neuromarketing b2b online video survey sneak preview

in collaboration with Brainy Videos The world’s first Neuromarketing Study in B2B Online Video Sneak Preview, 2013

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DutchmarQ & NeuroSpire conducted a b2b neuromarketing survey, Spring and Summer 2013. 11 videos from 3 IT companies (Exact, SDL Tridion, HubSpot) were rated using EEG-equipment on two proven neuromarketing criteria; attention and emotion. Detail findings are to be published by Van Duuren Media in this book as of November 2013.


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in collaboration with

Brainy Videos The world’s first Neuromarketing Study in B2B Online Video

Sneak Preview, 2013

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In collaboration with



What is neuromarketing?

Why B2B online video

Neuromarketing examples

Academic background

– Measuring attention & emotion

Results (sneak preview)

Further details & publication


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In collaboration with

Background In the Summer of 2013 DutchmarQ & NeuroSpire conducted a B2B neuromarketing survey

Neuromarketing being a relative young discipline brings new promises to marketing and

salesteams both in eg concepting, innovation and pretesting of relevant content

Pretesting content holds the promise of way more effective and efficient production and

distribution of content

– Imagine knowing upfront what version (A/B/C) of a logo, whitepaper, landing page or video would work best with the intended target audience.

– Just think of the savings possible when one is able to predict future response and click-


11 videos of three IT companies (Exact, SDL Tridion, HubSpot) were tested, using a sample

of 23 professionals, male, right-handed and aged 30 to 50.

An interesting set of insights was gathered, and conclusions drawn

The survey’s results are meant as a next step in neuromarketing, and a starting point for

ongoing dialogue and further research in this promising field that can help marketing and

sales directors to achieve better conversion rates, with less waste in the commercial

processs, building more sustained commercial growth,

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In collaboration with

What is neuromarketing? Neuromarketing is a relatively new discipline, combining neuroscience & marketing

Neuroscientists state that 95%+ of all our decisions are made subconsciously (yet we

currently often do not know our preferences)

The amount of waste in marketing is significant

– The largest part of all communications fails to convert (95% of new products, 98% of mail offers, 98% of direct emails. 20% of ad campaigns have no brand impact)

– Inbound marketing better leverages own & earned media. Conversion rates can further improve with better insights in what makes us tick

Examples of neuromarketing include surveys based on eg fMRI, EEG, eye-tracking, facial


– Neuromarketing premise is to further improve the business value marketing brings, boosting ROI and further enabling closed loop reporting

– Storyboards can be tested, neuromarketing can be applied to early designs/copies

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In collaboration with

What is neuromarketing? (cont)

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Neuromarketing examples

fMRI: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

– Highly expensive

– Spatial accuracy high, time accuracy needs to be improved


– Eye movement is monitored and ‘weighted’

– Usability of eg website & conversion of landing pages

EEG: Electroencephalography

– brainwave measurement

– More affordable

– Highly precise in terms of timely resolution/accuracy

– Ideal for assessing eg online video’s impact

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In collaboration with

Why B2B online video

B2B online video was earmarked as key marketingcomms to

assess as part of this survey due to:

Video being strongly tied to emotions and ill-understood

Value and penetration of video is rapidly increasing in B2B too

Video is visual and lends itself to a deeper dive into what

elements (broken down in milliseconds) make what difference

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In collaboration with

Academic background DutchmarQ & NeuroSpire use EEG

technology to measure emotional

engagement and attention activation.

The NeuroSpire metrics are based on 40+

years of neuroscience research into the

neural correlates of emotion and attention.

emotional engagement metric based

on research on depression,

happiness, and neurofeedback -based

regulation of emotion

attention activation metric based

on research on ADHD, visual

processing, and cross-modal

sensory discrimination.

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In collaboration with

Attentional activation NeuroSpire analyzes alpha wave

desynchronization in the occipital cortex in order

to measure and track respondents’ activation of


A high degree of desynchronization of the alpha

band (drop in relative alpha power) in the

occipital region correlates with amplified

attentional activation, while synchronization is

associated with boredom and a lack of attention.

Increases in attentional activation are strongly

correlated with recall, cognitive processing, and

learning. *

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In collaboration with

Emotional engagement NeuroSpire analyzes left-right alpha asymmetry in

the pre-frontal cortex to measure and track

changes in subjects’ emotional reactions.

Greater relative activity in the left frontal region

strongly correlates with approachful motivations,

including liking, wanting, motivating to action,

purchase intent, and willingness-to-pay.

Greater relative activity in the right frontal region

correlates with withdrawal motivations, such as

disliking, disgust, and avoidance behavior.*

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In collaboration with

Results (sneak preview)

The detailed EEG analysis showed the HubSpot cartoon video to

score better than the HubSpot office video on the ‘Attention’


This can be largely attributed to the way in which the actual

message was conveyed.

The cartoon video also successfully manages to achieve the

intended emotion. The emotion graph is negative exactly where

the ‘pain’ needs to be felt when using traditional marketing

methods in dealing with the many challenges that the marketer

currently faces. When the actual solution is shown a clear

positive emotion becomes visible.

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In collaboration with

HubSpot Cartoon

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

0 20 40 60 80 100 120


Attention Emotion

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In collaboration with

‘Pain/Gain’ pays off

The most effective videos succeed in first of all getting

attention for a problem or issue that the viewer can relate to.

Only then can a possible solution be effectively presented.

In other videos that apply this ‘pain/gain’ principle a similar

effect is shown on attention (good) and emotion (firstly

neutral at best, then positive).

This effect can be seen in an SDL Tridion video that features

a lady behind a PC grabbing her head, with this voice-over

‘do you think managing websites should be easy?’. The

solution then presented to the audience - ‘designed (…) with

users like you, for users like you’ – gives a strong attentional

impulse to the viewer.

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In collaboration with

Further details and publication

All conclusions and further EEG charts will become available as

of mid November 2013

The neurosurvey in B2B online video will be part of the (e-)book

Br@inbound Marketing (1st edition, in Dutch), on the joint power

of inbound marketing and customer psychology in b2b digital

marketing and sales

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in collaboration with

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@phasselsmonning / @dutchmarq

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3940 AA Doorn | The Netherlands

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3941 PP Doorn | The Netherlands
