january 2018 68 rooster crow - sirinc2.org...on january 5, 2018! wow, 2017 went by fast. must be all...

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J a n u a r y 2 0 1 8


Big SirJack Friesen

Little Sir

Art Bourdrealt


John ZeiterAsst. Sec.

Eckart Sellinger


Ron GurichAsst. Bill Risch

DirectorsJim Waltz

John NorenJoe SauerlandBill Bunderson

Raul CarterKent Dutrieux

Our annual Christmas party was held on December 14th and as usual was outstanding. Many thanks to Roger Burstrem and Tom Egan for doing their usual spectac-ular job. I want to thank our past big SIR Jim Waltz and all of the 2017 Branch Executive Committee (BEC) for an outstanding job. I want to welcome Art Boudreault as our little SIR for 2018 and Raul Carter as a new BEC mem-ber and to thank Ed Sab-rack for his service as he retires as a BEC member. We will be actively looking to identify a little SIR for next year as well as pro-spective BEC members. If you are interested in having a voice in how our branch is governed, please contact me or any member of the current BEC. You will be receiving your 2018 roster at the January luncheon meeting. I had an early opportunity to peruse it and was very pleased to note that of the 94 members list-ed, 27 are new members in the 3 years since our merger represent-ing almost 1/3 of our membership. This is a testament to our lead-ership the past three years and

Jack’sBig Sir Message

to those members who are constantly looking to bring in guests/new mem-bers. We need to keep up the momentum in this regard. Our first special event of the year will be the Valentine Party luncheon scheduled for February 10th at Rickey’s in Igna-cio. Les Church is the

host of the event and will be taking reserva-tions and payment at the January meeting. That meeting will be the only opportunity to sign up for the event so please see Les either before or after the meeting if you plan to attend. It should be a very special day for both our members and their spouse/guest. Other special events planned for 2018, include the very

Happy new year to all our members and their families. I hope that you all had a very happy holiday.

“I was very pleased to note that of the 94 members listed, 27 are new members in the 3 years since our merger,”

Honorary Liftime Members

Don GregoryJim Phelan

Eckart SellingerHans Sommer

Jack Friesen

popular Garden Party in June, a wine tast-ing luncheon at Cline Cellars in October, and our annual Christmas party in December. Also we will no doubt have an opportunity to mingle with SIR members from the

other branches at the bi-annual SIR Day at the Races at Gold-en Gate Fields.I look forward to being your big SIR this year

and to seeing you all at our monthly lun-cheons.

• B r a n c h 6 8 • C h i n a C a m p / I n d i a n V a l l e y •

68 rooStEr crow

Beef Stroganoff with Egg noodlesLow Calore: Grilled Salmon

Doncent and Historian to speak at January’s Luncheon

Don’t Forget

If you can’t make it to a Luncheon,

be sure to report your

absence by the Thursday before. Contact:

Gene Gallagher 415-472-7865


January Menu



January 2018SIRS Branch 68 Rooster Crow

Sons In Retirement | Branch 68 | China Camp / Indian Valley | Newsletter | January 2018

Luncheon News

It was a full house of energy at our last Luncheon Meeting of 2017.

The U.S.S. PotomacThe U.S.S. Potomac was built in 1934 as a Coast Guard Cutter and converted to a Presidential Yacht by Franklin Roosevelt. How the president used the yacht, what happened to it after his presidency and how it became berthed in Oakland is a fascinat-ing story.

Elizabeth Hannon, a docent at the Association for the Preserva-tion of the Presidential Yacht in Oakland, will bring an excellent video and discuss the history of this jewel of a ship.


January 2018SIRS Branch 68 Rooster Crow

Sons In Retirement | Branch 68 | China Camp / Indian Valley | Newsletter | January 2018

town, they also visited the Revolu-tion Museum. It covered the prior Batista government, which really was very corrupt, brutal and U.S.-friendly. Displays then continued through the first unsuccessful attempts at a revo-lution and eventual success. Outside, among a variety of military artifacts,

the small boat used by Castro and his men to stage a raid from Mexico, the Granma, is on dis-play. Life in this socialist country is rough, it is extremely poor but on the other hand it has a good education system and the medial care is excellent and af-fordable. Whatever your opinion on politics, the key impressions that emerge upon a visit to Cuba is that the people are resilient

and exceedingly good natured, and the culture is vibrant and enchanting, a unique combination of Spanish and Caribbean.They toured the waterfront and visited the ancient fortifications at the inlet of the harbor. Within the walls of the har-bor was a museum that really brought to life for them Havana’s historical

