online start up seminar

Post on 19-Oct-2014






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its about the how to start the business online





Introduction Requirements for e-Business Level of e-Business Managing and Maintaining

e-business systems Evaluating your e-business Risks involving e-Business e-Security Tips Small Business challenges Improving online Start up Internet business Advantages Internet business disadvantages Performance Required References


Online Describes products, services or information that can be bought or accessed using the Internet

Startup If a business or other organisation starts up, or if someone starts one up, it is created and starts to operate

So We will define it as any business, organisation, information or services starts to operate by using the internet

We will explain here that how can we start business online and what are the key skills required for this

Requirements for startup

Develop the design of your website and keep within a budget Where to find useful and free information What are your customers looking for online? How can you find

out and how can you use it Tips for selling online Selecting your online business partners, the pitfalls and the

rewards Guidance on online legal issues Discover how to save money and work smarter, not harder Using the web for market research Learn how to develop a cost effective advertising campaign for

your business Fulfillment, the issues surrounding the delivery of your online


What is e-Business?

Broadly speaking, the term “e-business” refers to using the Internet for doing business.

Every time a business uses the Internet to conduct business, it is doing e-business.

Level of e-Business

Participating The business is connected to the Internet and has an email address which provides participating in the online world.Supporting The business has a website which promotes and supports the existing business activities.Expanding The business uses its website to develop new businessactivities and to accelerate growth.Assimilating The online and offline business activities and operations are fully integrated and mutually dependent. Transformed The use of Internet technology by the business has fundamentally changed its core business and the way it operates and projected it onto a higher level of business activity and profitability.

Managing and Maintaining e-business systems An organisation’s e-business systems comprise the

Internet technologies, office systems and processes that support its e-business activities.

Maintaining your e-business systems includes: Website content maintenance Quality assurance Making improvements Technical maintenance Managing the maintenance system

Managing and Maintaining e-business systems Strategic issues: How else can we use the Internet to improve

profitability? Management: Do we have an up-to-date and appropriate website

strategy, policy and procedures? Are we using email responsibly? Content and features of the website: Is the quality and scope of

content and its maintenance as good as it could be? Revenue: What else can be done to generate revenue via the

Internet?  Efficiencies and cost savings: How else can the Internet be used to

cut business costs? Marketing and promotion: Are we doing enough to promote our

Internet services?  How could we do it better? Are we using it effectively enough to manage customer relationships? Are we using email correctly - ie according to ethical uses of email and avoiding spamming?

Supplier/distributor management: How can our use of the Internet improve the way we manage our suppliers/distributors

Evaluating your e-business

Focus groups Interview internal users Interview external users One-off reality checks Surveys and polls Feedback from the website  Benchmarking

Evaluating your e-business

Distribution: How else can we use the Internet to help distribute our services and products?

E-commerce: What (else) should we be selling online? Budget:  Is the e-business operating to budget? Competitors: What are our competitors doing online and what can we learn

from it? Resources: Is sufficient time and money allocated to maintaining our e-

business? Risk assessment: Do we have a risk management strategy? Is it effective? Is

the website, and our computer systems that support it, secure enough against hackers?

Legal and contractual: Does any content on our website or the way we use/sell things online, or our use of email, break any laws? Do we have an appropriate contract with our web developers and ISP?

Website usability: Is our website easy to use? Does it make it easy for people to do business with us?

Technical issues: Is the website speed and reliability appropriate, and our connection to the Internet fast enough?

Risks involving e-Business

Connecting computers to the Internet allows consumers and businesses to access a wealth of information and resources.

However, it also creates the risk that computers may be tampered with by hackers, or attacked by viruses distributed via email. It is important to protect yourself against these risks.

A survey* of Australian companies conducted in 2001 found that 98% had been subject to some form of computer abuse that included:

virus infection data theft data compromised from internal or external sources unauthorised use of computer equipment unauthorised network access website damage denial of service (DoS)

Risks involving e-Business

Any information transmitted over the Internet can be intercepted at any point if appropriate security precautions have not been taken. This is particularly important where businesses are using broadband technology because of its continuous connection to the Internet.

Unauthorised users can take your data and disclose it, modify it, destroy it, sell it or post it on the web.

They can hi-jack your homepage or your website, overload systems so customers cannot contact your company, shut down production lines and forward confidential staff details, personnel records and quality assurance reports.

e-Security Tips

Use protection software “anti-virus software” and keep it up to date.

