real media research

Post on 07-Jul-2015






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my real media research


Real media


By Analese

● The film opens with the Warner Brothers logo and the logo of DC comics. Orchestral music builds up in the background from the very beginning in order to build up suspense which is a typical convention of thriller films

The Dark Knight Rises

Genre: Thriller

● The next scene is the names of the production company and the producer/film creator.

● The dark background and red writing connotes danger which automatically prepares to audience for what is to come. (as a theme of thriller films is the protagonist being put in a potentially deadly situation)

● The protagonist is then introduced he is a typical protagonist for a thriller film because he is a white male. Also he fits into the Thriller genre because he has an internal conflict( due to his parents dying).

● They then show cut out from newspapers which suggest that someone is following Bruce Wayne (and other characters) trail this could tell the audience that the theme of the film is a mystery which is a convention of thrillers.


The first few scenes just show the names of the production companies

and the film.

Memento uses stereotypical characters as they are in their late 20’s – early 30’s and are white, which is very common of thrillers.

The names of the main actors are included in the opening sequence.

The names of the most important members of the production team also appear in the opening sequence they have also included an image in the background that relates to what will happen in the film.

These screenshots show images that indicate but don’t give away the plot of the film. The gradual fade of images

signifies the start of the movie to the audience.The image isn't very clear to begin with which makes the

audience feel tense and uncertain, thrillers often make audiences feel this way by using dimly lit and very dull

colours as demonstrated in memento.

The Girl with the dragon tattoo

It opens with a black background which is conventional to the genre because they tend to use dark colours with menacing connotations in thriller films.Rock music is also used in this opening sequence which connote rebellion which could hint to the audience a theme in the film.

The use of dull colours and low key lighting builds tension in amongst the audience which the gradual building up of the sound track excites the audience.The grey writing and black background established the dark nature of the film whilst the sharp letters are reminiscent of blades which connote danger.

In this opening sequence lots of things are done in order to establish the genre and give hints of the plot on of these things is the keyboard which gives the audience that idea that the film is in a way about technology however it has a black blood-like liquid running down it which connotates death.

The scenes where things were setting on fire would evoke feelings of fear and terror into the audience, which is conventionally what thriller films want the audience to feel.

These shots show the last few seconds of the opening sequence where a dark figure appears to swallow you, the music then fades out before the film begins.

It starts with the company name and producers name . They have also used an extreme close up of a book which could get the audience to start asking questions about what is going to happen and what the relevance of this book is i.e. is the protagonist an intellectual character who plans out his every move.


The title of the film is shown in a white font which is bold and stands out, the bold writing could connotate danger, this is a conventional theme in thriller films

The colour red connotates danger and death and is used in the opening sequence create tension for the audience. The fast pace cuts between the scenes and the titles are used to add suspense to the opening sequence.

The red in this scene signifies danger which suggest to the audience that the antagonist is a murderer as they are very dangerous. Also some of the writing is red which could suggest that whatever the person is writing is linked to the menacing plot.

There is a scratch high pitched sound that repeats and sounds like a screech a little , this sound is there to make the audience feel uneasy and tense. The music that is used throughout the opening is mainly used to build tension using eerie music which builds up in pace and volume throughout before coming to a climax and fading out at the end. These sort of soundtracks are conventional to the genre due to the types of feelings the evoke from an audience e.g. fear.

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