hem sheela model school durgapur...hem sheela model school durgapur class 12 physical education...

Post on 10-Mar-2020






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K ey Poi n ts :

Under standing str ess, anx iety and its m anagem ent.

Coping str ategies.

Per sonality , its dim ensions and types; R ule of spor ts in per sonality .

M otivation, its type and technique.

Self-esteem and body im age.

Psychological benefits of ex er cises.

Psy ch ol ogy

T he w or d psychology is der ived fr om a Gr eek w or d ‘psyche’ and ‘logos’. ‘Psyche’ - soul or

m ind’ and ‘logos - study’. Gener ally it is accepted as study of behavior .

Psychology is used in spor t to enhance per for m ance and to k now the factor s w hich

affect our per for m ance, lik e - anx iety, str ess, per sonality , m otivation, etc.

Optim um level of anx iety is essential to per for m in gam es and spor ts.

Spor ts psy ch ol ogy a n d i ts i m por ta n ce i n th e f i el d of spor ts .

Spor ts psychology is the br anch of applied psychology w hich deals w ith spor ts per for m ance

and the B ehavior of a player dur ing tr aining or com petitions.

I m por tance of Spor ts psychology is due to

(i) L ear ning of M otor Sk ills Spor ts psychology plays a m ajor r ole in the lear ning of m otor

sk ills. M otor sk i lls lear ning depends on the individual's level of r eadiness.

Analyzing the B ehavior of Spor tsm en Per for m ance of a player depends upon the behavior s

w hich ar e influenced by var ious factor s such as sex differ ences, fam ily conditions, per sonal




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back gr ound, her edity , gr ow th, physical and m ental m atur ity levels etc.

(i i i ) I dentifying T alent for Specific Spor ts E ver y spor ts has specific psychological dem ands. e.

g box ing r equir es m or e aggr essiveness, w her eas ar cher y and shooting r equir e m or e

concentr ation.

(iv) Stabilizing the Per for m ance for L onger Per iod I t helps in stabilizing the per for m ance of a

player for a longer per iod. T hen the per for m ance of the player lar gely depends upon his

psychological m ak e up and anx iety level.

(V ) I m por tant fr om R esear ch Point of V iew Spor ts psychologists w or k s in ver y close

pr ox im ity to coaches to uplift the per for m ance of player s. R esear ch findings help in

pr om otion of spor ts and gam es.

(v i) E ncour aging the Player s to M ak e a Com eback in Pr ofessional Spor ts Spor ts psychology

encour ages the player s, w ho, due to injur y or som e accident, ar e for ced to tak e a long br eak

fr om their pr ofessional car eer , to r etur n to their spor t.

Str ess a n d i ts m a n a gem en t tech n i qu es.

A state of affair involving dem and on physical or m ental ener gy. T he body‘s physiological

r esponse to dem ands place on it. I n sim ple w or ds str ess is a condition or cir cum stance w hich

can distur b the nor m al physical and m ental health of a per son.

Str ess is nothing but r esponse of body to an event or situation w hich ar e pr oduced by

physiological and psychological changes in the body str ess is a body’s m ethod to r eact a

challenge. I t is fight or flight r eaction.

Copi n g up is a technique w hich tells us now to handle anx iety or str ess.

T echniques to m anage Str ess:-

a) Par ticipation in Physical activ ities,

b) Achieve a high level of physical fitness,

c) B uilding self confidence,

d) R elax ation techniques

e) Developing H obbies

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f) Staying cool and confident under pr essur e

g) Avoid the com pany of str essed per sons

h) Don‘t think about str essful thoughts

A n x i ety a n d i ts m a n a gem en t

Anx iety :- Anx iety is a psychological and physiological state of an individual. I t is

char acter ized by cognitive, em otional and behavior al com ponents. T hese com ponents

com bine to cr eate an unpleasant feeling, w hich is associated w ith uneasiness, fear of w or r y.

A ccor di n g to L ev i tt, Anx iety is a per sonal feeling of appr ehension accom panied by an

incr eased level of physiological ar ousals .

Anx iety is a chr onic fear that lim its our ability to car r y out nor m al functions

A n x i ety (also called a n gst or w or r y ) is a psychological and physiological state char acter ized

by som atic, em otional, cognitive, and behavior al com ponents. I t is the displeasing feeling of

fear and concer n. T he r oot m eaning of the w or d anx iety is 'to vex or tr ouble'; in either

pr esence or absence of psychological str ess, anx iety can cr eate feelings of fear , w or r y,

uneasiness, and dr ead.

