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Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA CN Scalzi Investments Pty Ltd 1 June 2012


Phase 1 Site History Report Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

1 June 2012 Commercial-in-Confidence

Phase 1 Site History Report Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

Prepared for

CN Scalzi Investments Pty Ltd

Prepared by AECOM Australia Pty Ltd Level 28, 91 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia T +61 8 7100 6400 F +61 8 7100 6499 ABN 20 093 846 925

1 June 2012


AECOM in Australia and New Zealand is certified to the latest version of ISO9001 and ISO14001.

© AECOM Australia Pty Ltd (AECOM). All rights reserved.

AECOM has prepared this document for the sole use of the Client and for a specific purpose, each as expressly stated in the document. No other party should rely on this document without the prior written consent of AECOM. AECOM undertakes no duty, nor accepts any responsibility, to any third party who may rely upon or use this document. This document has been prepared based on the Client’s description of its requirements and AECOM’s experience, having regard to assumptions that AECOM can reasonably be expected to make in accordance with sound professional principles. AECOM may also have relied upon information provided by the Client and other third parties to prepare this document, some of which may not have been verified. Subject to the above conditions, this document may be transmitted, reproduced or disseminated only in its entirety.

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

1 June 2012 Commercial-in-Confidence

Quality Information Document Phase 1 Site History Report

Ref 60264720

p:\60264720\4. tech work area\4.4 environment\draft lyndoch site history report.docx

Date 1 June 2012

Prepared by Ashley Moule

Reviewed by Darren Jurevicius

Revision History

Revision Revision Date Details


Name/Position Signature

A 14 May 2012 Draft for client review Darren Jurevicius Environment Group Leader

0 01-Jun-2012 Final Darren Jurevicius Environment Group Leader

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

1 June 2012 Commercial-in-Confidence

Table of Contents Executive Summary 1 1.0 Introduction 2

1.1 Background 2 1.2 Scope of work 5

2.0 Regulatory and Assessment Framework 6 2.1 Site Contamination 6 2.2 Environment Protection Act, 1993 6 2.3 Assessment Guidelines 7

2.3.1 General 7 2.3.2 National Environment Protection Measure 7

3.0 Site description 8 3.1 Site definition 8 3.2 Site walkover 8 3.3 Site photographs 8 3.4 Surrounding land use 9 3.5 Regional hydrogeology 9 3.6 Regional geology 10 3.7 Acid sulphate soils 10

4.0 Site history research 11 4.1 History of ownership 11 4.2 Aerial photographs 11 4.3 Dangerous goods search 12 4.4 EPA Section 7 search 12

5.0 Areas of environmental interest 13 6.0 Conclusions and recommendations 14 7.0 Limitations 16 Appendix A

Certificate of Title A Appendix B

Summary of historical titles search B Appendix C

Historical aerial photographs C Appendix D

Dangerous goods licence search results D Appendix E

Section 7 search results E Appendix F

DWLBC groundwater well information F

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

Executive Summary AECOM Australia Pty Ltd (AECOM) was contracted by CN Scalzi Investments Pty Ltd to conduct a Phase 1 Site History Report on a portion of land adjacent to Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, South Australia (the ‘site’).

We understand that the site is being considered for rezoning to residential land use.

The purpose was to assess the potential for gross or widespread soil and/or groundwater contamination at the site resulting from current or previous land uses in order to provide a basis for planning considerations. This involved consideration of the information obtained in order to assess the potential for gross or widespread soil contamination to be present at the site as a result of previous or current site use and which would be likely to preclude the proposed residential.

Based on the environmental information obtained for this site, AECOM is of the opinion that the likelihood of gross or widespread soil contamination existing in shallow soils and groundwater at this site (at concentrations likely to preclude the proposed land use) is low from an environmental due diligence perspective however some limited testing should be conducted to confirm this in the areas that were used for market gardening purposes.

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background AECOM Australia Pty Ltd (AECOM) was contracted by CN Scalzi Investments Pty Ltd to conduct a Phase 1 Site History Report for the site located at Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, South Australia (the ‘site’).

The location of the site is shown in Figure 1. A plan of the site is shown in Figure 2.

We understand that the site is being considered for residential rezoning.

