prediction profits colour lesson two

Post on 12-Sep-2021






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Prediction Profits


Sarah Rhinegold No experience required!

NUMEROLOGY This comprehensive ten-part course is a guide to earning big money from fortune telling. Discover secret techniques handed down through the ages, including how to predict lucky numbers that you can use in today’s world for winning the lottery! For legal reasons we are obliged to state the following: Disclaimer: To the fullest extent permitted by law, the sellers are providing this written material, its subsidiary elements and its contents on an ‘as is’ basis and make no (and expressly disclaim all) representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this material or its contents including, without limitation, advice and recommendations, warranties or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The information is given for entertainment purposes only. In addition, we do not represent or warrant that the information accessible via this material is accurate, complete or current. To the fullest extent permitted by law, neither the sellers or any of its affiliates, partners, directors, employees or other representatives will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this material. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties.

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elcome and a huge ‘Thank You’ for purchasing Lesson Two of ‘Prediction Profits’. Let’s continue with revealing ancient secrets and knowledge of the art of fortune telling so you can join the ranks

of high earners in this billion pound worldwide industry.

Learning the Secrets of Numerology In this lesson you will be studying numerology – fortune telling using numbers. You will explore the hidden meaning behind numbers, study fortune telling using numbers and discover how to calculate ‘lucky numbers’ for yourself and your clients.

This is big business – you and your clients can use lucky numbers to play and win the lottery.

What You Will Achieve By the end of this lesson you will be able to offer your services as a professional numerologist and give your clients guidance for the future based upon your calculation and analysis of special and significant numbers.

Understanding the Basis of Numerology

What Are Numbers? The formal study of numbers is known as mathematics, but the study of their powers, patterns and their relationship with the world around us is known as Numerology. Scientists and mathematicians have known for thousands of years that numbers are much more than a means of counting and that they have a special significance. Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher, astrologer and mathematician is recognised as the first person to study numbers in detail, as far back as 600 BC. Even at this early stage Pythagoras put forward the theory that everything in nature could be expressed as a number, and he showed how previously impossible problems could be solved by using numbers.

Pythagoras’ theories are still being used today and are studied and known by every child at school.

Previously you might have been of the opinion that numbers are a man-made creation with no connection to the natural world. But this is not the case. Numbers are everywhere in the natural world. Nature, no matter how random it might seem to be, could not exist without some form of numerical logic. When you start to look more closely at



numbers you will see that they govern all manner of things that do not appear to have the slightest connection with numbers. For example:

• The earth always takes the same amount of time to circumnavigate the sun.

• There are always 4 seasons. • There are 4 basic elements – air, earth, water and fire. • There are always 7 colours in a rainbow. • A rose always has 5 sepals and 5 petals. • There are always 2 parts to an electric current – positive and

negative. Numerologists call patterns like these the Numerical Rhythms of the Universe. The fact is that the natural world knows more about the power of numbers than we do ourselves. Nothing in nature happens by chance. Scientists seek the Holy Grail - the set of numbers (equations) which will explain the fundamental forces behind the universe and reconcile Quantum Theory with gravity and the large scale universe.

Everything, no matter how slight, is subject to some form of numerical logic.

This is why some experts suggest that numerology is actually as old as time itself. Unlike many people who dismiss numerical logic as ‘coincidence’, a professional numerologist aims to understand the relationship between numbers and nature and uses Numerological Analysis to provide guidance to his or her clients. To the fortune teller, in fact, numbers are a unique link between human beings and the forces of nature and are thus an ideal way of making predictions about the future.

Case History: John Lennon and the Number 9 The more you research and study into numerology the more significance you will find it possesses. One of the classic cases, known to all professional numerologists, is that of famous Beatle, John Lennon. Throughout his life John Lennon always said that he believed that the number 9 had special significance for him. When you examine this, it does indeed hold true.

• He was born on the 9th.

• The Beatles were first spotted by a talent scout on the 9th.


• They signed their first record deal on the 9th, and John incorporated the number 9 into many of their songs.

• John met his wife, Yoko Ono, on the 9th.

