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Post on 20-May-2015



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A description of the Deggendorf district in Lower Bavaria, Germany.


Top LocationTop InfrastructureTop PotentialTop ConditionsTop TechnologyTop Branch - MixTop Quality of Life

The Economic Areaof the Deggendorf Region

Good Contacts Between Business,Government, and People

Christian BernreiterLandrat (Head of Deggendorf County)

Telefon: +49 (0) 9 91/31 00 - 260

Anna EderOberbürgermeisterin (Head Mayor of theCity of Deggendorf)Telefon: +49 (0) 9 91/29 60 - 101

Erich Schmid1. Bürgermeister (Mayor)

Telefon: +49 (0) 99 31/708 - 31

Horst Eckl1. Bürgermeister (Mayor)

Telefon: +49 (0) 99 32/403 - 126



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Landratsamt Deggendorf (County Affairs)Maximilian ErtlHerrenstraße 1894469 Deggendorf

Telefon: +49 (0) 9 91/31 00 - 297Fax: +49 (0) 9 91/31 00 - 41 237

ITC - Campus for Innovation andTechnologyProf. Dr. Reinhard HöpflUlrichsberger Straße 1794469 Deggendorf

Telefon: +49 (0) 9 91/36 28 - 6 00Fax: +49 (0) 9 91/36 28 - 6 05

Bayerisches Hafen-Forum e.V. (BavarianPort Forum)Manfred HankeAuwiesenstraße 894469 Deggendorf

Telefon: +49 (0) 9 91/38 28 18Fax: +49 (0) 9 91/38 26 11

University of Applied Science DeggendorfPräs. Prof. Dr. Reinhard HöpflEdlmairstraße 6 + 894469 Deggendorf

Telefon: +49 (0) 9 91/36 15 - 0Fax: +49 (0) 9 91/36 15 - 297

Stadt Deggendorf (City of Deggendorf)Kurt MeierFranz-Josef-Strauß-Straße 394469 Deggendorf

Telelefon: +49 (0) 9 91/29 60 - 0Fax: +49 (0) 9 91/29 60 - 199

Stadt Plattling (City of Plattling)Wilhelm BernardPreysingplatz 194447 Plattling

Telefon: +49 (0) 99 31/7 08 - 36Fax: +49 (0) 99 31/7 08 - 99

Stadt Osterhofen (City of Osterhofen)Josef Schmid / Josef WagnerStadtplatz 1394486 Osterhofen

Telefon: +49 (0) 99 32/4 03 - 121Fax: +49 (0) 99 32/4 03 - 175

Zweckverband Donau-Hafen Deggendorf(Danube Port Association of Deggendorf)Franz EcklWallnerlände 994469 Deggendorf

Telefon: +49 (0) 9 91/37 10 00Fax: +49 (0) 9 91/3 71 00 - 20

Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Infrastruktur, Verkehr und Technologie · Invest in Bavaria ·










Always in the middle ofeverything – opento people and contacts

Excellent transport links by land, water, andair make this economic region into one of themost strategic sites possible. All of theimportant economic and industrial centers inboth West and East are connected by federalmotorways and the main railway lines - Plattlingis the most important railway junction in allof Lower Bavaria! Because long-haul goodstraffic on the waterways is predicted to grow85% by the year 2010, the region offers idealrequirements for future-oriented logistics onthe Danube and at the Port of Deggendorf.In addition, Franz-Josef-Strauß InternationalAirport is only about 50 minutes away fromDeggendorf!

Traffic Connections

Federal Motorway A3



Federal Motorway A92


Main Railway Lines

München–Plattling (Waldbahn


Bayer. Eisenstein–Pilsen/Prag

Junction of the Main Railway

Route Frankfurt–Vienna via

IC/ICE-Station Plattling

Special Air Field and Landing

Place Steinkirchen

International Airport München

Franz-Josef-Strauß (Distance

about 100 km)

Danube Waterway


Port of Deggendorf

By taking 10 new member countries intothe “European House”, the borderregions, such as the Deggendorfeconomic area, now find themselvesin the center of Europe.

Historic relationships and trading routesin the Danube valley are beingreactivated and existing contacts areintensifying.

The position of the region at the cross-roads of two international motorways –the North-South-axis along the Danube,as well as the West-East axis along theRiver Isar–, is benefitted by their role as impulse generator for new areas ofdevelopment in relation to the CzechRepublic and the new EU-nations. Theregion is predestined to also serve as abridge towards Austria and Italy; fromthe viewpoint of a logistician, all of thesecountries are situated close together inthe same corner of Europe!








