recruiting 101 for entrepreneurs

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Recruiting 101 for entrepreneurs

Some wisdom and knowledge from real life stories

Who’s this for?

For those of you who are thinking of hiring someone for your own business

For those of you who already tried this and didn’t work too well

For those of you who want to try again and a better chance of success

Fill in the empty chair

Time for stories

So, what’s recruiting?

The Definition according to

The process of finding and hiring the best-qualified candidate (from within or outside of an organization) for a job opening, in a timely and cost effective manner.

The recruitment process includes analyzing the requirements of a job, attracting employees to that job, screening and selecting applicants, hiring, and integrating the new employee to the organization.

How does recruiting actually look like?

What does recruiting means for your business?

What are you looking to recruit?

What have you tried already and how did you do it?

What was successful and what wasn’t?

Some questions to consider!

Potential strategies to consider

Start your hiring with looking for referrals, people you already know professionally

Start your hiring with an internship or a part time offer (90 days is an acceptable time to work together before making the job permanent)

Adopt a “trial and error” strategy for your hiring process, allow time to observe, evaluate, learn and do it all over again, this time better

Potential strategies to consider

Start your hiring with clear info about:

• why do you need an extra person, • how much are you willing to pay for that person

(plan for a fair–market pay)• what are the “Must Have” skills that the person

needs to have in order to perform/ produce for your business

• info about your market, geography, environment, competition

• where do you draw your line in terms of expected performance/ results

Hire for attitudes, not for skills

Things to consider

Be honest with where are you ok to compromise from that ideal portrait of your future employee

Be open to share the big picture of your business and make your employees part of that vision

Don’t hire friends of friends, relatives of friends, long lost colleagues … go for what you already know professionally about the person you bring onboard

Things to consider

Consider whether you can outsource tasks to consultants or freelancers before hiring someone on staff

Look for candidates used to smaller organizations and don't focus on those with big-business credentials who may be accustomed to having a lot of rules to follow

Look for autonomy and be prepared to change your sole proprietor's mind-set

How to do it?

Be aware of the minimum legal requirements/ hiring options

Advertise right

Keep your costs under control

Be organized

Interview based on concrete experiences

How to do it?

Look/ask for references

Make the decision and hire

Don’t forget about orientation and induction

Take some time to also learn about firing

You have it in yourself!


Thank you!

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