journey of trust -

Post on 26-Jan-2022






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The start of the journey at St. Christopher’s in Holsworthy.

The group at Azhar’s house

in Burbank, Los Angeles.

Fergal in IHHOP Ireland Group from St. Christopher’s Sydney

Grotto at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Centre

Patty and Eileen with Philomena at The Immaculate Heart House of Prayer


Journey of Trust In late 2006 a group of pilgrims had come from America to stay at The Holy Family House of Prayer. In November 2007 Pat Polachek, one of the group felt called to help to start The Servants of the Little Way prayer groups in America. Pat lives in Bentleyville In Pennsylvania and has a lot of contacts. Eileen and Patty, twin sisters who work at the House of Prayer sent her the appropriate material and she started to write and contact people. In January the twins felt called to visit America. Through discernment and prayer with their spiritual director they were given where they were to visit. They visited the Archbishop at the end of January and then they were called to trust and wait before they booked the flights. During the discernment it was given that they would also be visiting Ireland. Eileen and Patty started their journey on April 5th, 2008. As they sat on the plane waiting to taxi out Jesus gave the message “ this is a journey of trust, I want you to look for the signs on the way and journal them”. They thought back to the trip to the airport and recalled that it was raining so heavy it was hard to see. Eileen prayed out loud that it would be good if God was able to turn it off for a while until they got the cases out. As they turned into the airport it was as if the rain stopped to just a light sprinkling. They were very thankful. On the way to the airport Eileen’s son Michael had talked about how the airport trolleys had risen is price. When they pulled into the drop off zone of the airport Eileen went and stood on the pavement while Michael and Patty carried the cases to her. As Patty walked to her she saw that there was a trolley next to Eileen and commented “Did you hire a trolley already” to which Eileen replied “no it was already here”. They laughed and thanked God for His goodness. They arrived in Sydney just after 9pm. They were picked up at the airport and driven to Castle Cove where they were staying at Anita’s Lee’s Mum and Dad’s place. The next morning Anita drove them to Watson’s Bay where they were meeting their friends Helen and Michaela at Mass. The Mass was being celebrated by Bishop Anthony Fisher, who is in charge of World Youth Day and was the 100 day mark until WYD. After Mass Helen introduced the group to the Bishop and asked that he impart a blessing on the twins for their trip overseas. The group then went and had morning tea with Helen and Michaela. That evening Anita had a fundraising dinner at her home for a project that is dear to her heart. Eileen, Patty and I.A.N. did not want to draw attention to themselves so found an area at the back of Anita’s house which is a raised deck used as a children’s cubby. The house is set into the hill and sits on a huge rock and over looks the waterways and coves in Sydney. During prayers Our Lady appeared and gave the following message. The whole area was imbued with the sweet perfume that accompanies Our Lady’s

praise and thanks for all you have and trust in His plan for you. Walk moment by moment in the fullness of God’s love. Do not doubt but believe that you will be looked after when you step out as a missionary servant of God’s love. Go home with My peace and joy within in readiness for the next part of God’s plan to be revealed to you in its fullness. Stay close to My Sacred Heart and trust in My love for you. I am with you until the end of time. They arrived home in the early hours of the morning with the knowledge that their mission was complete. The following day the message was given: 29th April 2008 (Morning Prayer – Jesus) My children, As one mission draws to a close another begins. Each mission are different in their content but have the same goal – to bring as many as possible to know the love of God and to help them to learn the lessons of loving God and loving neighbour as they love themselves. To follow the calling to be a missionary servant of God’s love takes commitment and discipline. There will be times when you are called forward and other times when you are asked to remain silent, working in a humble and background manner. You must be discerning of God’s Will by listening to the gentle whispering of the Holy Spirit. This work must always be done in gentleness and compassion. Do not be forceful and outspoken wanting your opinion to be heard but rather be in tune with the needs of others by listening to them and revealing My constant and never ending love. I remind you that this work is plentiful. There are so many who are lost and forsaken and need to know the love of God given to them by Me His Son. Pray my little ones for all your needs. You will have God’s protection when you ask for His help. You will be carried on eagle’s wings – in your time of distress you will hide in the shadow of His wings. God’s protection will be upon those who trust Him. Read Psalm 91 and stay close to Me and I will guide you to the Eternal love of your Father in Heaven. Do not take your eyes from your goal. Do not doubt or be distracted from the path. Walk always in the present moment in the fullness of God’s love. Do not try and guess the way of your Lord and God but remain docile to the Spirit of God and you will be shown the way. Continue to take this journey of trust by your fervent faith, steadfast hope and selfless love and you will inherit life eternal. Walk this day with Me your Good Shepherd and I will guide and help you to grow deeper in your love of God and love of neighbour. Ask for My help and you will be given it. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened. Be filled with the grace of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to walk always with a heart full of trust and love as you work as a missionary servant of God’s love.

the people there and then started to go through all the security checks. When they reached the other side they were just about to board and the man at the desk said to them that he needed them to follow him as he had to sort out something. He took them to a room and phoned the desk downstairs and the lady told them that she had sorted out the problem and they were checked all the way through and she had met John on the stairs and had refunded him the money. It was just another little lesson in trust. They thanked the lady for all her efforts and boarded the plane for Dublin. After a short stop they boarded another plane for Gatwick. A family friend picked them up from the airport and they spent there last night in England in readiness for the long trip back home to Australia. It was time to leave for Heathrow and travel home. After checking through their luggage the twins went through and were waiting to leave. A man walked in front of him and on his back was a big eagle and the words “Trust in God”. They both smiled and realized that they still needed to trust and believe that God would look after them. A message was given as they waited to board their plane. It read: 26th April 2008 (airport – Jesus) My dear little ones, Your journey continues. I remind you to keep your eyes focused on the narrow path. Look to the little signs you will be given along the way. Trust in God. Do not so easily return to the doubts and fears of the past. This is not my way. I have told you I would exceed your expectations. Do not put any limitations on My love and goodness for you. I am your Good Shepherd and I will carry you in your difficult moments. Walk again in the present moment. Do not rush ahead and make a catastrophe of what is to come. Trust more in your Lord and God’s infinite mercy, compassion and love. You will be given all your needs. Gain spiritual strength because there are still many for you to reach out to in nourishment and love. Do not forget to ask for Heavenly help and you will be given it. The path you take is difficult and many fall by the wayside because they have not had the strength to persevere. Pray and ask for the grace of the Holy Spirit to flood your soul so that you walk not by your own means but by the Spirit of God. Be gentle and caring to those who are spiritually different to you. Do not be condescending or show any arrogance and pride. Stay silent and show true humility by listening to them and then revealing My love to them. You will frighten them if you overwhelm them with knowledge. You must always remember that God is not a God to fear but your Lord and God is a God of infinite love. Reverent fear of the Lord means to show reverence and respect for God, to learn to be prudent and wise. To always pray and discern first the Will of God. You must learn to be grateful and thankful for His goodness. Give