• Finally, John Lennon was murdered on the 9th, and died in a hospital on 9th Street. (In fact, it was the 8th in the USA where the murder took place but the 9th back in his place of birth, the UK.)

• The connection with the number 9 continues today, in that John Lennon’s son, Sean, was also born on the 9th!

Examples like this happen too often to be just pure coincidence. Even the most sceptical amongst us must accept that numbers amount to more than just a method of counting, adding or subtracting. And the great thing is that the more you allow yourself to believe in numbers the more exciting they become!

The Development of Numerology Although Pythagoras is credited with discovering the significance of numbers the Hebrews are regarded as having developed and refined numerology into a formal mantic art. According to decades of study and experience they devised a system by which letters of the alphabet can be related to individual numbers. This type of system is the key to numerology and it allows us to give our own personal situations and experiences a numerical value.

The Eastern System of Numerology The Hebrews devised the Kabbalistic system of numerology, based upon their Kabbala, Qabala or Cabbala. They call the process of relating words to numbers Gematria. The Kabbalistic system is still widely in use today and used by many numerologists. One problem with the Kabbalistic system, however, was that because the Hebrew alphabet does not exactly conform with the western alphabet (there are only 22 Hebrew letters) western European numerologists found it difficult to use and considered that making allowances for the differences corrupted their numerological readings.

The Western System of Numerology As a result Western European numerologists have developed the Western system of numerology which differs slightly from the Kabbalistic but does correspond exactly to our alphabet. The Western system is also known as the Pythagorean system, after Pythagoras himself.

Which System Should You Use? There are absolutely no rights or wrongs about whether you should use the Kabbalistic or Western system of numerology. It is entirely a personal


decision. Some experts regard the Western system as a corruption of the long established Kabbalistic system, whereas others regard it as more suited to modern needs. On the other hand, other experts regard the Kabbalistic system as inappropriate to western needs and also that it creates unnecessary mystery, whereas others regard it as the only and original system. The choice of which to use, therefore, is entirely up to you. There are, also, several other minor systems of numerology which you might come across from time to time and which all have their advantages and disadvantages.

My advice at this stage is that you will probably find it easier to use the Western system. You may, however, like to experiment with both the Western and the Kabbalistic systems and then decide which you feel most comfortable with. Only one rule: NEVER mix the two systems. In the rest of this lesson will we use the Western system in our calculations. If you wish to use the Kabbalistic system the principles of the various techniques are exactly the same except that the numerological values attributed to each letter of the value do vary in many cases.

Chart Depicting the Western and Kabbalistic Systems of Numerology Below is a chart showing how the individual letters of the alphabet are related to numbers under both the Western and Kabbalistic systems of numerology. You will note that under the Kabbalistic system no letter has the numerical value of 9. This is because the Hebrews believed that 9 was the number of God and should be reserved for this use alone.


The Kabbalistic The Pythagorean System of Numerology System of Numerology A = 1 A = 1 B = 2 B = 2 C = 3 C = 3 D = 4 D = 4 E = 5 E = 5 F = 8 F = 6 G = 3 G = 7 H = 5 H = 8 I = 1 I = 9 J = 1 J = 1 K = 2 K = 2 L = 3 L = 3 M = 4 M = 4 N = 5 N = 5 O = 7 O = 6 P = 8 P = 7 Q = 1 Q = 8 R = 2 R = 9 S = 3 S = 1 T = 4 T = 2 U = 6 U = 3 V = 6 V = 4 W = 6 W = 5 X = 5 X = 6 Y = 1 Y = 7 Z = 7 Z = 8


Working Out Numerical Values Whichever system you use, the guiding concept is that you can express any letter or word as a numerical value by finding out the numerical value (or ‘vibration’ as it is known) of every letter in the word using the relevant chart and then adding the individual values to produce a single number. For example, under the Pythagorean system LONDON would be expressed as: 3 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 6 + 5 = 29 Under the Kabbalistic system London would be expressed as: 3 + 7 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 5 = 31 Remember, neither system is right nor wrong. They are merely different systems, each of which produces an equally valid outcome.

Checklist Key Points So Far:

• Numerology is not a man-made invention – it is firmly grounded in the natural world.

