jesus the marketer

Post on 20-Dec-2015






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Jesus The Marketer“How The Enlightened Master’s Teachings Can Add Attractive Power To Your Message

& Increase Your Flow Of Abundance”

by Joshua “Aaron” Stanley, Conscious Copywriter

©2009-2010 Joshua Aaron Stanley. I approve of the free distribution and redistribution of this document so long as it is not altered in any way, nor sold for profit.

About The Author As a “Conscious Copywriter,” Joshua Aaron Stanley applies the principles of Empathy, Integrity & Authenticity to create marketing messages and sales letters that persuade and inspire. His copy has produced breakthrough results for his clients, activating or increasing their stream of abundance. Through courses and training programs, he shows enlightened entrepreneurs how to apply fundamental spiritual principles to the practical art of copywriting so they can market their business with a clean conscience while attracting just the kind of prospects they want to work with. Sharing This Message With The World As the sole author of this work, I authorize you—the reader—to distribute or redistribute this work to anyone you feel may benefit, under two conditions...

1. That you leave this work intact, making no edits, cuts, nor changes of any kind.

2. That you do not charge any price, but give it freely.


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Table Of Contents
















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“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” -John 10:10

Jesus the Marketer. Sounds almost blasphemous, doesn’t it? After all, Jesus would surely have condemned many of the standard marketing practices of today. He said things like, “You cannot serve both God and money.” And, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” And, “Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you.” His one violent act was to overturn the tables of the moneychangers and “Temple Marketers” who watered down spirituality, and turned it into a profiteering enterprise. Even these days, most marketers seem more concerned about making and hoarding money than doing the right thing. Indeed, Darwinian Capitalism is only concerned with ever-greater profits and “survival of the richest”. It has little regard for humanity, common decency, and the environment. Marketing has helped fuel a culture of greed and consumerism. The West has been turned into a hoard of “buying zombies” through prodigious use of psychological programming, subconscious manipulation, and covert mind control in education and the media. So how in the world can I call Jesus a “marketer”? First, let’s separate the game from the players. Think of your favorite sport. Some players will “play dirty” by bending or breaking the rules to ensure victory. It doesn’t mean the game itself is evil. Nor does it mean the game causes people to act evil. People do bad things because those things are already in their consciousness. Nothing outside of themselves can cause them to do those things. External circumstances can only serve as an opportunity or catalyst to act on what’s already in their mind. Other players are perfectly content to obey the rules of the game, and believe it to be good sportsmanship. Even so, these same players can be persuaded to play dirty when it appears that “everyone else is doing it” and it’s “necessary to compete”.


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However noble the game itself might be, the actions of the players can easily distort it into something ignoble.

The True Definition Of Marketing To understand how I can dare call Jesus a “Marketer”, let’s define what marketing actually means. It is not simply about “selling something”—though that is often the goal. And it is not about “manipulation” or “mind control”—though they’re often used. It is, quite simply...

Getting the right message to the right individuals. That’s it. If you have a message—any message—intended for more than one person, you are engaged in the act of marketing. Notice how I used the word “individuals” rather than “people” or “audience”. I did that for a very good reason. The built-in plurality of the words “people” and “audience” often imply a faceless crowd. This problem is even more magnified when you refer to them only by their action, such as “consumers” or “buyers”. There is no such thing as a faceless crowd. Any audience (or any group of “people”) is a unique combination of unique individuals. When we forget that, it is all too easy to emotionally separate ourselves from those individuals and begin thinking of them as “they”—some mass entity, which exists to be exploited. There is nothing inherently good or bad, righteous or evil about marketing. Many marketers choose to “play dirty”. But marketing is simply the process of communicating a message to more than one person. So... consider Jesus of Nazareth. Did he have a message? Of course he did. And a very important one! And was he concerned with getting that message to the right individuals? Of course he was! It was the only way to fulfill his mission. Then, by simple deduction, he was a marketer: Jesus the Marketer.


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Why I Wrote This eBook I decided to write this ebook and freely distribute it out of a sincere desire to be of service, and not be so selfish for once. I am increasingly concerned about the direction our society has taken. We’re a society dominated by greed and consumption. We are slaves to insatiable desires. And most of us are too concerned about our own welfare to care much for others. I can’t change everything. In fact, I can’t even change one person. It’s not my job to change anyone else. All I can do is change myself while presenting this message of conscious marketing to the world. I’m not naïve enough to believe this ebook will “change the world.” But the message it contains will. And perhaps this message can change you. I’m writing this ebook with two kinds of readers in mind...

1. Those who are already astute at business and marketing, who perhaps have marketed in a selfish or unethical way in the past, but are beginning to awaken to a paradigm of unselfish love and service...

2. Those who have always been uncomfortable with marketing, and tend to be overly meek in crafting an effective message and getting it out to appropriate individuals.

To the former, I hope to demonstrate a better way... and to the latter, I hope to present a marketing paradigm you can fully embrace—one that will allow you to be of service to more people while enjoying a more abundant life. The key to living in true abundance is living life and conducting business in harmony with the natural laws of the Universe. This is the essence of what conscious marketing is all about. And this is where I’d like to begin...


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“The Rules of the Game” There are certain laws that govern the entire Universe. Some of them have been described by science. Others are laws of consciousness, which are only beginning to be explored by science. Regardless of current scientific thought or understanding, these laws are as absolute as any known scientific law. It is helpful to know what they are...

The Law Of Love

“Love your neighbor as yourself.” -Matthew 22:39

“God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.”

-1 John 4:16

“If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.”

-1 Corinthians 13:2 Love is the uniting force in the Universe. It is the greatest of all Laws. It cannot be adequately defined or explained. It can only be experienced. Anything less than perfect Love divides and causes pain. This leads to a whole host of insatiable desires that serve to temporarily relieve the pain. But Love—and only Love—heals and unites once again. It serves wholeheartedly and wants the absolute best for everyone, because in so doing you are ensuring the best for yourself. Ultimately, we are all one. This is the Law of Love.

The Law of Abundance

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and


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tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? “So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

-Matthew 6:25-34

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” -John 10:10

Abundance is about quality of life—in every aspect, not just financial. Most people don’t fully understand and appreciate the true meaning of abundance. It has very little to do with money. (To understand why, see Appendix A: “A Philosophy of Abundance”.) There is no such thing as scarcity. Where scarcity exists, it is either manufactured or believed into existence. Abundance means there is enough: enough of everything... enough to go around... enough for the entire world—but only when shared unselfishly out of love and service, and not greedily hoarded for profit.

