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Faculty of Materials Sciences and Applied Chemistry

Institute of Textile Materials Technologies and Design

Accepted RTU Senate session

2008.y. ., prot.#. ..

Vice Rector for Studies



Professional bachelor studies program


Riga - 2008


41. The aims and objectives of a study program

41.1. The aims

41.2. The objectives

52. The formation of a study program and its conformity to the aims and objectives of Riga Technical University

53. The summary of the study program and study activities, included in the program

124. Valuation system

135. The implementation of university education program

135.1. Applied study methods and programs

135.2. The involvement of students in scientific work

146. The perspective evaluation of the program

146.1. The correspondence of the program to the standard of professional higher education

146.2. The correspondence of the program to analogical study programs

147. Students

158. Academic staff

158.1. The structure of academic staff, its division in age groups, qualification

158.2. Administration of projects

178.3. The amount of doctors of science and professors

178.4. The renewal of academic staff

178.5. The qualification and competence of the academic staff

209. Financing sources to ensure infrastructure

2110. Public relations

2110.1. Cooperation with employers

2110.2. Cooperation with the universities in Latvia and in abroad.

2211. Closing of the program

2212. The development plan of the study program

2212.1. Improvement of marketing

2312.2. Attraction of finances to fulfill the program:

2312.3. The improvement of the study program:

2312.4. The development of material resources:

2312.5. The improvement of professional skills and renewal of the academic staff:

2412.6. The improvement of research work:


25CV Academical staff

78The maintenance of subjects

164The sample of an issued diploma and its enclosure

170Staff of Study program

174Academical staff


1. The aims and objectives of a study program

Professional bachelor study program Clothing and textile technology gives opportunity to train professional bachelors clothing and textile production engineers (code of profession 2149 65) for clothing and textile enterprises, able to work as technologists, designers, constructors, the managers of production and sale, heads of enterprises and etc. Taking into account the significance of an industry in countrys economy and the diversity of production, in the period of serious competition among new textile products and development of technologies, the study programs of this field have to be improved all the time.

Therefore the professional bachelor study program Clothing and textile technology is formed on the bases of professional engineering study program Textile and clothing technology supplementing it with several practical line subjects, as well as, with new and marketable course of specialization - textile and clothing consumption studies.

1.1. The aims

1. To train needed for the development of a country, highly qualified clothing and textile production specialists, who have acquired the bases of modern technologies and specialized designing methods of the branch.

2. Provide the integrated bachelor program of engineering studies, what gives the complex engineering technical readiness and the bases of material sciences in the field of clothing and textile, with the option to specialize in one of the four fields of specializations.

1.2. The objectives

1. To educate competitive specialists, demanded in a textile and clothing labour market, who can work with different level technologies and understand the main processes of the development of the branches of textile industry and their relating spheres (globalization, trade, cooperation, etc.);

2. To offer sufficiently wide study program, which contains different spheres of textile and clothing technologies, give opportunities to acquire engineering bases of the branch, to know the specific of separate technologies. To train production engineers with a wide mental outlook, who can work without assistance, creatively in multiform spheres of textile industry, follow to the development of technologies, market and fashion;

3. To develop students abilities to analyze and solve concrete designing, technological, engineering technical tasks, as well as, tasks connected with designing of production enterprises, management and quality assurance;

4. To develop students abilities, working individually and in groups, to solve practical tasks, connected with textile technological processes and their designing, administration and management of production. To give to students needed knowledge to work successfully in production (fashion business, trade) at textile enterprises and to continue master studies.

A clothing and textile production engineer works for merchant of textile and clothing production. Ensuring labour safety, he plans and manages his and other employees work, leads technological processes, follows the quality of a product, makes economical evaluation of production processes, efficiently uses equipment and staff, controls the quality of their work, makes instructions in technological and labour safety questions. The textile and clothing production engineer analyzes the information about the development tendencies of textile and clothing branches, works out strategic planes of development, promotes their implementation, designs and introduces new technological processes, grounding them on corresponding business plans and cost estimates, advises leaders about the ways of economical and efficient use of resources, about the newest scientific and technical achievements of textile and clothing branch, prepares scientific articles and summaries.

2. The formation of a study program and its conformity to the aims and objectives of Riga Technical University

Accordingly to new strategy, accepted by RTU, to form engineering studies on the bases of a professional bachelor, the study program, introduced for accreditation, is formed on the bases of professional engineering study program Textile and clothing technology, supplementing it with theoretical subjects, needed to achieve a bachelors degree, and practical subjects to ensure needed professional abilities and knowledge. Considering also the demands of textile and clothing labour market, the program is supplemented with the new and very marketable course of specialization - textile and clothing consumption studies.

Intensifying practical part of the program, 3 study projects are added to every specialization course. Developing them, students will have to use practical knowledge making choice of conformable raw materials, designing products, valuating the suitability of developed production technology for the conditions of a concrete enterprise. The total of these projects are 9CP.

3. The summary of the study program and study activities, included in the program

The professional bachelor program (table 1) is formed on the bases of the united principles of professional education at Riga Technical University (accordingly to the resolution of the senate of RTU), which states, that during the first academic year, students have to acquire general study subjects, equally for all students of the professional programs of RTU. To support quicker choice of professional orientation/ direction, during the first academic years, students acquire also two professionally oriented basic subjects. During the second academic year, acquirement of general subjects is continued partly, but, the amount of the subjects of the specialization courses, are increased and practices are started. The third and forth academic years are given only to the studies of clothing and textile technologies, practice and the development of bachelor final work.


The name of a program:

Clothing and Textile technology

The level of studies:

Bachelor of Professional studies

The classification code for education:


Nominal study duration

4 years

Study volume:

160 credits

Previous education:

all-round education or vocational secondary education

Obtainable qualification:

Qualification of clothing and textile production engineer

(PK 214965)

Obtainable degree:

Professional bachelor of clothing and textile technologies degree

The code of study program WCV0

Selection of students from 2007 / 08 academic year

Way of exam.













Subjects of general education

14 CP






9 CP






2 CP




Basics of Communication

2 CP




Introdurion in study field

1 CP




Physical training

0 CP







Teoretical basic courses and information technology courses of the brach








Supplementary Mathematics (for materials science)

2 CP




Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics






6 CP





Computer studies (basic course)

3 CP




Fundamentals of materials science

2 CP




Textile chemistry

2 CP




Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics

2 CP




Chemistry for Engineers

2 CP




Fundamentals of law

2 CP




Sectoral Engineering

2 CP




Fundamentals of textile & leather materials

5 CP





Fundamentals of fashion marketing & merchandising

4 CP





Economics of Manufacturing and Sale Apparel

2 CP




Courses of the professional specialization of the branch

26 CP







Computer studies ( specialized course)

2 CP




Basics of Occupational Safety

1 CP




General and Occupational Safety

1 CP




Civil Defence

1 CP




The Substantiation of Technologies of Clothing and Textile

4 CP




Fundamentals of visual art for clothing studies

5 CP





Clothing materials science (study project)

3 CP




Clothing quality control

3 CP




Study project

6 CP




Specialization course of clothing technologies:

Development of industrial collections (study project) 2 CP

Development of clothing line (study project) 4 CP

Specialization course of textile Technologies:

Textiles Development (study project) 2 CP

The Development of Branch Enterprises (study project) 4 CP

Specialization course of clothing construction:

Development of industrial collections (study project) 2 CP

Clothing construction (study project) 4 CP

Specialization course of textile and clothing consumption studies

Development of industrial collection (study project) 2 CP

The Designing of Garment Shop(study project)4 CP



40 CP


Courses of the professional specializat. of the branch

34 CP

Specialization course of clothing technologies:

34 CP







Design of Sewing Factories and Fashion Workshops

6 CP





Rationalization of sewing work

2 CP




Industrial cutting

2 CP




Technology of tailor-made garment

2 CP




Renovation of Garment Wearability

2 CP




Modular Fabrication of Garments

4 CP




Sourcing of Clothing Materials

2 CP




Basics of Anthropology for Clothing Studies

2 CP




Advanced Clothing Technologies

2 CP




Clothing construction

4 CP




Elements of needlework porcessing

2 CP




Computer - aided Pattern Design

4 CP




Technological Equipment of Sewing Factories

4 CP




Clothing Research

2 CP




Technology of Special Assortment Garment

2 CP




Finishing of Textile Materials

2 CP



Specialization course of textile Technologies:

34 CP







Textile Materials Science

3 CP




Finishing of Textile Materials

2 CP



Yarn Technology

6 CP




Weaving Fabric Technology

6 CP





Knitting Technology

6 CP




Production of Technical Textiles

4 CP




Industrial Equipment of the Branch Enterprises

4 CP





Methods and Facilities for Research

2 CP




Computer-Aided Systems for Textile Technologies

2 CP




Analysis of Woven Fabric Structures

3 CP




Technical and Economic Analysis of Business

2 CP



Specialization course of clothing construction:

