realty myths concept presentation

Post on 12-Apr-2017



Real Estate



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> India’s first Interactive Communications Platform for Real Estate Industry

Know Showcase Communicate

> Real Estate Industry Simplified

> Current Happenings

> Views and Reviews

> Case Analysis

> People Movement

> Inbox Updates

> Stay ahead with the most updated insights: Know

> Stay ahead with the most updated insights: Know

> LATEST: news for your quick preview

> NEWS BYTES: access to curated industry news from top publishers

> CASE STUDIES: perspective on various topics

> TRENDING NOW: get an edge on the trending stories

> Stay ahead with the most updated insights: Know

> INTERVIEW: listen directly from stakeholders

> MOVEMENT: get to know who is moving where

> NEWSLETTER: inbox updates in case you have missed anything

> Mobilize meaningful brand association: Showcase

> BRAND LISTING: showcase your company/brand credentials and philosophy via this dedicated space

> A powerful tool for

marketers which not only gives you instant exposure to a large set of audience and their rating but also improves search impressions and website visits

> Mobilize meaningful brand association: Showcase

> DISPLAY ADS: clutter free space has been created to give lots of breathing space for brands to showcase their offerings

> A dedicated branding tool,

no sharing, no compromise with your messaging

> Mobilize meaningful brand association: Showcase

> INBOX UPDATES: reach among 30K+ subscriber database directly through monthly newsletter and sponsored updates

> Mobilize meaningful brand association: Showcase

> CUSTOMISED SOLUTIONS: we understand today’s marketing approach and needs. We have many customisable tools which provide sophisticated environment

> Explore with us and see how we

can help you to reach and have meaningful conversation with your audience

> Engage with like-minded people around: Communicate

> MEMBER DIRECTORY: create your professional profile and get connected to like-minded people around and unleash the power of networking

> Explore what they are up to. One-to-

one email conversation and chat from your profile

> Exchange knowledge and views on

your interest area and domain

> Engage with like-minded people around: Communicate

> MOVEMENT: a great tool to position yourself in the industry through a story in Q&A format and get noticed by the industry

> Notify your acquaintances

instantly about your new role so that the right set of people can get in touch for potential business with you

We would like to hear from you

> CONTACT US: E: T: +91 95608 67275

As we understand that the real estate market is quite sensitive when it comes to crowd sourcing data points, views, discussions and comments. We ensure that this platform is completely controlled with its effective measures where no false allegations, comments, views and reviews will be entertained. Also we check every communication before it gets published on the platform.

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