more of what you want with less pain

Post on 30-May-2018






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 How To Manifest More of 

What You Want

Written by Jafree Ozwald and Margot Zaher

Have you ever wondered why one person walking down a dark alley at night will getmugged while the previous person goes by untouched? Bad things happen toapparently "good" people and good things happen to seemingly "bad" people allbased upon the level of energy that they are vibrating at.

You are like a radio tower that is constantly transmitting a certain frequency into theUniverse. Your thoughts and feelings create an energetic vibration that is sent out intothe world. This vibration is then reflected back to you by the Universe, producingphysical results in your personal world.

The truth is that we are always creating something. Whether you are manifesting whatyou want or what you don't want depends on the level of your vibration. We are likemanifesting magnets! We attract what mirrors our feelings and thinking patterns. Sowhat we send out is EXACTLY what we get back!

For example, when we are full of joy, gratitude, or excitement, we tend to send out ahigh frequency energy, which in turn magnetizes back high frequency experiences likegreat opportunities, spiritual experiences, positive-minded people, empowering clients,abundant accounts, etc. On the other hand, when we send out the energy of doubt,frustration, or fear, we tend to magnetize challenging experiences that we don't want.

So all you need to do in order to be successful is to constantly emit high frequencyvibrations which will attract your desires to you! The greatest truth is that you already are a manifesting machine! You cannot stopmanifesting. We do so everyday! The real question is... are you creating what youWANT, or stuck in creating what you DON'T WANT? Whatever you are focusing on iswhat you will manifest! If you are constantly thinking about how you wish you had amillion dollars that's exactly what you will get...a wish.

Here are 3 powerful secrets to manifesting more of what you want in life:

1. Set a very strong and specific intention from your heart about what you want to

manifest. The more specific your desire is, the more specific your results will be.Vague goals create wishy-washy results. A powerful intention is a true desire thatcomes from the heart, free from any “shoulds” or “have to’s”. It feels empowering andfreeing to focus on this outcome and you can visualize it manifesting for you. To set astrong intention, make a declaration to the Universe out loud that THIS is what you aremanifesting!

2. Detach from the outcome and allow yourself to receive what you want or somethingbetter. This step can be the most difficult trap in manifesting, since the trick is to useless effort and more trust. Detaching is basically setting your Ego (who you think you


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are) aside and trusting the Universe completely. How do you focus on what you wantwithout getting attached to results and trying to make it happen? The secret is to learnhow to release expectations, which are fear-based projections of the mind, and trustthat the Universe has already provided the perfect avenue for its manifestation. Thisallows you as the receiver to let the desired outcome or experience come to you!

3. Hold onto the exciting and empowering feeling that what you want to manifest is

already here now! This is a balancing act between being non-attached to the outcome,and exploring the FEELING of the desired result as if it has already happened. Thelonger you can hold onto the feeling, the faster it will show up in your life. Yourmanifested dream will soon fall right in your lap when you least expect it.

Learn the World's Greatest Secrets to Manifesting! Instantly Download The 90 DayManifesting Program at

Jafree Ozwald and Margot Zaher are the co-creators of the 90 Day ManifestingProgram, a revolutionary system guaranteed to dramatically boost your ability toconsciously manifest your desires into your physical reality faster and effortlessly. Tolearn more about this proven program and sign up for more FREE enlightening

information like this, visit their website at


Written by Jafree Ozwald


Remember. Concentrate on the moment. Feel.Don' think. Use your instincts. May the force be with you.

~Star Wars: Episode I. The Phantom Menace


There is something magical about releasing thoughts we are overly attached to. Thinkabout those thoughts/feelings you cannot get rid of, the ones that seem to dominateyour entire life, creating internal (and external) chaos. Notice whatever it is that you areattached to (or avoiding) is what's causing you the most suffering in your life rightnow.

Letting go of feelings or judgments that impede on our energy can actually change our

entire understanding of reality. Check it out, you'll see. Maybe it's an idea of what'sgoing to happen in your future, or perhaps an event that occurred in the past. If youwish to experiment with this and begin to release it, first look at what the mind isactually attached to (or avoiding) then take full responsibility for creating it. Watch thethoughts closely every time they come up, yet choose to remain undisturbed at being aware of your attachment and avoidance of it.