34 CP







Garment Style Creation

4 CP





Garment Pattern Grading

2 CP




Pattern Construction System GRAFIS

4 CP




Garment CAD System LECTRA

4 CP




Bespoke Garment Design

2 CP




Basics of Anthropology for Clothing Studies

2 CP




Advanced Clothing Technologies

2 CP




Clothing construction

4 CP




Elements of needlework porcessing

2 CP




Modular Fabrication of Garments

4 CP




Computer - aided Pattern Design

4 CP




Technological Equipment of Sewing Factories

4 CP




Clothing Research

2 CP



Specialization course of textile and clothing consumption studies

34 KP







Basics of Anthropology for Clothing Studies

2 CP




Elements of needlework processing

2 CP




Technology of clothing units

4 CP




Clothing CAD

4 CP




Clothing Research

2 CP




Renovation of clothing consumption properties

2 CP




Sourcing of Clothing Materials

2 CP




Clothing construction

4 CP




Marketing and Commodity Manag. of Fashion Goods

4 CP




Cloth Retail Commodity Management

4 CP




International Cloth Wholesale

2 CP




Logistics of the Clothing Goods

2 CP



Clothing Research

2 CP




Garment Consumer behavior

4 CP




Finishing of Textile Materials

2 CP




Humanitarian/social and management courses

2 CP




General sociology

2 CP


Management sociology

2 CP


Sociology of a small group and a personality

2 CP



2 CP


Political system of Latvia

2 CP


United Europe and Latvia

2 CP


Theory of Organization System

2 CP


Organization and Management of Market

2 CP


Effectiveness of Innovation

2 CP


Organizational of Business

3 CP


Legal Regulation of Entrepreneurship

2 CP




Technical and Economic Analysis of Business

2 CP


Accounting and Finances




4 CP





English language

4 CP


German language

4 CP


France language

4 CP



6 CP







26 CP







FINAL TESTS: Final bachelor project

12 CP




160 CP









4. Valuation system

The quality of study process is controlled discussing its results at the meetings of the Department of Clothing and Textile Technologies (DCTT), at meetings of the councils of the institute and the faculty.

Students academic progress is evaluated according to the 10-grade system (RTU Senate Resolution Nr.402, April24, 1995) in exams and course papers and 2-grade system in tests. Examination is conducted in written form (RTU Senate Resolutions of 1998-01-26 and 1998-03-30). Exam questions are set up and delivered to students in time by the teacher who lectures on this subject, coordinating with a leading teacher.

Tests are provided and realized in many study courses to motivate students to acquire knowledge regularly.

Study projects, which are introduced in the program as complex work, corresponding to branch practice, are presented to specially formed commission. This is not new experience at the clothing and textile institute as, already up to now, separate projects exceeded the limits of only one study course and the special commission of teachers valuated them. The reports of the practice are valuated similarly.

During the winter examination period of 2007/2008 academic year, the questionnaire of students about the quality of study process was organized. The questionnaire was voluntary and anonym. Filled out inquiry forms, students could leave in a special box.

The students valuated every study subject, acquired during the semester, in 5-grade valuation system. The mark 1 showed very negative estimation, but mark 5 very positive. 21 questions were included in the questionnaire. The questions contained the valuation of the quality of the lectures, the practical and the laboratory works of a study subject, as well as, quality of exam questions, teaching and test efficiency and conformity of a lecturer (competence, personal qualities). There was also possibility to write notes and advises in the questionnaires.

During the winter examination period 22 questionnaires were received. Generalizing them, following information is acquired:

The average index of study course content 3.8 points;

The amount of work on average at subjects 3.4 points;

The link of study course with a practice 3 points;

The competence of teachers 4.1.points;

The conformity of tests with acquired material during a semester 3.8 points;

The conformity of test evaluations 3.3 points.

The results have to be considered as subjective, because the valuations of one study course and a lecturer frequently are sharply different. The same time, they are also representable and give general information about strong and week side of the study process.

Employers are involved in the quality control of the study program, too. They regularly review final bachelor projects and take part in the graduate commissions. As the study program of professional bachelor inherits before realized engineering study programs, the presentation procedure of final professional bachelor projects will be organized analogically previously existing presentation procedures of final engineering projects. The representatives of employers, taking part in graduate commissions, discuss the actuality and novelty of project topics and the quality level of theoretical and practical part of the projects. The discussions of results are significant also for further development of study program, as during them, producers inform about their real needs and actualities.

5. The implementation of university education program

5.1. Applied study methods and programs

Study work forms are lectures, practical and laboratory works, seminaries, study projects and practice. Developing recourses of Textile Materials Technologies and design institute, different technical means: projectors, OHP, video players, sample collections, posters and diagrams are used increasingly in the study courses. Students get, ready for coping, study materials and lecture summaries. Developing the portal ORTUS of RTU, students and lectures more actively use its e-learning part, where study materials can be placed and used in digital way. It scientifically raises the efficiency of study process, because, students already before the lecture have acquainted themselves with its content and can work valuably to acquire new study material.

Developing final bachelor project, to communicate more mobile with teachers, electronic mail is used. Thereby part of consultations are realized in indirect way.

Students acquire the bases of self-dependent study and research work, during scientific seminars inform about the aims and results of their researches, as well as, express their view about the work of their group mates. The discussions about development and results of researches are the significant part of study process.

Developed study projects are presented and discussed. This way, students learn not only to describe the results of their own researches, but also to valuate the work of their group mates in the context and to see the development potentialities of the projects.

5.2. The involvement of students in scientific work

The studies of professional bachelor provide the acquirement of the bases of scientific work. In studying courses Research methods and means and Clothing research methods, the examples of research planning and realization are acquired. The content of many specialized study subjects is formed to give to students the practical acquirements of research and to teach them to analyze acquired results (Fundamentals of textile & leather materials, Clothing quality control, Rationalization of sewing work, etc.) More complex research is done in a final bachelor project what is analytic or practical research with the elements of scientific work.

The research subjects of teachers of DCTT and themes of scientific researches, offered to students:

The improvement of clothing construction methods prof. A Vilumsone,

The research of technological properties of glass fiber filaments assist. prof. N. Ozolina,

The improvement of clothing technological processes- assist. prof. I. Vilumsone, researcher I. Ziemele, lecturer A. Kalnja,

The research of the work processes of sewing technological equipment- assist. prof. U. Briedis,

Clothing designing in CAD- lecturer I. Dabolina,

The technologies of wise textiles- assist. prof. I. Baltina

In 2007 the 2nd volume of scientific proceedings of RTU Material Sciences, part 9 Textile and Clothing Technology was published.

6. The perspective evaluation of the program

6.1. The correspondence of the program to the standard of professional higher education

The study program corresponds to the regulation N 481 of Cabinet of Ministers of LR Regulations about the state standard of the second level higher education.

The total of the program is 160CP, it includes study courses, practice and the development and presentation of the final bachelor project.



core -

A part


electives B part



Subjects of general education

20 CP



Teoretical basic courses and information technology courses of the brach

36 CP


Courses of the professional specialization of the branch:

60 CP



Totals 76 CP

Totals 40 CP

Free option

6 CP

Practical Placement

26 CP

Bachelor Thesis

12 CP


160 CP

The agreements are signed with copmanies SIA Juglas Manufaktura, TRITEX, Juglas Audums, Solution and Klippan-Saule about practice of students at theses enterprises.

6.2. The correspondence of the program to analogical study programs

The study program was compared with:

1. the three year professional bachelor (Bachelor of Engineering) program Textile technologies and textile management of Reutlingen University of Applied Sciences (FH Reutlingen);

2. the bachelor programs Textile Design and Technology and Clothing Design and Technology of Kaunas Technological University;

3. the engineering study program Clothing Techniques of University of Applied Sciences in Berlin (FHTW-Berlin).

Comparatively, (see the next page) following courses: Introduction to Study Field, Occupational Safety, Civil defense, Fundamentals of Law and electives of free choice are not included.

The comparison of the study programs of different universities shows that the structure of the study program formed by RTU substantially does not differ from similar ES programs.

7. Students

Matriculation in study program Clothing and textile technology was started in the academic year 2007/2008. 17 students were matriculated in the first academic year. Because of the end of the accreditation term of engineering program Textile and clothing technologies, students of last years were entered in the new study program: second year 8 students, third year 5, fourth year 7. Total amount of students 37.

To obtain full professional bachelor program, moved students additionally have to acquire study subjects: Mathematics 4CP, Research methods and means 2CP, Fundamentals of materials sciences 2CP.

Till now only one students questionnaire, described in section 4 is realized. The questionnaires are planed to make at the end of every next semester. Their results will be discussed in the meetings of DCTT.