A n x i ety i n spor ts is a natur al r eaction to thr eat in envir onm ent & par t pr epar ation of fight

r esponse. I t is a psychological phenom enon.

M a n a gem en t of A n x i ety : - Anx iety can be m anaged thr ough var ious techniques such as (i )

Deep br eathing (i i ) Dr ink w ater (i i i ) Follow advice (iv) Psychological balance (v) W ar m ing-up

(vi) No cr iticism (v i i ) Focus your tar get (v i i i ) Sufficient pr actice (ix ) Self confidence (x )

E ncour agem ent,

Per son a l i ty i ts tr a i ts a n d ty pes

Per son a l i ty is the dynam ic or ganization w ithin the individual of those psycho physical

system s w hich deter m ine his unique adjustm ent to his envir onm ent. Per sonality is not static

but a dynam ic concept. I t is continuously chaning and gr ow ing. Childr en m ay have identical

envir onm ent. T hey m ay have sim ilar ex per iences but they r eact to the sam e envir onm ent in

differ ent w ay.

Per sonality is a ver y im por tant factor in gam es and spor ts as it influence the per for m ance of

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individual by his/her level of cognition, m otivation, tr aits and behavior .

T y pes of Per son a l i ty I ntr over ts:- I ntr over ts ar e shy, self conscious quit r etir ing inter ested in

the ow n thoughts and feelings, inclined to w or r y and easi ly upset.

E x tr ov er ts : - E x tr over ts ar e social, open fr ank , outgoing, eager to do thing adaptable, not

easily w or r ied or em bar r assed and w illing to w or k w ith other s.

A m bi v er ts : - I n am biver ts both the char acter istics of intr over ts and ex tr over ts ar e found. I n

ever y per son m ostly both the char acter istics ar e found thr ough one of them m ay be

pr edom inant. Spor ts play a ver y im por tant r ole in per sonality developm ent. T hey im pr ove

the follow ing qualities. (a) Self concept (b) M ental toughness (c) E m otional stability (d) Quick

Decision (e) Planning (Points to be ex plained) Spor ts and gam es play an im por tant r ole in the

developm ent of hum an per sonality . T hey ar e no less im por tant than food and fr esh w ater .

Gam es and spor ts help to com bat anx iety, depr ession and str ess. Spor ts tr ain spor tsm en to

accept defeat gr acefully and to m ove on.

T r a i ts of per son a l i ty

Openness : per sons w h lik e to lear new things, new concepts and enjoy new ex per iences

usually r em ain on the top in openness. I t inclues tr aits lik e being im aginative, insightful, and

having a var iety of inter ests.

a) Conscientiousness: Per sons w ho have a high degr ee of conscientiousness ar e r eliable and

pr om pt. Such per sons r em ain or ganized, system atic, labor ious and com plete in all r espects.

b) E x tr over sion: E x tr over ts gets their ener gy fr om inter acting w ith other individuals w her e

as intr over ts get their ener gy fr om w ithin them selves. E x tr over sion includes the tr aits of

being ener getic, talk ative and asser tive.

c) Agr eeableness: Such individuals ar e fr iendly, cooper ative, com patible, k ind and gentle.

Per sons w ith too agr eeableness m ay be m or e distant or aloof. T hey ar e usually k ind,

gener ous, affectionate and sym pathetic.

d) Neur oticism : Neur oticism is also called em otional stability . T his dom ain or dim ension

r elates to one’s em otional stability and the degr ee of negative em otions. Per sons w ho have

high neur oticism usually ex per iences em otional instability and negative em otions. Such

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individuals r em ain m oody and tense.

Sh el don ’s cl a ssi f i ca ti on of per son a l i ty .

E ndom or ph: E ndom or phs have a pear shaped and a r ounded physique. T hey have shor t

ar m s and legs. T he upper par ts of ar m s and legs seem to be thick er than the low er par ts.

T hey have under developed m uscles. T hey ar e m or e inclined to becom e obese. T heir

ex cessive m ass hinder s their ability to com pete in spor ts. T hese ar e m ost suitable for

activ ities in w hich gr eat str ength is r equir ed.

M esom or ph: M esom or phs have a r ectangular shaped body w ith athletic physiques and a

balanced body com position. T hey ar e able to incr ease their m uscles size quick ly and easi ly .