The finely restored cars are pretty much exclusively hired by tour-ists. One evening, for $40, they hired a 1954 Buick for an hour-long sunset drive. Alain, their driver, was trained as a computer programmer, but he makes more money as a taxi driver now that he has his own car. The smell of exhaust from a 1950’s car is a distant memory in the U.S., but it comes roaring back quickly in Cuba. Riding in a convertible

at sunset, their eyes watered up from the clouds of exhaust spewed by the cars around them, as well as the occasional plume from the exhaust pipe of their own car when they drew to a stop.Reminders of the 1959 revolution are everywhere in Havana. In addition to seeing propaganda billboards and posters all over

The guys traveled to Havana on a short flight from Mexico City. Under President Obama’s new rules, trav-el to Cuba became much easier for Americans. A trip to Cuba still needed to qualify for one of 12 designated purposes, such as humanitarian aid or a family visit, but no longer required advance approval by the State De-partment. They checked the box for “Journalism” (thanks, blog readers!), and boarded the plane.Traveling to Cuba is an exercise in simplicity, or rather a throwback to a less enabled time of tour-ism. U.S. cell phones do not function here. Internet is only available in a handful of public plazas or hotel lobbies. (You will find clusters of people hud-dling around their cell phones at these locations.) But the biggest throwback of all is that U.S. credit and debit cards are not accepted anywhere in Cuba. So, cash must be brought in to Cuba and exchanged for Cuban Pesos. Oh, and as retribution for the U.S. embargo, official Cuban money changing offices take an extra 10% fee when exchang-ing U.S. Dollars. To avoid the penalty, it is possible to find black market mon-ey changers. They eventually located one in the handicraft arcade. Havana is full of 50’s American cars.

Havana is a beautiful old city which has been in a steady state of de-cay since the 1959 revolution. It is full of warm, friendly people living

in what are often squalid conditions amidst crumbling buildings.

Continued on page 4

Member News

Brian’s Travels

(Continued from page 3)


January 2018SIRS Branch 68 Rooster Crow

Sons In Retirement | Branch 68 | China Camp / Indian Valley | Newsletter | January 2018

role as a strategically located and naturally protected harbor between the New World and Spain during the early Spanish Colonial period. Here, the Spanish galleons, loaded with precious metals from Mexico and South America, could stop for provisions before embarking on the long journey across the Atlantic to the Mother Country. Off the coast lurked pirates, ready to seize the precious treasure. Storms, too, threatened the great ships, and many were lost beneath the waves. Some of the wrecks have been discovered in recent years and their treasures — silver and gold — are on display. It was a most impressive exhibit housed in a picturesque, historical old fortress.

What the guys enjoyed most was the music scene, how can anyone not dance when live Cuban music is being played? And it is played in many, many restaurants and bars. While visiting the Hotel Nacionál de Cuba, a famous landmark for celebrities and hoity-toity’s in Havana’s pre-revolution days, they enjoyed an evening show of the Buena Vista Social Club. For just $50 they got dinner, two drinks each, and the show. The iconic Cuban musical group is world-famous.

Most of their worldwide travel has been rather comfortable. Cuba was a bit more gritty, but alive with music and warm people. After a short stay back home the Guys head back to Europe.

Member News

BEC Report

Raul Carter Kent Doutrieux

Jack FriesenBig Sir

Art BoudrealtLittle Sir

John ZeiterSecretary

Eckart SellingerAsst Secretary

Ron GurichTreasurer

Bill RischAsst Treasurer



Jim Waltz John Noren Joe Sauerland Bill Bunderson



January 2018SIRS Branch 68 Rooster Crow

Sons In Retirement | Branch 68 | China Camp / Indian Valley | Newsletter | January 2018

2018SIR Branch 68

Executive Commitee

Beginning Balance $4,954.17Deposits $4,485.00Expenses $3,264.50Outstanding Checks $2,025.00Ending Balance $7,414.17

Treasurers ReportNovember 2017

Ron GurichTreasurer

Gene GallagherAttendance

Bill BundersonMembership

John ZeiterSecretary

Our Branch Directors keep the club on course. Stay in touch. Ideas and support are always welcome.