Taking part in students government work and in meetings of the institute and councils of the faculty and the university, students can influence study process too. 20% of the members of these institutions are students. Making decisions, view point of students is always listened and discussed, as well as, taken into account.

To help the first year students to start studies at university, the lecturer A. Kalnaja works as a tutor. She explains to new students all questions about study process, meets teachers, controls the visitation and study results of the students.

8. Academic staff

8.1. The structure of academic staff, its division in age groups, qualification

The study program of professional bachelor is realized by the Department of Clothing and textile Technologies (DCTT), leaded by professor, Dr.sc.ing. A. Vilumsone. Following academic staff is involved in study and scientific work:

2 assoc. prof, Dr.sc.ing. (I. Krievi, G.Vinovskis),

4 assist. prof. Dr.sc.ing. (N. Ozolina, I. Baltina, I. Vilumsone, U. Briedis),

2 lecturers, Mg.sc.ing. (A. Kalnja, I. Dabolina).

Divition in age groups:

till 30 1,

till 40 1,

till 50 3,

till 60 6,

up 70 1.

Seven from nine members of the staff are doctors of engineering sciences, 5 of them have not reached age of 50, 3 have exceeded the age of 50 and only a prof. H. Vinovskis is 71 year old.

Prof. Dr.sc.ing. V. Kancevia, RTU emerit. Prof, Dr, habil.sc.ing. B. Okss, Dr.sc.ing. I. Sedli, Dr.sc.ing. I. Ziemele, Mg.sc.ing.D. Belakova, Mg.art S. Deksne and Mg.art D. Skinke are involved in study and scientific work too.

8.2. Administration of projects

1. In 2005-2006, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia, TOP 05-21 The development of the new technology for production of hernia patches with nano level qualities ( leader V. Kancevica);

2. Research for National Armed Forces The specification of Soldier Tactical Modular Webbing contract N. P-259/NP/2006/NP; RTU Nr. 7059 (leader assoc.prof. I.Krievins).

3. Contract N. RPAS/2006/7: the training of the teachers of professional education for work with new technologies. For the project of The Foundation of European Regional Development The renovation of the infrastructure of a study program for sewers and producers of sewed products in Riga Purciema trade school (prof. A. Vilumsone, assist. prof. U. Briedis);

4. The research project of Ministry of Education and Science and Riga Technical University The use of 3D positioning method for anthropometrical modeling (prof. A. Vilumsone).

The consultations are given to the sector of customs tariffs and payments of Riga Regional Customs Department - during all the period.

Given lecture about advanced clothing designing methods to the teachers of Riga Light industry Technical school (in ESF project).

Organized and leaded the training of SIA Florian in July, 2007.

International projects

The project Nordplus Neighbour Nordic Center for Innovative Studies and Advanced Training in Textiles (prof. S.Kukle, prof A.Viumsone), cooperating with Kaunas Technological University, Swedish Boras University and Finnish Tampere Technological University.

TTDI is associated partner at 7th project of F2F Fashion to future.

European social foundation projects

During 2006 and 2007, three ESF projects were realized in DCTT:

The practice of textile and clothing engineering studies at clothing production enterprises;

The technological practice of the academic staff of RTU at textile and clothing production enterprises;

The modernization of the study process of textile and clothing technologies.

Improvement of professional skills

The improvement of professional skills of the academic staff is realized doing scientific researches to develop new technologies, publishing the results of scientific works, taking part at international scientific conferences, attending branch fairs, courses and cooperating with production enterprises.

Assoc. Prof. I. Krievins is the chairman of the Terminology Sub Commission of Textile Industry at LR Academy of Sciences, as an expert represents LR at Textile Labelling Commission of European Union.

Prof. A. Vilumsone is the external specialist in the questions of textile at the international company of quality system certification Bureau Veritas Quality International.

Assist. prof. I. Baltina cooperates with ACG Nystron dealer in Latvian in the questions of sewing equipment and the quality control of textile materials, as well as, in questions of quality evaluation of textile materials for purchases of bedclothes for hospitals.

In February 2007, A. Vilumsone and I. Dabolina attended the clothing production and equipment fair in Moscow.

Significantly improvement of professional skills of the academic staff is affected by cooperation and exchange of experience with other universities. In Nordplus Neighbour project Nordic Center for Innovative Studies and Advanced Training in Textiles (prof. A.Viumsone) our university cooperates with Kaunas technological University, Swedish Boras University and Finnish Tampere Technological University.

Our lectures have had possibility to get acquainted with the experience of the colleagues to train the branch specialists, to see study and scientific laboratories, to get acquainted with the content of several study courses and their teaching methodologies at Kaunas and Tampere universities.

During the academic year 2006/2007 the ESF project The technological practice of the academic staff of RTU at textile and clothing production enterprises was implemented. Once a week, six lectures of DCTT did fieldwork at one of the four, in the project involved, enterprises. This experience will allow improve the qualification of new specialists and approximate their theoretical knowledge to the competences needed in real production circumstances.

8.3. The amount of doctors of science and professors

There are 7 doctors of engineering sciences among 9 staff teachers. Study program is realized by one professor and two associate professors. This spring will be announced a vacancy of an associate professor at speciality of textile technology. Assistant professor I. Baltina will apply for it.

8.4. The renewal of academic staff

The ageing of academic staff during 6 next years is not expected because only one person will reach the age of pension (then together could be two). It is planed to involve in academic work Dr.sc.ing. I. Ziemele, recommending her candidacy for the position of an assistant professor. The lecturer I. Dabolina is the second year doctoral student. It is prognosticated that during next 3 years she will take her doctor and will be elected as an assistant professor. It is planed to involve in study work at DCTT also other master and doctoral students, who now mostly work for their scientific projects.

8.5. The qualification and competence of the academic staff

The qualification and competence of the academic staff can be valuated by its participation in above mentioned projects and activities and also by scientific publications and presentations at scientific conferences during previous academic year.

Scientific publications are following:

1. Design Improvement of Military Uniforms. Ausma Viumsone, Ineta Viumsone, Inga Dboloa & Skaidra Deksne. Book of Proceedings of the 3rd International Textile, Clothing & Design Conference, Croatia, 2006. pp. 931-939S

2. Clothing Design Method for Visual Correction of the Body Individualities. Inga Beikule, Ausma Viumsone & Ineta Viumsone. Book of Proceedings of the 3rd International Textile, Clothing & Design Conference, Croatia, 2006. pp.795 799

3. I. Beikule, A. Vilumsone, I. Vilumsone. Design of Clothing Styles for an Individual at Sewing Production Units. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Management of Technological Changes, 5 10, ISBN 978-960-893-205, Greece, August 2007, Technical University of Trece, Alexandroupolis (2007)

4. Dbolia I., Viumsone A. Anthropometrical modelling for garment manufacturing/ CORTEP 2007, The XIIIth Romanian Textile and Leather conference, Romania, Iasi 2007, 635-641 pp.

5. Viumsone A., Dbolia I. The possibilities of garment 3D designing/ IITAS 2007, XIth International Izmir Textile and Apparel symposium, Turkey, Izmir 2007, 161-171 pp.

6. V.Kancvia, A.Auzns, O.Kozinda, I.Zorgevica. No kompozta iedru materila poliuretna- poliestera austo protu izgatavoana kranils krustenisks saites plsumam suiem.// Veterinrmedicnas raksti 2007, Jelgava: 2007.

7. V.Kancvia, V.Kasjanovs, A.Auzns, K.Grevinska Weven Patches / IX Internation Conference ITMEX2007, 8.-9.Oktober 2007, Lodz, Poland

8. K.Druvinska, A.Auzns, V.Kancvia. Asinsvadu implantu prbaude uz dzvniekiem./ Tezes starptautiskajai zintniskajai konferencei Eksotisko zdtju terapija un irurija , 24.-25.nov. 2007.

