google search history

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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Presentation for ARIN 6912 on the hidden story of google search, with reference to articles by Nicholas Carr and Randall Stross.


Google Search – the Hidden Story – Andra Keay - ARIN 6912

Google (ˈɡuːɡ ə l) means search: — n

1. a popular search engine on the internet — vb

2. to search for (something on the internet) using a search engine3. to check (the credentials of someone) by searching for websites containing his or her name

from the Collins English Dictionary

Search has always been Google’s mission:“To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

“The ultimate search engine is something as smart as people – or smarter. For us, working on search is a way to work on artificial intelligence.” Larry Page 2002

Google research project began at Stanford in 1996as PhD project “BackRub” which was published as the “PageRank” algorithm

Incorporated/Domain purchased in 1997 Launched privately, funded by Sun in 1998

Developed click through optimized advertizing revenue model 1999-2000Provided services to Yahoo 2000-2002

Went public in 2004

Google’s first front page - from Google’s interactive timeline

“My mind now expects to take in information the way the Net distributes it: in a swiftly moving stream of particles. Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski.” From Is Google Making Us Stupid? - The Atlantic, July-August 2008

"If you’ll walk around with a Bluetooth headset hanging from your ear, you’ll probably walk around with a Google chip in your brain.” From Computing the Cost - The Sun, March, 2009

“Each epoch is a co-production between its forms of memory practices and the engaged activities of the people concerned, producing a particular time and space in which humans and their information technologies are synchcronised.”from Turnbull on Bowker & Starr

Butler develops a theory of the formation of the subject as a relation to the social – a community of others and their norms – which is beyond the control of the subject it forms. wikipedia on performativity

We are just pattern matching monkeys!

Vietnam Veterans Memorial in memory of 58,261 soldiers

“Google contends that its search engine relies on humans and machines. Matt Cutts, a software engineer who heads Google's Webspam team, said users who place links on their own Web pages pointing to other sites provide the raw information about valued sites that is incorporated into Google's PageRank algorithm. How best to utilize that information requires continuing work by human engineers. ''Algorithms don't leap out of Google like Athena from the head of Zeus,’’ From The Human Touch That May Loosen Google’s Grip – NY Times 2007

"ONCE upon a time, the most valuable secret formula in American business was Coca-Cola's. Today, it's Google's master algorithm.” From The Human Touch That May Loosen Google’s Grip – NY Times 2007

“When you are in the business of organising the world’s information, what is learned in one domain often finds practical application in another.” Randall Stross

“We don’t have better algorithms,” said Google’s Director of Research, Peter Norvig. “We just have more data.”

Google’s Early Page Rank Algorithm

In 2006, AOL was heavily criticised for breach of privacy when they released some ‘anonymous’ search strings for research purposes.

The data is still available on some websites. More recently, Google’s wifi data collection has also caused breach of privacy complaints.

We’d like to think that there’s a direct path from us, via Google, to all the information on the internet. Just like this 2004 attempt to map links between European universities. The reality is different. There’s too much information and an estimated 1/3 of the internet is not accessible.

Google doesn’t have all the answers.

But it does have a different answer for everyone.

Not everyone agrees with Google.

Personalized search with ads PLUS all thebooks, maps, docs, labs, images, movies, goggles, power, earthengine, streetview, android,chat, mail, speech recognition, voice, translate, google squared… what next?

Google would like your genetic data too.


Agger, M. (10 Oct 2007). ‘Google’s Evil Eye: Does the Big G know too much about us?’ Slate Magazine accessed 7 August 2010Arrington, M. (16 July 2008) ‘Is this the future of search?’ Techcrunch 11 August 2010Bowker, G. & Starr, S. ( ) Bowker, G.C. & Star, S.L. (1999). Sorting Things Out: Classification and Its Consequences. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.Campbell, H. (28 June 2010). ‘23andme stumbles into an ethical gray area and why that’s good’ Science20

23andme_stumbles_ethical_gray_area_and_why_thats_good accessed 12 August 2010Carr, N. (2008). ‘Is Google making us stupid?’, Washington DC. The AtlanticCopeland, M. & Weintraub, S. (29 July 2010). ‘Google: The Search Party is Over’ Fortune. accessed 29 July 2010Dash, A. (2007). ‘Google Web History – good and scary’ Anil Dash: A Blog About Making Culture accessed 7

August 2010Derene, G. (2008) ‘20 (Rare) Questions for Google Search Guru Udi Manber’ Popular Mechanics

accessed 11 August 2010Dibbell, J. (11 Jan 2009). ‘Randall Stross’s Planet Google Reviewed: Building the mind of God’. accessed 9

August 2010Doctorow, C. (2007). ‘Google Video robs customers of videos they already own’ BoingBoing accessed

11 August 2010Google Corporate History accessed 1 August 2010.Kawamoto, D. & Mills, E. (7 August 2006). ‘AOL apologizes for release of search data’ CNET Newshttp

:// accessed 7 August 2010Mayer, M. (2008). ‘The Future of Search’ The Official Google Blog accessed 7 August 2010Mills, E. (14 July 2005). ‘Google balances privacy, reach‘ CNET News,-reach/2100-1032_3-5787483.html accessed 7

August 2010Mills, E. (14 March 2007). ‘Google adding search privacy protections’ CNET News accessed 7 August 2010Munroe, R. (2006). ‘Search History’ accessed 7 August 2010Salih, S. & Butler, J. (2002 ) The Judith Butler Reader Routledge LondonShirky, C. (2004). Folksonomy. Corante accessed 10 August 2010Shirky, C. (2005) ‘Ontology is overrated: categories, links and tags’ accessed 10 August 2010Shirky, C. (2008) ‘Search’ accessed 10 August 2010Stross, R. (2008). ‘The Algorithm’ In Planet Google: how one company is transforming our lives. (pp 63-88). London: Atlantic Books.Sturtz, D. (2004). ‘Communal Categorisation: the Folksonomy’ accessed 10 August

2010Vorhaus, D. (2009). ‘Crowdsourcing vs opensourcing in consumer genomics’ The Genomics Law Reporthttp

:// accessed 11 August 2010White, K. (28 Nov 2007). ‘Google’s Next Frontier: Renewable Energy‘ Reuters accessed 10 August 2010

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