greece and rome - miss caspers'...

Post on 06-Aug-2020






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What is art?



Parthenon: classical Greek

ideal of balance and proportion

Socrates (470 – 399 BC)

Socrates was an Athenian soldier and philosopher

The world knows about Socrates because of his student Plato’s writings about him

His teachings about morality, justice, and questioning everything caused the Athenian government to sentence him to death

Plato (428 – 348 BC)

Plato was an ancient Greek aristocrat, mathematician and philosopher Student of Socrates

Founded the Academy of Athens The first institution of

higher learning in the Western world

He laid the foundations of Western philosophy and science

Aristotle (384 – 322 BC)

Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and scientist

Studied at Plato’s Academy until he was 37

His writings make up the first comprehensive system of Western philosophy

He taught Alexander the Great about medicine, philosophy, morals, religion, logic, and art


Because he was Alexander’s tutor, Aristotle was able to build a massive library at Lyceum

Appointed as the head of the Royal Academy of Macedon

He encouraged Alexander to conquer The East (Persia and India)

All three philosophers (and others) encouraged

people to use reason & logic in all things This concept became an important foundation for

Western culture Schools Government Law Civil Rights Many more…

Reason & Logic

Alexander the Great (356-323 BC)

Alexander the III of Macedonia

Born in 356 BC Son of Philip II, King of

Macedonia Tutored by Aristotle

when he was young Inherited the throne at

age 20 after his father was assassinated Alexander eliminated

threats to his throne


At age 10, Alexander received a horse and he named it Bucephalus

Alexander tamed Bucephalus himself

Together they conquered The East until Bucephalus died

Alexander named a city Bucephala after him (in modern-day Pakistan)


Alexander and his father went to war and began building Alexander’s empire when Alexander was 16 Started with Greece

After he conquered Thebes, Athens, and Sparta (not always through battle), he established the Hellenic Alliance

This included most Greek city-states except for Sparta

Named Supreme Commander of the Hellenic Alliance


Hellenism is the spread of ancient Greek culture and language Alexander spread

(Greek) culture across his empire

A) A pretty name for a woman B) The spread of ancient Greek culture and language C) A battle formation D) A type of government

Hellenism is…

A) A pretty name for a woman B) The spread of ancient Greek culture and

language C) A battle formation D) A type of government

Hellenism is…

Alexander conquered the Greeks, the Persians, the

Egyptians, and got to the borders of the Indus River

Alexander’s Empire

Alexander was never defeated in battle


True or False?

After Alexander conquered Persia, he began wearing

Persian clothes, adopted some Persian customs, promoted Persian aristocrats to help him rule his kingdom, and encouraged his Macedonian army to marry Persian women

He tortured and executed anyone who stood up against him for his new ways

Alexander…the Great?

In 327 BC, Alexander marched into India Even though the Indian army fought with elephants,

Alexander’s forces still won Bucephalus was killed

Alexander’s soldiers had been campaigning (travelling, fighting, etc.) for 18 months straight, and they refused to go any farther

Alexander returned with his army to Macedonia

Indus River

Alexander the great died of malaria at the age of 33 No successor

He was buried in Alexandria, Egypt so that Romans, Egyptians, and Greeks could pay respect to his shrine

In the 4th century AD, the Christian Roman emperor Theodosius outlawed paganism Alexander’s tomb disappeared


Alexander’s Empire broke up into 3 major sections: Ptolemaic Kingdom (Egypt) Seleucid Empire (Persia) Antigonid Dynasty (Macedonia)

Alexander’s Empire

Ancient Greek culture spread through all of

Alexander’s empire Had a HUGE effect on the development of the

Roman civilization and empire The Hellenistic Period combined Greek, Egyptian,

Persian, and Indian cultures It lasted from 329 BC – 146 BC Hellenism = the practice of spreading Greek culture Hellenistic Period = a time period of a combination

of Greek, Egyptian, Persian, and Indian cultures


A major theory that developed during the Hellenistic

period was alchemy Alchemy was the “scientific” idea that humans could

turn average metals into gold AND that they could create an elixir (a magic potion) to create eternal life


Achaean League vs. Aetolian League

The Achaean League included Thebes, Corinth, and Argos

The Aetolian League included Sparta and Athens

These Leagues were constantly at war with each other until the Romans conquered Greece in 146 BC


“All roads lead to Rome” -Medieval phrase


40% of Italy is mountainous Alps and Apennines

protect it from invasion Po River runs through it

with a large floodplain surrounding it

Several rivers Mediterranean climate

and volcanic soil Awesome for crops


Excellent climate for crops Helped Rome increase

its economic strength Located in the center of

the Mediterranean Ideal location for Rome to

control the Mediterranean regions

Huge cultural diversity as the Roman Empire grew

Roman Empire

Founding Myth

Myth: Twin brothers Romulus and Remus were the sons of Mars (Roman version of Ares)

Raised by a wolf mother Romulus and Remus

fought over the city’s foundation, name, etc.

Romulus won Hence the name “Rome”

Founding Reality

Rome grew around the Tiber River

Started around the 8th century BC

The area was dominated by the Etruscans Established political

control by the 7th century Aristocracy and

monarchy Lost power by the 6th

century and the Latin tribes created a republic

A republic is a form of government where power

resides in elected individuals who represent the citizens who vote for them

Government leaders exercise the rule of law 1 difference between today and the Roman Republic: Rome had many kings and emperors in its history


Setup: Constitution Checks and balances Separation of powers 2 Consuls The 2 Consuls were the highest elected political officers Served for 1 year before a new election

Senate An advisory council

Voting assemblies People could come together to vote in elections and on

important matters like war

Roman Republic

Roman Law Principles I) All persons are entitled to equal treatment under

the law II) People are innocent until proven guilty III) People should be punished for actions, not

thoughts IV) The burden of proof rests on the accuser, not the


Do any of these sound familiar??


Roman laws were the reason we use a lot of Latin

terms in the legal system today: Habeas corpus = you cannot be arrested for just any

reason (you have to have broken the law) Stare decisis = “let the ruling stand”


Background: only patricians were eligible to be

elected to political office

The Twelve Tables were created around 450 BC This was the earliest written code of law for the

Romans Set up the foundation for future Roman laws

ALL social classes had to follow the law Patricians = the ruling class (wealthy nobles) Plebians = everyone else (labor force)

Twelve Tables

“If a man was summoned to court, he had to go. If he did not, then

a witness would be called (to confirm that he did not come). Thereafter he could be seized and brought to court by force…The summoned person could be represented by an advocate…If the two sides in court agreed to compromise then the judge (praetor) announced this. If they could not reach agreement, then they were to state their case at the Forum before noon. If one failed to show up, the judge would find in favor of the one who came. If both came, the trial was to last no longer than until the sun set.”

HUGE milestone for justice because it served as a model for many later European legal systems AND it became the language of the Catholic Church AND the basis for all of the Romance languages!!



Male citizenship rights = Could own property and

make wills Could vote Could serve in a

political/public office Basically could do

anything and everything legal

Female citizenship rights = Could own property and

make wills Could NOT vote Could get divorced

Slave rights = “not people” so no rights

Freedmen’s rights = if slaves were free, they enjoyed full citizenship rights Social snobbery “You were a

slave? Like, ew!”

The Roman Republic was all well and good The Senate ruled the Republic (elected by the

citizens) The Republic kept expanding by conquering more

and more territory (lots and lots of wars) Plenty of colonies


Change to an Empire

Not everyone was happy Several slave uprisings occurred Several civil wars occurred Marius and Sulla – two Roman generals wanting more

power fought each other

And then came Julius Caesar…

Change to an Empire

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