impact of brand on consumer purchase intention

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thesis on purchase intention.




Impact of Brand on Consumer Purchase IntentionsNameInstitutional Affiliation

Table of Contents1.1 Significance of the study51.2 Problem Statement61.3 Theoretical Framework61.4 Theoretical Framework Model71.5 Hypothesis Development7Literature Review8Methodology173.1 Nature of research173.2 Data Collection173.3 Instruments and Measures183.3.1 Descriptive Analysis183.3.2 Time Series Regression and Correlation Model183.4 Explanation of Variables183.4.1 Brand Image193.4.2 Product quality193.4.3 Product involvement193.4.4 Product knowledge19Data Analysis204.1 Analysis using Descriptive Statistics204.1.1 Table No. 1: Descriptive Statistics214.2 Regression Analysis224.2.1 Table No. 2 Regression Analysis Table234.3 Correlation Analysis244.3.1 Table No. 3: Correlation Analysis Table25Conclusion and Recommendations27References29Appendix34Appendix No. 1 Proposal34Appendix No. 2 Data38Appendix No. 3 Questionnaire40

IntroductionThe term purchase intention is linked with the promise to self about the purchase decision of product on further need of a product. Organizations are engaged in increasing their sales, so it is of much importance for organization in promoting or increasing the sales of specific product. Purchase intention is linked with the concept of the retention of customers (Graeff, 1998). It has been seen that for long time consumer only purchase the products of those brands which provide high quality. Some of the top brand like Coca Cola has involved number of different branding strategies to improve the brand image. Brand image helps organization in improving financial performance of an organization. Branding of any business impact both type of businesses, service and manufacturing. According to a research customer s preferences could be mold or change while bringing a significant change in methods used by organization for branding (Creyer, 1997). Major aim of this study is to determine the factors of branding could have a significant impact on the perception of customer about companys product. As business environment is getting competitive day by day, four important factors are discovered which could impact the purchase intention of customer, these factors includes image of brand in market, quality of products available for sale, knowledge about the product and involvement of customer in production process of product (Li, Daugherty, & Biocca, 2002). It has been seen that these factors have a significant impact on molding behavior of customers. It is important for the employers and top management to determine the impact of above mentioned factors on customers to improve purchase intention of customers. Those businesses which are unable to understand the factors of branding may lead to file bankruptcy. Logo used for the business and brand name is important aspects which have strong influence on customers (Grewal, Krishnan, Baker, & Borin, 1998). Brand image contains many characteristics like environment of business, quality of product manufactured and information provided for the product. These factors have made brand image an important factor of decision making process of consumer. Quality of product is also linked with brand recognition. High quality of products provided by business to its customers satisfies their customers and customer satisfaction leads to increase in purchase intentions of buying product again. Globalization has also played an important role in shifting the attention of employers towards branding (Cobb-Walgren, Ruble, & Donthu, 1995). Due to globalization competition has increased in market and customers have more options to consider while purchasing any product. Employers are considering involving customer in conception stage of product life cycle. It helps in determining needs of customers and to enable them to make product according to their needs. This leads to satisfaction of customer and affects decision making process of customer. Knowledge of product also plays an important role in decision making process of customer. It has been that organizations which provide the information about the product to customer through advertising and promotion have improved the percentage of sales. It could be linked to purchase intent of customer. There are different factors in branding which could impact the purchase intention of the customers (Laroche, Kim, & Zhou, 1996). Some of the factors are brand image, quality of the product, knowledge of the product, involvement of customer in designing and developing of product, loyalty and attributes of the product. This research is based on determining the factors which has a huge impact on the purchase intentions of customer; it will shows the customer buying behavior that how customers make decision of buying branded products. It will also help in determining factors among all the aspects, which has a strong influence on purchase intention (Olson & Mitchell, 2000). As the markets are getting competitive day by day, and it is getting difficult to penetrate in the market in the presence of the competitors. Organizations are looking for the right features of the products or services which customers needs to remain competitive. So it is important for organization to determine the factors, which could influence the purchase intentions of customers.Due to increase in competition and availability of alternatives have made customers price sensitive, so these things like brand image, product quality, product knowledge and product involvement have become so important. Customers only pay for products or services, which gain their confidence (Batra & Homer, 2004). Confidence of customer is based on above mentioned factors, so we could say that these factors have a significant impact on purchase intentions of customers. Large number of businesses is paying attention in advertising and promotion of their products because product knowledge also plays a significant role in shaping purchase decision of customers. It has been seen that, firms which are engaged in corporate social responsibility i-e making environment safe has increased the overall image of brand in customers eyes. These activities increases customers confidence in brand and prefer their products while making a purchase decision. As consumers are becoming conscious in making purchase decision and they only buy familiar and products of favorable brands. It has become important for businesses to motivate their customers to like their products. Brand awareness affects the decision of customers, whenever a customer decides to buy a product; next thing which comes to his or her mind is brand name. It shows that product is having brand awareness and products having high brand awareness usually possess large market share and perception of high quality (Zboja & Voorhees, 2006). It shows that brand awareness or brand image has significant impact on purchase intention of customers. Brand equity also play an important or major role in purchase intentions, brand equity includes brand attitude and brand image. The major purpose of this study is to determine the factors which have a significant impact on the purchase intention. As purchase intention is an important concept relating to product purchase decision, purchase intention and purchase behavior has positive relationship. Therefore each brand tries to incorporate the factors which could affect these intentions. According to a research brand image and product involvement has an indirect, whereas consumer satisfaction has a direct impact on purchase intention (Dodds, Monroe, & Grewal, 1991). There is mixed views of relationship between product quality and purchase intention. Some scholars consider it as indirect and some are considered it as direct relationship. Purchase intention or purchase behavior is comprised on different factors, some of which are values customer and involvement of customer in designing and making of product. Product involvement is linked with the product class designed and manufactured on the demands and needs of consumer. Brands which have an involvement of customer in designing products have larger sales comparatively with those which have less customer involvement in designing of product. Product involvement has direct effect on satisfaction level of customer which leads to the desire to re purchase the product or service of specified brand (Chi, Yeh, & Yang, 2009). 1.1 Significance of the studyThis research will help the marketing field and practitioners of marketing in making their knowledge strong on the basis of empirical evidence. It will also help in increasing awareness in market for the concept branding because of the availability of numerous unbranded products. This research will be based on the customer driven approach, because most of the organization in the market are focusing on organizational based approach. Customer driven approach will help the organization in determining the perception of the customers about the brand and their efforts of marketing, which in result will help in improving the strategies and for effective solutions of existing problem.1.2 Problem StatementEvery business is trying to increase their revenues, business are spending huge amounts on advertising to improve the reputation of brand in customer eyes. A lot of research has been conducted on determining the impact of product quality, brand image, product knowledge and product involvement on purchase intention.Is there a correlation between branding and purchase intention.This study is based on determining the relationship between branding and purchase intentions. Like level of branding has an impact on purchase intention of consumer or not, to determine the impact; main problem is divided into four questions.1. What is the relation between brand image and purchase intention?2. How level of product quality influence consumer purchase intention?3. Is there any relation between product knowledge and purchase intention?4. How does product involvement influence purchase intention?1.3 Theoretical FrameworkBefore the analysis of statistical data, this heads includes the explanation of variables included in this study which are considered important for the explanation of the concept identified in this study. As there are four independent variables and one dependent variable is involved in study. Independent variables includes, brand image, product quality, product knowledge and product involvement, whereas dependent variable is the purchase intentions of consumers. This study is conducted to determine the impact of branding on purchase intentions.

