present simple and present continuous

Post on 21-May-2015






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Šī prezentācija paredzēta 7.klasei vienkāršās tagadnes un ilgstošās tagadnes apguvei. Stundā tiek atsvaidzinātas zināšanas par abiem laikiem, nostiprinātas tās ar oriģinālu pieeju – caur James Wolf dzīves pieredzi. Tā kā šī ir ievadstunda, tad prezentācija izmantojama gan stundas sākumā, gan kā reflektīvs materiāls stundas beigās.


Zināšanu sabiedrības nedēļa 12. – 16. oktobris, 2009

Stundas tēma: Present Simple and Present Continuous

Priekšmets: Angļu valodaKlase: 7Autors: Ilona Ozoliņa

Valmieras Valsts ģimnāzijas angļu valodas skolotāja


Šī prezentācija paredzēta 7.klasei vienkāršās tagadnes un ilgstošās tagadnes

apguvei. Stundā tiek atsvaidzinātas zināšanas par abiem laikiem, nostiprinātas

tās ar oriģinālu pieeju – caur James Wolf dzīves pieredzi. Tā kā šī ir ievadstunda,

tad prezentācija izmantojama gan stundas sākumā, gan kā reflektīvs materiāls

stundas beigās.

Present Simple (Vienkāršā tagadne)

*Repeated or habitual actions./Universal truths.

I ALWAYS brush my teeth in the morning.

You OFTEN sing in the shower.

He USUALLY drinks coffee.

We SOMETIMES go home through the park.

You RARELY visit museums.

They NEVER go skiing.

Forming Simple Present

I sing don’t sing

You sing don’t sing

He/she/it sings doesn’t sing

We sing don’t sing

You sing don’t sing

They sing don’t sing

Present Continuous (Ilgstošā tagadne)*An action going on now. (May be for a LONGER period of time.)

I am not brushing my teeth RIGHT NOW.

You are reading a book RIGHT NOW.

He is staying out late TONIGHT.

She is writing a letter RIGHT NOW.

We are talking about J.Lo THIS WEEK.

Forming Present Continuous

I AM singing am NOT singing

You ARE singing are NOT singing

He/she/it IS singing is NOT singing

We ARE singing are NOT singing

You ARE singing are NOT singing

They ARE singing are NOT singing

Let’s compare!Present Simple

• We ALWAYS eat bread.

• He USUALLY comes alone.

• She RARELY goes skating.

• Tigers live in the jungle.

Present Continuous

• TODAY we are eating beans.

• He is coming with a friend


• She is skating RIGHT NOW.

• The tiger is hunting NOW.

BildeWolves can’t fly.

James Wolf is flying in the picture.

Let’s practice!

BildeWolves don’t do yoga.

James Wolf is doing yoga in the picture.

Let’s practice!

BildeWolves don’t sit on the tables.

James Wolf is sitting on the table in this picture.

Let’s practice!

BildePeople are talking about important things.

James Wolf is just listening.

What are they doing?

BildeJames Wolf is very tired.

James Wolf is resting right now.

Let’s practice!

BildeWhat is he doing now?

BildeWhat is he doing now?


What are you doing now?


Thank you!

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