The Law Of Free Will “You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.” [God speaking to Adam & Eve]

-Genesis 2:17 “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened...”

-Genesis 3:6-7a In the beginning, our Creator gave us Free Will. He warned us of the consequences of descending into duality (“knowledge of good and evil”). He knew the loss of consciousness that would result, and the pain and suffering that would go with it. He knew it was better for us if we didn’t do it. But even God Himself did not violate our Free Will right to make the wrong decision.


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And without Free Will, we wouldn’t be who we are. This precious gift allows us to make decisions for ourselves... to make up our own minds... to choose our own destinies—even when we choose the wrong one. If God Himself honors this, then what right do we have—as mere mortals—to violate the Free Will right of others? No one is above God. Free Will is a sacred right and enjoys Divine protection: anyone who violates the Free Will of another will eventually learn of the next law...

The Law Of Karma “In everything, do to others what you would want them to do to you.”

-Matthew 7:12 “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”

-Galatians 6:7

The Law of Karma is our teacher. It teaches us what Love is and what Love is not. It teaches us the “Knowledge of Good & Evil”. Some think of Karma as the “wrath of God,” which is often how the Bible poetically refers to it. But the Law of Karma is impersonal, and not a respecter of persons. Unlike our own human justice system, Karma delivers perfect Divine justice. No one gets away with anything. It has also been called “The Law of Attraction”, which is how Karma works. What you think, say, and do always attracts similar things. “Birds of a feather” reveals a deep spiritual truth.

The Law Of Grace

“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”

-Luke 6:37 “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”

-Mark 11:25 Fortunately, there is the Law of Grace. It is not necessarily relevant to our discussion of marketing. But it is so beautiful I had to include it anyway.


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The Law of Grace is our means of release from the school of Karma. We are not condemned to suffer through “bad karma” forever. There is a way out through love and forgiveness. The Law of Grace appears to operate in direct proportion to our own ability to accept and offer forgiveness. Which means it is critically important to live our lives without hatred and without grudges of any kind... to never judge others too harshly, even when their actions are despicable. Remember the words of John Bradford: “There, but for the grace of God, go I.”


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The Quandary If you’re a conscious business owner, you’re only offering products and services that you know will make a positive impact in your prospect’s lives, and will do no harm to humanity nor the environment. Anything less would be unethical and out of harmony with the Laws of the Universe. But now you have a quandary: You know all the benefits of your product or service, and how helpful it would be to your prospect... but your prospect doesn’t know it. Furthermore, because of the Law of Free Will, it is entirely your prospect’s decision whether to accept your service. Any coercion on your part is a violation of Free Will.

Unfortunately, most marketers and sales professionals do not acknowledge the Law of Free Will. They use every manipulative tool at their disposal to coerce their prospects into doing business with them, with little thought to the karmic consequences.

Surprisingly common violations of Free Will...

! Manipulating the laws to make it illegal not to buy your product or service.

! Creating a monopoly where buyers must buy from you—usually at inflated prices.

! Actively suppressing alternative valid solutions and persecuting those who promote them.

! Misrepresenting the product or service to make it look more beneficial than it really is.

! Misrepresenting or incorrectly discrediting other competing solutions.

! Failing to disclose all the details of the offer, and all costs involved.

! Making it difficult or impossible to cancel services or orders when there is no good reason to do so.

! Appealing to humanity’s greatest weaknesses (greed, pride, lust, fear, etc.) to manipulate them into buying.

! Using calculated subliminal messages, hypnosis, or other “mind control” tactics to bypass reason.

! Using manipulative psychological tactics like artificial scarcity or “one time only” time-sensitive offers for no good reason other than to make the sale.

! Not taking “no” for an answer.


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Given our Darwinian “survival of the richest” version of capitalism, I’m sure you’ll have no trouble remembering plenty of examples of the above violations.

The Solution Understand that in order to fully operate within the Law of Love, you are morally obligated to communicate the benefits of what you offer in a clear, compelling way so your prospect can understand. It’s also important to communicate the consequences of not taking action. (For example, God was pretty clear when he warned Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit of the Tree.) Otherwise, how can you expect your prospect to make an intelligent, informed decision? If he is not properly informed, then he cannot exercise true Free Will. Notice I did NOT say that you are morally obligated to make the sale. That is not your concern. You cannot control that. Only your prospect can make that decision. What you CAN control is how you present your product or service: in other words, your “marketing message”. Conscious Marketing is the delicate balance between the Law of Free Will & The Law of Love in true recognition of the Law of Abundance in order to live in harmony with the Law of Karma...

• The Law of Love compels us to make sure our prospects fully understand the value and benefit of our products and services.

• The Law of Free Will compels us to allow our prospects to decide for

themselves rather than resorting to manipulative techniques or “arm-twisting” sales tactics.

• The Law of Abundance compels us to charge fair and reasonable

rates, giving back to the community when profits exceed necessary living expenses.


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The Creative Power Of Words

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth... And God said, ‘Let there be light.’”

-Genesis 1:1,3a “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... Through it all things were made.”

-John 1:1, 3a The entire universe was created by the Word of the Infinite Mind. Mystics tell us the universe still resonates with the sound of that original Word—the sound of the “Amen” or “Aum” vibration. Both words mean “Let it be”: the Word of creation, which spoke the universe into existence. A word is a vibration of creative thought-energy. Just as sound creates vibration through air, thought-energy creates a vibration through space-time. Modern research is pointing to the truth of this, such as Dr. Masaru Emoto’s experiments described in Hidden Messages In Water. We, being created in the “image and likeness” of the Creator Himself, speak words of vibratory creative power. They are expressions of ideas, emotions, or desires. Each word carries its own unique “thought-energy”. It’s important to understand that marketing is a game of the mind, played on a field of consciousness... and words are the game pieces. Words originate in the mind (consciousness) and touch the soul with their unique vibration. They have the power to attract attention... elicit emotion... arouse desire... forge a connection... evoke the imagination... and move individuals to action. Words have the power to persuade and inspire...

They can become a powerful force of attraction... or drive your prospect away before you can say, “But wait, there’s more!”...

They can emotionally engage your prospect and arouse his deepest desires and highest aspirations... or leave him completely disinterested... They can persuade your ideal prospect to respond with enthusiasm... or put up walls of skepticism and resistance.


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This is the marketing challenge: to create a compelling message that attracts your ideal prospect and persuades him to action so you can be of service to him. So how do you overcome your prospect’s natural skepticism to sales pitches and marketing messages? How do you persuade without resorting to manipulative tactics?

The Three Sacred Principles Choose words that resonate with Empathy, Integrity, & Authenticity...