1.4 Theoretical Framework ModelBrand Image

H1Product Quality

H2Purchase Intention

H3Product knowledge

H4Product Involvement

1.5 Hypothesis DevelopmentHypothesis could be developed with the help of market information and literature review, this study involves four hypotheses.H1: Brand Image has a significant impact on purchase intention.H2: Product quality has significant impact on purchase intention.H3: Product knowledge has significant impact on purchase intention.H4: Product involvement has significant impact on purchase intention.Literature ReviewAccording to a research purchase intention is that number of customers having proposal of purchasing product of the brand, and to make repurchase decisions in the future. It also involves the contact of customer again for the specific product (Chang & Liu, 2009). Purchase decision of customer involves four behaviors; first is the planning of the customer about the purchase of the product, preference of customer to the product (thinking unequally), on receiving the information or even in response to other marketers and lastly the purchase of the specific product. the marvel of "procurement plan" as the anticipated conduct of buyers on short premise about the redundancy buy of particular Product i.e. when somebody chose to purchase the Product at whatever point he/she will come back again to the market. Purchase aim is the hidden attempt to one's self to purchase the Product again at whatever point one makes next trek to the business (Bai, Law, & Wen, 2008). This is a multi-step handle firstly the customer gather the data about the sought brand then assess its traits by utilizing the Product on the off chance that it suits with the expectations of the purchaser after that they begin intuition to settle on buy choice when he/she make one buy endeavor of the particular brand (Delgado-Ballester & Munuera-Alemn, 2001), this buyer have encountered by and by now they would have complete Product learning about the Product if the shopper is fulfilled from the specific brand they would totally reconsider or to show enthusiasm to buy again the specific brand this is called "purchase intention" (Cretu & Brodie, 2007). Another prospect is brand image as the positive and negative feeling about the brand regarding the psyche of the buyers suddenly or when they review their recollections.They have the perspective that there are three parts of brand picture which make the entire picture of the brand which are; favorability, quality, and uniqueness. As per an examination brand picture as far as the mentality of the buyers about the specific brand which serves to point it and thinking about the purchasers in the noteworthy approach to make the Product unique in relation to others, the sensation by utilizing showcasing sense to clarify it as the arrangement of proclamations given to the target business sector to catch the buy plans of the focused on customers (Cobb-Walgren, Ruble, & Donthu, 1995). Quality of product is approximately which takes after with the characteristic brilliance, which mean, it originates from the generation level and it ought to be unmistakable. They stressed that quality ought to comprise of quantifiable highlights rather than inclinations. Product quality is the game changer of the Product on the rival Product. It incorporates the structure and fabricated outline of the Product. Product quality is that which fulfill the needs of a definitive clients which may incorporate distinctive highlights and this quality would completely improve the execution of the Product. It is the data which is separated by the purchasers mind, in the wake of making certain expense and advantage examination this information propels the customer to translate the conclusion which could conceivably be obtaining behavior. This is same phenomena regarding highlights of the Product which influenced all the methodology of the choice making. This information may differ from shopper to purchaser because of diverse level of affectability of their brain. Here the attention is principally on buy expectation so Product information would have awesome arrangement of effect on buy conduct of the purchasers (Jamal & Goode, 2001).Studies of social sciences has showed that customer attitude towards purchase decision is based perceived knowledge of customer about the product. Knowledge of product influence the strength of attitude of consumer, so if a customer has more knowledge of product or service than it may end up in purchase of specific product. Product involvement is another factor which affects customer purchase behavior (Chang & Wildt, 1994). Product of high involvement affects the consumer behavior in initial stages of product purchase behavior, whereas later stages lead to purchasing of product. In comparison with it, lower product involvement leads to decrease in the number of sales. The main reason of reduction in sale is less motivation to purchase the product because of less knowledge about the product. Another study on product involvement state that highly involved customers show different behavior while making purchase in comparatively with consumers of less involved. Major source of product knowledge is advertising, large number of businesses and organizations are using advertisement to provide knowledge of product to their customers (Cronin, Brady, Tomas, & Hult, 2000). Involvement of product has regularly been viewed as one of the imperative mediators that focus choices to buy the product. Contribution is by and large characterized as far as saw individual significance and is delegated either situational or persevering. Boosts, signs, and possibilities in a buyer's prompt surroundings may work as situational wellsprings of inclusion. For instance, deals advancements, for example, rebates, coupons, and value diminishments, make possibilities in consumers' decision situations that may actuate by and by applicable objectives and qualities. In buyer research, outer jolts are regularly used to control the level of association tentatively (Chiao, 2001). Every manufacturing firm and service firm tries to make a strong and favorable association of product with customer through messages in terms of advertisements. In one study there were four model made to determine the relationship between purchase intention and advertisement. Results have showed that these models have a positive and direct relationship with purchase intention of customers. Attitude of consumer is based on brand image, i-e evaluation, attitude and response of customer or consumer towards the brand. Past experience, promotions, and brand image are determinants of brand disposition, which thus impacts brand reliability (repurchase plans). As indicated by the hypothesis of contemplated activity, brand mentality is a component of convictions that a brand has alluring or undesirable traits and assessments of these characteristics (Elliott & Cameron, 1994). Past experience, advertisements, also, corporate picture are prone to impact these convictions or assessments (or both) and, in this way, mark state of mind. What's more to the direct impacts of consumer loyalty on faithfulness, our model sets that brand mentality which intervenes the consequences for dependability of consumer loyalty, demeanor toward advertisements, and corporate picture; that is, the three variables have backhanded impacts on dependability by means of brand