herbs for fibromyalgia herbal remedies - natural cures benefit 1.pdfcayenne oil in combination with...

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Herbs For Fibromyalgia Herbal Remedies


Fibromyalgia pain is often accompanied by anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, and insomnia. This collection of symptoms make fibromyalgia a classic example of a disorder that affects both the body and the emotions, though it is hardy alone in this. Herbal treatment are more effective for fibro because herbs and aromatherapy work holistically on both the mind and body levels. A herbal approach to treatment will include herbs that address adrenal gland support, stress management, and pain relief, as well

as emotional needs. Homemade herbal oils and teas, baths and aromatherapy recipes can help you relieve the muscle aches, pain, fatigue and depression that are symptomatic of fibromyalgia.

The symptoms of fibromyalgia can be lessened with herbal remedies that warm the body, improve circulation, and reduce inflammation and pain. Five herbs that should top your list of home treatment are cayenne, white willow, lavender, rosemary, and ginger.

• Cayenne contains capsaicin which offers the long term benefit of reducing the intensity of pain signals sent from the nerves, and may be one of the best topical therapies for fibro. Using cayenne oil in combination with menthol works like an herbal "icy/hot" treatment.

• Ginger root is warming and improves poor circulation which is a common problem in fibro. Ginger can be taken as a tea, used as a bath additive, or infused in olive oil for a herbal oil treatment.

• Add a whole body massage with lavender oil in the evening, and rosemary oil in the morning to your daily routine. It is best to do your self massage in a quiet, warm room, with awareness of how you feel emotionally as well a physically.

• The traditional Chinese practice of moxibustion involves the burning of mugwort to stimulate the flow of qi and fast relief from aching muscles and sore points. You will often be able to receive this treatment from an acupuncture clinic. At home you can light a "cigar" rolled with dried mugwort, and bring the glowing end near the painful area and move it around in small, slow spirals until the heat becomes too intense. Pain relief often lasts for twelve or more hours. Mugwort also makes a very grounding and relaxing tea.

• A daily cup or two of willow bark tea provides the equivalent of a low aspirin dose, without the stomach upset that aspirin can cause. It can take a few weeks to build up in your system before you notice a difference.

• Getting enough magnesium in your diet is needed to moderate pain response. Large amounts are available in oatstraw or nettle infusions, whole grains, legumes and leafy greens.

Herbs for Toothache If you are tired of severe pain and discomfort associated with dental problems, here is some information on natural herbs for toothache relief which will help you get rid of the same. Though temporary, these simple remedies for toothache relief are quite effective. In most of the cases, toothache can be attributed to some bacterial infection, formation of cavity, or abscess formation. In order to get relief from the severe pain - and discomfort associated with it, the underlying problem which is the main cause of toothache has to be identified and treated. While a dentist can prescribe proper medication for you on the basis of diagnosis, at times you may have no option but to resort to some temporary remedy for the excruciating pain that you are experiencing, and that's where the natural herbs that relieve toothache come into the picture. Natural Herbs for Toothache Relief

Painkillers do help in relieving toothache for the time being, but they also come with a range of side-effects which vary from individual to individual. That being said, a better way out is to opt for natural remedies to get relief from the pain. When it comes to natural remedies for toothache, there exist certain herbs which are effective in alleviating the pain associated with it. Given below is a list of such herbs, which will help you do away with the pain, and help you recover from the underlying condition. Clove is one of the most effective and readily available natural ingredient when it comes to natural toothache relief. You can either resort to clove oil or simply grind the buds into fine powder and apply it on the affected tooth to ease the pain that you are experiencing. Other than clove, even Jamaica pepper comes handy when toothache becomes unbearable. Even though temporary, both these ingredients are known to give quick relief from pain in tooth or gums. Similarly, ingredients like garlic, ginger and turmeric - which are readily available in your kitchen, are also known to alleviate tooth pain. You can either crush a clove of garlic and hold it near the affected tooth, or mix ginger/turmeric with water, prepare a paste and apply it on the tooth that is paining. Resorting to the flowering herb known as Acmella oleracea is one of the best remedies for toothache. You simply have to apply its knob-like flowers on the affected site, and the analgesic agent - referred to as spilanthol, present in it will ease the pain by numbing affected part. In fact, the Spilanthes plant is so effective when it comes to toothache relief that it is called the toothache plant in various parts of the world. The same principle i.e. causing the affected area to numb to alleviate pain is followed when it comes to Echinacea tincture. While Echinacea tincture is available for purchase in the market, you can prepare your own by soaking echinacea root in alcohol, and