January 2018SIRS Branch 68 Rooster Crow

Sons In Retirement | Branch 68 | China Camp / Indian Valley | Newsletter | January 2018

These are the volunteers who keep track of the numbers for us.

The Numbers


January 2018SIRS Branch 68 Rooster Crow

Sons In Retirement | Branch 68 | China Camp / Indian Valley | Newsletter | January 2018

The SIR Bowling League has completed half the season as of 12-15-17 and we now have a nice year-end break with 3 weeks off before we start the 3rd eight-week session on January 5, 2018! Wow, 2017 went by fast. Must be all the fun we were having.


Week 14

Week 15

Week 16

Roger BurstremChairman

Was another one of those tough weeks with only five Branch 68 bowlers earning a spot on our 20 pin over 3-game average honor list. Les Church toppled the pins with ease on his way to a very nice 3-game series of 626, with games of 214 & 232 to win the $20 jackpot with 77 pins over his normally high average series; and to think that I squeezed that $1 out of him. John Noren rolled a nice 3-game series of 545 for a +68; Jack Po-land +53; Bill Bunderson +49; and George Aster +43.

Had Art Boudreadlt rocking the pins to lead the recog-nition board and win $16 with +81 pins over his 3-game average; John Zeiter grabbed the second spot with a nice 528, 3-game series for a +63; George Aster +35; I had a 505, 3-game set for +31; Ray Crawford +30; Don Gregory +26. Les Church had a 523, 3-game series when his team was doing make-up bowling for the week.

Rich Berkvam picked up the $20 jackpot in week 16 by rolling a 505, 3-game set for +55 pins over his normal average; both Steve Medvic and I were +39 while I rolled a 3-game series of 513; Bill Bunderson +38; Jim Waltz +29; John Eller +26; and Don Grego-ry +21.

Sir Roger Burstrem 415-234-6018



January 2018SIRS Branch 68 Rooster Crow

Sons In Retirement | Branch 68 | China Camp / Indian Valley | Newsletter | January 2018


Bob Hiday Chairman

9 Hole Golf

Our nine-hole golf activity completed its 12th year in December, first chaired by former SIR Al Wood for the first year and thereafter by Jack Friesen. There are 34 SIR members on the roster of which approximately ½ are from branch 68 and the balance from branch 47. Each Monday morning at 9 am the group tees off with 4 consecutive tee times. Some keep score, many do not. Many join for coffee at a nearby Starbucks after the approximately 2 hour round. If you are interested in joining the group contact either Jack Friesen or Joe Sauerland.

Jack FriesenChairman

The Walking Group is going strong each week, we have had up to 8 walkers at a time and this makes for a much more enjoyable time. The conversations are fun and informative with each new member coming out. The last walk in December we had two wives and four dogs, we looked like a regular social club out there. Come join in on the fun every Tuesday at 9:00am at the Water Treat-ment Ponds, Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District.


January 2018SIRS Branch 68 Rooster Crow

Sons In Retirement | Branch 68 | China Camp / Indian Valley | Newsletter | January 2018


Jack PolandChairman

Poker will be played once again after the January Luncheon in the Board Room located within the pro shop at McInnis Golf Center. Buy in is $30.00

DominosDominos will be played once again after the January Luncheon in the Board Room located within the pro shop at McInnis Golf Center.Gary Polsky


18 Hole Golf

18 Hole Golf is finished for the year.

Ed TexeiraChairman

Jim PhalanChairman


Bocce is finished until spring.


Robert ChandlerChairman

Tennis is every Wednesday at 9:30 at the MicInnis Tennis Courts. Come out and swing a ffew with us.


January 2018SIRS Branch 68 Rooster Crow

Sons In Retirement | Branch 68 | China Camp / Indian Valley | Newsletter | January 2018

2017Holiday Party

PBS Tom Egan & I appreciated the positive feedback regarding

the Branch’s December 14th Holiday Party. Rich Berkvam is assembling the many pictures taken through-out the evening and included in this newsletter. You will notice that in the pic-

tures that all attendees enjoyed themselves and we received

very positive comments that the Entrees were excellent.

