recruit the best team fall planning 2014

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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A SYSTEM for Recruiting

Selling Team Members and Agent Aspirants


Agent Peyton Pettus, Monroe, Georgia2 Agencies, 15 full-time, 3 part-time, 600-650 applications monthly

“Prior to using the Recruit the Best Team® system I very simply floundered from candidate to candidate with no process or system of any sort.  There was no systematic way of comparing recruits, following up, or providing a consistent approach to questioning and making offers based on results.  The system and CTS Sales Profile have helped me overcome these challenges by providing that framework of consistency I needed to make factual and informed decisions about who I add to my team.  As a result of almost 3 years on the system my team is experiencing less turnover than before, it has created a positive work environment of competitive, results-driven salespeople, and taken us to new levels of production.  In 2013, we qualified for Presidents club in Health and Multiline and finished top 100 in Auto and Mutual Funds as well.  We also qualified level 3 Ambassador Travel, Chairman’s Circle, and SVP Club.  Thanks for the help Steve!”

recruit the best� �



If we are not working from our strengths, we are 6 times less likely to be engaged in our work.

If we are not hiring team members with an understanding of what strengths to measure and

how to measure them, we are hiring team members who are 6 times less likely to be engaged

in their work.


Selling in a high-activity, high-rejection environment

WHAT do I look for to choose the best from the rest?


A best practice recruiting Process

HOW do I look for the best traits and skills?


Building a Recruiting Referral Network

WHERE do I find enough of the best candidates?


Using Science to Measure Hard-wired Personality Traits

CTS Sales Profile Workshop


Attract the Best, Repel the Rest.

Interviewing Skills


Selling in a high-activity, high-rejection environment

WHAT do I look for to choose the best from the rest?


1/5 motivations

1/5 attitudes

Best Salesperson Profile

1/5 character

1/5 personality

1/5 sales skills

WHAT do I look for to choose the best from the rest?


learned from environmentparents





1/5 Character


learned from environment

1/5 Character

top character traits


work ethic

concern for others

personal responsibility


The Path to Character Development


Disapproval &Discipline

Bonded to Trait

Maturity(relationships work)

Honesty Concern for Others Work Ethic Responsibility

Praise &Approval


(society works)

echo the patterns of characterwe become the teacher


Measure Attitudes, Motivation, and Character

using questions that get candidates to tell stories.

Attitudes, Motivation, Character

The strength of the story helps measure the level

of each trait.


Attitudes, Motivation, Character

“Who had the greatest influence on you when

growing up?”

“What did they teach you about Honesty / Work

Ethic / Personal Responsibility / Concern for



Character Honesty, Concern for Others, Work Ethic, Accepts Personal Responsibility



ssThe greater the degree to which we fight our selfish nature, the greater

tendency we have of exercising character traits

high selfishness = low character

low selfishness = high character


positive self image as a salesperson

passion for solving problems using your products

1/5 Attitudes


The products they own and the process

they used to purchase them reveal

their image of salespeople and their

attitude toward your products/


Honest people can’t sell what they don’t own.

1/5 Attitudes

positive self image as a salesperson


A person’s buying habits tell you the

image they have of salespeople. Do

they appreciate the expertise that

other salespeople provide them

during the buying process?

1/5 Attitudes

positive self image as a salesperson

Salespeople who don’t see selling as a worthy profession struggle to master sales skills.


What has been your experience

with purchasing or selling products

like we sell, or your experience with

dealing with salespeople from our


1/5 Attitudes


Income and the things that it provides - desire a lifestyle that equals the potential income level of the position.

1/5 Motivations

Competition - burning desire to become the BEST at everything they do.


Character, Skills & Personality to Move Forward

1/5 MotivationsImmediate needs


desire to make future better

1/5 Motivations

What are some current and long-

term needs that will be satisfied if

you do this job well?


desire to make future better

1/5 Motivations

In order of priority, what are the 3

most important things in your life

right now?



1/5 Personality


ways we react to

our environment





1/5 Personality

Tasks that are

aligned with our

hard-wired traits




1/5 Personality

Tasks that are

not aligned with

our hard-wired

traits drain our



1/5 Personality

Impacts the ...

• effectiveness of executing the sales process

• having enough sales activities

• conversion of personal and casual relationships into business relationships

• courage to pivot

• confidence/assertiveness during selling - response to rejection

• intensity of setting and reaching goals


deadline motivation

0 50 100



36% impact

sense of urgency

recognition drive

0 50 10057


desire to be socialcompete to be at top


0 50 100



ask for appointmentask to buyask for referralspivothandle rejection

independent spirit

0 50 100



control sales processdo not need close supervision


0 50 100



16% impact


0 50 100



desire to nurture


0 50 100



focus on strengths/weaknesses

belief in others

0 50 100



skeptical / trust othersjudgmental of others


0 50 100



believe can control their destiny


1/5 Personality

Top personality traitsDeadline Motivation

Recognition Drive


Independent Spirit




Belief in Others


Personality Traits



rLow levels of Character traits cause the negative side of our personality to emerge.

-Negative +Positive

High levels of Character traits cause the positive side of our personality to emerge.


learned by training and experience

1/5 Sales Competencies


setting/holding appointments

fact finding

presenting solutions

handling objections

getting the sale

getting referrals


learned by training and experience

1/5 Sales Competencies

What sales training have you had?