München Wien





Human Success Factor

With the creation of the Campus of Innovationand Technology (I@TC) in Deggendorf, animportant step was taken to secure theeconomic power of the region. Investment innew technology and media are the basicrequirements to maintain internationally-competitive jobs for the future.

The Campus was founded with the help of theBavarian State government – it is one of theprojects used by Bavaria as a high-tech offensiveto successfully keep up with the changingeconomy. –Members of the I@TC DeggendorfGmbH are the City of Deggendorf, the Countyof Deggendorf and the Sparkasse Bank.

In our technology-oriented country, knowledgeis without a doubt the most important “rawmaterial“ we have to offer. The education,advancement and networking of innovativestrengths is considered the highest priority inthe Deggendorf economic region.

The College of Technology and Business(secondary school), Special Colleges, Computer-Training Centres und Computer-Schools,Vocational Job Centres and the Campus ofInnovation and Technology (I@TC) as well asthe modern University of Applied Sciences alloffer an ideal network for knowledgemanagement and provide fertile ground forthe qualification of young executives and othernew specialists, and is the optimal frameworkfor starting up new businesses and enterprises.Futhermore, Deggendorf County is the agencywhich runs, for example, the full-time vocationalschool for IT-Professions as well as the Collegefor Data Processing. Partly because of theseeducational programs and institutions inDeggendorf and also because of the county’slarge hinterland, businesses have a great dealof freedom in choosing from a pool ofexcellently qualified employees and staff.

Since 1994, the Deggendorf University ofApplied Sciences has developed at breath-taking speed. About 2,500 students currentlystudying in technical and economic fields arethe best proof for the attractivity of thisuniversity.

The Department of Business Administrationis considered one of the Top Ten in the entireGerman-language area– its high standards arepractically implemented by intensivecooperation with the economy and theChambers of Commerce.

The Deggendorf University of Applied Sciencewelcomes mutual interest of all possible typesof cooperation with the economy: in the formof semester internships for students, providingtopics for final degree papers within theframework of business projects (or acombination of both), taking advantage of theinfrastructure and equipment of Universitylaboratories, research cooperation betweenbusiness and the university, using theCompetence Center and the other associatedInstitutes at the University to help registerpatents and in the starting-up of newbusinesses. Please feel free to contact theUniversity at any time!

Young business people who are starting uptheir own companies should be able to findsuitable quarters here along with othertechnologically-oriented firms and hopefully,they will soon fill with life the 11,000 sg.meter premises of what had been the former“Pietsch-Property”.

Along with the necessary infrastructure,comprehensive consulting and cost-optimizedsupport is also available. The firms can relyon a network of local companies andinstitutions, the University of Applied Science,as well as business support from the City andCounty.

There is a “Culture of Give-and-Take” on theCampus which offers new business owners aninnovative place where they can feel at homeand which has made Deggendorf into one ofthe best addresses in the area of technology.

It is also possible to learn, study and earnfurther qualifications in other fields as well,at any of the 48 general secondary schoolsand 15 vocational schools which are allcentrally-located practically next door. Any ofthe county’s four “Gymnasiums” (secondary-schools offering German University EntranceQualifying Examinations) or six (!) SecondaryModern Schools (“Realschule”) provide asolid foundation for qualifications in schooland further education; these advancedsecondary schools belong partially to thoseschools in Bavaria which are leading inexperimental technical equipment and withthe most advanced and the most modern,computer-aided instruction. They are able toprepare their secondary-school graduates inthe best-possible manner for the fast-pacedgrowth of requirements for the world of workin the 21st. century.

The courses of studies offered at theDeggendorf University of Applied Science aresupplemented by a wide variety of other coursesin all possible fields of technology, economics,social sciences, and the liberal arts as well ascreative fields, by the Universities in Passau,Regensburg and München as well as theUniversity of Applied Science in Landshut.Because these universities are integrated witheach other into cooperative associations andalso because they are easily reached by amobile, flexible, young generation, newbusinesses to the region find a reservior ofexcellently-trained staff and executives righthere.