attitude. Seen quality has been characterized as the buyer's judgment about an Product's general greatness or predominance. Seen quality contrasts from target quality. Perceived Product quality is a worldwide evaluation portrayed by a high deliberation level and alludes to a particular utilization setting (Teas & Agarwal, 2000). Target quality alludes to the genuine specialized greatness of the Product that can be confirmed and measured Perceived Product quality goes about as an arbiter between extraneous signs and saw client esteem, though it has been contended that cost is one of most essential outward signal of Product quality places that a general cost and quality relationship does not exist if different prompts are utilized also. Repurchase propositions, alongside dependability, readiness to pay a value premium, informal, and grumbling speak to the five behavioral plans (D'Souza, Taghian, & Khosla, 2007). The faithfulness and repurchase expectations parts of the scientific classification are most comparative in nature. Oliver (1997), for instance, operationalizes activity reliability as rehash usage. Other additionally utilizes repurchase plans as a component of faithfulness in brand and store settings respectively. There is some civil argument in the writing in regards to fulfillments influence on repurchase aims and loyalty (Bian & Moutinho, 2011). Many have discovered a direct link; while others propose that trust is the predominant predecessor of repurchase propositions. The level headed discussion has plainly not yet been settled and discovered both trust and fulfillment to have solid constructive outcomes on client maintenance. Each individual has diverse personality so as brand, consumer only purchase product whose personality relates to personality of brand, and all businesses are engaged in developing a personality which customer prefers (Park & Kim, 2009). Brand image is considered the aggregate what's more, general identity in the customers mind. Brand picture relies on the real picture of the firm in buyers' brain. An interesting arrangement of relationship in the psyche of customers conveys desires. Image of brand creation is viewed as key for client fascination and maintenance. Buyers have evoked arrangement of brands, while picking a brand the picture help buyer in buy choice. Picture of a brand separate the brands from contender's brands (Park & Lessig, 1981). Buyer necessities rely on upon Product quality. Quality of product is judgment of purchasers' demeanor. Product quality is essential figure influencing choice making methodology. Product quality is an appraisal about the Product conveyance fits in with the client desires. Product quality and buy proposition has a positive connection. A decent Product quality has a positive association with buy expectations what's more; buyers build the quantity of visits to store. At the point when a store gives better administration quality, fulfillment of customers increment towards a store and the buy expectation of Products likewise increments (Oh, 2000). As indicated by an examination, non-monetary elements have an incredible effect on buyer buy plan. Some researcher has built a model which inspect the impact of social and identity characteristics on customer buy choice. Instructive helplessness is the structure social powerlessness. Enlightening vulnerability implies supposition of others. It can impact brand image. In the viewpoint of core brand picture and in the connection of augmentation of a brand one conspicuous issue is the quality of a brand which is indispensable part when broadening the brand process (Berger, Ratchford, & Haines, 1994). More established studies finished that the quality of the brand is seen both as equitably and subjectively. It is said that piece of the pie, channel fortress, dissemination, and special and publicizing expenses are calling attention to impartially. The two parts of center brand picture; mindfulness for the brand what's more, inclination for the brand has an effect on center brand picture and is decidedly connected with the demeanor of the center brand. Also for the compelling marking, importance and mindfulness both are essential (Park, Lee, & Han, 2007). Investigate the brand, it speaks to the capacity of creating cooperative energy impact of complete endeavors of the showcasing that embeds and stretch the presence of an picture in the psyches of buyer, and include some assistance to the company's prosperity with the assistance of stronger money streams what's more, higher values as far as the shareholders. Environment and nature of the store absolutely affects the impression of nature of private mark brands. In opposition to it, the similitude among national brand and picture of the store shows negative effect on the nature of private mark brands. Another definition The corporate brand is a profitable immaterial resource, that is hard to impersonate, and which may help to accomplish supported predominant budgetary execution. It has been seen that Consumers frequently implant data in notices into simple presentations all through the globe (Dholakia, 2001). The responses to notices are not as being what is indicated legitimate. However the models like demeanor, inserted data, and other such models maybe loan better conceivable outcomes to shape brand mentality. Operationalized meaning of brand state of mind as buyer mentality in a unidimensional sense as the entirety of the results of convictions times assessments, it might be productive to analyze mentality as multidimensional develops comprising of systems of interconnected convictions and assessments (Quester & Smart, 1998). According to Wang told that individuals of China who have reasonableness lavish imported marked things of attire, they are getting to be open in expansive number to stylish styles universally and interest for imported brand items expanding because of varieties in conduct of the buyer and also developing buying force. As indicated by researchers under these circumstances, clients must depend, just on outward qualities of the item. Power of the purchaser depends on sparing choices which need that the individual successfully discovers salary perspective of present and future utilizations. Shoppers ought to comply with their practices in the past for the items specifically sort (e.g. brand dependability or periodic purchasing) in development of the choice for the buy of the item. According to Sproles and Kendall, a shopper's decision making style is "a mental introduction describing a shopper's way to deal with settling on decisions" (Tsiotsou, 2006). Purchase intent has a significant impact on buying behavior of customer, greater the amount of intent leads to increase in purchase of that product. Intention to purchase product comes into thought when a client is doubtlessly endeavoring to buy some item or administration. For advertisers buy aim is of unlimited significance as their determined customer conduct is very reliant on this buy expectation of the clients. Anticipating customer conduct is a standout amongst the most lethal assignments for any business as it continues adjusting under the impacts of obscure and suspicious variables; in this way prompting a Purchase proposition may sum the possibilities of a purchaser to buy a maker, bigger the purchaser goal is, the bigger a buyers aim to buy a merchandise (Jiang, Chan, Tan, & Chua, 2010).