Empathy creates words with Connection... Integrity creates words with Intention... and... Authenticity creates words with Attraction.

I call these the “Three Sacred Principles” of Conscious Copy. I chose to call my business “Conscious Copy” because the word “conscious” implies “awake”—those who have awaken to a certain degree from the false matrix of consensus “reality”...

“If the flesh came into being because of spirit, that is a marvel. But if spirit came into being because of the body, that is a marvel of marvels.”

-Thomas 29:1-2

The fundamental truth of our existence is that we’re not merely human animals—we come from Spirit. And if indeed this is true, it has many implications toward how we should think... what we should say... and how we should live and act in every area of our lives. We are also holistic beings. Just as the ancient Israelites were told, “The Lord thy God is one,” we too, are meant to be one holistic being—not a fragmented consciousness. Being whole is a prerequisite to being conscious. And love is the path to wholeness. Those who are “conscious” recognize this by living in harmony with the Laws of the Universe and applying Empathy, Integrity, & Authenticity to everything they think, say, and do. Not only does this increase the wholeness within yourself... it increases the wholeness of those impacted by your love and service. This paradigm of Conscious Copy is a mindset, philosophy, and technique all rolled up into one. And I’d love to share it with you...


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“The Pattern”: A Timeless Example Two thousand years ago, humanity was in desperate need of a spiritual awakening. They were oppressed from without, but the oppression within was much worse. They were in prison, held behind walls and bound by chains created by their own mind. But salvation had to come from the right person—not just anyone selling “awakening”. It had to come from a Christ. Which means Jesus could not save mankind until he proved himself to be the Christ. Without becoming the Christ, Jesus would have been just another “insurgent” among countless thousands to hang on a cross. But the Great Master proved by his words and actions that he had a level of Empathy, Integrity, and Authenticity greater than anyone else. “He was without sin,” as the temptation in the desert vividly illustrates. And because of that—because of who he is—he has become an inspiration and the source of spiritual awakening for billions of people. Let’s look at how this pattern can enlighten your business and marketing philosophy... You see, marketing is never about what you “sell”. Instead...

1. It is first and foremost about your prospect: who he is, what’s important to him, what resonates with him, what problems he’s having, what his needs and desires are... and whether he needs—or is even looking for—a “savior”.

2. Then, it is about who you are as a person—your level of Empathy,

Integrity, and Authenticity... and whether you’re “the one” to solve your prospect’s problem, meet his need, or fulfill his desires.

3. Only then is it about what you can do for your prospect: HOW you can

solve his problem, meet his need, or fulfill his desire. It is never about WHAT you sell. The “what” is just a thing. It has no life in itself. It only has life when it serves your prospect by meeting his need. The “who”, “why”, and “how” are far more important than the “what”: who your prospect is, why you’re “the one” to solve his problem, and how you plan to do it.


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This is why most copy fails to make the connection, and fails to move people to action. It focuses on what is being sold rather than the true subject of the message: the prospect. “The Pattern” is the key to success in anything... and it is the foundation of conscious marketing. “Conscious Copy” recognizes the importance of right thoughts, which lead to right words. It is a complete alignment of thought, word, and deed with Universal Spiritual Principles.

A Marketing Plan In A Nutshell Before we proceed, let’s take this one step further by taking another look at the definition of marketing...

Getting the right message to the right individuals. Notice how this definition implies a 3-step marketing action plan:

Step 1: Identify the right individuals (your “ideal prospect”). You can’t even begin writing an appropriate message until you know your recipient. Step 2: Create a message uniquely targeted to this ideal prospect. Explain how you can solve their problem, as well as who you are and why they should do business with you. Step 3: Get this message to your ideal prospect using appropriate channels.

These three steps, in a nutshell, make up a marketing plan. If you’ve ever been mystified about creating a marketing plan for your business, simply start with these three steps and flesh them out. Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of failing to spend enough time on the first two steps. Consequently, they end up wasting thousands of dollars on ineffective advertising or driving “traffic”, and having little to show for it. These first two critical steps is the domain of Conscious Copy. Let’s begin by taking a look at your prospect...


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Empathy: Marketing With Connection

Target Your Audience

“Look, the sower went out, took a handful of seeds, and scattered them. Some fell on the road, and the birds came and gathered them. Others fell on rock, and they didn’t take root in the soil and didn’t produce heads of grain. Others fell on thorns, and they choked the seeds and worms ate them. And others fell on good soil, and it produced a good crop: it yielded sixty per measure and one hundred twenty per measure.”

-Thomas 9:1-5 Marketing starts with a choice: who is your target prospect? Different individuals have different needs, different perspectives, different goals, and different hopes and dreams. You can’t possibly be everything to everyone, or you’ll become as the saying goes, “nothing to no one”. Instead, look for good soil: Who has a problem? How can you solve that problem? Who can afford to pay for your solution (i.e., buyers or donors)? Who has the ability to make a buying decision? Finally, who do you naturally resonate with? The answer to these questions points to your ideal prospect. By definition, choosing your prospect means rejecting others as appropriate recipients of your message. There’s nothing you can do about this. Even Christ himself sowed among thorns, rock, and hard roads before he found fertile soil. Some will accept you... others reject you. Craft your message for your ideal prospect. Don’t try to create a “general” message that supposedly appeals to a “wide audience”. It is impossible. Create a specific message for a specific type of prospect. Christ’s message was universal in scope. Yet he appeared to a specific culture, and created his message using the specific language and idioms of that culture and time period—which is why there is so much confusion about his true message today. It is impossible to create even a truly universal message for everyone. It must be clothed in the language of the intended recipients. When there is a match between your message and your target prospects, your prospects will respond to it, and your business will grow and prosper. Choose your prospect very carefully. Craft your message even more carefully.


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Solve A Problem

“It isn’t the healthy who need a doctor but the sick.” - Matthew 9:12

Making a sale is about solving a problem. You can only help those with a problem... and only those with a problem you’re uniquely qualified to solve. It’s very difficult to prove to someone he has a problem. He must already know it, be aware of it, and be in a certain amount of pain because of it. The arrogant, self-righteous Pharisees of Jesus’ day were clearly “in need of a doctor.” But they didn’t realize it. Consequently, there was nothing Jesus could do for them. A smoker who doesn’t want to quit won’t buy your “quit-smoking” product, and certainly won’t spend money on coaching or therapy. In the words of the Great Master,

“Don’t cast your pearls before swine.” - Matthew 7:6

Don’t try to sell to those who don’t need or don’t want your services. It is a futile exercise.