Studying in the Fields of Economics andBusiness

Business Administration (Diploma)International Management (Bachelor)Business Computing (Diploma)Business Computing (Bachelor)

Studying for a Master’s Degree

Management (Master)Electrotechnology and Information Technology

(Master)Health Management (Master)

Studying in the Fields of Technology

Mechanical Engineering (Diploma in Engineering)Civil Engineering (Diploma in Engineering)Electrotechnology and Information Technology(Diploma)Mechatronics (Diploma)Media Technology (Diploma)

The backbone of the county area which is861,14 sg. km large are the cities ofDeggendorf, Plattling, Osterhofen and 23Market Towns and other smaller communities.Together they offer a place to live for 117,000inhabitants (2003). About 38,700 people whoare required to contribute into the socialinsurance system have found work in a widevariety of businesses in the region in manydifferent branches.

The buying power of the population, forexample, in the City of Deggendorf is morethan 3 per cent higher than in most of theFederal Republic of Germany – It is possibleto find here not only the best productiourequirements, but also an excellent sellingmarket for retail stores in the region!

Human Capital – strong performanceand positive future outlook

Population Structure (male)

0 to 10 years 11 to 20 years21 to 65 years 66 Jahre and older

An economic region on the upswing:The graphics which prove the county’sattractivity for both work and private life, aswell as the success of business investment,show that despite a general stagnatingeconomic situation, the data for the job marketand the economy are satisfactory. Participationin forward-looking projects and the creationof jobs despite global tendencies towardsrationalisation remains successful

Incidentally: According to a current study“Deutschland 2020 – the Demographic Futureof the Nation" from the Berlin-Institutes forWorld Population und Global Development, apopulation increase of 13% until 2020 isforecast for the County of Deggendorf.

The large county seat, the City of Deggendorf, is the largest city on the lefthand-side of theDanube in the entire East Bavarian and UpperAustrian area; the arrival of the University ofApplied Science has given the county an extra surge of development. For the past twodecades economic growth, as well as growth in population, has been significantly higherthan in the country as a whole and in the restof the regional district; the infrastructure,local government administration and servicesnecessary for such rapid growth have thereforealso been expanded.

In other words: It is clear that the potentialwhich is available in the economic region ofthe County of Deggendorf has been takenadvantage of, enabling businesses who arewilling to settle down here to have all of thenecessary resources of competent staff and,according to each particular branch, theappropriate selling market – i.e. customers.

Population Development in Deggendorf County






1970 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2003

There is an enormous local advantage for aregion that succeeds in combining modernprofessional life with a high quality of privatelife: highly-trained funding agencies and firmsfeel comfortable here and therefore remainin the local market.

The rest is, of course, achieved by the employersthemselves. They are the key factor in placinggreat value on a pleasant “working climate”– which they do with obvious success:Newspaper reports about employees who haveremained loyal to one company for 25 yearsand more, appear almost daily; staff who havespent their entire working life from their initialtraining to retirement at one and the samecompany are not unusual. Job-hopping ist aforeign word here in the most literal sense.

The result: Know-how meets energy! Experienceand many years of special knowledge in acompany join forces with youthful dynamismand power, fruitful synergy effects are theobvious result and take advantage of bothemployees as well as employers. The decisionto build up ones company in the Deggendorfeconomic region really does mean being ableto dip into a pool of highly-motivated and well-trained staff – people who “feel good” aboutthings in every possible manner!

At the same time, and this is what makes acontroller happy, wage levels are about 27percent below those in the Munich metropolitanarea – this does not mean that motivationhere is in any way less, however, because dueto significantly lower costs of living, peoplecan earn here at least as much as in theBavarian metropolis.

Population Structure (female)

0 to 10 years 11 to 20 years21 to 65 years 66 Jahre and older

Population Structure ( general)

0 to 10 years 11 to 20 years21 to 65 years 66 Jahre andolder

Number of Employees Subject to Social Insurance Contribution in Deggendorf County






1980 1990 2000 2001 2002

Deggendorf County is clearly a prosperousand flourishing economic region. Businessescan count on an advantageous location; theeconomic structure of the region ischaracterised by high-capacity, medium-sizedbusinesses.

By the way: Surveys of businesses confirm thehigh level of satisfaction that they have withtheir location in this region!

“Fit” for Business within aBusiness-Friendly Framework

A trimodal freight goods centre with anintegrated free port, is run by the DanubePort Association of Deggendorf throughDeggendorf County, along with the other citymembers which include Deggendorf City,Plattling and Osterhofen. The requirementsfor an exchange of goods and freight betweenintermodal transport (water, road, rail) arefulfilled here at the modern reloading point.