T hey have thick bones and m uscles. T heir chest and shoulder s ar e br oader than the

w aistline. T hey can ex cel in spor ts w hich r equir e gr eat str ength, shor t bur sts of ener gy and

lots of pow er because they have enough str ength, agility and speed.

E ctom or phs: E ctom or phs ar e usually r efer r ed to as slim per sons because their m uscles and

lim bs ar e elongated. T hey have w eak constitution of busy and face gr eat difficulty in gaining

w eight. T hey have flat chest and have less m uscle m ass. T hey do not have a lot of str ength

but they dom inate the endur ance spor ts as their busy type is natur ally suited to per for m

w onder fully in endur ance spor ts. T hey ar e best suited for gam es and spor ts lik e gym nastics

and long distance r aces.

M oti v a ti on a n d i ts ty pes

M otivation m eans to be inspir ed to do som ething. I t is a k ind of inner for ce w hich ener gizes

a m an to m ak e constant effor ts.

Accor ding to Cr ook and Stein, "M otivation is any condition that m ight ener gies and dir ects

our action.]

M otivation ener gizes an individual to behave in par ticular w ay for attaining a specific goal.

T ypes of M otivation

T her e ar e tw o types of m otivation

I ntr insic M otivation is w ithin an individual and guides him /her to per for m better . I t is based

upon needs, inter est, natur e, em otions, social need etc. I t also depends upon k now ledge of

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r esult, per sonal factor , com petition zeal etc. H e/she par ticipates in spor ts for his/her ow n

sak e.

(i i ) E x tr insic M otivation T his m otivation depends upon envir onm ental factor s. I t has a gr eat

im pact on an individual's per for m ance. I t is of var ious types lik e r ew ar ds, punishm ent,

active par ticipation, test evaluation, teaching m ethods, equipm ent and sur r oundings

(ì) H ealthy Spor ts E nvir onm ent A healthy spor ts envir onm ent plays a v ital r ole in m otivating

the spor tsper son. H ealthy spor t envir onm ent consists of pr oper hum idity and tem per atur e,

sm ooth and clean spor ts fields, good quality of spor ts equipm ent and other faci lities. Positive

Attitude For pr oper m otivation, the coaches should tr y to encour age positive attitude am ong

spor tsper sons. Player s m ust think positively .

(ì ì ) Cash Pr izes, Cer tificates and T r ophies T hese ar e good incentives to spor tsper sons.

Gover nm ents offer cash pr izes to spor tsper sons w ho w in.

Sel f E steem

W hat w e think about the self, the total evaluation of negative or positive about oneself is

called self esteem

B ody I m a ge

B ody im age is how and w hat you think and feel about your body.

F a ctor s i n f l u en ci n g body i m a ge a n d sel f -esteem

i ) M edia I m ages:- Dur ing teenage, the teenager s becom e m or e aw ar e of celebr ities and m edia

im ages. T hey usually star t to com par e them selves w ith m edia im ages and celebr ities.

i i ) Fam ily and school:- W e do not develop our body im age all on our ow n. T he fam ily , school

and other m em ber s of society can influence our self-esteem and body im age.

i i i ) L ife ex per ience and natur al ageing pr ocess: B ody im age and self-esteem ar e also

significant factor s w hich influence the body im age influence our body im age and self-

esteem .

T y pes of a ggr essi on

H osti le aggr ession: H osti le aggr ession is inflicting or causing har m w hether it is physical or

psychological on som eone else. I t is som etim es r efer r ed as r eactive aggr ession and can be

accom panied by anger . I n hosti le aggr ession the m ain aim is to cause injur y to other per son.

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T he intention is on causing pain and suffer ing.

I nstr um ental aggr ession: I nstr um ental aggr ession is displaying aggr essive behavior in

pur suit of a non-aggr essive goal. I t is also k now n as channeled aggr ession is not

accom panied by anger . I nstr um ental aggr ession is behavior that has intent to hur t in or der

to achieve m oney, pr aise or v ictor y.

Asser tive behavior : Asser tive behavior is differ ent type of aggr ession/aggr essive behavior .

T his is defined as behavior that involves the use of legitim ate physical or ver bal for ce to

achieve one’s pur pose. I n Asser tive behavior , the intention is to establish dom inance r ather

than to har m the opponent.

Psychological benefits of ex er cise

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