Describe the sales process you follow.


Sales CompetenciesAtt


s, M






& P



y Tr

aits The Degree to which a candidate possesses the Attitudes, Motivations, Character

and Personality Traits will determine the Level at which they will master sales skills

Low Sales Productivity

High Sales Productivity


3 Dimensions of Sales

Sales Skills - Training in developing relationships, gaining trust, following a sales process

Product Knowledge - Training on product’s benefits and features

Sales Productivity - Training + Attitudes + Motivations + Character + Personality Traits.




ity Deadline Motivation Independent SpiritAnalyticalCompassionAssertivenessSelf-PromotionRecognition DriveBelief in OthersOptimism sa



ProspectingAppointmentsFact FindingPresentingHandling ObjectionsClosing SalesGetting Referrals



r Concern for OthersHonestyStrong Work EthicResponsible

passion for product+ image as salesperson




Best Rep Profile

recruit the best� �44

A best practice recruiting Process

HOW do I look for the best traits and skills?


break - be back at 11am

A system helps us in 2 areas:

Who not to hire

Who to hire



Interviewing"Making Offer"

The BestRecruits!

Searching Methods


Can They Sell Field Manual

©2012 Sales Manage Solutions, LLC (865-675-2002) Copy or distribute with permission only. Steve Suggs, 2

can they sell?l l ?

Recruit the Best System

Tools & Skills

!e Best Recruits!

Finding Candidates







CTS Sales Pro!le

Initial InterviewFinal Interview

Matching Score Sheet


Page 13 in Field Manual

p 16

p 18

p 29

p 34

p 48

p 10

Book p. 65 and Video

Recruit the Best Field Manual

©2014 Sales Manage Solutions, LLC (865-675-2002) Do not copy or distribute without permission. 13

can they sell?l l .com?

Recruit the Best Checklist

1. Review Resume

2. Screen by Application

3. Screen by Phone – Use Phone Screen Questionnaire. If successful, go to next step.

4. Screen by Email – send “Thank you” email with these questions: What do you think this job involves? What do you believe a successful rep will do in the !rst 90 days? Tell me why I should consider you for this position? What speci!cally in your life do you want to change? How will being successful in this job help you with this change? 5. Administer the CTS Sales Profile www.ctssalespro! Schedule face-to-face initial screening interview.

6. Email Initial Interview Homework - Prior to the interview, email the candidate instructing them to go to the following Web sites and review the information:

To learn about our products, go to: (Web URL that links to your products)

To learn about what a salesperson does with this company go to: (Web URL that tells about the career as a salesperson)

Prior to Initial Interview, email the candidate to confirm the interview and make sure they have reviewed the Web pages.

7. Conduct Initial Interview – Use Initial Interview Questionnaire

8. Ask for 6 References – 2 previous bosses, 2 coworkers, 2 business people/former customers.

9. Call References using Reference Check Questionnaire

10. Conduct Final Interview – Use Final Interview Questionnaire

11. Interview By Current Team – Use Team Interview Questionnaire

12. Fill Out Matching/Score Sheet

____________SENT DATE

____________INTERVIEW DATE

____________EMAILED DATE

____________CONFIRM DATE

____________CTS ORDERED

____________INTERVIEW DATE

____________RESPOND DATE

Candidate Name:____________________________Date:____________


Reference Checkadditional areas to explore


• Coachability

• Getting along with the team

• Honesty

• Time Management / Productivity /Maintaining Sales Activities / Work Ethic

Building a Recruiting Referral Network

WHERE do I find enough of the best candidates?


break - be back at 1PM




ng F




Interviewing"Making Offer"

The BestRecruits!

Searching Methods 10 strong resumes

3 final interviews

1 salesperson


Team of 3-5 - need to recruit 1-2 per year



e An




r - 4




Take action to find great people when you don’t need team

members, so you’ll have candidates when you need them.

Newton’s Law - people leave/get fired at

the most inconvenient times.



When our team is full, we have a tendency to stop focusing on recruiting. Don’t fill your team with good players. Keep looking

for the great players.

A good sales team is the enemy of a

great sales team.


To avoid the “I need somebody NOW” syndrome... your Recruiting Referral Network for a continuous flow of GREAT RESUMES

Please come to work for




a R





l Net


k Recruit the Best Field Manual

©2014 Sales Manage Solutions, LLC (865-675-2002) Do not copy or distribute without permission. 6

can they sell?l l .com?

Source Action Date Complete

Current CustomersEmail all customers and ask them to refer friends/family who can sell. If you don’t have an email list, send a postcard to customers asking for their email address.

Create email list Write email

Send Email

Current Team (Personnel)Write short job description and have team members post on their personal Facebook and LinkedIn pages. Email job description to their contacts. Have them contact their church/temple about the job opening.

Write short job description





Team Member 1

Team Member 2

Team Member 3

Team Member 4

Team Member 5

Team Member 6

Sales Trainers/ConsultantsFind certi!ed trainers at these companies in your city and meet with them.