Know Your Prospect

“When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him, ‘Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false.’” “‘How do you know me?’ Nathanael asked. “Jesus answered, ‘I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.’ “Then Nathanael declared, ‘Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.’ “Jesus said, ‘You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree...’

-John 1:47-50a

Notice how readily Nathanael responded to Jesus when he demonstrated that he knew and understood him. Of course unlike most of us, Jesus had supernatural ways of knowing.


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But even for the rest of us “mere mortals”, we can learn a powerful lesson from this. People respond positively when they feel they are known and understood. And it doesn’t take any paranormal skills to understand your ideal prospects. Simply spend time with your best clients... interview them... and, of course—

Enter Your Prospect’s World

"There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, 'Father, give me my share of the estate.' So he divided his property between them. "Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything. "When he came to his senses, he said, 'How many of my father's hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men.' So he got up and went to his father. "But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. "The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.' "But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So they began to celebrate.” “Meanwhile the older son was in the field. When he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. So he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on. ‘Your brother has come’, he replied, ‘and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.’ “The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his father went out and pleaded with him. But he answered his father, ‘Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!’ “‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’”

- Luke 15:11-24


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This is my favorite parable of Jesus, and my favorite passage of all scripture, which is why I included it in its entirety. This parable richly yet elegantly depicts our fallen spiritual condition and redemption. Just by being here on Earth, we’re “living in a far off land.” And unless we’ve been enlightened, we’re living in a far off land in our consciousness, as well. (Each of these exiles are illustrated in the parable, depicted by the two sons.) There is much I can say to elaborate on this passage, but how can it help us become better, more conscious marketers? The key is in the highlighted sections above. Notice that the father sees the younger son “while he was still a long way off.” He “was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” Even for the elder son, who was supposedly with him but “refused to go in,” the Father “went out and pleaded with him.” In other words, God meets us where we are—wherever that might be. There are no hoops to jump through... no prerequisites of dogma... and certainly no condemnation. As marketers, we too must meet our prospect where he is. We must “enter his world” by stepping out of our own. It’s important to understand him and where he’s coming from. This is true empathy. You cannot have a truly compelling message without demonstrating through your message (and actions) that you understand and care about your prospect...

Walk A Mile In Your Prospect’s Shoes Jesus purpose in coming to Earth was to experience everything we experience (limitation, suffering, etc.)... yet lay out the path to overcoming it:

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

Hebrews 4:15-16

In other words, Jesus experienced what we experience. He was not offering a solution to a problem he didn’t fully and completely understand... and he was not offering a solution to any person he did not fully and completely understand.


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The key to understanding your prospect and communicating your Empathy is walking a mile in his shoes. Use your imagination. Talk with your prospects on a regular basis. Try to understand what they’re going through: What are they thinking about? What is important to them? What are their problems and concerns? What is keeping them awake at night? What are their hopes, desires, and dreams? THAT is the kind of information that will allow you to create a message that immediately attracts and resonates with your Ideal Prospect.

Be Of Service What you think and how you feel will determine your tone of voice as you write. That’s why it’s extremely important to recognize and accept at a very deep level that you are in no way better than your prospect. You’re there to serve him...

“You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.”

-Mark 10:42-44

“Blessed are the meek (humble), for they will inherit the earth.” -Matthew 5:5

All too often, I read sales letters with an arrogant tone that screams, “I’m better than you... so buy my product!” This will put people off and lower your response rates. Instead, focus on genuinely being of service. Be there to solve a problem... not just to sell something.

‘Resonate’ With Your Prospect In order to communicate his universal message to first-century Judeans, Jesus taught from their cultural perspective. He used their language... their terminology... their words... to get his message across. In the same way, try to use the very same language and words your prospect uses in order to create deep resonance.


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To understand your prospect’s worldview, to learn his language, and to discover his problems, you must speak with him in person. You’ll soon learn what resonates with him and what is really important to him. You’ll “learn his language”. That’s why I consider interviewing existing customers or clients a critical part of the marketing & copywriting process. There is no better way to get priceless “inside information.” Many copywriters pay lip service to “getting inside the prospect’s head.” But in reality, they’re usually just guessing because they haven’t taken the time to truly understand their prospect by speaking with him one-on-one. “Ivory Tower” marketing rarely works. Jesus of Nazareth didn’t teach in isolation. He was constantly with the people, spoke with them often, and understood their needs.


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Integrity: Marketing With Intention

Words Originate In Consciousness

"The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart.”

-Luke 6:45 The power of words is driven by the intention behind them: “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks,” to use the more traditional version of the above quote. Integrity is about intent. It is not merely your actions that determine your integrity. It is your very thoughts and emotions. In other words, Integrity begins in the mind.

“But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”

-Matthew 5:28 This is the great truth the Master was referring to when he said if you hate your brother, you’ve murdered him in your heart... and if you lust after a woman you’ve committed adultery with her in your heart. It doesn’t mean the mental sin of hate is the same as the physical sin of murder. He’s simply pointing out that outward action begins in the mind. No action is taken without it first being conceived in the mind. Your thoughts influence the words you use. They influence your actions. They also impact the world around you. Other people can sense your thoughts, even if only at the subconscious level. This often manifests as a “gut feeling”. That’s why it’s important to guard your intention. Your intention is your deep-seated motivation. It is your reason for doing or saying what you do or say. Your intention can either weaken or add power to your words and actions. If your words are not in line with your intention, their power is weakened. If your intention is focused on selfish desires like the pursuit of wealth, power, materialism, etc., then your words—however noble and altruistic they may sound to you—will fall flat and fail to connect. Inevitably and unintentionally, your message will be focused on yourself and not on your prospects. And its persuasive impact will be severely weakened.


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How Integrity Is Compromised

“Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. ‘All this I will give you,’ he said, ‘if you will bow down and worship me.’”