Tom and I would like to say thanks to Joe Grasso, John Zeit-er and Rich for assisting in the

picture taking to supplement my photos, which definitely captures

more activity during the party.

We were able to cover the costs of the party and band with a $49

left over for the treasury; we broke through the 70 break even

plateau with 81 attending, 41 members and 40 guests, includ-ing spouses, partners, & friends.

Tom & I believe that the change to a 5:30 pm start on Thursday, held during the second week of the month helped with the suc-cess of the gathering. We hope everyone had a very enjoyable

and safe holiday season.

PBS Roger Burstrem Continued on page 13

Special Events


January 2018SIRS Branch 68 Rooster Crow

Sons In Retirement | Branch 68 | China Camp / Indian Valley | Newsletter | January 2018

2017Holiday Party

Special Events


January 2018SIRS Branch 68 Rooster Crow

Sons In Retirement | Branch 68 | China Camp / Indian Valley | Newsletter | January 2018

Open Bar

Saturday February 10th, 201811:00 to 3:30

$49.00Per Person

Les ChurchValentines Party


Last chance for sign-ups at the January Luncheon.

Ricky's Restaurant, 250 Entrada Dr., NovatoMenu:

Steak, Chicken, Salmon Vegetarian; Musroomravioli. Included: Salad, Potatoes and Desert.

Special Events

Found in the McInnis Club parking lot after the SIR Holiday Party. If you recognize it, you can claim it at the check-In

table at the Tuesday, January 9 Luncheon Meeting.


January 2018SIRS Branch 68 Rooster Crow

Sons In Retirement | Branch 68 | China Camp / Indian Valley | Newsletter | January 2018


Joe SauerlandSunshineChairman

Editor’s Notes

Kent DutreiuxEditor

It’s a New Year with a new look, last month was a test run of our new newsletter and I’ve received a lot of positive feedback from the membership. Rich Berkvam is now our layout editor for the newsletter and he has a very keen eye for the visual. Look for him with a camera at the luncheons, events and some of the activities. If you spot him, give your greatest smile because you might just see yourself center page. Also thank him for his effort in making our newsletter one of the best in SIR, because everyday I do.


Dan Heagerty 79 Joe Hoffmann 86 Jeff Franzini 58 Richard Somers 85 Richard Le Francois 96 William Risch 80 Bill Bunderson 73 Terry Winfrey 79John Peterson 86Brian Johnson 62Roland Smith 94

Lost & Found

Member MilestonesMiscellanies

Branch 68 Sunshine and Clouds

The 2018 Roster and Handbook (paper-back edition) will be available for pickup at the January Luncheon. In March the next electronic version will be published, if you see any mistakes in your informa-tion or you don’t like your picture contact Kent Dutrieux, otrax@sbcglobal.net or (510) 233-7421.

Roster Updates

A get well card was sent to SIR Ted Cohen. If you know of a fellow SIR who is ill, or could use some cheering up, please let me know so I can send a card. Joe Sauerland 415-479-8442 or joesauerland@comcast.net.


January 2018SIRS Branch 68 Rooster Crow

Sons In Retirement | Branch 68 | China Camp / Indian Valley | Newsletter | January 2018

A Little SIR HistorySan Mateo in the 1950s

This being the 60th year of Sons In Retirement we thought it appropriate to incorporate a little history into our monthly newsletter, and yes there will be a test in the De-cember issue.Realizing the social nature of man and his desire for the company of others, particularly those retired from gainful employment in commercial and professional life, the late Damian L. Reynolds conceived the idea of Sons In Retire-ment in the spring of 1958.From time to time, three friends, all retired, would meet with Mr. Reynolds for a friendly luncheon. He suggest-ed to those three, Messrs. Claus Hinks, Lorenz Hansen

and Wallace Plummer, that they join him in his idea of a monthly luncheon club for retired men, for the purpose of maintaining old friendships, making new acquaintances and avoiding the boredom caused by inactivity. A kickoff luncheon was held in the Clarimar Restaurant in San Ma-teo, California on July 29, 1958. Five additional friends of the four founders came to the luncheon. They were Messrs. George Rogers, Clarence Johnson, Conrad Lange, Lloyd Cartmill and William Torello.Thus began the traditional monthly luncheons of Sons In Retirement.