9. A. Kalnja. Akadmisko trpu attstba latvij / RTU zintnskie raksti, Materilzintne, Srija 9, Tekstila un aprbu tehnoloija, Sjums 2, 7.-3.lpp. RTU, Rga 2007

10. Kancevia V., Kasjanovs V., Auzns A., Drevinska K., Austs sinttisks materils tru atveres slganai / RTU zintnskie raksti, Materilzintne, Srija 9, Tekstila un aprbu tehnoloija, Sjums 2, 14.- 19.lpp. RTU, Rga 2007

11. Kancevia V., Kasjanovs V., Auzns A.Asinsvadu implanti ar innovatvu struktru / RTU zintnskie raksti, Materilzintne, Srija 9, Tekstila un aprbu tehnoloija, Sjums 2, 20.- 24.lpp. RTU, Rga 2007

12. G. Kozaka, G. Vinovskis. Darba motivcijas analze uzmum / RTU zintnskie raksti, Materilzintne, Srija 9, Tekstila un aprbu tehnoloija, Sjums 2, 25.- 31.lpp. RTU, Rga 2007

13. B. Kraukle, N. Ozolia. Mazo tekstiluzmumu attstbas iespjas Latvij / RTU zintnskie raksti, Materilzintne, Srija 9, Tekstila un aprbu tehnoloija, Sjums 2, 37.- 45.lpp. RTU, Rga 2007

14. I. Ziemele, U. Briedis, D. Beakova. Latvijas anas uzmumu prprofilans iespjas un nosacjumi/ RTU zintnskie raksti, Materilzintne, Srija 9, Tekstila un aprbu tehnoloija, Sjums 2, 60.- 65.lpp. RTU, Rga 2007

15. I. Viumsone, B. Puria. Tekstilmaterilu mazganas kvalittes prbaudes testu noteikana / RTU zintnskie raksti, Materilzintne, Srija 9, Tekstila un aprbu tehnoloija, Sjums 2, 66.- 71.lpp. RTU, Rga 2007

16. I.Krievi. Aprbu antropometrisk parametrizcija: 1. daa: vadmri, lielumatbilstbas intervli un skalas / RTU zintnskie raksti, Materilzintne, Srija 9, Tekstila un aprbu tehnoloija, Sjums 2, 72.- 81.lpp. RTU, Rga 2007

17. I.Krievi. Aprbu antropometrisk parametrizcija: 2. daa: optimlais tipfigru skaits, lielumizmri, augumlielumu marjumi un lielumatbilstbas prbaudmba / RTU zintnskie raksti, Materilzintne, Srija 9, Tekstila un aprbu tehnoloija, Sjums 2, 82.- 90.lpp. RTU, Rga 2007

18. I.Baltia, N.Ozolia, E.Cigle. Smitanas procesa ietekme uz stikla pavedienu fiziklm pabm / RTU zintnskie raksti, Materilzintne, Srija 9, Tekstila un aprbu tehnoloija, Sjums 2, 91.- 96.lpp. RTU, Rga 2007

19. I.Beikule, A.Viumsone. Sievieu figru vizul korekcija ar trpa kompozcijas ldzekiem / RTU zintnskie raksti, Materilzintne, Srija 9, Tekstila un aprbu tehnoloija, Sjums 2, 97.- 102.lpp. RTU, Rga 2007

20. I.Dbolia, A.Viumsone. Trsdimensiju antropometrisk modelana / RTU zintnskie raksti, Materilzintne, Srija 9, Tekstila un aprbu tehnoloija, Sjums 2, 103.- 110.lpp. RTU, Rga 2007

21. N.Razdomahins, A. Viumsone, I.Dbolia. Datorprojektana aprbu raoan / RTU zintnskie raksti, Materilzintne, Srija 9, Tekstila un aprbu tehnoloija, Sjums 2, 111.- 126.lpp. RTU, Rga 2007

Presentations at scientific conferences are following:

1. Design Improvement of Military Uniforms. Ausma Viumsone, Ineta Viumsone, Inga Dboloa & Skaidra Deksne. The 3rd International Textile, Clothing & Design Conference, Croatia, Okt. 2006.

2. Clothing Design Method for Visual Correction of the Body Individualities. Inga Beikule, Ausma Viumsone & Ineta Viumsone. The 3rd International Textile, Clothing & Design Conference, Croatia, Okt. 2006.

3. Beikule, A. Vilumsone, I. Vilumsone. Design of Clothing Styles for an Individual at Sewing Production Units. The 5th International Conference on the Management of Technological Changes, Greece, August 2007.

4. Dbolia I., Viumsone A. Anthropometrical modelling for garment manufacturing/ CORTEP 2007, The XIIIth Romanian Textile and Leather conference, Romania, Iasi, Okt. 2007.

5. Viumsone A., Dbolia I. The possibilities of garment 3D designing/ IITAS 2007, XIth International Izmir Textile and Apparel symposium, Turkey, Izmir

6. G. Strazds, S.Kukle, D. Belakova,I. Ziemele Evolution of Latvian Textile and Clothing Industry / The 5th International Conference Innovation and Modelling of Clothing Engineering Processes. University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 2007

7. V.Kancvia, V.Kasjanovs, A.Auzns, K.Grevinska Weven Patches / IX Internation Conference ITMEX2007, 8.-9.Oktober 2007, Lodz, Poland

8. A.Kalnja. The Development of Academic Dress in Latvia. 48th International Scientific conference of RTU, Riga 2007

9. Kancevia V., Kasjanovs V., Auzns A., Drevinska K., Woven Synthetic material to close hernias. 48th International Scientific conference of RTU, Riga 2007

10. Kancevia V., Kasjanovs V., Auzns A. Novel Structure of Blood Vessel Implants. 48th International Scientific conference of RTU, Riga 2007

11. G. Kozaka, G. Vinovskis. The Analysis of Motivation to Work at an Enterprise. 48th International Scientific conference of RTU, Riga 2007

12. S. Kukle, G. Zommere. The Specific Border Patterns from Vidzeme. 48th International Scientific conference of RTU, Riga 2007

13. B. Kraukle, N. Ozolia. The development Potentialities of Small Textile Factories in Latvia. 48th International Scientific conference of RTU, Riga 2007

14. Ziemele, U. Briedis, D. Beakova. The Restructuring Possibilities Conditions of Latvian Sewing Companies. 48th International Scientific conference of RTU, Riga 2007

15. Viumsone, B. Puria. The Methodology of Laundering Quality Tests for Textile Materials. 48th International Scientific conference of RTU, Riga 2007

16. I.Krievi. Anthropometric Parameters of Clothing. 48th International Scientific conference of RTU, Riga 2007

17. I.Baltia, N.Ozolia, E.Cigle. The Influence of Sizing Process to Physical Propeties of Glass Yarn. 48th International Scientific conference of RTU, Riga 2007

18. I.Beikule, A.Viumsone. The visual correction of Woman Body Using Artistic Means of Cltohing. 48th International Scientific conference of RTU, Riga 2007

19. I.Dbolia, A.Viumsone. Three-dimensional Anthropometrical Modelling. 48th International Scientific conference of RTU, Riga 2007

20. N.Razdomahins, A. Viumsone, I.Dbolia. CAD of the Clothing Industry. 48th International Scientific conference of RTU, Riga 2007

21. S.Kukle, A.Viumsone. The provision of projects guided studies. The methodological seminar of RTU ESF projects for the quality of studies, 03.04.2007.

9. Financing sources to ensure infrastructure

The realization of the study program is financed from national budget. Only one the first year student pays for his studies accordingly the study charge accepted by the senate of RTU. Additional financial resources are attracted with ESF projects, contracts and scientific projects.

Laboratory and practical work is organized in accordance with study program, study plans. They take place in the premises of the Faculty of Materials Sciences and Applied Chemistry, address Azenes 14/24, Azenes 18 and in the laboratory building of Textile and Clothing institute, address Ganibu Dambis 19c. Classes take place in specialized laboratories: the lab of textile and materials sciences, the lab of knitting technology, the lab of sewing technology, the lab of sewing equipment, the lab of weaving equipment, the lab of spinning and fibre material pre-treatment, CAD computerized classroom.

The previous refectory building in Kipsala, Azenes 18 will be reconstructed to join, now in different places situated, laboratories and wherewith to ease the mutual communication of lecturers, as well as, to plan optimal study process, in the near future. Already now the part of the building is fitted to study process. It agrees with the development strategy of the Kipsala complex of RTU. All textile technologies and design departments and laboratories are planed to place in this building. The reconstruction is financed by financial recourse of ES SF projects.

Although the technological equipment of textile production in the laboratory building, used in study process, is not modern, there are all needed machines and equipment to acquire the bases of textile production technologies (including full production cycle, from pretreatment of fiber material to ready production): hanging, ribbon formation, spinning, as well as, yarn and other materials further processing weaving, knitting, the sewing of fabrics. However to make the study process more attractive for young people, in ESF project The modernization of textile and clothing technologies study process the e learning study program is rented from Leeds University (UK). The main textile technological processes and modern equipment is described using schemas, animation and video films in this program. Besides, the modern textile technological equipment is available for study process in the enterprises, what cooperate with the institute: Rimako, Juglas Manufaktura, Ogre, Solution, Anastasija, etc.

The equipment of textile materials science laboratory is significantly renovated during the last years using financial recourses of the budget and ESF projects. Following equipment is purchased:

Martindale Abrasion and Pilling TesterAir Permeability Tester,Shirley Stiffness Tester,AATCC Crockmeter,Spray Rating Tester,Fryma Fabric Extensiometer,Shirley Crease recovery Tester.