Integrity Solutions


Dale Carnegie

Wilson Learning

Steven Covey

Jeff Gitomer

Directors of Networking Groups"ese are the most networked people in your city. Email them job posting and ask to distribute to members. Meet with them.



Personal Referral Network Worksheet

recruit the best� �56


a R





l Net


k Recruit the Best Field Manual

©2014 Sales Manage Solutions, LLC (865-675-2002) Do not copy or distribute without permission. 7

can they sell?l l .com?

Source Action Date Complete

Social NetworkingSpend 15 minutes daily building your social media pro!les.

LinkedIn Facebook

Churches/TemplesMost have job boards and jobs ministries. Contact and ask for minister/volunteer who heads up this ministry. List 5 target organizations.






Small Business CPAContact and ask them to direct people to you who are closing businesses or changing careers.




Small Business AttorneysContact and ask them to direct people to you who are closing businesses or changing careers.




Chamber of CommerceContact sales manager and salespeople. Ask them to direct people to you who are looking for jobs.

Sales Manager

Salesperson 1

Salesperson 2

Salesperson 3

Chamber of CommerceBusiness A"erhours Events.

Attend all of these events.

Many salespeople who are

changing careers attend

these events.

President – Community Service Organizations#ese people are leaders and well connected. Meet with these.


Lions Club


United Way

Boy Scouts

Girl Scouts

Jr. League

Personal Referral Network Worksheet

recruit the best� �57


a R





l Net


k Recruit the Best Field Manual

©2014 Sales Manage Solutions, LLC (865-675-2002) Do not copy or distribute without permission. 8

can they sell?l l .com?

Source Action Date Complete

Recruiters with other Insurance CompaniesDevelop reciprocal relationship, trade resumes.

State Farm Northwestern Mutual

Mass Mutual


National Life

Universities/Colleges Career Services Dept.Set up interview day. Most will market the position to students.






Social Network Job BoardsPost job here.


LinkedIn Groups

Traditional Job BoardsPost job here.


Career Builder


Sales Reps Tell receptionist to set a

time to meet every sales rep

that calls on your office, and

recruit and/or network with


Job FairsIf you recruit in large numbers, this is a way to get many people interested in your position. Attend job fairs in your city, or hold your own. Go to for a number of useful tips.






Personal Referral Network Worksheet

recruit the best� �58


a R





l Net



Recruit the Best Field Manual

©2014 Sales Manage Solutions, LLC (865-675-2002) Do not copy or distribute without permission. 9

can they sell?l l .com?

SamplesSample email to send to your current customers or list of contacts: “Please assist me in helping someone you know. I have an open position on my sales team. If you know the right candidates for the job, please help them !nd a great career by sending them to see me. "e right candidates will have the following traits: Honesty, Hard Work Ethic, a Concern for Others and Personal Responsibility. Strong candidates will have personalities which cause them to network to !nd prospects, pursue goals, and handle themselves with con!dence. Sales Experience* _______________ Please have them forward their resume to me at _________________ "ank you for helping me !nd the right individuals and for helping them to !nd a great career.” * !ll in your desired level of sales experience.

Sample Wording for Job Posting “Salesperson wanted. _________________(Company Name) is looking for salespeople to work in the city of ________________ calling on customers to sell insurance and !nancial services. Requirements: Must have the following traits: Honesty, Hard Work Ethic, a Concern for Others and Personal Responsibility. Strong candidates will have personalities which cause them to network to !nd prospects, pursue goals, and handle themselves with con!dence. Sales Experience ___________________ Please forward resume to ___________________” – Add additional information and requirements about the position as necessary.

Personal Referral Network Worksheet


recruiting tool

Finding the Best Talent


Managers #1 Challenge - Finding and attracting enough candidates to the interview table.


People want to help their family and friends find a great job.


Solution - Find enough people from your clients, friends, community relationships, centers of influence who will always refer candidates to you.


You have identified the people who are willing to send you referrals, but...

They are all very busy, and...

When you are out of sight, you are out of mind.


You must stay in touch and grow the relationship!

If they are looking for a career change, do they think of you?

If someone they know is looking for a career change, do they think of you?


How do you automate the

process for staying in touch?

A marketing genius built and patented an automation tool that most of the major financial services companies use today to find and attract top candidates on a consistent basis.


How does the recruiting tool work?

Load the contacts from your Centers of Influence

Load names from other lists

Schedule the reminder emails, holiday cards, and newsletter

Forget it

Watch the resumes flow in year round


Sample1,500 contacts loaded into the system/emailed750 people opened the email within an hour220 people requested information8 people said they were looking for a career change20 phone interviews4 face-to-face interviews2 hires

Now that the system is set up, auto recruiting email reminders will go out quarterly along with holiday cards and a recruiting newsletter.


What is included?

Automated system for sending recruiting emails, holiday cards, motivational messages, and recruiting newsletter.

Reports on results, tracking, etc.

Weekly training on maximizing the system.

Fantastic customer support on loading contacts.


Story boards describing the career

Story boards for Centers of Influence

Holiday Cards

Recruiting Newsletter


What is included?


Overview Video

What is the investment?

