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Post on 04-Feb-2022






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12 ways to improve your

health with javita’s premium-grade

coffee blend

Modern Ailments Need Modern SolutionsIt’s no secret that our modern lifestyle threatens our health in a variety of ways. Our overall diet is poor, with the majority of popular foods high in processed carbs, sugars, unhealthy fats and chemicals. We also are exposed to a huge number of toxins and impurities every day. We struggle with high-stress levels. We don’t get adequate quality sleep. And the list goes on and on.

What may be a secret to some, is that we have a solution to many of these ills from an unlikely source—premium-grade, gourmet coffee.

Javita: Coffee EvolvedFor decades, coffee has had a bad reputation. Sure, it helps you “get started” and “keeps you going” throughout the day, but it’s also linked in many people’s minds with too much caffeine, jitters and insomnia. But recent research indicates that if consumed moderately, coffee has evolved into a powerful, health-promoting superfood. It has a very impressive nutrient profile. And its benefits include that of lower risks of liver, colon, prostate and other cancers, type 2 diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.

And the only gourmet coffee that offers all of this and more is Javita.

Did You KnowA 2005 study found that

because of the high rate

of coffee consumption,

Americans get more

antioxidants from

coffee than any other

food source!

What the Science SaysThere are dozens of studies on the health benefits of coffee. Some are particularly compelling. For instance, a 2008 study from Harvard researchers found that women who drank coffee regularly —up to six cups a day— were more likely to live longer than their non-coffee-drinking counterparts. And the researchers don’t think it’s caffeine that’s responsible. Rather, it’s likely coffee’s antioxidants and other phytonutrients.

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What Is Javita?

Meaning “Coffee”(Java) and “Life”(vita), Javita is not like other gourmet coffees. Sure, those other coffees offer “exotic” flavors and names. But Javita takes it a step further by delivering the ultimate premium-grade, delicious, healthy gourmet instant coffee.

Coffee is one of nature’s top superfoods, and Javita captures all of its goodness while infusing other antioxidant-rich botanicals for a synergistic health boost. It’s also super-convenient. In short, Javita is the world’s most perfect coffee.

So what’s in Javita?

• Superior Coffee Blend: Made from a 100% natural combination of South American Arabica and Robusta beans, this bold, rich blend undergoes an extensive extraction process to preserve flavor, aroma and freshness.

• Green Tea: This antioxidant powerhouse is the subject of hundreds of studies and scientific research.

• Bacopa Monneri: This revered Ayurvedic herb has been used for hundreds of years in India and is thought to enhance mental function, serve as a nerve tonic and boost mood.

• Centella Asiatica: Also known as gotu kola, this long-respected botanical may help enhance mental activity and rejuvenate the nervous system.

12 Reasons to Choose Javita

1. Is A Top Superfood: Javita’s proprietary coffee blend contains numerous compounds

that fight free radicals and slow oxidative stress. These compounds include methylpyridinium, chlorogenic acid, and other flavanols.

2. Delivers Delicious, Exotic Flavor: Javita’s unique blend of premium Brazilian

coffee beans delivers a robust, rich flavor that rivals the most expensive gourmet blends.

3. Preserves Coffee’s Natural Goodness: Javita uses a comprehensive extraction

process to preserve all the natural goodness of its coffee blend.

4. Is Ultra-Convenient: Packaged in convenient, single-serving stick packs, Javita

is perfect for every type of lifestyle.

5. Supports Healthy Blood Sugar Levels: More than 15 published studies have

established a link between coffee and healthier blood sugar levels. One reason is coffee’s chlorogenic acid content, which is known to slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream. Coffee also contains minerals such as magnesium and chromium that help the body use the hormone insulin, which controls blood sugar (glucose).

6. Protects Brain Health: The findings from several studies consistently show that

higher consumption of coffee is associated with enhanced protection of brain function.

7. Promotes Cardiovascular Health: Coffee appears to reduce the risk of cardiovascular

conditions, according to a large study from Spanish and Harvard University scientists. In addition, gotu kola, green tea and bacopa also support the health of the heart and blood vessels.

8. Maintains Breast Health: Emerging research shows, including a 2011 study from

Swedish researchers, indicates that coffee can protect breast health.

9. Protects the Prostate: Scientists from Harvard, Sweden and Singapore recently

found that coffee offers a protective effect for prostate health. Other studies support these findings.

10. Improves Cognitive Function: Some research suggests coffee may improve

memory. Another study by British researchers found that coffee drinkers performed better in tests of reaction time, verbal memory and reasoning.

11. Supports Liver Function: Coffee appears capable of protecting the liver and

improving hepatic function.

12. Promotes Weight Loss: Some findings indicate that coffee may help promote

healthy weight loss by suppressing appetite, stimulating the body’s metabolism, and acting as a mild diuretic.

“Americans get more of their antioxidants from coffee than any other dietary source. Nothing else comes close.” – Joe Vinson, Ph.D.


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