Wrinkle recovery tester,

Cusick Drape Tester, Portable Thickness Gauge.

The technical bases of DCTT is improved new 3 and 5 overlocking stitch industrial sewing machines EMERY EM600, universal sewing machines PFAFF-9063, a multi-thread covering stitch sewing machine PEGASUS W 1560, a professional ironing equipment with steam-boiler BATISTELLA, a buttonhole machine Taking TK-888 and a embroidery machine Brother are purchased.

The clothing CAD laboratory is equipped in good level. Clothing construction is trained using German computer program GRAFIS, clothing designing system LECTRA (France) and 3D program STAPRIM (Russia). System TexDesign (Germany) is used to design textiles and clothing. They are modern automatized designing systems, widely used in the branch enterprises in the world. Specialized computer engineering is used also in the lab: a large size digitizer and a plotter to print out patterns.

10. Public relations

10.1. Cooperation with employers

The department has good cooperation with many employers. The chairman of the enterprises of light industry Dr.sc.ing. G. Strazds informs students and the lectures about novelties in the branch, at least twice a year.

SIA Pionieris2 provides the place of practice for students, option to work by their computer systems and equipment. The enterprise has provided the department with sewing threads and fabrics free of charge.

SIA Anastasija also has provided study process with their left over fabrics free of charge. These materials are used in textile materials laboratory and in the study subjects of sewing technology.

In 2007 SIA Solution made a present of a digital photo camera what is useful for 3D photo measuring. The camera is used in study and scientific processes.

The outside training is organized at enterprises Juglas Manufaktura, Valmieras Stikla iedra, Rimako, Rita, Klippman Saule to acquire modern industrial equipment and spinning, weaving, knitting technologies. Outside training for clothing technology students is organized at the enterprises Anastasija, Solution, Hagitex, Pionieris 2, etc.

Public authorities are also significant cooperation partners. The Ministry of Defense of LR and the Provision command of National Armed Forces have ordered the research about the improvement of uniform quality and the development of the specification of Tactical Modular Webing. Involving students in the project, uniform specifications are developed for Yout Guard Centre. Consultations are given to the Regional Department of Riga Customs.

It has to be mentioned that many students, already during studies, work at leading textile enterprises. Still clothing constructors for work with CAD systems, technologists - managers are demanded at clothing production enterprises.

Cooperating with production enterprises two ESF projects are fulfilled:

The practice of textile and clothing engineering studies at clothing production enterprises;

The technological practice of the academic staff of RTU at textile and clothing production enterprises;

10.2. Cooperation with the universities in Latvia and in abroad.

The cooperation among universities is realized in several ways.

The cooperation with the Fashion Department of Art Academy of Latvia is realized in following ways:

training of students of Art Academy in clothing construction and designing with CAD is organized;

The DCTT, Art Academy of Latvia, University of Latvia and the professional associations of manufacturers cooperate at the council of Latvian Design Foundation to develop the branch.

In 2004 2007, the Nordplus Neighbour project Nordic Center for Innovative Studies and Advanced Training in Textiles, leaded by the professor E. Strazdiene (Kaunas Technological University) was carried out.

In the Project ES SOCRATES/ ERASMUS cooperation is formed with following universities:

Reutlingen University of Applied Sciences,

University of Applied Sciences in Berlin (FHTW-Berlin),

Kaunas Technological University,

Izmir University, Turkey,

Asahi University, Romania.

Financed by the same project and supported by DCTT, the group of students and teachers from Boras University (Sweden) spent one week in Latvia in April 2006 and 2007. They visited 5 large textile and clothing enterprises in Riga, Liepaja, Bene, Ogre, saw laboratories of the department and met our teachers.

On July 4-9, 2007, in the project SOCRATES/ ERASMUS, the professor A. Vilumsone gave 8 lectures about the problems of clothing 3D designing at University of Applied Sciences in Berlin (FHTW-Berlin).

Cooperation is created with Technologies and Design University of St. Petersburg, approbating and developing unique 3D clothing designing method of prof. N. Razdomahin.

The professors of foreign universities regularly visit and give lessons at Department of Textile and Clothing Technologies:

On April 6-17, 2006, in the ES program TEMPUS, the professor Tom Tailer (Manchester Metropolitan University) visited DCTT. He gave two lessons about clothing logistics and sale specific, told about study and scientific work at Manchester Metropolitan University.

In November 2006, guest lecturer Thomas Cassidy from University of Leeds (UK) visited DCTT. He gave lectures to students and teachers: Ambient design and technology, colour forecast (on November 21, 2006); Technology and a designer (on November 23, 2006).

The lecturers of DCTT are giving lectures to the teachers of Light Industry Technical Colleague and trade schools.

In February and March 2008, the teachers and students of DCTT took part in activities about wise textiles and clothing and their problems, organized by company e-t+t, RTU, LIAA and Boras University.

11. Closing of the program

In case of closing the professional bachelor program of Clothing and Textile Technology, students will be able to continue their studies at academic bachelor study program of Textile and Clothing technology, which is accredited till 2010. (see in annex)

12. The development plan of the study program

12.1. Improvement of marketing

1.1. The research of demands of the study program for the national economy:

Cooperation with the Association of Light Industry Enterprises of Latvia to make polls at the leading textile enterprises about demands of specialists and their nomenclature;

To clear up in the education system (in professional education establishments) the needed demand of branch specialists;

To research the development potentialities of the study program, in accordance with the development of branch technologies;

Executives: assist. prof. I Vilumsone, the head of DCTT A. Vilumsone

1.2. The popularization of study programs:

2.1. The regular renewal of an on line home page of DCTT;

2.2. The regular renewal of an informative brochure;

2.3. Direct contacts with trade and secondary schools;

2.4. Participation at a fair School and at open days of RTU;

2.5. Information in mass Medias.

Executives: assit. prof. I. Vilumsone, lecturer I Dabolina

12.2. Attraction of finances to fulfill the program:

2.1. To develop projects to attract finances of ES funds;

2.2. To develop and participate in research projects and contracts to attract finances of the ES, state and enterprises.

Executives: I. Ziemele, head of DCTT A. Vilumsone

12.3. The improvement of the study program:

3.1. The improvement of study program, accordingly to the development tendencies of textile industry;

3.2. Regular conduct of students and graduates opinion poll to correct the content of the studies;

3.3. The addition of free choice courses with the subjects of branch technologies;

3.4. To develop extramural and night courses, cooperating with employers (Juglas Manufaktura, Valmieras Stikla Skiedra, etc.). Executives: assit. head of DCTT

N. Ozolina, head of DCTT A. Vilumsone;

3.5. The involvement of the academic staff and students in the development of teaching aids and text books in Latvian language. Executive: head of DCTT A. Vilumsone.

12.4. The development of material resources:

4.1. The processing of the project for financial support of EU funds to improve the training and research base of DCTT;

4.2. The reconstruction of the building Azenes 18 for study process of textile technologies;

Executives: assit. head of DCTT R. Hermane, head of DCTT A. Vilumosne

12.5. The improvement of professional skills and renewal of the academic staff:

5.1. To involve the new members of the academic staff in full time work at DCTT and to give them opportunity to study at the doctoral program;

5.2. Cooperating with European universities to provide inservice training to the young academic staff (with or without doctors degree);

5.3. To form the reserve of leading specialists and teachers;

5.4. Constantly to take care about the formation of creative psychological mood in the collective of DCTT.

12.6. The improvement of research work:

6.1. To involve students more in development of concrete scientific themes;

6.2. To develop new market oriented scientific researches;

6.3. To involve students in international research projects, cooperating with foreign universities, Executives: all academic staff of the department;

6.4. To organize the seminars and lectures of the branch leading scientists. Executive: head of department A. Vilumsone;

6.5. To raise the participation of students in scientific conferences and publishing of developed researches. Executives: all academic staff of the department.

The director of program Textile and Clothing technology, professor

Ausma Vilumsone


CVAcademical staff


Name, Surname:

Ausma Vilumsone

Academic degree Dr.sc.ing.


1993 Riga Technical University. Doctor of engineering sciences. Dissertation theme: The development of the structure and algorithm of an adaptable automatized clothing construction system. Diploma: B-D 000771 December, 14, 1993.