$60 monthly for 12 month subscription


email me to get started or for more

History of CTS

• Dr. Larry Craft and his team and SMS’s 30+ years sales and sales management experience

• 800+ high activity salespeople

• 125 were agents, selling/servicing team members

• Collected - production data, performance ratings, manager input

recruit the best� �73

cts salesproÄlel

break - be back at 2pm

9 Traits


Maintains High Activity

Handles rejection

Finds prospects

Sells face-to-face

validated forhigh-activity sales professionals

Sets Appointments


CTS Sales Profile Report

I don’t understand




I don’t care

Reliability Index


CTS Sales Profile Report





Response Distortion Index


sales reports



Overview of Traits

cts salesproÄlel

2/17/14 1:23 PMSales Coaching Report

Page 2 of 12

! Sales Coaching Report - Primary Traitsfor corey brown Mar, 01 2013

0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100

DeadlineMotivation 95

This is the salesperson's Deadline Motivation to achieve quick results. High Scorers (61% or above) are more like "Racehorses" with anunquenchable "fire in the belly" and a desire to achieve immediate or near-term sales goals (as in a high-activity sales process). Low Scorers (40%or below) have an easy-going, even-paced temperament and enjoy a longer sales process with well-defined and planned-out steps and strategies.Low Scorers spend more time educating/servicing the buyer and thinking about next steps without a sense of urgency.

Recognition Drive 62This scale measures the salesperson's motivation to join organizations and attend functions that provide new sales opportunities (leads andprospects). High Scorers are socially outgoing and thoroughly enjoy being the center of attention (public recognition). They are motivated by theirneed for status and prestige. Low Scorers prefer one-on-one relationships, private recognition, and are not motivated to attend social functions.They prefer networking with a select few and are more motivated by "respect" than "popularity".

Assertiveness 86This scale measures the salesperson's confidence to control the sale from the initial contact to asking for the sale. High Scorers can assertthemselves to control the sales presentation with their strong phrasing and direct eye contact. Low Scorers too often yield control of the face-to-face interaction to the buyer, are too accommodating, and find it difficult to ask closing questions without proper training that emphasizes how toask people to make a decision.

Independent Spirit 87This scale measures the salesperson's entrepreneurial spirit to work without supervision. High Scorers prefer independence and working alone andenjoy situations where they are in control of the outcome of their efforts. Low Scorers are team players who enjoy working with others and like todo their part within assigned projects. They behave in a compliant manner and have very little need to direct or control others.

Analytical 17This scale measures the salesperson's desire to dwell on the facts, figures, and details when preparing and making a sales presentation. Ratherthan focusing on the benefits, High Scorers within short sales cycle industries can have "analysis paralysis," use too much time and provide thebuyer with too much information. Low Scorers, on the other hand, can rely too much on their intuition and informal "yellow tablet" presentationsthat lack the information the buyer needs (esp. with high-dollar, complex, or technical solutions.)

Compassion 49This scale measures the salesperson's concern and compassion for others. As a result, High Scorers thoroughly enjoy helping others wheneverpossible and gravitate toward market segments that are more personal and relationship-centered. They are expressive when it comes to sharingtheir feelings and emotions. Low Scorers, on the other hand, are better able to prioritize their time because they can stay "on task" without beingdistracted by personal problems. They are more controlled when it comes to expressing emotions.

Self Promotion 77This scale measures the salesperson's tendency to exaggerate strengths and downplay weaknesses in order to leave a most favorable impression.High Scorers are resilient to criticism and find it difficult to recognize their weaknesses. They may deny their fears, faults, and failures. Low Scorerstake criticism to heart. It's personal to them. They are open to recognizing their weaknesses and working on self-improvement.

Belief in Others 84This scale measures the salesperson's belief in "self and others." High Scorers are optimistic as a result of their trust in others and their belief thatthey are solely responsible for their success and failure. As a result, "everyone is a prospect," and they seldom have a problem asking for referrals.Low Scorers can turn negative if things are not going in the right direction and may stop pursuing a prospect and sale. They can be rigid, formal,and skeptical of the intentions of others.


12/13/13 2:55 PMSales Coaching Report

Page 4 of 13

! Sales Coaching Report - Deadline Motivationfor Rosie Abrams Feb, 25 2013

0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100

Deadline Motivation 95

General Statement:Salespeople who score high on the Deadline Motivation scale enjoy sales positions that offer unlimited income opportunities and fast goal-achievement requirements. Their "fire in the belly" drives them to achieve near-term goals and to hit self-imposed deadlines that may or may notrelate to long-term success. Like the legendary "hare" that lost the race because he was distracted, sales personnel with high or very high scores onthis scale may be so driven for results that they fail to prioritize their activities. For example, they may fail to adequately prepare for the salespresentation or follow through as they should after the sale. They can also become quite restless when the job duties require repetitive or mundaneactivities. If management understands this desire to hit self-imposed deadlines, and the salesperson has the self-discipline and work ethic tochannel their efforts into productive sales tasks, high levels of productivity can be achieved early in their career.

Strengths:This higher Deadline Motivation is a profound strength in sales positions and compensation plans that require "quick-start" performance. As longas they can pursue results and challenges with a pro-active dynamic with quick rewards (closed sales), people with this high desire to meet self-imposed deadlines can be most productive in high-activity sales roles. Research involving the best performing sales personnel has found arelationship between higher scores on a deadline-motivated drive and sales productivity.