The purpose was to assess the potential for gross or widespread soil and/or groundwater contamination at the site resulting from current or previous land uses in order to provide a basis for planning considerations. This involved consideration of the information obtained in order to assess the potential for gross or widespread soil contamination to be present at the site as a result of previous or current site use and which would be likely to preclude the proposed residential.

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

Figure 1 Site context

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

Figure 2 Site location

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

1.2 Scope of work The scope of work conducted by AECOM included consideration of information from the following sources:

Site walkover.

SafeworkSA Dangerous Goods Licence Search.

Environment Protection Agency (EPA) Section 7 Search.

Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) Property Assist Certificate of Title search.

Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Mapland historical aerial photograph search.

Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation (DWLBC) groundwater well search.

Historical certificate of title search at the Lands Titles Office.

Appendix A of the SA EPA Guidelines Site Contamination – Acid Sulfate Soil Materials (November 2007).

Anecdotal information.

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

2.0 Regulatory and Assessment Framework

2.1 Site Contamination Soil contamination has the potential to impact adversely on human health and the environment; but in order for a significant or identifiable risk to be present, there must be an exposure pathway. The exposure pathway comprises the following:

- Source - The presence of a substance that may cause harm.

- Receptor - The presence of a receptor which might be harmed at an exposure point.

- Pathway - The existence of a means or mechanism of exposing a receptor to the source.

In the absence of a plausible exposure pathway there can be minimal risk. Therefore, the presence of ‘something measureable’ i.e. concentrations of a chemical or presence of asbestos does not necessarily imply that there is measurable human harm. It is necessary to have a significant source of contamination; an appropriate or effective pathway for this to be presented to a receptor, and the receptor must have a negative response to this exposure.

Hence the nature and importance of sources, receptors and exposure routes will vary with every site and situation, characteristics, intended end use and the environmental setting.

It should also be noted that management measures to address any aspect of the above can reduce the significance of any risks.

2.2 Environment Protection Act, 1993 In South Australia, the assessment, management and remediation of site contamination is regulated by the Environment Protection Act 1993 (EP Act). The EP Act defines site contamination in section 5B as follows:

(1) For the purposes of this Act, site contamination exists at a site if—

(a) chemical substances are present on or below the surface of the site in concentrations above the background concentrations (if any); and

(b) the chemical substances have, at least in part, come to be present there as a result of an activity at the site or elsewhere; and

(c) the presence of the chemical substances in those concentrations has resulted in—

(i) actual or potential harm to the health or safety of human beings that is not trivial, taking into account current or proposed land uses; or

(ii) actual or potential harm to water that is not trivial; or

(iii) other actual or potential environmental harm that is not trivial, taking into account current or proposed land uses.

(2) For the purposes of this Act, environmental harm is caused by the presence of chemical substances—

(a) whether the harm is a direct or indirect result of the presence of the chemical substances; and

(b) whether the harm results from the presence of the chemical substances alone or the combined effects of the presence of the chemical substances and other factors.

(3) For the purposes of this Act, site contamination does not exist at a site if circumstances of a kind prescribed by regulation apply to the site.

Based on the above, the first stage in determining whether or not site contamination exists is to assess whether chemical substances have been added to the site through an activity and whether these substances are above background concentrations. The second stage is to assess whether the chemical substances have resulted in actual or potential harm to the health or safety of human beings or the environment that is not trivial.

The professional assessment of site contamination and consequential risk to human health and the environment is guided by the National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure 1999 (NEPM), Australian Standards and several guidelines prepared the EPA. The NEPM operates as an environment protection policy under the EP Act.

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

If site contamination is determined to be present at a site, the EP Act provides mechanisms to assign responsibility for the contamination and appropriate assessment and/or remediation of the contamination.

2.3 Assessment Guidelines 2.3.1 General

The scope of works and methodology adopted for the site history research were generally based on the guidance provided in the following documents:

- ANZECC/NHMR.C (1992). Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for the Assessment and Management of Contaminated Sites.

- Edwards J.W., Van Alphen M. and Langley A. (1994). Identification and Assessment of Contaminated Land: Improving Site History Appraisal. Contaminated Sites Monograph Series No 3, SA Health Commission, Adelaide.

- National Environmental Protection Council (1999). National Environmental Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure (NEPM).