appearances. The following messages were given:- 6th April 2008 I ask you, my children, to always look to the needs of your brothers and sisters and know that in doing so you will find favour with our Eternal Father in heaven. His grace is poured out on all who serve His will and I ask you to use that grace to be strong and persistent in your

efforts. Discern that which you are able to do and that which you do not have talent or gifts for. Others must sometimes complete the guidance of those who are started on the journey of salvation through your efforts. Pray that each of my children develop and use the gifts which they have been endowed with. Pray that they be diligent and obedient to the will of God and offer service for Him through the sacred name of my adored son, Jesus, The Christ and Saviour of the entire world. He is the way to salvation and His truth is the only truth which the faithful remnant must use to help glorify Him and His mercy, love and forgiveness. Remember all will go to the Father by Him and through Him. Help all to understand and accept His word and way as the example to find redemption. Through His Divine Mercy you shall find true peace and purpose and I ask you to practice mercy and compassion in every way in every day. Let all that you do be pure and all for the love of Jesus. 6th April 2008 (Night Prayer) My dear little children, You have been called to take a leap of faith as you step out on your journey of trust. I remind you to be filled with courage and strength as you begin your mission. Many are chosen but few are courageous enough to answer the call. You see in front of you a house which is built on foundations of rock. This rock is not smooth, it has blemishes but the structure is solid and when the storms come the house can remain firm. You must build your own faith on strong foundations of

prayer and self sacrifice so that you are as solid as this rock. God your loving Father sees the blemishes but uses your little weaknesses to turn them into strengths so that you remain firm in your faith and trust when the storms of life descend upon you. Pray always for Heavenly protection so that you journey not by your own means but by the Spirit of God. Look to the many blessings you receive daily and always give praise and thanks for your God is a God of abundance and generosity. Trust in His love for you. Trust in His Divine plan for you. Trust in the merciful love of His Son. Allow the blood and water which flows from Jesus’ Sacred Heart to penetrate your whole being. Surrender all to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit and be healed of the wounds of doubts and despair so that you can be used as an instrument of God’s healing love to the many you will meet. Trust and believe that you will be looked after down to the smallest detail. Walk not by your own means but be more docile to the Spirit of God. I am entitled Our Lady help of Christians and I am with you as you step out to help the many Christians who are lost in the darkness. Soon many will come to know me under this title and there will be many conversions of the heart. Walk in trust my little ones. The harvest is plentiful and the labourers so few. Go out and bring back a fruitful harvest. Remember you reap what you sow. Sow holy love and the fruits will be returned a hundred fold. The next morning the three went out to St. Christopher’s parish in Holsworthy. Fr. Anthony Mifsud celebrated a Healing Mass which was followed by Adoration, Servants of the Little Way prayer group and a short talk by Eileen and Patty. There are ten prayer groups formed in Sydney and an invitation had been extended to all to come to the Mass and share a meal together. This was a beautiful gathering and it was nice for people to be able to share together. That night prayers were held at Anita and Simon’s house and these were the messages given:- 7th April 2008 (Night Prayer) My dear children There are many lessons for you to learn. Be tolerant and suffer the little inconveniences of life in silence. Do not draw attention to yourself because you are annoyed or discontent with a situation. Jesus suffered countless inconveniences to give you a new life. Your eyes are opening wider each day to the difficulties you face in following the little way of love. The purification of thought, mind and soul can be painful as you begin to realize your shortcomings. Do not be afraid to surrender all your little habits to your Heavenly Father. If

On Wednesday the girls decided it would be good to go back to Limerick and help again with the shop and finish the painting for the chapel. They had arranged to go to the House of Prayer at the night time as there was a Praise and Worship prayer meeting beginning at 8.30pm. The girls were invited to touch people with the tears and pray with them. Supper was shared and then the twins went home to bed uplifted to be able to share together as a faith community. Thursday came quickly and preparations had been made to meet a group of people in Tipperary Town at 7pm. The girls spent the day washing and packing in preparation for leaving the next day and then went and met a group of people to share with them their experiences and to tell them about the prayer groups “Servants of the Little Way”. The DVD was played first so that the people would understand their journey and then both twins shared a little. Gifts were given to everyone and it was time to pack up and go home to bed as they had a couple of planes to catch the next day. After going to morning mass and sharing an Irish breakfast with John and Nora it was time to travel to Shannon. They arrived at the airport to be told that their tickets were wrong and they may not be able to travel unless they purchased another ticket. John generously said that he would fix it up and the girls were told they would have to claim from insurance when they arrived home. They said their goodbyes sadly as they felt Ireland to be their second home and felt a strong connection with

21st April 2008 (Morning Prayer) My little ones, Walk still in trust this week for the work is plentiful and you are required to reach out and help your Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus to further the Kingdom of God by your selfless acts of love. Listen to the gentle whisperings of the Holy Spirit as you will be guided and given direction through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Be docile and trusting of this guidance as you step out in blind faith. Use the talents you have been given to teach others the skills that they need to learn. The gifts you have been given by your Eternal Father must be shared with others. Do not hide them or keep them to yourselves. Be generous and giving, sharing all you have with others without expecting any return for your generosity. Do not have any hidden agendas of wanting to be given recompense for your generosity. This is not God’s way. All you share must be done in a selfless manner. Let go of any need to have recognition or to be noticed for the work you do to further God’s Kingdom. Be faithful and giving working in a humble and background way. Be patient and persistent, working step by step. You have been called to build the house of the Lord brick by brick. Let Jesus be the cornerstone of this house of prayer. Remember He was the stone rejected by the builders. He is the keystone of your faith. Serve Him with a servant’s heart of holy love. Reach out and bring many back onto the path of salvation by your generosity of heart. Be compassionate and caring. Listen to the needs of others and just as Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well I ask you to judge not the actions of these people but meet them where they are at this moment and reveal to them the love of the Father by the Christ-like love you show through the grace of the Holy Spirit. The work is plentiful. Take time to be replenished through your prayers and quiet moments and then step out in faith in steadfast hope and show many the path of salvation by your countless acts of holy love. The day went fast and it was time to go home and get some rest for travelling to Cork the following day. Fiona and Marcia’s arranged for Patty, Eileen, Nora and John to meet up with Fr. Michael their spiritual director. It was organized to meet at the home where he lives. Afternoon tea was provided in the dining room. The girls felt it a privilege to meet and spend some time with Fr. Michael. Later that night they drove to Mary Whelan’s house to meet with her prayer group. Mary’s daughter Kate is a friend of Patty’s daughter Jen. There was quite a crowd of people and it was a very spiritual night.