• Every letter of the alphabet and every word have numerical values which can be used to interpret their meaning and relate them to other words.

• The Pythagorean and Kabbalistic systems are slightly different. Either can be used but they should not be combined.

How to Calculate Special Numbers Numerologists tell us that each of us have six personal special and significant numbers which have been given to us by the natural and numerological forces which are all around us. Some may say that this is coincidence. However, numerologists would say that this is yet another example of how the forces of numerology are silently operating, exerting their influence on every aspect of our lives. For example:

• God created the universe in 6 days

• 6 (or half a dozen) is a convenient measure of quantity.


• Even in the National Lottery, 6 numbers must be chosen for your entry!

The six special numbers are the:

• Life number

• Name number

• Destiny number

• Heart number

• Expression number

• Fadic number Of these, the life number and the name number are most useful to fortune tellers. We will study how to calculate these and the other special numbers in the rest of this section. We will study how to analyse these calculations and use them to give advice in the following section.

Life Numbers The life number is perhaps our most important special number. It is the only special number whose value we cannot fix for ourselves or change in any way. It is given to us when we are born and remains with us for ever. The life number is used by numerologists to provide clients with guidance on a variety of issues. The life number can be used to:

• Predict lucky dates and times.

• Help a client decide when important decisions should be made or important situations embarked on.

One of the great advantages of the life number as a means of fortune telling is that, unlike an astrological reading, you do not need to know an exact time and place of birth to calculate a life number. To find a client’s life number add up all the numbers which their date of birth contains. For example, if their date of birth is: 31/10/1962 You would carry out the following sum:

3+1+1+0+1+9+6+2 = 23


Therefore, 23 is that person’s life number. Note: Standard practice is to add numbers as single digits. Don’t add up the individual numbers as whole numbers, eg. 31+10. Also, ensure that you use the full birth year, e.g.1962 not 62.

The Key Principle of Compounding A key principle of numerology, which applies to calculating all special numbers, is that of compounding. If the number in your calculation amounts to more than the highest number you require for your particular purpose you may reduce or compound it. You compound your special number by adding the individual digits together. For example: If your special number is 59 (unlikely for a life number, but it may apply to other special numbers) you can reduce it by adding 5 to 9 to produce 14. You can compound it further if necessary by adding 1 to 4 to produce 5. This technique is useful in certain situations. For example, if you were trying to choose a lucky month for a wedding or a new business venture where the largest lucky number you may have is 12 (12 months in a year) and your client’s life number is 28, there is obviously no 28th month. So you would compound this to 10 (2+8), making their particular special number 10 (October). If the number was 49, then 4+9=13. So you would go one further. 1+3 =4 (April).

Name Numbers Name numbers are also called personality numbers by some numerologists. You will rarely encounter two people with the same name but name numbers are shared by many people. It is incredible how people with the same name numbers have very similar personalities. If you work out name numbers for yourself, your partner and any good, loyal friends you will very often find that the same personality numbers will occur. The most important thing about name numbers is that, in the first place, they can be decided upon by human rather than natural forces and, secondly, they can change or be changed. For example, your parents probably chose your name in the first place, or


your family name may have been changed in the past with or without your knowledge. For this reason most numerologists agree that the vibration or influence of your name number is not quite as strong as the life number. However, a name number can be used to give clients guidance on foretelling of lucky names with which they might associate, whether people or places. To find your name number add up all the numbers which relate to the letters in your name. For example, if your name is: John Green You would add up these numbers: 1 + 6 + 8 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 51 51 is this individual’s name number. Note: You must use the full name. Use the full name whether or not this is what the client usually uses, or what people normally call them. If they have changed their name then use their present name. This mainly applies to married women. This also applies if someone has changed their name because they didn’t like it, or by adoption. Include any middle names only if they always use these names. Again, if necessary, name numbers can be compounded by adding the digits together.