Improvement Opportunities:Salespeople with this high score on the Deadline Motivation scale can become quickly bored if the job duties become repetitive (making phonecalls), do not seem productive (call reports), or require patience (callbacks). One of the primary causes of failure of high Deadline Motivation salespersonnel is that they find it difficult to consistently prospect for new leads. Once their "bucket" is full, they shift to closing the sale and forgetabout prospecting for new leads until there are no longer any sales to be made. Then, they start all over again "from scratch." As a result, onemonth (for example) they may have ten sales and the next month only one or two. It should be noted that these concerns are more serious if theirhigh score is in the 81-100% range and less serious within the 61-80% range (see Primary Traits page of this report). This high DeadlineMotivation can also result in early turnover if they do not generate sales in a short amount of time, or if they do not have a disciplined work ethicthat causes them to stick with it when sales do not come as quickly as anticipated.

Coaching Recommendations:If management understands the personalized coaching that is required with high deadline-motivated sales personnel, consistency of productioncan be maintained, and success can be assured. However, it is also important that these high deadline-motivated salespeople have higherAssertiveness, higher Recognition Drive, and lower Analytical scores (see Primary Trait scores). Incompatible scores on these three scales canprevent high deadline-motivated salespeople from achieving early success. It is important that salespeople with high Deadline Motivation alsohave the self-discipline to stay focused, persistent, and prioritized. If not, like the "hare," they can become easily distracted and never reach thefinish line. Rather than focusing on motivating them, management should help the salesperson to 1) increase sales efficiency by understandingratios and 2) improve consistency with the use of time management systems that help to consistently prioritize initial call activity. Highly drivensalespeople often "burn out" toward the end of their second year and begin to seek other career opportunities. Management can re-motivate themby offering to support them into a new market, provide a more lucrative compensation plan, or provide them with new responsibilities, such asmanagement opportunities. Something as simple as a larger office or paying for a new lead-generation system could re-kindle their passion forsuccess and keep them producing for a longer time frame.

Note: The term "selling" or "sales" wherever used in this report is meant to indicate the sale of products, services or even intangibles such ascareers to prospective life advisors.

Coaching Recommendations

cts salesproÄlel


2/17/14 1:18 PMSales Profile Report

Page 1 of 3

! Sales Profile Reportfor corey brown Mar, 01 2013




0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100

Response Distortion




SF Selling Team MemberThe CTS Sales Profile Report is derived from statistically significant (weighted) correlations with productivitymeasures. Therefore, some traits are more influential than others in determining the CTS Sales Profile Score. TheRecommended Coaching Hours Per Month is an estimation, based on thousands of personal interviews withmanagers and employees who described their challenges as they related to each of the CTS Primary Traits listedbelow. Managers should spend the most time coaching individuals about issues pertaining to their traits outside the"green" range. For ideas on how to coach these individuals, refer to this individual's CTS Sales Coaching Report,which provides specific, personalized coaching recommendations for each of this individual's traits.

Ego Drive Score 82 Empathy Score 75The ego drive score shows a salesperson's immediate push to get a lot of sales done to meet short deadlines or topersuade prospects and find satisfaction and recognition doing so. The Empathy Score shows a salesperson'scapacity to understand, be sensitive to, and share in the feelings and thoughts of prospects, clients or customers.

Primary Traits SCORES

Deadline Motivation 95

Recognition Drive 62

Assertiveness 86

Independent Spirit 87

Analytical 17

Compassion 49

Self-Promotion 77

Belief in Others 84

Optimism 73

The Reliability Index measures the degree to which a person understood the questions, maintained focus whileanswering them, and gave answers with a thoughtful response.

The Response Distortion Index measures the individual's tendency to intentionally or unintentionally answer thequestions in a way to exaggerate strengths and downplay weaknesses to leave a more favorable impression.



Low Reliability indicates invalid results due to the individual's responses while completing the questionnaire. Donot use these results.

Moderate Reliability suggests these results be cross-validated with personal interviews and reference checks.•High Reliability indicates the individual understood the questions and responded to them in a way that hasbeen shown to be predictive.

Low Response Distortion indicates a minimal tendency to exaggerate strengths and downplay weaknesses andan open and vulnerable personality that usually recognizes personal faults and easily accepts blame. Theseresults are accurate and predictive.

Moderate Response Distortion indicates an average tendency to exaggerate strengths and downplayweaknesses and suggests these results be cross-validated with personal interviews and reference checks.

cts salesproÄlel

Drive  (82)Horsepower  in  

our  sales  engine  (high  power)

Drag  on  engine

(low  drag)

Overall  Score



High Producing Selling Team Member


2/17/14 1:21 PMSales Profile Report

Page 3 of 3

! Sales Profile Reportfor corey brown Mar, 01 2013

0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100

© 2014 SalesManage Solutions.

The first page of this Sales Profile Report contains validated information and compatibility scores for high-activity sales. This followinginformation IS NOT validated information and should not be used for making hiring decisions. It can be used to suggest and structureadditional interview questions that check a rep's ability to do certain sales tasks or competencies.

