plant science agriscience applications. careers in plant science objective: investigate career...

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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Plant Science

Agriscience Applications

Careers in Plant Science


Investigate career opportunities related to plant science industries

Careers in Plant Science

Career Areas: Forest Careers

Growing, managing and harvesting trees for wood and its by-products

Horticulture CareersFloriculture- flower production and useLandscape and nursery- plants used around

homes and businesses for aesthetic purposes

Careers in Plant Science

Forest Careers Forester

Helps with the science of growing trees Forest Ranger

Management of forest including fire prevention

Logging ForemanSupervise the harvesting of trees

Careers in Plant Science

Floriculture (Horticulture) Floral designer Flower grower Greenhouse manager Retail florist Wholesale florist

Careers in Plant Science

Landscaping and nursery (Horticulture) Greenskeeper- cares for golf courses Landscaper- installs plants Landscape architect Nursery operator- grows trees and shrubs Turf farmer- grows turf (grass) for sale

Plant Parts and Functions


Explain the function of major plant parts as related to plant growth and health


Composed of many parts Roots Steams Leaves Flowers


Often the largest part of the plant Squash can have miles of roots

Adventitious roots Found in places unexpected Poison ivy Mistletoe


Two types of systems

1. Taproot- main root that usually grows down


2. Fibrous roots- thin, hair like, and numerous Grass Corn

Root Tissue

Root cap- outermost part of a root Tough cells that penetrate the soil Pushes through soil partials


Area of cell division Allows roots to grow longer New cell replace worn away cells

Area of cell elongation Between the root cap and the plan base Cells become longer Cells become specialized


Xylem Carries water and nutrients to the upper portion

of the plant

Phloem Pipeline Carries food to the roots Food is stored in the roots


Areas of cell maturation Where cells mature Root hairs emerge

Develop on the surface of the root Absorb water and nutrients Damaged easily Cannot be replaced


Support leaves, flowers, fruit Types of stems:

Woody Herbaceous

Other stems: Bulbs (onions) Rhizomes (wiregrass) Tubers (potato)


Manufactures food for the plant Converts sunlight into food Photosynthesis


Carbon dioxide + water = sugar + oxygen


Help in the identification of plants Leaf margins

Shape and size varies with each species Simple leaves Compound leaves


Functions to produce seeds Types of flowers

Perfect (both male and female) Imperfect

Pollination The union of pollen with the female part of the



Root cap Root hairs Woody Fruit Vegetable Perfect flower Herbaceous Stoma

Bulbs Rhizomes Node Internode Simple leaves guard cells Imperfect flower Cuticle

Using pages 274 to 289 write a definition of the following terms in your notebook:


Objective: Explore the photosynthesis process as related to growth and development of a plant


Light energy is connected to chemical energy Chloroplast contains chlorophyll Simple sugars are made (glucose) Carbon dioxide is used Oxygen is produced


6CO2+12H2O C6H12O2+6O2

Carbon Dioxide


Glucose Oxygen

Slowing Photosynthesis

Low Carbon dioxide Greenhouse Carbon dioxide generators

Slowing Photosynthesis

Low Light Dark rooms Light intensity matters

Temperature Best at 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit Extreme temps can stop photosynthesis


Food is used Energy is released Oxygen is used Carbon dioxide is produced Occurs in both light and dark


Release of water vapor from the stomata 90% of the water entering the roots

10% is used in chemical processes

Functions: cooling transportation maintaining turgor pressure

Plant Reproduction

Objective: Describe flower and seed parts, including their function

Plant Reproduction

Two types of propagation: Sexual

use of seed for reproducing plantsonly way to obtain new varieties and hybrid vigoroften least expensive and quickest

Asexualvegetativeexact duplicate

Parts of the Flower

Stamen (male part) Filament Anther- manufactures pollen Pollen- male sexual reproductive cell

Parts of the Flower

Pistil (female part) Stigma- receives the pollen Style- connection to the ovary Ovary- contains the ovules or female

reproductive cells

Parts of the Flower

Petals (corolla) Colored part of the flower Attract insects or other

natural pollinators

Parts of the Flower

PollenStamen (Male) Anther


StigmaStyle Pistil (Female)Ovary

Flower Parts



The Seed

Parts of the seed: Seed Coat offers protection Endosperm supplies food for the

seed Embryo is the young plant


The seed starts to sprout and grow Requires four environmental factors:

1. Water

2. Air

3. Light

4. Temperature

Environmental Factors

Water imbibition (absorption of water)

Tough seed coat Scarifying seeds

Air is needed for respiration Seeds are viable or alive

Environmental Factors

Light Some seeds need light while others do not

Seeds must have the right temperature to germinate

Asexual Propagation

Cutting vegetative parts of the plant: leaf cuttings root cuttings stem cuttings layering grafting

T-budding tissue culture (micropropagation)


Complete the Self Evaluation on page 331 to 333 sections A to D. For section D make all “False” answers true.

