quality rating guidelines and google pigeon

Post on 08-Sep-2014






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Get the inside scoop on Google's Quality Rating Guidelines (leaked!) and the latest in its algorithm updates, nicknamed Google Pigeon by Search Engine Land.



Quality Rating Guidelines

Kenny Davies, Content Optimisation Specialist


Google’s quality guidelines were leaked! Currently on version 5 - a few months old.

Huge focus on:

• knowledge graph style results

• reputation

• authority

• adverts on page


E-A-T High emphasis on a high

level of expertise,

authoritativeness or



Pandas need to E-A-T!!


Lacking in E-A-T Sites that lack E-A-T should

be awarded the Low rating

when a page or site is

being assigned a rating.

Lacking a certain amount of

E-A-T is enough of a

reason for a rater to give

any page a low-quality



Ads, ads and more ads More of a negative perception:

• Pop-ups

• ads in navigation

• inline ads

• text-splitting ads


What makes an expert? It is crucial to have writers who are

authorities or experts in their field.

Google is clearly emphasising the

role of authority and expertise in

websites, so going the next step

further isn’t surprising in the least.


Supplementary (related) content Google wants raters

to look at other types

of secondary content,

with a particular

emphasis on content

that suggests related

content on a site.


User Generated Content User generated content such as

forums that are frequented by

experts on specific topics, will be

factored into E-A-T


High content rating Google wants to see a wide variety of

supplementary content on a page, and

emphasises it as an important part of

a page that is worthy of a High rating


Local search… Pigeon

Last night, Google released

a local search algorithm

update. There is no internal

name for the update, but

SEL called it Pigeon.


What Pigeon does Pigeon ties deeper into

web search capabilities,

with search features

such as Knowledge

Graph, spelling

correction, synonyms

and more.


This new algorithm improves

Google’s distance and

location ranking parameters.

In addition…


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