eventually applying the solution on the tooth that is paining. Raw leaves of a plantain tree when crushed and placed on the affected tooth are also known to alleviate tooth pain. The aromatic leaves of a tea tree (Leptospermum scoparium) are known for their antibacterial properties. You can prepare a solution by adding a few drops of tea tree essential oil to water, and cleanse your mouth with the same to get rid of the discomfort associated with toothache or inflammation of gums. In case of severe toothache attributed to abscessed tooth, gargling with tea made from sage leaves a couple of times in a day can give temporary relief from pain. Similarly, hot herbal compresses - wherein you dip a cotton cloth in warm water with chamomile or lavender flowers and apply it to swollen part of your face, or cold compresses with ice can also help in easing the pain associated with infected tooth to a great extent. While these herbs do provide temporary relief from pain, one has to opt for a proper diagnosis of the condition - especially when the problem is recurring or pain is severe. One has to understand that pain in the teeth or gums can be an indication of some underlying disorder, and sooner the problem is diagnosed, easier it becomes to treat the same. When ignored for a long time, these problems can result in permanent damage to the teeth - with the chances of malformed dentition or deformed teeth existing in plenty. Instead, if a timely visit to the dentist can save you the entire trouble, it is worth opting for the same when early symptoms start surfacing.

Herbs to Cleanse the Blood

Michael Tierra states in his book "The Way of Herbs," "Most herbalists agree that if one can purify the blood and neutralize excess acidity, all diseases will eventually subside." Blood cleansing improves circulation, removes toxins from the bloodstream, helps neutralize infections and may reduce certain types of cancer. .

Red Clover

Red clover blossoms are anti-inflammatory and contain beta-carotene and vitamin E. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, red clover purifies the blood because it acts as a diuretic and helps cleanse the liver, which otherwise circulates toxins through the bloodstream. Red clover is available in teas, tinctures and capsules. The recommended adult dose is 2 to 6 tsp. dried flowers split between 3 cups of tea each day, or 60 to 100 drops of tincture three times daily.

Burdock Root

Burdock root is rich in many minerals, including iron, which makes it a valuable restorative herb for the blood. It is used as a kidney detoxifier to flush built-up toxins out of the internal system. Burdock root is found in Asian groceries or health food stores and can be ingested cooked or raw, as a tea or tincture. To make a tea, dry the root and simmer in hot water. A standard tincture dose is 30 drops twice daily.


Chaparral leaves contain a powerful antioxidant and are an effective herbal antibiotic. Jon Barron of the Baseline of Health Foundation explains that chaparral cleanses the lymph system, clears heavy metals from the blood and may be able to drive tumors into remission. While the herb is a powerful blood purifier, consumption could be harmful to the liver. While herbalists remain staunch about chaparral's benefits, critics are as vocal about possible detrimental effects. Check with your doctor before ingesting chaparral.


Pokeroot is found throughout the United States, Southern Europe and Northern Africa. It is beneficial for glandular disorders and cleans the blood by cleansing tissues and purifying the lymphatic system. Taken in large quantities it can upset the stomach and intestinal track; limit ingestion to five to 10 drops of tincture every three hours.

Sheep Sorrel

Sheep sorrel is high in vitamins, chlorophyll and iron. Dr. Marilyn Tucker explains on drmarilyntucker.com that the chlorophyll helps promote healthy liver function, while the iron and vitamins cleanse and replenish the blood. Additionally, sheep sorrel is a diuretic, which cleanses the blood and the entire system. "The herb helps to clear the system of poisons and is also good for skin problems of all kinds, sometimes associated with impure blood," Tucker states.


Chronic pain often long outlives its original cause. It usually worsens over time and takes on a life of its own. There is probably nothing more debilitating than chronic pain. Defined as pain lasting for six months or longer, chronic pain afflicts 50 to 80 million midlife Americans and costs us over $100 billion in social costs every year. Recent research has shown that chronic pain is destructive to the body. The longer chronic pain goes untreated, the worse it becomes. Chronic pain unleashes a cascade of harmful hormones, such as cortisol, that adversely affect the immune system and kidney function. Much has yet to be learned about chronic pain. For instance, doctors used to think that severed nerves could not transmit pain, and nerve cutting was typically prescribed to treat pain. Cut motor nerves cause paralysis, but sensory nerves are quite different. Sometimes damage to these nerves kills them and they stay dead,