Destiny Numbers Destiny numbers carry less weight or ‘vibration’ than either life or name numbers. They are partly influenced by the individual, and partly influenced by the world around them. Those with the same destiny numbers are believed to follow a similar path through life. A client’s destiny number is worked out in the same way as your name number except that it should be worked out on the name other people call them most often. If you think about it you will realise that this is not usually the same as their full name. This ‘most often used’ name will vary from person to person, even amongst those who have the same names. For example: If your name is Victoria Adamson, you may be called: Victoria, most often, or: Mrs. Adamson.


Things get a little more complicated still if you have a nickname, such as: Vicky, or: Vic. To get an accurate destiny number you must sit down and try and find out which name other people call your client most often. Then calculate a number for that in exactly the same way as their name number. For accuracy, aim to establish what name they are called most often before revealing the significance of this – remember the importance of understanding which we discussed in the first lesson.

Heart Numbers Again, heart numbers carry less significance than either life or name numbers. When we talk about heart numbers we talk about the heart in the spiritual sense, rather than a health point of view. Heart numbers are an insight into the real person and link those with similar inner personalities, traits and feelings. They can also reveal things about an individual which they themselves would not admit openly. Many numerologists find that clients for whom they prepare a heart number reading strongly dispute that they are compatible with those of a similar number. But, sooner or later, agree that this number does hold special significance.

The heart number is calculated in the same way as the name number except that you only use the vowels letters in the client’s full name to calculate it. Use the vowels, which are: A, E, I, O and U Do not use the other letters, that is the consonants which are: B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y and Z So, for example, if the client’s name is: Susan Brown Their heart number will be calculated on the letters: U A and O And will be: 3 + 1 + 6 = 10


Again, if the heart number is two digits (or more) you can reduce or compound it, by adding the digits together, to find the heart number for the purposes of your calculations.

Expression Numbers The expression number is very much a prophetical number. The expression number can:

• Reveal what numbers, dates, places and events may be lucky in future

• Give advice on how future events should be handled. It should always be regarded in a positive light, helping to identify positive numbers for future use and not unwelcome or even sinister events. The concept of the expression number is that it is based on how other people see or treat us, rather than how we handle ourselves. As such, there is not a great deal we can do to manipulate this number and this is put forward as one of the reasons why it is so accurate. An expression number is calculated in the same way as a heart number except that you only use the consonants in your full name to calculate it. Do not use the other letters (the vowels A, E, I, O and U). So, for example, if your name is: Susan Brown Your expression number will be calculated on the letters: SSN BRWN And will be: 1 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 9 + 5 + 5 = 28 Again, expression numbers can be compounded if necessary.

Fadic Numbers The fadic number is closely related to the concept of Karma in Indian philosophy. Your fadic number helps to identify events from which you should be learning now, in order to smooth your path into the future. In short, the message given by the fadic number is ‘look out for this number, and learn well from situations where it appears’. It should be said, however, that some numerologists dispute the validity of the fadic number.


An individual’s fadic number is calculated by taking their life number and their name number and adding them together as whole numbers. For example, if their life number is: 21 And their name number is: 17 Their fadic number will be: 38 Again, in line with the rule of compounding the number can be reduced further if necessary. For example: 3+8 = 11 and 1+1 = 2. An alternative school of thought is that you should add the individual digits together and then reduce them. For example, if their life number is: 21 And their name number is: 17 Their fadic number would be: 2 + 1 + 1 + 7 = 11, and 1 + 1 = 2. You will doubtless find that your fadic number is the same, no matter which way it is calculated.

Another example of the special powers and properties that numbers possess!

Checklist Key Points So Far:

• Everyone has six personal special numbers, of which the life and name numbers are most powerful.

• The rules of calculating each type of number must be followed exactly.

• Calculating these numbers can be used as an insight into the character, and to give guidance.

Using Numerology to Give Advice So far I have explained how to calculate the various special numbers. However, the powers of numerology are even more powerful than this. Numerology can be used to:


• Give advice on what the future holds.

• Reveal dates, times, places and people that are lucky or auspicious for each particular client.

This is an invaluable skill for any fortune teller to possess as many clients want advice on ‘lucky numbers’, or their compatibility with others.

