risky, edgy teaching

Post on 25-May-2015






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Risky, Edgy Teaching Flexible PGCE Conference 2011

Paul Smalley

Senior Lecturer in Education

Edge Hill University

smalleyp@edgehill.ac.uk 07952884795


a session of 9 practical lesson ideas, each with some sort of edge

things that have a risk of going wrong, but when they go right are brilliant

some solid lesson ideas that you can try out in the next week or two

Why not play it safe?

In schools where behaviour was poor, this was frequently linked to dull and uninspired teaching.

Ofsted Annual Report 09-10 (2010)teachers lacked confidence and were reluctant to risk new approaches

Ofsted Transforming Religious Education (2010)In the lessons seen in the secondary schools during the survey, the most frequent strengths included….using a variety of imaginative approaches

Ofsted The National Strategies: a review of impact (2010)Safe = boring = unchallenging

Why not play it safe?People learn best when they are interested, involved and appropriately challenged by their work – when they are engaged with their learning.Engagement is about promoting those approaches to teaching and learning that help pupils understand subject knowledge and its application and that demand their active participation.Where pupils are actively engaged in their learning, they:• have a longer concentration span;• complete work on time;• stay on-task and have few behaviour problems;

• maintain a good attendance record.

Consequently, they:• develop higher self-esteem;• make faster progress;• develop a belief in their ability to improve and learn;• encourage and work well with other pupils.Pedagogy and Practice: Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools: Unit 11: Active Engagement Techniques (DfES, 2004)

Safe = boring = unchallenging


1. Effective PowerPoint Stimulus - RE/Geography2. Maps from memory - Physics3. Demonstration - RE /Maths4. Mystery game - PSHE5. Using video clips – RE / Business Studies6. Active reading – History /Science7. Guided Fantasy - French8. Large scale role-play - Citizenship9. Paper dart plenary

1. Effective Stimulus

Wonderful World.ppt

What are the risks?

When could you use this?

How could you use this technique in your subject area?

1. Effective Stimulus

2. Maps from memory

Prepare a picture

Get pupils into groups of 4 (can vary)

Call out 1s – they have 30 seconds (can vary) to look at the picture.

After 30 seconds number 2s have 30 seconds to look at the picture, while number1s draw.

Repeat for 3s and 4s and allow extra time at the end.

Each group should have a perfect facsimile of the original picture

What are the risks?

When could you use this?

Why does this work?

2. Maps from memory

3. Demonstration

Pedagogy and Practice: Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools: Unit 8: Explaining (DfES, 2004)

So let me demonstrate reincarnation.

A picture (perhaps from an ICT source), a concrete object or a demonstration can add to the power of an explanation as it captures attention and focuses pupils’ minds. Again it is useful for visual learners. For example, a balloon is a useful resource in geography for explaining air pressure differences. Giving pupils objects they can hold and examine also helps. For example, providing each pupil with a sedimentary rock will help when explaining characteristic features of the rocks.

Demonstrating reincarnation with candles!

What are the risks?

How could you demonstrate fractions in Maths?

Can you think of any other demonstrations of abstract ideas in your subject?

4. Mystery game

One ways to use mysteries is In two fairly big groups.Divide into two groups, both have the same evidence on either yellow or blue cards.The winners are the team which has the best answer, making greatest use of the evidence in a given time.

What are the risks?

How else can you use mystery games?

Why do it this way?

4. Mystery game

5. Video and Media Clips

At its best media from the ‘world’ of the pupils is used to help pupils understand concepts from the syllabus.

A Business Studies Example “What is a Market?” – Use Harry & Paul in the Dragon’s Den http://youtu.be/gIgZ66DlkKI

An RE example: in a lesson on “Is Bar Mitzvah a good initiation ceremony?” – use Finding Nemo.

Show the clip of Nemo’s initiationAnalyse why it is a good ceremony – drawing out from the pupils that: this ceremony marked Nemo becoming one of the gang -

initiation. it was a relatively simple task that was built up into a big

thing. the task was relevant - Nemo had a weak fin but needed to be

a good swimmer in order to escape

Repeat the process with a video of a Bar Mitzvah

5. Video and Media Clips



Think of an example from your subject area.

RE Examples – http://www.damaris.org/relessonsonline/index2.php


5. Video and Media Clips

6. Active readingDirected Activities Related to Text (DARTs)

This term encompasses a range of structured and scaffolded activities that guide readers to develop understanding, familiarity, and successful learning experiences by reading and writing.

For me the purpose of DARTs is to enhance and increase student engagement with textual materials

Pioneered by researchers at Nottingham University (Lunzer and Gardner, 1979, 1984).

Scientists see Davies and Greene's Reading for Learning in the Sciences (1984)

6. Active readingDirected Activities Related to Text (DARTs)

Highlight the KS3 History text for Names JobsPlacesThree Key Verbs

Give each paragraph a sub-heading.

Draw a map or flowchart of the story.

Too safe – make it louder and more active!

To teach the seven life processes in Science, start by rhythmically chanting some poetry.

Do the same with the key text.

Give each pair a verse, they read it out emphasising key words.

They create an action for each key word.

Perform it as a whole class.

6. Active reading

7. Guided FantasyGuided imagery originated in France, where it was called "forced fantasy." It is a technique by which a person is started on a daydream and then allowed to finish on his own. The "guide" will start to tell a story (called a "script“). This is done in a group and then discussed afterward by the participants.

My experience is that children love to do this sort of exercise, if only as an opportunity to ‘chill out’.

7. Guided FantasyHas links with Neuro-Linguistic Programming, meditation and psychology.

Often used in well-being

Can promote spirituality – key grade in new Ofsted framework.

Begins with ‘stilling’

Practical Risks?

Theoretical Risks?

Could this be used in your subject?

7. Guided Fantasy

8. Large Scale Role Play

Basically I had this mad idea to combine Citizenship (Crown Court) and putting Jesus on trial for fraud (the resurrection).

9. Paper Dart Plenary

Fold paper into paper plane.

Write on one thing you have learnt this lesson.

When I say throw the plane.

Add something you have learnt to the plane you catch- repeat twice.

At the end give throw them all to me.

Diamond 9

As a four agree put the cards on the sheet in order of risk.

Which will have the best results?

Which are you most likely to try?


a session of 9 practical lesson ideas, each with some sort of edge

things that have a risk of going wrong, but when they go right are brilliant

some solid lesson ideas that you can try out in the next week or two

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