causing numbness. Sometimes sensory nerves grow back irregularly, or begin firing spontaneously, producing stabbing, shooting, and electrical sensations. The body's pain system is plastic and is easily molded by pain to cause more pain. A metaphor that is often used to describe this process is that of an alarm continually being reset to be more and more sensitive. At first the alarm is triggered by an animal, then the breeze, and then, for no apparent reason, it begins ringing randomly or continuously. Additionally, pain nerves appear to recruit others in a "chronic pain wind-up," and the entire central nervous system becomes involved, revving up and undergoing a kind of central sensitization. Research at University of California at San Francisco has shown that with prolonged injury, progressively deeper levels of pain cells are activated in the spinal cord. Most chronic pain in not in the muscle, bone or tissue, but in the invisible hydra of the nerves. Of course, not all chronic pain is neuropathic. There is the shearing pain of inflammation, and muscular pain, or the very real pain of a broken heart. But many chronic pain conditions such as backache, once assumed to be musculoskeletal, are now being revisited and realized to have a neuropathic element. Many chronic pain sufferers wind up taking huge amounts of anti-inflammatory drugs. The NSAID'S (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like ibuprofen put them at risk for gastro-intestinal bleeding and liver dysfunction, and the newer class of pharmaceutical pain relievers, the COX-2 inhibitors, while an improvement in terms of side effects, still may cause some abdominal distress. Anti-inflammatory drugs, including aspirin and Aleve, were implicated in the deaths of 16,000 people in the USA in 2000, due to bleeding ulcers and related complications, according to the Federal Drug Abuse Network.

Research is also uncovering the fact that anxiety and depression are not so much responses to pain, but are the consequences of it. Pain and depression share the same neural pathways, the same circuitry. Serotonin and the endorphins that modulate healthy brain functioning are the same ones that modulate depression. Chronic pain uses up serotonin like a car running out of gas. Functional-imaging scans reveal similar disturbances in brain chemistry in both chronic pain and depression, and the same medications are used by allopathic physicians to treat depression and pain. Depression and stressful events can enhance pain, and chronic pain sufferers usually respond to stress with more pain. Chronic pain, it turns out, is not simply a sensory, affective, or cognitive state. It's a biological disease afflicting millions of people. Perhaps the biggest question surrounding current pain research is whether the pathological cortical reorganization, the cellular memory, the deeply dug chronic pain channels, can be undone. Scientists acknowledge that treatment can help suppress the abnormal nervous system sensitivity. They also know that it is far easier to prevent the establishment of abnormal channels than to treat them once they have become established. This means that when pain strikes, you must act to relieve it immediately. It is absolutely counterproductive to tough it out. Do not allow acute pain to become deeply entrenched chronic pain. It appears from the research that substances which nourish, calm, and soothe the nervous system, can help relieve chronic pain. Pain relieving herbs in many cases are the same herbs that are used against depression. Herbal Allies for Pain Relief Some of my favorite pain relieving herbal allies include skullcap, cannabis, valerian, turmeric, poppy, willow bark, St. John's wort, angelica, motherwort, black cohosh, wild yam, lavender, cayenne, kava kava, and rose. Essential oils of pine, lavender, peppermint, cinnamon, rose, clove, frankincense, rosemary, ginger, juniper, bay

and birch also are traditionally used as pain relievers and are well-documented analgesic agents. Put 10-12 drops of any one of these essential oils in one ounce of a carrier oil such as olive or coconut. Shake well and then rub into painful, swollen joints to allay pain and inflammation. If you suffer from chronic pain, try drinking four to six cups of skullcap infusions daily, or take 10-15 drops of skullcap tincture four to six times daily. Use skullcap as needed, as often as every few minutes, in acute situations. Skullcap quiets the nervous system, and so will be a valuable ally if you suffer from chronic pain. A combination of equal parts skullcap, St. John's wort, and oatstraw is particularly effective for calming the nervous system, and thus easing pain.

tinctures page I rub St. John's wort oil, scented with essential oil of lavender, liberally onto any part of me, or anyone else, that hurts. This simple remedy is especially helpful for the relief of any kind of muscular or neurological pain.

St. John's wort oil 20-30 drops of willow bark tincture is usually an effective dose to ease the pain and inflammation of arthritis and rheumatism, as well as headaches and muscle aches and pains.

willow bark tincture Rose is a soothing pain reliever, and any part, whether used fresh, or as an infused or essential oil, tea, tincture, glycerite, or flower essence will assist in the alleviation of any physical or emotional pain.

Comfort & Joy tea has roses and St. John's wort

Rose glycerite

Rose oil Angelica is rich in constituents that quiet the nervous system, is grounding and helps establish ease. Anti inflammatory agents make it one of my favorite allies for alleviating arthritic aches and pains, and it’s antispasmodic, so eases menstrual or muscular cramps.

Angelica tincture Anti-inflammatory herbs are brimming with salicylates and/or steroids. They can also be nourishing, immune strengthening, bone building, and hormonal balancing. The buds, leaves, and bark of willow, birch, poplars, black haw, and wintergreen are all rich in salicylates, and so pain relieving and anti-inflammatory. Vinegar is an excellent menstrum for extracting the salicylates, one teaspoon being equal to one aspirin. Sipping ginger syrup or applying a warm ginger poultice will help ease the pain and inflammation of arthritic joints. Sweat lodges, saunas, water baths, and steam baths, especially when using ginger, are all deeply penetrating and initiate healing energy.