-Matthew 4:8-9 There is a constant battle for your mind. Whether there is a real “Satan” or not is irrelevant. The war is real, even if the only enemy is yourself. It is a subtle war. There are no spectacular explosions, no aerial bombings, no fierce gun battles. The battles take place in subtle realms of consciousness. Yet the end result is just as devastating. We see it on a daily basis when we read or watch the news. Every act of betrayal, every “con job”, every corporate scandal, every act of violence, every murder, every assassination, every war, every act of tyranny, every crime against humanity began with a compromise of Integrity. Integrity is the sole bulwark against sin, which makes it the prime target. The assault begins secretly at first, like a parasitic fungus that invades unnoticed until the infection has completely overwhelmed the body’s defenses. The breach begins with a hint of selfishness—the perception of self as inherently different and separate from all other selves. This is the original sin that provides the fertile ground for all other sins to take root. This perception of separation gives birth to the ego-mind who says, “I am different”... which soon becomes, “I am better”. And thus pride is born. And as the seed of pride takes root it spawns a host of other desires such as greed and self-gratification... then come fear and loneliness, along with the desire to placate them. And soon, the ego becomes a raging, out-of-control demon called “the man of lawlessness”, “the anti-Christ”, “the dweller at the threshold”, “Satan”, and many other poetic names. The last temptation of Christ (according to Matthew’s account) is about the status of this ego-self. It is the ego-self that demands to be bowed to and worshipped. It seeks to put itself in Spirit’s place and rule over your life and others. Its insatiable desires seek all the wealth and power in the world. And Jesus—as powerful as he was—could have had it all had he succumbed to the temptation of satisfying his ego-self.


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Yet Jesus understood there was a wealth far richer than all the material wealth and power the world had to offer. Instead of bowing to it, he subjugated his ego to Spirit... and in the process became the Christ.

The False Virtue Of Greed

“Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures, the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms—greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge—has marked the upward surge of mankind.”

-Gordon Gekko (from the film Wall Street) “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”

-Luke 12:15 Like pride, greed comes subtly at first. It is satisfying to the ego-self so the ego-self clothes it in virtue. It sanitizes it in virtuous-sounding language such as “claiming your abundance”. It even spiritualizes it, equating spiritual development with the size of your bank account. Yet monetary and material wealth is a false abundance. It only placates our fear of uncertainty instead of releasing it through faith and trust. Instead of relying on the Universe to abundantly provide as the need arises, it relies on the “security” of accumulated material wealth. And with that false reliance comes a mindset of scarcity and the fear of loss. In a world of true abundance, there is nothing to lose because there is nothing to get attached to... and there is no fear of scarcity because there is always enough for everyone.

“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.”

-Matthew 6:24

“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

-Mark 10:25 As uncomfortable as these passages are to the ego-self, they teach us a valuable lesson. The truth of them becomes even more apparent when you understand how our money system works, and how it is designed to create scarcity, poverty, and economic slavery. (See Appendix A: “A Philosophy of Abundance”.) Keep in mind, the Master is not condemning wealth, nor is he condemning the wealthy. He used hyperbole to illustrate a point: that the pursuit of material wealth is not compatible with a Spirit-guided life. The cost is too high. It places


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more importance on money than on values. It hinders the consciousness from entering the true abundance of the “Kingdom of Heaven”. As Christ himself said,

“Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?”

-Matthew 6:25b This is not to say that having wealth is inherently wrong. There is nothing wrong with wealth if the Universe is truly rewarding you for your service. But this is a blessing that is received rather than pursued.

The Poor In Spirit

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” -Matthew 5:3

Even the wealthy can be “poor in spirit,” just as the poor can succumb to greed. Being “poor in spirit” is about cultivating a mindset that doesn’t place undue importance on money or material things. The “poor in spirit” aren’t overly attached to money or the “bottom line”. They don’t compromise their values in the vain pursuit of wealth... and they wouldn’t even think of providing less than stellar products and services to their customers or clients...

They offer real solutions to real problems. They don’t sell a product just to make money... They charge fair and reasonable rates that make sense. They don’t inflate prices just because they can get away with it... They tell the truth in the most compelling and persuasive way possible. They do not exaggerate the facts, or mislead the reader... They communicate genuine urgency when appropriate. They do not resort to “fake” urgency or arbitrary scarcity merely to “light a fire under the prospect’s wallet”... They do not “sneak by” continuity offers under-the-radar, hoping the customer won’t notice or care. They disclose everything before the sale... And they build trust by focusing on the relationship instead of just the sale.

The “poor in spirit” are the blessed recipients of true abundance and prosperity.


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Maintaining Integrity

“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

-Matthew 6:33

“The kingdom of heaven is within you.” -Luke 17:21

These statements reveal the key to maintaining your Integrity and preventing pride and greed from gaining a foothold. “The Kingdom of Heaven” is a realm of consciousness marked by love, peace, joy, and other “fruits of the spirit”. It is not merely a place you go when you die—it is a state of mind and awareness you can enter into here and now through regular meditation, prayer, and spiritual living. The Master is teaching that if we seek first the Divine Connection within... and seek to do what is right in thought, word, and action (“righteousness”)... then we’ll have everything we need. This is true abundance. In other words, maintaining our Integrity is our highest priority: “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.” Some people mistakenly take this to mean, “seek only his kingdom”. But this is not a call to withdraw from the world. We are indeed spiritual beings. But at this moment, we live in a physical world, which requires physical actions to produce physical means to pay for physical needs. Work is a necessary reality of life on Earth. Don’t rely on “thought” or prayer alone. It is necessary to invest the appropriate time and effort in building and marketing your business.

The Reward

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

-Luke 6:38 This is about more than just giving money. It is about giving your heart, your mind, and your actions in the service of others. As the poet Kahlil Gibran wrote, “It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” If your intention is to be of service first—rather than simply “making a living”—you’ll find yourself richly rewarded in ways far beyond mere dollar bills. After all,


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“Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?”

-Matthew 6:25

As the Master said...

“Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

-Matthew 6:19 One of the most profound and paradigm-shifting statements Jesus ever uttered was, “The kingdom of heaven is within you”. It is a key to understanding a great deal of Scripture. “Treasures in heaven” refer to treasures of consciousness: love, peace, joy, and other “fruits of the kingdom” that accompany a truly abundant life. This is a true reward, which far exceeds any material treasure the world could offer. The Conscious Marketer is driven by the desire to spread love, joy, and peace... and the desire to be of service to others over and above monetary reward. In a perfect world inhabited by perfect citizens, we wouldn’t even need a money system. Everyone would give themselves freely in the service of others to ensure every member of society was living happy, healthy, and whole lives. But until that day, money is a necessary means of exchange. It helps ensure value is received as well as given, maintaining the balance of service and trade. So while a desire to serve is important, it doesn’t mean you should give everything away for free. After all,

“The worker is worth his keep.” -Matthew 10:10

However, a desire for service does mean rates should be fair and reasonable to preserve the energetic balance of giving and receiving.

The Power Of Belief Belief is essential to maintaining Integrity. Jesus made many references to the power of belief. He would tell people, “Your faith has made you well.” There are even accounts of him being unable to perform miracles due to a lack of faith. He was telling us that our minds are a powerful co-creative force with the Divine Mind. Our minds create our own reality and can even produce “miracles” as long as thought, belief, and intent are in perfect alignment...


