promotional campaign

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Promo Campaign

Showing the aspect of Dyer’s theory which talks about ‘stars’ showing rebellion, youthfulness and substance use.

Media emphasises the fact that he is young, new talent. It tries to engage a young audience and target the key market. Dyer talks about how target markets are how the ‘star’ persona is successfully continued.

Both attempt to show him in his ‘natural environment’ which represents one of the paradoxes as ‘ordinary’ and down to earth, but also extraordinary because the audience knows he’s famous. This attracts a young audience because it shows Jake Bugg as young too, and targets the key audience.

Through a medium close-up showing his facial expression, his ‘normal’ clothes and the lighting, it all combines to create a sense of normality, and a generic ‘pop star’ image of a young, honest singer songwriter.

His dark clothing and dark toned natural lighting emphasises his ‘edgy’ and rebellious youth image, which is reinforced through the images shown of him and his song lyrics.

Video focuses on youth and rebellion, and the idea of a ‘hard’, worked for life. This is shown through mise-en-scene of the graffiti covered objects in the background, and the cramped looking street.

Wide angle mid-shot to show his surroundings and place emphasis on his ‘street life’ and hard youth living. The shot carefully includes the scenery and depicts it as a generically ‘rough’ looking area, which carefully constructs and supports his image of being from a low background.

In this video the relationship between the lyrics and visuals is mainly amplified, however in this still you can see literal aspects too. The lyric “another pure grey morning” is clearly represented by the black and white wash, and dull grey sky.

The black and white editing emphasises his generic star image of being an honest and hard living youth, because it drains the colour and shows it as sad and dull. This supports his running theme throughout his music.

His distant stare shows him as ‘absent’ which is one part of one of Dyer’s paradoxes. However, his presence on a typical street shows him as down to earth and like any other ‘normal’ human in that town.

The prop of his guitar shows generic characteristics of the ‘indie rock’ genre, as started in Goodwin’s theory. Furthermore, the actual use of Jake Bugg in the video also complies with the generic characteristics of an indie rock video. This shows him as using the video to market himself, and therefore complying with the idea of selling his ‘star’ persona to his target audience.

The video is mainly voyeuristic, with the camera following Jake Bugg throughout, this shows him as prevalent and thoroughly markets him to anyone watching the video. Which, could be important if he isn’t a generically mainstream artist, because people watching the video might not know who he is.

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