Ginger syrup The roots of ginseng, angelica, wild yam, and black cohosh are rich in anti-inflammatory steroids. 20-30 drops of tincture made from the fresh or dry roots of any of these herbs helps ease sore, painful joints. Synthesized steroidal drugs, unlike natural herbs, often have a negative impact on the immune system, and are known to stimulate osteoporosis.

Tinctures page Equal parts of black cohosh, wild yam, and St. John's wort tinctures

are highly recommended for relieving back ache (20 drops as needed).

you'll find them here Relaxation therapies are vitally important to those who suffer chronic pain. Meditation, deep breathing exercises, and visualizations are all techniques that can be utilized for pain relief. Gentle, low-impact exercise, such as walking and gardening, is also an important ally for those whose pains are chronic, because exercise releases feel-good, mood-enhancing, anesthetizing chemicals such as endorphins, and helps to keep our body limber, flexible, and pain free.

Excerpt from Traversing the Wild Terrain of Menopause; Herbal Allies for Midlife Women and Men by Gail Faith Edwards Copyright 2003 Gail Faith Edwards You may use portions of this article as long as you give the author credit. You may link to this article from another website, as long as appropriate credit is given.

Herbs to Prevent Heart Disease

Get the latest news on health, nutrition, organic food, superfoods, green living, natural cures, product reviews and more! This

information will empoweryou to make positive changes in your life.

(OrganicJar) Cardiovascular disease is the No 1 cause of death in America with at least 58,800,000 million Americans suffering from some form of heart disease. The shocking part is that most heart attacks can be prevented by simple changes in your lifestyle. Besides the obvious eating healthy food and exercising, herbs have been scientifically proven to keep your hearth health.

Here are some of the most potent ‘hearth healthy’ herbs:

Garlic: One half clove of garlic daily will help lower blood cholesterol levels by about 9%. It can also lower triglycerides and LDL (’bad’) cholesterol levels. Garlic also makes blood platelets less sticky, so they do not adhere to the walls of your heart’s arteries,

forming dangerous blood clots and plaque. It also lowers blood pressure and improves the flow of blood to all organs. To avoid garlic breath, you can take Kyolic, a liquid odorless garlic preparation.

Gugulipid: This plant extract can be found in health food stores, and has been known to lower cholesterol by 21% and triglycerides by 25%, in as low as three to eight weeks! HDL (’good’) cholesterol rose during this time period. Gugulipid also helps to prevent blood clots.

Ginkgo Biloba: This is a wonderful herb used by Chinese Healers for centuries and is widely used in Europe to heal the heart and improve memory loss. It increases blood flow to all organs and cells, and reduces stickiness in the blood.

Capsaicin: Red Peper lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the tendency for blood clots, which also reduces your risk of heart attack. Some people get heartburn from this, so it is best to take this just before eating a meal. Capsaicin also helps you lose weight because it boosts metabolism, which is also an added benefit to a healthy heart.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E, taken either by supplements or in food, can help to prevent heart disease. Vitamin E seems to help prevent coronary heart disease, which is a disease that is caused by fatty plaque clogging the arteries that feed the heart. Some food sources for Vitamin E include oils, nuts, seeds, and green leafy vegetables.

Source: curesandherbs annecollins

Astragalus St. John Wort Sage Garlic Hyssop

Five powerful herbal tinctures to boost your immune system NaturalNews) The beauty of the natural world extends far beyond just the aesthetic characteristics that make plants and shrubs visually appealing. Some of the most powerful healing and immune-boosting agents in existence can actually be found growing unassumingly in fields, forests, and jungles around the world -- and many of them have yet to be fully realized for their therapeutic potential. Still, there are plenty of herbs we do already know about that have demonstrable, scientifically-proven health benefits you can begin taking advantage of today. Here are five such herbal tinctures you and your family can take for their powerful immune-boosting properties: 1) Astragalus. A powerful tonic long used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), astragalus (Astragalus