Don’t open email from unknown sources. Use hard-to-guess passwords. Protect your computer from Internet intruders – use “firewalls”. Don’t share access to your computers with strangers. Disconnect from the Internet when not in use. Back up your computer data. Regularly download security protection update “patches”. Check your security on a regular basis. Make sure your family members and/or your employees know

what to do if your computer becomes infected.

Small Business challenges

Improving – Doing business with government online

e-government refers to the use of information and communications technologies to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability of government.

Consider the range of business activities that you engage in where there is a requirement or need to work with government. These activities might include: starting-up a business taxation paying taxes applying for licenses and permits checking legislation training and apprenticeships importing and exporting employing people grants and financial assistance closing down a business

Improving – Doing business with government online

Investigate whether these services, help or information are available online by exploring the relevant sections of the following websites:

Business Entry Point (BEP): an online government resource for the Australian business community

The Commonwealth Electronic Tender System (CETS): a web-based e-tendering facility operating as a pilot system

Doing Business Online with Government: assists suppliers to trade electronically with Australian Government agencies

Commonwealth Purchasing and Disposal Gazette:   The business opportunities section of the Government Advertising website. provides information on government tenders to the public free of charge and The Gazette Publishing System (GaPS) located at, contains information about resulting contracts and standing offers and provides searching and reporting facilities for users. 

Improving – Managing the supply chain and logistics

A supply chain encompasses all activities and information flows necessary for the transformation of goods from the origin of the raw material to when the product is finally consumed or discarded. 

This typically involves distribution of product from the supplier to the manufacturer to the wholesaler to the retailer and to the final consumer, otherwise known as nodes in the supply chain.  The transformation of product from node to node includes activities such as production planning, purchasing, materials management, distribution, customer service and forecasting.  

Ultimately the ability to do business effectively depends on the efficient functioning of the entire supply chain.

Improving – E-marketplaces

An e-marketplace is an electronic exchange where firms register as sellers or buyers to communicate and conduct business over the Internet. 

Services offered by e-marketplaces include business directory listings, electronic catalogues for online purchasing of goods and services and trading or transaction services. 

E-marketplaces that are worth considering are those that interconnect with other marketplaces and allow low-cost connection to a firm’s financial accounting systems.  

There has been significant rationalisation in the number of e-marketplaces operating over the last few years, and careful consideration is needed before making a commitment to join an e-marketplace, to determine whether it is appropriate for your business needs.

Improving – E-catalogues

One of the components of interacting along the supply chain is the cataloguing of products that could be used as inputs for the next node in the supply chain. 

Putting this catalogue online can improve internal business efficiencies and ultimately the functioning of the entire supply chain.  

An e-catalogue is an online presentation of information on products and services that are offered and sold by an organisation.

For organisations that do not have a large range of products or services, putting its catalogue on the Internet is not a difficult task. However, for those with large product lines and many service offerings, multiple buyers, complex supply-chains and logistics, converting to an e-catalogue system is a complex task and requires careful planning and implementation.  

Internet business Advantages

Create cost-savings and operational efficiencies Create additional revenue Reach more customers and markets Improve marketing and promotions Meet the needs and expectations of customers and

suppliers Concentrate on the things that matter Make it easier for people to do business with you The cost of not being there Play on a level playing field Help meet business goals

Internet business Advantages  Can be very cheap start up costs (domain $8, hosting $10) when

compared to other business such as owning a shop, for example a pizza takeaway has to buy ovens, ingredients etc..

You can run your business from anywhere Low overheads (hosting and maybe staff costs) The internet is still a open market, lots of opportunities for new

business models exist. If you get it right you can have super fast growth. For example

You tube was only started in Feb 2005 and was sold for $1.65 billion in October 2006. It only took them 21 months to grow to be worth 1.65 billion which is amazing.

Internet business disadvantages Low barriers to entry which means that it is easy for

someone to set up a website and compete with you Business models can easily be copied, look at

youtube and how many copys of their site exist. Can take a bit of time to train yourself, for example if

you were to start a sandwich shop you can pretty much start making sandwiches without much trouble whereas to make a  website you need a bit of knowledge and skill

Spam – you can spend a lot of your time dealing with spam emails and sales people telephoning you trying to sell you directory listings.

Performance Required


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