your problem is a need control situations I ask you to let go and learn the lessons of faith and trust. You worry unnecessarily about problems which are not of concern to you. Let go and surrender all and learn to walk in blind faith. Strip back the layers of self and walk moment by moment with your Lord and God. Many of God’s people are weighed down by heavy burdens because they are worrying about the problems of others instead of surrendering these burdens to God and learning to concentrate more on their own spiritual journey and less on trying to solve the problems of others. You have been told before to take the plank out of your own eye before you take the splinter out of your neighbour’s eye. Learn to be still and ask for Heavenly guidance as you grow deeper on your faith journey. Do not be afraid to change the old patterns of behaviours and learn to trust more in the Divine Will of God. Purify your heart so that you are a vessel of pure love to help many to come back onto the path of salvation. Show others the merciful love of Jesus and place all your trust in Him as you begin your journey into the unknown. Be filled with faith, stay steadfast in hope and let the holy love of the Father given to you by the Son in the grace of the Holy Spirit drench your whole being. Walk in holy love, talk in holy love and reveal to others the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. When you love God with all your heart, mind, body and soul you will obey all His other commandments. 7th April 2008 Many of my children allow themselves to be confused by their desire to overcomplicate things which come into their life. The words of God are not objects which are set for you to master they are simple words which should master you and your life. His words transform you when you allow yourself to trust in them and to live according to them. Realise that many signs are given but when you try to interpret with your human limitations often times you may make errors. Trust in your discernments but always strive to have peace with all that you do and say. Many have failed to realise that what was said in the Old book became manifest with the incarnation of my adored son, Jesus. He and His kingdom were foretold in simple terms which announced His being and coming. Those who allow the Holy Spirit to truly work within them will gain wisdom and understanding to see and hear God’s will and intent for all of His children. Pray and read the Scriptures and understand that the Old was the promise and The New is the fulfilment of that promise. Read The book of Daniel Chapter 7 verses 13 and 14 and Matthew 12 verse 8.

In Tuesday morning 8th April, Eileen and Patty were taken to Mass at Mary McKillop’s tomb in North Sydney and then driven to the airport. This was the message that Jesus gave through Eileen:- 8th April 2008 (Mass – Sydney – Mary McKillop) Go my little ones on your journey of trust. Carry with you the same tenacious spirit which My daughter Mary possessed. Do not be afraid to take this journey into the unknown. I will provide for you in every way. Look to Mary’s life and see the love she had for Me through My Sacred Heart. Bring many to the path of salvation by the spirit of courage and tenacity to continue serving in a selfless and giving manner regardless of the obstacles you face. Listen and allow Me to guide you as you step out in faith. Trust in Me and My never ending love for you. You are not alone, not for one minute. I am with you. Come to Me often under My hidden real presence of bread and wine. Drink from the eternal well spring to nourish and strengthen you for your journey. The work I have for you is plentiful. I am your Good Shepherd and I will guide you as you take this journey of trust and love. Go now with My peace and love held firmly in your heart and reach out to the poor and needy – reach out to those who are experiencing such an aridness of faith and point them in the direction they need to go. Bring them to the well spring of My heart so they may quench their thirst. My precious blood and water flows endlessly as a healing font of mercy for those who as for My help. Walk in faith my little ones and I will reveal to you some more of the mysteries of God. When they arrived at the International Airport they were asked at the counter for an address in the United States where they were staying. They had not been given this but had Roxanne’s address so gave that. Roxanne was to be picking them up at the airport. They were picked up from LAX by Roxanne and Azhar and taken to Azhar’s home in Burbank to drop off their bags. Here they met with Roxanne’s brother and his family. Next Roxanne drove them to Arpi’s house where they shared over lunch and then prayed with all present. Time was limited as they had a lot of other people to visit. Next they visited Layla and her family in North Hollywood and then went to pray with Daniel and his family before coming back to Azhar’s home where there was a lot of people waiting. The girls showed the people the DVD and then talked with them about their mission and answered any questions. Azhar and her family had prepared a feast and everyone enjoyed a beautiful meal and the twins prayed with those present. Eileen received the following message:- 8th April 2008 (Night Prayer – Los Angeles) My dear little children,

While talking to Fiona, Donel, Marcia and Nicholas shared that they were opening a shop in Limerick at the end of the week and still had a long way to go. The shop was to be called H.O.P (House of Prayer). It was decided that the girls would go and help with the setting up as they had both set up shops before and thought it was an opportunity to help in any way they could. A painting was needed to be done on the wall of the upstairs chapel so Eileen set about drawing the image of the United Hearts for the wall. John, Nora and Patty helped with the cleaning and preparatory work for the shop. Before going to the shop that morning during their Morning Prayer time a message had been given which read:

Group in Tipperary

Patty and Eileen

with the Servants

at the House of Prayer

the Immaculate Heart House of Prayer in Doon to meet with a group of people. The Prayers and talks were commencing at 3pm. There was a large group of people gathered at the House of Prayer for the culmination of their weekend celebrating the Feast of Our Mother of Divine Love. After the rosary Marcia and Fiona introduced the twins who then gave a talk on their journey of trust painted the face of Christ while the people sat and reflected on their lives and also joined in some praise and worship singing. The afternoon ended with the people being touched with the tears of Our Lady and a prayer said and then some afternoon tea and fellowship

John escorting two ladies to the Calvary Room

Marcia and Fiona in the

Calvary Room in front of the face of Christ.