membranaceus), also known as milk-vetch and locoweed, is one of the most potent and restorative food plants you can consume to improve your immunity and "strengthen the exterior," as the ancient Chinese would say. Said to tonify the spleen, blood, and "chi," astragalus herbs help boost energy levels; restore damaged immunity; regenerate tissue; inhibit the growth and spread of cancer; and strengthen the heart, liver, and lungs, among other functions. (http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/astragalus-000223.htm) "Astragalus is a powerful 'non-specific' immune system stimulant," says the website Blessed Maine Herbs. "Instead of activating our defense system against a specific disease organism, astragalus nourishes immunity by increasing the numbers and activity of roving white blood cells, the macrophages. As an immunostimulant, astragalus engages and activates every phase of our immune system into heightened activity." 2) St. John's Wort. Commonly used as a treatment for mild depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, and pain, St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is another immune-boosting herb that contains an array of antioxidants, flavonoids, essential oils and other compounds that work synergistically

to reduce inflammation and promote healing and wellness. Because of its strong antiviral and antibacterial properties, St. John's Wort is an effective "bug" cleanser that eases the overall burden on the immune system. Interestingly, researchers have learned that St. John's Wort both increases and decreases immunity depending on the function, which is why it is also considered to be an adaptogen, or tonic, just like astragalus. When fighting harmful pathogens or viruses, St. John's Wort boosts immune capacity in order to wards off disease. But when it comes to wounds and other injuries that typically elicit an inflammatory response, St. John's Wort minimizes this response as much as possible to protect the body against further damage. (http://www.peoplespharmacy.com/2005/10/18/st-johns-wort/) 3) Sage. You might not think of it as much more than a common cooking spice, but sage (Salvia officinalis) contains a unique combination of disease-fighting compounds that make it a powerful immune protector. According to Blessed Maine Herbs, sage contains an impressive array of antioxidants, trace minerals, essential oils, and other nutrients the help reduce stress, which is a common cause of disease, as well as fight the aging process.

Native American tribes actually used to chew the leaves of sage as a strengthening tonic because the herb is both a broad-spectrum, all-natural antibiotic and a powerful immune stimulant. If you suffer from frequent sore throats, upper respiratory illnesses, or infections, sage is a great option for not only overcoming these conditions, but also building up your own innate immunity so that these conditions do not come back in the future (or at least not as often). 4) Garlic. Garlic (Allium sativum) gets a lot of attention here at Natural News, and this is not an accident, as this powerful herb possesses so many health benefits that it is almost impossible to list them all in one article. But if vibrant immunity is something you are serious about, incorporating garlic into your health arsenal is essential, as it fights harmful bacteria and viruses; targets detrimental parasites and fungi, and boosts immune function. "Garlic is rich in antibiotic powers and strengthens the immune system," states Blessed Maine Herbs. "Garlic is also active against herpes simplex, influenza B, HIV and many other serious illnesses," adds the site, noting that garlic is also rich in organic sulfur, or methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), a necessary nutrient for regenerating cells; maintaining proper

organ function; regulating blood sugar; and resisting disease. (http://www.naturalnews.com/026797_sulfur_organic.html) 5) Hyssop. Numerous passages in the Bible's Old Testament refer to hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) as a ceremonial cleansing herb, which is where many people will likely recall hearing about the plant, if they have even heard of it at all. But this ritualized use is not an accident, as hyssop really does contain a variety of healing agents such as caffeic acid, camphor-like constituents, essential oils, and other compounds that strengthen immunity and protect the body against foreign invaders. Patients with AIDS symptoms, for instance, have experienced incredible success and recovery as a result of taking hyssop, as the herb cleanses the blood. Hyssop also rids infected cells of other common viral diseases such as herpes and influenza, as well as treats colds, coughs, congestion, asthma, and sore throats, among other conditions.

Herbs For Menopause Premenopause Herbal Remedies

Black cohosh

Unlike hormone replacement therapy which artificially raises a woman's estrogen levels, herbal treatments seek to address hormonal balance, whether you need to 'bring on the moon', make the transition to menopause or help regulate your menstrual periods. Herbal remedies for menopause make use of phytoestrogens, chemical compounds occurring naturally in plants, that have similarities to human estrogen. No herb or supplement

actually contains estrogen, but these plant compounds tend to act like weak estrogens, without the high level of side effects. Herbs such as alfalfa , black cohosh and dong quai have a long history of use that supports their use in toning the female reproductive system. These estrogenic herbs are often combined with sedatives , diuretics and other hormone balancing herbs to relieve a whole range of menopausal problems including hot flashes, insomnia, moodiness, restlessness and irritability.

When I was going through the change, it was the simple things that had the greatest effect, and I still employ them even now in my crone years. A quick spritz with a few drops of clary sage oil in cool water has a calming, grounding effect on my moods. A lukewarm bath in cooling herbs like eucalyptus and peppermint can reduce the heat of hot flashes, or any time you find yourself overheated. A cup of motherwort tea can bring serenity to the most hectic and stressful day and help you regain your inner balance.

• The phytoestrogens found in alfalfa, red clover, and other members of the pea family appear to reduce the risk of estrogen-linked cancers such as breast cancer as well helping to tame hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause.