MethodologyThis chapter will present a justification and description of the research methods and procedures that have been used in this study in order to address the objectives of this research presented in Chapter One. Firstly, a discussion on the research paradigms relevant to the present study is presented with main focus on the interpretivist and positivistic paradigms. The detailed explanation of the pragmatism approach was adopted as a productive approach, to conduct the research in this study are also presented. The research methods selected involve qualitative survey. The explanation and acknowledgement of the limitations of the methodological approaches is also provided. The chapter is concluded with a discussion of the ethical considerations that were taken during the conduct and planning phases of the study.3.1 Nature of researchIn this study, an effort is put in determining gap between the literature and problems existing in the market relating to factors affecting purchase intentions. Impact on brand on purchase intention is the main problem area; deductive approach is used because hypotheses are made on the basis of existing theories. For this a quantitative study is conducted. Results of quantitative study will help in obtaining the results regarding the impact of product quality, brand image, product knowledge, and product involvement on decision making process of customers.To determine the impact of brand on purchase intention, data is collected from customers or buyer from different markets. One hundred questionnaires were filled in surveys. 3.2 Data CollectionData collection techniques which are used to conduct the research are survey (Questionnaires). To accomplish the main purpose of study sample size selected was 150, out of which 100 questionnaires were filled properly, so sample size is 100 random customers from market.3.3 Instruments and MeasuresData analysis technique is used to determine the conclusion or solution of problem by transforming data. Data utilized in analyzing the impact of brand on purchase intention, collected through questionnaires. To analyze the data SPSS will be used. To calculate and analyze the data, following framework was made to reach the solution.3.3.1 Descriptive AnalysisDescriptive statistics is normally a set of different descriptive coefficients that represents the summary of the sample size. This analysis helps in determining the central tendency and measures of dispersion. Mean and median is used to determine the central tendency whereas for dispersion and minimum and maximum variables, standard deviation, skewness or kurtosis is used respectively.3.3.2 Time Series Regression and Correlation ModelAnother analysis named time series regression model is conducted to determine the significance and relationship. This method gives a number of results showing whether the variables are correlated, results are significant or not. R-square value tells the percentage of impact that independent variable has on dependent variable, and remaining value of percentage shows that dependent variable is affected by other variables. F-statistic shows the relation between the variables used in the models; if the value is above 4 then it shows there is a relationship between the variables whereas if the value is less then it shows these variables are not linked. Durbin-Watson value shows the autocorrelation and its value should be less than 2.3.4 Explanation of VariablesTo complete the study, data collected is analyzed through SPSS by incorporating independent and dependent variable.3.4.1 Brand ImageIn analyzing the impact of brand on purchase intention, brand image plays a significant role. Brand image relates with the perception of customer or consumer about the product. It has been seen that in decision making process brand awareness impacts the buyer decision. In this study brand image is taken as independent variable.3.4.2 Product qualityProduct quality is also an important factor in determining the impact on purchase intention. Number of researches has concluded that brands which provide high quality product or service have increased their revenues or sales. It is also an independent variable.3.4.3 Product involvementAnother independent variable is the product involvement. Product involvement is to make products or service according to needs and demands of consumers. Product involvement is the involvement of consumer is designing of product. 3.4.4 Product knowledgeProduct knowledge is another variable which could affect the purchase intention of consumers. Product knowledge is linked with the information regarding the product, either in terms of ingredients or description. Brands use advertising and promotion to give customers knowledge about the product.