I ask you to come back to my Son Jesus and be filled with the merciful love He has for you. Do not stay distant and alone. Come close to me, your Heavenly Mother. Come under the protection of my holy mantle and let me take you by the hand and guide you to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Draw water from this spring of salvation. I want you to contemplate on the Scripture reading of the Samaritan woman who went to the well. She was rejected and alone on her journey. Jesus was waiting patiently at the well and asked her for a drink of water. He told her that He could give to her living water and she would not thirst any more. I ask you to read John 4 21-24 and understand God’s loving plan. You are being called to worship God by coming close to Jesus who is the truth and be filled with this truth by the living water of the Holy Spirit. God’s plan began for His children long ago. Read Jeremiah 29:11 to understand that God your Father has a plan for you. It is a plan of hope not despair. Do not stay distant from His love. Allow the guiding hand of the Father to show you the way you need to go. Follow the path of humble service of His Son. Jesus died on the cross to give you a new life. From His heart flows blood and water. Come to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and be replenished so that you walk not by your own selfish ways but you learn to walk in blind faith moment by moment with your Lord and God. I ask you this night to be fervent in your faith, steadfast in hope but above all these be filled with the love of God and let this holy love flow out to all those who are put in your path. Do not pick and choose who to love. Love all with a humble and contrite heart. Give thanks for the abundant blessings you are given and surrender your will to the Divine Will of your Heavenly Father. Let your prayer be not my will but yours be done. Early Wednesday morning they started at 6am to drive to LAX where they boarded the plane to Dallas and then Cincinnati. They arrived in Cincinnati at 6pm. They had the address of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Centre but were not sure who was picking them up. Eileen stayed with the cases and Patty went to phone the centre. Eileen called to Patty to come. She had said hello to a security guard who in turn asked her “are you one of the twins from Australia?” to which she replied “yes”. Apparently Marge who was picking the girls up had been parked out the front and had said to the security guard she was waiting for twins from Australia and had given him her mobile number in case he found us. He immediately phoned her and she turned around and came back for them. They arrived at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit centre in time for Mass in Our Lady of Sorrows chapel. The centre has another chapel called Our Lady of the Rosary – it is much bigger than Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel and to the side there is another small chapel with permanent adoration. The centre was a seminary and was set

on 13 acres of land in Norwood which is out of Cincinnati. It is a very large centre. After Mass they went with Marge and Ron (who works at the centre) to eat in the dining room. They all then went back to the chapel to pray in thanksgiving night prayers. Eileen received the following message:- 9th April 2008 (Jesus -Night Prayer Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Centre Cincinnati) My children, You have been asked to worship God in spirit and in truth. I am the way, the truth and the life I am calling you to live. Come close to My Sacred Heart and I will reveal to you God’s plan for you. Just as you see My hands outstretched in welcome to all I ask you to outstretch your hands to those who are so distant to the faith. Be prudent and wise in this ministry of love, as I am calling you to bring these lost sheep back onto the narrow path by your gentleness and humility. Do not be like the Pharisees and Scribes who followed the letter of the law and were led by their heads and not their hearts. Open your hearts to My love. Be healed of the wounds of rejection and allow Me to turn your little weaknesses into strengths. I am calling you to be a light to the nations in the salvation of the lost and abandoned souls. Be filled with my peace and joy and be led by the Spirit of God in this important ministry I am calling you to. I ask you to place no judgements on these people. Follow the little way of holy love. Look to my daughter Therese and her little way of love. The work I am calling you to is plentiful and the fruits will be in abundance. Make a refuge of holy love to the many that will knock on the door seeking refuge from the storms of life. Help them to come to the knowledge of the truth by the love you give in an endless manner. Pick up and carry my cross of holy love. This life I am calling you to is difficult. You are called to love the many that are weighed down with heavy burdens. Bring them to My Sacred Heart – the well spring of salvation where they can draw water joyfully and be quenched of their thirst. I ask you to read Acts 13: 47-52 to understand my plan for you. Look to Scriptures and understand this calling. Look to My Way. I loved the rejected, the lowly. Let the graces which flow from My Mother be your guiding light. Read and pray the beautiful prayer of the Magnificat and follow the path of littleness and trust which My Mother took in total obedience to the Will of your Heavenly Father. 9th April 2008 (Jesus -late – Cincinnati ) My children,

decisions which will have a lasting affect. There are consequences to each choice you make. Choose wisely by asking for the grace of the Holy Spirit to help you be prudent and wise. I remind you to remain silent when you are unsure of God’s Will. Do not make conversation carelessly. You must be an example of pure love. Silence and contemplation are part of this mission. Speak when necessary. The main purpose of your mission is to listen to the hurts of the people and to guide them to seek reconciliation in their families and with their loved ones and neighbour. There must be healing of the wounds before My hurting people can be filled to overflowing with My merciful love. Come to Me and experience My Divine Mercy. Trust and believe that you are loved beyond compare. Accept the need to be cleansed of your hurts and seek healing through confessing your faults and failings in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Do not pridefully think that you are above this request to humbly seek forgiveness of your Lord and God. You receive many graces when you choose the path of humility, confess your sins and receive My healing power through the hands of the priest and the absolution you are given. I ask you to continue walking in humble obedience following the precepts of your Heavenly Father. Grow deeper in your path of holiness. Let go of the need to have self satisfaction for your acts of charity. Take the background and selfless path. Serve others with a pure heart, seeking no recognition, no reward. Give thanks to your Father for the many blessings you are given and reach out and show My love to those who are so distant. I am with you as you guide the lost back into the fold. Be courageous to step out and continue serving God in the missionary work of God’s love. There were a couple of hours in between flights but the time went very quickly as the New York airport was so expansive and the distance between connecting flights was some distance. The girls realized that they were not seated together for this flight but thought that there must be a reason and decided not to ask to be seated together but to trust in God’s plan for them to be seated apart. Just before the plane was due to board their names were called over the loud speakers. They went up to the counter and were told that the attendant needed to take their green cards. While he was doing this he looked at the passports and then at the screen and said to the girls would they like to be seated together. The girls smiled as they realized that it had been a test for them in trust. God would exceed their expectations if they trusted completely and surrendered to His Will. The plane arrived at Shannon at about 6.30am and their friends John and Nora came to pick them up from the airport. There was time to drive to their home in Tipperary and go to Mass and then a few hours rest before going to