• Black cohosh root can mimic estrogen in the body. It is useful for hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and even the depression sometimes associated with menopause


• Rich in steroidal saponins that serve as precursors for hormone production by the liver, black haw is an excellent herb during menopause.

• Clary Sage oil's constituent, sclareol, has an estrogen-like structure, contributing to clary's effectiveness in treating hormonal problems such as menopause and. A sponge bath with a few drops of clary sage oil in cool water has a calming,

cooling effect on hot flashes. Oil of fennel and anise can be used to good effect as well.

• Regular garden sage is a yang, grounding herb and many women find sage tea relieves hot flashes. Try sage as a bath herb, and in massage oils as well.

• Wild Yam balances the female system, particularly during menstrual periods and menopause. Salves containing wild yam can make intercourse more comfortable and are a fine substitute for estrogen creams used as vaginal lubricants.

Herbs For Stress Herbal Remedies

Anything that causes a change in your life whether good or bad, causes stress. Even imagined change is stress. (Imagining changes is what we call "worrying".) A relaxed state of mind and spirit in integral to how you feel physically. Stress releases all kind of nasty chemical reactions into your bloodstream that worsen physical pain and cause chronic disease symptoms to worsen. Even thinking about major life changes cause stress, imagining change is called 'worrying'. Our atavistic fight-or-flight response served us well when being chased by mammoths, but isn't much use when stuck in

a traffic jam. When stress and emotions are running high, worries about family, work or financial problems seem to mount up, just when you can handle it the least, your body seems to pile on. Then one day, you finally connect the dots and see that you are literally worrying yourself sick. Take time to chill out, break the cycle of crazy and blend your own stress buster herbal teas.

Herbal Treatments for Stress

• Helping the body deal with chronic stress is the very definition of an adaptogenic herb, and ginseng may be the most effective herb in this category. Eleuthero restores overstressed adrenal glands, working wonders for people who are chronically stressed.

• Use stevia in tea blends to eliminate the need for sugar, which can be draining on nerves.

• Phytochemicals in Ashwagandha seem to mimic gamma-amino-butytric acid (GABA), a naturally occurring substance in the brain whose role is to decrease the effect of stimuli that reach the brain.

• Lavenders soothing, sedating phytochemicals readily absorb into the skin, including the sensitive membranes inside the nose. That's why even the scent of lavender tends to calm and relax. Sandalwood, frankincense, and lemon are all considered to be very calming and grounding, helping us to achieve the meditative conductive to reducing stress.

• Among its many medicinal benefits, licorice is considered an adrenal tonic, in particular, it increases production of the very chemicals that aid in the body's recovery from chronic anxiety and stress.

Looking for an herb for headache? Here are the herbs that are considered the best. You've tried other remedies, but is there an herb for headache? Of course! Herbal medicine combines thousands of years of wisdom with modern science. Remember, though, that because herbs are very complex (just like your migraine!) we don't yet fully understand how they work. So like anything else

we do scientific studies and by trial and error find what works for most people. It's your job to find out what works for you!

The other thing to remember about herb for headache is that, although herbal remedies tend to be gentler than drugs, if you take too much they can not only make your headache worse, but do real harm to your body. If you're doing much more than herbs in your salad or a cup of tea, talk to your doctor. Also, if you're on any

medication you should also check with your doctor, since some herbs cause problems when taken at the same time.

Herb for headache #1: Feverfew

Feverfew is a very popular migraine herbal remedy, and because so many people are interested in it, we've given it a page of it's own! Check out our article on feverfew here.

Herb for headache #2: Peppermint (mentha piperita)

For hundreds of years peppermint has been used as a headache remedy. From tea to extract, there are lots of ways to enjoy peppermint. Be warned that peppermint is not the thing to take if you have heartburn or similar stomach acid problems.

Peppermint is just as useful for it's aroma and cooling properties as an essential oil. Read more about this herb for headache on our home remedies page.

Herb for headache #3: Passionflower (Passiflora alata)

Passionflower is a calming herb. Taken as a tea before bed, it can help you sleep. At least one clinic trial has found it to lower anxiety. It is also believed to have anti-inflammitory and pain killing properties. Great for migraine!

Herb for headache #4: Ginko (ginko biloba)

The leaf of the ginko tree is an extremely popular herb for headache, but the medical evidence is still hotly disputed. Ginko is

said to improve the flow of blood and get more oxygen to the brain, hence not only relieving headache but improving memory and alertness as well. There are some nice teas sold with ginko and peppermint, so why not give it a try?

Note that Ginko is one of those herbs that can cause side effects when taken with headache medications, including aspirin and lithium.

