make real money online 7 keys to a good seo on twitter

Post on 24-May-2015






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7 keys to a good SEO on twitter

Twitter revolutionized the concept of positioning associated with the URL is an undeniable quality, considered the best with your short messages for search engine robots. Twitter makes the search for excellence to include a specific area of SEO twitter, thinking all brands that have already achieved an effective positioning and achieved through the URLs where the content links are and distributing them to followers and other users.

It is therefore essential to address the SEO within each of the actions aimed at increasing traffic to the corporate portal and expand the social network through efficient management of users. Knowing this method you are well on your way to make real money online.

1 .- The SEO in the name of the account

Remember that when considering the SEO domain, it has a crucial role. The same way, by moving the actions, campaigns and brand strategies to Facebook, the name of the community is certainly relevant in establishing a brand profile that can be positioned on search engines. It's obvious that the SEO twitter would not leave out the account and its relationship with the brand, the more mnemonic the better.

Consider the words and combinations of these with your brand positioning within the competence and assess the best name for your twitter account, as that with which users are linked to your brand.

The shortening of the URL is a common mistake to use in the Twitter account, just using the actual URL of the content will increase your reputation and the confidence of users in the brand.

2 .- Bio twitter, Google for positioning

In tracking and search quality, Google removed the description of the label on your profile, so use this space to establish the key to differentiating your brand is highly efficient.

Thus, the balance between engaging content and positioning criteria is ideal for the 160 words that allows for this space.

3 .- Photos and nomenclature, important as ever

If you have an archive of photographs linked to your twitter profile, you must name it with the search criteria identified with its brand in the marketplace. No accents, no traditional hyphens as much as possible and a maximum of 250-250.

4 .- Focus on the SEO of your tweets

Often they forget that the 140-character tweets and although it seems obvious, the more keywords tweets containing the greater the efficiency of its positioning.

5 .- Lists twitter, unexploited ... also in terms of SEO

While that is a function with the latest innovative twitter has sought to bridge the widening gap with Facebook, the fact is that utilities twitter lists even include a little-known potential.

Imagine the benefits underlying a hyper-segmentation feature that allows our fans as a way to identify further needs and interests and as an essential step to interact with our competition.

Focusing on the above premise and the precepts of SEO, it is not surprising that the hyper segmentation of total twitter lists will please the search engines.

To optimize, name your users with different lists of keywords associated with your brand which is essential to know the lists must contain the content featured users who choose this form because of increased interest in search engines for the underlying quality in members of the lists.

6 .- The SEO also in videos

The inclusion of video on the social network enables brands to not only to access additional positioning tools, but to strengthen its brand as undisputed standard in terms of positioning across the Web mobile, so that the same precepts of SEO for YouTube apply in relation to uploading videos to twitter.

Short, shorter is better ... only then framed perfectly with the content inherent in Web 3.0

7 .- Use SEO in their interactions, tell your twitter account

Finally advice based on common sense, and the twitter profile associated with the mark should be included in all the places where

they interact. Just as reported profile on LinkedIn, Facebook etc. .... Twitter profile should be reported to the more people the better ... and of course it is advisable to register the twitter profile and directories in all ad-hoc trackingtwitter, WeFollow, etc.

In conclusion we can determine that all brands, SMEs and micro entrepreneurs who are released to increase brand presence in the social or are trying to build an online reputation through a branding strategy must consider in SEO, a SEO increasingly integrated in the social universe that increases their efficiency through joint actions between the triangle indivisible sets the corporate-search portal, social networking.

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