Data AnalysisIn analysis of data, this study has used three different techniques in SPSS i-e Descriptive Statistics, Regression Analysis and Correlation analysis. Findings of these tests will help in accepting or rejecting hypotheses. To determine the impact of brand we have used four determinants, which represent brand. Coming heads includes interpretation of independent variables and correlation with the purchase intention. All the three techniques will help in determining significance and reliability of results. Descriptive statistics will provide the values of mean, standard deviation and skewness. Correlation analysis and regression analysis will give the value of correlation and probability that will show whether these two variables are correlated or not along with intensity and direction. In this analysis value of t-statistics should be at least 2 or more, whereas the value of correlation should be between -1 to +1. Negative and positive signs show the direction of the relationship. If the value of the correlation is less than 0.5 it shows that there is weak correlation and more than 0.5 shows strong correlation between the variables.4.1 Analysis using Descriptive StatisticsIn this study four independent and one dependent variable is used to determine the impact of brand on purchase intention. After using the data of 100 questionnaires in Descriptive Statistics will give us the values of mean, standard deviation and skewness. Mean value show the central tendency of data collected, standard deviation shows the risk and dispersion of data to show whether data is scattered or not. In last skewness shows the position of a tale to show whether the data is negatively skewed or positively skewed. These values of all variables are given in following table.4.1.1 Table No. 1: Descriptive StatisticsDescriptive Statistics