Can you think of anything in the world worth staying attached to? Maybe a goodmarriage, a solid income, a beautiful home and/or your children? Perhaps these seem


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good, yet notice what happens to you if those good things go away or change? Westart clinging in quiet desperation.

Non-attachment doesn't mean indifference, rather its a state of total freedom in whichyou are the ultimate choice-maker in your life. Yet the mind has this nasty habit ofclinging to everything it thinks gives you pleasure and consistently is getting attached

to ideas of "the way it was" OR "the way it will be" and thus missing out on "the way itis right now".

So exactly what is YOUR mind attached to?

If you could release all of your attachments, you could actually find inner peace andhappiness in ANY situation you'd get into. Imagine that. What if your life depended onbeing able to find inner peace and happiness in EVERY situation you are in. Doesn't italready? What would be the first thing you would practice releasing from your thinkingtomorrow morning? Be aware...sometimes if you think TOO hard, its difficult to knowwhat we're really attached to or avoiding in our life.


"Ah! Hard to see the dark side is." ~Yoda (Star Wars)

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*The Universe in all its majesty, has devised an amazing plan for us. Everyday it makessure that we are constantly reminded through various degrees and levels of sufferingthe things we are overly-attached to. So thank God for suffering! If pain didn't exist atall, we really wouldn't know what true pleasure would be. And without suffering, we'dall be an ignorant unconscious mess! The body's suffering tells us when to loosen upand relax more about life. It also can show us what to let go of and even how. If you getheadaches, its saying you may need to chill out that over-worked thinking machine andspend 20 minutes in a deeper quiet and peaceful space inside you.

There is an art to enjoying suffering. The secret is to not be attached to ANY sufferingas it occurs. Thinking about whatever you don't have, or what you want to have yetdon't have yet, creates this tension in the body. You notice it? The more aware youbecome of it the more you'll begin to understand the thinking program that is creatingit. Pain has a reason for being there, to awaken the mind from it's delusions. It really isa good thing, without ANY tension we would be lost, no compass to guide the map.Stress and suffering give us direction and dimension to our existence. They make lifemore real and even extraordinary.

You'll see, when you're not avoiding or attached to anything, your life will flowamazingly free and easy. Using your body as the suffering-indicator, you can practicereleasing your attachment to the future/past thought and see how your relaxation levelchanges. Yet I must warn you, the mind is in a very deep habit. It will continue to seekthe external world for happiness and forget where it truly resides (in the now) until itdeeply unlearns what it's already learned.



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"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind iseverything. What we think, we become." ~Buddha

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Eventually after enough releasing of your mind's attachments, you will come to this

deeper "knowing" that you are not your mind. Then your mind immediately stops beingthe one creating suffering in your life, and you become the master of your reality. Whata great deal eh? That's enlightenment! Our minds however, being the amazingly smartmachines that they are, want to be in charge and be right about EVERYTHING. Whichsimply means more attachments for you to release, yet also more enlightenment tocome into your life.

As you may realize by now, there is extremely powerful quality about our mind. If younotice everything around you is something that was man-made and came fromsomeone's mind, you might agree that it's the most powerful thing in the world. It is awild thing. I see it as this 3D holographic movie, detailed in 360 degrees of 5 senseperception and pure imagination that is our tool for manifesting our dreams.

However many hours, days, years or lifetimes the mind tries to understand the truth, itwill always be somehow limiting itself. Who we really are (a spirit) is much too vast forthe mind to grasp. Infinite is way beyond its comprehension. Yet as spiritual beings weare truly limitless and our minds cannot fathom the degree of freedom and fulfillmentour souls contain. So naturally it creates attachments to things it thinks will result inpleasure. Ice cream, rollercoaster rides, sexual fantasies, extreme financial abundanceand even more adrenaline to spend it with. Our Mind/Ego wants it ALL. And shouldn'tbe afraid to settle for anything less.