At the same time, the Danube Port Associationmanages large facilities of stored goods (bothfree and held covered) as well as propertyavailable for rent, leasing or for sale.

Tax Assessment Rates inDeggendorf County

Real Estate Tax B minimal

Business Tax minimal

Business Tax maximal

Real Estate Tax B maximal

300 %

320 %

350 %

330 %

Of course, important criteria to choose thisregion as a location for their business are theunburocratical, business-friendly operationalstructures, a flexible administration and theforwardlooking orientation of the area.

Deggendorf County takes care of requests tosettle here in a creative and constructivemanner; it provides helpful contacts andexpertise and supports businesses with insideknowledge about the local economy duringthe realisation of their future-oriented visions.

You have the choice of local industrial estateswith tailored parcels of commercial land upto 160,000 sg. meters; in Deggendorf Countyyou can choose the perfect piece of propertyfor your needs from over 1,400 ha ofcommercial and industrial areas.

You can discuss with us whatever aspects youconsider particularly important – the besttransport and traffic conditions by motorway,waterway or by rail, economical prices,excellent infrastructure, high quality of privatelife for you and your employees – and, whatis especially important - you can count onus. You will see that it was worth your time.

Public-financed aid opportunities are availableon good Bavarian-style levels; descriptions ofthe economic support of Deggendorf city andcounty are always available to discuss concretecriteria and programmes. Additionally, somepieces of property which belong to the citiesand communities can be acquired throughinheritance. This means important tax andliquidity advantages for the enterprise!

Whether it is the outer framework, the unusuallyhigh quality of private life, or simply the goodair – the economic area, in and around,Deggendorf is obviously fertile soil forinnovation, research and development inbranches of all kinds, and this is what helpsto make the region one of the best sites inthe field of technology.

A entire series of internationally-significantbusinesses have a base here – among themseveral leaders on the world market and topbrand-names - they see to it that this economicregion is dynamically pushed to the head ofthe global market through innovativetechnology.

With innovative Technology,Dynamically-headed intothe Future

Speaking of the car parts industry – our regionis particularly well-represented: anothercompany proves its top performance from thevery beginning in car-racing, for example.Plastic car body panels which are producedfast, reliably and innovatively with both pleasureand motivation in Deggendorf County are themainspring for the success of this company.From the very first day, this company hasproduced almost exclusively for world famousbrands such as Audi, BMW, Porsche and MAN,all which have well-known high standards forquality, price and delivery times. The AUDIR8 was able to achieve a three-time victory inthe year 2000 at the 24-hour race in Le Manscompletely built with synthetic car body panelsfrom Deggendorf County.

Another company with a long tradition in theeconomy of Deggendorf has become one ofthe leading suppliers in the field of buildingservices engineering as well as facilitymanagement in Germany and in doing so,has even established itself as a specialist forthe entire cycle of building management. Withcomprehensive know-how of planning anddesign, construction and building management,they have concentrated on technical allround- support in all phases of property management,and the company is a member of the innovativecontruction partner network building agency,which offers complete solutions for the entireconstruction process.

On top of that, miniature computer boardsare developed in the county – so-called DigitalBrains –, whose intelligence is thanks tointegrated software equipment and systems.Since 1995, the producer has been a leadingsupplier for Embedded Computer Technologyin Germany; since 1997 it has been the NumberOne in Europe. In the meantime, they havebecome a world market leader and regularlyset international standards. That accounts forthree globally widespread standards with thedevelopment of the PISA- concept, the DIMM-PC and the ETX-Standards in the market ofEmbedded Computer Technology (ECT).Partners with whom they cooperate includethe worldwide leading producers of hardwareand software. They also implement the principleof time-to-market by using competitive standardsof efficiency and flexibility.

There is also the firm group for tool making,which in cooperation with Universities ofApplied Science and institutes with numerousmultilingual staff in high-tech-laboratories andtheir own construction department, worktogether on research and development; forinternationally-oriented customers, theyconcentrate on the most modern manufacturingprocesses. This company now has a secure,leading role in mold construction andtoolmaking.

There is also a company in this county whichdevelops, produces and markets worldwideunique plug-in connectors for the computerindustry.


Further questions? These are only a few ofthe highlights; the names of high-tech-enterprises which contribute to the economicarea of Deggendorf County can be continuedat will. Without a doubt, your business willfind itself in good company in our region!