18th April 2008 (Night Prayer) My dear children I thank you for your faithfulness of prayers and little acts of love which you give for the salvation of souls. I ask you to have the courage and strength to continue this path of littleness and love. Look to Therese always for this example of love. To follow the path of service and love is difficult. You must be cleansed from any selfish desires and you must imitate the humble service of love that” The Little Flower” took. Be joyful in this ministry of love. Look to the many saints who chose the path of humility. They were filled with joy in the humble service of their Lord and God. Jesus called the disciples to come and follow Him. He told them to pick up their cross and follow Him. Let your little daily inconveniences be used for the salvation of souls. Stay silent when your first reaction is to speak in haste. Discern always the Will of God. Use the precious gift of wisdom. Be prudent and wise as you step out in faith to fulfil the Father’s desire for you to be His missionary servant of God’s love. Open your heart and receive His love. Come close to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and be healed of the wounds which keep you trapped in the darkness. Receive the healing power of love which flows unceasingly from His Heart. Be refreshed and replenished through the living water which He gives to you as a sign of His love. Come to Him in the Sacrament of Penance and confess your faults and failings and pray an act of forgiveness for your sins. The healing comes through the grace you receive by the hands of Consecrated Sons. Come often to the wellspring of salvation and be filled with the grace needed so that you walk the path in humility and trust. Be healed of the hurts which keep you trapped. Forgive those who have hurt you and also forgive yourself. Walk moment by moment. Do not stay trapped in the past or run ahead with fear for the future. Be docile to the Spirit of God and walk in holy love in the present moment with the knowledge of the fullness of God’s love. It was now time for the twins to pack their bags and catch a plane to New York and then take a connecting flight to Shannon in Ireland. Pat drove them to the Pittsburgh Airport and they went through the many security checks and were on their way once more. Before leaving that morning during Morning Prayer a message had been given which read: 19th April 2008 - Jesus I thank you for your obedience and discernment you have followed on this journey of trust. It is most important to make time in quietness and prayer so I can reveal to you the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. Be still and know that I am Lord. Do not rush and make hasty

You have been chosen to be a witness to others of My Divine Mercy and fathomless love. I am calling you to be tested and purified in your service of holy love. You must come to Me with a humble and contrite heart and be healed of the wounds before you begin this ministry of holy love. Forgive others not once but seventy seven times. Surrender these hurts to Me and I will make you clean again. Surrender completely your will to the Divine Will of God. There can be no pride, no hidden agendas. I want you to bring many, many souls to the merciful font of My heart so that they can receive My healing power. When you drink from this well spring of salvation you will draw water joyfully. This water will flow first as a trickle then it will form a babbling brook then a river. All the rivers will flow in an unending stream as My font of mercy and love increases and grows. Do not be afraid my little ones, cling to Me and let us be joined as one – your heart open and giving to the Immaculate heart of My mother and My most Sacred Heart. Your Heavenly Mother is refuge of sinners and cause of your joy. Through her humble obedience I was given as a precious gift from your Heavenly Father for the redemption of the sins of mankind so you could live your life anew. God is a bountiful God of love. Give glory and praise to Him for the abundance of grace and blessings you receive. I remind you to ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. Trust in His providence. Walk in blind faith with an expectant heart full of mercy, compassion and love. Bring back to Me the lost and forsaken. Let My house be a refuge for sinners – a sanctuary of My peace and love. I ask you to serve with a servant’s heart of love. Choose the narrow and more difficult path. Climb the holy mountain of God. The next day Thursday 10th April they arose and went and prayed out in the large grotto dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes. (picture on front cover) The girls were praying the luminous mysteries of the rosary (Mysteries of Light) and a message from Our Lady said that it was not by chance that they were at the Centre on Thursday praying these mysteries of the rosary. She asked them to trust and told them that they would see her lights that night. The brief history of the Centre and Our Lady of Light is the following: In September of 1991 Mary the Blessed Mother of God, began appearing as Our Lady of Light to a woman from Batavia, Ohio. Later she announced that she would visit her people at St. Joseph’s Church in Cold spring, Kentucky at midnight on August 31st 1992. She promised to return, with the Father’s permission, in succeeding years on the anniversary of that visit. With her blessing the site has been changed to Our Lady of Holy Spirit Centre in Norwood, Ohio. On June 3, 1999 she said that August 31st 1999

would mark her last public appearance there. The apparitions were always accompanied by a fantastic light show which flashed off the sides of the buildings. Many thousands of people witnessed these light shows during the apparitions. That night the girls did see flashing lights and were told that this still happened from time to time. At midday the twins were picked up by their nephew Andrew’s in-laws Richard and Cheryl who drove from Louisville to meet up with the girls. They took them to a craft shop to purchase the paints that would be needed later in the day. After a beautiful lunch they were driven back to the centre. In the afternoon Patty decided to set up the frame so that she could prepare for the painting that they would be doing in Our Lady of the Rosary chapel after Mass. She emptied the poles onto the ground and noticed that there was a small piece of the frame missing. She shook the bag and could not find it anywhere. Close to tears she discerned whether she was to try and put it together another way and got yes. She asked the Holy Family to help her to sort it out and right at that time Ron Tolle came in. She explained to him what had happened and he told her he would go and look and see if there was anything else that she could use. He came back with some PVC pipe that fitted perfectly. The frame was put together and the cloth pinned to it in readiness for after Mass. The centre was very busy in preparation for a big fundraising dinner that was going to be held that night. Mass was held in Our Lady of the Rosary chapel at 7.15pm. After Mass Patty and Eileen talked to those present about why they had come to America. They explained that they would be doing a presentation a little later but would like to wait until 8.30 so that Sister who was attending the dinner could be present. They taught those present the prayers from Servants of the Little Way. It was important that prayers were offered for the success of the fundraising dinner as the Centre has important work to do and needs the financial support to achieve this. They then proceeded with the painting of Jesus face. It is a very powerful image. Marge, Sister and Ron joined Eileen and Patty for night prayers and Eileen received the following message:- 10th April 2008 (Night Prayer - Jesus) My children I ask you to follow the little way. God’s way is so different to yours. Do not worry if your plans seem to go astray, you must walk in a more trusting manner with Me your Merciful Saviour. Trust my little ones. You remember the Scripture I gave regarding the lost sheep. I am your Good Shepherd. I search out for all My lost sheep who have drifted away from the faith. Even if you touch the heart of one and bring them back close to My Sacred Heart there is much joy and rejoicing in

Fr. Joe and the SOLW prayer


Taken from the prayer garden at

the Rotundini

Statue of Padre Pio at The Rotundini in

his honour.