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“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

-Matthew 17:20

“Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”

-Matthew 7:7-8 Embrace your spiritual power. Know that your thoughts—your Integrity and intentions—are the foundation of everything you say and do.

“There is light within a person of light, and it shines on the whole world. If it does not shine, it is dark.”

-Thomas 24:2-3 The light within you, the light of your Integrity, is a powerful attractive force. It is a deep well that brings forth words of creative, attractive power. When your words are born of Integrity, and communicated with Empathy & Authenticity in a compelling way, your prospects will feel a powerful, magnetic attraction. There is no need for coercion or manipulative psychological “tricks”.


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Authenticity: Marketing With Attraction

The Meaning Of Authenticity

“Faith without works is dead.” -James 2:20b

Authenticity is about alignment: aligning thoughts and beliefs with words and actions. Intention is useless without physical action to give it life. This alignment makes your words and actions genuine, which is the definition of authenticity. By implication it means embracing your unique individuality. Your unique individuality is born in thought... and part of aligning thought with action is living your individuality.

Do What You Love

“Don’t lie, and don’t do what you hate, because all things are disclosed before heaven. After all, there is nothing hidden that won’t be revealed, and there is nothing covered up that will remain undisclosed.”

- Thomas 6:2-6

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”

-Colossians 3:23

It is impossible to be truly Authentic if you don’t absolutely love what you do and feel it is your highest and best calling. Do only what brings you peace, love, and joy. For “out of the heart the mouth speaks” (Mt. 12:34), and will testify to your Authenticity.

Be Focused

“A person cannot mount two horses or bend two bows. And a slave cannot serve two masters, otherwise that slave will honor the one and offend the other.”

-Thomas 47:1-2 Be single minded in purpose and vision. All too often, entrepreneurs try to “ride two horses.” Yet if you ride two horses, no one will know which one really belongs to you. James, the brother of Jesus, added, “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways” (James 1:8).


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To illustrate this, I used to work for a small business that offered IT support services... and phone systems... and security systems... and home entertainment systems. There was no unifying message or theme. It was “a little of this and a little of that” from a small operation. I often meet people at networking events who explain what they do, then proceed to ruin their impact by saying, “and I also do...” (Those in network marketing are particularly susceptible to this.) Choose your horse and ride it. If you’re serving two (or more) masters, not only will people will get confused, but your efforts will be scattered and therefore less effective. That’s not to say you can’t have other hobbies or interests or income-producing pursuits in addition to your primary business. It fact, it is essential for maintaining good mental health. For example, I still write music. However, your marketing message should be focused toward the audience you’re targeting—and in the same way focused on one over-arching theme—not divided or scattered all over the place. Each marketing message should have one purpose and one offer. Know what your purpose is before you write a single word... and be sure every word supports that purpose.

Create Your Own Message At the time of Jesus, Judea was subject to Rome and forced to pay tribute. To add insult to injury, Rome was a pagan empire while the Jews felt they alone worshipped the one true God. Why then, if their God was more powerful than any pagan god, were they subjects of Rome? This cognitive dissonance caused the Judeans to react in various ways. There were four main political-religious factions...

1. The Pharisees reacted by becoming more pious. They adhered to a strict interpretation of scriptures and made all sorts of rules and regulations everyone should follow if they really wanted to please God. They felt that only strict piety could bring the promised Messiah, who would free them from Roman rule.

2. The Sadducees were much more secular than the Pharisees and

conformed more to Greek culture. You could think of them as ancient agnostics. They denied that humans had an immortal soul or that God really cared or was active in the world.


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3. Then there were the Zealots, who felt very strongly that it was Israel’s

divine right to rule themselves and be free from pagan rule. All that needed to happen was for Judeans to rise up and take action. They didn’t hesitate to resort to violence, which made them the terrorist extremists of their day.

4. Finally, there were the Essenes. They thought of themselves as the

righteous remnant. Everyone else was going to hell in a hand basket. They were a cult who preferred to separate themselves from the rest of society and form enclaves out in the wilderness to wait for the end of the world as they knew it.

Besides these four political-religious factions, there were the multitudes who I imagine were a bit confused by the different factions and their conflicting ideas. They probably just wanted to live their lives in peace and be left alone. It was this world into which the Great Master entered. Yet he belonged to no faction. He had his own unique message as his words demonstrate... To the Pharisees (who constantly harassed him about breaking petty “laws” and regulations), he said,

“You hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.”

-Matthew 23:12-14 To the Sadducees he said,

“Have you not read what God said to you, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not the God of the dead but of the living.”

-Matthew 22:31-32 To the Zealots he said,

“Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.”

-Matthew 5:39

“Love your enemies and pray for those that persecute you.” -Matthew 5:44

To the Essenes he said,

“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men.”


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-Matthew 5:14-16 And finally, to the multitudes he said,

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

-Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus of Nazareth clearly had his own unique message. In marketing, we call this the “Unique Selling Proposition.” It’s the answer to the question, “Why should I do business with you as opposed to any and all of the alternatives that are available to me, including doing nothing?” As his words illustrate, the Master clearly communicated the answer to this question. He didn’t simply repeat what everyone else was saying. He had his own unique message. His overarching theme was love—God’s unconditional love for us, and therefore our love for God... and by extension, our unconditional love for all mankind. It is through this unconditional love that men are saved, awakened, enlightened—whatever you choose to call it. The Master so believed and so embodied his core message that he even died willingly to keep from violating it—and thus set an example for all humanity. Now THAT is authenticity!

Believability Authenticity does what it loves to do—so long as it’s right—with no apologies to anyone... means knowing and being comfortable with who you are as a unique individual.... “keeps it real" and doesn't "try too hard"... it lives in the Divine flow...

Authenticity creates believability—an essential pre-requisite to attracting your ideal prospects. That believability is communicated through the words you use. (“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.”) Your words are a reflection of your inner values. They reveal (or betray) your subconscious beliefs and mindset. That’s why—if you are not a talented copywriter yourself—it is critically important to work only with a copywriter who shares your core values and is capable of translating them into words.


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When your marketing is infused with the principles of Conscious Copy, you’ll not only keep your conscience clear... you’ll see real, tangible results in terms of increased sales.


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A Foundation Of Rock As you apply the sacred principles of Integrity, Empathy, and Authenticity to your life, business, and marketing message, they will become “like yeast worked all the way through the dough” (Mt. 13:33). These principles will infuse, enlighten, and empower your thoughts, words, and actions. Your marketing message, infused with these words, will become a powerful force of attraction... And the end result will be a prosperous business that delivers a steady stream of abundance for you and your family. Indeed, like the seed on fertile soil, it will yield “sixty per measure and one hundred twenty per measure” (Thomas 9:1-5).