A few examples show what we mean. Thereis, to name one, a world market leader forchemical reactors and physical chemistryreactor construction which has internationalcustomers from the fields of chemicals, petro-chemicals, industry, and physics and whichoffers tailor-made solutions includingengineering – a true global player with anexport rate of 70 percent which makes it oneof the world-wide most successful on theselling-market.

Or do you drive a BMW 3 series cabriolet, anopen Audi TT, Opel Astra, Smart Roaster ora BMW Z4? If so, then with your convertibletop you experience a little bit of the flair ofsouthern Europe, developed and at the presenttime, produced in Deggendorf County by afull-service supplier for conception,development, and production of convertibletops. This company is responsible for the entireproduction of roof systems and belongstherefore, to the worldmarket leaders ofcabriolet roof systems in Europe; this companyis on the verge of entering the US market withgreat growth potential.

All – round Versatility –a Successful Concept

There a healthy mixture of competitive,successful medium-sized industries in theDeggendorf County region; local skilled tradesalso play a traditional, key role along withindustry and commerce. Among the 2,800businesses who are already established in thearea, many would serve as good, cooperativepartners and would offer productive businessrelations for new businesses wishing to setup a base here, – as cooperation partners,suppliers or as customers. Such a successfulconstellation to attract new business to thearea is, of course, being actively encouragedand helped by local government at both thecounty and community level.

Particularly charateristic for the economy ofthis region is the wide mixture of branches;because of this, economic recessional phasescan be better bridged than in a regiondominated by only one main form of industry.The county remains attractive and agile evenin periods of economic stagnation.

Main Branches of Industry inDeggendorf County

Skilled Trades

Electronic Systems and Electrotechnology


Glass Industry and Glass Processing

Tourism, Restaurants, Delicatessens

Industrial Process Measurement andControl Technology

Automobile and Car Parts Industry

Metals, Plastics and Rubber Processing


Mechanical Engineering

Wood Industry and Wood Processing

Construction, Structural and UndergroundEngineering

Sanitary, Heating and Solar-EnergyEquipment and Technology

Wax Products

Reactor Site Contruction

Textil Industry


Besides all of this, there is also the winterholiday region of the Bavarian Forest with asport centre containing Alpine ski slopes andendless cross-country ski paths. Remember:A healthy spirit resides in the body of a healthyLower Bavarian as well as that of a healthyNewcomer to the region!

In contrast to the large metropolitan areas,everything here can be reached within minutes,literally only a short stone’s throw away.

The same is true for culture – the people isthis region are spoiled not only because ofthe old traditions which are still very muchalive and well, but because of other aspects,too. Old castles, mighty churches and palacesare silent witness to a feudal past which canbe visited in this area, along with a variety ofmodern forms of culture, such as theatre,festivals, museums, cinema, paintings,literature, wood-carving and sculpture. Sociallife is filled with events for everyone, whetherit be on the city and market squares, in modernperformance halls, on the Danube Gala Cruiseships such as the Regina Danubia, in lectures,seminars, cabarett, music events, jazz festivalsand at the many popular Folkfests in the townsand cities.

On a culinary tour of the region, one findsrecommendable restaurants and pubs in whichthere is a wide, diversified selection of food– from traditional, Old-style Bavarian “plaincooking”, to international/European recipes,including exoctic specialities from all over theworld, even for the most unusual tastes.

Pulsating Life,Contemplative Moments

Particularly good reasons to do business inthis region result from the optimal synthesisof the above-mentioned “hard and softskill”factors which are found here. The better peoplefeel in their natural environment, the moremotivated they will be to work hard in theirjobs; this is a well-known fact.

In this way, Deggendorf County can really relycompletely on the local natural resources.The high quality of life in this region is a resultof the variety of possibilities and a mixtureof nature and culture. The Nature Park BavarianForest (Bayerischer Wald), the National Parkwhich is practically at our front doorstep, afascinating range of low mountains with theirforests and lakes, are all areas which offer awide-variety of recreational activities. Theseinclude rambling and hiking, bicycling, jogging,inline-skating, swimming, tennis, golf, horse-riding, water-skiing and canoeing, and justplain relaxing. For example, golf is becomingmore and more popular here, where, by theway, we have Eastern Bavaria’s highest – lyinggolf-course. It offers special enjoyment in adreamlike environment with fresh forest air!This is total Wellness at the very best– thepursuit of physical well-being without stressfulphysical exhaustion – It is possible to enjoyoneself here in every way imaginable(whereupon some people firmly believe thata vist to a beer-garten leads to the highestvariety of Bavarian well-being possible!)