NMeanStd. DeviationSkewness

StatisticStatisticStatisticStatisticStd. Error

Purchase Intention10072.500018.464250.000.012

Brand Image10068.116712.70688.701.607

Product Quality 10071.266717.48303.957.505

Product Knowledge10062.433310.12910.605.309

Product Involvement10078.214019.12450.425.201

Valid N (list wise)100

In above table values of purchase intention which is a dependent variable is showing mean value of 72.5 indicating that data lies near mean. Value of standard deviation shows whether data is scattered or not, as its values is 18.4 which is less than 20, so it shows that data is not deviate from the mean. Value of skewness is positive which shows that data is positively skewed and curve lies on right hand side of mean. Brand Image which is an independent variable is showing mean value of 68.1 indicating that data lies near mean. Value of standard deviation shows whether data is scattered or not, as its values is 12.7 which is less than 20, so it shows that data is not deviate from the mean. Value of skewness is positive which shows that data is positively skewed and curve lies on right hand side of mean. Product Quality which is an independent variable is showing mean value of 71.2 showing that data lies near mean. Value of standard deviation shows whether data is scattered or not, as its values is 17.4 which is less than 20, so it shows that data is not deviate from the mean. Value of skewness is positive which shows that data is positively skewed and curve lies on right hand side of mean. Product Knowledge which is an independent variable is showing mean value of 62.4 showing that data lies near mean. Value of standard deviation shows whether data is scattered or not, as its values is 10.1 which is less than 20, so it shows that data is not deviate from the mean. Value of skewness is positive which shows that data is positively skewed and curve lies on right hand side of mean. Product involvement which is an independent variable is showing mean value of 78.2 showing that data lies near mean. Value of standard deviation shows whether data is scattered or not, as its values is 19.1 which is less than 20, so it shows that data is not deviate from the mean. Value of skewness is positive which shows that data is positively skewed and curve lies on right hand side of mean.4.2 Regression AnalysisAnother technique regression analysis is used to determine the relationship between independent variables with the dependent variable. This analysis provides the findings of t-statistics and probability value. Value of t-stat shows the relationship of variable with the data of questionnaires, and its value should be above 2. Value less than 2 shows the insignificance of relationship. P-value (probability value) is used to determine the relationship between dependent and independent variable. If value of p is 0.05 or less then it represents that there is significant relationship between dependent and independent variables, whereas value more than 0.05 shows the insignificance of relationship between two variables.4.2.1 Table No. 2 Regression Analysis TableRegression Analysis


ModelUnstandardized CoefficientsStandardized CoefficientstSig.

BStd. ErrorBeta

1Constant 52.1985.6959.165.000

Brand image.812.080.7415.218.000

Product quality .674.152.6314.890.000

Product Knowledge.512.087.4712.631.001

Product Involvement .573.012.5412.981.000

a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Intention

Above table is the result of regression analysis of all independent variables i-e Brand Image, Product Quality, Product Knowledge, Product Involvement, and dependent variable i-e purchase intentions. T value of Brand Image is 5.2 which are greater than 2; it shows that brand image has a significant relationship with the results of questionnaire. P value of Brand Image which is .00001 shows that relationship between brand image and purchase intention is significant because its value is less than 0.05. This result shows that H1 hypothesis is accepted that brand image has a significant relationship between brand image and purchase intention. T value of Product Quality is 4.89 which are greater than 2; it shows that Product Quality has a significant relationship with the results of questionnaire. P value of Product Quality which is .00001 shows that relationship between product quality and purchase intention is significant because its value is less than 0.05. This result shows that H2 hypothesis is accepted that product quality has a significant relationship between brand image and purchase intention. T value of Product Knowledge is 2.63 which are greater than 2; it shows that Product Knowledge has a significant relationship with the results of questionnaire but not strong as Brand Image and Product Quality. P value of Product Quality which is .00001 shows that relationship between product quality and purchase intention is significant because its value is less than 0.05. This result shows that H3 hypothesis is accepted that product quality has a significant relationship between brand image and purchase intention. T value of Product involvement is 2.98 which are greater than 2; it shows that Product involvement has a significant relationship with the results of questionnaire but not strong as Brand Image and Product Quality. P value of Product Quality which is .00011 shows that relationship between product quality and purchase intention is significant because its value is less than 0.05. This result shows that H4 hypothesis is accepted that product involvement has a significant relationship between brand image and purchase intention.4.3 Correlation AnalysisCorrelation analysis is used to determine the relationship between two variables. Its value lies between -1 to +1. If the value of correlation is above .8 it shows that there is a strong relationship between the variables, if its values lie in between 0.5-0.8, it shows that the relationship between two variables is moderate. If value of correlation is less than 0.5, it represents that there is a weak relationship between the variables. Negative and positive sign of values shows the direction of the relation, showing whether it is positively correlated or negatively correlated. 4.3.1 Table No. 3: Correlation Analysis TableCorrelations

Purchase IntentionProduct ImageProduct QualityProduct KnowledgeProduct Involvement

Purchase IntentionPearson Correlation1

Sig. (2-tailed)


Brand ImagePearson Correlation.823**1

Sig. (2-tailed).000


Product Quality Pearson Correlation.646**.758**1

Sig. (2-tailed).000.000


Product KnowledgePearson Correlation.456*.426*.1731

Sig. (2-tailed)0


Product involvement Pearson Correlation0.562**.371.1871

Sig. (2-tailed).