Kings and Prime Ministers Powerful Kings, Presidents and Generals throughout the centuries (including many Roman Emperors and even ex-US President Ronald Reagan) are said to have been guided by numerologists as to which dates and times and in which places to make important decisions – and are said to have experienced an impressive success rate. It is also said that ex-Prime Minister John Major was strongly urged by numerologists not to call a General Election on 1 May 1997 which, with hindsight, may have proved good advice!

Lucky Times Numerologists and even sceptics have believed for centuries that everyone has lucky days, places and times. If you have ever visited a place which you always felt was lucky for you, but did not know why, then numerology could well offer a solution. Or have you ever felt that you had a particular time or day when situations like exams or job interviews always went well for you? Or is there someone with whom you always feel a special bond? Again, you may already have experienced the positive powers of numerology. As a numerologist you can calculate these special numbers and give sound advice on when and where to undertake important actions. For example:

• Examinations.

• Job interviews.

• Driving tests.

• Proposals of marriage.

• New business launches. These special numbers can also be used to advise on the compatibility of:

• Partners in love.

• Friendships.


• Business partners. And as I explained earlier, it is also possible to advise clients on their lucky lottery numbers!

Identifying Lucky Dates A client’s lucky dates are all those dates which have the same number as their life number. To advise on lucky dates first calculate their life number, as already explained, and then check for dates which have the same number, or any compound of that number. For example if your client’s life number is: 7 Dates with the same number and which are lucky for them include: 3 January 2008: (3+1+2+0+0+8=14) 14 = 2 x 7 And also: 8 December 2008: (8+1+2+2+0+0+8=21, then 21 = 3 x 7) The easiest way of providing a reading which will be of immediate value and interest is to:

• Calculate a client’s lucky date number (life number).

• Then calculate the date number for every date for each day of the coming week or month.

That provides the client with a selection of forthcoming lucky dates.

Identifying Lucky Times A client’s lucky times can be revealed by taking their life number and comparing it to times which bear the same number. For example, if their life number is: 11 Their lucky times will include: 1325 (1+3+2+5 = 11) 0740 (0+7+4+0 = 11) 0911 (0+9+1+1 = 11) Note: All lucky time calculations should use the 24 hour clock system (where 1pm is 1300hrs, 2pm 1400hrs and so on). You can also use compounds of both life and lucky time numbers to find


lucky times. For example: If their life number is 40 their lucky times would include 0400 and 2200. Obviously there is no such thing as a lucky time number of 40 (the highest possible is 24), but 4 + 0 = 4 etc. Again, unless you have a great deal of time, and the client is willing to pay for it, you probably would not want to calculate all their forthcoming lucky times, but try and work out a selection of between 10 and 20 for use as and when needed.

Identifying Lucky Places The concept of lucky places is one of the most intriguing in numerology. The feeling that certain places are lucky for certain people (and that others are unlucky) is a feeling that a great many people have, but they are never able to discover the reason. In very many cases numerologists have investigated and concluded that there is much more than coincidence at work. By identifying personal lucky places you can advise clients on:

• Where and when, they should make important decisions.

• Where and when they should take important actions. Practical uses for this technique include advising on:

• The suitability of a town or street in which to make a new home if that home is to be happy.

• Places in which to make a marriage proposal. Places which are lucky for a client are all places which have the same name number as they do. To reveal a place which is lucky for a client you first need to work out their name number and compare it to the place numbers of the locations where they intend to make important decisions or actions. You can use city or town names to find a generalised ‘lucky area’ or street names (include the number) to find a specific lucky location. For example, a client whose name number is 18 should regard Leeds as a lucky place, because: Leeds = 3 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 1 = 18 A client whose name number is 62 should regard the following place as lucky: 15 High Street = 1+5+8+9+7+8+1+2+9+5+5+2 = 62 Remember, you can also compound numbers, so Leeds is also a lucky


place for those whose own lucky place number is 9 (1+8) as well as 18. Again, because there are so many different combinations of numbers, unless you are prepared to undertake hours of research, for which the client is willing to pay, the right way to approach the location of this data is to start with dates, times and places which they themselves feel are lucky or dates, times and places they want luck advice on. Then confirm or disprove this with the application of numerological analysis.