2.3.2 National Environment Protection Measure

The NEPM provides a nationally consistent framework for assessing the presence and significance of site contamination in soil and groundwater. The NEPM methodology is based on assessing the potential for an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment by comparing concentrations of chemical substances to conservative, generic investigation levels for various environmental settings and land use scenarios.

Investigation levels are defined in the NEPM as ‘concentrations of a contaminant above which further appropriate investigation and evaluation will be required. They are not clean up or response levels. A response level is defined as ‘the concentration of a contaminant at a specific site based on a site assessment for which some form of response is required to provide an adequate margin of safety to protect public health and/or the environment’.

The NEPM health investigation levels (HILs) are based on conservative assumptions around providing protection to a young child living or playing on the site and subjected to exposure to contaminated soils. The most stringent HILs are assigned to sensitive land uses such as residential, child care centres and primary schools.

Where the land use provides for reduced access to soils, or reduced time in the setting for a child (e.g. high density residential apartments or an industrial site), higher HILs are set respectively in the NEPM.

In the event that an investigation level is exceeded at a site, the nature of the appropriate response is typically determined by site-specific environmental or human health risk assessment.

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

3.0 Site description

3.1 Site definition The site comprises a portion of D16493 A211 LT211, adjacent to Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, South Australia, 5000 (CT Volume 5782 Folio 223), as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. Copies of the certificates of title are included in Appendix A.

The approximately 10 hectare site is situated approximately 11km east of Gawler and approximately 45km north east of the Adelaide Central Business Development (CBD). This site is located within agricultural land within The Barossa Council area.

3.2 Site walkover Access to the site is from Gods Hill Road. The site is comprised of pastureland with scattered trees and is characterised by a crest on the central western boundary of the site, which slopes gradually to the east and more steeply to the north and south. Refer to the Section 3.3 for photographs of the site.

3.3 Site photographs A site visit was conducted by AECOM on 04 April 2012 by an environmental representative of AECOM.

Site photographs are provided in Figures 3 to 8 below.

Figure 3 View of site facing north. Figure 4 View of site facing east.

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

Figure 5 View of site facing south-east. Figure 6 View of site facing south west.

Figure 7 View of site facing west. Figure 8 View of site facing north east.

3.4 Surrounding land use The surrounding land use was observed to comprise the following:

North: Gilbert Street and residential land use.

East: residential land use.

West: Gods Hill Road, vineyards and scattered residential properties.

South: agricultural land use and trees, with vineyards to the southeast.

The surrounding area is undulating.

3.5 Regional hydrogeology A database search of existing groundwater well records using the Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation (DWLBC) Drill Hole Enquiry System was conducted. This shows no existing wells on the site; however, the locations of groundwater wells surrounding the site and their associated details are provided in Appendix F.

Within the vicinity of the site, there appears to be perched water tables at depths of less than 30m, between 2-12m and 14-30m. A deeper confined Quaternary aquifer is located at a depth of approximately 70-95m.

The yield from the deeper wells in the area ranged from 0.76–4.5L/sec. There were no yields recorded from the shallow wells.

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

The Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in the deeper wells appear to either be between 4263-4640 mg/L, or in the order of approximately10146 mg/L. TDS for the shallow wells were either between 94-583 mg/L or 3309-7358 mg/L.

The regional groundwater might be expected to flow in a southerly direction towards the South Para Reservoir however there may be localised variations.

3.6 Regional geology The dominant soil types are shallow, red brown clay soils with a thin lime or calcrete layer on calcareous bedrock and red brown soils with granular structure developed on highly calcareous parent material (PIRSA 2010).

The minor soil types are uniform dark brown to black soils with granular structure on highly calcareous parent material, black to dark grey clay cracking soils with course blocky structure over brown or mottled clay and variable lime and very thin soils on bedrock with rock outcrops in general (PIRSA 2010).

3.7 Acid sulphate soils There was no evidence of the field indicators used to identify acid sulphate soils as listed in Appendix A of the SA EPA Guidelines Site Contamination – Acid Sulfate Soil Materials (November 2007).

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

4.0 Site history research

4.1 History of ownership The Lands Title Office records for the site were researched. A summary of the site history of ownership is presented in Appendix B.