Plant Science

Objective: Analyze basic soil and media requirements for growth of agricultural crops

Soil and Plant Media

Soil is the top layer of the earth's surface Sphagunm moss

root growth

Perlite volcanic glass starting new plants media mixes

Soil and Plant Media

Vermiculite mineral mica-type material stating plant seeds cuttings media mixes

Soil and Plant Media

Peat Moss used in media mixes

Soil pH

Improper pH affects availability of nutrients limits plant intake



2 57

8 10

Amending soil pH

Amending soil pH

Amending soil pH

Lime is usually applied as finely ground dolomitic limestone calcium magnesium


Objective: Explain nutrient requirements and soil amendments needed for growth of agricultural crops


Nitrogen-Phosphorus-PotassiumExample: 10-10-10


Fertilizers must become soluble (liquid form) before they can be used by plants

Organic fertilizers Manure Bone meal (phosphorus) Soybean meal


Organic fertilizers slow acting long lasting lacking some primary nutrients

Inorganic High level of nutrients

Plant Identification

Plant ID for Agriscience

Chlorophytum comosum

COMMON NAME: Spider plant FOLIAGE: arching leaves with cascading

wiry stems FLOWERS: small white flowers ID FEATURE: many times will contain tiny

plantlets at the apex of leaves

Chlorophytum comosum

Euphorbia pulcherrima

COMMON NAME: Poinsettia FORM: shrub FOLIAGE: large alternate leaves with or

without teeth on the margin FLOWER: cup-shaped flowers in a cluster

above the showy red, pink, or creamy leaf bracts with a large yellow gland on the rim of the flower

Euphorbia pulcherrima

Euphorbia pulcherrima

Red petals are actually bracts, not flowers.

Hedera helix

COMMON NAME: English Ivy FORM: a vine climbing by aerial rootlets

or a prostrate groundcover FOLIAGE: leaves are dark green with

white veins, leathery evergreen foliage, alternate leaf arrangement, 1.5 to 4” long, juvenile leaves are 3 to 5 lobed and adult leaves are not lobed

Hedera helix

Hedera helix

Liriope muscari

COMMON NAME: Liriope FORM: grass-like perennial 12 to 18 inch

tall clumps FOLIAGE: strap-like, arching, glossy, dark

green leaves (to 1” wide) FLOWERS: erect, showy flower spikes

with tiered whorls of dense, violet-purple flowers

Liriope muscari

Liriope muscari

Nephrolepis exaltata

COMMON NAME: Boston Fern FORM: evergreen fern, up to 5 feet tall Reproduces by spores located on the bottom

side of leaves

Nephrolepis exaltata

Nephrolepis exaltata

Philodendron scandens

COMMON NAME: Parlor Ivy FORM: trailing growth form FOLIAGE: Heart shaped, glossy, dark green

leaves, 4” long and 3” wide

Philodendron scandens

Saintpaulia ionantha

COMMON NAME: African violet FORM: from miniature varieties of 4

inches wide, to large varieties more than 15 inches wide

FOLIAGE: large, flat, succulent, pubescent leaves

FLOWERS: varies in color from pink, white, blue, red and bicolor

Saintpaulia ionantha

Saintpaulia ionantha

Saintpaulia ionantha

Spathiphyllum cv.

COMMON NAME: Peace Lily FORM: perennial herb FOLIAGE: leaves are basal, elongated,

pointed at both ends dark green with conspicuously indented veins

FLOWERS: small on spadix surrounded by a white or greenish, flat or concave spathe

Spathiphyllum cv.

Spathiphyllum cv.

Tradescantia zebrina

COMMON NAME: Purple Wandering Jew FORM: trailing vine-like plant, vines can

grow to several feet in length FOLIAGE: 2” wide and 4”long leaves that

are purple with silver stripes

Tradescantia zebrina

Tradescantia zebrina

Tradescantia zebrina

This is actually a green variety of wandering jew.

Viola X wittrockiana

COMMON NAME: pansy FORM: low, bushy growing habit with a

height of .25 to .75 feet tall and a width of .5 to .75 feet

FLOWERS: white, yellow, black, brown, lavender, purple, blue, pink, often with blotches that resemble animals’ faces

Viola X wittrockiana

Viola X wittrockiana

Viola X wittrockiana

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