"Fear is the path to dark side side.Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate,hate leads to suffering." ~Yoda (Star Wars)

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*So HOW do I practice releasing this attachment and suffering? Simple. There's ameditation exercise below that will help you to focus on releasing those overlyaddicted thoughts, desires and sufferings instantaneously. I'm convinced that after 3days of this exercise you will experience a considerable difference in feeling a newsense of personal freedom. Before doing this exercise, be aware however of what yourmind is expecting to happen. Another attachment. Just have fun and become engagedin the experience, and practice accepting whatever your experience is, as it occurs.


"The purpose of your life is to outgrow your dependenceon the external world for happiness, and continuously discover within youan infinite source of awareness connected to deeper peace and higher power." ~Jafree


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By Jafree Ozwald

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Do not wait; the time will never be "just right." Startwhere you stand, and work with whatever tools youmay have at your command, and better tools will befound as you go along. ~ Napoleon Hill~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

I suggested that you set aside a day this week to create a dream list of goals for thenext 6 months of your life. Then design a picture of your goals by doing a collage, ordream board about what you want to manifest. Put words, pictures and symbols thatrepresent what you MOST desire to BE, DO and/or HAVE! Next enlist a friend or coachto support you in achieving your dreams. Since many people have a tough timeaccomplishing goals due to self-doubt, lack of motivation, or external roadblocks thatappear insurmountable, a supportive friend or coach will definitely assist you inmaking your goals happen! We do not raise our manifesting vibration alone. Use theresources that are right in front of your nose!

Make the rest of your life highly successful

 by applying these six AMAZING secrets:

1. Harness the power of your mind. Your thoughts create your reality. What you thinkabout grows because that is where you focus your energy. Everything that exists todaywas once a thought in somebody's mind. This thought became reality through takingaction in a focused way. So in order to achieve your goals, you must believe in yourability to successfully reach your goals. One effective way of doing this is to create apositive sentence about accomplishing the goal. Make sure that the sentence is inpresent tense, and includes the word "I". Some examples are " I built a successful$100,000 a year business", "I am at my ideal weight of 125 pounds", "I wrote a best-selling novel", etc.. Program your mind with this goal by repeating this sentence out

loud or to yourself as you go through your day.

2. Break your goals into small manageable action steps. Many people do notaccomplish a goal because it feels overwhelming, and they think it requires too muchwork. Take a sheet of paper, and write down every single step you need to do toaccomplish this goal. Make the list as detailed as possible. This exercise helps yourmind see how you are going to achieve your goal, making it feel manageable and easy.

3. Assign dates and times to every step. Remember that we always think we can


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accomplish things faster than we actually can. So give yourself lots of extra time whenmaking up this schedule. Make an appointment with yourself to do these action stepsby scheduling them into your day timer. Honor this appointment just like you wouldhonor an appointment with your boss or your most valuable client. You must take timefor yourself or your dreams will never materialize.

4. Applaud yourself along the way. At the end of each day, take some time to praiseyourself for what you have accomplished. Acknowledging your wins helps keep youmotivated, and makes you feel good. If you don't accomplish what you want to do on aspecific day, acknowledge why that happened and schedule it for the next door.Instead of criticizing yourself for not getting something done, praise yourself forrescheduling it and for having the continued desire to achieve your goals.

5. Become Unstoppable. Many people give up on a goal when they encounterdifficulties or obstacles. You no longer have to fall prey to the "I give up" sickness.Begin today to adopt an unstoppable attitude. How do you do this? First, you proclaimeach day that you are unstoppable, and that you can achieve whatever you set yourmind to achieving. Remember what you focus on is what you create. Secondly, insteadof viewing a difficulty as a roadblock you can see it as an opportunity. How can youtransform this problem into something that supports you? Make solving the problemfun. For instance, you could get together with some friends and do somebrainstorming, you could take a walk and think about it, or you could set the intent ofreceiving the answer in a dream, etc.. When you are feeling blocked, remember thatthere is always a solution waiting to be discovered, and allow other people to help youdiscover it.

