questionarre final

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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Dear AIESEC, I am extremely grateful to you. I am grateful to you because you have shown me so much in the limited time I have been in the organization. You have shown me that there is so much to the world than what I thought first; you have shown me that there is so much more to me than what I expected. You have also shown me that we can make something happen almost out of thin air. I have been a part of AIESEC now for a little more than 6 months and I have met and interacted with many different types of people from this country as well as outside of it. You have given me the platform and the guidelines to work with these same people and accomplish great things like finding jobs for more than 500 graduates. I also feel indebted to you because I have gown so much as a person. I usually shy away from responsibilities and any jobs that were given to me or redirect them to someone else. But now I take on any responsibilities that there is and just try. I try to do my very best and even if I fail it becomes a learning experience for me. Which for me means that I haven’t truly failed; I am just learning ways of how not to do them. Taking all of the above into consideration, I feel that now I should contribute to you. And I plan on doing so by becoming the LCVPTM/F&L of the term 15/16. I will work very hard to inspire and change the future members of the LC. To give back a little of what was given to me and to take even more and grow as a leader and help other people grow as well. Best regards, Sara Yahya

Name: Sara Yahya

Date & place of birth: May 28/1995 , Ethiopia

Primary E-mail:

Skype : Sara_affan

Phone number: +251921877646

Current position: Project manager of edupower underprivileged & team member in talent management.

Position Period Expected results

Achieved results Key learning points

ICX coordinator 14/15 Learn about exchange and meet new people

Learned how to lead a team

The world is bigger than it seems, there is a lot to experience, find out and learn about

Team member in TM

14/15 Learn about management experience

Learned how AIESEC works and basic management skills

Transparency and honesty, strategizing is key in management

Project manager of Edupower Underprivileged

14/15 Make an impact in the EPs lives as well as the kids and run a project

Learned how to manage and sustain a project

Importance of -customer satisfaction -proper JD’s -punctuality

Conference Date My Role Key learning points

Suit Up Jan 17-18 Delegate Entrepreneurship can be a reality

Youth to Business Forum

Apr 18 Delegate I can pursue a different career other than civil engineering without having a bachelors degree in it.

General Questions 1. What does AIESEC in AAU mean to you? To me AIESEC in AAU is exactly what it was promised to me, it is a platform that was designed for the youth of the university to grow in terms of personal development as well as business development. Its a place for a person to truly find ones self and discover ones discover ones weakness and strength and unearth ones true potential. To me its a place where you can truly realize what you are capable of and actually achieve your dreams. To turn your ideas into reality and learn the steps of how to make them a reality. 2. Provide a candid assessment of your strength and weakness. What I would say my strength is my passion and drive to a task I am given if I think it is worth it. If I know a cause is worth my time then I will put all my heart and soul into it to see that it is done. I am also a very sociable person, and I have a really open mind and a thirst for knowledge and a fast learner. As for my weakness, I have been told that I tend to lose focus at times and procrastinate, and I tend to make decisions depending on emotion and I tend to spend too much time on detail and forget the big picture so I have to sometimes stop and remind myself the purpose of my actions. 3. Which position are you applying for and why? I am applying for LC VP TM/F&L and the reason am applying for it is because I want the people who have joined AIESEC to understand the meaning of our values and utilize the resources presented to them, and I believe that using this position I am able to affect that aspect of the entity. Because this portfolio allows me to track each member and help them reach their ultimate goal in AIESEC. 4. How would you utilize EXPA in your portfolio to achieve maximum results? Since the world right now is turning into a virtual world we need to utilize-no abuse EXPA in a way to promote our entity as well as to give our members a wider vision into AIESEC and the world. I want to use EXPA to recognize which members that are performing and help me tell the stories I need to our entity. I also want to be able to track our finances by seeing how much we are performing to know how much we should have financially based on it.

5. Why do you think you are the best position for this position? I think I am the best person for this position because I am very sociable and open minded person, am not afraid to learn new things and go looking for knowledge, and meeting new people and interact and learn from them. I am fascinated and inspired by the concept that AIESEC. I love the fact that we are making leaders. We “produce” people to change the world we are in for the better. And I want to be able to say that I played a part in that. And for that reason alone I will fight for this position. I am and will be dedicated and committed to this position. 6. What does AIESEC give to Ethiopia and what should it give to Ethiopia? AIESEC for Ethiopia gives an opportunity for the country to be globalized and gives it connection to the single most largest youth organization giving it access to young talent. It gives Ethiopia the scope to grow and compete on an international level. It provides it with the ability to partner up with huge multinational companies due to their respective interests to achieve greatness. 7.State 3 of your greatest accomplishments in AIESEC and 3 outside of AIESEC. Although I have not been in AIESEC that long, among my accomplishments I have been able to furnish an intern house in one day with a team, I have been promoted to ICX coordinator even though it hasn’t been a month since I joined AIESEC then. I have been able to lead a project with 4 team members in it. As for my accomplishment outside of AIESEC, I have been a member of my graduation committee , I have taken training in red cross first aid training and I have been a part of the staff that organized the first jahlud concert.