The history of site ownership for the Certificate of Title can be summarised as follows:

- 1891-1899 - Johann Leske, Cockatoo Valley Farmer

- 1900-1934 - Dorothea Louise Mengel, wife of Paul Mengel, Lyndoch Farmer

- 1935-1937 - Julius Benjamin Krieg, Lyndoch Farmer

- 1938-1980 - Rupert Arthur Krieg , Lyndoch Gardener

1978 - Transfer to Maxim Arthur Krieg, Lyndoch Farmer and Kayleen Anne Krieg, his wife

1980 - Transfer to Lyndoch Developments Pty. Ltd. of A.R.M Black and Associates 161 Greenhill road Parkside

1980 - Transfer of portion to the District Council of Barossa

- 1981-present - C.N Scalzi Investments Pty. Ltd. and Carlo Meggetto, Hectorville bricklayer and his wife Filomena Meggetto

4.2 Aerial photographs Selected aerial photographs of the area were assessed at approximately 10 year intervals from 1949. Copies of selected aerial photographs are provided in Appendix C. The aerial photograph data and observations are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Historical aerial photograph review

Year Notes

1949 The image is presented in black and white. The site is partially vegetated. The north east section of the site is mostly cleared of vegetation. There are also cleared patches just west of the centre of the site. The site has animal tracks running though out and is surrounded by paddocks to the east, north and south. To the west of the site across God’s Hill Road, is a large, more densely vegetated area. A few residential developments are dispersed though out the paddocks.

1959 No aerial products available for this year or surrounding years.

1965 The site remains unchanged from the previous aerial image.

1979 The image is presented in colour. The site has been heavily cleared of vegetation. A patch of dense vegetation remains in the south west corner of the site as well as a thin rectangle of vegetation in the south east corner. There are also small patches of vegetation dispersed throughout the site. The large, densely vegetated area to the west of the site has been almost completely cleared. The site is likely being used for agricultural/grazing purposes. The residential developments surrounding the site have increased.

1989 The image is presented in colour. Residential developments to the east of the site have increased and encroached into the eastern side of the site. The south west and south east corners remain vegetated, while the amount of vegetation dispersed in patches throughout the site has decreased. The site is covered in grass and is likely being used for grazing purposes.

1999 The image is presented in colour. The site remains mostly unchanged; however the residential developments to the east have increased and further encroached onto the site. There appears to be some minor surface soil disturbance in several rows across the site.

2012 There is a dam on the southern edge of the site, centred in the middle. The residential density to the east has increased further and now covers the entire north east section of the site. The rest of the site is covered by grass except for the south west and south east corners which remain vegetated. Crops have been planted on the south east area of the site just north of the vegetated rectangle.

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

4.3 Dangerous goods search The Department of Workplace Services (Safework SA) indicated that there are no dangerous goods licences associated with the site (refer to Appendix D).

4.4 EPA Section 7 search A Section 7 search was made under the Land and Business (Sales and Conveyancing) Act 1994. The Section 7 information indicated that no current environmental Performance Agreements, Environment Protection Orders, or Clean-up Orders are registered on the site. No known wastes are listed or have been produced on the site. A copy of the Section 7 information is included in Appendix E.

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

5.0 Areas of environmental interest Based on this site history assessment, there is evidence that a portion of the site (north eastern) may have been used for market garden purposes. The presence or otherwise of this land use should be confirmed.

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

6.0 Conclusions and recommendations There was no evidence of underground fuel storage tanks present at this site. There was no evidence of olfactory or widespread surface soil staining present at this site.

Previous environmental information compiled for the site indicated the land assessed (which includes this subject site as a portion) provided historical information indicating that the broader site has been used for broad acre grazing with minor improvements. However, a portion of the site may have been used for market gardening purposes.

The issues of environmental interest at the subject site include the former use of part of the site for market gardening purposes and also some surface soil disturbance.

Based on the environmental information obtained for this site, AECOM is of the opinion that the likelihood of gross or widespread soil contamination existing in shallow soils and groundwater at this site (at concentrations likely to preclude the proposed land use) is low from an environmental due diligence perspective however some limited testing should be conducted to confirm this (refer to Figure 9).