The nine Primary Traits blend together to form someone's personality. Sales managers or recruiting personnel realize that each trait alone, or incombination, may affect the performance of necessary sales competencies. That's why we include them with detailed coaching strategies in theSales Coaching Report. For example, if "Finding Prospects" requires networking, a candidate with low Assertiveness and low Recognition Drive mayfind it stressful to build relationships each month for the purpose of finding prospects. Also, while Deadline Motivation helps a rep "Maintain High-Activity," high "Compassion" and high "Analytical" scores slow down activity levels while low scores for these Primary Traits speed them up. Becausethese Sales Competencies are the result of averaging three or more traits, they tend to be less reliable than the Primary Traits when predictingbehavior. However, they do provide valuable coaching information for a sales manager and they suggest areas for investigation when interviewingcandidates. (Please refer to the coaching recommendations in the Sales Coaching Report for additional insight relating to the interaction betweenthe Primary Traits.)



Finds Prospects 80

Gets out of the office or store and looks for prospects among people in the community. Examples include- joins networking groups, participates in community service organizations, and attends civic events.

Maintains High-Activity 79

Has the drive and energy necessary to maintain the number of sales activities required for short salescycles.

Handles Rejection 78 Bounces back from rejection with an optimistic outlook and continues high activity levels.

Sets Appointments 78

Contacts prospects by phone to schedule a first appointment. (same traits needed as "Handles Rejection"since a sales rep faces a large amount of rejection in a short period of time.)

Sells Face-to-Face 76

Performs sales process: asks questions about needs, wants, and problems; listens; presents solutions withenthusiasm; overcomes fears, concerns, or answers questions with confidence; asks for a decision, andtakes immediate action to complete the sale; asks for referrals (other people or businesses); and providesservice and follow-up for the purpose of maintaining a book of business for additional sales and referrals.(While this measures tendencies in the personality, the parts of the sales process requiring training orcoaching will depend upon the individual makeup of the nine Primary Traits and the person?s previousexperience/training.)

High Producing Selling Team Member


2/17/14 1:28 PMSales Profile Report

Page 1 of 3

! Sales Profile Reportfor karen mcclellan Sep, 14 2013




0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100

Response Distortion




SF Selling Team MemberThe CTS Sales Profile Report is derived from statistically significant (weighted) correlations with productivitymeasures. Therefore, some traits are more influential than others in determining the CTS Sales Profile Score. TheRecommended Coaching Hours Per Month is an estimation, based on thousands of personal interviews withmanagers and employees who described their challenges as they related to each of the CTS Primary Traits listedbelow. Managers should spend the most time coaching individuals about issues pertaining to their traits outside the"green" range. For ideas on how to coach these individuals, refer to this individual's CTS Sales Coaching Report,which provides specific, personalized coaching recommendations for each of this individual's traits.

Ego Drive Score 35 Empathy Score 75The ego drive score shows a salesperson's immediate push to get a lot of sales done to meet short deadlines or topersuade prospects and find satisfaction and recognition doing so. The Empathy Score shows a salesperson'scapacity to understand, be sensitive to, and share in the feelings and thoughts of prospects, clients or customers.

Primary Traits SCORES

Deadline Motivation 43

Recognition Drive 5

Assertiveness 32

Independent Spirit 58

Analytical 37

Compassion 95

Self-Promotion 5

Belief in Others 38

Optimism 46

The Reliability Index measures the degree to which a person understood the questions, maintained focus whileanswering them, and gave answers with a thoughtful response.

The Response Distortion Index measures the individual's tendency to intentionally or unintentionally answer thequestions in a way to exaggerate strengths and downplay weaknesses to leave a more favorable impression.


Low Reliability indicates invalid results due to the individual's responses while completing the questionnaire. Donot use these results.

Moderate Reliability suggests these results be cross-validated with personal interviews and reference checks.•High Reliability indicates the individual understood the questions and responded to them in a way that hasbeen shown to be predictive.

Low Response Distortion indicates a minimal tendency to exaggerate strengths and downplay weaknesses andan open and vulnerable personality that usually recognizes personal faults and easily accepts blame. Theseresults are accurate and predictive.

Moderate Response Distortion indicates an average tendency to exaggerate strengths and downplayweaknesses and suggests these results be cross-validated with personal interviews and reference checks.

cts salesproÄlel

Drive  (65)Horsepower  in  

our  sales  engine  (low  power)

Drag  on  engine

(high  drag)

Low Producing Selling Team Member


2/17/14 1:29 PMSales Profile Report

Page 3 of 3

! Sales Profile Reportfor karen mcclellan Sep, 14 2013

0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100

© 2014 SalesManage Solutions.

The first page of this Sales Profile Report contains validated information and compatibility scores for high-activity sales. This followinginformation IS NOT validated information and should not be used for making hiring decisions. It can be used to suggest and structureadditional interview questions that check a rep's ability to do certain sales tasks or competencies.