1981 - 1985 Art Academy of Latvia, drawing and technical drawing teacher

1973 1978 Textile and Light industry Institute of Leningrad, an engineer constructor technologist of clothing

Professional activities:

1978 - 1979 constructor at company Rigas Modelu Nams

Pedagogical activities:

June, 2007 A professor at the Institute of Textile Materials Technologies and Design (ITMTD) of RTU

June, 2001 associate professor of RTU

1994 - June, 2001. assistant professor of ITMTD of RTU

January, 1994. lecturer,

1987 1989 assistant,

September, 1979 July, 1981 assistant at the Department of Light Industry Machinery and Technology of Riga Polytechnic Institute


May, 2005 head of the Institute of Textile Materials Technologies and Design

2005 The member of grant commission of the Faculty of Materials Sciences and

Applied Chemistry (FMSAC)

2005 The member of the purchasing commission of FMSAC

2005 The member of the council of FMSAC

2005 The member senate of RTU

June, 2003 A head of the Clothing and Textile Department

Scientific work:

Computerized designing of clothing, the systematization of ornaments and constructions of Latvian folk textiles

Participation in research work:

The use of no-contact 3D positioning method in anthropometric modeling. The research project of Ministry of Education and Science and RTU. A project leader. 2007

The specification of Tactical Modular Gear and Equipment. Research for National Armed Forces of LR. An executive. 2006

The quality improvement of uniforms. Research project N6842 for National Armed Forces of LR. An executive. 2004

The creation of clothing CAD laboratory. Theme N69/96. An executive. 1996 - 1997

The complex automatization of textile designing. Theme N93.475. The grant of the Science Council of Latvia. An executive. 1994 - 1996

The leadership of ESF projects:

The practice of textile and clothing engineering studies at clothing production enterprises. 2006 -2007

The technological practice of the academic staff of RTU at textile and clothing production enterprises 2006 -2007

The modernization of textile and clothing technologies study process. 2006 - 2007

The total amount of scientific publications: 34

Improvement of Professional skills:

January, 2007 The training of clothing designing program COMTENSE.

February, 2007 The training of clothing designing program STAPRIM.

2001 The German language courses of Virtual University of Hagen Wirtschaftsdeutsch fuer Letten.

August, 2002 The training of clothing designing program LECTRA (France) in Tallin.

July, 2001 The training of textiles and clothing designing program TexDesign (company Koppermann, Germany) in Riga.

May, 2000 The visit of the International Fair of Clothing Technologies and Equipment IMB`2000 in Cologne.

December, 1999, December, 1997, June, 1995 Probation at University of Applied Sciences in Berlin (FHTW).

October, 1995 Probation at Niderrhein University of Applied Sciences (FH Niederrhein).

March April, 1995 Probation at Technical University of Berlin.

Professional and social work:

The plenipotentiary of RTU at the council of Latvian Design Foundation, since 2005.

The juror of the International Competition of Fashion Artists and Designers Habitus Baltija 2004, 2008.

The external specialist in questions of textile at the international company of quality system certification Bureau Veritas Quality International since 1999.

The expert in questions of the purchase of textiles and clothing at The Ministry of Defenses of LR. 2003.

The cooperation coordinator of the Textile and Clothing Technology Department with the Department of Clothing Techniques of University of Applied Sciences in Berlin (FHTW-Berlin).

July, 28, 2003 The lecture about the development of clothing CAD systems at international students summer courses Best Riga.

10 lessons for the teachers of Purvciema Trade school in ESF project. July, 2006.

The lesson for the teachers of Technical school of Light Industry. April, 2007.

Participation in ES programs:

2000, July, 2007 The comparative evaluation of clothing construction methods (9 lessons), Potentialities of clothing 3D designing at Technical University of Berlin.

July, 2004 The comparative evaluation of clothing construction methods, Potentialities of clothing 3D designing at Reutlingen University of Applied Sciences for EU education program SOCRATES.

The participation in the project Nordplus Neighbour Nordic Center for Innovative Studies and Advanced Training in Textiles 2004 2007.

Language skills:

Latvian (native)

English (colloquial speech)

Russian (fluent)

German (very well)

1. Name, Surname

Ilze Baltia docente

2. Work place

RTU, Institute of textile Material Technologies and Design, Department of Clothing and Textile Technologies

3. LR sientific degree, diploma Nr., speciality

Doctor of Engineer Sciences, B-D 000827, Light and Textile Industry

4. Practical work

1989-1992 Engineer RTU Scientific Research Laboratory of Textile Technologies

2001 2003 trade manager SIA ACG NYSTROM

5. Teaching practice

2002-..... Assistant professor, Department of Clothing and Textile Technologies

1998-2002 Assistant professor, Professor group of textile Technologies

1996-1998 Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical technology of Fiber Materials

1992-1996 lecturer, Department of Mechanical technology of Fiber Materials

1989-1992 Assistant, Department of Mechanical technology of Fiber Materials

6. Themes of the Scientific Work

Electronical Textiles

Smart Textiles

Glass Fiber Texturing

Physical Properties of Fiber Materials

7. Last Publications

I.Baltia, N.Ozolia. The Influence of Sizing Process to Physical Properties Of Glass Yarn, - Scientific Proceedings Of Riga Technical University, Material science, textile and Clothing technology, 2007, 91-96. p.

I.Baltina, N.Ozolina. Quality of bedclothing Fabrics, - Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, Material science, textile and Clothing technology, 2006, 62-66. p.

Problems of Glass Continuous Filament Yarn Texturing. International Conference Fibrous Materials XXI Exhibition, St. Petersburg, Russia. May 23-28, 2005.

. . (-2004). , 2004.

8. Conferences

2007.g. RTU 48.International scientific conference, papers:

1. I.Baltia, E.Cigle, N.Ozolia Sizing of Glass Fiber Yarn

2. I.Baltia, I.ahta Progressive Technologies in Clothing

2005.g. International Conference Fibrous Materials XXI Exibition, St. Peterburg, Russia

2004.g. . (-2004),

9. Teaching Aids

Methodic Materials for Laboratory works in Textile Material Science, Riga, 2007.g.

Methodic materials for e-studies Introduction in Textiles, Riga, 2007.g.

10. Scientific Publications


11. Languages

Latvian, Russian, English

12. Qualification

2008.g. RTU professional program 30P 141 06 Development of the professional competence in the fields of pedagogy and IT

2008.g. seminar TheChallengeofSmartTextiles


2007.g. Exhibition of Technical Textiles HIGHTEX2007 , Istanbul

2007.g. Congress of Technical Textile Materials, Istanbul

2007.g. ESF PIAA project Competitive usage of e-study materials for academic staff"

2007.g. E-TEXT+TEXTILES seminars:


2. Ilze Bebris (Canada), Unwind. Febrill Spaces: heterotopias and beyond, 13.09.07

3. Tania Fox & Ben Maron (UK) Fabric Logic, 20.08.07

2007.g. Mess of Technical Textiles - Frankfurt Techtextile 2007

2007.g. symposium Avantex-Symposium 2007, Frankfurt

2007.g.symposium Techtextile 2007, Frankfurt

2006.g. seminar Ilmakunnas Textile Symposium 2006 Future possibilities for Dryers in Europe New Economical and Ecological Technologies in Dyeing and Finishing

2006.g. course Management of Innovations

2006/2007m.g. practical work A/s Valmieras stikla iedra

2005.g. seminar Tekstilmaterialu klimatisk testsana

1997.g. Course Materials for Distance Education

1995.g. De Monfort University, England

13. Projects

2008.g. research project Design and development of the garment with integrated microclimate control system

2007.g. ESF project Modernization of Study Process of Clothing and Textile Technologies


Belakova Dana


Since 2005 Riga Technical University, Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry, Institute of Textile Materials Technologies and Design, Doctoral Studies;

2003 2005 Riga Technical University, Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry, Institute of Textile Materials Technologies and Design, Practical Master of Material Design and Technology;

1998 2003 Riga Technical University, Institute of Textile & Garment Technology, Designer Technologist;

1988 1992 Riga Field Industry techs, degree: TN0 06609;

1980 - 1988 Secondary school, Ligatne

Professional Experience:

Since 2005 Riga Technical University, Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry, Institute of Textile Materials Technologies and Design, Lecturer

2004 2005Riga Technical University, Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry, Institute of Textile Materials Technologies and Design, Assistant;

2003 2004Riga Technical University, Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry, Institute of Textile Materials Technologies and Design, 1st category specialist

1992 2003 Riga vocational school 34.

Professional improvement:

1997 Master of Lady Tailor craft, Latvian Chamber of Crafts;

1994 1995 Riga Technical University, Institute of Humanities, Course of pedagogy and psychology

Scientific work Since 2005 Work process designing analyze in Latvians sewing enterprises

Participation in conferences

2007 47th international RTU scientific conference;

2007 5th International conference Innovation and Modeling of Clothing Engineering Processes IMCEP 2007, Slovenia, Moravske, Toplice;

2007 5th International conference Management of Technological Changes, Greece, Alexandropoulos;

2006.3rd international conference Magic World of Textiles, Croatia, Dubrovnik;

2006 4th International conference Quality Management on Higher Education Romania, Sinai;

2005. 46th international RTU scientific conference;

2005. 5th International conference Management of Technological Changes Greece, Hanja;

2004. 2nd international conference Magic World of Textiles, Croatia, Dubrovnik

Languages: Latvian - mother tongue

Russian - fluently,

English everyday speech

Lga Biez

Curriculum Vitae

Education: Latvian State University (1954- 1959);

Institute of Physics, Latvian Acad. of Sci. (1970-73)-

doctoral studies.

