patterns of crustal activity lab -...

Post on 06-Mar-2018






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Patterns of Crustal Activity Lab 1

Regents Earth Science Name: Dynamic Crust Section: Lab #

Patterns of Crustal Activity

Background: Earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain ranges do not occur randomly. There are special zones in which they occur. In this lab you will plot earthquake epicenters, volcanoes and mountains and identify the pattern of crustal activity for planet Earth. Scientists discovered that when the locations of earthquakes and volcanoes were plotted on a world map, these locations occurred in a pattern. These patterns led scientists to believe that the earth’s crust is divided into different sections or plates. By plotting the locations of earthquakes, scientists have not only been able to locate plate boundaries but have also been able to determine plate characteristics and predict the movement of the plates. The three (3) types of plate boundaries – divergent, convergent and transform – describe how two (2) plates move relative to each other. In this lab you will look for the relationships between the locations of these crustal activities and plate boundaries. Part 1:

1. On the map labeled “Earthquakes and Volcanoes Around the World” find the ∆’s which represent volcanoes and connect with a red pencil.

2. On the same map, find the ● (dots) that represent Earthquakes and connect them with a blue pencil.

3. On the margin of your map create a key where;

Red ∆ = volcanoes Blue o = earthquake epicenters

4. On the map labeled “World-wide Crustal Activity” plot the mountains from Table 1 using a green colored pencil. It is not necessary to label the mountains.

5. Compare the maps and answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Mid-Ocean Ridge- Continental Drift- Plate Tectonics-

Patterns of Crustal Activity Lab 2

-Earthquakes and Volcanoes around the World –


-Mountains around the World-

Name Latitude Longitude Name Latitude Longitude Aconcagua 32S 70W Vinson 7S 87W

Ararat 39N 44E Victoria 9S 153E

Whitney 36N 118W Fitzroy 48S 73W

Cook 43S 170E Cotopaxi 0S 78W

Matterhorn 45N 7E Elbrus 43N 42E

Everest 28N 86E Fuji 35N 138E

Mauna Kea 19N 155W Grossglockner 47N 12E

Hood 45N 120W Illampu 15S 68W

Jaya 4S 111E K2 36N 76E

Kanchenjunga 27N 88E Killimanjaro 3S 37E

Logan 60N 140W Denali 63N 151W

Orizaba 19N 97W Rainier 46N 121W

Robson 53N 120W Grand Teton 43N 110W

Patterns of Crustal Activity Lab 3

Patterns of Crustal Activity Lab 4

E�|W W�|E

Patterns of Crustal Activity Lab 5

Part I: Questions

1. What do you notice about the locations of earthquakes and volcanoes?

2. Compare the map of earthquakes and volcanoes with the map of mountains that you plotted. What

similarities do you notice?

3. Which coast of North America has the greater amount of earthquakes, volcanoes and mountains?

4. Which ocean has the greater amount of earthquakes, volcanoes and mountains along its coasts?

5. According to the map what is the probability of either an earthquake or volcano occurring in your


6. Compare the “world-wide crustal activity” and the “Tectonic Plates” map on page 5 of the ESRT.

How does the pattern of crustal activity compare to the location of the plate boundaries?

7. Why is the perimeter of around the Pacific Ocean referred to as the “Ring of Fire”?

Patterns of Crustal Activity Lab 6

Part 2: “Get to Know Tectonic Plates” Directions: Use the attached tectonic map (which has been duplicated from the ESRT page 5) to answer the questions below.

1. Highlight the NAMES of each of the following:

• Trenches

• Hot Spots

• Ocean Ridges

2. Color each of the hot spot locations RED.

3. Fill in the names of the hot spots at each of the following locations:

• In the Continental United States

• On the Pacific Plate

• On the Nazca Plate

• On the Eurasian Plate

• On the African Plate

4. What do the arrows on the tectonic map indicate?

5. Look at the arrows along the trenches at any two adjacent plates. Which way are the plates moving? Toward or Away from each other?

6. What kind of boundary is located at a trench?

7. Look at the arrows along the ridges at any two adjacent plates. Which way are the plates moving? Toward or Away from each other?

8. What kind of boundary is located at a ridge?

9. Find the San Andreas Fault. What type of boundary is this? In which State is it located?

10. State the direction of movement of the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate at the San Andreas Fault.

• Pacific Plate

• North American Plate

Patterns of Crustal Activity Lab 7

11. Name the 2 plates located on either side of the following trenches:

• Aleutian Trench

• Tonga Trench

12. Name the two plates located on either side of each of the following ridges:

• Mid-Atlantic Ridge

• East Pacific Ridge

• Southeast Indian Ridge

13. In the boxes below draw the symbols for each of the following boundaries:

Convergent Plate Boundary

Divergent Plate Boundary Transform Plate Boundary

Complex or Uncertain Boundary

Patterns of Crustal Activity Lab 8

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