i should have used social selling | gil gunderson's guide to social sales

Post on 23-Aug-2014






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I Should Have Used Social Selling Gil Gunderson’s Guide To Social Selling

"C'mon, help ol' Gil out here"

Gil Gunderson Famous Springfield Salesperson


82% B2B decision-makers think sales reps are unprepared. Listen for sales triggers, conversation starters and customer connectors with social media to be more prepared and set a better first impression.


Source: SiriusDecisions


50% of identified sales leads are not ready to buy. Make sure you cultivate them with great content with your Twitter feed, LinkedIn updates and Group messages.

Source: Gleanster

49.5% of LinkedIn users have an incomplete profile. Improve your social media profile’s curbside before you try to sell yourself as an expert to your customer.


Source: LinkedIn

Today’s sales process takes 22% longer than five years ago. Don’t start using social selling on the last day of the quarter to make your quota today!

Source: SiriusDecisions


90% of CEOs do not respond to cold calls or emails. Connect with customers on Twitter, in LinkedIn Groups and on blogs BEFORE you cold call them; then it won’t be so cold!


Source: Harvard Business Review

75% of customers use social media as part of their buying process. You are not connecting on the customer’s terms if you don’t know how to tweet, ‘LinkIn’ or blog, then learn!


Source: IBM

78% of salespeople use social media to outsell their peers. Quit breaking your back and use social to listen for social sales triggers, fine-tune your profile, build your reputation to connect with customers to successfully compete.

Source: Forbes


89% begin their buying process with a search engine. Make it easier to get found by your customers with social media and content.


Source: Fleishman-Hillard

57% of the buying process is done before sales contact. Use social selling techniques to connect with your customers before they walk in the door.


Source: CEB

98% of sales reps with 5000+ LinkedIn connections achieve quota. Start to establish yourself as an expert in your field and increase the size of your network!

Source: Sales Benchmark Index


Please visit my blog at MarketingThink.com for more social selling ideas and tips!

@GerryMoran gerry@marketingthink.com

MarketingThink.com Social Media And Marketing Coaching Blog


Picture sources: Thanks to the Simpsons and Gil Gunderson for this inspiration!

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