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

Figure 9 Proposed areas of testing

AECOM Site History Report - Gods Hill Road, Lyndoch, SA

7.0 Limitations This document was prepared by AECOM Australia Pty Ltd (AECOM) for the sole use of CN Scalzi Investments Pty Ltd, the only intended beneficiary of our work. Any advice, opinions or recommendations contained in this document should be read and relied upon only in the context of the document as a whole and are considered current to the date of this document. Any other party should satisfy themselves that the scope of work conducted and reported herein meets their specific needs before relying on this document. AECOM cannot be held liable for any third party reliance on this document, as AECOM is not aware of the specific needs of the third party. No other party should rely on the document without the prior written consent of AECOM, and AECOM undertakes no duty to, nor accepts any responsibility to, any third party who may rely upon this document.

This document was prepared for the specific purpose described in our proposal dated 04 April 2012 and as agreed to by CN Scalzi Investments Pty Ltd from a technical perspective, the subsurface environment at any site may present substantial uncertainty. It is a heterogeneous, complex environment, in which small subsurface features or changes in geologic conditions can have substantial impacts on water and chemical movement. Uncertainties may also affect source characterisation assessment of chemical fate and transport in the environment, assessment of exposure risks and health effects, and remedial action performance.

AECOM’s professional opinions are based upon its professional judgement, experience, and training. These opinions are also based upon data derived from the testing and analysis described in this document. It is possible that additional testing and analysis might produce different results and/or different opinions. AECOM has limited its investigation to the scope agreed upon with its client. AECOM believes that its opinions are reasonably supported by the testing and analysis that have been done, and that those opinions have been developed according to the professional standard of care for the environmental consulting profession in this area at the date of this document. That standard of care may change and new methods and practices of exploration, testing, analysis and remediation may develop in the future, which might produce different results. AECOM’s professional opinions contained in this document are subject to modification if additional information is obtained, through further investigation, observations, or validation testing and analysis during remedial activities.


Appendix A

Certificate of Title







NOTATIONS--------- DOCUMENTS AFFECTING THIS TITLE ------------------------------ NIL



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Appendix B

Summary of historical titles search

Summary of historical titles search 3 April 2012 g:\environmental management & planning\lyndoch\appendices\appendix b historical titles\summary of historical titles search.docx 1 of 2

Summary of historical titles search Table 1 Summary of historical titles search, Lyndoch SA

CT Notes

Title 5782/223

4258/220 NEW CERTIFICATE OF TITLE FOR THE WHOLE OF LAND in 4165/723 and the BALANCE OF LAND in 4226/822, 04/11/1985 C.N. Scalzi Investments Pty. ltd. as regards one undivided moiety and Carlo Meggetto, Hectorville bricklayer, and his wife Filomena Megetto as regards the other undivided moiety. Cancelled- converted to computerised title

4165/723 PURSUANT TO TRANSFER 4598813 registered on 3673/102, 25/09/1980 C.N. Scalzi Investments Pty. Ltd. as regards one undivided moiety and Carlo Meggetto, Hectorville bricklayer, and his wife Filomena Megetto as regards the other undivided moiety. CANCELLED AND NEW CERTIFICATE OF TITLE ISSUED 4258/220

4226/822 NEW CERTIFICATE FOR THE BALANCE OF LAND in 4165/725, 19/07/1984 C.N. Scalzi Investments Pty. ltd. as regards one undivided moiety and Carlo Meggetto, Hectorville bricklayer, and his wife Filomena Megetto as regards the other undivided moiety. CANCELLED AND NEW CERTIFICATE OF TITLE ISSUED 4258/218

3673/102 BALANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF TITLE from 553/73, 16/12/1969 Rupert Arthur Krieg, Lyndoch gardener TRANSFER No. 4138016 to Maxim Arthur Kreig, Lyndoch farmer, and Kayleen Anne Kreig, his wife, 06/01/1978 TRANSFER No. 4502025 to Lyndoch Developments Pty. Ltd. of A.R.M. Black and Associates, 161 Greenhill road Parkside, 31/01/1980 TRANSFER No. 4575559 to the District Council of Barossa of portion, 27/06/1980 TRANSFER No. 4598813 to Carlo Meggetto, Hectorville bricklayer, and C.N. Scalzi Investments Pty. Ltd., 12/08/1980 CANCELLED AS REGARDS ABOVE AND NEW CERTIFICATE OF TITLE ISSUED 4165/723 CANCELLED AND NEW CERTIFICATE OF TITLE ISSUED 4165/724-30