Lord and God than to impulsively rush ahead because of your own hidden agendas. I was told that I had been chosen to be the Mother of God. I trusted and obeyed the Will of God. You are called to total surrender to the Divine Will of God. Do not say the words of surrender and trust and then do the opposite in your actions. You are told in Scriptures that God does not judge by outward appearances but from the heart within. You must take time in quiet contemplation and examine your conscience in an honest and open manner. Do not compromise your faith by giving excuses for the way you live your life. You may be able to fool those around you but you cannot fool God. You have been called to lead a virtuous life in humble obedience to the laws of God. Pray humbly with a contrite heart asking your Heavenly Father to reveal to you the areas in your life which are lacking in purity. You have been called to follow the path of Therese as a servant of the little way. Do you pray only the prayers or do you truly practice the example of selfless love given to you by the little flower? My children I ask you to strip back the layers of imperfection. Do not be afraid to reveal the vulnerable child within. Walk in trust and love. Change the old patterns of selfishness and pride and learn to be led by the Spirit of God. Be content to journey through the desert knowing that an oasis of love awaits all God’s children who surrender themselves completely to the Will of God and follow the little way of love every moment of the day. On Friday Pat’s Mum Leona (Buckie) celebrated her birthday so Patty and Eileen cooked a traditional Australian meal of pumpkin soup, roast beef and pavlova and strawberries. Pat’s dad Patsy, Renee and Pat joined Leona for lunch. They dropped Patsy home and then the rest of the group went to St. Anthony’s for Mass. This was followed by the Servants of the Little Way prayer group in the Chapel. It was lovely to meet with this group as this is the first group started for the Servants of the Little Way in America. After prayers they all went and walked up to the prayer garden to watch the sunset from the top of the prayer garden. You walk the way of the cross up to the top where there is a beautiful prayer garden. A supper was then held in the hall and a birthday cake for Pat’s mum. Eileen disassembled the painting and as she was packing up the missing piece of the frame fell out of the bag. (see the beginning of the journey at Cincinnati). The girls had a good laugh as it had been another lesson of trust. They thanked God for the people they met and for those who had helped them on their journey. The website for the prayer garden and Rotundini in honour of St. Padre Pio is

Heaven. Remember I told you that the graces will flow as a trickle and grow into a stream of living water. You have been called to be an instrument of love and light. You must allow your Heavenly Father to mould and shape you into a trusting child of the New Covenant. Walk in trust. Do not try and control any situation. I ask you to be docile to the Spirit of God. I want you to remember that God the Father has carved you on the palm of His hand. Let His guiding hand be upon you this night. I am calling you to listen more to the gentle whispering of the Holy Spirit. Be still and you will hear the gentle call. Open your eyes to the signs you will be given to guide and help you to grow deeper in your spiritual life. Contemplate My great love for you. I ask you to put on the crown of suffering – the crown of righteousness and help bring many to the path of salvation. You will be given graces in abundance to help you. Surrender yourself totally to the Will of God and He will reveal the next part of His plan for you. Do not be afraid to walk in trust. Shake off the chains of the past and walk in faith and pure love. I ask you to forgive those who have hurt you. You prayer to your Heavenly Father each day the words “forgive us our trespassers as we forgive those who trespass against us”; the amount of forgiveness you measure out will be the measure you are given. Let your cup of mercy, compassion and love be full to overflowing. I am calling you to be a servant of holy love – a servant of the little way. The girls were told that the rest of the group (Father Joe, his brother Buddy and Pat Polachek), who were to meet them at the Centre, had been delayed because of a maintenance problem with 1900 American airlines flights. They eventually arrived in after 2am the next morning. Pat had booked a

van at the airport and was hoping to pick it up to drive to the Centre. This was not meant to be as in January when discerning the trip Eileen had been told by Jesus that he would provide a 12 seater bus and a driver. Pat was organizing the trip for the American section and had asked so many people about a 12 seater bus and had tried to hire one

Patty Sister Mary Evelyn & Eileen

but came across brick walls each time. The group had a lovely breakfast with Sister Mary Evelyn the next morning and discussed how God was calling them to really trust. They were still in a dilemma as they were supposed to meet another priest 4 and half hours away and they did not have the car yet. They decided to cancel their appointment. Patty went to the Adoration Chapel to pray about it and Eileen followed. Pat also came to pray and was told she could go out and ask someone. She saw a lady (Fran) coming towards her along the corridor and asked her if she knew anyone who had a 12 seater bus. Fran said that she had a 15 seater bus and she would call her husband, Joe and ask if we could borrow it!! Joe told her he would put new tyres on the van and the group could pick it up in the afternoon from their house in Sidney (Kentucky). Patty and Eileen were still in the chapel praying and Eileen was told by Jesus that he would exceed their expectations and that she could now go!! The girls went out to be greeted by Pat with the exciting news. The group went to meet up with a beautiful brother, Br Paul who has a wonderful devotion to St Therese of Lisieux. They met Br Paul and his group on a farm where Our Lady had been appearing in the late 1990’s. Brother Paul’s driver was a lady called Stella. The girls were discussing with her their need to get to Sidney to pick up the bus. Stella said that they were welcome to take her second car and she would arrange to pick it up from Fran and Joe’s later. The group was driven to her home and she drove her second car out of the garage. It was a beautiful dark blue Volvo convertible. They had only one more problem to solve – a driver was needed. Ron (the security guard) had said to the girls he would help them in any way he could so they decided to call him and ask for his help. Ron was a retired policeman and admitted later had never done anything like this on the spur of the moment. Ron agreed to meet with the group at the Holy Spirit Centre. He had a pick up truck which was perfect for transporting the luggage to Sidney. The group set off on their adventure stopping for dinner on the way and then saying their night prayers as they drove along. The message received was the following: 11th April 2008 (Night Prayer – in car to Sidney USA) My dear children, You are learning that God’s way is different to man’s way. Let this testing of your trust and faith strip back the old patterns of control and help you to become more docile to the Spirit of God. For God the Father to use you in a powerful manner you must first go through the fire of purification. This can be painful when you are challenged to step outside the boundaries of control and you are asked to rely totally on the Divine Will of God. God is a generous and loving Father and you have witnessed the abundance of His generosity. He gives you much more than you expect because He loves you beyond your

17th April 2008 (Morning Prayer – Jesus) My little one, I am with you in your time of need. I comfort you in your sadness and I rejoice with you in your joy. I look after you and guide you on your journey of trust. I ask you to continue being docile to the Spirit of God for this is truly the path of trust. You will walk moment by moment with Me your Lord and God when you are obedient to the Divine Will of your Heavenly Father and also docile to the Spirit of God. There is still work for you to do. Many of God’s people carry such heavy burdens and are weighed down by sin. You have been called to be a light to the world. Let My light always burn brightly in your heart to show others the narrow path of salvation. Bring back the lost and those who are so forlorn and show them the deep love I have for them. Have the courage to walk against the tide of unrest. Many of God’s people are sheep without a shepherd. They wonder in the wilderness searching for fulfilment in all the wrong ways. Do not cling to earthly wants and desires but cling only to your spiritual needs. God is full of goodness and love for you and will provide for your every need. All it requires from you is your trust and acceptance of His Will in your life. Take this journey one small step at a time. Do not run ahead but instead be happy to walk in the present moment. Be thankful for the many blessings you receive. Contemplate these graces and give thanks to your Eternal Father for the abundance of His love for you. All must go through Him, be with Him and be in Him for you to lead a life of pure and selfless love. Do not be independent of His love staying self sufficient and in control. Abandon yourself completely to this holy love which is given to you by your Father through Me His Son in the grace of the Holy Spirit. The circumstances of your life can affect your perception of God. Pray and ask that your spiritual blindness be removed and your spiritual deafness restored so that you can see more clearly, hear more fully and you can walk more in trust and love with the guidance of your Heavenly Mother towards the eternal light of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Go out this day and be a beacon of light to all. 17th April 2008 (Night Prayer) My dear children, I thank you for showing obedience in the little tests you are given. It is important to obey the Will of God in your every thought, word and deed. This is purity of heart. You must read again 1Peter1:3-9 to understand the purification process. You will be tested like gold in the furnace. Listen and obey always the instructions you are given. If you are unsure it is better for you to wait upon your