Advising on Compatibility One exciting use of numerology, and one you may be asked to undertake frequently, is that of advising on the compatibility of partners, either in friendship, love or in business. It is very easy to give advice of this nature, based on the techniques we have already studied. Here are three techniques which you can use:

• Friends - When advising on the compatibility of friends, the most compatible people are those who share the same life numbers.

• Business - When advising on the compatibility of business partners, the most compatible partners are those with the same name numbers, whether company or personal names. This is because it is not possible to calculate a life number for a commercial enterprise, not even one based on its founding date.

• Love and Marriage Partners - When advising on the compatibility of marriage or love partners then a comparing of the life numbers of each partner can serve as a basic test of compatibility.

However, because the link is so much deeper, a much better assessment of compatibility can be made by comparing all the following special numbers with regard to both partners:

• Life Numbers

• Name Numbers

• Destiny Numbers

• Heart Numbers

• Expression Numbers Those with the same number in each case are said to be a perfect match. However, since this happens rarely, the most effective way to analyse this information is to say that the nearer the numbers in each case the more compatible the parties are in that particular area. The more distant the numbers, the less the degree of compatibility in that area.


Advising on Lucky Numbers for Gambling Purposes You may frequently be asked to advise on lucky numbers for gambling purposes, such as horse racing, football pools and, especially the National Lottery. Nowadays it seems everyone wants to know their lucky lottery numbers, and you can earn an excellent income from offering a service (either by post, email, in person or by premium rate telephone line or texts) providing people with these numbers. Numerology is, in fact, very well suited to this and you can offer a service giving specific calculations or general advice. You cannot, of course, guarantee that these numbers will win your client a prize, but it is better than selecting numbers at random. Some numerologists provide this service in return from an undertaking from their client to pay a commission on any future lottery win! You may think it is coincidence that we all have six special personal numbers and that six numbers must be selected for a National Lottery entry. Numerologists would say that this is not a coincidence and that it is yet another example of numbers working their special powers.

Six Personal Special Numbers Generally you should advise a client that their six personal special numbers (life, name, destiny, heart, expression and fadic) are their luckiest lucky numbers for gambling purposes. If entering the National Lottery, therefore, these are the six numbers they should use on their lottery entry. Important points to note when advising on lottery numbers are that a client’s own personal life number should always be used and their own personal life number must take precedence over all other numbers, if they have duplicated numbers. Birthday numbers which are simply day numbers rather than full life numbers, eg. 22 as opposed to 28/7/1945 compounded, should not be used. Also, wedding anniversaries have no special significance to numerologists unless the wedding date was originally chosen using numerological techniques. Finally, advise clients not to use the lucky numbers of several people on the same entry. This is believed to divide the luck, not magnify it.

Duplicated Numbers Duplicated lucky numbers can be a problem when compiling numbers for lottery entries as the UK National Lottery does not permit entries with multiple identical numbers. This is a problem in the lottery system rather


than numerology itself. (In some lotteries, in other countries of the world, multiple identical numbers are permitted, e.g. your entry could be 1, 9, 22, 22, 22, 39 if you wanted it to be.) If duplication occurs then the most appropriate course of action is to compound where possible to produce six different lucky lottery numbers.

Basic Character Reading Finally, numerology can also be used as a form of basic character reading. Numerologists often find that people with the same life numbers have very similar characters. Thus, once you have calculated an individual’s life number you can provide them with a basic character assessment, or use this information yourself to supplement other information you may have about them and make your readings more accurate.

The Nine Types of Numerological Characters The best way to develop your character reading skills using numerology is to always keep notes recording each numerological reading you undertake. Over the months and years you will be able to build up a personal profile of the features and traits of individuals of each of the nine types of numerological character, and use this to support your readings in future. There is no shortcut to developing this learned knowledge. However, the following notes will help you gain a basic understanding of this method.

Number 1 Characters Individuals with this life number:

• Are born leaders, ambitious and always with a sense of purpose.

• Can be intolerant or too dominant.

• Are individual, independent and sometimes have difficulties in close relationships. Usually appear confident, but can be seen as over-dominant or aggressive by others.

They should try to be more receptive to the opinions of others.