**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Above table shows the values of correlation between all independent and one dependent variable. As purchase intention is our dependent variable and it is used to determine the relationship between four independent variables. Correlation between brand image and purchase intention has a value of 0.823 which shows that there is strong correlation, as this value is positive so its mean there is a positive correlation between brand image and purchase intention. It shows that purchase intentions will increase with the increase in brand image. Correlation between product quality and purchase intention has a value of 0.646, which shows that there is moderate correlation, as this value is positive so its mean there is a positive correlation between product quality and purchase intention. It shows that purchase intentions will increase with the increase in product quality. Correlation between product knowledge and purchase intention has a value of 0.456, which shows that there is weak correlation, as this value is positive so its mean there is a positive correlation between product knowledge and purchase intention. It shows that purchase intentions will increase with the increase in product knowledge. Correlation between product involvement and purchase intention has a value of 0.562, which shows that there is moderate correlation, as this value is positive so its mean there is a positive correlation between product involvement and purchase intention. It shows that purchase intentions will increase with the increase in product involvement.Conclusion and RecommendationsThis study is conducted to determine the impact of brand on purchase intention of consumers. There are four determinants of brand used in study like, Brand Image, Product quality, Product Knowledge and Product Involvement. Findings of the study have showed that branding has a significant impact on purchase intention. So we can conclude that brand or branding has a significant impact on purchase intentions of consumer. This conclusion is based on the results of regression analysis, as all values t-stat is greater than 2 and p-value is less than 0.05, it shows that all the independent variable has a significant impact on purchase intention. Findings of brand image show that there is a significant relationship between the variables and correlation shows that there is a positive correlation between brand image and purchase intention. On the basis of these results H1 hypothesis is accepted. Findings of product quality show that there is a significant relationship between the variables and correlation shows that there is a positive correlation between product quality and purchase intention. On the basis of these results H2 hypothesis is accepted. Findings of product knowledge show that there is a significant relationship between the variables and correlation shows that there is a positive correlation between product knowledge and purchase intention. On the basis of these results H3 hypothesis is accepted. Findings of product involvement show that there is a significant relationship between the variables and correlation shows that there is a positive correlation between product involvement and purchase intention. On the basis of these results H4 hypothesis is accepted.As this research is conducted for the manager and other top managers to show the importance of branding on sales of product and services so it is recommended that by using the mixed methodology, results could be made more reliable.

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AppendixAppendix No. 1 ProposalIntroductionThe term purchase intention is linked with the promise to self about the purchase decision of product on further need of a product. Organizations are engaged in increasing their sales, so it is of much importance for organization in promoting or increasing the sales of specific product. Purchase intention is linked with the concept of the retention of customers. There are different factors in branding which could impact the purchase intention of the customers. Some of the factors are brand image, quality of the product, knowledge of the product, involvement of customer in designing and developing of product, loyalty and attributes of the product. This research is based on determining the factors which has a huge impact on the purchase intentions of customer; it will shows the customer buying behavior that how customers make decision of buying branded products. It will also help in determining factors among all the aspects, which has a strong influence on purchase intention. As the markets are getting competitive day by day, and it is getting difficult to penetrate in the market in the presence of the competitors. Organizations are looking for the right features of the products or services which customers needs to remain competitive. So it is important for organization to determine the factors, which could influence the purchase intentions of customers. Significance of the studyThis research will help the marketing field and practitioners of marketing in making their knowledge strong on the basis of empirical evidence. It will also help in increasing awareness in market for the concept branding because of the availability of numerous unbranded products. This research will be based on the customer driven approach, because most of the organization in the market are focusing on organizational based approach. Customer driven approach will help the organization in determining the perception of the customers about the brand and their efforts of marketing, which in result will help in improving the strategies and for effective solutions of existing problem. Literature ReviewAccording to a research purchase intention is that number of customers having proposal of purchasing product of the brand, and to make repurchase decisions in the future. It also involves the contact of customer again for the specific product (Chang & Liu, 2009). Purchase decision of customer involves four behaviors; first is the planning of the customer about the purchase of the product, preference of customer to the product (thinking unequally), on receiving the information or even in response to other marketers and lastly the purchase of the specific product. the marvel of "procurement plan" as the anticipated conduct of buyers on short premise about the redundancy buy of particular item i.e. when somebody chose to purchase the item at whatever point he/she will come back again to the market. Purchase aim is the hidden attempt to one's self to purchase the item again at whatever point one makes next trek to the business (Bai, Law, & Wen, 2008). This is a multi-step handle firstly the customer gather the data about the sought brand then assess its traits by utilizing the item on the off chance that it suits with the expectations of the purchaser after that they begin intuition to settle on buy choice when he/she make one buy endeavor of the particular brand (Delgado-Ballester & Munuera-Alemn, 2001), this buyer have encountered by and by now they would have complete item learning about the item if the shopper is fulfilled from the specific brand they would totally reconsider or to show enthusiasm to buy again the specific brand this is called "purchase intention" (Cretu & Brodie, 2007). Another prospect is brand image as the positive and negative feeling about the brand regarding the psyche of the buyers suddenly or when they review their recollections.They have the perspective that there are three parts of brand picture which make the entire picture of the brand which are; favorability, quality, and uniqueness. As per an examination brand picture as far as the mentality of the buyers about the specific brand which serves to point it and thinking about the purchasers in the noteworthy approach to make the item unique in relation to others, the sensation by utilizing showcasing sense to clarify it as the arrangement of proclamations given to the target business sector to catch the buy plans of the focused on customers (Cobb-Walgren, Ruble, & Donthu, 1995). Quality of product is approximately which takes after with the characteristic brilliance, which mean, it originates from the generation level and it ought to be unmistakable. They stressed that quality ought to comprise of quantifiable highlights rather than inclinations. Item quality is the game changer of the item on the rival item. It incorporates the structure and fabricated outline of the item. Item quality is that which fulfill the needs of a definitive clients which may incorporate distinctive highlights and this quality would completely improve the execution of the item. It is the data which is separated by the purchasers mind, in the wake of making certain expense and advantage examination this information propels the customer to translate the conclusion which could conceivably be obtaining behavior. This is same phenomena regarding highlights of the item which influenced all the methodology of the choice making. This information may differ from shopper to purchaser because of diverse level of affectability of their brain. Here the attention is principally on buy expectation so item information would have awesome arrangement of effect on buy conduct of the purchasers (Jamal & Goode, 2001).HypothesisAccording to studies we can make the following hypothesis,H1: Brand Image has significant impact on purchase intention.H2: product quality has significant impact on purchase intention.H3: Product knowledge has significant impact on purchase intention.H4: product involvement has significant impact on purchase intention.MethodologyThis study is based on qualitative research. To determine the link between brand and purchase intention, survey will be conducted in markets. Questionnaires filled by the customers will help in determining the factors which has a significant impact on customers. Sample size will be 200 random people from the market. Pearson correlation will be calculated by using SPSS to ensure whether a relationship exists between the variables or not.