On the Wednesday night Mass was celebrated at St. Anthony’s Parish in Monongahela. After Mass all assembled went to the hall, next to the church, and Patty and Eileen gave a presentation which included the painting of Christ. Vic from this parish joined the twins in helping to paint the picture. While the painting was unfolding Wally played his harmonica and sang a beautiful song that he had composed. Wally also sang and played his harmonica at the Ave Maria Parish. This was followed by supper and fellowship 16th April 2008 (late night prayers – Jesus) My children, Build My archway of hope to help in the salvation of souls. Let it become a refuge for those who are lost and alone. This refuge will give them the strength they need to draw close to the wellspring of faith – My most Sacred Heart. The water which flows from My Heart will nourish them on their journey of faith. Let My arches symbolize the need to be fervent in faith, to cling always to hope and to let love be the way they lead their lives. Show My people the way to life eternal. Let them come and experience the love of the Father given through Me the Son in the grace of the Holy Spirit. I will show you the way. Be patient and wait. Do not run ahead of Me. There is more I need to reveal to you first before you proceed. I am calling you to build Me a refuge for sinners. There are so many who are lost and alone. Help them to come back and experience the holy love I have for them. Gather My sheep and My lambs and bring them back to the fold. You must learn the lessons of trust before you embark on this mission of love. Study well this path I have chosen for you to take. There will be difficulties if you try and do this journey by your own means. I want you to study the book of Wisdom 1:1-5. Let honesty and integrity be the path you choose. You must be virtuous and wise when you step out as a disciple of holy love. Lead a life of simplicity – a life of service. Be faithful and honest in all your dealings and you will inherit the Kingdom of God. To those who can be trusted in the small ways to lead a life of integrity God will entrust to them the role of protectors of the faith. Examine your conscience and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the changes which need to happen when you choose to take this path of righteousness. Be holy as I your Lord and God am holy. Follow the path of discipline. Read also Proverbs 2 and follow the precepts of God. Be prudent and wise and discern always the Will of God. Follow the path of integrity and you will inherit the Kingdom of God. On Thursday the girls had the day at Aunty Jo’s house working on Pat’s computer. Eileen received the following message:-

comprehension. His ultimate gift for you was His Son who gave His life for the redemption of all mankind. Will you give your life for the atonement of the sins committed throughout the world today? Will you surrender your life totally to the Will of God? I ask you to live your life with an expectant heart. Be filled with joy as you learn to let go of the controls and allow God’s guiding hand to lead you. Jesus is your Good Shepherd and He will lead His sheep to pastures which are rich and green. It is important that you learn to take the difficult climb towards spiritual perfection. Seek to be holy as your Lord and God is holy. Follow the path of humility. Do not want praise and recognition for any work you do to further God’s Kingdom. Allow the praise and glory to always be given to your Heavenly Father. Purify your heart from self promotion. Stay humble and background working in a silent and selfless way and you will gain eternal reward. Let the Holy Spirit fill you with the grace you need to be prudent and wise. Let discernment be part of your daily life. Do not rush ahead but learn to wait upon the Lord. Be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and walk not by your own means but by the Spirit of God. They arrived about 11.30pm at Fran and Joe’s house. As they drove around the corner to the house they saw the bus parked out the front. It was a beautiful blue. Fran and Joe were so hospitable. Fran had baked biscuits and gave the group drinks as well. Father Joe and Buddy have a holiday house on the Lakes so the group set the GPS to this address and drove off into the night. They arrived at the house at 5am and decided to sleep for a few hours then have breakfast and continue on their way. Buddy had a hearty breakfast ready for them at 11am and they all ate and then put everything back into the van for the next part of their journey. They set the GPS to guide them through Holy Love Centre in Ohio. For some reason the GPS would not work properly and they came to a detour. Ron asked what he should do and Eileen said he needed to take the detour. Jesus then gave a message. It was the following: 12th April 2008 (Jesus - travelling to Holy Love) My little ones, You are on a journey of trust. I am calling you to deeper trust. You doubt so easily. Trust Me and ask for My help. The detour you passed through was given to you for a purpose. You must look to these people of faith who you saw walking along the edge of the road. They follow the little way. Their lives are simple and filled with love of God and love of neighbour. They are happy to share all they have with others. You must all return to a simple life of faith and love. Love your Lord and God with all your body, mind and strength and love your

neighbour as yourself. If you follow this precept you will follow the path of righteousness. I am calling you to a consecrated life. Look to the meaning of this Consecration. Just as God made a covenant with His people – the old covenant being replaced to reveal the new covenant of love, I challenge you this day to consecrate your life to God and allow Him to reveal His Divine plan for you. This consecration is given to you for you to accept in the particular way He is calling you to serve Him. Will you be a servant of the little way. This consecration comes to each individual in the manner of calling which God has planned for them. It is total surrender to His holy will. The layers of self must be stripped back to reveal the vulnerable and

trusting child within. Are you ready to lead a consecrated life of service and holy love? Do not be afraid, my little ones. Follow Me and I will lead you on the path of eternal salvation. Believe more fully in God’s perfect plan for you and for all of God’s children. There are many parts to the body of Christ. Be My hands, My feet, My heart. Draw many to My font of merciful love – My Sacred Heart. The detour had led them past an Amish man and his children and also past all their homes. By the time they got to the Holy Love Centre it was closed. They were able to drive around and have a look and they stopped by the

On Tuesday the group arrived Ave Maria Parish in Bentleyville at 5.30pm to set up for their first presentation of Taking Time. After the celebration of Mass the girls were introduced by Pat and spoke on Taking Time for God, taking time for others and taking time for self. This was followed by the painting and a shared supper. It was lovely to meet up with such a beautiful group of people.