Number 2 Characters Individuals with this life number:

• Are sensitive and sociable.

• Are good at both receiving and giving happiness.

• Are dependable, romantic and creative.

• Can be shy, lack-confidence and are sometimes indecisive.


They crave security and affection.

Number 3 Characters Individuals with this life number:

• Are born explorers and adventurers.

• Love to travel and broaden their mind, and seek new experiences.

• Have a good sense of right and wrong but often have an over-reliance on petty detail which can hold them back.

• Always appear cheerful, friendly and well-balanced and attract many friends and partners.

They often feel insecure and need to know that others care for them.

Number 4 Characters Individuals with this life number:

• Are hard working, practical and devoted.

• Can always be relied on and always see projects through to the end.

• Like routine and can be rather unadventurous.

• Can also be shy and retiring, but have an underlying need to be at the centre of attention, in the most positive way.

They like to have a role to occupy.

Number 5 Characters Individuals with this life number:

• Have great energy and enthusiasm.

• Dislike routine and restriction and are drawn to the unusual.

• Never tire of anything, but can become rash or even eccentric.

• Are free thinking and open.

• Dislike rules and regulations. They sometimes feel a need to conform, but should always strive to follow their own dream since it is ultimately more productive for them.

Number 6 Characters Individuals with this life number:

• Are well balanced, especially as regards balancing work and family.


• Are confident and relaxed, and naturally caring.

• Can, however, be possessive or domineering. These people make good partners, whether in marriage or business. Others are apt to take them for granted and rely on them too much.

Number 7 Characters Individuals with this life number:

• Are naturally sensitive and possess a natural wisdom.

• Have good judgement and are shrewd, especially in business.

• Sometimes find it difficult to mix with others and are sometimes regarded as being distant or out of touch.

• Always feel that they are in control of their lives. However, they are apt to avoid the issue and should always aim not to do this. They can have difficulties in relationships unless they strive to take them seriously.

Number 8 Characters Individuals with this life number:

• Are extremely ambitious and success-orientated.

• Are extremely determined, often against all odds.

• Are well organised and methodical. However, these people can be moody and are very prone to stress. They are confident and composed and always like to be in charge, but others are apt to see them as overbearing.

Number 9 Characters Individuals with this life number:

• Are warm, compassionate and caring.

• Are generous and easy to mix with, and well respected by those around them.

• Can sometimes lack sound judgement, especially in practical matters.

• Are inquisitive and enthusiastic. They always strive to learn more, and understand the whys and wherefores of everything. Others are inclined to find them rather nosey, which is rarely true.


Character readings are based on the life number of your client, compounded where necessary to produce a number of nine or less.

Guidelines for Conducting a Numerological Consultation Now that you have studied how to calculate and analyse numbers in fortune telling, here are some useful pointers on conducting a numerological consultation with your client: Numerology can be used as a stand-alone technique or combined with other techniques. A client may consult you to find out lucky places, times and events on which to base important decisions. On the other hand they may just wish to know their own personal lucky numbers, perhaps as part of an astrological or other consultation. There are no rules on when this mantic tool may and may not be used. Always understand your client. Be sure to find out what particular area they require guidance with. Then, choose the tool which is most appropriate to this purpose. In other words, decide which special numbers you should be calculating and using in your reading. You don’t need to be an expert mathematician! It is perfectly acceptable to use paper and pencil, or a calculator if you so wish. It is good practice to work through each calculation and explain to the client exactly what you are doing. Stress that numerology is a logical study. Avoid creating undue mystery. A good technique when giving a numerological reading, is to ask a client what they feel are their own personal lucky numbers, places and so on (if any). You can then use the principles of numerology to explain whether these are correct or incorrect.

Recommended Reading I hope you have enjoyed studying numerology and discovering that numbers are not just for counting! They have special powers and properties all of their own. Once you start to experiment with numerology you will find it fascinating how many numerical coincidences there appear to be. And then you will realise that they are not coincidences. They are examples of how numbers can and DO work on every aspect of our daily lives. I recommend that you take as much time as possible to refine your numerological skills. The best way to do this is to calculate your own special


numbers, and those of your family and friends, and examine how they relate to your own lives. I also advise that you do as much further reading as possible. You will find the following books on the subject of numerology useful in your further study of the subject:

• Cheiros Book of Numbers, Ark Books.