6. Celebrate Your Success. Set up some intermediate goals along the way, andcelebrate once you have accomplished them. For instance, you could go to yourfavorite restaurant, do a week-end get-a-way, throw a party, buy yourself somethingspecial, get a massage, etc... Celebration allows you to enjoy your success, and helpsmotivate you to continue moving forward towards your final goal.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Power flows where your attention goes...~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*



By Jafree Ozwald

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts.With our thoughts, we make the world." ~Buddha~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Your thoughts create your reality. What you think about grows because that is whereyou focus your energy. Everything that exists today was once a thought in somebody's


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mind. This thought became reality through taking action in a focused way. So in orderto create success in the world, we must first develop thought patterns that are alignedwith our vision of success.

A human mind generates approximately 60,000 thoughts per day, and many of them arethe same thoughts as yesterday. How many new thoughts do you have per day? Do

you spend your time recycling the same old thoughts, or do you continuously fill yourmind with new ideas? In order to bring about positive change in your life, you mustcreate new empowering thought patterns in your brain. Old thoughts just create thesame old thing, while new thoughts can create success in any area of your life.

What thoughts are currently controlling your life? Do you know what you spend themost time thinking about? If you are dissatisfied with some part of your life or somepersonal habit or behavior, you must first become aware of the thought patterns thatare creating your current state of dissatisfaction. Most people are not aware of theirthoughts, and do not realize that they have the ability to change their thought patternsat any moment. You can easily shift any mental pattern if you truly desire change andtake the necessary action steps. Below, I have outlined a process that allows you togain awareness of your mental chatter, and to shift into supportive beliefs andthoughts.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*There are basically two movements of consciousness:Love and Fear. Love is allowing what is and fear is resisting it.Those are the two possibilities in every moment. ~Nirmala~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Weekly action steps to success!!

1. Find out what thoughts are flying around in your mind by writing down all of yourthoughts for the next three to four days. Buy a small notepad and keep it with you at alltimes. Then, jot down your thoughts as they occur. This is an amazing exercisebecause it allows you to obtain a clear picture of your mind.

2. Observe how your thoughts have created your present reality. Examine somethingthat you have accomplished in your life, and notice what thoughts you used to makethis happen. Here is a personal example to illustrate this exercise. Margot and I ran theBolder Bolder 10k race last year. In order for this to occur, we created thoughts suchas "I know I can easily run 10K". We also used thought patterns to help us get outsideand train for the Bolder Bolder. Some of these thoughts were "I feel great when I run",and "My legs are automatically moving forward". While we were training, we would saythese sentences over and over to ourselves, and one day they became automatic.Since Margot was a teenager, she had a completely different mental pattern aroundrunning that supported the idea that she was a terrible runner, and was not capable ofrunning in any race! As a result of the reprogramming, she did not walk or stop duringthe entire race! Even if you have a negative thinking pattern for years, it will changewhen you decide to change all thought patterns around this part of your life.

3. Take your list of thoughts and separate them into two columns; one that supports


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your goals, and one that does not help you create your dreams.

4. Take the list that does not support you, and rewrite these thoughts into positiveones. For example, "I am unorganized" would be shifted to "I easily organizeeverything in my life". Language is important when re-writing these sentences.Remember to use the present tense, and avoid using the future tense.

5. Prioritize the list of new thoughts in order of importance. Which new thought wouldhave the most positive impact on your life? What part of your life do you want to shiftfirst?

6. Take the top choice, and begin to integrate it into your life. The best way of doingthis is by creating reminders that can help your mind focus on the new thought.Develop visual reminders by writing your new thought on a card, and posting it aroundyour house or/and office. You can also enlist a friend to help remind you of the newthought form that you are creating. You can ask him or her to notice if yourcommunication reflects any of the old unwanted thoughts, and then gently point thisout to you. Sometimes we are operating under the influence of old patterns withouteven being conscious of it due to deeply ingrained habits. Please remember to choosea friend who knows how to communicate with love and compassion. When learningsomething new, it is important to surround yourself with supportive people who do nottear you down if you unconsciously fall back into old patterns.

7. Applaud yourself for each step you take towards making your new thought anintegral part of your thinking patterns. Be gentle with yourself if you find yourselfreverting back to old thoughts. Remember that it sometimes takes time to shift, andthat's OK.

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