it an element of uncertainty.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer TrueMultiple Choice Single Answer

    Question Keshav is a student of psychology. His project is based on stress management.


    observing a group of 20 executives, he observed that in some situations, the executives


    stressed even when the events were very favorable for them. In fact these executives


    overjoyed with the events occurring in that manner, yet they experienced stress. Very

    fortunately this stress lasted for a short while of time. Advise Keshav about the categoryof

    stress being experienced by the executives.

    Correct Answer Eustress

    Your Answer Eustress

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Situation where individual differences are unimportant

    Correct Answer Earthquake , Drought , Flood

    Your Answer Earthquake , Drought , Flood

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    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question A group of 6 employees has been formed within MRF Co.Ltd. The initialdiscussions in

    the group were based on the environmental factors of the concerned issue. As the group

    startedto work on the measures to rectify the core factors responsible for the concerned issue,


    discussions always ended up in conflicts within the group members. This conflict was


    the group's effectiveness. What is the level of conflict that is being highlighted in this


    Correct Answer IntragroupYour Answer Intergroup


    Question A mediator should act as a neutral party.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Select The BlankQuestion The formation of specific goals, feedback on progress towards the goals andreinforcement of desired behavior all stimulate ________.

    Correct Answer Motivation

    Your Answer Motivation

    Match The Following

    Question Correct Answer Your Answer

    Free rein leaders Avoid power and responsibility Avoid power and responsibility

    Negative leaders Act domineering and superior with their subordinates Exercise control

    mostly by

    using forces within the group

    Autocratic leaders Provide security and satisfaction to his subordinates Act domineering


    superior with their subordinatesParticipative leaders Exercise control mostly by using forces within the group Provide


    skills to his subordinates


    Question Any organizational change faces employee resistance because it is perceived asloss of

    something of value as a result of the change.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Perception plays a vital role in which of the following areas.

    Correct Answer Selection of a candidate , Deciding on loyalty of an employee , Giving


    to an employeeYour Answer Selection of a candidate , Deciding on loyalty of an employee , Giving

    incentive to

    an employee

    Select The Blank

    Question A non-specific response of the body to a situation is known as ________.

    Correct Answer Stress

    Your Answer Stress

    Select The Blank

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    Question The supervisor gets upset when his manager scolds him and gets into a hot

    argumentwith his manager. His team members are also arguing with him constantly. Here


    behavior is a reflection of ________Correct Answer Caused behavior

    Your Answer Caused behavior


    Question People tend to process pleasant stimuli more efficiently and accurately than

    they do

    unpleasant stimuli.

    Correct Answer TrueYour Answer True


    Question Effective communication can be seen as the foundation of modern


    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer TrueTrue/FalseQuestion The process theories in general lack explanatory power over the complexities of



    Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question When an organisation is confronted with a threat, according to the general


    theory the physiological response will occur in which of the three stages?

    Correct Answer Alarm reaction , Resistance reaction , State of exhaustion

    Your Answer Alarm reaction , Resistance reaction , State of exhaustion

    Select The BlankQuestion At ________ stage of team building, cooperation and a sense of shared

    responsibility is

    developed amongst the team members.

    Correct Answer Norming

    Your Answer NormingMultiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question What are the sources of attitudes for an individual?

    Correct Answer Personal experiences , Institutional factors , Peer groups and society

    Your Answer Personal experiences , Friend's experiences , Peer groups and society

    Select The Blank

    Question Communication provides a means to release ________ and for fulfillment of



    Correct Answer Emotional expressionYour Answer Emotional expression

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Which of the management styles are available to a manager for overcoming


    resistance to change?

    Correct Answer Convincing the employees about the necessity of change , Employee


    in setting up the change , Forcing the employees to accept the change

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    Organizational BehaviourPaper Code - 102

    SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester____________________________________________________________________

    Your Answer Convincing the employees about the necessity of change , Employee

    participation insetting up the change


    Question Alderfer's ERG needs model is very rigid in nature.Correct Answer False

    Your Answer False


    Question Rest provides the opportunity to recover from fatigue.

    Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestion Different kinds of work like heavy and muscular work, or light work, or clerical


    yield curves that are :-

    Correct Answer Different from each other

    Your Answer Identical to each other

    Select The BlankQuestion Traditional win-lose situations can be solved using ________ negotiations.Correct Answer Distributive

    Your Answer Inter-organizational

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Select the needs which are discussed by the need hierarch theory :-

    Correct Answer Physiological needs , Security needs , Self realization needs

    Your Answer Security needs , Psychological needs , Self realization needs

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question John had thought of a very innovative idea to launch the new product of his


    However, John was an introvert. In the meeting, he just could not gather confidence to


    about his idea. What aspect of communication was missed by John?Correct Answer Transference

    Your Answer Encoding

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Mismatch between personality and organization may lead to

    Correct Answer Confusion and chaos , Loss of interest by members in organization , Lowmorale

    and job satisfaction

    Your Answer Loss of interest by members in organization , Low morale and job



    Question Organizational culture exists on different levels which differ in terms of visibility


    resistance to change.

    Correct Answer TrueYour Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Behavioural scientists are focusing their attention on :-

    Correct Answer Decision making , Organizational adaptability , Relationship of


    structure to human behaviour

    Your Answer Organizational adaptability , Relationship of organizational structure to


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    Organizational BehaviourPaper Code - 102

    SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester____________________________________________________________________

    behaviour , Management policies

    Select The BlankQuestion The leader who fails to guide, motivate and develop his subordinates is said to


    practicing ________ leadership style.Correct Answer Free Rein

    Your Answer Autocratic

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question There is one leadership style which gives good results when the leader is

    required to

    deal with the unskilled workers doing repetitive tasks; find this leadership style.

    Correct Answer AutocraticYour Answer Participative

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question In Supportive organization model, employee orientation is :-

    Correct Answer Job performance

    Your Answer Security

    Select The BlankQuestion The concept of organizational stress was first evolved in the classic work of


    Correct Answer Kahn et al

    Your Answer Dr.Seyles

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Identify the internal forces for organizational change :-

    Correct Answer Employees' desire to share in decision making , Changes in the location

    of the

    organization , Change in the top management personnel

    Your Answer Changes in the location of the organization , Change in the Central

    Government ,

    Change in the top management personnel

    Select The BlankQuestion Roger's defines the ________ as an organized, consistent, conceptual gestalt

    composed of perceptions of the characteristics of the 'I' or 'me'.

    Correct Answer The self concept

    Your Answer The self concept

    QuestionThe relationship in which one person influences others to work together willingly on

    related tasks

    is known as ________.

    Correct Answer



    Congruent change in attitude means movement in:-

    Correct Answer

    The same directionYour Answer

    The same direction

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


    Commanlities and differences suggest in certain respects, every person is like

    Correct Answer

    All other people , Some other people , No other person

    Your Answer

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    Organizational BehaviourPaper Code - 102

    SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester____________________________________________________________________

    All other people , Some other people


    In the case of intra-organizational negotiations, groups often negotiate as

    representatives.Correct Answer


    Your Answer




    Cultural elements and their relationships create a pattern that is identical in allorganizations.

    Correct Answer


    Your Answer


    Select The BlankQuestionSocial displacement and ________ are the important social reasons to be considered by a


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