Appendix No. 2 DataDescriptive Statistics

NMeanStd. DeviationSkewness

StatisticStatisticStatisticStatisticStd. Error

Purchase Intention10072.500018.464250.000.012

Brand Image10068.116712.70688.701.607

Product Quality 10071.266717.48303.957.505

Product Knowledge10062.433310.12910.605.309

Product Involvement10078.214019.12450.425.201

Valid N (listwise)100

Regression Analysis


ModelUnstandardized CoefficientsStandardized CoefficientstSig.

BStd. ErrorBeta

1Constant 52.1985.6959.165.000

Brand image.812.080.7415.218.000

Product quality .674.152.6314.890.000

Product Knowledge.512.087.4712.631.001

Product Involvement .573.012.5412.981.000

a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Intention


Purchase IntentionProduct ImageProduct QualityProduct KnowledgeProduct Involvement

Purchase IntentionPearson Correlation1

Sig. (2-tailed)


Product ImagePearson Correlation.823**1

Sig. (2-tailed).000


Product Quality Pearson Correlation.646**.758**1

Sig. (2-tailed).000.000


Product KnowledgePearson Correlation.456*.426*.1731

Sig. (2-tailed)0


Product involvemetn Pearson Correlation0.562**.371.1871

Sig. (2-tailed).


**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Appendix No. 3 QuestionnaireQuestionnaireName _____________________ Gender _____________________Cell No. _________________ Q No.1- People purchase products of well renowned brands? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5Q No.2- People prefer product of known brand on new brand? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5Q No.3- Organizations policy of CSR affects your buying decision? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Q No.4- Quality matters more than price of product or service? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5Q No.5- People pay more for high quality product. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Q No.6- people do not prefer or buy product of which they have bad experience before. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Q No.7- product knowledge affects the decision making process. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5Q No.8- Advertising or product knowledge matters in purchase decision. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5Q No.9- Bad Experience of product or after sale service has impact on purchase behavior. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5

Appendix No. 4Ethical ConsiderationsAn application describing the ethical considerations for this research was first submitted to the Human Research Committee at the university. This research was approved by the committee after detailed review. The research is in accordance with the University Policy on Ethical Issues in consultancy and research. There were numerous ethical issues involved in this research. The research involved the information collected from number of employees in the form of Questionnaires. The contents of the questionnaires may exploit the emotional concerns of the employee. Thus, it was necessary to acknowledge this fact on professional and ethical grounds in order to make sure that present research was underpinned by the delivery of service. Participants of questionnaires were asked to discuss their personal traumatic experiences. Thus, it was essential to ensure the informed consent of all the participant during research. This process involved not just simply seeking the permission of participants but they were informed prior to conducting the process about some of the contents. Given the true nature of the research activities, it was also essential to make sure about the confidentiality to the participants. The research anticipated that there may be some extreme cases that the participants may face immediate risk of job security. Thus, the confidentiality of the participants was made sure by keeping the details of each participant as discrete. In addition, the organization name was also confidential in order to prevent any future threats or harms to the organization. Organization and participants were informed prior to their participation. Researchers have the duty to make sure that no harm can come to the subjects irrespective of the age and position. In order to protect the identities of the participants and organization along with ensuring the confidentiality from any unwanted attention from the media or other sources, all the participants were set pseudo names when they were contacted.

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