8. Describe your leadership style. For me leading is all about the people you are leading. A leader should be a voice of the people. So when I get elected I will strive to fulfill the needs of the members of the LC. But when doing so I shall not be blind to my priorities of the LC as a whole. Whatever I do will be for the betterment of our entity. I shall not neglect the majority just so I can please a minority. And I shall act in a sustainable way so that our entity will have an even brighter future ahead of us. 9.Describe how your AIESEC journey impacted you as an individual? As an individual I have basically been spoon-fed all my life, but AIESEC has shown me that by actually working for something that I believe in , I can have something I can call my own and be proud of it. It has shown me that there are unlimited possibilities in the world that are available to me. It has shown me that whatever I can conjure up in my mind can in fact become a reality… I just have to work for it and know how. 10. What is your vision for the LC for the term 15/16? What legacy do you want to leave behind as a black lion? For the term 15/16 our motto will be “BIGGER AND BETTER”. I want the LC to achieve more exchanges than it has ever achieved before, incoming and outgoing. I want to sign global partners in Ethiopia and see them do successful global exchange programs. And I want to gain more recognition as an organization that helps the youth develop itself. I want to have the highest member retention rate and I want to provide our members the best experience they have ever had. 11. What is your vision as a person and how the LCVP experience contribute to or align with it? My vision for myself is, I graduate and find a management job. Because to be honest, civil engineering is not my passion. So in my vision I see myself managing my own company one day from home. And to be able to do that, I need to know how to lead, manage, take responsibilities and have experience of how an organization is supposed to run. And to accomplish all these dreams I believe that the LCVP position would be perfect for it.

12. Highlight your time commitment through the next year (academic and otherwise) I don’t have any other commitments other than AIESEC and my academic career. In other terms I will be a third year civil engineering student. so I will dedicate 40 hours of my week to AIESEC. 13. How do you see AIESEC in AAU in Ethiopia after 5 years? I think in 5 years AIESEC will be nationally recognized single most youth talent organization with the highest number of employments of recent graduates. I see AIESEC as an elite organization that produces students with the most realistic knowledge and experience that can and will be implemented to the real world.

1. What are the different aspects of the role of VPTM? How does the portfolio contribute to the drivers of LC AAU? As VPTM I am responsible for the knowledge and development of each and every member of the LC as well as the EP’s. to make this a reality one of the main tools are LEADs, where we give out sessions that are designed to teach about AIESEC and how it functions and anything that is necessary for the members to know. It is also used to engage in the activities provided for them. Another objective of LEAD is to inspire them to step up to the plate and activate leadership, hence the abbreviation Learn Engage and Activate Leadership (LEAD). Another tool that contributes to the drivers of LC AAU is the tracking and Members Education Cycle(MEC). The tracking will help analyze the members who are getting the experience that was promised to them and the members that are not. And when we come to the MEC, it will help in teaching our members what AIESEC is all about and how it functions and making that person a better leader. 2.Do a SWOT analysis of talent management in the LC.

Strength: there is a good tracking strategy clearly laid down that is useful to analyze how the LC is doing and who is participating which makes it easier to spot where the inactive members are.

Weakness: low attendance in LCM’s and low member retention rate, poor implementations of LEAD, no follow up on membership surveys,

Opportunities: management skills, crisis control, basic finance knowledge, confrontational skills, contingency planning, time management

Threats: loss of interest in JD’s , feeling like being neglected from the activities of the LC,