• Helping Yourself with Numerology by Helyn Hitchcock, Wolfe Publishing Ltd.

• Love Numbers by Sandra Kovacs Stein and Carol Ann Schuler, Aquarian Press.

• Numbers – Their Meaning and Magic by Isadore Kozminsky, Rider Books.

• Numerology by Harish Johari, Real Books.

• Numerology, The Power to Know Anyone by Jason D. Cooper, Aquarian Press.

• Numerology Workbook by Julia Line, Aquarian Press.

• Symbols of Numerology by Julia Seaton, Newcastle Publishing.

• The Book of Love Numbers by David and Julia Line, Aquarian Press.

• The Connolly Book of Numbers (Vols 1 and 2) by Ellen Connolly, Aquarian Press.

• The Kabbala of Numbers by Sephrial, Newcastle Publishing.

• The Secret Power of Numbers by Mary Anderson, Aquarian Press.

Checklist Key Points So Far:

• The most practical and most fascinating application of numerology is in advising clients of lucky days, times, places and compatibility.

• The market for predicting ‘lucky lottery numbers’ offers enormous potential.

• Numerology can be used alongside other mantic tools, or alone.

Extra Help The person credited with the establishment of numerology as a formal study and in the approximate year is: Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher, astrologer and mathematician is recognised as the first person to study numbers in detail, as far back as 600 BC.


The two principle systems of numerology are: The Western system and the Kabbalistic system. The key advantages and disadvantages of each of the main systems of numerology are: The main disadvantage with the Kabbalistic system is that the Hebrew alphabet does not exactly conform with the western alphabet (there are only 22 Hebrew letters). Hence, some experts regard the Kabbalistic system as inappropriate to western needs. It can also create unnecessary mystery. The disadvantage of the Western system is that it is sometimes regarded as being a corruption of the long established Kabbalistic system. A brief explanation of how to calculate an individual’s life number: To find an individual’s life number add up all the numbers which their date of birth contains as individual digits. Ensure that you use the full birth year, eg.1962 not 62. A brief explanation of how to calculate an individual’s name number: To find an individual’s name number add up all the numbers which relate to the letters in their name. Use the full name whether or not this is what the client usually uses, or what people normally call them. Include any middle names only if they always use these names. A brief explanation of the principle known as ‘compounding’: Compounding is a situation where, if the number in your calculation amounts to more than the highest number you require for your particular purpose, you may reduce or compound it. You compound your number by adding the individual digits together. An explanation of the procedure by which you would advise a client whether a change of address would be advisable or not: Places which are lucky for a client are all places which have the same name number as they do. Thus, to reveal a place which is lucky for a client you first need to work out their own name number and compare it to the place numbers of their intended new address. If the numbers or a compound of them are the same then the change of address is advisable. An explanation of the procedure which you would follow in order to supply a client with a list of ‘lucky dates’ for the coming month:


A client’s lucky dates are all those dates which have the same number as their life number. To advise on lucky dates first calculate their life number, then check for dates during the coming month which have the same number, or any compound of that number. What calculations you must make in order to provide a client with a list of six lucky lottery numbers: A client’s six personal special numbers (life, name, destiny, heart, expression and fadic) are their lucky numbers for gambling purposes. Therefore these are the six numbers that you should calculate for them to use on their lottery entry.

Conclusion for This Lesson Congratulations! You now have a basic knowledge of Numerology – the hidden meaning behind numbers, prediction using numbers and how to calculate ‘lucky numbers’ for yourself and your clients. The really exciting news is that all of this knowledge takes you a step nearer towards becoming a serious player in this billion pound business. If you want more leisure time and a lifestyle where you call the shots, all you have to do is simply study each of the lessons and learn the art of prediction. Then you can set about establishing your fortune telling business. Have fun and I look forward to joining you for the next lesson, when I continue to explain this fascinating and lucrative world!

Sarah Rhinegold

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