patent 10 minutes: record-keeping for patent application

Post on 12-May-2015






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This series of guide is specially catered for start-ups which would like to move forward with BIG ideas. With this compendium, we hope to rev up your IP knowledge in just 10 minutes. Each Patent 10 minutes guide consists of 10 slides - one brand new topic every week. Check out


Starting on the right-NoteKeeping records of your invention



• What is record-keeping?

• Benefits of record-keeping

• How should it be like?

• Sample of note-taking

• What should not be in the notebook?


• Notes taken during experimentation/conception of invention

• Serve as a legal evidence that you made the invention

• Must be handwritten

• Should not be saved electronically

Why Journal your Journey?

This logbook:

• Is evident of the date of conception of your invention when filing for application

• Helps organize your thoughts and avoid spinning the wheel, especially when you have limited resources as a start-up

• Provides an inventory on the designs that you discarded and yet, could potentially be patentable

The best time to start is….

Record the moment you have the idea…

How to Journal your Journey

Keep a log:

• In a bound notebook with numbered pages

• With Pen (avoid pencil as it is erasable)

• Recording the details

(e.g. observations, illustrative sketches, test results)

It’s not a simple journal that only involves you. You need a….


• Get a trusted friend/relative (as a witness) to review and sign on the last written page occasionally, specifying the date

• Should have at least a basic knowledge in your field of invention e.g. your lab technician

• Have a written agreement with the witness to ensure the confidentiality of the invention

• SHOULD NOT be your co-inventor

Title:Purpose:Description:Novel Features:

Sketches/photosPrior Art vs your Invention

Test Procedures:

Test Results:


Witnessed with confidentiality by/Date:

NeatObjectiveVeraciousEvidence (e.g. receipts, printed lab results)


Keep your record N.O.V.E.L


• Change your notebook without completing the previous one.

• Place opinions, e.g. “it is a failure” or “it did not work”.

• Indicate that the work is going to be ceased.• Make erasures. Cancel the unwanted parts.• Use shorthand in the notebook.• Tear your notebook.

There is no duplicate copy of your notebook.

Keep it in a secure place.

Treat your logbook like a gold.

About IP guide for Start-ups

Visit for your weekly dose of Intellectual Property guide for early ventures, written byPatSnap’s PaTENt minutes’ team.

Rev up your IP knowledge in just 10 minutes. Each Patent 10 minutes guide consists of 10 slides.

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