Scientific grade: Candidate of Phys. & Math (1975),

Dr. math. (1992).

Research field: Qualitative theory of differential equations.

Employment history: Assistant (1962 1967) at The Riga Polytechnic

Institute, Department of higher mathematics;

Senior Lecturer (1967- 1978) Department of

higher mathematics;

Associate professor (1978-1982) Department of

higher mathematics;

Head, Department of higher mathematics (1982-


Associate professor (1987-) at the Riga

Technical University (RPI) Depatment of higher

mathematics, Department of Engineering


Publications: Scientific publications 16, 32 teaching materials.

Books and lecture notes:

Collection of problems in higher mathematics (in Latvian)

Zvaigzne, Rga 1984.-2006.

Tests for entrance exams at RTU, RTU, 1976-2003.

Coursus: Higher mathematics and engineering mathematics, 1967.-2008.

Publications 2001.-2007.

1. Lga Biez, Inta Volodko. Matemtika - 2002 ar atrisinjumiem RTU, 2003, 34 lpp.

2. Volodko, A. boli, L. Biez. Tipveida uzdevumu krjums matemtik II. Jelgava, 2002, 288 lpp.

3. L. Biez, I. Volodko, Dz. Lse, V. Goteine, B. Bunde, N. Orbidne. Mathematics. Rga- 2004., 45 lpp.RTU, 2003, 34 lpp.


Personal information



Work experience

Professional development


Family name:










From 2006












Doctor course of Riga Technical University, Institute of Textile and Clothing technology

Master course of Riga Technical University, Institute of Textile and Clothing technology

Engineer course of Riga Technical University, Faculty of Device and Automation

Riga 47-th middle school

Doctor of Engineering Sciences

Promotion Work: The Research of Feed Dog Movement Mechanism and Development of Automatical Designing Calculation Method in Convential Sewing Machines

Master of Engineering Sciences

Masters paper: Analysis of Feed Dog Movement Mechanism in Convential Sewing Machines

Electro-mechanical engineer

Bachelor in mechanics

Riga Technical University, Institute of Textile material technologies and Design, docent

Riga Technical University, Institute of Textile material technologies and Design, lector

Riga Technical University, Institute of Textile and Clothing technology, assistant

SIA Sonika, product manager

Municipal enterprise of Riga - Zemgale, electrical engineer

International Trendsetters - Aggressive marketing - certificate, lector John Von Eicken

Driving license (B, C)

Latvian native tongue

Russian good

English good

German good

Word, Excel, Internet

Badminton, music, theatre


Family name (surname):


First name:





2000- 2004

RTU Doctoral studies

RTU Mg.sc.ing.

Riga Technical University (RTU)

Professional experience

08.01.2008. present Riga Technical University (lecturer)

01.09.2006. 07.01.2008 RTU (assistant)

09.03. 2006. 31.08.2006. RTU (project leader)

Scientific publications

1. A.Vilumsone, I.Vilumsone, I.Dabolina Importance of a CAD course in the educating of new specialists. The 4th International Conference on the Management of Technological Changes, Crete, Greece, 2005, 243-248.lpp.

2. I.Dbolia, A.Viumsone, S.Deksne. NBS ikdienas un svtku uniformu modeu pilnveidoana. RTU 46. starptautisks zintnisk konferences rakstu krjum, 2005. 8 lpp

3. A.Viumsone, S.Deksne, I.Dbolia. NBS ikdienas un svtku uniformu konstruanas procesa automatizcija RTU 46. starpt. zintnisk konferences rakstu krjum, 2005.10 lpp

4. A.Vilumsone, I.Vilumsone, I.Dabolina, S.Deksne. The Importance Of Clothing Fashion Show In The Study Process. 4th International Seminar on the Quality Management in Higher Education, 2006, 9-10 June, Sinaia-Romania 6 lpp.

5. Ausma Viumsone, Ineta Viumsone, Inga Dbolia & Skaidra Deksne. Design Improvement of Military Uniforms. 3rd International Textile Clothing & Design Conference 2006, 8-11 October, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 931-935.lpp.

6. Viumsone A., Dbolia I. The possibilities of garment 3D designing, IITAS 2007, XIthInternational Izmir Textile and Apparel symposium, Turkey, Izmir 2007, 161-171 pp.

7. Dbolia I., Viumsone A. Anthropometrical modelling for garment manufacturing, CORTEP 2007, The XIIIth Romanian Textile and Leather conference, Romania, Iasi 2007, 635-641 pp.

8. Dbolia I., Viumsone A. Trsdimensiju antropometrisk modelana, RTU Zintniskie raksti. 9.srija Materilzintne. Tekstila un aprbu tehnoloija. 2. sjums, RTU, 2007., 103.-110.lpp

9. Razdomahins N., Viumsone A., Dbolia I., Datorprojektana aprbu raoan, RTU Zintniskie raksti. 9.srija Materilzintne. Tekstila un aprbu tehnoloija. 2. sjums, RTU, 2007., 111.-116.lpp


Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Front Page, Access)

Corel Draw 10.0

Photo Shop 7.0


Tex - Design

Lectra 4.2C

Kaledo Style V1R1

Gerber 8.1




Latvian (native)

English (upper intermediate)

Russian (upper intermediate)

Social activities

The leader of Institute of Textile Materials Technology and Design information and advertise process

The Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry member of scholarship commission


Mathematics, logical systems and algorithms, management of the studies, photo


Name, Surname:

Skaidra Deksne




2003. Mg.art, diploma No. 000573

1971.- Art historian, dipl.Nr.345657,Latvian Art academy - Art History and Theory Department

1954.- Artist pattern maker, diploma T Nr.556333, Design and Art school of Riga

Professional experience:

1964. - 1992. Attire designer in Riga Film studio

1961. - 1964. - Artist pattern maker, Arts Theatre

1954. - 1955. - Artist pattern maker, Ltd Sadarbba

Pedagogical experience:

2005. present associate professor Riga Technical university Institute of Textile Materials Technology and Design

2004. Lecturer Riga Technical university Institute of Textile Materials Technology and Design

1994. - 2003.:Latvian Art academy

1955. - 1957.:Design and Art school of Riga

Research work:

LR NBS uniformu kvalittes uzlaboana. LR AM pastts ptjums 6842. dizaina konsultante. 2004.g.

Scientific publications:

A.Vilumsone, S.Deksne, I.Viumsone. The Composition and Ethnographical Motifs of Latvian Folk Costume in Contemporary Clothing. 2-nd international Textile, Clothing & Design Conference- Magic World of Textiles, Dubrovnic, Croatia, 2004, 957- 962 pp.

Dbolia I., Viumsone A., Deksne S. NBS ikdienas un svtku uniformu modeu pilnveidoana. RTU Zintniskie raksti. 9.srija Materilzintne. Tekstila un aprbu tehnoloija. 1. sjums, RTU, 2006., 67.-73.lpp

Viumsone A., Dbolia I., Deksne S. NBS ikdienas un svtku uniformu konstruanas procesa automatizcija RTU Zintniskie raksti. 9.srija Materilzintne. Tekstila un aprbu tehnoloija. 1. sjums, RTU, 2006., 74.-81.lpp.

A.Vilumsone, I.Viumsone, I.Dbolia, S.Deksne Designer Improvement of Military Uniforms //3-nd international Textile, Clothing & Design Conference- Magic World of Textiles, Zagreb, Croatia, 2006, 931- 935 pp.

Language skills

English (colloquial speech)

Russian (fluent)

Latvian (native)

Mrs. Elna Gaile-Sarkane

Working experience:

2006-up to nowRiga Technical University

Associated Professor

Pedagogic work (Lecturing, supervising of masters (bachelors), program development etc.)

Organizational work (conferences, seminars, workshops etc.)

Scientific work (research activities, research co-operation etc.)

2003-2006Riga Technical University

Assistant Professor

Lecturing (Marketing, Theory of marketing, E-commerce, E-Marketing etc.)

Organizational and scientific work

2003-up to nowKomunikciju Darbnca Ltd.


Business consulting in marketing and management

Conducting of seminars and workshops

Training in sales and merchandising

2001-2003Riga Technical University


Lecturing (Marketing, Theory of marketing, E-commerce, E-Marketing etc.)

2001-2002Higher School of Social Technologies


Lecturing (Marketing, Theory of marketing, E-commerce, E-Marketing etc.)

1998-2000LatvijasTlrunis LTD.

