how people-driven campaigns are changing the world - nick allardice

Post on 20-Jan-2015






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How people driven campaigns are changing the world.

Nick Allardice

Managing Director, Asia Pacific –


How technology is facilitating a new form of people powered campaigning that’s transforming the way social change happens.

How technology is facilitating a new form of people powered campaigning that’s transforming the way social change happens.

1.Anyone, anywhere will be able to change the world.

How technology is facilitating a new form of people powered campaigning that’s transforming the way social change happens.

1.Anyone, anywhere will be able to change the world.

1.Change will often be tiny and incremental. It will seem insignificant.

How technology is facilitating a new form of people powered campaigning that’s transforming the way social change happens.

1.Anyone, anywhere will be able to change the world.

1.Change will often be tiny and incremental. It will seem insignificant.

1.Movements will be built around individuals based on the power of their stories.

How technology is facilitating a new form of people powered campaigning that’s transforming the way social change happens.

1.Anyone, anywhere will be able to change the world.

1.Change will often be tiny and incremental. It will seem insignificant.

1.Movements will be built around individuals based on the power of their stories.

1.The future is already here, but we’re only at the beginning.

25m 2010


6m 1m




More than 35 millIon


1. Anyone, anywhere will have the potential to change the world in profound ways.

2. Change is tiny and incremental. It will seem insignificant. This is when it is at its most disruptive.

“Double viral”

X 2

3. Individuals powered by stories.

We’re only just beginning to see what might be possible.

I want to pose a scenario…

Some of our own lessons…

•Don’t be afraid to admit failure, pivot and start again.

•Keep it simple.

•Success means focus and relentless determination.

•Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

•Get the right people first. Everything else follows.

•Build a business model that scales with the success of your core business.

•Be relentlessly data driven. Test everything.

•Email is still king and will be for a long time.

Some key takeaways from earlier…

•Anyone, anywhere.

•Micro-change at scale to achieve societal wide reform.

•Stories connect and unite the common human experience.

•Authenticity wins every time.

•Let go of your voice and harness the stories and experiences of your supporters.

•This is already working.

•It’s not about us.

How people driven campaigns are changing the world.

Nick Allardice

Managing Director, Asia Pacific –


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