“It is like a mustard seed. It’s the smallest of all seeds, but when it falls on prepared soil, it produces a large branch and becomes a shelter for birds of the sky.”

-Thomas 20:2-4 A magnetic marketing message targeted toward the right prospects will yield prosperity, even during tough times...

“Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.”

-Matthew 7:24-26 Even through recession, depression, inflation, deflation, taxation, or whatever economic challenges may come, a business built on these principles with a marketing message effectively communicating them will stand firm.

“No one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age... and in the age to come, eternal life.”

-Mark 10:29-30


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Appendix A: A Philosophy Of Abundance Recommended Resource: (Watch this online documentary to discover how our monetary system works, how its very design creates artificial scarcity, and what we can do to live in abundance.)

The Limitation Of Our Monetary System Imagine this scenario: John offers a valuable service. Jane is in need of that service, but doesn’t have the cash to pay for it. Jane herself offers a valuable service, but John does not need it right now. Naturally, the transaction does not happen. Jane doesn’t benefit from John’s service! and John doesn’t benefit from Jane’s potential economic contribution, either. How many times has this happened to you? If you’re anything like me, more times than you can possibly count! Not only does this illustrate the weakness of pure barter! it also illustrates the weakness of our monetary system. Why? Because when the money was needed for a perfectly valid transaction, it wasn’t there. Both Jane and John are valuable contributors to society... they believe in being of service... they’re coming from a place of Empathy, Integrity, and Authenticity! yet they could not complete the transaction. John could not serve Jane even though there was a desire to do so on both sides. The lack of dollars routinely prevents trade from happening. The problem is even more exacerbated in times of economic distress. In fact, our monetary system is responsible for economic hardship.

Artificial Scarcity The U.S. Dollar (and every other national currency) is a scarce resource by design. There are those who claim it is abundant, but they’re betraying a lack of understanding both of what “abundance” really means! and about how our monetary system actually works. It is designed to create scarcity, competition, poverty, and economic slavery. Its very nature justifies Darwinian capitalism. (The explanation of this is not hard to grasp, but it takes time to explain it, and it is beyond the scope of this ebook. I recommend watching “The Money Fix” documentary to learn why.)


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The truth is, our money system is not in harmony with the abundant nature of the universe. This is one of the big reasons why greed has come to dominate our society. Greed is fueled by a mindset of scarcity, and our scarce dollars promote a culture of greed.

The True Nature Of Abundance Abundance has very little to do with money as we currently understand it—despite what some so-called spiritual teachers are preaching these days. Abundance is about quality of life—not money in the bank. As far as business and trade are concerned, it is about the ability to give and receive freely without being hindered by scarce dollars. If everyone were coming from a genuine place of love and service, there would be no need for a monetary system. We would gladly serve each other to ensure each and every member of society was living an abundant life full of health, happiness, and fulfillment. Sadly, humanity isn’t yet evolved enough to live this way. But until that day, there are ways to facilitate trade that aren’t absolutely dependent on scarce dollars! and which allow you to experience more abundance in your life.

Greasing The Wheels Of Trade I am a strong believer in barter, barter networks, and alternative currencies—especially currencies that are designed to be created by the user as the need arises. (See “The Money Fix” for an excellent explanation of how a truly abundance-conscious money system works.) My intention is to offer a valuable service to those who need it, while maintaining a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity. I do that in a number of ways!

! I seek to offer the best of myself in a spirit of service at a reasonable rate. Greed seeks to do as little as possible for as much as possible! and get as much as possible for as little as possible. Abundance, on the other hand, upholds fair and equitable trade.

! I accept alternative forms of payment to help circumvent the scarcity of U.S. Dollars and uphold true abundance. I am open to alternative means of exchange through barter (if it’s a high-priority need), barter networks, gift certificates, or alternative currencies. Let’s be creative!

! I am open to alternative payment plans that work within your budget—as long as they are within reason.

! I choose to work only with conscious business owners and non-profits who believe in true abundance, who make a valuable contribution to humanity,


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and who believe in fair trade. ! I believe in giving back to the community. There is an inherent selfishness

to hoarding wealth. It comes from a mindset of scarcity and greed. But abundance recognizes there is no need to hoard, and therefore gives freely to worthy causes.

Finally, the very service I offer (writing Conscious Copy) contributes to a life of abundance by creating a compelling marketing message that attracts those in need of your services. If you’d like to explore how Conscious Copy can help you get more business or donations, then I invite you to request a FREE 30-Minute Marketing Consultation by contacting me through my website at


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Appendix B: Awakening To Conscious Copy As 2007 came to a close, I decided to leave the comfort and security of a “real job” with the respectable title of “Marketing Director”, and start my own business as a freelance marketing consultant and copywriter. I didn’t know it at the time, but I wasn’t even close to being ready for the challenge of entrepreneurship. But then again, who is? Sometimes, you just gotta do it, and learn as you go along! which is exactly what I did. No one is born a successful entrepreneur. Each person has their own unique journey. Mine began as a classically trained musician! Back in my college days, I earned a B.M. degree in Trumpet Performance! then went to graduate school to study Music Composition. It was my dream to be like John Williams, and write big orchestral scores for exciting action-adventure films! !At least until I moved to L.A., and was faced with the down-to-earth reality of having to pay the rent! (What do you call a musician without a wife or girlfriend? Homeless!) That’s when I entered the “real world” and got a “real job”. You gotta keep the rent paid somehow. But I wasn’t happy. I tried several careers—computer technician, accounting, even pre-med school—but there was no creativity in any of them. Finally, after becoming exhausted and burnt out, I knew I had to find something I could be truly passionate about! but would also allow me to support my habit of living indoors. That’s when I discovered copywriting! and I soon realized,

It’s a whole lot like composing! !because a composer must be both creative and analytical. There is no such thing as being one without the other. Without creativity, music lacks life and energy. But without the logical mind, it lacks form and structure. It is the same with writing a persuasive sales message.