The nine Primary Traits blend together to form someone's personality. Sales managers or recruiting personnel realize that each trait alone, or incombination, may affect the performance of necessary sales competencies. That's why we include them with detailed coaching strategies in theSales Coaching Report. For example, if "Finding Prospects" requires networking, a candidate with low Assertiveness and low Recognition Drive mayfind it stressful to build relationships each month for the purpose of finding prospects. Also, while Deadline Motivation helps a rep "Maintain High-Activity," high "Compassion" and high "Analytical" scores slow down activity levels while low scores for these Primary Traits speed them up. Becausethese Sales Competencies are the result of averaging three or more traits, they tend to be less reliable than the Primary Traits when predictingbehavior. However, they do provide valuable coaching information for a sales manager and they suggest areas for investigation when interviewingcandidates. (Please refer to the coaching recommendations in the Sales Coaching Report for additional insight relating to the interaction betweenthe Primary Traits.)



Finds Prospects 32

Gets out of the office or store and looks for prospects among people in the community. Examples include- joins networking groups, participates in community service organizations, and attends civic events.

Maintains High-Activity 37

Has the drive and energy necessary to maintain the number of sales activities required for short salescycles.

Handles Rejection 30 Bounces back from rejection with an optimistic outlook and continues high activity levels.

Sets Appointments 30

Contacts prospects by phone to schedule a first appointment. (same traits needed as "Handles Rejection"since a sales rep faces a large amount of rejection in a short period of time.)

Sells Face-to-Face 52

Performs sales process: asks questions about needs, wants, and problems; listens; presents solutions withenthusiasm; overcomes fears, concerns, or answers questions with confidence; asks for a decision, andtakes immediate action to complete the sale; asks for referrals (other people or businesses); and providesservice and follow-up for the purpose of maintaining a book of business for additional sales and referrals.(While this measures tendencies in the personality, the parts of the sales process requiring training orcoaching will depend upon the individual makeup of the nine Primary Traits and the person?s previousexperience/training.)

Low Producing Selling Team Member


Highly Rated Service Team


2/17/14 1:42 PMSales Profile Report

Page 1 of 3

! Sales Profile Reportfor Megan Bailey Aug, 05 2013




0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100

Response Distortion




SF Service Team MemberThe CTS Sales Profile Report is derived from statistically significant (weighted) correlations with productivitymeasures. Therefore, some traits are more influential than others in determining the CTS Sales Profile Score. TheRecommended Coaching Hours Per Month is an estimation, based on thousands of personal interviews withmanagers and employees who described their challenges as they related to each of the CTS Primary Traits listedbelow. Managers should spend the most time coaching individuals about issues pertaining to their traits outside the"green" range. For ideas on how to coach these individuals, refer to this individual's CTS Sales Coaching Report,which provides specific, personalized coaching recommendations for each of this individual's traits.

Ego Drive Score 48 Empathy Score 45The ego drive score shows a salesperson's immediate push to get a lot of sales done to meet short deadlines or topersuade prospects and find satisfaction and recognition doing so. The Empathy Score shows a salesperson'scapacity to understand, be sensitive to, and share in the feelings and thoughts of prospects, clients or customers.

Primary Traits SCORES

Deadline Motivation 56

Recognition Drive 19

Assertiveness 56

Independent Spirit 57

Analytical 95

Compassion 49

Self-Promotion 43

Belief in Others 84

The Reliability Index measures the degree to which a person understood the questions, maintained focus whileanswering them, and gave answers with a thoughtful response.

The Response Distortion Index measures the individual's tendency to intentionally or unintentionally answer thequestions in a way to exaggerate strengths and downplay weaknesses to leave a more favorable impression.


Low Reliability indicates invalid results due to the individual's responses while completing the questionnaire. Donot use these results.

Moderate Reliability suggests these results be cross-validated with personal interviews and reference checks.•High Reliability indicates the individual understood the questions and responded to them in a way that hasbeen shown to be predictive.

Low Response Distortion indicates a minimal tendency to exaggerate strengths and downplay weaknesses andan open and vulnerable personality that usually recognizes personal faults and easily accepts blame. Theseresults are accurate and predictive.

Moderate Response Distortion indicates an average tendency to exaggerate strengths and downplayweaknesses and suggests these results be cross-validated with personal interviews and reference checks.

High Response Distortion Indicates a tendency to deny weaknesses and emphasize only strength leading to aninaccurate profile and an invalid score. Do not use these results.


Low Rated Service Team


2/17/14 1:39 PMSales Profile Report

Page 1 of 3

! Sales Profile Reportfor Josh Winkler Feb, 28 2013




0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100

Response Distortion




SF Service Team MemberThe CTS Sales Profile Report is derived from statistically significant (weighted) correlations with productivitymeasures. Therefore, some traits are more influential than others in determining the CTS Sales Profile Score. TheRecommended Coaching Hours Per Month is an estimation, based on thousands of personal interviews withmanagers and employees who described their challenges as they related to each of the CTS Primary Traits listedbelow. Managers should spend the most time coaching individuals about issues pertaining to their traits outside the"green" range. For ideas on how to coach these individuals, refer to this individual's CTS Sales Coaching Report,which provides specific, personalized coaching recommendations for each of this individual's traits.

Ego Drive Score 10 Empathy Score 78The ego drive score shows a salesperson's immediate push to get a lot of sales done to meet short deadlines or topersuade prospects and find satisfaction and recognition doing so. The Empathy Score shows a salesperson'scapacity to understand, be sensitive to, and share in the feelings and thoughts of prospects, clients or customers.