Wally playing harmonica Picture taken in the Rotunda in the prayer garden

Wally, Eileen and Vic

Eileen and Patty stayed at Pat’s Aunty Jo’s house. Aunty Jo passed away a couple of years ago. The house is high up on a hill and overlooks Bentleyville. On Monday they drove into Mass at Immaculate Conception Parish in Washington Pennsylvania. 14th April 2008 (Night Prayer –Bentleyville) My children, You must learn to rely totally on God and His Divine providence. He is calling you to a deeper level of trust. He will feed and nourish you and strengthen you with His grace. Trust and believe that you are a child of God. He formed you in His image and likeness. A cloud hangs over God’s people. Sin and the tendency to sin have trapped many who now stumble in the darkness and despair. You have been called to bring these people back into the light by your countless loving actions. You must be pure of heart, mind and soul for this discipleship of holy love. Peel off the layers which keep you bound and be filled with the grace to follow the little way of love. Let your strong will of self protection be broken down and turned instead into a strong determination to surrender completely to the Will of God in every part of your life. There can be no ego, no self seeking desires, no selfishness and greed. Humble your heart and allow God to lead you through your Good Shepherd Christ Jesus. Persist on the difficult days when challenges occur one after another. Never give up hope. Trust in God and His love for you. Read Jeremiah 17 7-8. Let your roots of faith go down deep into the waters of salvation so that you blossom and bloom and the fruits of the Spirit flower in abundance. Be filled with joy as you contemplate the awesome power and generosity of your Father in Heaven. Do not be afraid to climb the mountain on this journey of faith and trust. Take time to meditate on the many graces you receive in your daily life. You must learn to give out this love but also it is important to let this holy love in. Break down the walls which you have placed around your heart to protect you and allow the love of the Father given by the Son through the grace of the Holy Spirit to fill your heart to overflowing. Take this journey of trust one moment at a time. As you begin to trust and believe in the small things you will find it easier to trust and believe in the bigger ways. Trust my little one trust.

Lake of Tears and said a Franciscan Peace Rosary which meditated on the 7 sorrows of Our Lady. They then continued to their night destination. It was the house of Rhoda Weiss. The girls had read the story of Rhoda earlier in the year. The book was written by Karen. Karen was at the house to greet them. As it was getting late and half the group was to have accommodation at the Santa Clara monastery they all said their good nights and some of the group stayed with Karen at the house and the rest went to the monastery. The Poor Clare sisters were very welcoming and the group was shown their rooms and then went to say their night prayers. This was the message given during prayers: 12th April 2008 (Night Prayer – Santa Clara Monastery) My children, Learn the lessons needed in these opportunities you are given. Look to the lives of Francis and Clare and learn true simplicity of life. Learn detachment from material possessions. Learn the lessons of holy love. You have been called to consecrate your life in obedience to your Father in Heaven. I ask you to take time in quietness and prayer to fully understand this commitment you make. You are abandoning yourself to the Divine Will of your Heavenly Father. The patterns of self must be stripped back. You must learn the many lessons of obedience. This obedience must begin in the small daily occurrences. You must pray and discern always the Will of God before you step out to further God’s Kingdom. Be still and listen. Do not let your own strong will blind you to the truth. Humble your heart and walk in the light and love of My Son Jesus. I remind you to be docile to the Spirit of God. Let go of the controls and lean more on the guiding hand of God your loving Father. This hand must sometimes pull you back from your impatience and the layers of self will need to be stripped back. The layers of self are many so surrender yourself completely and allow the purification process to continue. Let the fire of purity cleanse you of imperfections which keep you bound. Be freed from the chains and you will feel the heaviness of your burdens leave you as you walk moment by moment with your Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ. Holiness is achieved not by the amount of prayers given but by your depth of faith, hope and love. You must walk more in complete trust and less by your own means. Change the old patterns of weakness and allow your Heavenly Father to renew you in strengths. Let the goodness of God be revealed to you. Ask for all your needs and you will receive them. Do not try and remain self sufficient and in control. Trust and let go and the guiding hand of love of the Father given to you by His Merciful Son Jesus through

the grace of the Holy Spirit will descend upon you and fill your soul with the courage and strength to walk in the fullness of God’s love in the present moment.

After the girls retired to their rooms Eileen was given a prayer of Consecration to the Heavenly Father. This is the prayer: 12th April 2008 (late) Consecration to Our Heavenly Father Dear Heavenly Father, We have been told no one can come to the Father except through your Son. I pray today through the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary this prayer of total surrender. I consecrate myself today in my every thought, word and deed. Purify my heart from an self seeking. Create in me a pure heart of holy love so that I may know, love and serve you with a servant’s heart. Bind any evil spirits which tempt me with pride and forgive me all my wrong doings. May all the praise, glory and thanks be yours and may I always walk in the present moment in the fullness of your love and that of your Son Jesus by the grace you give me in the precious gift of the Holy Spirit. They woke early had breakfast and then prepared for mass. The beautiful

church next to the monastery had permanent adoration. The altar had the monstrance set into the middle and the curtain was drawn during mass. Father Joe was the main celebrant and as it was Good Shepherd Sunday he spoke about the Shepherd needing the love and support of his flock so that he in turn could be a good shepherd. Mother Superior spoke at the end of mass and invited everyone to come to an impromptu party. The sisters had morning tea for everyone. The twins spoke to the people and gave out gifts to them all. It was then time to say goodbye and to meet Karen for lunch and then a prayer meeting in the afternoon. The group met at a local restaurant and as Eileen entered into the foyer of the restaurant her eye went to a display. At the front of the display was an Amish cookbook with the words “do you want to lead a simple life”. The reinforcing message of trust and returning to a simple life of love was been continually revealed to them. They ate an enjoyable lunch and then went to Rhoda’s house to meet with a group. The girls showed the DVD and then they prayed the prayers of the Servant’s of the Little Way. The twins prayed with the people and enjoyed some wonderful fellowship with these faith filled people. Before long it was time to be on the road again. Their destination was Pittsburgh. Father suggested to the group to drive through an area which had a big statue of Our Lady of Lebanon. They all enjoyed this stop as the church was beautiful with many large icons painted on the walls. They continued on their way to Pittsburgh. Father Joe and Buddy were taken to St. Anthony’s parish and then Pat and the girls were driven to Bentleyville. Ron had a quick break and then he had to drive all night to return the bus to Joe and Fran. They group said sad farewells and Ron set off back to Sidney.

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