3. What do you think is the relevance of TMP/TLP for the Ethiopian youth? The first and foremost thing that the Team Leader Program/Team Member Program contributes to the youth of Ethiopia is teamwork. It shows the Ethiopian youth that people can come together in a team work together and accomplish whatever is in their mind. It will show them how working together in a group is more effective than working as an individual. It will show them how you can grow together in a team by pushing one another to take responsibilities and they become the best they can be. 4.What strategy would you implement to make sure AIESEC AAU is delivering quality experience? The first and foremost thing that should be a focus in the TM portfolio would be the task of making sure that everyone knows every process that goes on in AIESEC and that they have proper JD’s. so through LEAD sessions we will be able to teach each and every member what AIESEC stands for, the purpose of why the organization exists and how each member plays a role in it. 5. What do you think are 3 major bottlenecks in doing TM in AIESEC AAU and how do you propose to overcome them? The first bottleneck in doing TM would be the lack of inspiration. Because we work in the administrative part of the entity, we will not see much of the amazing programs as much as the other member making inspiration not that evident in TM. For this I propose the implementation of dual role and ensuring they have proper JD’s. the second bottleneck I would have to say that the lack of knowledge within the TM team members when they are supposed to be in charge of the knowledge of the whole LC.

6. Present a clear outline of the strategies you will implement to ensure effective tracking and MEC. In the term 14/15 my assessment of the tracking is that it is well programmed and strategized and works in a good manner, but as for the MEC sessions, there has been an issue in the implementation of the sessions. To improve them I will follow up on each and every sessions and have a TM team member present in all the sessions to ensure the sessions are being given in a proper way. 7. Asses the recruitment of the terms 13/14 and 14/15. what new innovations would you propose in order to have an effective recruitment. In the term 13/14 recruitment was done using the info desk and the message about AIESEC was not the right one therefore member retention rate was very low. As for recruitment of the term 14/15 was better because people had the right expectations about AIESEC but the information flow was jumbled therefore a lot of people did not know what roles they were doing for the longest time. So I propose that there will be a two day induction so that the new recruits would have more time to digest AIESEC knowledge. 8. Do you think AIESEC is designed to be an exclusive organization? Explain. Yes I do believe that AIESEC is an exclusive organization, but it is exclusive not because of race, culture or politics. It is exclusive to open minded people who want to learn and lead. It is exclusive in a way where the people in AIESEC are the ones who will step up to make a difference in the world.

9. What do you think is the role of TM in EwA and LLC of the AIESEC experience? What are the strategies you would implement? Concerning EwA TM is responsible because most EwA happen during recruitment and TM is in charge of planning recruitment. And as for LLC TM would be responsible for personal and contact information so would be responsible for keeping in touch with all the people that have interacted with the LC. 10. Perform an SSC of the terms 13/14 and 14/15. Start: separate trainings during LCM’s, discussion of world issues Stop: long LCM’s Continue: reward and recognition 11. Asses the delivery of LEAD in the LC and present your strategies in ensuring its order properly? The delivery of LEAD is not as effective as it should because a lot of people don’t show up on time therefore the sessions take longer than they should have. Therefore to prevent this from happening in the term 15/16 I will make these sessions mandatory to continue to be a member. 12. If selected, what is your vision for your term? What would you regard as your main accomplishment and your legacy? My main vision and accomplishment would be the development of the members of the LC. My legacy for my term would be that I have produced members that have been able to say that they have been a part of a life changing amazing experience that has changed their view of the world and felt like they have been a part of something bigger.

13. Analyze the financial and legal position of AIESEC in AAU? AIESEC in AAU currently legally speaking is registered as a student club in AAU, but we have been trying to be recognized as a global youth organization and be assigned our own office. But when it comes to our financial status, we are in debt to the MC with a payment plan, therefore if we do enough exchanges we will be able to go according to the payment plan and all will go smoothly. 14. How would you use F&L in order to invest in the members of the LC? I would utilize my financial revenue to hold conferences and training camps so that the members can have a concentrated and well organized sessions that will give them the best experiences. 15. How would you ensure legality of the LC sustainably? I would make sure that all the contracts that we made have been renewed and up to date and have the prospect of being renewed in the next term as well.

16. What financial initiatives will you implement to ensure financial sustainability in the LC, particularly the IGCDP portfolio? To ensure financial stability we would have to promote the IGCDP and have many exchanges so to have stable and sustaining income. And invest in the promotion of the portfolio so that it can have better income. 17. State 3 things you want to change from the compendium ad why. How will you ensure all members will have full knowledge of it? I would in fact not change anything in the compendium because I find it is very well thought out and best for our the structure that we have now. As for my members knowledge of it, I will give out a LEAD session and send an email to each member with the compendium attached to it. And I will also have a little competitive Q&A so they can be encouraged to know all about it. 18. Come up with an action plan to create a second peak for OGX? Since our biggest challenge in creating a second peak is the finances so therefore, synergizing with BD we will look for companies that are interested in promoting the growth of young kids through exchange or with a mutual benefit where we can provide them with a survey of their liking to whichever country to which they offer to send EP’s.

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