BRANCH 68 & AREA 8 ACTIVITIES:Bicycling Bob Forsyth Br 134 883-6285Bocce Ball Jim Phelan Br 68 472-2330Bowling Roger Burstrem Br 68 234-6018Computers Tom Egan Br 68 499-9079Digital Cameras Art Costamagna Br 68 456-7031Fly Fishing Fred Holmes Br 134 897-1572 Bill Walker 883-5780Genealogy Jeff Vailant Br 134 897-7808Golf -18 Hole Ed Texeira Br 68 453-6094Golf - 9 Hole Jack Friesen Br 68 491-1086Great Books Club Dick Locke Br 134 897-1572Investors Lunch Will Kaefer Br 47 927-1043Men’s Bridge Bill Cline Br 134 892-0209Poker Jack Poland Br 68 287-6645Rolling Roamers (RV’s) Ray Canziani Br 22 453-4463Tennis Robert Chandler Br 68 450-5237Travel Derlin German Br 58 (707) 763-6162Vintage Cars Joe Sauerland Br 68 479-8442Walking/Hiking Bob Hiday Br 68 892-5231WWII Events/History Ted Cohen Br 68 479-7010

BRANCH MEETING LOCATIONS::Branch # 7 The Club Restaurant, McInnis Park, SR 1st ThursdayBranch # 22 The Club Restaurant, McInnis Park, SR 1st TuesdayBranch # 47 The Club Restaurant, McInnis Park, SR 4th TuesdayBranch # 58 Petaluma Elks Lodge 3rd TuesdayBranch # 68 The Club Restaurant, McInnis Park, SR 2nd TuesdayBranch # 134 Embassy Suites, San Rafael 1st TuesdayBranch # 147 Petaluma Elks Lodge 2nd Tuesday

BRANCH 68 MEETING: Monthly Luncheons & Executive Committee Meetings are held on the SEC-OND Tuesday of the month. Branch Executive Committee (BEC) meets @ 10:00AM; Social Hour starts @ 11: AM Member Luncheon at Noon at The Club at McInnis Park in San Rafael (415) 492-1800.

ATTENDANCE RULES:RULE 60; Members are obligated to attend all luncheon Meetings unless prevented by illness or absence from the branch locale.

RULE 100: A member may be notified in writing by his Branch of the pending termination of his membership.

RULE 107: Should he be responsible for any of the following: (a) Miss "THREE" (3) consecutive regular luncheon meetings without having been excused by contacting the designated Branch Attendance person prior to the meeting date.(b) Nonattendance at "SIX" (6) regular Luncheon meet-ings with-in the previous "TWELVE" (12) consecutive months. "NOTE:" Excused meetings may not be includ-ed to achieve the Six (6) meeting minimum.(c) Attendance at Ladies Day functions may be excluded by the Branch Executive Committee.

NON RESPONSIBILITY DECLARATION: All activities arranged for or by, or sponsored by, Sons in Retirement, Incorporated, and its Branches, are for the convenience and pleasure of the members and their guests who de-sire to participate. Sons In Retirement, Incorporated, and its Branches do not assume any Responsibility for the well-being or safety of the participants or their property,

ATTENDANCE NOTIFICATIONAs soon as you know that you will NOT be attending a monthly luncheon IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU CALL ATTENDANCE CHAIRMAN Gene Gallagher (415) 472-7865 no later than the Thursday before the luncheon so you will be excused and not AWOL and we will know the number of members attending the luncheon.

SIR, Inc. 2017 STATE OFFICERSPresident:Derek Southern (925) 253-1646Vice President:Ed Benson (925) 943-7011Secretary:Ron Flagel (209) 338-8109Secretary Assistant:Paul Kramer (408) 826-9238Treasurer:Karl Ryden (916) 961-6137Treasurer Assistant:Jim Johnson (916) 961-8092Region 3 Director:OpenArea 8 Governor:Sandy Grieve(415) 389-6035

Get SIR HappeningsSir Happenings is published quarterly every winter,

spring, summer and fall at the Sir website at http://sirinc.org/sirhappnings

and download the latest issue.Happy Reading!

Branch 68 Websitehttp://branch68.sirinc2.org


January 2018SIRS Branch 68 Rooster Crow

Sons In Retirement | Branch 68 | China Camp / Indian Valley | Newsletter | January 2018


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