Head of Marketing Department

The planned development of companies marketing strategy, co-ordination and management

New product creation, conceptual development and introduction

Strategic and financial planning

Planning and carrying out advertising and PR activities

1997-1998Latvijas Tlrunis LTD.

Assistant of Sales Manager

Sales data processing and analysing

New sales strategy development

Co-ordination of sales staff

Marketing analyses

1995-1997Rgas karst lnija LTD.

Sales Manager

Staff managing, motivation and training

Introduction of new sales methods and strategies

Sales data processing and analysis


1991 -2003Riga Technical University

Dr.oec. research in economy Models of Information Business in Latvia

Mg.oec. research in economy The Promotional Models of Demand and Sale.

Bc.oec. research in marketing Marketing in Manufacturing.

Bc.chem. (Bachelor degree in Chemical Manufacturing Organization).

Scientific work (projects):

2007 Grant No R7215 Possibilities of Analysis of Dynamic Business Environment: Research network development, supported by Ministry of Science and Education of Latvia, Project leader.

2004-2007 Grant Nr. 04.1026 by SC of Latvia

The role of information resources in the development of Entrepreneurship in Latvia; researcher;

2001-2003 Grant Nr. 01.0566 by SC of Latvia

The Models of Latvian information market development, researcher;

2002-2003 Grant for PhD students by SC of Latvia;

2002 Member of editorial board of RTU International Scientific conference.


Total 73, incl.:

Scientific articles (in cited journals) 23;

Conference proceedings 24;

Other publications 26.

Teaching materials:

Basics of E-Marketing. Study aid. R.: RTU Publishing house, 2005. 232 pp.

Electronic Commerce. Study aid. R.: RTU Publishing house, 2003. 60 pp.

Situations and cases in marketing. Study aid. .: RTU Publishing house, 2004. 75 pp. (with co-author)

10 Study programs are worked out in marketing, e-commerce, management, incl.:

IUE 220, Marketing (3KP);

IUE 600, E-Commerce (4 KP);

IUE599, E- Marketing (4KP).

Organizational activities:

Chair of Steering Committee of BMDA 6th Annual Conference If ever Developing Tomorrows Leaders, May 8-10, 2008, Vilnius (Lithuania)

Chair of Organizing Committee of 1st International Summer School for Doctoral Students Creative Business Environment: Possibilities of Reserch, August 20-23, 2007, Riga technical University, Riga (Latvia)

Member of Steering Committee of BMDA 5th Annual Conference Future of the Region people Behind Prosperity, May 10-11, 2007, Oslo (Norway)

Member of organization committee of International scientific Seminar Small Business management: Innovation, Strategy, Values June, 28-30, 2006, Riga (Latvia)

Member of organization committee of International scientific Knowledge Based innovative entrepreneurship development December 8, Riga (Latvia)

Member of program committee of 4th International Scientific Conference Business and Management October, 5-6, 2006, Vilnius (Lithuania)

Member of organizational committee of International Scientific Seminar (EU 6th Framework Support, Project No G1RD-CT-202-00713) Prominence, February 18, 2005, Riga (Latvia)

Development of professional skills:

LIKTA conference The role of ITT in rising of state competitiveness and productivity of SMEs (2007/11)

IMTA (International Teachers management Academy), CEEMAN, Bled Slovenia, 10-22 June, 2007.

LIKTA conference Joint in the Way to Information Society (2006/11)

RTU TIC Innovations in Higher Education, Course of professional skill improvement (2004/04)

RTU, Promotional work, Dr.oec. (2003/11);

EteRa, E-commerce and the society of Information, conference-seminar (2004/02);

Lauva Mrketings, Active Selling, workshop (2002/09);

Mercuri International, Development of the Team, seminar (2000/03);

International Trendseters Corp. Inc., Five Star Service seminar (1999/09);

Mercuri International, Efficiency of Leadership, seminar (1998/12).


Latvian native, Russian good, English - good


Basketball, Alpine skiing, reading

curriculum vitae

Personal information


Larisa Iljinska

Work experience

Dates (from to)

2002 - onwards

Name and address of employer

Institute of Languages, Riga Technical University

Occupation or position held


Dates (from to)


Name and address of employer

Institute of Languages, Riga Technical University

Occupation or position held

Deputy Director

Dates (from to)

1998 - onwards

Name and address of employer

Riga Technical university

Occupation or position held

Head of the Profesors Group of the English Language, asoc.prof

Dates (from to)

Since 1996

Name and address of employer

Riga Technical University

Occupation or position held

Director of the Program Technical Translation

Dates (from to)

1995 2000

Name and address of employer

Institute of Languages, Riga Technical University

Occupation or position held

Deputy Head

Dates (from to)

1992 - onwards

Name and address of employer

LAPA, Ltd.

Occupation or position held

Consultant of the English language

Dates (from to)

1989 1998

Name and address of employer

Riga Technical University, Department of the Foreign Languages

Occupation or position held

Assistant professor

Dates (from to)

Since 1970

Name and address of employer

Riga Politechnical Institute (at present Riga Technical University), Department of the Foreign Languages

Occupation or position held

Lecturer of the English language

Education and training

Dates (from to)


Name and type of organisation providing education and training

University of Latvia

Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Title of qualification awarded

Doctor of Philology, Diploma No. C-D 000829

Dates (from to)

1975 1978

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

A. Gercen Pedagogical University (St. Petersburg), object-oriented postgraduate studies

Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Title of qualification awarded

Candidate of Philology

Dates (from to)

1963 1968

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

University of Latvia, Faculty of Foreign Languages

Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered

English language

Title of qualification awarded

Teacher of the English language and literature

Personal skills

and competences

mother tongue


Other languages

English Latvian

Reading skills

Excellent Excellent

Writing skills

Excellent Good

Verbal skills

Fluent Good

Social activities

Since 2003 Member of Cultural and Social Committee of RTU Senate;

Since 2000 Chair of the Council of RTU Institute of languages;

Since 1998 Member of RTU Senate;

Since 1998 Member of the RTU Academic Assembly.

Cooperation with Latvian and foreign organizations

Since 2005 Cooperation with TILDE IT company;

Since 2004Cooperation with Translation and Terminology Centre (Latvia);

Since 2004Cooperation with Aston University (Birmingham, Great Britain);

Since 2004Cooperation with Flinders University (Adelaide, Australia);

Since 2001Cooperation with Ventspils University College, Faculty of Translation Studies;

Since 2001Cooperation with Vilnius University, Department of Foreign Languages;

Since 2001 Cooperation with Tallinn Technical University, Department of Foreign Languages within the framework of Leonardo da Vinci project;

Since 2001Cooperation with Kaunas University of Technology;

Since 2000Cooperation with University of Westminster (London, UK);

Since 1998Cooperation with University of Latvia, Faculty of Modern Languages;

Since 1998Cooperation with International Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia).

Scientific and methodological work

Since 2005Reviewing of Promotion Works of Doctoral students of the Faculty of Modern Languages, work at the Promotion Work Defence Commission;

Since 2001Deputy Chairperson of the Diploma Paper Defence Commission at the Institute of Languages, study program Technical Translation;

Since 2001Supervision and reviewing of the graduates Diploma Papers in the program Technical Translation;

Since 2000Cooperation with RTU Department of International Contacts;

Since 1998Heading the Professors Group of the English Language;

Since 1998Work with the Academic staff of the Professors Group of the English Language, with the aim of upgrading the teachers qualification (organization of methodological seminars and participation at conferences);

Since 1998Drawing up study programs for Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Studies. Working out the study subject register;

Since 1998Joint projects of PHARE programs;

Since 1998Work as a language consultant:

translation of different kinds of materials and documentation for RTU Rectors Office and faculties;

translation of RTU study program accreditation materials;

revision and renewal of the register of RTU study subjects and their translation into English;

preparation of accreditation materials of the study program Technical Translation of the RTU Institute of Languages (2001, 2007);

advising RTU students for scientific technical conferences in applied English;

cooperation within the program Distance Learning (Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications).

1996Working out a higher professional study programme Technical Translation for the RTU Institute of Languages;

1996 - 1999Translations from English (works by D. H. Lawrence);

1995Auditores Det norske Veritas Certificate of Training, (Oslo, Norway), a certificate;

1995 - 1996Member of the State Examination Commission of the University of Latvia (study subject English);

1995 - 1997Organizer of an official agreement between RTU and Munich (Germany). Instruction of the employees of the Patent Department in English and French;

1994 -1996Member of the State Examination Commission of the Maritime Academy (study subject English);

Since 1994 Member of International Language Testing Association (Tallinn, Estonia);

1992Participation at an international conference at Juvaskula (Finland) Language Testing in the 1990s. The Report is published in Finland;

1990 - 1996The supervisor of teaching programmes in Russian for foreign students (the USA, England), official agree

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