Deggendorf’s new flagship, the dream-likewater park “elypso”, leads a close network ofwonderful outdoor and indoor swimming poolsin the region, making swimming and waterplayavailable all year round; the many spas andthermal pools in the so-called Rott River Valley“Swimming-Pool Triangle” is practically at ourfront doorstep as well.

It is perhaps a bit easier here than elsewhereto stand on one’s own feet, to put down rootsand to feel very much at home. If a person iswilling to accept four or five extra minutes’walking distance, and live a little ways outsideof the town centre, it is possible to findsenationally economical building property forone’s private home. Who could wish for morethan to live in the country, but only minutes’away from the city centre?

For company owners, this means that theiremployees put down roots and therefore planrealistically on remaining in this area in thefuture, for which above-average reliablity anddedication are worthwhile attributes.

Deggendorf County with the large countyseat, the City of Deggendorf, offers appealingshopping facilities for the entire region. Dueto the close proximity to the frontier with theCzech Republic, and, of course, because otherthan Deggendorf, there is no city of a similarsize in the Bavarian Forest region, local retailerscan rely on an exceptionally large commuterbelt and the corresponding selling-market.

In order to maintain the high standard ofliving in this region at the edge of the BavarianForest holiday area, and when the opportunityarises to improve it even more, city planningdevelopment takes into account ecological and“people-friendly” aspects in which culturaland social activities are intentionally initiatedand supported as much as possible.


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Top LocationTop InfrastructureTop PotentialTop ConditionsTop TechnologyTop Branch - MixTop Quality of Life

The Economic Areaof the Deggendorf Region

Good Contacts Between Business,Government, and People

Christian BernreiterLandrat (Head of Deggendorf County)

Telefon: +49 (0) 9 91/31 00 - 260

Anna EderOberbürgermeisterin (Head Mayor of theCity of Deggendorf)Telefon: +49 (0) 9 91/29 60 - 101

Erich Schmid1. Bürgermeister (Mayor)

Telefon: +49 (0) 99 31/708 - 31

Horst Eckl1. Bürgermeister (Mayor)

Telefon: +49 (0) 99 32/403 - 126



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Landratsamt Deggendorf (County Affairs)Maximilian ErtlHerrenstraße 1894469 Deggendorf

Telefon: +49 (0) 9 91/31 00 - 297Fax: +49 (0) 9 91/31 00 - 41 237

ITC - Campus for Innovation andTechnologyProf. Dr. Reinhard HöpflUlrichsberger Straße 1794469 Deggendorf

Telefon: +49 (0) 9 91/36 28 - 6 00Fax: +49 (0) 9 91/36 28 - 6 05

Bayerisches Hafen-Forum e.V. (BavarianPort Forum)Manfred HankeAuwiesenstraße 894469 Deggendorf

Telefon: +49 (0) 9 91/38 28 18Fax: +49 (0) 9 91/38 26 11

University of Applied Science DeggendorfPräs. Prof. Dr. Reinhard HöpflEdlmairstraße 6 + 894469 Deggendorf

Telefon: +49 (0) 9 91/36 15 - 0Fax: +49 (0) 9 91/36 15 - 297

Stadt Deggendorf (City of Deggendorf)Kurt MeierFranz-Josef-Strauß-Straße 394469 Deggendorf

Telelefon: +49 (0) 9 91/29 60 - 0Fax: +49 (0) 9 91/29 60 - 199

Stadt Plattling (City of Plattling)Wilhelm BernardPreysingplatz 194447 Plattling

Telefon: +49 (0) 99 31/7 08 - 36Fax: +49 (0) 99 31/7 08 - 99

Stadt Osterhofen (City of Osterhofen)Josef Schmid / Josef WagnerStadtplatz 1394486 Osterhofen

Telefon: +49 (0) 99 32/4 03 - 121Fax: +49 (0) 99 32/4 03 - 175

Zweckverband Donau-Hafen Deggendorf(Danube Port Association of Deggendorf)Franz EcklWallnerlände 994469 Deggendorf

Telefon: +49 (0) 9 91/37 10 00Fax: +49 (0) 9 91/3 71 00 - 20

Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Infrastruktur, Verkehr und Technologie · Invest in Bavaria ·

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