Herb for headache #5: Cayenne (capsaicin)

Yes, that's right – the pepper. Many peppers have an ingredient called capsaicin, which among other things seems to raise the pain threshold. It's gained attention in the medical world in recent years especially for its treatment of cluster headaches, and it's often given in the form of a nasal spray.

Cayenne pepper is an excellent spice to have on hand (well, don't put too much ON your hand or you may burn it!), and may lessen your migraine.

Herb for headache #6: Willow (salix . . .)

White willow bark is an especially popular herb for headache because it works much like an aspirin, relieving your headache pain and causing the inflammation to go down. Like any painkiller, it should not be taken long term. Once again, be very careful about taking willow with other painkillers and medications - check with your doctor!

Other herbs for headache:

Meadowsweet, valerian (excellent if you can't sleep), skullcap, chamomile (also common for relaxation). Recent studies point to butterbur extract (petasites hybridus root) as a migraine treatment. Butterbur has been recommended for

migraine before, but now the scientific evidence is starting to catch up. The dosages in recent studies for both children and adults range between 50mg and 150mg. It is recommended that you use a reliable standardized and safe form of butterbur. In a recent German study, Petadolex was used, which is a butterbur extract.

Herbs for migraine and other headaches can be very helpful, but there's lot of bad and even dangerous information out there. If you really want to look into natural herbal alternatives, get a good guide that tells you the scientific facts. An excellent comprehensive guide to herbs is The Herbal Drugstore by Linda B White MD and Steven Foster. Another handy guide is The Complete Herbal Companion by Elizabeth Burch, MD. Because during migraine serotonin levels drop, it may help to try to keep serotonin levels higher in your body. Sometimes this is done using the supplement 5-HTP. Read more about serotonin here.

Skin Herbal Remedies Almond oil for dry skin

Almond oil contains glucosides, minerals, vitamins and is rich in protein. Almond oil helps to relieve dry skin, itching, soreness and inflammation.

Aloe for Acne

Aloe vera gel will help ease discomfort caused by painful skin irritations and acne. Apply sparely to face after cleansing

Aloe for wrinkles

Aloe is a potent natural source of alpha-hydroxy acids that are found in pricey facial care products. The thick juice from a broken leaf of aloe

Aloe leaf and gel skin first aid

Aloe Plant:As soon as you suffer a burn, break or cut off an outer leaf of an Aloe plant, split it open with your fingernails, and squeeze

Andiroba oil uses

Andiroba oil can be applied liberally several times daily. Use this oil externally to relieve

the pain of sore muscles and joints of arthritis.

Anticellulite Bath Synergistic Blends

These anticellulite blends can be made up in the following proportions for future use, or use these quantities for two baths.

Anticellulite Massage Oil Formulas

If there is there anything more frustratingly hard to eliminate than cellulite, I don't know what it is. Smooth skin depends on healthy veins,

Astringent oil acne treatment

Astringent and antiseptic, juniper, lemon, and sandalwood oils are good for oily skin and acne.

Baking soda skin care

For eczema, rash or bug bites put 1/2 cup of baking soda in a tepid bath to relieve the itching skin. Or make a paste of baking soda and water

Barberry ointment

Barberry ointment is used alone or added to other healing herbs like comfrey, and goldenseal to relieve psoriasis and help heal skin infections.

Barberry root tea

Use 2 to 4 grams (1-2 teaspoons) of dried root or 1 to 2 tsp of whole or crushed berries steeped in 150 ml (approximately 2/3 of a

cup) of hot water Basic bath salts

Bath salts make an everyday bath into a sweet and sensual, delightful hydrotherapy session. Sooth sore muscles, calm your worried mind and soften

Basil for bug bites

Keep Basil in the first aid kit to treat wasp stings, and other bug bites.

Bay rum aftershave

This refreshing aftershave is astringent. Liquid vegetable glycerin is a cooling emollient that helps to hold moisture to the skin

Berberine Face Wash

This remedy combines the antibacterial properties of two berberine-containing herbs to fight the bacteria that is the underlying cause of facial break.

Berberine tinctures

Take 20 drops in 1/4 cup water 3 times daily for up to 2 weeks. Use this tincture in support of topical applications for fungal infections, acne.

Best Skin Food

The very best preparation as an all-round cosmetic which I know is lemon and milk wash. It combine properties of the food and the astringent.

Black walnut leaf skin wash

Black walnut is an astringent and antifungal agent that protects skin against allergens and infections. Use as a cool compress for ringworm infection.

Blood purifying tea

Detoxify and purify the blood at the onset and end of winter with this strong blend. If the wormwood is too bitter to swallow ,

Boil Treatment

To draw the infection to the skins surface, make a poultice of fenugreek seed (simply boil the seed in water) then mix with 3 drops of thyme oil.