4165/725 NEW CERTIFICATE OF TITLE FOR PORTION OF THE LAND in 3673/102, 25/09/1980 Lyndoch Developments Pty. Ltd. of A.R.M. Black and Associates, 161 Greenhill road Parkside, CANCELLED AND NEW CERTIFICATE OF TITLE ISSUED 4226/821 & 822

553/73 PURSUANT TO MEMEORANDUM APPLICATION 251999, 14/10/1891 Johann Leske, Cockatoo Valley farmer TRANSFER FROM ABOVE Dorothea Louise Frederick Mengel, wife of Paul Reinhard Mengel, Lyndoch farmer. 23/11/1900

Summary of historical titles search 3 April 2012 g:\environmental management & planning\lyndoch\appendices\appendix b historical titles\summary of historical titles search.docx 2 of 2

CT Notes

Title 5782/223

TRANSMISSION APPLICATION No. 1205648 Julius Benjamin Kreig, farmer, 06/11/1929 as Dorothea Louise Frederick Mengel died 13/09/1935 Julius Benjamin Kreig died 17/10/1937 CANCELLED AND NEW CERTIFICATE OF TITLE ISSUED 4226/821 & 822

3673/102 BALANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF TITLE from 553/73, 16/12/1969 Rupert Arthur Kreig, Lyndoch gardener CANCELLED AND NEW CERTIFICATE OF TITLE ISSUED 4165/724-730

Appendix C

Historical aerial photographs

1 of 6

Plate 1 Aerial photograph of Lyndoch region 1949 (source: DENR, 2012)

2 of 6

Plate 2 Aerial photograph of Lyndoch region in 1965 (source: DENR, 2012)

3 of 6

Plate 3 Aerial photograph of Lyndoch region in 1979 (source: DENR, 2012)

4 of 6

Plate 4 Aerial photograph of Lyndoch region in 1989 (source: DENR, 2012)

5 of 6

Plate 5 Aerial photograph of Lyndoch region in 1999 (source: DENR, 2012)

6 of 6

Plate 6 Aerial photograph of Lyndoch region in 2012 ((source: GooglePro, 2012)

Appendix D

Dangerous goods licence search results

Appendix E

Section 7 search results

Appendix F

DWLBC groundwater well information

6 March 2012

1 of 2

6 March 2012

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Unit number Classific-



drill date



depth (m)



Standard water

level Salinity Well yield Location

(m) Date TDS

(mg/L) EC Date L/sec Date Hundred Parcel

6628-2138 WW 92.35 27.97 17.33 3/11/1954 10146 17349 3/11/1954 0.76 3/11/1954 BAROSSA A214

6628-2139 WW 2.7 2.5 BAROSSA A7

6628-2140 WW 2 BAROSSA A7

6628-2141 WW 23.77 23.77 6488 11344 3.79 BAROSSA A215

6628-2142 WW 29.5 18.1 583 1060 BAROSSA A1

6628-2143 1.07 856 1552 BAROSSA A1

6628-2144 WW 30.48 BAROSSA A36

6628-2200 WW 92.35 5.05 8/01/1954 BAROSSA

6628-2202 WW 11.28 10.64 5/04/1951 6975 12150 5/04/1951 BAROSSA A500

6628-2203 WW 72.96 18.24 11.55 4263 7551 1.26 BAROSSA A500

6628-2204 WW 1/01/1962 41.65 5394 9488 4/07/1962 0.63 1/01/1962 BAROSSA A2

6628-2214 WW 8.48 3 3309 5900 BAROSSA S1735

6628-2215 WW 14.9 11.55 5/04/1951 7358 12792 5/04/1951 BAROSSA A29

6628-11044 WW MW 92.35 27.97 17.33 3/11/1954 10146 17349 3/11/1954 0.76 3/11/1954 BAROSSA A214

6628-11049 WW MW 1/05/1975 2.7 2.5 BAROSSA A7

6628-11073 WW MW

6628-11543 WW 15.2 BAROSSA A225

6628-15904 WW 12.8 BAROSSA A7

6628-18947 WW 15.9 17 BAROSSA A226

6628-19073 WW 20.13 24 17.07 94 171 BAROSSA A21

6628-23836 WW 90 30 30 4640 8200 4.5 BAROSSA A14

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