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There is an underlying structure to every sales argument that requires a logical mind to understand and create it. Yet at the same time, it takes creativity and sensitivity to write a rhythmic, flowing—even hypnotic—message over this structure that keeps your reader engaged. I attribute my musical training as a key influence in my writing style. But more than that, I’ve spent enormous amounts of time studying the old direct response masters. Marketing legends such as! Claude Hopkins — Robert Collier — John Caples — Vic Schwab — David Ogilvy — Eugene Schwartz — Gary Halbert — even many of today’s living legends. It was because of my burgeoning interest and passion in direct marketing that I was given the chance to take a job as Marketing Director for a manufacturing company in Torrance, CA. That’s where I continued to learn and hone my skill as I completely rewrote all of their marketing materials. Here’s what the President of the company says about my work!

“Consistently Delivered Excellent Results”

“Aaron’s witty and friendly writing style has been a big hit with our customers and has consistently delivered excellent results. We’ve gotten so many positive comments from our customers. “He has even helped define our unique selling proposition and made sure all of our marketing materials communicate it. “I don’t know how he does it but he always manages to quickly grasp our message with minimal input on our part, and effectively communicate it to our customers in a fun, easy to read fashion. “I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone!”

John Berardi, President, Wildfire Lighting & Visual Effects As much as I enjoyed having the title of “Marketing Director”, it didn’t take long to realize I much prefer writing copy than being a manager. I live for the analytical and creative challenge of positioning and promoting different products and services. Each new challenge is a problem to be solved! a piece to be composed! a victory to be won. Which is exactly why I struck out on my own at the dawn of 2008 to offer my skills and talents to the world. And!


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My life changed forever. You see, there is nothing like giving up the security of a steady paycheck for the “wild and dangerous” life of an entrepreneur. It can either destroy you! or force you to change and become who you were always meant to be. It is a journey of transformation—like going through a “refiner’s fire” that forges a new and better person out of you. It has been—and will continue to be—an epic journey. Let me give you an example of how my life has “shifted” forever! A bit over a year ago, I began to get flooded with work. Project after project was coming in the door, and it looked like I was going to be booked for at least 2 solid months straight.

Then it happened. In an odd act of synchronicity—and due to circumstances completely beyond my control—every last sale I thought I had made evaporated before my very eyes. Suddenly, I went from being booked solid for the next 2 or 3 months to having virtually nothing on my plate. I was dumbfounded. The only thing I could do was get back to work promoting my business. Only problem was! I was exhausted. I’d been working days, nights, and weekends for months doing the “entrepreneur thing”. (If you’re an entrepreneur, you know exactly what I’m talking about.) There’s nothing wrong with hard work, but everyone needs a break from time to time. And that’s exactly what I did. It was a only a few months before this time that I began awakening to my true spiritual nature. Before then—and despite having grown up in the Christian Church—I had no idea what it even meant to be spiritual. But now, I was awakening to things that opened my mind and heart. I realized I was on the wrong path and headed for a shallow, meaningless existence. So I took a “spiritual hiatus” to reconnect with my inner spirit. I spent as much time as I could in a state of meditation and prayer. I laid everything down before God and the Universe—my business! my life path! my core beliefs! even life itself.


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Rev. Michael Beckwith once said, “So you want a resurrection? Well, something has to die!” So! like the Great Master before me—though not quite so dramatically—I placed the totality of myself and my experience on the cross of sacrifice. That’s when my life changed. Again.

I “resurrected” an entirely different person. I had a profound new realization of who I am, what my mission is, and the kind of force for good I can bring to those around me. It wasn’t easy. In fact, it is still very much a process of continuous death and resurrection in different aspects of my life and consciousness. I am still experiencing paradigm-shifting discoveries! profound “new” insights! and ever-greater realizations. Welcome to the path of spiritual evolution. But one thing is certain: I am a child of my Creator, I am committed to living in the Light, and my mission here is to serve others in whatever way I can. It is my mission to use my talents and gifts in the service of humanity—especially in respect to fostering a conscious business community that does business consciously, within the framework of the Natural Law of Abundance. That’s the mission behind “Conscious Copy”. Writing copy is my direct means of service. But behind that is my sincere desire for humanity to shift away from our culture of greed, and into a culture of abundance and prosperity for every member of society. My journey has awakened me to a wider world of spirituality. It has helped me realize the deep, spiritual power that words have. It has allowed me to “feel” the power and impact of each word! and therefore choose words very carefully like an artist chooses just the right color and texture for a particular brush stroke. Conscious Copy is a mindset! a philosophy! and a technique all rolled up into one. It is an elevation of consciousness that goes beyond “selling” and into serving.


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Appendix C: How I Can Be Of Service Option 1: Training Course: “How To Write Conscious Copy” Discover the system behind “Conscious Copy”, and turn your sales message into a powerful force of attraction—no hype or sleazy “snake oil” tactics required. This complete home study course will take you through the very same process I use to write compelling and attractive sales copy. Option 2: Conscious Marketing Coaching/Consulting What if you had regular, dial-up access to an experienced marketing expert? Through one-on-one marketing coaching/consulting, I will help you form a Strategic Marketing Action Plan, and guide you into creating a persuasive client-attracting message. Option 3: Writing “Conscious Copy” My thorough 8-step copywriting process ensures you get a powerful marketing asset that will activate and increase your flow of abundance. See my website for all the details, and remember to...

Request a FREE 30-Minute Marketing Consultation. Contact me through my website at


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Client Testimonials

“A Jaw-Dropping 12% Conversion Rate!”

“Before Aaron, my offer was getting only about a .25% conversion rate. I mean, the sales were just trickling in. But Aaron’s copy had an immediate impact. Conversions suddenly increased 800%. And with tweaking, he has continued to generate better and better results. Last month, my average conversion rate was a jaw-dropping 12%! Bottom line… Aaron’s copy has allowed me to retire from my day job.”

William “Kelley” Eidem, Author

“Double-Digit Conversion Rate!”

“Aaron is amazing. The Sales Letter he wrote for my Big Money Marketing Seminar brought in a double-digit conversion rate!“

Suzy Prudden

“My Website Actually Makes Me Money!”

“Thank you, Aaron. My website actually makes me money! It gives me a steady stream of new clients every week who are willing to pay premium prices for my services. Most of them turn into regular paying customers. I don’t even have to do anything. I just wait for the calls to come in!”

Alba Garcia, ‘The Eyebrow Artist’

“The Real Deal”

“Aaron is my secret weapon! I had him re-do every sales letter on my site, and all of a sudden—ka-ching! The right words put together really can increase your sales. Go with Aaron Stanley. He’s the real deal!”

Arvee Robinson, Master Speaker Trainer

“Exceeded My Expectations”

“Finally, someone who can take your thoughts and ideas and create them into a powerful marketing tool that will really get results. Aaron exceeded my expectations in a big way.”

Laurie Lock, Business Systemizer Leap 2 Millions, LLC

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