Boiled onion skin for scabies

Easy home treatment for scabies and mites - boil the skins of a half-dozen onions for 15 to 30 minutes in a quart of water. Let the liquid cool,

Borage EFA oil for Skin

Borage Seed Oil has the highest concentration of gamma linolenic acid (GLA) naturally found, higher than in any other plant source! Borage Seed Oil.

Burdock tea

Burdock tea is good for any skin condition that would benefit from detoxification. The fresh root is also used for lowering blood

sugar, its inulin. Calendula compress

Brew a strong infusion using 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried Calendula flowers per cup of boiling water. Steep until cool. Apply using a cool compress,

Calendula face rinse

Calendula stimulates the grows of skin cells to fight wrinkles, keeps complexion smooth, moist, and helps fight acne breakouts.

Calendula milk facial

A lotion made from one cup of fresh calendula blossoms simmered in two cups of milk is an excellent wash for the complexion.

Calendula Oil

Calendula infused oil is one of the best antiseptic and healing agents for treating cuts, scrapes, chapped skin, diaper rash, eczema, bug bites,

Calendula tea

Calendula is so gentle, it is often given to children for upset stomach. It's astringent and anti-inflammatory properties make it particularly useful.

Cayenne and Coconut Oil Salve

This salve is really easy to make, even if you are new to making salves. Soothing for skin, and gently warming to creaky joints.

Chamomile compress

To treat skin inflammation and rashes make a strong infusion using 1 heaping teaspoon of chamomile flowers per cup of boiling water. Steep until cool.

Chamomile tea for Puffy eyes

For puffy eyes soak cotton balls in cooled chamomile tea, or use tea bags or small muslin bags as poultices.

Chickweed infused oil and salve

Chickweed is valued by herbalists for its skin healing properties, minor burns, skin irritations, and rashes particularly when associated with dryness.

Cleansing Grains

These cleansing grains are a perfect soap replacement. To use, mix one to two teaspoons of the grains with water, make a paste and gently massage.

Cleavers tea

Cleavers main use is to help detoxify body tissues by supporting the lymphatic system, the system that washes the tissues of toxins, and as a mild diu.

Coconut and Vitamin E Skin treatment

This quick and easy body butter is based on pure organic unrefined virgin coconut oil, the kind that still retains a subtle coconut fragrance.

Coconut Oil Facial

Coconut oil is a wonderfully rich skin care oil that is readily absorbed into the skin, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Comfrey leaf Tea

Comfrey makes a mild tasting amber brew that is good for special occasions, like mending from broken bones, or severe colds and coughs.

Comfrey root oil

Comfrey oil is perhaps the best oil to have on hand in your herbal kit and is a very useful oil to use as a base for salves. Heals about any kind.

Comfrey Salve with coconut oil

Comfrey salve is a mainstay of your home first aid kit. Use it on cuts, scrapes, rashes, sunburn,almost any skin irritation. Comfrey salve.

Dandelion Tea

Dandelion brews up into a smooth tasting, mellow, mildly coffee-like drink.

Echinacea tincture for acne and burns

Both E. angustifolia and E. purpurea speed healing and reduce inflammation. Four grams, or about a teaspoon, of E. purpurea juice.

Forskolin Extracts

Coleus should be used in the form of

forskolin extracts. Coleus formulations for high blood pressure frequently will contain hawthorn and/or valerian.

Fresh Basil wart treatment

To remove a wart, rub basil leaves on the nub daily and cover with a bandage. If fresh is not available to you, use a few drops of the essential oil.

Fresh Garlic Cloves

Frozen witch hazel - First Aid

Witch hazel is very soothing for insect bites, varicose veins and bruises. For hemorrhoids, use a cotton ball dampened with witch hazel.

Fumitory Tea

Excellent specific for removing these freckles and clearing the skin. The herb can be taken as a tea, or the infusion is used as a pack or compress.

Gotu Kola Aloe burn gel

Gotu kola is revered in Ayurvedic medicine for its ability to rejuvenate skin and body tissue by stimulating collagen synthesis. Mixed with aloe gel,

Gotu Kola Tea

Gotu kola is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine and TCM to rejuvenate both mind and body. The herb tea has a light, enjoyable, slightly woody taste.

Green Bug Juice

This is an effective bug repellent, based on Julliette de Bairacli Levy's recipe in her book Traveler's Joy. It's dual action is provided by first. Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs are provided on this site is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. Every attempt has been made for accuracy, but none is guaranteed. Many traditional uses and properties of herbs have not been validated by the FDA. If you have any serious health concerns, you should always check with your health care practitioner before self-administering herbs.

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