Primary Traits SCORES

Deadline Motivation 5

Recognition Drive 5

Assertiveness 16

Independent Spirit 21

Analytical 17

Compassion 95

Self-Promotion 22

Belief in Others 21

The Reliability Index measures the degree to which a person understood the questions, maintained focus whileanswering them, and gave answers with a thoughtful response.

The Response Distortion Index measures the individual's tendency to intentionally or unintentionally answer thequestions in a way to exaggerate strengths and downplay weaknesses to leave a more favorable impression.


Low Reliability indicates invalid results due to the individual's responses while completing the questionnaire. Donot use these results.

Moderate Reliability suggests these results be cross-validated with personal interviews and reference checks.•High Reliability indicates the individual understood the questions and responded to them in a way that hasbeen shown to be predictive.

Low Response Distortion indicates a minimal tendency to exaggerate strengths and downplay weaknesses andan open and vulnerable personality that usually recognizes personal faults and easily accepts blame. Theseresults are accurate and predictive.

Moderate Response Distortion indicates an average tendency to exaggerate strengths and downplayweaknesses and suggests these results be cross-validated with personal interviews and reference checks.

High Response Distortion Indicates a tendency to deny weaknesses and emphasize only strength leading to aninaccurate profile and an invalid score. Do not use these results.


Jacob Roberts and Diana Pace

" To: "Marilyn Lewis <>

Diana Pace - The concerns that I have with Diana relate to the low Deadline Motivation and high Analytical. Because of the fast pace and multitasking requirements in a State Farm office, I normally like to see the Deadline Motivation above 40.

The other concern is the low Optimism. If you decide to move ahead with her, pay attention during the interview to the pace at which she answers questions and her energy level. The reference check will be very important. Explore with the references whether or not she manages her time well, can multitask, and is able to work under pressure on a daily basis. Also explore how well she gets along with others. Individuals with high assertiveness and low Optimism may struggle with quickly speaking their mind in a negative way. Ask the questions on the CTS Supplemental Questionnaire related to optimism and Deadline Motivation.

If, during the interview process, you can get past the low deadline motivation and low optimism, I like her high assertiveness high analytical, moderate Self Promotion and high Belief in Others. She has the confidence to pivot. 

Jacob Roberts – the low Deadline Motivation score is a concern along with the low trust of people in the low Belief in Others score. With a low Deadline Motivation score, it is important to measure work ethic. Sometimes individuals who have an extremely hard work ethic may have the energy to overcome a low sense of urgency. The reference check is important to help determine how hard a person will work and manage their time well.

On the positive side, I like his high Recognition Drive, High assertiveness, which will help him pivot. Even though he has low Deadline Motivation the high Recognition Drive, high Assertiveness, and moderate Independent Spirit give him an overall Ego Drive score 44. For service people, having an ego drive score above 40 is important in order for them to have enough energy to work at a fast pace.

Marilyn’s  response  the  interview  -­‐  Just  to  let  you  know.  I  took  your  advice  on  the  interview  process.    Jacob  was  awesome  and  Diana  bombed  big  <me.    Really  interes<ng  how  it  went.  


Sample Coaching Interaction with an AgentEmail exchange

Interviewing Skills

Attract the Best, Repel the Rest.

recruit the best� �88

break - be back at 3pm

Dr. Antonio Damasio - Emotion is critical to the decision process.

Developing your Interviewing Skills

recruit the best� �89

Developing your Interviewing Skills

Too much emotion clouds logic.

recruit the best� �90

Critical balance between

logic and emotion

Developing your Interviewing Skills

recruit the best� �91

Developing your Interviewing Skills

The solution - interviewing

skills using prepared questions that measure

specific traits and skills.

recruit the best� �92

Talking about ourselves causes us to like others• Listen 80%, talk 20%.

• Keep you emotions in neutral - you’ll get the real candidate.

• Don’t tell personal stories.

• Don’t agree with the candidate.

Developing your Interviewing Skills

What causes us to

like other people?


Talking about ourselves causes us to like others

• Step out of the “socializing” zone and into the “interviewing” zone.

• Take off your “Sales” hat and put on your “Selection” hat.

Developing your Interviewing Skills

What causes us to

like other people?


Developing your Interviewing Skills

What causes us to

like other people?


Rescuing others creates a bond. We like people we rescue.

• When a candidate is struggling with a question, keep your emotions in neutral and move to the next question.

The best shine, the worst struggle.


Developing your Interviewing Skills

A thorough interview process attracts strong candidates and repels weak candidates.

• Follow the system as written.

• Ask for specific examples.

• Ask the questions as written. If the candidate does not understand the question, tell them to answer based on their understanding.

• Ask the questions in order.

• If candidate rambles, interrupt and ask, “What was my question.”


More interview tips

• If a candidate asks, “How did I do?”, or if you do not wish to hire the candidate, say ...

“We are looking at several candidates, and we will consider your information as we make our decision.”


More interview tips

• Do not paint an unrealistic picture of the job and the challenges.


More interview tips• During the final interview, spend the most time on the areas

of concern.

• Remember - selling is more stressful than the interview. If candidates can’t handle the interview, they will not perform well under the stress of a sales job.


Break up into pairs to practice interviews

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